I will be gone most of the day (meeting Czech historians and WG people about the Czech tank branch, such consult, many secret, wow), so here’s some info for you guys. In advance. Next translations/articles – in the late afternoon.
- individual missions (I translated the name from Russian IBZ – individualnye boyevye zadachi) were official renamed to “personal missions”
- Q: “personal missions are there not for your fun, but to make you play it a longer!” A: “Yes, we’ll make you by force! By pointing submachine guns at you!”
- Storm explains the presence of platoon requirements in personal missions: “The name is personal missions, not individual. There are generally only a few missions with platoon requirement. Platoons = socializing. A player who is socializing plays significantly longer.”
- it’s apparently not possible to move the names of tanks on the improved minimap to the left from the icon, as it cause graphic glitches
- a render range rectangle was not implemented into the new map because it will change to a circle relatively soon
- viewrange circle was not implemented because it exists as a mod anyway and who really wants it can use a mod
- FV4005 characteristics are not final
- there is a serious (and common) bug on test server, where – after you quit the battle – you see that battle’s minimap in the hangar (SS: and you can watch how the battle is going in the hangar, actually I think it would be a neat feature)
- Storm thinks that the platoon requirement for missions is final
- Storm confirms that the Mittengard map is lowtier only (SS: why the hell does it have an encounter mode then) and that Gost Town will not appear in random battles
- Storm states that you don’t have to play artillery to complete the personal missions
- Storm commenting about players raging that they have to platoon for the personal missions: “Yea, it’s the righteous anger because in order to get the reward, you will actually have to make some effort. Everyone just wants free stuff.”
- Q: “Forced socialization sucks!” A: “Tell that to the Blizzard guys.”
- Q: “Why can’t you make the missions pop in automatically, like achievements?” A: “We don’t want to have players ‘getting the missions’ just so. In order to get the tank and other rewards, you will have to make a certain effort. If you are too lazy to make the effort, you can continue playing like you did without paying heed to the missions.”
- Storm states that WG doesn’t want to implement lighter and lighter tanks without armor. It’s just that “choosing future branches is a complicated question.”
- Storm confirms that the missions are not balanced yet
“- viewrange circle was not implemented because it exists as a mod anyway and who really wants it can use a mod”
so why did you implement the minimap features?!
WG you so silly
I actually find it a great thing when a big developer implements community-made stuff into the game. Think about GMod, Minecraft, or KSP !
thats the point both the minimap names and viewrange circle are made from the community. so why not implement both? it just makes no sense whatsoever….
What use does the view range circle even have? It doesn’t mean you’ll spot something if it’s in the circle, it doesn’t show/calculate in the camo bonuses/penalties of other tanks.
It means that you will not be spotted from an enemy who is lighted or whose position is well known if you keep him out of that circle.
wow, thats the most stupid thing ive read here for a while :D viewrange circle is extremely useful and advantegous, if used properly :)
Its WG – they think players are too stupid to understand even smallest bit of a good mod. And in 80% cases they would be right.
But what about those 20%? So hard and difficult and effort consuming to make it turnable on/off.
The point is that noobs may think that everything in the circle will get spoted(“because this is a view range!!11!!!!11″) and that can be pretty confusing and cause additional rage.
Shoe laces are confusing – this is not :D
That 80% that your talking about never look at the map, some don’t know what it means
Sources: Chatting with teammates while seal clubbing :P
Are you kidding? view range and camo mechanics are RIDICULOUSLY confusing. Important to thoroughly understand to play well, but not at all intuitive.
Because having the names of tanks on the minimap and last known positions is an advantage. Not an unfair one (since those with good short term memory can remember where tanks were, and because you can Control-mouseover the playerlist to identify which tank an icon represents), but enough of one that they prefer to make it available to everyone by default.
As is the render/viewrange area, because it allows one to immediately see that while camping at B2 on Prokhorovka they’re NOT going to be able to shoot the enemies way down south that I’m spotting for you from E1 bushes POTATO.
