Straight Outta Supertest: Individual Missions

Hello everyone,

the testing of individual missions on supertest 9.5 has begun. Individual missions are split into seasons, season 1 has 4 tanks as rewards (StuG IV, T28 Concept, T55A and Object 260, in that order, reflecting the difficulty). Each of those tank has 5 mission chains, each chain consists of 15 missions. When you complete the final mission of the chain, you get a token. Apparently, you have to collect every token in order to get that respective tank.

Only when you get one tank, you will get tokens for the next one (eg. you have to get StuG IV in order to start working on T28 Concept). The missions are not “grindy”, they can be completed in single battle and they involve various requirements, such as damage done in battle, kills, scouting and spotting damage in an arty + platoon (yes, apparently in order to get to the top, you have to play LT or arty) and many others.

Personally, I think this is a very, very good idea.

155 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Individual Missions

  1. Interesting mission ideas

    I’m glad it won’t be grindy. This means that I have a chance of doing it as I won’t be a le to play much for, oh the next year or so.

    • need to play Arty for this? no tanks for me… :(

      the mere thought of playing Arty makes me sick, a sale out, a traitor to humanity and all that is good in this world.

    • I am wondering what makes it individual tho?
      One will get 2k dmg done mission, while the other 4k dmg based on their av.dmg? Just an example.

      If someone didn’t play for SPG or LT at all, he shouldn’t get such a mission, don’t you think?

      • I’m going to assume that it will lean towards requirements based on your tank preferences. Like, one player might overall play more mediums for their missions, whereas another will play more TDs.

        Pure speculation from my part, though.

    • I guess in the future, I’ll be seeing matches dominated by these prem tanks.
      Like, say, in one match I see 5 or 7 T55A, 4 obj. 260′s. or probably 5 top tier stug 4 in both enemy sides. xD

      Wonder if they’re sellable though…

      • My Su-14-2 is happy now :D

        Lol i just realized that this is my 2nd highest tank together with an is3 omg

      • Isn’t it better to do the mission with the additional benefit of leveling up arty, rather than to be forced to play arty just to do the mission without any other benefit?

    • They are Fuc**** joking us,
      Whats the problem, we are loking to remove this Cancer from the game and they do mission with this dumb tumor launcher, and make we play WITH!!!!!!!!!!

            • Every unicum do, every friends i have playing that game do, everyone at my clan do, most players of forum NA do, almost everyone at wotlabs do.

              • Yeah, because either forums or WotLabs is a completely unbiased group. As is your social circle. Please, dream on.

                Most people don’t give a shit about anything, they just play the game and have fun. You know, the players who never visit the forums because they’re too busy having said fun.

          • You are dearly mistaken uvood. It may seem like 80%, but in reality, its just the most oc players like you who constantly bitch about it and are the most vocal. I recognize that arty is bad for the game, but rather than whining about it constantly, and comparing it to a disease that has claimed the lives of 3 of my family, i learn how to avoid it. Its not always possible to avoid it, but it helps.

      • ‘They are Fuc**** joking us,
        Whats the problem, we are loking to remove this Cancer from the game and they do mission with this dumb tumor launcher, and make we play WITH!!!!!!!!!!

        stfu you stupid tomato moron

        • The reason Wotlabs hates arty soo much is because on average the Wotlabs community is SOOOO much better than the average world of Tanks player. Arty is a variable that you cannot account for 100% of the time. If you do you miss substantial opportunities to do damage. Arty is a random direct counter to skill which is what people hate, the best unicums cannot escape arty without having to darastically alter thier playstyle.

      • I’m going to assume you’ve never lost a relative to cancer, otherwise I find it unfathomable that you equate a game element that you don’t desire to a deadly disease.

          • You clearly can’t seperate the game from reality at all, otherwise you’d take a chill pill and go play something else instead of raging about something you dislike in a free game.

        • It’s not like we hope arty players get cancer, it’s not like we have no respect for someone who have cancer, is just that arty destroy this game, and arty is spreading wildly every year (after any nerf there are fewer players, but with time it start to grow again)

          Why is that so fucking hard to understand?

