
Apparently the Stalingrad map has a nasty bug, where certain heaps of rubble are visible from only one side and they don’t stop shells. It can be seen on this photo – from the player’s position, you can see the heap clearly, but when the deathcam switched to the tank that destroyed the player (the player is the white body slightly under the central crosshair), you can see that the heap is missing. This bug will be fixed.

Due to the enormous amount of bugs in 9.4, Storm created a special topic for bug feedback (it’s RU specific, so it’s pointless to post your bug reports under this thread). Storm states that when it comes to alleged equipment installation bug (it apparently gets removed under certain conditions), this bug was not confirmed during testing on a clean client.

- there will be a micropatch soon (between 9.4 and 9.5), fixing some of the worst issues, specifically the enemy seeing your chat channel during special battles (CW), the lagging (freezing) minimap markers, the jumping serverside aim circle and the damage from slightly touching the allies (altogether 10-15 bugs will be fixed)
- the M53/M55 collision model bug was already fixed by WG on their side
- Storm spends 25-50 percent of his free time at home reading Russian WoT forums and LJ pages
- the bug, where entering a battle in Stronghold mode gets you stucked on the “loading wheel” is known and will be fixed
- in team battles, voicechat is also bugged (both sides can hear it), will be fixed
- Storm states that Windows XP users getting stucked on loading screen might be caused by mods
- earlier, the ramming system did not work properly, the 9.4 change was in fact a fix. Storm states that the players, who want the old system back just got used to the old, bad one.
- the reload timer lagging on autoloader tanks is caused by faulty mods
- the general viewrange nerf WILL include premium tanks as well
- until the alpha stage of the game, the viewrange sectors were actually split (the vehicle saw more forward than it saw to its sides), but the developers decided not to do it due to the fact that the viewrange felt somewhat random
- the changes planned for the entire TD class are not really a nerf, more like a rebalance. More variants will be tested.
- Storm states that Veider’s statement about “rock-paper-scissors” was a mistake: “He expressed himself incorrectly. We are thinking about the roles of tanks, each of them will be interesting in its own way. That doesn’t necesserily mean that the tank class and its role have to match.”

Storm on the (negative) reactions on the viewrange nerf:

“Dear idiots! Butthurt from a set test numbers we are using in order to answer some questions, yea, that’s really smart. Before you start writing shit, stop, start thinking and better not write anything. In worst case, post pictures with girls and kittens.”

96 thoughts on “13.11.2014

  1. Wow that is a nasty-ass bug. I don’t care about most bugs that don’t exactly hinder my gameplay, but that pile of shit (literally) is pretty broken.

    Also, the ramming seems to work fine, and the case with KV-5 hung mini-damage is not nearly as bad as any light tank trying to push a KV-4 and killing itself doing it.

    • Edit. Nevermind.

      I understood it wrong, both images point west, it doesn’t matter where you face, what triggers the bug is where the tank is.

  2. Pictures of girls and kittens eh? Better start linking 9gag posts then to re-balance the idiot class.

  3. …That doesn’t necesserily mean that the tank class and its role have to match.

    So now light tanks will camp in the back because of enormous view range and TDs will be in the front line because they will be blind

    Good class role switch

  4. the changes planned for the entire TD class are not really a nerf, more like a rebalance. More variants will be tested.

    ajahahahaahahah it is nerf as fuck (personaly hapy from it

    • Funny how before arty was nerfed, TDs were fine.
      Any complaint about them was deemed unfounded and dismissed.

      After a few patches…”TDs OP MUST NERVED! CLICKFAGS TDs OP!”

      Wow, totally didn’t see that coming.

      Next whine: medium tanks. TierX have too much pen and view range, must nerf.
      You heard it here first.

        • Wow, people jumping on the next thing that can efficiently deal damage while being totally 100% safe at a huge distance?

          Wow, totally didn’t see that coming.

      • If they kept the disclosed values (which they won’t, at least not in such an extreme fashion) the whine would probably come to light tanks first. Then after these get nerfed back, indeed, meds. Or maybe arty once again ?

  5. - earlier, the ramming system did not work properly, the 9.4 change was in fact a fix. Storm states that the players, who want the old system back just got used to the old, bad one.

    I pretty much doubt that. Rammed a T54E1 with a T110E3 today and did more damage to myself than to the T54E1. Same happens with most of the tanks.
    Beyond that tanks touching each other will sometimes pin one of the both tanks to the ground so it can’t move anymore. Also happened on several occasions.