Adding these to vanilla game (without having to resort to mods) would inevitably lead to better gameplay. Besides, it would be optional (as in: one could turn it off if POTATO confused them too much).
If one is confused in WoT (and WoT isnt really inteligence-requiring game), I have bad news for you, son – you’re dumbshit :D
Sad state of todays gamers.
As much as I’d like to get render range I understand why they don’t want to implement it before change.
They probably failed to implement it without massive lags. :)
they just give excuses on players or some random shit for their laziness.
Because that stuff is better implemented by WG (less FPS dropped). The circle, not so, it doesn’t need any extra data, so it’s left as a mod.
What use is the viewrange box? I always turn it off. I’ve never found a use for it.
It’s simple: you know that you are out of drawing range of certain tanks, so u can be spotted and not get shot, or you know that you have to drive 10meters further to get a shot on someone, it’s actually very usefull, as all the other minimap mods.
Have a nice meeting ! I hope your CZ branch makes it into the game, can’t wait to drive out those Skoda vehicles. :)
Im going to czech those tanks for sure ;)
How about CzechoSlovak branch?!!
Im Hungary for new tanks :D
I hope they will be well Polish’ed
I’m a Greek when it comes to tenks, I know all of them, Italys written in my personal book I’ve spent alot of blood and Sweden doing it. It was a Spain writing it and Iran out of ideas at some point, Brasically, I wanted to stop writing it and throw my work India trashcan but I thought: “Syriasly, I hev to finish it”. I asked a dude: “Kenya publish it plz?” He said: “No. Ukraine me a river now.”
there is a serious (and common) bug on test server, where – after you quit the battle – you see that battle’s minimap in the hangar
I really think Wargaming are making these kind of bugs intentionally because it is imposible to fuck up the game like this unintentionally
Live battles spectator alpha test? At least clock was working :D
I do have this bug but you can’t watch how battle is going :P
You’d be surprised by the fuckups you can make by changing one line of code by accident…
True :D
You can change one number (like 1 to 0) and you can create nonstop loop or shit like that XD
— Now you emagine reading pages and pages of scripts and correcting shit like that… Its not so easy as it sounds
Funny how WG devs are talking about effort.
Czech tank branch – lol
- Q: “Forced socialization sucks!” A: “Tell that to the Blizzard guys.”
i told them, they said it’s not forced, people want to socialize, they asked me to tell WG that forcing people to socialize creates a sense of enforcing negative attitude and de-socializing effect, an anti-social result.
these requirements in IM total turnoff, i really don’t want to play them in order to fulfill WG Stalinist world view of a fucking video game, not fun.
personally from ok, lets play and try to get the StuG at least, now it’s meh, who cares…
Without chat 2.0 socialising is quite difficult sometimes.
And for platoons – I drive alone only when sealclubing :D
Lol… Blizzard lol…
Face it people. WG is just as retarded as other Western/Eastern companies. No more, no less.
Face it? All of us knew that already for a long time :D
Socialise in Blizzard? The only people I know when playing Blizzard games are the same people I got to know on WoT first.
At least for me, 95% of the times when I play Diablo 3, I do it alone. Last few months were 100% of the time.
If Blizzard is forcing me to socialise, I ain’t seeing it.
I haven’t played Diablo 3 but the complain is that it does not have an offline mode. You need to be connected to the server always and thus it forces you to socialize via in-game chat, even if you are playing solo.
Then why does WoT force me to socialize?
I dont see it either.
Well if you play WoW you know that you almost cant play instances, toc, 10 heroic whatever shit you want… alone … you need to get in a ”platoon”.
and Socialise ( ! LOL !) while smaching @ whacking those buttons !
So much laughing xD
Hey guys stop whining like little girls just because you are too fucking lazy to click on “Activate” the mission and to platooooooon aaaargh such effort much hard wow je diiie !
