Reaction on the Hall of Shame Apology

Last post about the Hall of Shame, I promise :)

Player Der_Mittelfranke, who was insulted by the apologizing HoS ex-member contacted me with his reply to the matter and I was asked to – if possible – publish it. Why not – both sides get to talk. I think it’s an important example altogether of how things should really go. Thanks to both sides for settling this.

English translation (not mine):

Yes, I was the one who submitted those pictures (“Der_Mittelfranke”, EU-Server). I am certainly not a shy guy and when my nerves are stressed it might happen that I call other palyers “noobs”, “idiots” or “assholes”. I also understand other players, who occasionally lose their temper and write some insults in chat to their team. Everyone has a bad day every once in a while, gets bad teams or is trolled by RNGesus. If someone calls me an “idiot” or “asshole” I’m not going to make a screenshot of it or report it etc. I just don’t care enough to be arsed to do so. But what I can’t stand are those anonymous internet-warriors, who threaten you in RL by death or who make racist comments. I am sorry, but as a German, I don’t have any understanding for such actions, no matter how angry someone is at that very moment. The player in question is German himself. He should know that racist remarks regarding this period of our history are intolerable. No matter if it was a insult in a game or in RL. I have Jewish family members which could tell him some not-so-funny stories from that period of time.

Nevertheless, his apology is a step into the right direction. I accept his apology and hope, that he learned something from his misbehaviour so he doesn’t insult like this again in the future. For me this whole matter is closed.

German original:

Ja, die Bilder habe ich eingesendet (Der_Mittelfranke, EU-Server). Ich bin selbst mit Sicherheit kein Kind von Traurigkeit und wenn ich im Spiel zu viel bekomme, dann kommt es schon mal vor, dass ich meine Mitspieler als Idioten, Noobs oder auch mal als Arschlöcher bezeichne. Ich habe auch vollstes Verständnis für jeden anderen Spieler, der mal zu viel kriegt und im Chat ein paar Sprüche und Beleidigungen an das Team schreibt. Jeder hat einen schlechten Tag, bekommt schlechte Teams oder wird vom RNG getrollt. Wenn mich einer als Idiot oder Arschloch beschimpft, dann mache ich deswegen weder einen Screenshot, noch vergebe ich deshalb einen Report oder Ähnliches, es ist mir einfach egal. Was ich aber absolut nicht leiden kann, sind diese anonymen Internethelden, die Drohungen gegen Leib und Leben aussprechen oder mit rassistischen Nazisprüchen um sich werfen. Sorry, aber als Deutscher habe ich hier keinerlei Verständnis dafür, ganz egal wie sauer Jemand nun gerade ist. Der Spieler, von dem die Beleidigungen kamen, ist selber Deutscher und sollte eigentlich wissen, dass Sprüche mit Bezug auf diese Periode unserer Geschichte, definitiv nichts sind, was als Beleidigung in einem Spiel noch in irgendeiner Form tolerierbar wäre. Sofern es hier Verständnisprobleme gibt, kann ich gerne Kontakt mit Juden aus meiner Familie herstellen, die ihm dann einmal ein paar weniger lustige Geschichten aus dieser Zeit erzählen können.

Nichts desto trotz, ist es ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, wenn man sich entschuldigt, das erkenne ich an. Ich hoffe, dass der betreffende Spieler das nächste Mal seinen Verstand einschaltet bevor er mit solchen Sprüchen um sich wirft. Ansonsten ist die Geschichte damit von meiner Seite aus erledigt.

56 thoughts on “Reaction on the Hall of Shame Apology

  1. all these 3 guys need a pat on the back for being adult about the whole affair………….theres really no need or place for the type of behaviour that goes on

  2. This topic is getting waaaay more attention than it should :/ Ppl call each other names… so what ?! Happens about 5 times every minute in the game.

    • Nope, it doesn’t. I’ve gone nearly 20k battles and have only met this kind of behaviour 3-5 times maximum.
      It’s not about calling names, it’s about being racist, wishing death upon you, cancer to your family or other vile messages.
      It’s not okay and it should get attention. Don’t worry your precious leaked information will return shortly.

        • Same here, almost 20k matches in 18 months — which means I play a lot — too much — and I rarely see these sort of comments … so when it happens is serious

      • yes i agree i have 20k plus games and i never seen this kind of racist remarks about jews gassing people and what not,, in battle chat it was ”noobs,idiots,donkeys” yes (which from time to time i say also but this definetly if these guys now realize what they did and say to one another and apoligaze i think it’s step in right direction..anyway gg guys

      • Oh, boo hoo. Some poorly raised spoiled brat called you names and threatened to murder you on the internet. Tell me something new. If you are so sensitive about these things, than turn off chat, and problem solved.

        ” It’s not about calling names, it’s about being racist, wishing death upon you, cancer to your family or other vile messages. ”

        Welcome to the internet, where keyboard warriors roam free, and where no one gives a damn about your opinion, or what you say.

        • Some behaves cant be tolerated doesn’t matter where, and if you think people is safe behind their keyboards be careful, what you tell and type can lead you in deep troubles in real life.

          There are limits!

        • It’s less about us and more about them.
          People who discriminate unfairly against others should be dealt with and fixed. For their own future.

