9.5 Supertest Vehicles Summary

Hello everyone,

Gamemodels3D has published the 9.5 stats from supertest. Some of the values are placeholders (specifically: M2A4, Stuart I, Sherman III and Firefly and some gun values, their models and armor are okay though – I think), but whatever, let’s have a look at them anyway and we can get the real vehicle info later on.

The statistics are “nominal”, as seen in the garage. The elite value is in brackets.

Tier 2: M2A4

For some reason, the 3D model is not working on this tank. Here’s how it looks:


Stock armor:


Elite armor:


Warning: Placeholder stats!

Turrets available: M7, M20
Engines available: Guiberson T-10204, Continental W-670-7
Guns available: .50cal M2 HB, 20mm Birgikt, 37mm M-5

Tier 3: Stuart I

Stock model:


Elite model:


Stock armor:


Elite armor:


Warning: Placeholder stats!

Turrets available: M23, M44
Engines available: Guiberson T-1020-4, Continental W-670, Continental R-975-C1
Guns available: 20mm Birgikt, 37mm M-5, 37mm M-6, QF 2pdr Mk.IX

Tier 4: Grant





Yes, those are 0mm holes in the armor. This will likely be fixed.

Tier: 4
Price: 15500 credits
Crew: 6 (commander, 2xgunner, 2x loader, driver)
Hitpoints: 320
Weight: 29,725
Maximum speed: 39/16
View range: 325
Radio range: 350 (450)

Wright R-975-EC2 (400hp)
GM 6046 (410hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 13,795 hp/t

Traverse: 40 (42)
Terrain resistance: 1,1/1,3/2,3 (1/1,1/2,3)

Hull: 50,8/38,1/38,1


75mm M-2
Caliber: 75
Penetration: 90/102/38
Damage: 110/110/175
ROF: 17,14
Aimtime: 1,8
Accuracy: 0,47
Depression: -9/+20
Traverse: -15/+15
Ammo carried: 65

6pdr Mk.II
Caliber: 57
Penetration: 105/170/30
Damage: 75/75/100
ROF: 26,09
Aimtime: 2,2
Accuracy: 0,42
Depression: -9/+20
Traverse: -15/+15
Ammo carried: 76

75mm M-3
Caliber: 75
Penetration: 92/109/38
Damage: 110/110/175
ROF: 20
Aimtime: 2,1
Accuracy: 0,41
Depression: -9/+20
Traverse: -15/+15
Ammo carried: 65

Tier 5: Sherman III

Stock model:


Elite model:


Stock armor:


Elite armor:


Warning: Placeholder stats!

Turrets available: D50878, D82081
Engines available: Wright R-975C1, GM 6046, Chrysler A57, Wright R-975C4
Guns available: 75mm M3, 6pdr Mk.III, 105mm M4 L/23, 6pdr Mk.V, 76mm M1A1

Tier 5: Archer





Tier: 5
Price: 400000 credits
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, driver, loader/radioman)
Hitpoints: 450
Weight: 16,357
Maximum speed: 16/32 (yes, it goes backward faster than forward)
View range: 310 (likely pre-buff)
Radio range: 400 (550)

AEC A189 (135hp)
AEC A190 (131hp)
GMC 6004 6-71S (138hp)
GMC 6004 6-71A (165hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 10,087 hp/t

Traverse: 20 (22)
Terrain resistance: 1,2/1,4/2,3 (1,1/1,3/2,1)

Hull: 20/20/20
Superstructure: 20/10/10


6pdr Mk.IV
Caliber: 57
Penetration: 110/180/30
Damage: 75/75/100
ROF: 26,25
Aimtime: 2,28
Accuracy: 0,43
Depression: -8/+15
Traverse: -23/+23
Ammo carried: 102

17pdr Mk.VII
Caliber: 76,2
Penetration: 171/239/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 18,42
Aimtime: 2,29
Accuracy: 0,4
Depression: -8/+15
Traverse: -23/+23
Ammo carried: 39

Tier 6: Sherman IC Firefly CH

Stock model:


Elite model:


Stock armor:


Elite armor:


Warning: Placeholder stats!

