
Please note that Veider confirmed that the leaked viewrange nerf is NOT final – they are just experimental numbers (extreme values) to check how the vehicles would fare under such conditions. The only thing that is confirmed is that they are working on viewrange nerf.

- Historical battles will not come in 9.5
- TD’s currently form less than 30 percent of the vehicles in WoT
- developers are apparently considering returning the Confrontation mode (“national battles”) – the temporary solution is to hardcap vehicles to maximum of 3 vehicles of the same type (SS: as in, three E-100′s max) per team, Storm admits that this will prolong waiting times, but not to 5 minutes or something
- Storm admits large amount of bugs in 9.4, currently WG is investigating why that happened
- according to Storm, the number of online players on RU server is the same as it was last year by this time
- new serverside physics will not be split, it will come in one patch
- when nerfing viewrange, developers will take into account that some hightier mediums (Batchat, Leopard) act as scouts.
- Veider states that the logic behind the viewrange nerf is that the developers want to make tanks fit more in their role on the battlefield in order to return to the “rock-paper-scissors” principle
- Veider is aware that the viewrange nerf might cause more “vanishing tanks in the middle of a field” issues, that is another matter WG will address
- the “vanishing tanks in the middle of the field” will be fixed by the following principle: currently, a tank shoots, gets spotted due to camo penalty for shooting, but when that penalty wears off, its camo is improved and the tank disappears. In the future, the penalty will not wear off until the vehicle leaves enemy viewrange zone
- developers are “discussing furiously” the option of reducing the viewrange only when the tank is camping in bushes
- various viewrange sectors (SS: a tank would see forward further than to the sides) would be hard for players to understand and it would be very expensive server resource-wise

Oh yea and another look at the reward camo for CW campaign 3

139 thoughts on “12.11.2014

  1. Didn’t say first. As for the viewrange nerf, it was perfectly deserved as TDs with binocs were outspotting meds and scouts. After the nerf my Leo 1 will be so happy as the sniping role will somewhat be restored.

        • What is exactly wrong with the spotting system? You cant just sit back and snipe and expect tanks to be visible all time. In fact I think that those who complain most on the spotting and camo system are those that dont know how it works and are generaly too far from the enemies.

          I dont agree I think view range and render range need to be fixed so people need to move closer to spot and hence tanke more risk, and in return not make people get shot from too long distances by invisienemies. People should be able to move and engage enemies wituout getting outsniped as easily as they do now, due to many tanks with too high view range sitting behind bushes or hide behind hard cover that can outspot everyone that is moving half across the map.

          • completely wrong, td’s are meant to be support tanks and not spot their own targets.

            theres a lot wrong with the system but of course you’d know better mr. pubbie.

      • TDs and arties.
        It’s retarded that you zip around in an amx and a barn sized SU-14-2 spots you sooner just because he found a bush.

        I dislike the persistent shooting camo penalty though. It means that you have to be even more passive when you scout. Until today you could take a quick shot or two at low hp enemies when your team didn’t, couldn’t shoot it. Even if you were spotted you just took a dive into the bushes and by the time they aimed at you you were gone already. Now you have to break line of sight, so you either die or have to spot next to hard cover (not many of those spots). That’s bs.

    • I must say, nerfed or not, the whole detection system is totally wrong and unrealistic.

      Disappearing or suddenly appearing tanks, with a nasty delay, it’s the stuff of nightmares.

      Real life doesn’t look like that, you see a movement first, that’s the way the eyes work. No clear shape at this point.

      Then you try to figure out what you see, in the distance all objects are blurred.

      Only then your brain figures out what the object is and you now can see a tank.

      Sorry about the long explanation. My point is the detection system should be reworked to fit realism. You can see blurred shapes from afar, not magical tanks out of nowhere!

        • nope, it isnt. we wouldnt need absolute reallife spotting but a logical one.. and i think its a reasonable wish

      • I’ve posted a comment about this dissapearing tanks thing.
        You should be able to spot a tank in your render distance and shoot at it. But if it’s out of your view range, you won’t spot it for the rest of your team.
        That’s only a basic idea. But you get the jiff.

        • Arcade game….DOESNT HAVE TO BE REALISTIC GO PLAY WAR THUNDER IF YOU WANT REALISM…please please dont screw this view range nerf up WG….if you are going to make me rely on other teamates to spot for me I dont think I will be able to play this game any more!!!!! Oh and i cant waite for the 10 mediums and 5 light tank matches we are going to have once everyone quits playing tds and heavies cause they are blind as a bat and can no longer carry games!!!!!!

        • implement this idea and fix the damn spotting system
          —> Start using your eyes and brain –> PROFIT

  2. - according to Storm, the number of online players on RU server is the same as it was last year by this time
    so … basically, there was no growth in player numbers for WG … on the RU server … in a year?

    • WG dying – totally, without any counter evidence and contradiction confirmed xD

      Will surely be dead when AW is released :d.

        • Actually they are not killing the game, they are looking for opportunity to balance the game, since the game is not the same as it were when no tier 10 mediums and TDs existed and when tiger II and is3 was the only real heavy jack of all trades tanks in tier 8. In those times, the current mechanics worked but not now.

        • I have to say Nya-chan.. you are wrong.
          As there are mostly no accounts beeing deleted (expect convicted bots), so you cant messure that people stop playing the game – not getting new Players means that the total number of active Players is decreasing.

