9.5 Feedback – Individual Missions

Hello everyone,

this is how the individual missions on 9.5 test look like. These are the ones for StuG IV. For other tanks, the missions are supposed to be the same, only with increased difficult (requirements, for example 5000 damage instead of 3000). There are 15 missions for each class in order to get that tank.

All the missions have to be completed in tier 5 or higher vehicle (including light tanks), and you have to be in top 10 XP.

You need to get 20 tokes for a vehicle. For every final mission you get 4 tokens for primary and 1 token for secondary. So if you dont want to play arty, you need to complete the four other branches with secondary objectives. Also, for every final mission you get a female crewmember.

Light Tanks:
















Medium Tanks

















Heavy tanks

There’s a bug here – two HT11 missions, the platoon one should be marked as HT14
















Tank Destroyers
































80 thoughts on “9.5 Feedback – Individual Missions

  1. The obvious question: should you fail to complete the secondary, but complete the primary – can you repeat the mission, or is it “screw you, go play arty”?

  2. What I’m wondering:

    Can you re-do a mission, where you, let’s say, fulfilled the primary condition but failed to do the secondary? Can you try again and do it with better results?

  3. The funny thing is, for those missions that require you to damage a module or kill a crew member, the top tier British tanks are perfect for it. Why? Because HESH lol. The one time where HESH’s randomness will actually be useful.

    • Except for TDs and Heavies, because Russian derp, lol. KV-2 and I/SU = nice knowing your modules and crew.
      And lights are better with US, now (T49, or even Bulldog – 10 shots have a decent chance of getting a hit on something).

      But for meds, I agree.

  4. Ah man, looks like I’ll need to find some one who plays arty to platoon with…. yuck.

    *Edit – these missions are great in general – all the whiners should give WG some credit for introducing something else to keep randoms interesting for long term casual players*

    • This…i just rammed some poor guy,and that mission is not yet activated hmm,ok…30min later i activate it and what? oh look,I cant ram a ****, ill just play next 145 battles with RNGesus bless and hope to again ram someone.

      The same case for 2/3 of these missions.

      • Had a game on malikinova last week where my 13/90 got over 7.5k spotting damage. Think I’ll be able to repeat that when I need it? Not likely!

  5. Wait wait wait wait… Those are the ones for StuG IV? I’m seeing the same ones that were posted before as Ob 260 missions…

  6. I was pretty excited about this when they announced it months ago. I am less excited now. It seems wargaming still managed to ignore the player base here. The whole purpose of the IMs was to be an alternative for those that don’t or can’t play Clan Wars. They succeeded in that regard, however, they make platooning a requirement throughout. Not only do they make it a requirement, they make specific vehicle class platooning a requirement. Nothing “individual” about that kind of mission. Well done wargaming.

    • First thing, IMs were never announced as CWs alternative, IIRC, that was Strongholds. Might be wrong, though, but think not.

      And platooning with specific setups is nice – the whole thing is more of a tutorial, at least for the StuG set of missions, and the fact that it can show you what medium wolfpack or light + arty combo can do is great.

      • Well I agree, thats a great idea for a tutorial mission. However, I have 27k games, I don’t need a tutorial. Nor do I need to learn how to platoon.

      • you always defend wg, but you have to admit that this is just clusterfuck….. we heard for months that they are going to implement missions for random battles, which they did, but they they totaly gave up on people who love to play solo…. why?….. “individual” mean individual damn it….. what a bunch of lefthanders

          • Individual has more then one meaning. You only think about ‘specified for you’, they mean, progress just for you. Its still individuall, everybody has there specific amount of already reached goals.

            Dont shoot me for my english, third language.

            And I love it to have some extra. Common! they give away 5x4x3 days of premium, thats 2 entire months! Every six months! (or however long a seazon lasts) (they will probably lower that i guess?)

            • I look at the individual part as:
              Light tank mission: platoon with arty and spot.
              Artillery mission 14: platoon with a light and do x damage.
              OR Artillery platoon mission 13 (platoon with another arty) while another in your platoon in arty is doing a different mission.

              And of course, there’s no reason everyone on the platoon needs to be working towards the same reward tank at the time, either, so while everyone will have access to the same missions, not everyone will be doing the same ones at the same time.

              So, while they are “common” missions, it’s INDIVIDUAL choice which mission is being attempted by the player.

  7. Might be a stupid question, but anyways..

    Do you actually need to complete ALL the secondary objectives, or can you gain the 1 extra token just by completing it on the final mission?

    • My bet: all of them. What would be the sence of those 14 other secondary’s if you dont have to?

      • To get the secondary reward of course. Every mission has one. The first mission in each chain has 50k for primary and 25k for secondary.

  8. Another question: can you finish them and get stug IV? can you start the T28C chain afterwards?

  9. How can they call it an “INDIVIDUAL” mission if some of the requirement needs to complete a mission that requires a platoon, what a load of rubbish. Looks like they need to to check on their dictionary. LOL

  10. I don’t particularly like the TD mission #13 requirement, i.e. do twice as much damage as the next highest team mate. This pretty much requires you to have a great game at the same time that the rest of your team has crap games. You have no control over how well or poorly your team mates play. At least with a mission requirement that states that you must do twice as much damage as your TD has HP, that’s all on you.

