
You wanted more interesting news? You’ll like this then.

- no ETA on HD IS-3
- it’s decided that Panther 88 will not have limited MM
- Storm states that the statement that Panther 88 will see tier 10′s in 2/3 of its battles is false
- Panther 88 will be a premium German tank (not an event one)
- apparently, the Panther 88 MM spread was not a balancing department decision (SS: I wonder whose then)
- Storm on the future of WoT: “We also want progress. We are trying. Maybe it’s worse than it has to be, but we are trying.”
- Storm cannot say (is not allowed to) which nations will get their own branches in 2015, but it will be two EU branches (SS: Czech and Italian or Swedish IIRC) and one non-EU branch

- when it comes to priorities in content development, Storm explains: “creating a branch is faster but more expensive than creating physics, because a lot of people are working on it. Creating new physics takes longer and it’s cheaper, because fewer people are working on it.”
- new nation in 2015? “No comment”
- when it comes to fixing perks, Storm wants to do it all at once (not per partest), so that WG doesn’t have to do skill reset several times
- Storm admits that there are tasks with significantly higher priority than the perk reset
- motion physics test will not come this year
- Havok is being developed for 1,5 years now (from the first experiments)
- Storm hates publicity, he states he was practically forced to do the KTTS videos
- HD maps will come after new render system, new landscape render and new vegetation and water render
- the new iteration of Big World engine will not bring any outer changes, most changes are internal. It’s possible there might be some FPS increase, but no guarantees.
- WG is developing new render – with Dx11 support and multicore support
- WG is planning some changes to matchmaking system, but no details for now, as “the question is difficult for a direct answer”. Storm however states that for now, they will do some fixes for the current MM and after that, they will start developing a completely new matchmaker
- developers considered the option to hardcap the amount of top tier tanks in battle (so that it would be easier for top tanks to pwn and for bottom of the team to survive). This solution was not completely scrapped, but it’s hard because of the amount of tanks in queues (as in, there are not always tanks for the top slots in the queue and such)
- WG doesn’t consider really fast losses to be a problem
- alternative hulls will come after all tanks are reworked to HD
- T-35 is not in WG plans for now

110 thoughts on “1.12.2014

  1. - Storm cannot say (is not allowed to) which nations will get their own branches in 9.5, but it will be two EU branches (SS: Czech and Italian or Swedish IIRC) and one non-EU branch

    what ?

  2. - Storm cannot say (is not allowed to) which nations will get their own branches in 9.5, but it will be two EU branches (SS: Czech and Italian or Swedish IIRC) and one non-EU branch

    Ahem…what? 9.5?

  3. “- Storm hates publicity, he states he was practically forced to do the KTTS videos”

    we hate bugs, but we are practically forced to play with bugs in wot

    • “yes,we hates bugs,after we complaint the graphics of wot,they improved,after they improve the graphics of wot,we complain about bugs”

  4. - WG is developing new render – with Dx11 support and multicore support

    Finally! Now only proper multi gpu support for AMD and nVidia multi gpu solutions and we are set.

      • When it works properly it has nice benefits… (in games that aren’t CPU-bound, at least)

          • That is the problem of WoT. In this day and age (2014/15!!) it is too much cpu bound due to it’s single threaded nature.

            Not even starting about memory management, loading all that is needed for a battle into RAM, instead of needing to stream it from disk only at the moment it is needed.

    • WoT isn’t demanding enough to need more than 1 gpu. Unless you somehow cf/sli 2 crappy gpu..

      • Its nearly impossible/useless unless you have very old GPU. Slower GPUs (like for example GTX630) dont even have sli.

      • No not demanding? Try Fraps and compared framerates between a non-HD model and a new HD model while in garage :)
        The client could offload much more to the GPU then it does now, if it weren’t so much cpu bound. Which would result in a gfx performance increase, multi gpu would only help although it is not the holy grail ;)

        For example WFGF, one gpu gives me about 35fps. Cfx enabled increases it to about 60.

    • The problem still remains for the desktop calculators that are being used in Russia, which as you know is their largest market.

  5. i love how WG talks about priorities when theirs are all fucked up, example:
    “- when it comes to priorities in content development, Storm explains: “creating a branch is faster but more expensive than creating physics, because a lot of people are working on it. Creating new physics takes longer and it’s cheaper, because fewer people are working on it.””

    no wonder that physics that should have been out in 9.0 back in MAY(or was it earlier?) won’t come this year, probably only 2 poor schmucks/interns are working on that.

    • Increasing people count =/= faster done work. It just doesn’t work that way.