          Dying might be a hard word for WOT .. but it is right that less and less people play it and this is concerning and Wargaming has to look why that is… making it “easier” to play (Rectange Viewrange to Cicrle and so on, viewrange so no hidden tanks) might force old players out of the game.

          (btw wt total server players active has rissen after the last patch so we have over 50k most times on every single server (4 servers for eu) and groundforces even has enough players till late in night for simulator to support 16vs16 battles mostly)

          • This new vs old players is not really accurate. People must understand that the game has changed alot sine 8.6 because there are many more vehicles out there that didnt existed then or was popular (like TDs), this is what making devs to balance maps and mechanics. The current situation where it is all about making damage staying invisible is not good. What is killing the game is shit like gold ammo and the existence of both TDs and arty which renders most tanks useless. Also the too good accuracy is annoying as well where unaccurate guns on paper still can be used to snipe much more consistent than before. There is not so much close to medium range brawling these days, its all point and click and snapshot and gold ammo abusage making tanks in better positions useless. Slow, big and boxy tanks with mediocre armor suffering these days.

            • “The current situation where it is all about making damage staying invisible is not good.”

              And who the fuck are you to say that?!?

              Abusing camo & view range & vision control is at least 40% of what makes a good player, along with both map and mini-map awareness!

              A Nashorn LIVES AND DIES on not being spotted! Along with 90% of the TDs in WoT!

          • Read again. Storm mentions the amount of players connected at a given time. Not the number of accounts.

          • Are you sure its not 50k for all?
            And 4 for EU? Let me know where they are located :D More like 2 for EU and other for RU located in EU.

      • “Will surely be dead when AW is released :d.”

        The same was said about Diablo 3, Planetside 2, Mechwarrior Online, War Thunder, and who knows what else.

        • Oh the epic fail of Mechwarior :D
          WT was said such – and boy they were wrong – due to BS gameplay. AW has same gameplay – and few other things WG cant do.

  3. They should make it so that everyone except scouts has decreased view range while sitting behind a bush. Binocs could negate this effect on all tanks.

    • Yeah Bush idea is good.
      Only thing is a WTF still Spots You when he is standing somewhere in the open field with binos

      • SO that tank has the absolute worse camo value in the game with a turret the size of a light tank with no armor…they die the second they are spotted quit whining about them

      • As long as render range is as fucking big, the situation is messed up. Im not the only one thinking the game gets more and more static, and when it gets dynamic there are hardly any brawling due to all gold spam and high alpha/pen guns making tanks angling armor or taking better positions useless.

        • Every now and then you get into a match where the other team is brawling with you and you are trading shots and half of them are not penning due to the fact that both of you are playing your armor perfectly. When this happens it is awesome an a lot of fun. Most of the time it is “BOUNCE” well shit, I am loading gold, and there goes the fun….

          I really wish that they would get rid of gold rounds al together. I remember back when clan wars was first launched, people would go into clan wars with only a few gold rounds, because they cost real money and people didn’t spend it, most people. Now it is all out gold wars, meaning that even the best tanks get taken down like they are nothing, total BS…..

      • Not really, Patton has very good gun handling. Nice accuracy, very little bleeding on the move and quite okay rof.

        • “quite okay” rof. It’s biggest advantages were view range and DPM. It had it’s DPM advantage stolen from it 1 patch after it’s release and now it’s losing the only other thing that made it workable..

        • good clans already use 13 90 since long long time on some maps. Now with ru batchat often got replaced in a pure scouting role (if you need a tank capable of real fighting in later game you still go for batchat ofc.)

      • Nerf the view range on that tank and its role will change dramatically. Currently it is one of the purest sniper tanks in the game and not suited to many other roles. Scouting/Spotting is an important thing for the leo.

        • To be fair, having good view range is a huge plus for all tenks in the current meta, because of many reasons. Scrap gold ammo so tanks with some armor can actually bounce shots when they are in superior positions or when lazy fucks autoaim/snapshot them without aiming proper.

          Also how can WG talk about rock-scissor-paper, when they allow gold ammo and turreted TDs in the game? Fuck that bullshit talk.

  4. “- TD’s currently form less than 30 percent of the vehicles in WoT”
    Let me rephrase it to standard language:
    - TD’s currently form almost 30 percent of the vehicles in WoT

    • Yeah, because wot has 5 tank Classes :D yet still TDs are a lot obviously.

      However, Scouts will not become more popular because 90% of playerbase dont know what view range actually means :D

  5. - developers are “discussing furiously” the option of reducing the viewrange only when the tank is camping in bushes
    Yes Please! But there has to be some differentiation between Camping and Passive Scouting.

    “- the “vanishing tanks in the middle of the field” will be fixed by the following principle: currently, a tank shoots, gets spotted due to camo penalty for shooting, but when that penalty wears off, its camo is improved and the tank disappears. In the future, the penalty will not wear off until the vehicle leaves enemy viewrange zone”
    A welcome change. :)

    “Veider confirmed that the leaked viewrange nerf is NOT final.”
    Looking at how EVERYONE reacted to it in such a short span of time, it would be wise to heavily TEST and change the values before it is implemented to the live server.

    • Indeed. If they went full retard like they seem to like to do, then a lot of people will not spend more money on the game. (Heavy tank vr > open TD vr, seems legit)

  6. Of course TDs are around 30% of the vehicles more or less, roughly 1/3 of the vehicles in the MM queue are TDs, which is still alot more than prior to 8.6. Having the same amount is TDs as heavys and mediums is not fucking good.