And please SERIOUSLY stop saying these missions are hard, I’m sorry but for StuG and Proto it’s fucking easy, just need a li’l bit skills –’
Let me remember you it’s a company, not SANTA ! They could give you nothing at all. But there, they allow you to get FREE tanks, and ask a li’l effort; and you whine, again !
Alexander Yordanov they are retarded. What Blizzard has to do with WoT anyway? thats one dumb way to avoid questions.
No offline mode for Diablo 3 even if you play solo.
I am not playing in a platoon. EVER. I just HATE to have to wait for other people, ask when they might have tome to play, and for how long they will play. I play when it pleases me, I play as long at it pleases me and I play the tanks that please me.
So WG, you hope I spend more time with your game? Guess what, my bot will. Not me. As my “friend” is grinding your all new “referal” tank for me right now.
Sorry, but you just give a shit about your player base. So I guve a shit about your rules and regulations
Son of a b*tch botter
You know whats fun?
Placing a comment you just KNOW at least one Nobrainer will jump onto.
You know whats even more fun?
A tailor made comment that is just there to hook one special brainless fish.
You can feel yourself hooked.
God your dumber than I thought
I dont understand what you are trying to say.
Yes, Blizzard are retarded. Just as much as WG.
Hey KID!!!!
Are you getting paid to leave an idiotic reply on every comment in this article or what?
Some people would be willing to PAY for those “free” tanks rather than be forced to “socialize” in platoons. Many of you just don’t understand and cannot comprehend that everyone isn’t a rampant extrovert. Some of us are quite introverted and prefer playing solo, and don’t appreciate having WG try to force us to socialize. And frankly I *would* pay for a premium like the T28 Concept before submitting to forced socialization.
Introverted or extroverted, you don’t give a fuck, just invite a random guy, don’t even talk to hum, ans just play. That’s aller. Do you need to be extroverted or Batman or whatsoever to do this hard challenge of clicking on 5 buttons and start battle ?
Soooo…. You want to play an Online MULTIPLAYER game….and not socialize.
Play Call of Duty.
What if I told you, that for many people, the “multiplayer” aspect is about fighting/competing against other real players (compared to AI, they can actually provide a challenge), and not about socializing?
gamerman62 so you’re saying go play cod because thats not a social/team game right? and WoT random battles is? lol please gtfo. WoT random battles are even worse than CoD gamemodes.
Yea platooning socializes and thus Players play longer. Too bad few ppl will play these mission because of this – and thus quiting the game earlier because there is no content for them.
LOL man you made me laugh
You dont have any friend ? You can’t wait 2 min between battles to let tour friend finish the battle ? You are toob bad and your mate always laugh att you ? Or maybe you’re just —censored—
The problem with platooning is that people past a certain age who go to different colleges or have different jobs or whatnot have a certain amount of difficulties synchronizing their schedules.
Not everyone is like QB or Circonflexes or Foch or Jingles to have all the time in the world to play WoT along with other poor mortals who have to work for some money (not bashing those guys, not at all – but they ARE earning quite some cash from their youtube channels)
And just to be more specific, I only know personally about 2 people who play WoT at a decent-good level and one of them I’m pretty sure he gave up playing it for a few good months now, while the other only plays it from time to time to avoid getting premature white hairs due to the retarded playerbase, especially during weekends.
90% of the people I know/work with are playing Diablo 3/DotA2/LoL and wouldn’t touch WoT with a 6-foot pole
How’s THAT for an issue with platooning?!
I agree, THIS is a good argument, but this is not everyone’s situation, plenty of them are just lazy to play in synchronisation, of whatsoever, and anyway, to get platoons quickly , take good players in random battles in your friends (until ~200) just invite all them and one or two of them will come.
I dont have Internet friends. I dont want them,
The rest has better things to do. We all work, a lot. And we have a shitload of money because of that. But if we spend time together, we go on a weekend trip. Do sth. together with our wifes. NOT playing a stupid game.
