the future changes will also concern two of the relatively popular maps: Steppes and Karelia. The marked parts will be reworked (allegedly made flatter, but unfortunately, no details).
68 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: 9.6 Steppes and Karelia”
Get increased mitotic index, WG… And increased proto-oncogene expression… Seriously… Steppes, the only good map with decent balance, is now turned into WG-esque crap. Heavy tank tomatoes crying too much?
All in all, it is well-balanced indeed, that “unfortunately” means that none of the classes have a clear advantage on this map. Now look at the most popular classes and the whiny noobs playing it…
Actually, Steppes changes are not as bad as I thought they would be. They’re not necessary but are fine.
What I wouldn’t do on it though, is changing southernmost ridge on area 4, and everything to the west on N-S valley on the west side of area 1.
Otherwise it’s not that big of a change.
The only ever problem I have had with “Steppes” is that everyone and their granny runs off to try capping during “Encounter Mode”, entirely ignoring the West and Centre of the map – only to then be sitting right inside of the cap circle as though it were a silver platter and to getting squished by the enemy as a result.
With people being too idiotic to get (no matter whether they start north or south or what tier they are playing ) how to play this map to begin with, tampering with the features of this map isn’t going to improve anything… it is merely rewarding thos too stupid to play it.
Dumbing down the game doesn’t cut the custard.
WOW , I mite run my 121 more
I might be useful in more locations with my 113
WZ14 approves.
What has the commodities future for wheat got to do with anything?
You planning on starting a farm?
You drunk?
Nah, just thinking Kaunas must be really boring if you fancy taking up farming
Let me see……Europe doesnt have farms……Therefore Im in ‘Murica according to you…..Blue.
Give it a rest Paul
Its not Friday ffs – will read this at Friday evening – maybe I’ll understand what the fuck you blob here :D
Looks like they’re taking out the bunkers in the south base
If it ain’t broke, fix it ’till it is!
Good one! :D
Theyre already 3/4 or the way there. 9.8 will rework all maps to flat, barren maps at this rate.
I guess they are making both sides more similar on steppes. Anyway, it is balanced for me, but who knows.
I think northspawn is better because you can push the lower side on the east side with a platoon very easely
Please, don’t break steppes, they are fine as they are…
All Karelia needs is to have north that isn’t a death trap, that’s all.
As for Steppes, I pray that they won’t destroy one of the very few maps I truly enjoy playing.
They will. Why the *** does a map that is perfectly fine need to be “tweaked” (broken).
Steppes seems fine to me as well, though I do think that Karelia isn’t, due to that overpowered nature of that sniper’s nest area.
The way to fix the north is to remove the sniper’s nest in the SE. IMO, that sniper’s nest encompasses everything that’s wrong with the Karelia map. It’s an overpowered location that dominates most of the north as well as the middle of the map. Its OP nature causes most teams to totally lemming rush the SE valley on the standard version of the map.
My two suggestions for removal are:
A) Simply remove the sniper’s nest by making the SW mountain ridge a single unified ridge, or
B) Lower the altitude of the sniper’s nest area so that it is only barely above the level of the swamp, creating a pass between the two halves of the SE mountain ridge.
Making the mountain ridge outright removes the sniper’s nest from the equation. And lowering the area to barely above swamp level causes the area to lose the height advantage of the sniper’s nest, as well as offering tanks the ability to enter the gap from the swamp side, adding new tactical possibilities.
Silly WG… Why screw around with maps that need no fixing at all?
Because morons. :(
Karelia definitely needs fixing. Steppes doesn’t.
Tunnels, we need MOAR tunnels!!11!
What have those changes to do with tunnels?
Tunnels had their peak when the original version of Hidden Village had been introduced. Since then map changes have mostly reduced tunnel designs and opened new routes.
Tweaks to sevagorsk introduced them
Not completely true while there was a corridor added It was always quite a corridors map. It’s just that the corridors were changed. The East corridor was split in two and lowered to ground level and the slightly overpowered sniper nest was removed. The west corridor was closed off a little more to make it less of a deathtrap. Building were added to the middle to make driving there actually less suicidal.