    • Especially giventhat there are 5 classes. One making up for a third of the vehicles is bad news.

      • Because we all know that lights and arties are played just as much as heavies, meds or TDs…
        Don’t be stupid, 30% is more or less average. I don’t think lights+arties combined give much more than 10% of total matches played.

  7. What the fuck, I actually thought it would be a good idea to nerf view range to the extreme numbers, because even if a TD has like 320-340m view range, using binos will still give him close to 400 meters. Also I really support nerfing view range as well as render range (which might happen if they turn render into a circle). Also dissapearing tenks is not an issue and actually good, that means that you are less likely to get shoot at long distances if you return fire. I think that in order to make damage you need to move closer and take risks, which will fit with the future accuracy nerfs.

    I see no probem tanks dissapearing, unless you are a camping noob or a TD. This will encourage camping, because people will shoot outside the enemies view range and rely on poor team mates to spot. And now, camping bastards can even shoot people easier due to them beeing spotted the whole time after they shoot unless they move outside the enemies view range.

    What people are really complaining that tanks dissapear? If they dissapear, who stops you from advancing? I think people in wot have forgotten to move and flank and move from cover to cover to track down enemies, its all about point and click at 300-400 meters and profit. Fuck that shit. Game mechanics are there for a reason and I think they work great now if you can use them.

    • “because even if a TD has like 320-340m view range, using binos will still give him close to 400 meters”

      Congrats on completely forgetting about camo rating, which means you’ll spot them at 350m or less even with Binos.

      ALSO – 320m view range, according to the COMPLETE FUCKING DUMBFUCK WHO THOUGHT OF THIS NERF is Tier X TD value. Jagdpanther is getting nerfed to 300m, which is basically Tier 4 values.

      Oh yes! I can’t wait for the Stug 3 to get its view range nerfed… to 150m!
      Because THAT is the way to balance stuff! Just nerf shit into complete oblivion!

      • If your StuG is up front and spotting for itself it means you’re an idiot who isn’t playing it right.

        • Where the hell did you get that he plays at the front? You will however have to be in a bad position to do anything with 150m vr.

        • Sometimes yes my Stug was up front because all the brave Heavy Tanks retards were camping behind me.

          Yes, WoT is the game where HTs camp behind TDs & SPGs.

          Oh, and guess what – since I know how to play, I did use my Stug to spot for myself, fire back and know how to not get spotted.

          But yeah, I must be “an idiot who isn’t playing it right”.

          Get rekt.

          • Not only that but it has two other consequences, one worse than the other.

            1) It enforces interaction between the blind TD player and the one spotting for him. Considering this game is about 80% braindead idiots who play for ‘fun’, good players suddenly can’t play TDs because the chances that people will spot stuff that actually matters is next to zero. Just because I’m good I must be playing lights/meds? That’s pretty dumb.

            2) Your xp income will take a dive. You are giving half of your xp to someone who spots – while currenlty with a bino you could bypass this. Taxing xp is all good and dandy when people actually spot for you, but usually you are giving away xp just because a retard yolo rushed and you are dealing damage like mad to make up for his idiotic mistake. Is it really good for WoT to reward yolo rushing?

            I seriously don’t understand how the devs who are aware of all the datas still able to make such stupid design decisions. It’s one fiasco over the other, noone there has some common sense?

  8. I love how the inability to see anything has ALWAYS been an issue in this game and their knee-jerk reaction is to globally nerf view range, further compounding the issue and forcing closer-range engagements that some vehicles just aren’t designed for..

    It’s amazing. Absolutely amazing, how out of tune with their own game these people are.

    • I think the engagements whould be brought back to what is was in 8.5, where people actually were motivated to move closer to make damage, not as it is now just point and click and hit too many shots on extreme distances. Also just because they nerf view range globaly, doesnt mean that all tanks will have the same view range. Those tanks having better view range now will still have better view range later on so I dont see the issue. With the awesome accuracy and gold ammo, its not like you can bouncy anything at range anyways. As long as gold ammo exist armor doesnt mean anything.

      • Newsflash: Not every vehicle in the game is an E-75. Not every vehicle in the game is designed to “move closer to make damage”. In fact, the exact polar opposite is true. The more late-timeline vehicles they add to the top tiers the more the problem is going to be compounded because those vehicles were all designed to engage at long range, which is why they have effectively no armor.

        Forcing vehicles historically designed to fight at long range to close distance to actually do anything forces them to play the brawler’s game. This is going to benefit a few vehicles immensely while screwing a whole lot…

  9. - the “vanishing tanks in the middle of the field” will be fixed by the following principle: currently, a tank shoots, gets spotted due to camo penalty for shooting, but when that penalty wears off, its camo is improved and the tank disappears. In the future, the penalty will not wear off until the vehicle leaves enemy viewrange zone

    Or camo in the middle of field is 0

    • Or just put in a non-gimmicky vision system like every other game in the world.

      Other games worth without Wargaming’s system with both larger and smaller maps, and they work great. I recently started playing tanks on Heroes and Generals and it’s fantastic actually being able to see a rock 500 meters away. And the 60 ton tank sitting next to it.

      • This games is not WOT and will never be, wot is epic due to the mechanics. No need to change WOT to become something it isnt. Also only idiots complain about spotting system,, which means they are too far from the battle and rather want enemies to “pop” up on their screen rather than tracing them down.

