Object 260 Mission To Be “Complicated”

Hello everyone,

as you probably already know, in 9.5, individual missions (IM’s) are coming. What exactly are IM’s? Well, they are (supposed to be) missions, tailored to each player specifically (different from player to player). Based on which criteria and how exactly will it look is not known.

In any case, what was published – in December (possibly early January, since in order to unify the “festivities”, Wargaming is focusing on the New Year day and not the usual western “Christmas” dates), we’ll get to see some individual missions with exclusive tanks as rewards (these include the T28 Concept, T55A and Object 260). Check this out:


Here, Storm comments on how the mission will look. Apparently, getting the Object 260 (which is the ultimate prize) will be “very complicated” and the mission will be split into multiple stages the way the IS-6 mission was.

This Storm’s comment led to some rage by a player (the screenie is his, thanks by the way), who claimed that this is a bad idea, since he won’t have time to play hardcore every day the way it was required for the IS-6 missions and that “difficult” should not mean “tedius” and “no life”. Evilly (WoT producer) reacted on his post, stating that he should in fact wait for the missions to be announced, before he makes any judgements – he adds that it’s too early to tell the details. His words however do give us hope that for once, Wargaming did not mix “difficult” and “tedious”. Should be interesting.

70 thoughts on “Object 260 Mission To Be “Complicated”

  1. With great prizes comes greatly tediously missions…

    You want easy missions, you get Togs.. :-P
    Let’s be sensible about this, Wargaming isn’t going to “Give away” 50 euro prizes for logging in once during a special.

    • thing is WG always confuses “Tedious” with “Impossible” or “Give us money plz”

  2. WG doesn’t like great or even good players, there is no way they will do missions based on skill, they will keep to some “grind 30K xp on meds and heavyes each day for one month”.

    • I hope it’s not that much. I have no interest in an Object 260, however I would like a T55A without having to have no life for a month….

    • Yep, that’s my hope for those individual missions, too. Hard missions but I can decide myself when I want to make or finish the mission.

    • and no “do this x times once per day 30 times” thing

      IMHO, missions like this would be accepted by every kind of player:
      do x damage, y kills, win z times with your tank class of your choice

      • “Why does that mofaka with 46WR gets easier mission?”

        Mission should be as Dexter mentioned but same for everyone – mofakas will get it later, unicorns sooner. Or something…

  3. Missions only based on farm a lot of XP every day, so casual players can’t get the tank and normal or hardcore players get benefits if getting premium account to do it faster and playing a lot of hours to take it.

    • I don’t consider “Top Gun” medal to be skill-based anymore since I have seen numerous tomatos (wn8 400<) getting them just because we had even more tomatos on our team :-) High caliber and condeferate +1

      • There will be no such mission that is based on large quantities of top guns or confederates:

        Top Gun missions turn people into killstealers who will forgo dealing damage if it means to make their chance on a last-hit smaller. Like, you have that 300 alpha gun and the enemy has 500 hp so you sit there and wait for somebody else to damage the enemy first so you can get the last hit.

        Confederates do the exact opposite and force people to forgo kills so that their hits only counts towards damage assist and not towards kills.

        Even if you run both at the same time and you would think that this means people are fine with both kills and assists, it will just make people decide from battle to battle – “Oh I couldn’t get the last hit on the first one? Now I won’t last hit any tanks at all in this battle so I can get conferedate”. Or respectively “Oh I got an early kill? Now I will focus on kill stealing only”.

    • Yeah well, i got top gun, or high calibre medals once per X battles, depending on tank so making this kinda of requirement still makes me play 5 times X number of battles. Same as make X amount of base XP, some players gone make 30k exp in 30 battles, other will need 60 battles, and some will need only 20 battles, just like the medals. But i understand the process of thinking behind this, and agree that tedious play quadrillion number of battles during our monthly special to get reward tank is not the best idea, but considering that WG want even a tomatoes to get this rewards, and that game do not offer many constant “rewards”, dmg done, or xp gathered in certain amount of time makes it most fair. With medals, there is more luck than in XP, if i statistically got Top Gun every 10 battles, this means that i can have 90 battles without Top Gun and 10 battles in a row with Top Gun, with this kind of requirements people would start to whine about how random it is.

