46 thoughts on “Charioteer and FV4005 Pictures

  1. HD Charioteer with L7, i don’t give a shit what anyone says, it’s beautiful and it’s already my new favourite tank. Thanks for making my day :)

    • Starts at Valentine – archer – Achilles – avenger/challenger – Charioteer – Conway – FV4005/2

          • I would say that the Archer route is the correct one, since it’s all TDs based on other tanks’ chassis. The other line (tier 2 M2 to tier 6 Firefly) is all based on foreign materials… plus they’re light and medium tanks.

            I see the Firefly part of the new tanks as a line of it’s own, that happens to connect to the TD line because it would be silly to lead nowhere. Already happens a lot in the game.

  2. I think Charioter is going to have problems using L7… think in a 12-14s reload and limited ammo load AND i doubt the L7 performance in pen be the same as in Cent or FV… maybe they are going to use it with horrible aiming time… and maybe accurancy???

    I find strange L7 in tier 8 because is going to be more usefull than 128mm the gun similar to L7 in tier…. and in a good vehicle for ambush job.

    • if it is the l7 it will have the same pen as the centurion and as for the 12 second reload , doubt it , it is paper will probably get good dpm to make up for it

      • All British tanks are OP, for example just look at the Churchill GC. It has an extremely amazing gun for its tier.

        • And that makes it such a good tank that everyone plays it…

          So OP that I legitimately haven’t seen it in battle for over a year.
          - last time was a battle in my Churchill I on sand river. I sold that tank Sept ’13.

        • Irony??? a good gun is useless in a bad vehicle… if churchill at least has gun in a more elevated position…

          For me with ARL and Churchill GC are the worst TDs in the tier… i prefer AT-8 over churchill.

  3. L7 was originally a tier 10 medium gun, and a bloody good one at that. Then it was powercreeped down a tier to tier 9 in order to make the Cent 7 and Type 61 “interesting”. Now it’s powercreeping down another tier… what a ridiculous gun to have at tier 8.

    That gun can pen the UFP of a Tiger 2 with absolute ease. Although at least now the ISU-152 isn’t the only tank with BS penetration in that tier.

    • hahaha no.

      L7 was present in both t9 and t10.
      leo pta and leo 1
      cent 7/1 and fv
      t61 and stb

      get your shit right….

      and now for a t8 td isnt that op, amx 48 has the 120mm of the t10 ht, all germans have the t10 ht guns, isu has the destroyer of worlds with even more pen and damage.

      • Pretty much all T8 TDs have guns powerful enough to pen KT or any other T8 heavy relatively easy. Only the toilet SU-101 has shitty 219mm pen gun that can’t pen UFP on KT.

        • Tiger II can get penned on UFP by 225 guns as well depending on the elevation of the enemy. But by that said, the L7 gun has what, 268mm pen? That is kinda alot considering most TDs in tier 8 has like 246-257mm pen, and then you have the isu with 286mm pen and the rhm with the derp 235mm pen. We really dont need a 268mm pen gun in tier 8, it will be totally BS.

      • Exactly.
        And this gun doesn’t even have amazing Alpha.
        German guns:
        530 or 750
        ISU: 750

        The 390 isn’t exactly ground-breaking, RU tanks and TDs get access to that amount of alpha on tier 6.
        Heck they have the SU100Y on tier 6 with 510 alpha!

        The pen isn’t OP either!
        286 Pen on the BL-10

        sure, it’s a good gun, and I’d have been happy with the 20pdr (Got my only ace in the Cent 7 -so far- with that gun) but it doesn’t make it automatically OP. We’ll have to actually get our hands on it to find out.

        Don’t forget, (effectively) 0 armour.

      • M48 Patton was the first tank with that gun and at the time was the only tank with that gun.

        My shit is more than right. Leo PTA and Cent 7 were both given powercreep guns to make them “interesting”. No tier IX med had that pen until those tanks. My shit is more than right.

        This thing on tier 8 is not a whale like ISU. Maybe it will have gash gun handling like the AMX. But for all intents and purposes it’s a medium. It’s fast and has a turret.

    • Or valentine

      Medium 1 ->M2A3 -> M3 honey -> M3 Grant -> Sherman 1 -> firefly -> challenger -> charioteer -> Conway -> Fv4002


      Valentine -> Archer -> Achilles -> challenger -> charioteer -> Conway -> Fv4002

  4. Think I’ll get the charioteer. Honestly the whole new line of TDs looks much better to me compared to the AT line. AT-2 was fun, AT-8? Not so much.

    The FV4005 is so goddamn ugly though. The FV183 looks so much better.
    Real shame they decided to nerf the FV183 again, just to make this look a little more mobile in comparison. It already has terrible gunstats and mediocre armour.

  5. If this tank really gets the L7 cannon, then hello TDs I’m back, good thing I unlocked most of the guns on the old line.

    …playing the Archer is gonna be awkward as hell though. :y

  6. WG would be bashing themselves over if Charioteer doesn’t get L7, given it will not be as good as rhm.wafflen right off the bat (taller, non-open top).