    Moving on…

    I might seem like an odd duck here, but I could see myself being the rare person who would want to do the arty missions, but not the light tank missions. (I don’t really like driving light tanks.)

    Also, I’m not fond of that medium tank mission requirement for platooning. I don’t particularly like platooning. And since these are supposed to be INDIVIDUAL missions, what’s up with requiring that people play in platoons? Where’s the “individual” in that?

    Regardless, overall, this is an interesting idea by WG.

    And I’d love to see the mission requirements for the T28 Concept at some point, since that TD holds a LOT more interest to me than a German premium TD (since I already own the Dicker, the E25, and the JT88) and there’s currently no US premium TD.

      • Yuri, assuming that you’re talking about my comment about having to do twice the damage of the 2nd highest damage producer on the team….

        Yeah, I suppose that that’s possible, if you end up on one of those fairly common tier 5 battle teams filled with total noobs who can barely drive and shoot their tanks.

        • Yes, I was referring to that. Pretty much every fast, good game with T67 ends like that so it’s pretty easy as long as they keep the tier 5+ requirement :)

  11. There is going to be massive whine from the nutters that start this on 15.1 and go mad when they can’t complete it in one session. I won’t be rushing it myself.

  12. ‘tier 5 and higher’

    why was I able to fulfill light missions with my Luchs, which is tier 4?

    • I agree. It’s daft to have tier 5+ or tier 6+ restrictions on light tanks for these or the regular missions we see. Any tank that has +3 max MM should be allowed eligble for missions requiring on tier higher automatically.

        • Fuck, need to pay more attention. How did he fullfill one in the luchs then though?
          And in my (weak) defense, WG usually formulates them inclusive on the portal.

      • Actually it says higher than tier IV, so maybe you can’t read English? Higher than tier 4 pretty much means tier 5 or above. Unless we created a tier 4.5 that I’m unaware of.

  13. so
    1) in order to complete all these and thus claim the vehicle, you have to be in a platoon which is completly the opposite of INDIVIDUAL missions
    2) not only that but they dictate you which vehicle the platoonmate has to use
    WG, you failed to open a dictionary … again

    • You activate diffreant class missions at once. At least when I activated first heavy mission, it didn’t deactivate my light missions. But yeah class mission only 1 at once, which is stupid.

  14. Shame, you’ll be gutted when you hit the requirements for level 15 in your first match for level 1 and then can never do it again

  15. only one who will profit from this are unicums in huge clans…. AGAIN…. this is total bull….. wtf is wrong with wg? why are they shitting on lone players all the time?

  16. WG really wants bring platooning to individual missions so people that wants IM reward tanks and have two computers but which friends have during exam periods no time for WoT or they working during night shifts will create alternative accounts for platooning combining high tier main account with low tier or cheap premium to add even more bots and afk players into the game?

    SS should mention to developers that platoon requirement for individual missions really can turn against WG plan to increase playerbase when frustrated players will leave game due loosing battles because AFK players and bots increase.

    • +1.

      Worst idea ever in connection with this missions .. they should better call these missions “platoon with specfic tanks and do specific things missions”

    • actualy im really considering instaling Wot on my old notebook just so i can go AFK on one computer and playing on the other……. there is good chance i will do these missions…. when they kill one of my tanks i have another one sitting in the base :D……….

      now that im thinking about it….. its not that bad :D

      • You people should develop something called social skills. Maybe this could help you with platoons.

        Reading comprehension would also be of use….

        • did you really said that? :D…. none of my friends play any games and thinks anyone playing games for longer than hour is loser without life :D…..

          are we losers because we play alone or should we dedicate our lifes to have contact with people through the game rather than just go to bar?…. you tell us what social skill is

  17. Well, assuming it stays tier 5 or higher and premium tanks are allowed, I can see completing the arty missions in my French LeFiFi B2. I’m not an arty player, so the B2 and the FV304 are the only artillery in my garage. I do have the S-51 researched, but I don’t have one.

  18. So the next year will be dominated by kill-stealers, for obvious reasons. Being forced to do only one mission at a time is a very bad thing, I choose to do the 3 different types of tanks killed in one mission even I am gonna steal kills to do that.

    • Not everybody will be doing the same mission. While you are trying to get kills, someone else will be trying to simply track the enemy. In that sense, it’s better than the normal weekend missions where everybody has the same objective.

  19. The whole activating one mission at a time is garbage. It’s hard enough to be lucky enough to complete some of the missions once in a year… It should be like regular missions/medals, you complete them automatically if you meet the requirements…

  20. wow, such whinging that occasionally games will need you to have one other human being want to play a game with you. You may possibly have better things to be getting upset about eh?

  21. I really like these missions, they’re more like an elongated training set of missions. Some noobs might actually realise that tracking someone and then killing them or putting several shots into the engine bay instead of the auto-locked-on turret or centre-mass is a more effective way of killing. If the cumulative effect is that overall skill rises a little, I’ll heartily applaud it.

    Of course some noobs will accidentally achieve the goals but you can do nothing about that, I just hope that these focus people’s minds into doing things a little differently than their standard “Advance to bush A, wait for enemy, shoot, miss, die” tactics.