Hello everyone,
according to a post on German forums, 9.4.1 hotfix is coming “very soon” (possibly tomorrow) or the day after. If will bring the following changes:
- fixed the bug where you can see two Tiger I’s in the crew tank retraining menu
- fixed the bug where the minimap markers are locked (stuck) whenever the vehicle marked is further than 500 meters from you
- fixed the bug where some players got stuck in the Stronghold queue on the “rotating wheel”
- M53/M55 armor model fixed
- fixed some freezes, happening when the player accepts an invitation in a lobby too fast
- fixed the bug where you could activate small repair kit even though it was used already
- fixed the bug where the lines in the “free XP conversion” window shrunk upon mouseover
- fixed the flickering during the switch between arcade and sniper mode
- fixed the bug where enemy group can see your chat (and hear your voicechat) in the “special battles” window
- fixed the bug where deactivating the battle chat also deactivated the platoon chat
- fixed the Stalingrad minimap, showing incorrect data
- fixed the second German summer camouflage
FIRST! I am the Donkey!
Good to see a reasonable time on the fix.
“- fixed the bug where you could activate small repair kit even though it was used already”
Activate, how nice. Toggle.
“- fixed the bug where deactivating the battle chat also deactivated the platoon chat”
True Solo-ist doesn’t platoon, suffer?
”- fixed the flickering during the switch between arcade and sniper mode”
Never happened before patch, totally.
Reduced regularity, most likely.
”- fixed the bug where you can see two Tiger I’s in the crew tank retraining menu”
Tiger II version 2, to Tiger’s stitched together, double strong.
“- fixed the bug where deactivating the battle chat also deactivated the platoon chat”
wut? ts3 mate :3
Hey SS, off topic but, do you know if the AMX CDC “premium” status is permanent or is it just a placeholder?
CDC is either a real premium tank (likely) or a reward/event tank – so yes, it is permanent.
Ah, well thanks for replying. :)
SS When do we think we will get it. IT REALLY excites me.
It looks like the panther 8.8 will be out next patch but do we think they will role out one premium per patch or a whole bunch in one patch.
- fixed the bug where you can see two Tiger I’s in the crew tank retraining menu
that second Tiger I is probably that HB “premium” Tiger I
- fixed the second German summer camouflage
Do they mean the lighter Color
Or the wrong stretching
I think they fixed the color issue.
Any bets for the number of new bugs discovered the day after?
whats your scouter says?
“fixed the bug where you could activate small repair kit even though it was used already”
What? How can you do that?
It does not allow to use the medkit. After it is used, you still can open the menu and select the injured crew member, however it does nothing and brings only confusion.
Will see how much of a fix this will be
wow. How do they manage to put 15 bugs in a patch that only had 2 or 3 new things… amazing
So they didnt fixed the most important thing – people with SLI cannot play this shit since 9.4 cuz of artefacts in every single game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMwuv47A4Z8
Oh yes and brilliant ideas from game support taken from end of their backs, to turn off SLI. Sure, but most people are using SLI to get stable minimum fps, like example 60 fps on 60Hz monitor (and vsync on). Disabling SLI means tearing and equall shitty gameplay.
Except that the majority of the playerbase isn’t using SLI. So while it is unfortunate that you have problems while running in SLI, which can be disabled and you choose not to, the bugs affecting everyone are FAR more important. If one of your video cards can’t run WoT with acceptable FPS (OHEMMGEE I GOT TO PLAY AT 30FPSES?!?!!oneone) then I really don’t see how you are getting “stable minimum fps, like example 60 fps on 60Hz”, even with the two in SLI.
I’m running SLi with 2 650 Ti BOOST cards and I have no artifacts.
I had SLI but it was slow with SLI
I logged a ticket with WG they said the game doesn’t support SLI so dont use it.
I sold my cards and went to a single better card.
Exactly. One powerful card will run far better than a SLI in WoT. Also, there are not many games that use the benefit of SLI effectively, so why to bother… SLI requires also more power, not only for running, but also in terms of the power supply, ventilation system, and a decent motherboard – all unnecessary expenses, unless you require two GPUs for your professional work (either calculations, or the VRAM space).
What about reload timer bug? Is it still there?
They say it is caused by faulty mod(s)…..
yes, i’m having it all the time with jimbo :(
What about that game sometimes just freez, and when I must reset game. In task manager say me that game didnt responding. What obout that bug, its start whit this patch.
” – fixed the second German summer camouflage”
The only thing I really care about. The wrong-colored version is so godawful-ugly : \
noo I think it looks better
it looks far better, the older one looks so dull
“fixed the bug where enemy group can see your chat (and hear your voicechat) in the “special battles” window”
Dammit, now I can’t make the enemies enter maptactic disguised links to gay dick swinging GIFs :(
That’s an awful lot of bugs :x
Someone on WG is going to have their head off for these bugs.
- Fixed so your favourite mods don’t work anymore?
“- fixed the bug where you can see two Tiger I’s in the crew tank retraining menu”
I believe this is because of the Premium Tiger I that appeared on supertest before 9.4 came out. If you go into Tank Inspector you can see the original Tiger I and a premium Tiger I, and so is not a bug, but is confusing players as it is not in the game officially yet. Sorry if you already knew this SS.
Incorrect, the Premium Tigers are official in the game right now, and being used in internet cafes in Korea.
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So now with these bug fixes they wont have nothing to write in the patch notes for 9.5, so it will be another empty update
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Seriously why don’t they just re release 9.3 Go back one until they sort out all the freaking problems with 9.4 then re release it..
Fixed the bug:
Where you load into game and it actually works.
Now you load into game game screen garage replaced by a Picture of Serb saying “Send more cash!. Working as Intended!”