So YES, they will suck in no life dudes and guys that dont have any real things to do. Thats the kind of people spending their time with internet friends. Rest of us has a life.
You go on socalize with the internet. Have fun
Absolutely agree, but on the other hand, the missions are not exactly aimed at players like you, since you probably dont even care about some random tank in a “stupid game” (not bashing you, theres nothing wrong with that). I mean, I really do get tired of whiny people who just always complain about everything. If you really want the tank, you just invite random people for platoon, you dont even have to talk with them or know them, they will just appear with another color in the battle and thats it. It bothers you? Cool, no problem, but then dont expect getting “unique” tanks, if you cant even overcome that little of a problem.
You are right, I dont really care about the tanks.
But what this game needs more than anything else is a MOTIVATION.
I dont care about the next 40 copycat/paperboard tanks they implement, it has lost all historical accuracy LONG ago.
And thats also the reason it git boring as hell. Same maps, same game modes (kill all/cap), since 2011. Fail at implementing anything else.
Missions are the only thing that lures into playing randome right now, but SOCIALIZING is not a mission, its forced, and just so you might play a bit longer. You dont get better as a player, it does not alter your playing experience, its not even a challenge. Make it “deal three/four times your HP as damage” or “get 5k damage on a tx med” – thats not a problem, thats a challenge. Even “kill x german heavys” is better than “group up to do shit”.
Its just a forced socializing act that runs completely contrary to the kind of people that they want to harpoon – people with limited time and “not so limited” money.
Its just another “facepalm” moment for me. I dont get it
“I don’t care about … tanks” + you don’t need the tanks to continue playing WoT = Not forced. *Bam*
Until you reach “Motivation”
I know, I know, maaaany words. May the force be with you.
Reading the complete post -avoid a “F” for failing to make a intelligent comment *BAM*
Problem solved
Like a Boss
Ummm…”Stupid game”….that you are reading a blog about…..and commenting on before the actual content is available…….*cough*
So, SS is posting A LOT of Data about tanks that come out of books that only exist in a language I dont speak…. solid reason to read this blog?
I startet WoT in 2011 and thus can comment a LOT about its evolution – and its decline. Sorry, but the game was good once, but now its plain stupid.
Focus on CW and Competition in a game that has stronk RNG. Good idea. Lets play Craps for competition.
well there are a lot of players that don’t play WoT from their mother basement after school and are part of a Clan and spend their time wasting on WoT instead of doing homework.
and for those other segment of adult/working players which according to WG themselves quite a big % of player base and most big % of paying customers, as they don’t have hours on end to grind for the “good tank” and buy premium and shit. for them it seems WG don’t give a shit, so they created this Individual Mission with a catch 22 that forces your to play with friends in order to complete it. which is real retard move, dumb move, and yes we are whining a bit because of it, we wanted to do it, sounded like a nice incentive to play more and pay more, but WG are dumb as the level of marketing guys their hire.
so bye bye “Individual”/Social Mission.
I’ll tell you where the problem is. It requires your platoon mates to perform at a certain level – not sure how that’s a “personal mission”. I am in a clan, I platoon occasionally, but making my “personal” mission dependent on the guy I’m platooned with doing x damage or whatever, is total bullshit. What if my friends suck? Is WG suggesting that instead of helping tomatoes out, we should only platoon with those of similar skill? After all, WG has vehemently denied the value in skill based MM, stating that variety is good. Yet these kind of missions, which are difficult, will only keep the good players away from the tomatoes more. I will complete these missions – I have friends that are good – but my friends that are average or below will be getting invites from me, nor will I be accepting them from them.
Why can’t you understand that everyone is NOT an extrovert???? About 1/3 of the population are introverts. And speaking as an introverts, I greatly prefer playing solo to platooning. I’d guess that less than 1% of all my battles are in platoons, if that.