      You can make more people go into more countries and research more tanks. You can’t make more people make physics engine faster.

      It’s like the old maths example with a trick.

      Two guys dig a hole 1m x 1m, 3m deep and will have it done in 2 hours. How long will it take to 10 guys?
      *cue maths, 120 minutes for 2 people, 240 people minutes, 24 minutes for 10 people reply*
      No, it will take them 2 hours as well, because you can’t fit more guys into the hole.

      • not really because if you line them up and each one takes one shovel out as fast as it can the time will lower drastically as everyone will exert full powerrrr

        an WG needs to put more people into it, development can be parallelized, either put more testers, more devs or more money(pay an outside developer that isn’t braindead like WG ones)

        • Please, tell me what software projects have you worked on? Even with 6 people it gets difficult to define all the interfaces in the code and sometimes you’ll spend more time making two people’s code fit together than either of them spent writing it. Bottlenecking of development is a well-known phenomenon, and trying to fix it by adding more coders is like trying to fix constipation by getting ass-fucked by a horse.

        • Sometimes 3 workers are better and more efficient than 10. Don’t underestimate how much of a pain communication can be and how much it can set you back.
          I would rather work with 2 other guys who I trust and know will work hard and well rather than 9 other’s who I can’t trust and might laze around whenever they can.

          Than again I know nothing of this coding business so it could be that what I have just said is completely invalid in this line of work.

        • All depends upon the size of the hole you are trying to dig. In wargamings case it’s a ditch that just happens to be filled with Gas. Unfortunately Serb is a smoker and they need more new guys everyday…

    • Nice gun, more heavy than medium but it fails in both (depends on your game style), expect a lot of T10 battles… If you are in a hurry, why not, but as for me, I’d wait for that French one because that looks like a real medium tank (and also doubt it’ll have preferred MM)…

  6. - WG doesn’t consider really fast losses to be a problem

    I’d really like to have more information on this because I think that battles like these are result of MM fail!

    • ….which it would be so easy to fix if the MM would simply balance out the average Personal Rating of both teams, so that we’d get rid of really stupid situations like 3-man Unicum platoons + 2/3/4 blue/green players in one team and a sea of tomatoes on the other.

      • Believe it or not, 3-man Unicum platoons don’t always win.

        Skill MM will fix nothing. Because then, if you’re in a low tier tank, the people in the high-tier tanks will always beat you, because you have the same skill level and it all boils down to the tanks. This will just cause more rage about -2/2+ MM.

        You got a 15 : 0 pub-stomp? Move on. There will always be the next game.

        • That’s simply Jingles’ logic, with which I do not agree in the slightest.

          I was talking about AVERAGING OUT THE OVERALL PR. Which is not quite the same thing as “Skill MM”.

          My idea makes the MM place 3-4-5 green players in one team to counter the 3 platooned Unicums in the other team, REGARDLESS OF TIER.

          And I’m sorry, but no sane-minded person enjoys complete roflstomps. From either side of the barricade.

      • The problem with the personal rating of a given player is that WG does not and will never use WN8 or its predecessors. They use win rate as a measure of a player’s skill. So, beware what you ask for since you can get it and don’t like the end result.

    • i wouldn’t blame MM, wot has already passed the point of no return of fucktard population(meaning there’s enough scrub scum to populate ALL tiers), the majority of players are so incredibly bad one has to wonder how they can breathe without a guide.
      Thus statistically teams formed of complete useless fucktards will be formed and will be completely annihilated by anyone with a tiny bit of quality.

      and this happen on all tiers, because 40%ers shit scrub scum fucktards have thoroughly permeated ALL tiers in quantity (at least back then you new the retards haven’t yet reached high tiers)

      • I also think, in addition, that Morale is a major part of those losses. Especially when XVM “predicts” a low win chance.

        For some reason, many believe that 3 tanks lost means you lose. It never made sense to me.

    • “That’s the whole point: They want games to be faster. The more games you play, the more ammo you use, repairs you need, etc…so the more gold/credits you spend, and with credit earnings nerfed into the dirt, you buy more gold and credits at the store.

      Older players have told me that 2 years ago they never had a game that lasted any less than 10 minutes, now games can be over in 3-5 mins. or less even.”

      Quoted to be by a player this morning. And I agree with him.

      • That’s because you and the person saying it are both rather stupid and don’t understand causation vs corelation.

        First of all, there is no benefit for WG to have faster games, longer game goes on, more ammo is wasted. Ammo price is BY FAR much greater than repairs which you would still have to pay in a longer game as chances are longer games are to elimination end with majority dead. So right of the bat, you are just batshit stupid.