      • This has it’s own problems. The current spotting system is server-side for a reason. No matter how much you fiddle with textures you cannot have enemy tanks be bright red and easy to spot from across the map..Unless the server says you spotted their tank you cannot see the tank, this eliminates the ability to shoot tanks across the map by giving tanks custom skins completely, no matter how hard you try the server simply doesn’t send you that information. .

        When simply being hard to see due to actual camo anti-cheat detection is needed to prevent players from simply editing texture files for a huge advantage making the enemy either RED/PURPLE/PINK/WHITE gives a huge advantage in normal games and used to be an issue on easily mod-able shooters back in the day.

        Sure, the current camo system isn’t the most fun in the world, but it has many advantages and is a tool for balancing some tanks. The WTF-E100 would be even more broken if they used the camo setup because despite a tanks size, it can always hide when there are enough bushes.

        • In MechWarrior Online, I can make my Timberwolf bright neon green and it’s not going to be any easier to hit at 400 meters than it would be any other way. Many games emulate optical distortion at long range and while you can see an enemy vehicle you may not be able to focus correctly on it. For example, in Heroes and Generals, while you can technically see as far as the game will draw, the farther the distance the more blurry it is. So just being able to see an enemy isn’t an insta-kill. However, not being able to see a KV-2 crossing a bridge because it’s just flat fucking invisible is retarded.

          • The only reason the Heroes and Generals game isn’t complete shit yet is because nobody is playing it.

            IF (and that’s a huge if) it ever becomes popular, someone will build a mod/hack the files to remove the blurryness and then auto-aim across entire map at the tank that you can see all the time. Bam, the game is total shit.

            Don’t believe me? Never heard of auto-aim and wallhacks in other games? Your naivety is making me laugh.

            The reality is the only thing saving WoT for the past 4 years is everything is server side INCLUDING the spotting mechanic. Without it, the game would be hackfest and dead almost instantly. How many of you playing Battlefield 4 still? Exactly.

            • I never played BF4 to begin with because it wasn’t an accurate representation of armored warfare.

              But neither is the aforementioned KV-2 disappearing while rolling across a bridge a few hundred yards infront of you…

              PEOPLE WOULD CHEAT is the worst excuse for not doing something ever.

  10. I’m not against the viewrange rebalance and I also think WG should have done that long time ago. But looking at those new viewrange numbers (though they’re not final yet), I would say that WG will mess things up again. I mean how the hell it makes sense that IS3 has 360m view range while Rhm (an open top vehicle) has 310m view range? Isn’t that against the “Open top vehicles should have more viewrange” bullshit that WG was/is claiming. I hope that WG wont be in contradiction with itself again (after that historical accuracy bullshit claims).

    • Who said rhm will have 310m view range? Also balance is better than historical accuracy to beginn with, also the rhm is not as tall so it should have less view range. I think render range as circle and some view range nerfs will be good, it will motivate people to get closer and force campers to simply dont see as much and hence make less damage.

    • RMH shouldn’t be spotting for itself anyway and it should be vunerable to other tank types. It’s DPM already makes it a menance to mediums and heavies alike when in close combat. it’s vunerability to HE is much appreciated, though. But HE is the least reliable shell in the game with notorious tendency to randomly do low damage when it’s inconvenient because it just happened to scratch the side of the gunbarrel or hit that sight-port with 1 mm of spaced armour.

      ( It’s not that unreliable, but when it does fail penetrate a Borsing it’s remembered far sooner due to how fucking annoying it is to have that happen. Hit gunshield, do 183 HP damage and proceed to swear. )

      • “RMH shouldn’t be spotting for itself anyway”

        You could apply that to any TD in the game.

        And you would be completely fucking wrong.

        I WANT to not depend on my completely retarded & autistic teammates when I’m playing a TD
        I WANT to be able to carry a completely retarded & autistic team by using my TD in unorthodox manners and spot for myself and the others
        I WANT to still be able to spot targets and shoot them without getting spotted back – BECAUSE THAT IS WHY TDS ARE FOR!

        We already pay the price of having good guns by
        - not having a turret
        - not having any armor (except for some Tier 9 & 10 TDs)
        - being at the complete mercy of a enemy that has tracked us
        - having very few HP

        If they will actually nerf the view range, it will be literally the final nail in the TD coffin. AND GUESS WHAT?!
        The TDs that give people so many headaches, like Jag E-100, FV 183, WTF E-100 – who do not rely on camo to begin with – will STILL be a major fucking nuisance!
        Furthermore, if by absurd I will still have any TD under Tier 10 in my garage when this happens, I WILL NOT MOVE 1 METER FROM THE FUCKING CAP CIRCLE because I will have the very legitimate excuse “sorry guys, WG made sure I’m blind as a bat!”

        • “BECAUSE THAT IS WHY TDS ARE FOR!” TD is not a heavy, barely any TD was made with the intention of being on the front line.

          ”I WANT to not depend on my completely retarded & autistic teammates when I’m playing a TD. ” Behavior of players can usually be exploited. They are either camping meatwalls or spotting devices, they have two options which they cannot avoid.

          ”I WANT to still be able to spot targets and shoot them without getting spotted back – We all want to have the best gun in the game while not being able to be spotted by anyone, but it would be unbalanced as fuck. Borsing was nerfed for a reason.”

          ”- Having very few HP ” After tier 6 they have barely less HP than a number of mediums. Heck, the Object 416 has the same HP as some TD’s on tier 8 while being a medium. ( with a gun not exactly TD worthy unless shooting gold, does have fantastic DPM though. ) Tier 9 and 10 TD’s ten to have almost the same if not more hitpoints than medium tanks. The higher tiers are what is unbalanced, the lower tiers are fine.