The map did ”improve”, but the east is still a ugly clusterfuck while the west corridor still functions almost the same with a linear imminent stale-mate type fight. The middle is still neglected. Paper starting south TD’s still camp the bases because of the map design leaving little place for them to assist the east while the north TD’s have not a much better time controlling the east and have no way of supporting the west unlike the south.
The map has too many sealed off sections and the clusterfuck east doesn’t actually improve flanking options all that much due to simply being 2 stalemate corridors with a connection to the middle of the map. The only sniping positions are near the spawns which makes for very passive TD play. The west part is simply heavily armoured TD’s and heavies derping each other in the face till they gain a number advantage without any real means of ending a stale-mate forming there. The clusterfuck north isn’t much better but instead of 1 corridor there’s 2. The middle is complete chaos where mediums generally fight over who gets the use the central entrance to flank heavies using the east corridors. The river manages to lure heavies to their deaths as they drive straight into the fire line of the only TD nests in the map while being open to flanking from the river sides thanks to how deep the river is. It just depends which flank falls first. The South has it’s TD nest generally in west while the North has it generally in the east which makes the ridge more important for the south team while the clusterfuck east is important to the north team.
It’s just a terrible map. Most flanking options are fake and after the corridors you end up in a TD sniping range on both sides of the map.
Even after the first hidden village we got more Canyon maps.
Just take Tundra. The area in the West is the definition of Canyon.
Or Severogorsk. A bad map got even worse. Trench left and right. Wohoo!
Or murovanka. The forest was kind of broken but now with this stupid bumps/Hills you get squeezed into a Canyon like environment.
Battle distances were made artificial short, just so that stupid yellow noobs won’t miss their shots. And don’t have to think where they have to go.
All those three canyon maps, Tundra, Hidden Village and Severogorsk, were introduced in the second half of 2013 within about four months.
Severogorsk got changed, true – more tunnelish in the extreme west, less in the east. Now there are three viable routes in the east, there used to be one and at most one more dubious one. The west got one clear canyon, but it became viable to push to the east along it. Overall the possible routes of attack seem to have increased.
However, the changes to Murovanka cannot be called canyon like. The west got a lot more options to advance than just the old way of hugging the hills, and the east got two or even three viable lines of advance where there used to be none at all. Overall the number of routes of attack has increased significantly.
We were talking about the changed versions of the map not about the initial release versions. All excamples came after the 8.10 the patch with your “original” Hidden Village.
The possible routes may have increased on Severigorsk but the gameplay didnt. Middle is as useless as it was before and it is a no joy to play it with any tanks but brawling Heavy tanks. Thank god this crap map will get removed with the new version.
Read the Murovanka part again. I didnt say the whole map is canyon like, but the new forrest is. If you fight, you fight at the bumps or between the bumps. This will put in close combat. Same as it would in a canyon. Overall the new Murovanka is a kind of strange map. It is huge now, but the battle distances are actually quite low. There are heights and lowerings everywhere. So even if you have a good scout it is very hard to do dmg via sniping. No spot dmg for our little scout buddy. And without gundepression you rly struggle here.
That canyon on Tundra is so unnecessary. Why couldn’t they just remove that canyon, and simply extend that mill area to the east of the canyon’s ridge to the west edge of the map?
Severogork in its prior version wasn’t that broken. The prior version was a far more sniper/TD friendly map than the current version. The only two thinks wrong on the previous version were, IMO, not having the cap circles/spawns on the center line (as in the current version) and the mega-OP sniper’s nest at A5 or A6, which was removed in the current versions. If WG would simply fall back to the previous version, and make these two truly minor tweaks, Severogorsk would be just fine.
Murovanka. I like the tweaked and enlarged version of Murovanka for the most part, though I agree with you about shorted lines of sight/fire. Murovanka used to be a fairly TD/sniper friendly map, and now it’s very much not … which really, really sucks if you drew that map when you’re in a super soft glass cannon TD. The new, thinned out, bumpy forest area is fine if you’re in a brawling tank, but crap if you’re in a glass cannon TD.
Sure the canyon is unnecessary. If they would have just removed the TD camping spot on this line in the north it would have been OK. The swamp was kind of a nice area to fight. And even if they had to change it. Why they made it like this? Why not make the village bigger, so they can fight in this village. It would definitely look better.