    And the employee they fired last month doesn’t seem to be the root of the problems.

      • He was standing still and I hit his side.
        And it is not right. It’s all about mass and armor of the tanks and their relative speed, not the speed of one of them.

        • The thing is, unless they’ve changed it, ramming is calculated as an HE explosion at the point of impact.

          Tracks count as spaced armor, and the outer sides are a considerable distance from the hull when it comes to larger tanks. On top of the extra “armor” thickness that the tracks provide, HE damage falls off quickly with range.

          The absolute WORST thing you can do is ram the side of an enemy tank with your bare hull, unless A: they’re low enough to the ground that you impact either the top edge of the track (sending the “explosion” into the often extremely thin sponson plate above), or the side hull above the tracks or B: you’re so thickly-armored that you shrug off HE damage anyway.

          Best thing to do is jerk the tank to the side just before impact, so you hit at full speed with the outer corner of your track. This places the impact point further away from your armor and causes the track to soak more of it. Bonus points if you smack THEM in the hull and not the tracks.

          ‘course, it’s completely possible that my information is outdated and completely invalid, but if not, ramming as a whole could definitely use a proper overhaul.

  6. “- the general viewrange nerf WILL include premium tanks as well”

    As I predicted. This has to be the case and it is fair as they are rebalancing the viewranges of all tanks. This could have been done by increasing the scout view ranges but that itsn’t viable with the current game and maps.

      • To be fair, the FCM36 is pretty bullshit-overpowered sometimes with its tier X view range (well, in maps that it can actually use it in, which are admittedly becoming fewer and further between).

        Even without the global nerf, a mild viewrange reduction for it wouldn’t be totally unjustified.

        • FCM needs viewrange.. it’s damn good, butnot on mas where you need to move.
          I hope it will keep a good vr advantage..

    • Indeed they should have just buffed light tank view ranges (as they still plan to as I read here) and that would have solved it all. Now they “rebalance” everything and we will have a 100m difference in view ranges of different classes of tanks at the same tier. What good that will bring to the gameplay?

        • Render range should be “Unlimited” as long as it is in “Radio” range.
          Perhaps they should lower the radio range, but I don’t see why render range should change.

        • Then you have to rebalance acc. and penetration of tanks aswell. Some tanks are just meant to fight at long range especially paper TD’s, Meds without armor. Current spotting system and view range works fine for me, I don’t even remeber when I was killed by an invisible TD. Now you won’t be able to spot tanks from certain spots on the map. This rebalance is just utter bullshit, srsly serb and ShitStorm should play their game properly and not like stupid 500eff, 43% WR donkey with 70% crew……

  7. Well…. i was sure there will be a lot of links to pictures with girls and kittens… but i see non…. :( whiners and butthurters!

  8. “Dear idiots! Butthurt from a set test numbers we are using in order to answer some questions, yea, that’s really smart. Before you start writing shit, stop, start thinking and better not write anything. In worst case, post pictures with girls and kittens.”

    Yes, how very dare Devs experiment with anything in their game just to see how the consequences would look in order to make a better final solution in the future. How very dare you.

    • Because more often than not these “test” numbers somehow end up in the final game either because of oversight, “historicity” or because “we tested it rigorously and everything worked great”.

  9. Something I noticed.
    All tanks are getting nerfed. So all that will happen is we will just get a tad bit closer to shoot each other from bushes. No big deal!
    I know that probably won’t happen, lol.

  10. Storm on the (negative) reactions on the viewrange nerf:
    “Dear idiots! Butthurt from a set test numbers we are using in order to answer some questions, yea, that’s really smart. Before you start writing shit, stop, start thinking and better not write anything. In worst case, post pictures with girls and kittens.”

    Dear Idiot WOT developers (crappy programmers) and customer service reps (laughable at best) . Your responses to people’s comments are the reason why you receive the comments you get. You treat people with respect and you treat your customers properly since we do pay your salary and keep you gainfully employed working in an office and not digging a ditch. You consistently treat the players of this game like shit you will reap the whirlwind.
    We as players enjoy playing the game. However, if you alienate your player base, and those players tell other about their negative experiences in this game then You’re DONE! Game will shut down on the servers as many others have.

    So Fix the stuff that needs to be fixed. Dont give us pretty tanks. We don’t care how beautiful it looks. You guys are hung up on that. We just want a playable game that’s fun that allows us to interact, that can be PLAYED!. Secondly get off your high horses. You are nothing without your player base when you lose all of us because of your attitude. Pack up your vodka bottles because your done.