        • Cancer was a name attributed to a disease because it matched it’s nature , if something is a cancer it is “an evil or destructive practice or phenomenon that is hard to contain or eradicate.” Given his view of arty it is a perfectly viable word to use and does not directly compare it to the debilitating disease , therefore there is no disrespect shown by using it.

      • Instead of removing arty, I think you should be removed from the FTR blog with those words. You almost deserve a Hall of Shame entry.

    • Admit the fact play arties well makes you a better player.

      What is cancer?
      Cancer is created by yourself. Is your cancer, not the game’s one.

      I deeply respect all the nice arty players out there. They often give good advices for the team. Who is watching everythings happening in your match? Probably not one busy donking and aimming glacis.

      Not good at arty, mainly with tanks now but still love them, even in my A15SP
      (that arc). They teach me how to use my tanks better.

      Cure your cancer by yourself.

        • You should read Gnomus’ analysis of people who play artillery on EU forum, you could learn something from that. But you probably won’t do that since you’re not interested in learning things that don’t mesh with your hate-filled viewpoint.

          • So, what do we call someone who has played 11 artillery vehicles, tiers 2 to 7, in 467 battles, all but three of them at over 50% WR (and can’t conjugate the verb ‘to do’)?

            • It’s not like we hope arty players get cancer, it’s not like we have no respect for someone who have cancer, is just that arty destroy this game, and arty is spreading wildly every year (after any nerf there are fewer players, but with time it start to grow again)

              Why is that so fucking hard to understand?

              You can’t understand things w/o using brain.

    • They are not going to remove arty. The stated reason is they want to have a “rock-paper-scissors” element to the game and there is some truth to that, but I think the main reason is that arty increases the randomness in matches. Specifically, it messes up unicums. From Wargaming’s point of view, this is a good thing. The vast majority of players are casual. Guys who come home from work, play a few games, then put the kids to bed. It’s no fun for those guys to be pwned by unicums every night. Instead, sometimes they get to kill a purple with arty, or more indirectly, sometimes the unicum they are facing gets blasted by friendly arty and they can take him down the rest of the way in their heavy. Sure, in the long run, the unicum is still going to win more matches, but it doesn’t seem as hopeless as it would otherwise. Other games have this mechanic as well. Call of Duty has the under slung grenade launcher for instance. There is a YouTube series called Extra Credits that talks about game design. Several episodes discuss this point and how MMOs with this mechanic succeed, while others without, failed.

  2. Finally informations about the REAL individual missions.
    Silenttalker, you should make a difference between return missions and individual missions.

    • Like him I will be forced to with a gun to my head by the minsk mafia and thier boss known as SerB

  3. I’m looking forward to seeing some of these requirements. Hmm…playing scouts? Check, got a few in my garage I’m working on. Playing arty? Check, I’ll drive Bert. Platoon? Check, the guy I platoon with normally has returned to the game.

  4. But I don’t want the T28C. I just want a T-55A…
    I don’t really like this, but I guess it is still better than grinding exp on all nations…

    • Not so sure about that. If the time frame was reasonably lengthy, 50k XP for each nation isn’t that big a deal, for example.

    • Same here, only interested in the T-55A. Don’t really want to be wasting time unlocking the others… but I guess if there’s a lot of time to do it, it might be okay.

    • But isn’t T-55A just a clone of a T-54 with some minor changes? Just looks slightly different while T28C is a trully unique tank.

      • But it’s a german medium…meaning you can train your medium german crews…a great alternative to the T-25 and those 2 Panthers.

    • Same here.

      Well.. if it counts tier V vehicles too, then I can maybe play with my 105 leFH18B2 French arty. That is the only arty I have, and I will not buy/research any other arties. Not in a million years.

      But it still hurts to break my 0 battles in arty -chain.
      So I think I can just forget the whole mission.

    • Wow peter you are my hero…

      i have 9K games but i played early on with arty on low tier 1-3 around 100 games or so which was fun and lolzy, but after that i realized that Arty was a clever way for WG to introduce a game mechanic that intends to fuck with our brains so we will have less fun and thus crave to spend more money on dream’s e.g future tanks and premium’s… those who willingly play arty are the 5th column of WG for scamming us of our hard earned money.