It is actually useless to talk even more about Sevori, since it gets removed in the new patch anyway.
As written above. Murovanka is overall a strange map. It is big, maybe the biggest map in the game if it comes to useable area. But the distances feel very short. Heights and lowerings everywhere.
Murovanka has good sniping ranges only around the spawn area which only rewards waiting for the enemy to push out of the hill filled forest and camping harder. The North base actually has a ridge against the maps border perfect for sniping borsings and the like while the South has the forest at A-1 still be quite effective if you have gundepression.
Still I feel like the map is very chaotic and most teams focus mostly on fighting in the forest even if most of their team is mediums. It isn’t helped by the fact that the west is very unfriendly for tanks with bad gundepression making mediums prefer the forest just because they don’t have to worry about random bumps in terrain. Still most good mediums go west, thankfully. The forest however is often lost while nobody is in the A-1 section of the map because A-1 is useless at influencing the west battle due to being lower ground. Meaning that tanks west have a harder time the guard against an assault on the cap-circle than tanks in the forest have guarding either cap circle. The importance of the forest on this map when used properly is still exceedingly high if a tank is in the forest or in one of the east area’s near the forest they can guard the cap without taking damage far more easily than a tank can from the west of the map especially if the defending tank has bad gundepression.
I think I’ll dig out my old N64 or PS1 games.
More variation in the terrain.
I hope Steppes isn’t totally ruined, it’s probably one of the better maps out there; heck maybe even the best open map put right now!
It is purely because those decadent capitalist pig Centurions, Conquerors, M103s, and Pattons were unfairly hiding their hulls behind the ridgelines, meaning the glorious heroes of the communist states had to resort to snapshotting their cupolas from 450m.
But the glorious heroes have the Hand of Stalin on their side, I don’t see the problem here…
There’s no problem for you m8, but those braindead vodka soaked brain RU monkeys do have.
And still on most maps we have 25-35% of unusable terrain…
“Comrade Storm we have to much shitsky map, players are always complaining” “Nyet problem, we will just add some tunnels the remainink ones, so everything will be equally crap. Like back before ’89 “
What? Steppes would benefit from a bit more cover in the middle instead of that… I hope they won’t screw up this map as it is one of the best maps now.
I like Steppes as it is. Don’t change existing map, just remove fucking prokhorovka
If you need that map removed how can you like Steppes??? Few rare good open maps still left in this game.
Prokhorovka is one of the few open maps in game, where spotters have some reason of existing, overall, it remains one of the best maps.
Do you think it is bad because you cannot just pus R-R-R and go forward ? :)
Prokhorovka unlike steps is very much a camping map where both sides have sniper-nests controlling the capture-points. The sniper-nests are also too far apart and too well covered for lights to do anything but spot other tanks who are spotting. Meaning that it becomes game where you simply exchange spotters between teams on the west side of the map. The team with the best spotter will eventually win, yes. But before all other spotters are dead because of how retardedly far the sniper-nests are apart. When arty is on the map the maps middle ridge becomes almost unusable to anything but lights due to lacking arty cover.
The matches on Prokhorovka take longer than average on higher tier because of the bullshit of exchanging scouts till one is left and then one scout rushes forward to spot the sniper nest which often means exposing itself to fire without being able to take effective cover along the way, just dodging enemy shells while spotting the camping scum. Scouts spotting scouts so that they can scout an enemy sniper nest makes the games extremely linear despite being open maps. It’s like one massive corridor with ”snipers”.
Makes no sense. Both maps are open, yet you want one removed.
Just because they’re both open maps doesn’t make them both well designed. This should be obvious to all non-retards.
Anyone who is advocating for the removal of Prokhorovka is truly clueless about this game with extremely poor knowledge on how to play a medium or light tank.
Let’s put more corridors! They solve all of the problems!
Steppes is one map they don’t have to ruin, much like Prokhorovka. It’s bad enough they keep introducing shitty corridor/town maps and reworking old ones into corridors, at least they could leave the few remaining decent maps intact (afterall they have mangled these once already).
Why doesn’t WG go all the way and remove all maps and replace them with an empty square?? Maps, nowadays, must either be totally empty or a total maze.