        Secondly, I have played this game non-stop since the start. The games used to last longer because map design and gameplay encouraged camping. So yes, the game lasted longer but also were significantly more boring, with 10 minutes of staring into nothing. Majority, VAST majority of my draws are from pre-9.0 patch days, it’s very rare to get a draw now.

        What changed? The gameplay and maps. Changes to the maps force players into more active role, with less camping and more advancement. Arty nerf allowed turds that previously couldn’t figure out how to drive 5 feet without being hit by arty now can drive 100 feet before they drown or do something else stupid.

        So year, games are shorter, but for a good reason, not because some tinfoil turds think it’s conspiracy.

    • Nope, in most cases those steamrolls are the result of RNG itself!

      One side get bad RNG via misses, dings, no penetration and no damage criticals, while the other side hits most of their shots.

      Put here “derpers”, auto loader and high alpha guns” and there is the result of steamrolls. > One side get very fast kills 3 – 6 targets via autoloader and high alpha guns,. while the other miss half of those “critical” shots.

      I do not deny that there is no skill involved, but exactly this enormous RNG in penetration and accuracy itself, along with firepower disparity between ” RoF” alpha and autoloader” guns make this just too much common!

  7. Regarding the MM, one aspect to review is the number of tanks per type and tier. I see too many matches where the teams have not even number of top tier heavies and so on. Playing in a match where you top tier medium has to face 2-3 more top tier heavies is not that fun.

    • Example from yesterday: 3 tier8 in each team (our side had Indien; SupPershing;Jtiger88;Enemy side had IS6;T28;??); 3 tier7s in each team; rest tier6.
      All our 8s went to same side and on other side single enemy tier8 (T28) just wiped those tier6 and few 7s.
      What you can do in tier6 except make few shots and get killed in 2 shots? :D
      It was “balanced” MM per tiers or type, but you cannot balance what those top tiers might do or not do in battle.

    • i got real tired of WG lies and shit back when 9.0 was released with NOTHING in it, that is ZERO out of everything that was promised.
      that’s when i called quits

      7+months later the 9.0 patch still hasn’t been released as it should have been, heh i’m glad i left and stopped believing the shit they spew

    • Because the IS-3′s a bad tank and needs the buffs it’ll get from the HD model.



  8. The moneymaking abilities of the Panther 88 should be off the charts to make it even slightly tempting to buy one.
    Otherwise, it’s just a worse (well, no shit, it’s a premium) Panther 2

      • Smaller, better camo, better DPM, and absurdly good ground stats? FCM is also made of module damage, I constantly get the turret ring and ammorack broken…

        It also has better accuracy, aim time, DPM, traverse and track stats than Panther 2

        • who cares about camo in brawling meta?
          FCM is still faster
          DPM difference is minuscule
          It’s barely smaller too (it’s a fairly big tank)

          Now for disadvantages:
          - non-limited MM
          - Worse pen
          - less HP
          - doesn’t have troll tracks
          - worse gun depression

      • But atrocious module health. Which I don’t think the Panther will have.

        That module health could very well be the reason it has preferential.

        • Yeah, because the Panther I/II are totally NOT known for being module damage champions.

          Oh you shot a Panther through the front? Driver + Radioman dead, starts burning and engine and ammorack are gone.

          Oh you shot a Panther in the turret? Commander, gunner and loader are forced to take a break and, yeah, the ammorack is gone aswell.

          Srsly, Panther is shit on tracks modulewise, never driven anything with that much module damages as a Panther.

  9. - Storm cannot say (is not allowed to) which nations will get their own branches in 2015, but it will be two EU branches (SS: Czech and Italian or Swedish IIRC) and one non-EU branch

    Question: A branch is a “line” from Tier 1 to 10 right?
    So we will get an EU Tree/Country with 2 lines/branches right?

  10. “- the new iteration of Big World engine will not bring any outer changes, most changes are internal. It’s possible there might be some FPS increase, but no guarantees.”
    They better fix the shitty coding they did, getting 20 FPS with the 3rd best GPU in the world is fucking ridiculous.

    • In case you missed it: The bottleneck for WoT are not the GPUs, but single-core CPU power HDD read-times.

      • IK, but WG retards say “Low FPS? Buy better GPU” so here its another proof that they are full of bullshit.

  11. Panther 88 with no limited MM?
    I hope it another case of AT-15A which they now limit the MM to 7-8 now

    • What specific thing would be the reason for limited MM on it? It’s more or less the same as the Panther II, save for different mobility values. And the Panther II sees normal MM.

