IM Tidbits

Hello everyone,

just a few tidbits about the upcoming individual missions:

- the final artillery mission for Object 260 is actually “be top 1 in XP and damage from BOTH teams”, not just your own team
- you will be able to get a unique female crew
- this female crew will have a unique perk, called “Sisters in Arms”, gives 5 percent to crew skill (same as Brothers in Arms)
- it does not count as a “perk” XP-wise, so for the next perk/skill, a crew with this perk only needs enough XP to unlock the first perk, not the second one
- this crew will be traineable for any nation and any vehicle type
- these IM’s will be kept separate from the mission menu and have to be MANUALLY ACTIVATED, so you can’t just fulfill one “by accident”

59 thoughts on “IM Tidbits

    • Getting bitches as a reward for being good at blowing shit up. Please, someone forward this info to some feminazis, it will be hilarious

      Btw, SS you’re so cruel, you know 90% of people on the internet never had a girlfriend in their arms and you just haaaad to put that zinger in this article, did you?! Thank God you changed it already!

      OH SNAP

  1. the last shred of seriousness goes down the drain.
    hope they will have mandatory pink camo paint with -10% camo level to balance the plus skill.
    and will have anime sounds, just in English

    they will be recruited for gold?

  2. The good thing is that NOW i can use the “боевая подруга” inscription on a russian tank with the female crew ;d

  3. There is one problem with arty mission

    Arty is the class that gets lowest XP per battle from all classes.

    So yea, good luck getting best XP per two teams (unless both teams are bots standing in one place, doing nothing)

  4. Important question: will they make female voiceovers for this girl crew or will they shout messages in manly voices ;) ?

    Because, you know, dealing with a bunch of drag queens is not my preference…

  5. If a female crew in the last tank on the enemy team left “gangbang” got a really new meaning ^^

  6. - these IM’s will be kept separate from the mission menu and have to be MANUALLY ACTIVATED, so you can’t just fulfill one “by accident”

    Does that mean that every time you take an eligible tank out you need to go and activate the correct mission? Find if you sit grinding the same tank, but a pain if you like play through your garage.

    • Thought this as well, weird that doesn’t get more attention.

      “Activating” it wouldn’t work and it wouldn’t make sense. Most people wouldn’t get it activated if they had to actively do it, and what would the idea then be?

    • This sounds just bad. No reason for me to manually actived each missions each time. So if I have the wrong mission checked and I completed the harder mission It counts for nothing or I need to recheck when I switch class.

      Nobody cares. Having a couple of female pictures instead of regular guys is far more importent.

  7. Can someone explain pls?What’s the point of stugg IV if regular stugg is 10 times better?
    Is it only for crew training,50% bonus?
    If you hit 2000xp for daily double,does stug IV give you 3000 for the crew?

  8. “- this female crew will have a unique perk, called “Sisters in Arms”, gives 5 percent to crew skill (same as Brothers in Arms)”

    Hmm… this can actually easily be turned to suck. The possibilities here are:
    - it’s just a different way to call BiA on female crew, because “brother” doesn’t really work in this case. Otherwise it is just BiA. This would be perfectly fine and I hope this is how it’ll work.
    - it’s a perk that will be there in addition to BiA, which is just dumb. A fully female crewed tank would at peak effectiveness suddenly perform better than a male crewed tank because uh reasons reasons girl powah allows them to be both sisters and brothers in arms at the same time?
    - it’s a perk that will be an actual female replacement of BiA, in function and not just name. This would suck because then it would be impossible to actually get a +5% bonus on a mixed sex crew (the females couldn’t get BiA, the males couldn’t get SiA, so no way to have either of these on all the crew as is the requirement), and it’s not like you can just recruit more females to fill in the gaps if you want to use them on one of those tanks with more than 5 crew.

    • - this female crew will have a unique perk, called “Sisters in Arms”, gives 5 percent to crew skill (same as Brothers in Arms)
      - it does not count as a “perk” XP-wise, so for the next perk/skill, a crew with this perk

      note the second half. They are a ‘super – crew’ with a bonus perk giving +5% performance for free.

      Maybe that can’t get BIA but they’ll be the fastest crew to train skills on as they are one skill ahead already.

  9. I reckon it’s just BIA renamed, hopefully you can mix male crews with BIA, otherwise you’ll be looking at tanks with 6 crew that you can’t put females in, for example.

    It won’t be in addition to BIA.

  10. Am I the only one excited for the female crews? can’t wait to put them in my firefly cause I’m making a very very fiction book about 5 women hand picked by the leaders of the allies to operate this “ghost tank” thing.

  11. People getting upset about pixels, LOL, IT’S AN ICON IN A VIDEO GAME. W̲h̲o̲ e̲v̲e̲n̲ c̲a̲r̲e̲s̲? Jesus, if you don’t want to play with them then dismiss the crew, even as stupid and useless as that would be it would fit with the mentality of these people. “They are giving me something nice and useful for free and even though it has no bearing on how it works I don’t like how it looks so I’m going to piss and moan about it”.

  12. I think you people are too busy sitting your pools of stupid and sexism to realize that this is essentially Ubercrew, they can be trained to any vehicle of any nation and (If I read it right) can train BOTH BiA and SiA. I don’t know about you, but the fact that we got female crews seems pretty cool to me and the fact that they can do that is pretty fuckin’ awesome

  13. Pingback: Britské stíhače (5,6,7) & Oficiální info ohledně IM - Rychlá Rota

  14. Can’t do missions by accident… this is telling you “Only turn it on when ready to rig” I suppose.

    Dat superhuman crew though… if they can train BIA as well… fuck all other crews.

  15. Seriously, just look at all the negative reactions and brainless jokes about the female crew. Perfect example to how amazing the community is. It’s simply pathetic, “pink camo”, “5 % more Lesbian-Vids”, “hello kitty”, mocking females and hating on everything that doesn’t have a dick or manly enough. ( By the way, facts: there were female tankers in WWII, and there are even more nowadays. Also, pink camo did exist as well, for example, google for Pink Panther Land Rovers used by SAS. ) So, to all the manly men who came here to make fun of females, you guys should learn to respect women. Wish your mothers could see your dumb comments, i’m sure they would be very proud. Also girlfriends, wives… even though i doubt that any of you could get close to a women or girl in real life with that attitude.