Im so tired of “rebalancing” of maps, when all they do is ruining them even more…
So what does the white patches on Karelia mean? What are the changing in that map? Does the white stand for areas that are being erased?
stepps is fine but Karelia is awful
Okay then… More indirect buffs for Russian tanks with no gun depression… Less places for tanks that rely on their turrets to go hulldown… Easier for arty to lob shells over hills… Stronk work WG.
How about making maps like Northwest and Severegorsk actually work and be enjoyable, instead of ruining perfectly good maps?
You’ve got to be kidding me? Eliminating a bunch of those areas eliminates hull down opportunities and just favors the no gun depression Russian and Chinese tanks. Ridiculous. Those two maps did not need those changes. It looks like they’re just going to create more flat slugging corridors, which is not what the game needs.
Good job WG good fucking job! Steppes is one of only a few open maps that is balanced and at the same time punishes basecamping retards. But I guess they reason that there is not enough corridors for the brawling shitnoobs in their russian heavys…
A message to WG:
This is a crack plan WG. And by what I mean, is that is you make a plan after smoking lots of crack cocaine. You WoT map developers need to go to Detox rehab because this stuff is not working for you or the WoT players.
Karelia has always been shit. Assault on that map is better than Standard Battle because of how shit Standard Battle on that map is. With the excemption for TD’s who have no cover what so ever unless they crawl behind the giant rock north-west. The middle section is a waste of time. It’s lower ground AND soft ground. Meaning that you both have a height disadvantage and a speed disadvantage while the is little hardcover or softcover other than against the mountain ridge. On both ends to boot there’s bushes to fire from and not get spotted so the area can easily be locked down by one bushcamper since the middle is open soft ground. Fantastic.
The snipernest controlls the whole map and the northwest has giant rocks which give no protection from the snipers nest or middle while still functioning like a giant single stale mate inducing corridor and impressive feat. A designer couldn’t have planned it to be worse.
The South East is not better in any way having single corridor fight over the sniper nest and both spawns are uphill battles. Which is just handy dandy for all those who love to camp spawn locations.
Get increased mitotic index, WG… And increased proto-oncogene expression… Seriously… Steppes, the only good map with decent balance, is now turned into WG-esque crap. Heavy tank tomatoes crying too much?
All in all, it is well-balanced indeed, that “unfortunately” means that none of the classes have a clear advantage on this map. Now look at the most popular classes and the whiny noobs playing it…
Actually, Steppes changes are not as bad as I thought they would be. They’re not necessary but are fine.
What I wouldn’t do on it though, is changing southernmost ridge on area 4, and everything to the west on N-S valley on the west side of area 1.
Otherwise it’s not that big of a change.
The only ever problem I have had with “Steppes” is that everyone and their granny runs off to try capping during “Encounter Mode”, entirely ignoring the West and Centre of the map – only to then be sitting right inside of the cap circle as though it were a silver platter and to getting squished by the enemy as a result.
With people being too idiotic to get (no matter whether they start north or south or what tier they are playing ) how to play this map to begin with, tampering with the features of this map isn’t going to improve anything… it is merely rewarding thos too stupid to play it.
Dumbing down the game doesn’t cut the custard.
WOW , I mite run my 121 more
I might be useful in more locations with my 113
WZ14 approves.
What has the commodities future for wheat got to do with anything?
You planning on starting a farm?
You drunk?
Nah, just thinking Kaunas must be really boring if you fancy taking up farming
Let me see……Europe doesnt have farms……Therefore Im in ‘Murica according to you…..Blue.
Give it a rest Paul
Its not Friday ffs – will read this at Friday evening – maybe I’ll understand what the fuck you blob here :D
Looks like they’re taking out the bunkers in the south base
If it ain’t broke, fix it ’till it is!
Good one! :D
Theyre already 3/4 or the way there. 9.8 will rework all maps to flat, barren maps at this rate.
I guess they are making both sides more similar on steppes. Anyway, it is balanced for me, but who knows.
I think northspawn is better because you can push the lower side on the east side with a platoon very easely
Please, don’t break steppes, they are fine as they are…
All Karelia needs is to have north that isn’t a death trap, that’s all.