Turrets available: M34A1, No.2 Mk.I
Engines available: Wright R-975C1, Chrysler A57 Multibank
Guns available: 75mm M3,105mm M4 L/23, 76mm M1A1, OQF 17pdr Mk.VII

Tier 6: Achilles II C

Stock model:


Elite model:


Stock armor:


Elite armor:


Tier: 6
Price: 880000 credits
Crew: 5 (commander, radioman, gunner, driver, loader)
Hitpoints: 384 (414)
Weight: 29,306 (30,784)
Maximum speed: 40/11
View range: 370
Radio range: 400 (550)

Wright R975 EC2 (400 hp)
Wright R-975C1 (400 hp)
GM 6046 (410 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 13,32 hp/t

Traverse: 28 (30)
Terrain resistance: 1,3/1,7/2,5 (1,1/1,3/2,3)

Hull: 38/19/25
Stock turret (M10A1): 76/19/25
Elite turret (Achilles): 76/19/25
Turret traverse: 16 (16)

Guns (values for top turret) – warning, it’s possible these numbers are placeholders as well, not sure:

3in M7
Caliber: 76
Penetration: 101/157/38
Damage: 110/110/175
ROF: 15,91
Aimtime: 1,71
Accuracy: 0,43
Depression: -10/+30
Ammo carried: 54

17pdr Mk.VII
Caliber: 76,2
Penetration: 171/239/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 18,42
Aimtime: 2,29
Accuracy: 0,4
Depression: -10/+30
Ammo carried: 50

Tier 7: Challenger

Stock model:


Elite model:


Stock armor:


Elite armor (please note that the “spaced roof” was a screwed model and got fixed in the meanwhile)


Tier: 7
Price: 1400000 credits
Crew: 4 (commander/radioman, gunner, driver, loader)
Hitpoints: 1050 (1250)
Weight: 32,76 (35,176)
Maximum speed: 52/20
View range: 350 (380)
Radio range: 450 (700)

RR Meteor (600 hp)
RR Meteor Mk.IVB (650 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 18,47 hp/t

Traverse: 34 (36)
Terrain resistance: 1/1,2/2 (0,9/1/1,8)

Hull: 63/50/38
Stock turret (A30 Challenger): 63/40/40
Elite turret (A30 SP Avenger): 50/40/40
Turret traverse: 26 (30)

Guns (values for top turret) – warning, it’s possible these numbers are placeholders as well, not sure:

17pdr Mk.VII
Caliber: 76,2
Penetration: 171/239/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 18,42
Aimtime: 2,26
Accuracy: 0,4
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 64

17pdr Mk.VII (late)
Caliber: 76,2
Penetration: 171/239/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 18,75
Aimtime: 2,2
Accuracy: 0,4
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 64

20pdr Type A
Caliber: 83,4
Penetration: 226/258/42
Damage: 230/230/280
ROF: 18,42
Aimtime: 2,29
Accuracy: 0,4
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 48

Tier 8: Charioteer

Charioteer only has one turret.





Tier: 8
Price: 2600000 credits
Crew: 4 (commander/radioman, gunner, driver, loader)
Hitpoints: 1450
Weight: 30,216
Maximum speed: 52/20
View range: 370
Radio range: 450 (700)

RR Meteor (600 hp)
RR Meteor Mk.IVB (650 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 21,51 hp/t

Traverse: 34 (36)
Terrain resistance: 1/1,2/2 (0,9/1/1,8)

Hull: 64/14/38
Elite turret (Charioteer): 30/20/30
Turret traverse: 26

Guns (values for top turret) – warning, it’s possible these numbers are placeholders as well, not sure:

20pdr Type A
Caliber: 83,4
Penetration: 226/258/42
Damage: 230/230/280
ROF: 18,42
Aimtime: 2,29
Accuracy: 0,4
Depression: -5/+10
Ammo carried: 25

20pdr Type B
Caliber: 83,4
Penetration: 226/258/42
Damage: 230/230/280
ROF: 18,42
Aimtime: 2,1
Accuracy: 0,36
Depression: -5/+10
Ammo carried: 25