      PS i do take drugs…

    • Same here with HEAVY – I played zero heavy battles (out of >22k).
      I hope “individual” are individually styled – like suited for your play-style and not forcing you to fulfill some crazy requirements (like play tier 10 Japanies medium when you have no Japan tanks at all).

  5. Any mission on arty is just a joke. Arty is a slot machine, so it will be praying for RNGesus blessing. MEH.

  6. “scouting and spotting damage in an arty + platoon (yes, apparently in order to get to the top, you have to play LT or arty) and many others.”

    Come again WG…why can’t they make these personal missions ‘personal’ and ‘dynamic’ ???
    As I personally don’t have any artillery, nor do I have the urge to ever wanting to play that class nor do I want a party to force me to play anything I don’t want.
    So why have these requirement even made it into supertest? Haven’t WG thought of the above beforehand or do they need to be spoon fed this info?

    Also, can’t WG design a mission system that isn’t static but dynamic?!??
    Hell look at mission rewards, is it SO hard to design a mission system that lets players choose one of several rewards for completing a mission?
    Other game have done it, are doing it, so whats the deal? Too expensive for WG to develop something good which will generate more reveneu due to player sticking longer with the game?

    • “Come again WG…why can’t they make these personal missions ‘personal’ and ‘dynamic’ ???”

      Perhaps after this stage works out.

      • I certainly do hope so! :)

        I do recoil a bit from non dynamic reward systems due to my time in EVE-online some years ago. Left that game, besides cost, because of the game design/reward systems felt too static.

  7. Well done WG on making them ‘grindy’ and not at all personalized missions…

    So much for those who don’t play LT and arty being able to have individual missions

    • THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…….. i dont understand what makes it individual, if you have to play arty even if you dont play it


  8. “spotting damage in an arty”
    Grab your balls and man up, it’s time to rack up some travel distance. (I predict a massive increase of Crusader SP 5.5 in randoms)

    • Well personally, I already understand that bit every well. The bitching is about the ‘non-personal’ nature of these so called ‘personal missions’.

      If they were personal, one would think, it would not force a player to complete it a certain way. Because that is a static design. But maybe this is how WG wants to design it.

      IMO I would like to see it being a lot dynamic, taking into account the tanks you have in garage and generating your missions accordingly to what you have in garage.
      But hey that is just how I would design it and I’m not even a software designer lol.

      • WG and Dynamic coding is not something that go hand in hand! You big wishful thinker you!

    • I agree, people bitch about arty all the time, and I believe that it is mainly because they do not understand…. “What!!! I was one shot by arty!!!” well yes you f***ing idiot, you were sitting on the other side of the hill for 40 seconds and didn’t move….. Meanwhile, arty is eyeing you up drooling, saying to their self, “Look at this idiot, going to nail him…”

      If you bitch about arty, in most cases, I is because you do not understand how to play it, therefore defend against it.

      • No. Only bad arty players need to wait for an enemy to stand still for 40 seconds. I mean, you can even do massive damage on a lot of tanks by missing them by 5m or so. I played arty a couple of times and it feels very, very cheap. You don’t need to understand the game’s most complex feature – the spotting system – at all. Learn the weakspots of tanks? Not needed as well when playing arty! You just point and click while sitting safely in base. When the enemy is sitting behind cover, you just relocate for a few seconds and instagib him behind cover from your new position. No skill required. It’s a class you could play while watching a movie or something.

        Personally, I think this game would be a lot more fun without that class. Keep the other four, just get rid of arty. But because WG would lose a lot of players who play arty only because they didn’t understand all more complex features of the game and got frustrated, this will never happen. I’d be so glad if there was an option in the menu “only join matches without clickers”. Would be awesome.

        How many times did you read in the chat “Oh no, there is no arty in this match…” compared to “Hell yes, there is no arty in this match!”? Go figure…

    • “if you play it, you can understand how they work”

      Step 1: Press Shift
      Step 2: Click at tanks

      “how to protect against them”

      Hug the largest building or rock you can find.