As for Steppes, I pray that they won’t destroy one of the very few maps I truly enjoy playing.
They will. Why the *** does a map that is perfectly fine need to be “tweaked” (broken).
Steppes seems fine to me as well, though I do think that Karelia isn’t, due to that overpowered nature of that sniper’s nest area.
The way to fix the north is to remove the sniper’s nest in the SE. IMO, that sniper’s nest encompasses everything that’s wrong with the Karelia map. It’s an overpowered location that dominates most of the north as well as the middle of the map. Its OP nature causes most teams to totally lemming rush the SE valley on the standard version of the map.
My two suggestions for removal are:
A) Simply remove the sniper’s nest by making the SW mountain ridge a single unified ridge, or
B) Lower the altitude of the sniper’s nest area so that it is only barely above the level of the swamp, creating a pass between the two halves of the SE mountain ridge.
Making the mountain ridge outright removes the sniper’s nest from the equation. And lowering the area to barely above swamp level causes the area to lose the height advantage of the sniper’s nest, as well as offering tanks the ability to enter the gap from the swamp side, adding new tactical possibilities.
Silly WG… Why screw around with maps that need no fixing at all?
Because morons. :(
Karelia definitely needs fixing. Steppes doesn’t.
Tunnels, we need MOAR tunnels!!11!
What have those changes to do with tunnels?
Tunnels had their peak when the original version of Hidden Village had been introduced. Since then map changes have mostly reduced tunnel designs and opened new routes.
Tweaks to sevagorsk introduced them
Not completely true while there was a corridor added It was always quite a corridors map. It’s just that the corridors were changed. The East corridor was split in two and lowered to ground level and the slightly overpowered sniper nest was removed. The west corridor was closed off a little more to make it less of a deathtrap. Building were added to the middle to make driving there actually less suicidal.
The map did ”improve”, but the east is still a ugly clusterfuck while the west corridor still functions almost the same with a linear imminent stale-mate type fight. The middle is still neglected. Paper starting south TD’s still camp the bases because of the map design leaving little place for them to assist the east while the north TD’s have not a much better time controlling the east and have no way of supporting the west unlike the south.
The map has too many sealed off sections and the clusterfuck east doesn’t actually improve flanking options all that much due to simply being 2 stalemate corridors with a connection to the middle of the map. The only sniping positions are near the spawns which makes for very passive TD play. The west part is simply heavily armoured TD’s and heavies derping each other in the face till they gain a number advantage without any real means of ending a stale-mate forming there. The clusterfuck north isn’t much better but instead of 1 corridor there’s 2. The middle is complete chaos where mediums generally fight over who gets the use the central entrance to flank heavies using the east corridors. The river manages to lure heavies to their deaths as they drive straight into the fire line of the only TD nests in the map while being open to flanking from the river sides thanks to how deep the river is. It just depends which flank falls first. The South has it’s TD nest generally in west while the North has it generally in the east which makes the ridge more important for the south team while the clusterfuck east is important to the north team.
It’s just a terrible map. Most flanking options are fake and after the corridors you end up in a TD sniping range on both sides of the map.
Even after the first hidden village we got more Canyon maps.
Just take Tundra. The area in the West is the definition of Canyon.
Or Severogorsk. A bad map got even worse. Trench left and right. Wohoo!
Or murovanka. The forest was kind of broken but now with this stupid bumps/Hills you get squeezed into a Canyon like environment.
Battle distances were made artificial short, just so that stupid yellow noobs won’t miss their shots. And don’t have to think where they have to go.
All those three canyon maps, Tundra, Hidden Village and Severogorsk, were introduced in the second half of 2013 within about four months.
Severogorsk got changed, true – more tunnelish in the extreme west, less in the east. Now there are three viable routes in the east, there used to be one and at most one more dubious one. The west got one clear canyon, but it became viable to push to the east along it. Overall the possible routes of attack seem to have increased.
However, the changes to Murovanka cannot be called canyon like. The west got a lot more options to advance than just the old way of hugging the hills, and the east got two or even three viable lines of advance where there used to be none at all. Overall the number of routes of attack has increased significantly.
We were talking about the changed versions of the map not about the initial release versions. All excamples came after the 8.10 the patch with your “original” Hidden Village.