    • “Your responses to people’s comments are the reason why you receive the comments you get…”
      Bull-fricken-horseshit, the majority of people who comment have permanent septic tanks installed in where their mouths are. And they’ll spew shit regardless of how their target treats them. WG responses are appropriate, fucking hell, the lot of the players need to be responded to the way they do. And it lets me know that the game is run by humans not some faceless company that responds with either silence or generic monotone monotony.

      “So Fix the stuff that needs to be fixed. Dont give us pretty tanks. We don’t care how beautiful it looks.”
      Funny, I remember the player base whining about how WG graphics suck, and how they should improve it.

      No one wants these bugs, neither you nor the developers, shit happens, it’ll be fixed. The bugs are not game breaking, get off your high horse.

      • No high horse. Fix the shit that’s broken. They’ve had the same problem since 8.5 came out that they just band aid over. Quick fixes/ hot fixes. Shut the game down for a week and FIX it.

        If you bought something and they continually break it. Why shouldn’t they fix it Fan Boy?

    • Oh wow, you call them crappy and laughable at best and then you wonder why they treat you like shit.

      No matter how many fancy words you wrap your bullshit in, you are an asshole and deserve to be treated as one by the world.

        • “Dear idiots! Butthurt from a set test numbers we are using in order to answer some questions, yea, that’s really smart. Before you start writing shit, stop, start thinking and better not write anything. In worst case, post pictures with girls and kittens.”

          I don’t think Storm has enough brain to decide who is actually an idiot and who is not.

          I remember the quote from Storm he mentioned WG has an outstandig QA departement.
          We remember Storm said, the lags during the olympic games have the cause in streaming videos of the games.
          I like to remember that WG can only hire crappy russian developers because they decided to write the whole documentary and comments in russian – outstandig stupid decision in software developement – you have to be a mentally retarded like Storm to do such shit.

          Then the behavior of Storm and morons like SerB – they get the respect they deserve – and it’s still much better than what customer gets. At least they get honest feedback from us while we have to deal with professional liars hired as customer support or crappy script kiddies calling themselves developers – ROFL.

      • @Alex Sonny: You should hire at WG – you have the brain and the attitude to do so. And you have proven to be stupid enough to not understand causality – just a perfect WG employee.

      • @Alex Sonny: A Typical F*&King World of Tanks Fanboy response. Grow up. Two way street asshole. They’ll start getting respect when the start EARNING respect.

        When you take a product that was working for the most part at times, then you crap it up and the whole support team goes for a conference in Cyprus. Really? Then it’s followed by asinine responses from the powers that be and a garbage customer service department. Don’t you think that Leads to lack of respect. Long before them being called out for its inadequacy, Genius?

        So go back to your Fan Boy happiness and ignorance.

  11. - the general viewrange nerf WILL include premium tanks as well

    Whaaaaa??? you dare touch the mighty Type 59!!?? are they kidding? hell on earth will be unleashed!!!

  12. - the general view range nerf WILL include premium tanks as well

    So are we going to be able sell those tanks for gold, and will wg demount optics from all of my tds?

    • I sure wish I had sold my poop-shing for gold when I had the chance. I regret not selling that tank.

        • Ya I remember 800+ battles before the restructuring and making the tank inoperable against even Tier 6′s let alone Tier 8′s. Sold mine for Gold moved the 4 perk crew to my M-48A1.

          I’ve knocked out Several T26E4′s with my Hellcat (90mm) and the New KV-85. (100 mm gun) Shooting through the top boiler plate armor. It’s cheesy squeezy soft.

          The Funny thing is.. I bounce off the regular Tier 8 Pershing shooting in the exact same spot..lol

    • No need. Just move up to the bush 100m ahead of you and you’ll be in the same situation before the viewrange nerf!

  13. SS do u know if Storm is aware of the graphic bugs with artifacts and flickering on SLI systems ?

    • You gain nothing in wot since it has no SLI support (only uses one card at a time). In all games you can get a few issues besides the increased performance with an SLI, but since WoT doesn’t have SLI support you only get the issues.

      Turn off your SLI when playing WoT, your FPS won’t decrease and problems should be gone.