      • I could imagine a format in which only battles count that for example score at least 1000 base xp though. However this would be an extremely steep seperation between casuals and hardcore players then since it will result in scenarios in which a hardcore player might need only 30 battles for what a casual would need 500.

  4. Well, lets hope its not capped by time limit. I wouldnt mind the missions to take much time/effort, as long as I dont have to spend that time in a set timeframe. Just let it be xyz Exp on tank abc. Or maybe make it something like the type 62 missions with daily rest, just that u dont need 25 in a month but 50 or so in unlimited timeframe. If you are done after 50 days. Fine. If you dont have the time to hardcore grind everyday and only do the mission once or twice a week. Fine you will be done after half a year, but you wont be forced to play more than you actually want.
    Also something like that based on more skill like task would be nice (Like get 500 games with 1333 base exp (So 2000 with premium) ). I know, thats also somehow based on luck, but at least you can heavily speed it up with skill.

      • They are to good. Compare them to worse tanks on the same tier.

        T55A > Leo PTA
        Obj 260 > IS-7, 113 and IS-4

        • never tested them (obviously) and I’m not fond of reading to much into paper stats. But if that’s what STs are saying..

          honestly, I wouldn’t even mind them being competitive and not following the traditional ‘premiums have to be worse’ as long as they will only be given out for missions and not for money. after all that’d be kind of regular then, you’d have to grind to get them.

          But probably WG will decide to sell them for money sooner or later so forget about that statement ^^

          • The problem is that they are better than the normal vehicles. That is a problem no matter how hard it would be to get the tanks.

            Balance is far from optimal already in WoT and these tanks will make the game even more unplayable.

        • I don’t see why they can’t be competitive since unlike other premium tanks, you can’t really buy your way to it (unless WG decides otherwise later down the line). Plus, they’re probably going to be harder to get than non-premium tanks, since you must grind these out, rather than unload a massive stash of free XP (or any amount of XP to close the gap).

  5. I would personally like something like “take tank from your garage with worst winrate and get it over 50%”.. of course not one with 10 battles but you get my idea.

    • I see your concept, but you would have to spend some real brain power to make that viable. In the state you proposed it just means that I take some t2 tank which I had bad stats on when I played it for five games three years ago, put a 100% crew in it, and fulfill the mission within ten battles.

      All missions that are related to improving personal stats will be terribly imbalanced between the player base depending on their previous behaviour.

      • You could just hardcap minimum battles on 100 and only award premium tanks of the same tier as the tank you fulfilled the mission with. But of course, there would be a lot more issues with something like that.

        • So when I get lucky I have an old t10 sitting around at about 100 matches that I sucked balls with a year ago, and now I just get a good platoon together and its easy going. When I have bad luck all my high tiers already have good win rates.

          Or I buy a fresh tank, suck for 100 games on purpose, and only then start playing seriously.

  6. Every time I hear community responses, even on FTR or Reddit or in my own clan, I can’t help but sympathise with SerB’s disdain.

    The community is full of vultures who complain about the details of a mission before they even roughly know what the mission will look like. They only see free tank and all they care is that they can get it and if possible nobody else.

    Storm, SerB, please make the mission exactly how I want it to be and in any other case I will hate you!

    • +1

      it’s the same thing every f*cking time when a special is announced. it’s never good enough, either too hard, or too easy, or the reward is too bad, or it’s someones birthday on this weekend so they can’t play or… (insert ridiculous reason)

      I hate this mindset but it’s certainly (and sadly) not exclusive for the wot community…

      • Oh indeed its not exclusive at all, its the same shit in all games, especially F2P ones. But its important to keep that in mind when designing missions or making announcements and such, because certain missions really bring out the worst in people.

  7. Obj 260 is so good ATM that it’s worth any mission.

    But… if we get one of the following: detected tanks, spotting damage, damage in arty (lol), tiers 9-10 only (meh) and alike, it won’t be fun.