The possible routes may have increased on Severigorsk but the gameplay didnt. Middle is as useless as it was before and it is a no joy to play it with any tanks but brawling Heavy tanks. Thank god this crap map will get removed with the new version.
Read the Murovanka part again. I didnt say the whole map is canyon like, but the new forrest is. If you fight, you fight at the bumps or between the bumps. This will put in close combat. Same as it would in a canyon. Overall the new Murovanka is a kind of strange map. It is huge now, but the battle distances are actually quite low. There are heights and lowerings everywhere. So even if you have a good scout it is very hard to do dmg via sniping. No spot dmg for our little scout buddy. And without gundepression you rly struggle here.
That canyon on Tundra is so unnecessary. Why couldn’t they just remove that canyon, and simply extend that mill area to the east of the canyon’s ridge to the west edge of the map?
Severogork in its prior version wasn’t that broken. The prior version was a far more sniper/TD friendly map than the current version. The only two thinks wrong on the previous version were, IMO, not having the cap circles/spawns on the center line (as in the current version) and the mega-OP sniper’s nest at A5 or A6, which was removed in the current versions. If WG would simply fall back to the previous version, and make these two truly minor tweaks, Severogorsk would be just fine.
Murovanka. I like the tweaked and enlarged version of Murovanka for the most part, though I agree with you about shorted lines of sight/fire. Murovanka used to be a fairly TD/sniper friendly map, and now it’s very much not … which really, really sucks if you drew that map when you’re in a super soft glass cannon TD. The new, thinned out, bumpy forest area is fine if you’re in a brawling tank, but crap if you’re in a glass cannon TD.
Sure the canyon is unnecessary. If they would have just removed the TD camping spot on this line in the north it would have been OK. The swamp was kind of a nice area to fight. And even if they had to change it. Why they made it like this? Why not make the village bigger, so they can fight in this village. It would definitely look better.
It is actually useless to talk even more about Sevori, since it gets removed in the new patch anyway.
As written above. Murovanka is overall a strange map. It is big, maybe the biggest map in the game if it comes to useable area. But the distances feel very short. Heights and lowerings everywhere.
Murovanka has good sniping ranges only around the spawn area which only rewards waiting for the enemy to push out of the hill filled forest and camping harder. The North base actually has a ridge against the maps border perfect for sniping borsings and the like while the South has the forest at A-1 still be quite effective if you have gundepression.
Still I feel like the map is very chaotic and most teams focus mostly on fighting in the forest even if most of their team is mediums. It isn’t helped by the fact that the west is very unfriendly for tanks with bad gundepression making mediums prefer the forest just because they don’t have to worry about random bumps in terrain. Still most good mediums go west, thankfully. The forest however is often lost while nobody is in the A-1 section of the map because A-1 is useless at influencing the west battle due to being lower ground. Meaning that tanks west have a harder time the guard against an assault on the cap-circle than tanks in the forest have guarding either cap circle. The importance of the forest on this map when used properly is still exceedingly high if a tank is in the forest or in one of the east area’s near the forest they can guard the cap without taking damage far more easily than a tank can from the west of the map especially if the defending tank has bad gundepression.
I think I’ll dig out my old N64 or PS1 games.
More variation in the terrain.
I hope Steppes isn’t totally ruined, it’s probably one of the better maps out there; heck maybe even the best open map put right now!
It is purely because those decadent capitalist pig Centurions, Conquerors, M103s, and Pattons were unfairly hiding their hulls behind the ridgelines, meaning the glorious heroes of the communist states had to resort to snapshotting their cupolas from 450m.
But the glorious heroes have the Hand of Stalin on their side, I don’t see the problem here…
There’s no problem for you m8, but those braindead vodka soaked brain RU monkeys do have.
And still on most maps we have 25-35% of unusable terrain…
“Comrade Storm we have to much shitsky map, players are always complaining” “Nyet problem, we will just add some tunnels the remainink ones, so everything will be equally crap. Like back before ’89 “
What? Steppes would benefit from a bit more cover in the middle instead of that… I hope they won’t screw up this map as it is one of the best maps now.