      What is so difficult to understand?

    • Trust me, when you will see a mission, in which you have to obtain a Raseiniai or Tarczay’s medal to be able to get a Stug IV, you will beg for a grinding mission in which you could farm 10 mills of XP ;)

      • No more I could agree with you evi7stylez, I hope those missions won’t require epic medals.

      • I wouldnt beg for it. Mission for obtaining “lucky” medals are as shitty as grinding missions

  9. I’ve never seen a playerbase complain about receiving free assets that took a lot of time and money to develop. Especially in a game like this.

  10. I have only one q: How much time you have to do that? That is my tthe biggest concern, with those missions.

  11. They are supposed not to be time limited, but they will probably change each “season”.

  12. “they involve various requirements, such as damage done in battle, kills, scouting and spotting damage in an arty + platoon”

    “scouting and spotting damage in an arty + platoon”

    “in an arty + platoon”


    Well, fuck. Here goes my chance at getting those premium tanks. :l What next, we will have to play their beloved Team Battles and/or Clan Wars? Damn it, these are “individual missions”, why in the world can’t we complete them as individual players?

    • I think they mean to say that there will be aspects to the mission that requires spotting, arty, and platooning, I do not believe that the intention is that you would have to spot in an arty while platooning!

  13. If playing arty is such a bad thing, Then yes this sort of thing is not for you. Simply put if these missions are not designed to be “grindy” then they need to be short sweet but numerous (otherwise its to easy duh) So whats the best way to get a large amount of short, easy missions? Simply make the player drive a lot of different stuff. INCLUDING ARTILLARY.
    I personally like this idea, there are other true grind missions for those that just want to drive one thing to their liking (but from each nation for instance) and there is this, the wide variety sort of missions.
    this comes from an NA player who would rather see a more regular turn out of artillary, rather than see the current influx of heavy tanks and TDS. Slot machine or not, artillary does promote teamwork much more than TDS or heavies, on both sides.

    • Please, nobody reply here (besides me duuhhhh, dont even come saying that), let this poor soul remain ignorant

  14. What about a mission that calls for you to rape the other team in a T18. I can do that but I’ll never platoon.

  15. LOL!
    1) So, to get the Object 260, you will have to get 16 kills in one game with T92 or Death Star =D
    2) As these are INDIVIDUAL missions (meaning – based on YOUR activities in WOT), you really think, that everyone will get a mission, where you will have to scout in an arty? I highly doubt that.

    • I do actually think they’ll require you to play ‘allround’ like they do in the free premium tank missions, but they will probably determine the amount you play in everything by player. Or something.

      They didn’t listen to “I hate Chinese/Japanese and I don’t have any of those shitty tenks” whine before, what makes you think they’ll listen to “I hate arty”?

  16. A better question is: Can we expect something utterly mad like “get Burda’s medal” ?

  17. Most important thing about this is… Stug Life!!!

    Yes! Stug IV! A third Stug for my Stuggy lifestyle!

    T28C will be great for my American TD crews too, of course.

    But it is not a Stug.

  18. WG devs:
    Start testing individual missions on SUPERTEST in order to provide new feature

    Forum warriors (FTR warriors?):
    Start bitching without a clue about the feature, that is in no way or form finalised.


  19. I have all 5 classes, all 10 tiers covered on the 160 tanks in my garage, sounds great.
    I love seeing the arty missions, outstanding move WG.

  20. these missions are not timed – but i guess they will have some time limit, because you see – (Individual missions are split into seasons, season 1 has 4 tanks as rewards (StuG IV, T28 Concept, T55A and Object 260, in that order, reflecting the difficulty)) – that means that “ANOTHER” season there will be another reward – and you will have to do ANOTHER missions to complete it.
    What i really hate is that spotting damage – the most horific mission that could be done – off course those missions should be doable – for example if you will need to kill 10 tanks in one game to complete mission for object 260 – it will be very difficult and very hard/impossible to complete.