105mm L7
Caliber: 105
Penetration: 268/210/105
Damage: 390/480/480
ROF: 8
Aimtime: 2,29
Accuracy: 0,42
Depression: -5/+10
Ammo carried: 25

Tier 9: FV4004 Conway

Again, for some reason the model is not working for me. Oh well the vehicle looks like this:


Armor model (it has only one turret):


Tier: 9
Price: 3500000 credits
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, driver, loader/radioman)
Hitpoints: 1500
Weight: 51,01
Maximum speed: 35/20
View range: 380
Radio range: 550 (750)

RR Meteor Mk.IVB (650 hp)
RR Meteor Mk.IVC (750 hp)
RR Griffon (950 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 18,62 hp/t

Traverse: ? (28)
Terrain resistance: 1/1,3/2,1 (1/1,1/1,9)

Hull: 76,2/50,8/38,1
Elite turret (FV4004): 132,1/95,3/36,5
Turret traverse: cca 16 (unclear, for 100 percent crew it’s 16,7)

Guns – warning, it’s possible these numbers are placeholders as well, not sure:

Turret fully rotating.

120mm L1A1
Caliber: 120
Penetration: 259/326/120
Damage: 400/400/515
ROF: 8,022 (for 100 percent crew)
Aimtime: 1,82 (for 100 percent crew)
Accuracy: 0,307 (for 100 percent crew)
Depression: -5/+10
Ammo carried: 35

105mm L7 (yes, 105mm is the top gun)
Caliber: 105
Penetration: 268/210/105
Damage: 390/480/480
ROF: 8,82
Aimtime: 1,8
Accuracy: 0,31
Depression: -5/+10
Ammo carried: 72

FV4005 Stage II



Armor (yes, the turret is only 14mm thick):


Tier: 10
Price: 6100000 credits
Crew: 5 (commander/radioman, gunner, driver, 2x loader)
Hitpoints: 1850
Weight: 51,502
Maximum speed: 35/12
View range: 390
Radio range: 750

RR Meteor Mk.IVB (650 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 12,62 hp/t

Traverse: 32
Terrain resistance: 1/1,3/1,9

Hull: 76,2/50,8/38,1
Elite turret (FV4005 Stage II): 14/14/14
Turret traverse: 16


183mm L4
Caliber: 182,9
Penetration: 310/230/92
Damage: 1150/1750/1750
ROF: 2,22
Aimtime: 3
Accuracy: 0,38
Depression: -5/+8
Traverse: -45/+45
Ammo carried: 12

43 thoughts on “9.5 Supertest Vehicles Summary

  1. The accuracy values have to be placeholders as well, 0.4 spread is unusual for british tanks, and for british TDs or TDs in general ridiculous. I will definitely skip the Archer though, it appears to have OP gun and OP camo, but zero armor with zero mobility (except backwards). If it gets better accuracy I might think about it.

    • The Archer has its gun facing backwards so when you go forward in world of tanks you actually going backwards which is probably why the reverse speed is much higher than the forward because the gun points to the back of the tank. No idea why

      • The valentine chassis would only cope with the 17pdr if it was fitted pointing backwards. The armour values must be wrong though, because they should be the same as the valentine and valentine A/T. The 6pdr is rubbish too, as the whole point of the Archer was as a self propelled anti-tank gun mounting the 17pdr.

  2. I have the suspicion that the rof on the Achilles may also be a placeholder. 18.5 rpm on the 17-pounder is pretty crazy. for a 150 damage gun. The AT8 at the same tier only gets like 13.something rpm and the AT15A just under 14. I guess the Achilles gets more because it’s so soft but damn that’s a lot.

    I’d totally play Sherman III with 6-pounder if it gets the Sherman’s 12 degrees depression, I love spammy 57mm guns at tier5 and the 6pounder isn’t actually any less accurate than the derpy 76mm M1A1 anyway.