          “I WANT to be able to carry a completely retarded & autistic team by using my TD in unorthodox manners and spot for myself and the others. ” You still can, you just can’t YOLO forward and out DPM/outspot everyone which it can’t do that well now to begin with anyway, so it hardly changes the gamestyle of TD’s.

          The Low to mid tier TD’s are fine, it’s when they start surpassing the mediums in terms of healthpools that TD’s start being a problem. Even the not terrific tier 8 TD’s have issues. Most Issues are actually caused by TD’s that are hard to spot simply because their guns are so ridiculous quite often. Most TD’s were never intended to lead assaults unlike your statement. The entire british line from tier 5 upward and the T28/T95 are the only exceptions as breakthrough tanks.

          The viewrange of tanks when stationary was historically usually dependent on spotters who where either on top of the tanks or lying in a bush nearby. While moving vehicles certainly were dependent on internal optics most TD’s barely spot for themselves anyway. Most heavies are completly at the mercy at those who are flanking them unless it’s another heavy tank anyway.

          IS-3′s have been blind since their introduction, hasn’t made them less played. Object 416 is blind but has fantastic camo to compensate and many other tanks do well enough while being blind and they have worse guns than TD’s on the same tier and often worse DPM. To begin with it’s the turreted TD’s that are the problem, the normal TD’s are mostly fine because of their inherent inability to shoot everywhere without turning the hull. The fact that WG does global nerfs to balance turreted TD”s is retarded.

          • “Most TD’s were never intended to lead assaults unlike your statement” – Read again, I stated the exact opposite

            One thing is using it like an Assault Gun, it’s a whole other thing to use the mobility, view range & camo for early spots (which can be crucial) or controlling certain map sectors (TDs are meant to create killing fields – sorry, no matter how you’re arguing against it, it’s true)

            “The Low to mid tier TD’s are fine” – and it’s exactly those TDs, which I used to simply love playing, that will suffer the most from the nerf. Hell, they’re already suffering enough from the retarded map design.

            Also, the HP thing stands true up until Tier 9 – because Tier 9 TDs were originally the end of the line, hence the significant HP increase.
            And please, don’t count the Obj. 416 in – it is a completely atypical MT, just like the A-44.

            “most TD’s barely spot for themselves anyway.” – says you. When I got lucky, I could spot half the enemy Tier 8 tanks moving into town on Siegried Line in my Nashorn, for instance.

            ” Object 416 is blind” – Dude, wtf are you smoking?!?
            Strap on a pair of Binos, play it as a half-turreted, extremely mobile TD and you can easily pwn everything!

            • It has never been confirmed anywhere that tier 5 and 6 TD’s are getting view range nerfs. The only ones are probably extreme cases like the T-40 and T67. The STuG and SU-85 are likely safe, since their view range is abysmal anyway and there’s no point in nerfing it.

              • If the SU-85 got a viewrange nerf I’d laugh for 2 days in a row. When I played it I at first tried to play it like a stug III, quickly recovered from that mistake but I still didn’t like playing it, but for other reasons. ( i.e. getting very irritated at the bad track traverse rate and loss of accuracy on hull traversing, competitive with the Stug III? Well, not in terms of fun factor. )

            • ”” Object 416 is blind” – Dude, wtf are you smoking?!?
              Strap on a pair of Binos, play it as a half-turreted, extremely mobile TD and you can easily pwn everything!”

              Are you high? It’s a Fact: 20m less viewrange than any other medium on it’s tier, like I said it compensates with retardedly good camorating like I bloody mentioned in the same sentence, check the bloody stats before commenting. ( 416 has 360 : 380 is the average 400m is max for the tier )

              I never said that it was a bad tank, it’s a great medium tank, I said it’s gun cannot compare to a TD’s gun. ( except the SU-101, but it’s the SU-101, 960 hitpoints on tier 8, lol )

              ”“The Low to mid tier TD’s are fine” – and it’s exactly those TDs, which I used to simply love playing, that will suffer the most from the nerf. Hell, they’re already suffering enough from the retarded map design.”

              Which I never disagreed with.

              ”Also, the HP thing stands true up until Tier 9 – because Tier 9 TDs were originally the end of the line, hence the significant HP increase.
              And please, don’t count the Obj. 416 in – it is a completely atypical MT, just like the A-44.”

              It’s a TD with a TD healthpool and a gun with below average pen and high rate of fire, but the best gunarc and gun traverse speed of all TD’s and it’s got great camo to compensate for the bad viewrange it has. A-44 isn’t that awesome, really. It’s healthpool is therefore far better tier for tier than the Object 416.

              ”Also, the HP thing stands true up until Tier 9 – because Tier 9 TDs were originally the end of the line, hence the significant HP increase.”

              Only the russians and french have retardedly bad healthpools, the TD’s of germany and america have a comfortable 1100HP+ ( 200 less than MT’s ) In exchange they get much more reliable guns, it’s balanced.

              ”“most TD’s barely spot for themselves anyway.” – says you. When I got lucky, I could spot half the enemy Tier 8 tanks moving into town on Siegried Line in my Nashorn, for instance.”

              The paper TD line of the germans is an exception to the rule due to retarded viewranges on most tanks.