  21. How the fuck is this “individual” mission when I have to play tanks I DON’T want to play? I quit arty, I never played TDs, last time I played light tanks was more than a year ago. I don’t care about Stug or T28 but I have to play through them to get T-55A?! I call massive fail on this… Let’s hope they won’t put a time limit on these missions because it will be a while before I finish them if at all…

  22. Considering I need a crew trainer for those exact 4 categories I’m gonna tryhard this, probably will need to “ruin” my 13k + solo run tho if there is platoon requirements :/

  23. Platoons? I have quite some problems with that. My friends Dont play WOT, and I am not interested in CW so I didnt join a clan. That isn’t good.

    • Usually you can easily find a no-tomato toon mate in usual random matches just by asking them directly. If there will be a request for some Platoon games in missions, then you will have many soulmates with the same need. :)

      • You just made me realize how much spam I will get in randoms now.

        Like random clan invitations weren’t enough.

        Crap. D:

    • I’m pretty sure there are plenty people like you. Just ask someone to platoon in a game and they might. I get random invites from people that don’t even ask me in-game. Also player lvl and skill should match though.

  24. i also dont play ARTY becouse for me this is not a tank and battle sometimes is only arty kill it fuckig shit, bc sometimes i have 4-5 arty in my team and next 4-5 in enemy. Should be max 2 arty for team. Its WOT not an Arty fight. If in setting was that i can play without arty but i had MM +1 tier i chose that +1 tier.

    Individial mission should depend of our earlier history, for example played LT, MT, and mission use this tanks, or we can chose what type for example LT or Arty, MT or HT, HT or LT

    • If the Individual Missions do depend on our playing history, they’ll probably make our objectives more focused on the types of tanks we don’t play as much to get us to play more (which, is probably their intent with these missions).

      You play only heavy tanks? Have some LT/MT/TD/arty objectives. We’ll throw you a bone and the last objective will be for heavy tanks. You play everything equally except you never even touched arty? I hope you’re ready for a barrage of arty objectives.

      Or something like that.

  25. Serious question (no trolling):
    Will these reward tanks be regular tanks or do they have the benefits of a premium tank, with not having to have a dedicated crew for that vehicle and use it for faster crew training of other vehicles of the same class, more credit income etc?

    • Those tanks will have some benefits from prem tanks – they will be insta-top researched, you will be able to put any same nation/same class crew in them with no penalties, and most probably they will earn additional crew-xp, as now T10 CW reward tanks do, which have the same “Reward tank” statuss as these new ones will have.
      But they will have usual non-prem silver earning values and no additional battle-XP income.

    • Well the Obj and T28 concept looks sick and sexy. Maybe we lick blood and start liking it O_O

  26. I am SO excited for these missions, gonna work my ass off to get that 260 i.e. play a LOT of tanks, which is surely WG’s objective ;)

    I really hope it comes for Xmas, its the only time I’m going to have as have new job in new year :)

  27. “season 1 has 4 tanks as rewards (StuG IV, T28 Concept, T55A and Object 260, in that order, reflecting the difficulty)”

    So I have to complete objectives for two tanks that I don’t want before I get to the two tanks that I do want to get. Great.

    “they involve various requirements, such as damage done in battle, kills, scouting and spotting damage in an arty + platoon”

    I really hope that the platooning objectives are far down the line since the only friends I have that play WoT either aren’t that good or plays on the SEA sever. Plus, I hope it’s not going to be like “get Crucial Contribution” or anything like that.

  28. 0 games in arty and VERY PROUD OF IT. I’ll never sell out even for free premium tanks.

  29. Hey silentstalker, please try to find this information (when possible) if the individual missions will be connected with tanks you have in your garage. I’m kind of obsessive compulsive (don’t like to sell things) and have more than 150 tanks in garage, a lot of them are pretty shitty and i really wouldn’t like to play with them again if they get chosen for me to do the mission.


  30. Pingback: Individuální mise, Smolensk, Q&A - Rychlá Rota

  31. Pingback: Evilly on Individual Missions Changes | For the Record