    • 18.5 RPM is over 2700 DPM (which is sick), combined with that accuracy the black prince now seems incredibly mediocre (I like the black prince but it’s really not a good gun) I think they will decrease it too around 14/15 and give the black prince a buff to 14 RPM (if needed)

      • the current ROF on the Black Prince is surprisingly historical at the moment, in testing they got the gun firing 1 round every 5 seconds with an untrained loader, you get slightly lower than that with 100% crew (no vents or rammer). personally I think the Black prince could do with some more modules, after all there were proposals to fit it with a 32 pounder gun or a centurion turret with a 20 pounder. (there was also an alternate turret design different to the current one in game). the BP also needs a speed buff, with the meteor engine it was expected to be able to hit roughly 30kmph on road while in game it still maxs out at 22ish

  3. meh…more clone tanks, no thx
    at least the lower tiers,,sounds boring if u aleady went through usa tech tree
    like it was for me with chinese tanks, did the russian tanks, now i had same tanks on lower chinese tree.
    free exp isnt cheap so..spending euros in skipping virtual tanks its not my type :P

  4. The hull armor of Archer is far inferior than Valentine and Bishop. Had British really reduced the armor in order to fit the 17pdr?

    • Yeah, that’s odd.

      The U-shaped 14mm section around the engine is new, and the flat portions of the hull are 20mm instead of 60mm.

    • Yes, how dare the British gets guns that are moderately approaching how powerful other nations guns are for TDs on the tiers. How DARE they.

  5. What’s up with the crappy accuracy, i mean.. come on.. these are glasscannon TDs with 17 pdrs, wow let’s give them 0.4 accuracy, even at tier 7!!!!11¡¡
    And the Charioteer as well, like that gun is unbalanced.. not sure if people are actually gonna use it.
    Meh what a dissapointment, but hey.. accuracy is not everything, still look like great machines though.

    • It will be nerfed 3patches later. After every player will have BOUGHT their way to it. With real money of course.

      WG admitted they make tank stats with monetization in mind. Aka forcing players mind to buy their way.

  6. Looking at the comment section,,the PLACEHOLDER notice needs to be spammed even further, or maybe commenter need to check “Yes, I do know that it’s a placeholder data” before they could comment :p

  7. I hope to god these are placeholder values:
    20pdr Type A
    Caliber: 83,4
    Penetration: 226/258/42
    Damage: 230/230/280
    ROF: 18,42
    Aimtime: 2,29
    Accuracy: 0,4
    Depression: -10/+20
    Ammo carried: 48

    the tier 7 TD has 4200 DPM

  8. They raped terrain resistance and traverse on Archer, now intead of fast-turning nice gimmick tank, we got a slowass turd with terrible traverse, that goes backward.

    I was so looking forward to it, not anymore. ;_;

    • It’s missing its historical top engine, goes 16kph forward, and has very low viewrange for an open-topped vehicle. Not to mention the 17pdr has a RoF of ~18.5, which is hilariously overpowered (3.25s reload, ~2770dpm, vs the AT-15′s ~2878 at tier 8).

      Hopefully these are signs that the stats are something that someone pulled out of their ass to fill the space (like many of the other vehicle’s stats), otherwise the tank is overall going to be fairly terrible, with an insane DPM that will quickly get it nerfed into obscurity.

  9. Pingback: 9.5 Placeholders | For the Record

  10. mehhhh only looking forward to the Sherman Firefly and they buggered that model up. Giving us the Sherman IC (Composite hull) Hull (Polish) and not the Firefly VC

    Some Canadian Firefly Conversions Deemed Grizzly were done on the Canadian Licensed M4A1 Hull. None saw combat.

    However since most of the Firefly’s that were manufactured were VC’s it should be on the M4A4 Hull not the IC.

    Note the video:


  11. Really looking forward to the Archer. One of my favorite tanks before I started playing W.o.t

  12. Isn’t the 17pdr a bit much for a tier 6 medium tank? That’s more firepower than the British tier 6 heavy and equal firepower to the tier 6 TDs. That’s like putting the 90mm M3 on the M4A3E8..

    That’s also nearly 3,000 DPM with 170 penetration…

    At tier 6…


  13. Also, 3,500 DPM on a tier 9 turreted TD with 1.8 second aimtime and awesome accuracy.

    Just…wow. Okay.