              ”One thing is using it like an Assault Gun, it’s a whole other thing to use the mobility, view range & camo for early spots (which can be crucial) or controlling certain map sectors (TDs are meant to create killing fields – sorry, no matter how you’re arguing against it, it’s true)”

              That’s not a TD’s purpose, they don’t want TD’s to do a light tanks job, you are just further justifying the nerf, Light tanks should outspot TD’s in exchange for having inferior guns for balance reasons. If you want to spot WG wants you to play lights and mediums. Having too much of several good things is the issue to begin with. I never said TD’s aren’t meant to create killing fields, I haven’t even implied that if anything I implied to opposite.

          • “Its atcualy better to make tds move closer.”

            OK, you move close in your turretless, armorless TDs. I’ll be behind you laughing my ass off.

          • Tank destroyer, kill tagers from LONG distance, END of story, this is TD. So what, Nashron and Stuter emil should go close and personal. WHAT are u smoking man, give it to me okay ?

        • I WANT to not depend on my completely retarded & autistic teammates when I’m playing a TD
          I WANT to be able to carry a completely retarded & autistic team by using my TD in unorthodox manners and spot for myself and the others
          I WANT to still be able to spot targets and shoot them without getting spotted back – BECAUSE THAT IS WHY TDS ARE FOR!

          So basically you want a completely retarded, broken, OP vehicle?

          • And that’s why retards like Fedaykin exist.

            He doesn’t care about game balance. He doesn’t care that there are 5 classes to play. He is a piece of shit that caused this TD nerf. All he wants is to have super tank with awesome armor, viewrange, gun and mobility that he can destroy all the tanks in all games.

            Worthless pathetic shit like him is not to be listened to and luckily WG never does. Assholes like him asked for arty nerf, and when they got it, TD’s became overpowering. Now it’s TD’s nerf time and I can only hope Fedaykin would be the first one to fuck off to another game that I have no intention of playing.

            Worthless shit.

          • Yes, because 90% of the TDs in the game are retarded, broken, OP vehicles…

            Get rekt, fucking idiotic pubbie.

            • Hahaha, that piece of shit is getting schooled, but he is going down fighting, doesn’t he?

              What a wanker.

              And I love how he brags about sitting behind everyone and sniping in heavy tanks, like he is doing us a favor. He is that pathetic cunt that you see in E-100 sitting on the red line trying to hit something once a game.

              Can’t wait for that shit to leave the game permanently. Should be soon.

  11. Bugs? I think it is really convenient sfor WoT that the bug that select gold instead of silver by default is all if a sudden back. How the hell can you be updated and this comes back? I’ll tell ya, it’s a money maker fire them when all of a sudden you gold is way less than it was. Guesss i gotta l buy more gold. I think it’s done on purpose to make them money.

  12. Couldn’t the tanks be visible all the time? As in when they are entering the rendering square (455 meters, or something like that, I keep forgetting), they are “spotted”, as in being visible, BUT there is no marker above them, or an outline on the tank. Such things would appear when the tank enters the enemy view range (minus penelties/bonuses as it is now). Such solution would reward players with a situational awareness, because they would be trying to spot a moving target (without markers, minimap indication, etc. – that would appear after enetering the view range). This would also be a solution for the bushwankers, because players would be aware from which direction he is shooting, and observe the bushes… The moment that guys wants to relocate, even if he is having great camo (with bonuses), a player could still see a moving target, and shot him… Such solution would require banning the multiply zoom mods though.

    • Would lead to camping behind hard cover and even more long range sniping. Why move when you are spotted all time and hence eaiser to get shot at? Forcing people to move to see enemies is better for dynamic gameplay.

  13. - Storm admits large amount of bugs in 9.4, currently WG is investigating why that happened

    It happened so tehy can have waht to write in the patch notes for 9.5 so they can call it an update. (As if not all recent patch notes were 95% consisting in bugs fixed)

    -Veider states that the logic behind the viewrange nerf is that the developers want to make tanks fit more in their role on the battlefield in order to return to the “rock-paper-scissors” principle

    SURE, TDS are ment to stay in the back and support the allies, now with current upcoming view range nerfs on TDS they have to be in the front line because now they are blind

  14. Concering Confrontation: WG should just predefine Tank-Decks and randomly assign the players. Make it available like the Assault mode for the first unlocked Tier 6 tank – that’s it. Do not see any improvement with the max 3 E100 solution – it’s just the historical battle fail as “solution”

    • Indeed. I guess they did not learn anything form that. If they limit the amount of tanks each nation can have of say the T29, Hellcat, Tiger II, T95, IS-3 ect. It will still fail and fall even harder now. Based on this I then suspect it will be a separate game mode as he said the wait would be longer.

      And like the Historical battles that had a cap on the tanks to. Everyone wants to play the Hellcat at tier 6. The T29 at tier 7. The IS-3 or Borsig at tier 8. So the line of tanks for a tier 6/7 battle will just be Hellcats, T29′s and 1 Tiger. The wait will be eternal.

      You select a nation and or tiers or something. Then it picks a battle for you based on what tanks you have in the Garage. Confrontation roulette. Now that would be more fun.