But you’re clearly an insensitive jerk, so I don’t expect you to understand nor empathize.
holy fuck. Okay, i get that you dont go clubbing, to pubs etc, thats normal. But what the fuck is wrong with platooning? You dont even have to talk to those people! Just say “hi” in the chat and maybe tell them where you are going. Bang, problem solved. Seriously, if you cannot even do that, you should probably seek some clinical help, since this is certainly not normal. And it doesnt have to do anything with introvercy, its just a bullshit whiny attitude that bothers me. Not everything in your life will go just as you want, sometime you have to adapt to others. Same goes here.
I dont like internet people.
I am too old for “clubs”, but nice restaurants, operas and theaters are visited often.
I am married nearly a decade, have a good paid, social job….. so, no need for help.
And yes, you WILL NEED to talk to those people, if the mission is nothing more than “play x platoon battles” which it wont be (you know, all the stuff about “beeing difficult” and not “grindy?”)
And my point beeing: It does NOTHING to alter your playing experience, it does nit help you to get better or try new things. It just puts you in the same old mode just now that you have to carry another pakage with you. Great job on game and mission design!
You don’t get it, marty. It had EVERYTHING to do with introversion. You CLEARLY do not understand what being an introvert means, deep down. And for the record, roughly 1/3 of the population are introverts, so it is very much “normal”, thank you very much.
As for this “sometimes you have to adapt to others” BS, I’m sick and tired of it. I’ve spent my entire life adapting to others without a single solitary instance of reciprocity. So f*ck you and your adapting to others crap. You’re exactly the sort of small minded bigot that doesn’t understand what being an introvert is like and just turns around and insults them for not being like you.
As for your description of platooning, IMO that’s not real platooning. You’ll never complete any serious platooning requirement when a “platoon” is just 2-3 guys doing their own thing within a platoon structure. Proper platooning requires you to work as a unit, preferably with comms of some sort so that you can work together.
Just ask in chat. There are always people looking to platoon. Just don’t randomly invite people, that’s annoying.
This is a problem as well. People WILL be randomly inviting others. Can you imagine the spam any decent player will be receiving when Personal Missions are out? Random “join my 45% clan pls” were bad enough, but this?
there is a lovely tickbox in the options named “Receive invitations only from players from your freindlist”
naaah, that would mean too much “socializing”.
> Storm confirms that the Mittengard map is lowtier only (SS: why the hell does
> it have an encounter mode then)
I think they put the encounter mode in for use in low tier skirmishes, as it seems to be a preferred mode for those.
Also you an get encounter at tier 2-4 after you buy and play the first tier 4
Sorry, ignorant noob passing by, but can’t you skip the platoon missions just like you can with the arty missions?
Oh man ! Omg what’s wrong with platooning ? Get a friend
why did you respond to my question with a question?
Get a clue, and stop being a jerk.
No, cause they are a part of every chain of missions.
You cant avoid them..Charlie is right
in order to skip arty you need to to perfect all the other missions primary+secondary
“- Q: “Why can’t you make the missions pop in automatically, like achievements?” A: “We don’t want to have players ‘getting the missions’ just so. In order to get the tank and other rewards, you will have to make a certain effort. If you are too lazy to make the effort, you can continue playing like you did without paying heed to the missions.”
” – when you activate a IM / PM would be interesting to be taken from you 1000 silver as cost for the “try” :) probably thats why wont pop up like achievements – :( so bad decision on this stuff
If mission is not specified it’s for platoon , or solo only , can you still do it in platoon?
Many of missions would be much easier with 2 clanmates.
I think so
(Wow someone who’s not a retarded anti-platoon ! :D)
Check my replies above regarding “anti-platooning”, do you really find those so “retarded”?
He is just defending his internet life.
Of course you can…
Yep, pretty annoying.
yes the very idea that WG will cancel platoon requirement in IM will really hurt him badly, he doesn’t understand that’s an issue for a lot of players (and doesn’t change his glorious platooning porn action). just a stupid kid i supposed can’t handle more then 1 idea in his tiny head.