      • There already exists a Premium that fulfills the same role as the panther premium but with better match making. The FCM. Also with better gun depression and likely acceleration(Much better HP/ton).

  12. - it’s decided that Panther 88 will not have limited MM

    Thank god I don’t play German Medium. Blessing to those get into T10 Match.

  13. - WG doesn’t consider really fast losses to be a problem

    WTF? That is the BIGGEST problem in WoT!!! (the worst match so far was a 3 min 10 sec 15-0 tier 5 battle in prokhorovka)

    • I agree. On more than one occasion I’ve been in slaughters (on both sides) that have lasted less than 2 minutes (not counting the time countdown) but it’s going to be an absolute bastard to try and fix this issue, because it’s, at least in part, the player’s fault.

  14. Panther 88 wont have prem MM.
    I am fine with that i guees,will buy it as soon as it comes out,
    I dont think people should expect it to have premium MM because its better than the non premium Panther II on every regard apart from gun depression and useless armor that it had…Big deal.
    CDC will be nerfed so yeah aint waiting for that.
    STA-2 is just a bad Panther 88 looks like.Gun depression is an exception tho……

  15. - WG doesn’t consider really fast losses to be a problem
    well…. without at least some elements of skill MM it’i not possible to avoid this. Without it, there will alwas be a chance to have 70% chance to win which usually is insta-lose/win situation.

  16. I dont understand why they dont just make games with for instance :
    5 T7 , 5 T8 , 5 T9
    8 T6 and 7 T5
    all same tier depending on what is overflowing the MM , rather than the retarded 10 T9 , 4 T8 and have fun with your T25/2 games we have now.

    • Because more players play tier 10 and 8 than 9
      More players play 5 and 6 than 7
      More players play 4 than 3 and 2
      More players play tier 2 than tier 1

      Among other things. ( premium matchmaking, matchmaking weight )

      • Because tier 9 and 7 doesnt have anything going for them.

        I wish WG made them more viable, tier 10, 8, 6 all have CW, Team Battles, Strongholds and what not.
        (Tier 1-5 mostly stepping blocks)

        Why can’t we have modes for tier 9 and 7 ?

    • Man, you gotta squeeze your ass all through that painful T-25/2 grind. One of the most horrible tanks in the game. Not only is it by far the worse T7 TD, and Hellcat is much better at T8 or T9, it also has the worst MM of all T7 tanks, always ending up on T9 or T8. As soon as you finish it, sell it and forget it ever existed.

  17. “- apparently, the Panther 88 MM spread was not a balancing department decision (SS: I wonder whose then)”

    WG, please. What the hell are you doing? Sadly I believe them that they have no clue themselves.

  18. Q: Is there ANYTHING that will surely won’t be postponed to a later patch?
    Storm: Bugs will come, but the packet losses are still under supertest.

  19. >> – apparently, the Panther 88 MM spread was not a balancing department decision (SS: I wonder whose then)

    PR department. Because, you know, German…

    >> – WG doesn’t consider really fast losses to be a problem

    From their point of view, not a problem. Faster battles equals more battles…

    OTOH, where can we expect Japanese arty branch, trolololollll…?

    • At least the Panther 88′s got a really good gun for it’s tier. The Fury has an iffy gun for a tier 6, nerfed mobility and protection over the standard E8, cost more than any other tier 6 premium tank and still doesn’t get preferential matchmaking.

      “Wargaming hates Germans” doesn’t work there.

      I mean, didn’t they say they weren’t giving the Scorpion preferential matchmaking? Meh gun, shit DPM, no armor and slow… And they want $50.00 for it?

  20. What the hell is the point of alternative hulls ? Guess which hull will be top – the current one on all tanks, and the stock will be worse. Just one more module you need to research. Am I the only one who sees this ?

      • Alternative hulls will benefit quite a few vehicles.

        Like the M46 ingame. If they do alternate hulls and the alternate hull is the M47 or T42 hull, it will gain a massive buff to it’s frontal protection with the alternate hull.

        You’re the only one who sees this because you see it incorrectly..

  21. This just in FIX THE GAME! before adding stuff. FIX THE GAME! before adding textures, new tanks lines new countries. FIX THE GAME! Too hell with the Havoc engine for the Time Being. FIX THE GAME as it stands right now.

  22. Kind of wish they’d straighten out some of the current routes before adding other routes. The US medium route is still in shambles and is probably the biggest mess of hodge-podge frankentanks in the game.

    The US 2nd TD route is almost as bad…T25/2, T28P and T110E4 as it is ingame never even existed and the T30 wasn’t a TD…So that whole route is made-up…