Hello everyone,
Wargaming RU made a post about the woman tankmembers. In it, the author mentions that it was an old idea, repeated many times on the forums and implemented by mods as well. They also mention that it’s historical, because USSR had these girl crews. For the portraits, they used some WG employees, like the “face” of WG, “Ola”, or some other girl working for WG:
So yea, now you can have girl crews, you get one for fulfilling each chain of individual missions (eg. 5 per IM tank) and they come with free BIA perk (well, SIA anyway). Behold, official WG art:
And yes, it was very hard for me to abstain from NSFW remarks.
I wonder how much money will WG make on gold for changing the faces for the prettier ones.
Can I has muh chinese Waifu SerB-San ? :3
How long till the NA Server mentions there are no black women
Acctualy there is. USA (bottom middle):
‘San’? Wrong language m8.
This is preposterous, but you are right, too many horny teens will empty their wallets for this…
why abstain from those sorts of remarks? those pics just ask for it ;)
Well I could always just shop in the Brazzers logo…
Please do! :D
Girl gets large caliber triple overmatch penetration in bush heheh
Le master troll commint omfg yolothug choice 420 blaze it trlolololololol
Mmmm, twins.
unique perk: makes sandwiches, i didn’t know Russians used tanks in the kitchen
Another unique feature, they don’t forget how to operate tanks they have been trained for in the past. In fact they do not forget anything.
You know what they call guys who make woman in the kitchen jokes? Single.
Than why is there marriage in some places in Arab countries?
because the proper English translation is “slavery”
Then you putting yourself in same level with arabian.
Wow, in the first “batch” Chinese crew(wo)men look like vixens.
Sexy, deadly, “imma fuck the life out of you, then chew your head off” vixens.
In the second one, they look just lost, like “what the fuck am I doing here with these silly hats?”x’)
the jap ones seem to have the best hot:fugly ratio
edit: ok, maybe not, its 50:50 :D
It’s historical for USSR, so it’s historical for every other nation, right? Right?
French resistance would have some.
Germans near the end of the war got desperate, sticking all kinds of people on the front. Not a stretch they might drop their “no girls” policy.
The British have Bob.
I’m sure I could contrive something for the other nations as well.
So these female crew members come with extra 5% crew skill boost (Sisters In Arms)? That’s the advantage of these new “premium reward” crews?
And they can be retrained to any tank of any nation?
No. The moment you “choose” nation-tank-position they are pretty much set.
Will they be trained for the tank you set them on… or will they be compatible to drive any tank of the same class/nation, i.e. premium crew equivalent to the premium tank capability to take any crew of compatible class/nation?
Same as male crew mate.
Thanks for info :)
Can they have both SIA and BIA?
Possible. Not sure though. SiA should be “additional” perk the moment you put whole female crew.
2 free perks (plus SiA) should be somewhere down the line.
That’s what we heard before and agreed that’s too good to be true..
Do you have any knowledge about that, SS?
Mod request: Paper bag to cover their ugly mugs
…says the Elephant Man.
” Sisters In Arms ” and my favorite ” The Arty Sisters ” haha ! I hope WG will make a special medal or a special badge for that.
USA – ugly – thats correct
GER – not ugly – i see lie here!
German master race!
Wait a sec…
Yeah, seriously! WTF is Wargaming doing, this can really anger some people. They should put one with brown hair or something.
Welp.. Coated Optics equipment gets a whole new meaning here..
Ps. i call haxx.. The Brit girls are way too pretty (well, the blonde atleast) to be actually British!
Oh. and the first American girl is actually Brad Pitt.. Just so you know.
They are British citizens now but they came to Britain with toilet plumber immigrants from Pooland.
not sure if western hater or ignorant….sigh
He is a western cretin,thats what he is!
Well I don’t know about anyone else but I sure as hell would like to have the German female crew replacing my current ones. Sadly for that to happen I’ll just have to wait for the WG’s “Spend gold to swap the gender of your crew” event. What? Knowing WG’s “gib $,spend gold” attitude I am sure it will happen somewhere down the line.
Well, considering the very very Freudian nature of tanks in general(what with all the bi,g long, hard, centre-mounted barrels swinging and shooting around) it was only natural to add girls in the mix in order to escalate.Or to balance, whichever you prefer.
My only critique is towards the official art…That long blond hair is not a good thing in a tight space with moving heavy mechanical parts
Japanese women crews, interest peaked~ *hurrdurr*
Honestly, better than the modded “naked showbabes”, these look like actual girls that could ride a tank.
I use this mod:
A very good mod. It use WoT’s style art. The only problem is: It’s lack of quantity :(
Is it me or first three females in every nation are identical? Twin-sisters?
It’s a set of two girls in three positions/outfits – I think it differs based on her role in tank. The middle one is commander hat, I suppose.
inb4 SJW and feminazis hear of it and create a huge shitstorm over the Internetz because WG is racist for not implementing female crew members in the first place…
Remember, you heard it here first, folks!
No point. The ratio will be pretty much historical so to speak.
They’re cute… it’ll be a novelty eye candy at the end…
but one must wonder, WHY do this when there’s other areas that could use the extra manpower on programming/coding? (Havok comes to mind.
There are separate teams – they guys who did this probably do nothing about programming and coding. And in programming teams, you can get only as big before the work actually gets slower per person.
Art designers commonly work on physic engines.
It is known.
Well… then fire some useless art designers and employ more decent programmers?
I find this hard to masturbate to….but I will get there eventually.
Drive arty – leaves one hand free
Is there a bonus % for male members if I combine them with one chick? They will have high…moral that is :D Wars are so monotonous you know…
Japanese Crew needs more “Tentacles” :D
I’m glad none of these woman have been overly sexualized, they look like normal woman that could drive a tank!
Huh, this German lady on the left side looks like this girl I used to date back in high school.
Oh, your ex is a tank crew member ? O_O
Rule 34 when?
“And yes, it was very hard for me to abstain from NSFW remarks.”
Why? Are you really so much of a sexist pig that the mere mention of women immediately gives you this massive urge to make crude jokes? Come on dude, grow up.
Look at all the WG concept art, then comeback and say they aren’t trying to sell female crews on their sex value.
Cringe-making comments seem to be just about the majority of replies.
My first female crew will have to be French, just because I can see a bunch of angry French women killing things in a tank. Plus, I need a couple more skilled French crews.
So far i see one looks like Kristin Kreuk from the chinese faction. U can install the female crews mod in Aslain’s Modpack, in the mod some look like Tyra Banks, Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie etc..
The density of woeful and tragic comments triggered by this.
Dudes, could you try any harder to look like sad fuckers?
I will, once i stop masturbating
wow, Nazi and Japan so beautiful, China as shit