I’ve been watching Quickybaby with the new IM reward tanks.WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT all except obj 260 which I will never get.Who is going to play them just for 50% crew bonus,you can just play another game in your regular tank for the crew.And they lose money too ,hahahaha !
True, but they made Obj260 stupidly OP on purpose.
Doesn’t Object have an incredibly weak gunmantlet, though? Flat, not very thick and nothing behind it? Once people learn to shoot there, won’t be so great anymore.
Correct, Obj. 260 gun mantlet is flat 250mm, thus penetrable (similarly to Obj. 263). Also, Obj. 260 has a cupola weakspot.
Yes we need another OP teir ten russian heavy…..ty WG. good news is we wont see it because according to many ppl on this blog about 90% of the ppl in game will never make it past the StuG missions :p
“I’ve been watching Quickybaby. WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT”
Forcing people to platoon means I wont be bothering with these missions. Another new feature I was looking forward to has been turned to a big pile of shit – thanks WG.
Same here…
It’s the same for a big amount of people, myself included.
Next retard anti-platoon/arty please
Edit: OH, just up me :D
Yup, you indeed are a retard.
What sucks the most about personal missions is that once you completed the primary goal you have no chance to redo the mission to get the secondary goal you missed.
Are you sure ? THAT sucks (not arty or platoons!)
What do you cet when you complete the secondary mission ? More credits ?
Of course you have this option. Just dont go and collect reward for primary objective and try again to make that mission (both primary and secondary objective). You collect reward only after you made them.
So i need to play my Type 59 because i dont have enough credit to run “my” Obj 260?? After i complete those incredible tasks?? Crappp you WG!
I don’t give a single chuckle fuck about those missions but I understand people raging about forced socialization since well you know, 90% of “people” in EU server can’t speak basic English or play properly or quit huffing paint thinner on their daily subhuman basis.
If you want us to ‘socialize’ why not enable global voice chat in random battles? Wait- nvrmd.
Yaaaaaaaaaaah……..I have no desire to hear 8 year olds screaming my username in Spanish. Or 57 year olds for that matter. :)
>> – it’s apparently not possible to move the names of tanks on the improved minimap to the left from the icon, as it cause graphic glitches
“our tank names will be better than XVM or other mods, they won’t be covered with minimap borders”
Apparently, you got big mouth, guys…
Not the first time WG talks just ridiculous BS :D
WG want you to play longer? I wonder why? not to make you spend more money? no wouldn’t be that.
This SEMI-product is falling apart, but they don’t see that (or they do). Year ago,maybe lot more, I wrote on WOT forum, that they will give a gold just for playing every day. Last time when I pay for prem. acc. was 1.5year ago, and will never again, until they change approach to players. Just look at answers they give how much brassy are. And all changes they make in game: accuracy, terrain flattening,… are in benefit of their tanks (you know which ones).
And they boast how many players they have, just while in garage, search for player name (any name you tipe) and will see how many players-accounts exist with 0 battles. But they not wipe them.
Maybe next time I will write about multicore support, BigWorld engine and other essential factors for game experience (thence SEMI-product from top of comment).
‘Working as intend’ and ‘How terrible’ are answers that can be given by totally ignorant, brasy and/or corrupt slippery being.
Man, Russian bias doesn’t exist anymore nowadays, we van clearly see ou haven’t play for more than a year :)
No, we cant :)
Honestly..I like the “Ignorant, brassy and/or corrupt” answers. Also….corrupt? Wtf its a game not a government.
- Storm explains the presence of platoon requirements in personal missions: “The name is personal missions, not individual. There are generally only a few missions with platoon requirement. Platoons = socializing. A player who is socializing plays significantly longer.”
How in the world im going to get those missions if my friends only play a few games/ week you fucktards? and they’re not even unicums. They think it’s so easy to complete the mission? get platoon, start game, end game, mission complete?
These stupid requirements will only encourage boting, riggin and all that obscure shit.