I like Steppes as it is. Don’t change existing map, just remove fucking prokhorovka
If you need that map removed how can you like Steppes??? Few rare good open maps still left in this game.
Prokhorovka is one of the few open maps in game, where spotters have some reason of existing, overall, it remains one of the best maps.
Do you think it is bad because you cannot just pus R-R-R and go forward ? :)
Prokhorovka unlike steps is very much a camping map where both sides have sniper-nests controlling the capture-points. The sniper-nests are also too far apart and too well covered for lights to do anything but spot other tanks who are spotting. Meaning that it becomes game where you simply exchange spotters between teams on the west side of the map. The team with the best spotter will eventually win, yes. But before all other spotters are dead because of how retardedly far the sniper-nests are apart. When arty is on the map the maps middle ridge becomes almost unusable to anything but lights due to lacking arty cover.
The matches on Prokhorovka take longer than average on higher tier because of the bullshit of exchanging scouts till one is left and then one scout rushes forward to spot the sniper nest which often means exposing itself to fire without being able to take effective cover along the way, just dodging enemy shells while spotting the camping scum. Scouts spotting scouts so that they can scout an enemy sniper nest makes the games extremely linear despite being open maps. It’s like one massive corridor with ”snipers”.
Makes no sense. Both maps are open, yet you want one removed.
Just because they’re both open maps doesn’t make them both well designed. This should be obvious to all non-retards.
Anyone who is advocating for the removal of Prokhorovka is truly clueless about this game with extremely poor knowledge on how to play a medium or light tank.
“One massive corridor with snipers”… lol epic.
Pingback: Supertest: Přepracování map Stepi a Karélie
Let’s put more corridors! They solve all of the problems!
Steppes is one map they don’t have to ruin, much like Prokhorovka. It’s bad enough they keep introducing shitty corridor/town maps and reworking old ones into corridors, at least they could leave the few remaining decent maps intact (afterall they have mangled these once already).
Why doesn’t WG go all the way and remove all maps and replace them with an empty square?? Maps, nowadays, must either be totally empty or a total maze.
Im so tired of “rebalancing” of maps, when all they do is ruining them even more…
So what does the white patches on Karelia mean? What are the changing in that map? Does the white stand for areas that are being erased?
stepps is fine but Karelia is awful
Okay then… More indirect buffs for Russian tanks with no gun depression… Less places for tanks that rely on their turrets to go hulldown… Easier for arty to lob shells over hills… Stronk work WG.
How about making maps like Northwest and Severegorsk actually work and be enjoyable, instead of ruining perfectly good maps?
They love a good ol’ buzz kill, that’s why.
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You’ve got to be kidding me? Eliminating a bunch of those areas eliminates hull down opportunities and just favors the no gun depression Russian and Chinese tanks. Ridiculous. Those two maps did not need those changes. It looks like they’re just going to create more flat slugging corridors, which is not what the game needs.
Good job WG good fucking job! Steppes is one of only a few open maps that is balanced and at the same time punishes basecamping retards. But I guess they reason that there is not enough corridors for the brawling shitnoobs in their russian heavys…
A message to WG:
This is a crack plan WG. And by what I mean, is that is you make a plan after smoking lots of crack cocaine. You WoT map developers need to go to Detox rehab because this stuff is not working for you or the WoT players.
Karelia has always been shit. Assault on that map is better than Standard Battle because of how shit Standard Battle on that map is. With the excemption for TD’s who have no cover what so ever unless they crawl behind the giant rock north-west. The middle section is a waste of time. It’s lower ground AND soft ground. Meaning that you both have a height disadvantage and a speed disadvantage while the is little hardcover or softcover other than against the mountain ridge. On both ends to boot there’s bushes to fire from and not get spotted so the area can easily be locked down by one bushcamper since the middle is open soft ground. Fantastic.
The snipernest controlls the whole map and the northwest has giant rocks which give no protection from the snipers nest or middle while still functioning like a giant single stale mate inducing corridor and impressive feat. A designer couldn’t have planned it to be worse.
The South East is not better in any way having single corridor fight over the sniper nest and both spawns are uphill battles. Which is just handy dandy for all those who love to camp spawn locations.
Flatter maps? More pro-Russian power creep!
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