Hello everyone,
the supertesters on Russian server started testing an accuracy nerf. As far as I can tell, the nerf is valid for all the vehicles (possibly excluding artillery but including premiums) and does not concern the accuracy value itself, but a distribution within the circle (as in, shells flying to the center of the circle less often). Unfortunately, no details are known at this point (or relevant, developers are testing several variants), but the supertester thinks it’s planned either for 9.6 or 9.7.
Also, all the 9.5 vehicles are apparently balanced for CT2. 9.5 release is scheduled apparently on 22.-23.12.2014, if nothing goes wrong.
Right at everyone who cried about RNG being increased to 30% or more. Ha!
L48 will be even more inaccurate than it currently is, more reason to use only derp,
Good job WG, uniform nerf for all tanks. What if I told you that accuracy nerf is the last thing some tanks need (Leopard 1, high tier lights), while some need major rebalance (derps, high alpha TD guns)? Ah, I forgot… It’s the tomatoes who venture into the open, get nuked and then complain about invisible OP tanks who killed them. Corridors didn’t suffice, it seems, WG has to help them even more…
And fuck arty BTW.
This exactly. How accuracy works at the moment you might as well be in a russian heavy than a leo 1, at least it has survivability. I remember a while ago they said the german tanks will begin to feel their accuracy again. I hope that means tanks like the leo that only have accuracy going for them. Stay accurate and the derp buses get the nerf they deserve.
RNG increased to 30%? What?
You didnt know that?
Hadn’t heard it. Link to news post or whatever?
SerB explains why it has to be made such:
Fuck Serb.
When Storm said “We’ll increase RNG,” many players were like: “Oh, how can WG be so stupid, I won’t play with 30% RNG!” without even thinking.
great, now we will start missing again and losing matches cause the shots go after ducks instead of tanks!
“i never miss, the stupid gunner misses!”
If you’re fighting AMX-40s, that really isn’t too big an issue.
You are missing the point, RNG will stay 25%, just distribution for shell spread will change.
Shell distribution is part of RNG though? Everything random in the game = RNG.
Erm, this isnt RNG increase.
Anyway I hope this will turn those idiots who snapshots EVERYTHING to start aiming.
yay another stupid nerf, RNG doesnt fuck us up enough eh?
Btw. does anybody know if 9.5 will include the AMX CDC?
It’s not even sure if we’ll get that vehicle at all.
Yeah and by magic that nerf will make the shells hit only the turrets of russian tanks…effin retards…
122 mm guns of chinesse and soviet tanks will be fully useless. Well done WG
In soviet Russia, the bigger the accuracy number the more accurate the gun. didn’t you know? :P
Because it’s completely impossible to snapshot with 122m right now. Or with 152mm on KV-2.
So now you cant camp in is3, you actually need to aim and be more careful and get yourself closer to the battlsfeld? How terrilbe.
*sarcasm off*
Thats a bad thing to have less kv2 snapshots woth a fully bloomed reticle?
Noooo… Dont nerf my stronk russian sniper tank :C
As they fucking should be, anywhere except point-blank range
First reactions from readers:
1) Soviets will be the only ones not affected by this.
2) Soviets will be unplayable.
Gotta love how players are so totally torn~
Time to brawl.
No ruskie bias.
U know,.. 8.6 tottaly screwed things up(only thing better was almoust none skyfingers),.. 3.0 and 5.0 acc no diference, when it still flying to centre,.. and it was huge buff to russian,.. so i kinda gladly heard this one
So… what was the point in accuracy buff a few patches ago?
To find out that it was too much and we need some middle ground.
It was prove of concept, that when you try make huge part of whiners happy you just create triple times more whiners in result.
They clearly owerdid it thats it,.. so no more snapshoting kv2 at 500m targets,.. jupijajej
^^Don’t be so sure about that.
I sold my t-150 and moved the crew to a KV-2 after that patch. Only tank I have with a Walter Radley medal. So I’ve been pretty happy with the accuracy change. I suspect that after the nerf, it will still be ok, better than pre-buff so I will keep the KV-2 but if not, back they go to the t-150.
Another stupid nerf for TDs and sniping tanks, after camo, maps, etc…
This is really the one that could make me leave the game.
Great !
Like that we’ll have less dumbs campers !
What we need is less HT idiot crying about “not enough corridors” though…
Tanks are meant to camp, dumbass. Stupid CoD kid.
Bunkers are meant to sit in one ace, or came. Tanks are meant to fight. Sure, a hellcat is supposed to snipe, but not camp.
I dont give a shit about what should a tank do in real life. Wot is not a simulator. I want to have fun in combat not to camp in the back for 15 min… Want to camp? Go with a tent in a forest or play WT.
Tanks aren’t meant to camp. Tanks are meant to destroy enemy fortifications that stall the infantry advance.
M4R4Z, just leave the game. Please. It will be better for us, also better for you. :)
You are really pathetic, I will leave the game when I decide to, not when an idiot kid asks.