      • Confrontation expectation:
        Tier 1: 16 T1-cunningham vs nothing ( everybody ragequit )
        Tier 2: T18 not nerfed enough, lololol. vs Cruiser III vs lot’s of premiums
        Tier 3: PZ II J is KING, STRONK vs SU76i, Problem?
        Tier 4: Matilda vs Hetzer
        Tier 5: AT-2 vs KV-1 vs T67
        Tier 6: Hellkitty vs T-150 & KV-85
        Tier 7: T29 & Bulldog or GTFO vs E-25 & Tiger P
        Tier 8: IS-3 & ¿Obj 416? ¿T54 lt.? vs AMX 50 100 & AMX 13 90
        tier 9: T-54 goldshells vs E75 or GTFO
        Tier 10: Germany vs Autoloader-nation ( New tanks won’t change what happened before )

        • Dumb shits like BalcOra don’t remember how Confrontation worked, do they?

          Reminder: You didn’t get to CHOSE anything in confrontation. You clicked random battles button with whatever tank you had picked for random battles and ended up in confrontation mode of your nation vs other nation.

          If you want to pick Hellcat in hopes that you will get confrontation battle, well you better buckle up, shit stain, because you will play 4-5 games in normal random first before you hit it. And then when you get there, there will only be 3 total hellcats.

          What is it you say? You are too stupid and don’t understand how the wait will work? Why yes, you are. The wait will be invisible to you, since there are random battles constantly going on and MM still filling them out. If it happens to have the team that satisfies the requirements of the confrontation, it will launch it. Otherwise, random battle it is. What does that mean?

          Assuming you and other pathetic retarded tomatoes all decide to play hellcats and nothing else… well guess what… you will never see confrontation. Other people playing other tanks will enjoy it. But because you nation cannot field proper team with limit of 3 tank types per game, you will never get to play it.

          So working as intended and in Serb’s own words: Your suffering entertains us, faggot.

          • He’s probably going by past experiences.

            Confrontation did have a lot of clone tanks, by the way.

            10 KV-1S vs 11 Hellcats wasn’t rare, at all. Boosting winrate was easy by only enabling confrontation and disabling all the other things.

            At top tier it was basically the same, since you could toggle confrontation on and OFF you could play your slightly OP tank with other slightly OP tanks in mass, which was used to boost winrates. Germany won more than other nations on tier 10 by 2%. France suffered from having no true heavies, russians loss in mass on open-maps with hills due to bad gun-depression, UK lost because their top tier medium is not close to being a fast scout and it wasn’t exclusive to tier 10. picking a certain tier 6 american TD or tier 6 russian heavy also gave you increased chances of winning. Sure you wouldn’t land a confrontation every random match, but it still boosted your chances at winning matches enough for it to be put in practice as soon as players noticed the disparity.

            WG removed it because the balance between nations on any tier other than 8 is generally garbage opening up chances at win-rate inflation and players complained about it. So instead of balancing the bloody nations, which would take forever and in case of UK is impossible because all their tanks are slugs in comparison to other nations and the French simply don’t have a historically well armoured top tier heavy to soak damage for them that they have enough information on the implement. ( if it even exists )

            Since then Hellcat and KV-1S have been rebalanced. But at tier 10 only the WTF has been nerfed, the Russian tanks still are a poor fit for hill ridden maps, the french still have no true heavy, the UK still has slow mediums unfit for scouting and Germany still has the most varied line-up tactically superior to all nations.

            • I have to agree. Germans have a mass of capable tanks (E-50M, E-100…..MAUS!)
              Russian tanks are similar, they have capable tanks. But they all have sad, terrabad gun depression…

          • Provided the Confrontation will really work like it did before, it won’t really solve any of the former problems: tier-to-tier imbalance between nations and players tending to use the stronger tanks of a tree. The latter will just result in confrontation battles being really rare.
            The first requires balancing of national brackets. For instance a Tier 6 bracket of russian tanks will still be composed of T-35-85, KV-1/S, KV-85, KV2, SU-100/152 – UK would deploy Crusader/Cromwell/Comet, Churchill and AT’s – Germany is not attractive either …

            That’s why I would rather like a “historical confrontation” mode with fixed decks and random player assignment. So that even patriot-players get a chance and the taste to play other nations by coincidence …

            And finally: You have a valid point but that’s no ticket for personally abusing other people. Honestly, it reads rather like a self-description …

          • No instead we get dumb shits like you that don’t read the text and get the point before he types a response. Did I say that it was a separate game type before? No I did not. I said it LOOKS like its gonna be a separate game type based on his reply now. Yes it was hidden in random battles before. Yes the teams was full of 1 tank type. Why? Because people played the Hellcat all day in hopes to get into a confrontation mode.

            Again I said it LOOKS to be a separate game mode. No one has said it is. Nor has anyone one said it’s not. So why are you hitting that dead horse all the time? Why would you have to wait a long time in line for a random battle to play it? Why would he mention that if its still hidden in randoms. Then he would just pick a normal battle for you instead of you waiting for a lone battle type.

            So yes IF its a new game mode and not hidden in randoms like my point was. a point you would have seen if you had half a brain. It will be like historical were everyone want to play the OP tanks vs other nations. Thus my point if there is a cap on a tank type. IF is a separate game mode like Team battle. It will take freaking ages, cus most will wanna play the same tank type. Thus the wait will be longer. And in the end, no one will play it and it will die out like Historical battles. IF… I say again IF. Google that word and find its meaning and then come back with a proper response.

            And no. I did not play that mode cus it was broken like encounter is. So I had it off. Nor do I believe I will look at it now either. So no I don’t suffer. My core point was that WG did not learn form its tank limit form historical battles. I don’t give a flying F about the new game mode. So no… I don’t suffer. But you do seem to suffer more, since you got so upset typing all that shit in what looks like anger based on my little response.

