Weekly FTR Contributor Review

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to say that apart from one specific case, the Panther competition is finally handled. I was waiting for last two people to send me their addresses, the earlier ones recieved their prizes already (I hope!) :) Some countries’ posts are just slow, so please wait for next week. If anyone didn’t get their prize by then, definitely contact me for alternative solution.

Anyway, once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all!

This time, following people donated via Paypal:

Jim C. (Pennsylvania, USA)
Michael G. (Massachusetts, USA)

Thank you guys, I really appreciate it, as always.

The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service


This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.

Thank you all!

14 thoughts on “Weekly FTR Contributor Review

  1. OT:
    SS, you had once a Event, where we had to answer some questions and one creativ question about the developers. Something about which one is the best, I dont remember.
    Anyway, you didn’t disclose the winner of the Creativ-Question-Contest.

    Would be nice to have an answer :)

    • How many WG employees would it take to change a light bulb .

      I didnt awnser , but looking at the perk rework , i had a nice idea now : All of them and 6+ months of work , but the light bulb wont eventually work as intended

  2. This has been up for hours now and no comments from Woras?

    His internet connection must be down.