These missions are not that hard (at least for StuG and T28 Porto) so stahp complaining
Riggers already got banned or worse :) Dont try to rig.
Funny…I’ve called “Botting and Rigging” many things in WoT…but never obscure. :)
Guys if you really cant find a platoon then create a chat channel named like the mission you’re playing, i.e. LT#6_T28… actually i think these kinds of channels will be quite common during the first months.
There is already 2 channels for stronk plutons!
Pingback: Další informace od Storma
So Alpha_007 are you the platoon police?Anybody who is complaining about platoon you are going to arrest them for being antisocial?Listen,if you need a job North Korea is always hiring!
A kid who just learned to type.
trying to show off
Oh cool thanks for the job, no more joblessness ! :D
I’ll introduce WoT to Kimmy !
Gotta love WGs logic “We want to you socialize in a game which has an option to remove ingame chat”. Name another multiplayer game with community so bad that devs had to implement such feature.
To Everyone complaining about the mission requirements, what do you want? Wargaming to say “Fuck it, the players are right, we can’t make a mission that rewards them with free shit HARD!!!! Lets make it so everyone gets those tanks and call it a day.” What’s the value in having those tanks if everyone can get one. To those of you who don’t have time…to bad..play other tanks, it’s not like having one of these prems is a requirement to play this game.To those of you who don’t want to socialize(Which is what responding to a blog is btw)shut up and stop playing MMOs.To those of you who don’t want to play arty…honestly I get it, but arty is a part of this game whether you like it or not..and besides you don’t “have” to play arty.They managed to make that work which is awesome honestly..they managed to make it possible to exclude an entire class(any class) from these missions. Oh and to those who don’t want to plat with arty for that light mission because you will have to have arty on the enemy team…srry m8s but the fact that the arty missions exist won’t give you much choice. My only teir 9 is a T95 that I can’t play whenever there is anything involving arty going on.. but that’s just an excuse for me to play some other tanks, get farther up a tech tree and advance in the game.
“To those of you who don’t want to socialize(Which is what responding to a blog is btw)shut up and stop playing MMOs”
Vast majority of people don’t play MMOs to try to find BFFs and future husband/wife, you know. I think we play in order to face real people, instead of AI (like in singleplayer games), because they can provide a challenge and fun.
What about real life friends? Personally, not a single one of mine plays WoT, and I’m sure many others are stuck with the same problem. What should we do, force them?
People are raging, because while socializing in games is good, FORCED socialization is not.
If you just cater your hardcore fans (and players that have THAT much time on their hands), thats the only playerbase that will stay.
OH, and the bots and afkers.
I just recieved 30 days prem, 2 (+1 still coming) mechs and various cosmetic stuff +credits because I bought 370$ worth of pakages of MWO the last year. As a bonus. because they said “Thank you” for all paying customers.
It was not announced as we all bought those, it was just a gift because we support the game – and you got at least a part of this if you EVER bought sth. All of it for as cheap as 80$.
You know what I got for 1400$+ on Wot? Nothing.
Guess where I am spending my money nowerdays.
It HURTS your buissness beeing a dick and catering only the most hardcore players (who, regarding WG, dont spend that much money on teh game – gold income says Hi!)
I love you
you still dont get it….. they want to increase number of players by giving rewards for people who already play this game too much and taking dump on solo players……
you know why they are losing player base?… because the game itself is waaaay too brutal if you want to grind to the top of the tree and people are giving up halfway in tech tree (happened to me and my friend)…… but these “individual” mission were supposed to be a way for solo and casual players to have something to achieve if they stick with the game……
they shot themselves in the foot
when i want to socialize i go to a bar by the way
Armour, WG care so much about armour that they keep gold rounds there….
I think they should focus on HD remodelling and other aspects of the game instead of adding new crap branches like Czech tanks.
Hope it’s not going to be such a failbranch, as japan (and, to some degree chinese) tanks in WoT.