    • One thing is call someone and idiot in internet game, other thing is make racist comments, or glorify Nazis in those games.

      Opposite to my home lives a old grandpa, he was forced laborer during WW2, serving in Nazi Germany, anyone who thinks that saying something about holocaust, or Nazis on the internet is funny, or cool, should talk about this with him. Stories this man tells are horrid, and even now, after all this years, he still cries when he talk about it…

      I was in Auschwitz museum, saw gas chambers, saw pictures of people who were there, saw chimneys, saw belonging of people who died there, and i would never ever wish my worst enemy to end in conditions like that.

    • I’ve never seen any racist insults in a match yet… and that’s on EU! Either you guys play way more often than me or I’ve just been lucky. :P

    • Yup, once I trolled a Croat Nazi wannabe and his jimmies got seriously russled. His reaction was hillarious :D

      • Just oneshot a full hp patton… Then I noticed he was an EFE member :>

        Sweet rage flew towards me immediately…

        My reaction: “Oops, did I just oneshot you?”

        • Actually it’s the same verb. “Getrollt” is the past participle, “trollen” is the infinitive

          • Actually tronicson is part right.
            The verb is the same although the meaning in this context is different.
            The one in Duden is the passive verb meaning “sich trollen”.
            (translation: Ich trolle mich (“I troll myself”) = I toddle off)

            On the other hand all i wanted to say was, that this verb exists in german (for quite a while) and it has gained a new meaning but from the grammar point of view there is nothing wrong with the quoted sentence.

  3. And where is ” act III ” – there is always act III with ‘story twist’, sutch soap opera – where is my tissue…

  4. Someone please call me a j*w, com*ie, n*zi, slav*c sc*m etc. or wish me canc*r on the internet so i wont have to give a f*ck. I appreciate your work SS, but this drama is unbearable. Yeah well, dont pla…read it… :/

    • Thank you, finally a person who realizes not to give a crap about what these trolling primitive ppl have to say to you in chat.

  5. For those that were born couple generations or more after the WWII, between matches, have a read to All Hell Let Loose by Max Hastings. It puts things into context.

  6. “I accept his apology and hope, that he learned something from his misbehaviour so he doesn’t insult like this again in the future. For me this whole matter is closed.”

    Oh boy, next step is SS becoming the official White Knight of the Internet and will forgive us all for our sins…

    • You know SS didn’t say that…nor is he white knighting.
      Is it so wrong to commend respectable and mature behavior? Do you really have to try and paint SS negatively so you can (try to) look cool?

  7. After reading both articles I have to say that SilentStalker is the greatest and most brilliant troll of our time :)

    And for the text:
    “I am sorry, but as a German, I don’t have any understanding for such actions, no matter how angry someone is at that very moment. The player in question is German himself. He should know that racist remarks regarding this period of our history are intolerable.”

    Sir, you are very Indoctrinated.

    This is Captain Sweden:
    Captain Germany is his younger and more tolerant boyfriend.

  8. Yes I get mad at the game, my team mates and the enemy on occasion, but it a bullshit bounce, arty one shooting me 1 minute into the game etc etc. But normal human beings do not resort to racist comments, and what it it with Nazism in this particular game?

  9. And lesson for others, too…
    I hope, it won’t be the wrong one, with getting away cheaply from anything by apologizing, some guys can be like that. Those seem sincere, though.

  10. NA player here, nobody cares. Nobody.

    “Muh racism!!!!” – Another edgy twelve year old crying because he doesn’t understand the game, who cares. Receiving death threats and assmad player chats is par for the course here, it’s meaningless and quite funny.

    Stop publishing this whiny drivel, please.

    • But damn, we Germans (hi voroseeg) love to whine! It’s what we are best at! Also continue shooting black guys and not caring about racism in NA. ;)

    • Hello, I am Genosse and I am from Germany. Sorry, my English is not very good, but may I help you somehow?

  11. Anal worms – still my fave insult from previous Halls and one I use occasionally.
    And if I get trolled in game or afterwards I usually come onto them or send love & kisses- tends to confuse them delightfully!

  12. These kinds of apologies are largely invalid..Im talking about the offender in the situation.

    He got mad…and instead of saying asshole, or just not saying anything in chat, or making any sort of valid judgement, he immediately went totally nazi….The FIRST place his mind jumped to was being a nazi asshole….That is really fucked up….

    You know there is a problem when nazism becomes an instinct reaction..That’s the same as getting angry because you lost your keys and suddenly you became nazi …lol?

    • Back in 1920 Oktoberfest, Adolf lost his keys from pocket of his leather shorts after too many smoked beers. Next day in hangover Nazi party was founded.

  13. I will never say app. for what write @ wot. i blame because they fucking chiken hearted morons. I dont care. I am not a member of “protect morons rights organizations”

  14. Those two should get a room. Seriously. Internet apologies about stuff they did/said on the very same internet. Lack of balls is immense. I’m not saying the apology itself is bad, but they might as well apologize to eachother via ingame/forum PM instead of going full drama over FTR.

  15. “I have Jewish family members which could tell him some not-so-funny stories from that period of time”

    i have not-at-all jewish family members which could tell you some even more not-so-funny stories from that period of time. Do i get cookies for that? it makes me go nuts when ppl think only jewish ppl suffered from ww2 and thus making them something special.