            Go read a book, figure out some basic meanings of some of the words I used in my first post. Get the basic content and put it together. And maybe, just then maybe…. you will get the point. Tho I doubt you will. And no. I’m not a tomato. But you sure do rage like one.

            • Mwahahaha, that tomato really losing his shit, doesn’t he? As for myself being a tomato, I don’t hide like some dipshits behind a fake name. Daemonik on US server is me.

              For someone who didn’t play confrontation and won’t play it when it comes out (nice going there, shit stain, hating something before it is even out, no way that’s not stupidity) you sure do open you shitty mouth to complain about it. That’s what the problem I have with people on this blog… They hate the game, they whine about it non-stop, they hate the WG… and then like drones come in and pay them money and play it daily. The irony of this moronic behavior is over the top.

              I love the game, which is why I play it. It’s not perfect, but I haven’t yet seen a game (and I played over 2 thousand games during my lifetime) that can be called perfect yet, WG is EXACTLY like every other game company with one key difference: They made something insanely successful. They are the Blizzard of MMOs, and we’ve seen it all before, from worthless mouth shitters like Bulkshitcora above claiming that changes to the game will totally make it better to people prophesying that next game will be WoT killer and failing time after time and still crawling back to play it.

              Oh how I love the stupidity of people.

  15. “- various viewrange sectors (SS: a tank would see forward further than to the sides) would be hard for players to understand and it would be very expensive server resource-wise.”

    Just move the center of the viewrange circle forward in the tank model. This will make the forward viewrange longer, and have decreasing viewrange progressing towards the rear of the vehicle. It’s still the same circle shape and no change on the server load. Problem solved.

  16. Nothing to do with subject, but i have to ask:
    Is it just me, or everybody has problems with ping on EU1/2 servers? My ping is around 40 in all other online games, only in WoT it’s around 110. And yeah, it’s lagging like i’m playing on potato even though my FPS is good.

  17. Im brazillian, we play in NA server with 300/500ms ping. In RU server i can play with 200ms ping. Look, russian server are in other side of globe and RU server can hold 70k players per server (i think are 6 or 7 servers) and NA server can’t hold 30k players in 2 servers (East 23k, West 7k/8k). In some time, are impossible play in NA server. Why WGNA don’t have a good server? Why NA server are the worst EVER!

  18. My opinion on view range nerf:
    View range on the TD’s shouldn’t be so low. And the scouts deserve a buff, they work hard to spot, and they shouldn’t always be spotted in return and die.
    Everyone else, remember this: We seem to all adapt to what WG throws at us, removal of T-50-2, nerfing of guns and tanks…..All that stuffs. We can adapt to this as well.

  19. I hope Veider dies in a fire. Retarded pointy haired sovjet cocksucker. He has no fucking clue about his own game and yet he tries so hard to do something, and fails at everything, because he is fucking retard. For the love of God, bring Zlobny back.

  20. Was there a stealth nerf to the ISU-152? I never remember it being as slow as it is now. I remember it being slow to turn.. but not this slow.. anyone?

  21. somehow I manage to spot 2-4 tanks per game every session and still avg 3500-4k wn8 every game…so you guys out their saying that to be good you need to be sniping 400m away unspotted to be good and successful at this game can go screw a cactus…. you just need to do a little research and know how the game works…and not whine about getting rekted by doing something stupid…instead learn from your mistakes and get better please….and i really hope they dont implent that you stay spotted after shooting till you leave that persons view range that is a horrible idea so if I sit behind a rock within 300m of a tank after shooting i would stay lit for however long he sits there making me unable to pop out and shoot him again after 10 seconds…how is that going to help this game it will only increase the range at which engagements will take place because nobody will want to be lit for infinity after shooting someone when cover means nothing and you cannot get unspotted….How is being able to go dark aftershooting when using cover efficiently a bad thing??????????????????????????????????

    • Maybe i’m wrong but… a rock won’t “block” the viewrange of the enemy tank? (like it does now?)
      The problem is the disappearing tank (without any cover) in the middle of the open field – not the one who use bushes, rocks, wrecks etc…

  22. I don’t think this is a good idea but
    “- various viewrange sectors (SS: a tank would see forward further than to the sides) would be hard for players to understand and it would be very expensive server resource-wise”

    How is this more expensive server wise? We already have several view range sectors on a tank as it is now, how would it be different in modelling some of them with lower view range?

  23. - when nerfing viewrange, developers will
    take into account that some hightier
    mediums (Batchat, Leopard) act as scouts.

    well im not saying that tier8-10 meds are the problem for scouts, because ‘they took our jobs!’ ….
    but its true. b-c can do everything a light can, while carrying 2k burst damage

    • I hope they also treat the Centurion 7/1 kindly. The view range and the first shot is its only plus vs the russian DPM-monsters …

  24. Concerning ” return to the “rock-paper-scissors” principle” : All I read is an alpha- respective penetration-nerf for light tanks (to force flanking etc pp). And why did they introduce those new shiny Tier8 scouts than … ?!?!?

  25. I personally don’t have a problem with disappearing tanks. This game is not supposed to be realistic, and I compare WoT to TF2 in respect to gameplay vs realism.

    Disappearing tanks I think is better on a gameplay standpoint, especially with such small maps. Maybe to improve the role of light tanks, these new camo changes could only apply to light-tank spotting. Mediums, heavies, and TDs can lose sight, while Lights can keep track.

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