  14. - there will be a micropatch soon (between 9.4 and 9.5), fixing some of the worst issues, specifically the enemy seeing your chat channel during special battles (CW), the lagging (freezing) minimap markers, the jumping serverside aim circle and the damage from slightly touching the allies (altogether 10-15 bugs will be fixed)

    how the hell is possible to put that many bugs in a small update??

    - the M53/M55 collision model bug was already fixed by WG on their side

    I just checked on Tankinspector and its still bugged

    - the general viewrange nerf WILL include premium tanks as well

    no more pak40 with 400m base VR

    - the changes planned for the entire TD class are not really a nerf, more like a rebalance. More variants will be tested.

    We all know what “rebalance” means in WG’s language. And if bullshits like arty nerf could go into live server,(especially the stupidly increased dispersions) then some massive viewrange nerf could too (i hope)

    • They said they fixed it on THEIR side. That means that it’s correct on their servers, but still wrong in your game files (where tank inspector gets all the data). Since collisions are calculated server-side it doesn’t matter if your game client files are broken.

  15. Do you guys think Storm is becoming the new SerB? With a response like that, as well as the “Suffer, faggots. Your suffering makes us happy” response, I think he’s just starting to be more eccentric :D

    • ‘- Storm spends 25-50 percent of his free time at home reading Russian WoT forums and LJ pages’

      Maybe he is going SerBsane.

      Although, view range rebalance would make the game interesting again.

  16. ” start thinking and better not write anything. In worst case, post pictures with girls and kittens.”


  17. Soso the reload timer bug on autoloaders is caused by mods….too bad that my autoloaders dont show that bug but my Su-152 and Tiger2 do….

  18. What will they do regarding view ranges? a progressive tweak, or just slash them with no logic applied? I bet it will be the latter. And how on earth can they explain that an open topped tank destroyer is going to have a view range worse than an enclosed Soviet tank destroyer?

    This game gets more, and more out of balance each time they “improve” it.

  19. Oh god… There is possibility to shot through the heap… Didn’t U shot through wooden planks or trash on other maps like Kharkov? Magic mountain on Lakeville on Line 4 is another thing that U can shot through. Second thing is that Lowe is higher and he can shot him pretty good. The camera from “fly” position is too low! He could see only little part and RNG did best. Nothing else. I shot many times and RNG did strange things (I was see only few inches of Hellcat and I killed him from Russian 122mm!!!!).

    Nothing special guys.. It’s not a bug… –.–

    EDIT: Thing that U can see all T37 from Lowe position is MOD FOR WHITE TANKS fault!!!

  20. Storm is a true asshole…and will be the reason this game goes to shit..meanwhile!, you all keep flocking to this pos game where the customers who made them who they are, continue to get shit on..

    • You really think that tier VII TD with very good DPM will have more view range than new tier X one ? :) meh, I suspect that new su-122-44 will have like 280m view range, because reasons !

  21. I was wondering while I couldn’t do more than 200-300 damage to tracked IS-3s ramming them downhill in my (spall liner equipped) KV-4, whose driver has the rammer skill…

  22. Their “test numbers” often make it to fruition.

    Their “test numbers” on the massive overnerf of the M18 made it to live..

    So what faith should we have that these “test numbers” won’t too?

  23. “- the general viewrange nerf WILL include premium tanks as well”

    So now only one question remains…
    What will I buy for all the gold I will get as a refund?

    I didnt pay money for a tank with 310 viewrange. I paid for a tank with 380. And yes, that was the most important fact for me ;)

    • It will likely still have the same view range relative to the other tanks at it’s tier. So I wouldn’t expect anything as far as a refund. It’s not really a nerf if everything around it is also being nerfed.

  24. - Storm states that Windows XP users getting stucked on loading screen might be caused by mods

    It’s the same shit with Windows 7, actually. I got this stuck when installing Super-Arty-MeltyMap-sight 9.3 version. The 9.4 MelthyMaps sight is fine, but the old version of its arty sight was causing the crash

    • I’ve been stuck on the loading map myself on an XP box, and I don’t use mods at all. It could be because my computer is on the low end of the specs, but it is still above the minimum requirements.

  25. When arty was nerfed, premium french arty was not touched, when TDs’ camo after shot was nerfed, premium TDs were not touched, when Super Pershing was nerfed, there was a possibility to sell it for gold. Now they want to nerf all premium tanks, so logically, we will have the opportunity to sell all premium tanks for gold?

    • “Now they want to nerf all premium tanks, so logically, we will have the opportunity to sell all premium tanks for gold?”

      I wouldn’t bet on it.