    It needs to be good ol’ exp, kills or damage. Everything else is MEH.

    • My guess is that Obj 260 will be nerfed soon since it’s still just in a testing stage, and then everybody will cry even though the mission hasn’t even begun yet.

  8. how much do you want to bet on that Crucial Contribution will be required a fair number of times in these missions?

    • Crucial would be OK. Stuff like “get a Burda medal” wouldn’t.

      Anything that is aimed at things you can actually achieve (unlike getting things that are available when all the stars allign) is OK.

  9. I hope the “complicated” part means you need to know what you’re doing or have some luck. As in you need a certain amount of base experience or a certain medal in a certain tank for it to count. And do that a couple of times of course, and get new slightly different mission. And not the “play 25 battles each day for a month, and you can’t miss a single day” missions..

  10. The perfect mission is “complete the x tree” with this they can gift 260 and T-55A by tree, with no time limit, you want the special top tier tank??? research all tanks in tree maybe they can add a 2nd stage like have all tier 10 tanks in garage or similar.

    I am really bored of the old missions, i dont have fun and play them is a pain.

  11. It can be complete 1 tree,tier 1-10 in 24 hours.Only battles in witch you get Brothers in arms count!

  12. Pingback: Mise na Objekt 260 bude „velmi těžká“

  13. Lets just hope it isn’t gonna be a mission of the kind that forces players to play particular tanks (classes/tech trees) and to fulfill some submission X times during a certain period of time. But to be honest if the missions were without time limitation it would be bad aswell as everyone could eventually get the tank, which shouldn’t be the case. But having to nerd WOT 25+ days in one month for 3+ hours… yeah, not really worth any reward either (well – if the reward was guaranteed positive values on RNG and red idiots not being immune to everything, then yeah, id do that).

    I’d perheaps hope for a mission that would be time limited but that would be focused more on 1 cumulative mission (or 2) rather than repeating some submission over and over. So one could decide to do the mission whenever and not have to be in the game every day.

  14. If the prize is a tier 10 tank, than the mission pretty much has to require that one use tier 10 tanks to complete it, at least some of the time. Or, at the very least have a tier ten tank in your garage to complete the mission. Otherwise think of the rage. I don’t think there is any chance Wargaming is going to give anyone a tier ten than doesn’t have a tier ten already.

    That said, I hope whatever the mission requires it doesn’t involve only tier ten. I like to do these missions, provided they are even close to reasonable (I got the Type 62, for instance, through the mission). However, I like to play different tanks at different tiers. I don’t mind playing more tier ten than I usually do to complete the mission, but I’d rather not play all tier ten.

    • That’s the reason I think the missions will have to be (at least partly) exp. based. That way noobs can grind to tier X and get two for the price of one or some shit. Avoiding a flood of 2k-games-played-Obj.260-tomatoes.

  15. well, i think its pretty plain simple – either missions will be very hard, so only few players would get those rewards (to retain the game balance) or missions will be doable even for average players and thus these tanks (especially obj 260) will be nerfed hard… But, there is only one thing that we do know for sure – “When it’s done it’s done.” :)

  16. As the Object 260 is a Tier Ten tank, the mission should comparable to the skills that a competent Tier Ten tanker should possess.

    A skill based mission that is reasonable, and not time dependent would be “earn 2 Medals of Honor stripes on a Tier Ten tank”. You pick the tank from your garage, and the MoE counter is reset for the mission. You can then take as long as you please to complete the mission.

    I think MoE are excellent indicators of ones skill. You will see noobs driving Tier Ten tanks, but you will never see noobs with MoE stripes on their Ten Ten tanks.

    Once this mission is implemented, when one does see an Object 260’s in a battle, they can be certain that a competent tanker is driving it.

    PS: If WG is going to make one jump through hoops to get one of these tanks, then they better NEVER EVER sell them, on ANY server. I have had it up to here with these ‘one time only sales’ that happen several times a year.