While Czech tanks are much better game material than japanese and chinese fakecrap “blueprints” and shit, it still will be pretty full of “what if” stuff.
Judging on the recent attempts, it’s getting pretty tough to make sth unique and balanced. WG tends to hit extremes too often, or they end up with uninteresting bob tank.
On the bright side, at least some of them have combat record and were proven worthy at the battlefileds (unfortunatly mainly low tier stuff)… so maybe WG can pull this one off.
Hope it’s not going to be such a failbranch, as japan (and, to some degree chinese) tanks in WoT.
While Czech tanks are much better game material than japanese and chinese ( those are full of fake, “prototype” and “blueprints” “tanks”), it still will be pretty full of “what if” content.
Judging on the recent attempts, it’s getting pretty tough to make sth unique and balanced. WG tends to hit extremes too often, or they end up with uninteresting tank.
On the bright side, at least some of Czech tanks have combat record and were proven worthy at the battlefileds (unfortunatly mainly low tier stuff)… so maybe WG can pull this one off.
- there is a serious (and common) bug on test server, where – after you quit the battle – you see that battle’s minimap in the hangar (SS: and you can watch how the battle is going in the hangar, actually I think it would be a neat feature)
This happened to me and actually you don’t see how the battle is going on. It was just stuck for me even after the battle ended. I had to restart my client and it even created a crash dump file that i was supposed to send to support.
where can i submit question to developers?… i want to ask why do they think forcing socializing in platoons will make people play more
i mean, these missions will only be ok for clans, and clans already play WOT much…. so they think that supporting people who play too much will increase hours of playing, while they taking shit on average joes?……. news flash, NOBODY WILL BOTHER
Wot news:
Hello fellow tankers,
Shitgaming has recently introduced 3 new Shit-tanks which you can obtain playing personal missions!The 4th one however obj260 is not a Shit-tank but that will be corrected in future.We want this game to be annoying and not fun for you.
Roll out!
Visit our PREMIUM SHOP,we have many shit specials for you!
I was so excited for the Individual/Personal Missions when they were first announced. I wasn’t so thrilled when they announced that there are platoon missions in there. Well, I do have three friends that play WoT. Except that one of them is on the SEA server and another barely plays WoT now. Okay, I still have a third friend. He’s still fairly new to the game but at least I have someone to platoon with.
There are platoon missions which require a platoon of 3? Well, fuck me. (and even if I eventually get another friend to play/who plays WoT, how often do you think I could get both of them on at the same time as me?)
“- Q: ‘Why can’t you make the missions pop in automatically, like achievements?’ A: ‘We don’t want to have players ‘getting the missions’ just so. In order to get the tank and other rewards, you will have to make a certain effort. If you are too lazy to make the effort, you can continue playing like you did without paying heed to the missions.’”
My biggest problem with this is especially when you get to the later missions and you don’t have more than one tank that can possibly complete a certain mission. Playing another tank for a different mission while you wait for the first tank to return to your garage? Forgot to switch missions because you just jumped into said tank almost immediately after getting back to your garage? It’s okay, what are the odds of getting that mission done in this particular match anyways? Actually complete those objectives during said match? Well I hope you can do it again because you didn’t have that particular mission activated.
TL;DR 1: Even though I have three friends that play WoT, at best I can only get a platoon of two, which is still not enough for certain missions.
TL;DR 2: Multi-tasking missions in quick succession because you don’t have more than one tank of a particular type has a little, potentially extra annoying, road bump.
aria8 same here. what a load of shit!
So horny for Czech branch, yep, Im from Czech Republic.. :))
storm gay
u gay?
Hi,i’m knew in FTR and coz i didn’t know where to post it(:P) i wanted to give you a screenshot from CT about the new tonks,Silentstalker
What amazes me, more and more, is how arrogant certain WG members are getting about their fan base. “They will take it and LIKE it because we damned well said so!”
Anyone else see this ending badly?