If it actually nerfs snapshots without harming (too much) fully aimed shots, I’m perfectly OK with this.
TDs & Sniper tanks in general tend to fire when aimed fully, since they’re more stationary due to their role. I have nothing against accurate shots when aimed fully, even if the dispersion is 0.5
I DO have a problem however when 0.42 accuracy guns shoot dead-center when slinging their turrets around. Where’s the sniper tank advantage in that?!
Finally! They destroyed the snipers when they made every tank able to hit targets from a galaxy far far away. Hopefully, not anymore. Much rejoice! :D
or a fv183mm oneshotting from 300m away without even stopping to aim.
8.6: 0MG KV-2 now sniper Tank
Little nerf on acc.:OMG now you wont hit Shit
Essentially, this is just another step towards dumbing down the game, so that the gap between Unicums and less skilled (dimwits) players gets smaller.
Basically a communism in practice.
It’s okay my brother. We’re all equally dumb. Some are just more equal than others.
Niv13 [-G-] Ex-Gold League, Silver League Player.
Your so called unicums.
this! ;-)
Except Unicums will still aim for weak spots, and still actually aim, and “dimwits” as you call them will still try snap shot everything, only it’ll hit even less, so if anything the gap gets bigger rather than smaller.
Aiming for weak spots will have lesser effect since the accuracy is going to be nerfed. That’s why the gap between good and bad players will be smaller.
B-but… if the guns are less precise, then accurate aiming will be rewarded more, which will profit unicums the most…?
Unicums actually started to snapshot everything, since it goes mostly in the middle anyway, alongside lowering your exposure/damage taken in return.
It’s not a point&click game. Skill has little to do with memorizing a section of the model and pointing the mouse cursor in that direction.
It basically throws all players more on the mercy of RNG. Which by default means it is a buff for weaker players (as they rely highly on RNG to even the odds ie. by poor decision making and poor positioning which can be cancelled by a low RNG roll by the opposing player) and a nerf to better players.
As its pointed out above, better players rarely fully aim because it takes too long in brawling meta and you’re almost certain to take damage that way – snapshots are preferred.
But if you increase the RNG, the only players who will realize it and will aim more are “still” unicums.
Unicum is unicum not only because of his memory, but because of execution and adaptability and you seem to completely overlook that.
>It’s not a point&click game.
Unless you play artillery.
This is greatest revolution since the birth of Marx!
“Let the [Unicums] tremble at a [crab & deer] revolution. The [reds] have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. [Dimwits] of all countries, unite!”
~ original quote by Karl Marx
“and I get clubbed to death by a hord of red seals”
~ Niv13 [-G-] a random Unicum
Why you write your nick and clan? Twice.
because I have the memory of a walrus. Woras.
Dr. Mundo? Have to say your nick often so you dont forget? Or self-centered? :D
Id say he has a good reason to say that hes unicum… plenty of people commenting on this claiming to be very good- unicums are just bullshitting to try and justify ttheir whining… Or try to make their opinion more valid. Not that his IS more valid, but he has more insight.
Did someone say “birthmarks”?
So, they are turning their earlier decision back when they buffed the aiming spread.
Expect law suits coming if they dare touch anything on those gold tanks. People spent real money to get goods. You don’t just start ravaging the goods that you’ve already sold your customers without giving them a notification + choice of refund.
You cant buy premium tank or acc – you just buying license to use it.
In otter words: WG lends you stuff and can do wtf they want with it.
Explain to me why they let ppl re-sell Super Pershings back to gold? Right before the armor nerf.
Heavy heavy nerf. Thats why.
Because even they don’t want to deal with sh*t. They could do it and then win the lawsuits, but why do it, when the number of people who sell SP won’t be that big (and indeed it wasn’t, AFAIK). Their choice to prevent sh*tstorm, basically.
Well it was payed already so no loss of money for WG, and less coplaining noobs,.. win win situation
If it’s global percentage/distribution nerf, they can try but will likely lose. If they bought the tank for precision, it will “still” be more precise than other tanks, so it keeps the advantage and the goods haven’t lost its value.
Not completely, IMO. Wouldn’t want to return to 20% of shells hitting the rim of the circle.
My fcm basically has speed and accuracy going for it. If they ruin the FCM i shall f-ing snap.
Generally happy about this, but i fear my kv5 might be useless again. That one should be excluded I suppose.
KV-5 drivers will be happier – tougher to hit the R2D2 a bit.
No need to exclude it.
Useless AGAIN? Only thing that can be useless again is meatbag who presses buttons.
At one point it was less acurate than the obj 261 which with 167 is an issue.
Any idea when the TS 2 will start?
Ever heard of hand of stalin? yeah all other nations will most likely shoot near edge of aiming sircle exept USSR tanks (Personal experience IS-6 VS T34)
Yesterday I sniped an E-25′s cupola from 200 meters,on the move (both him and me) while driving a T-150 with no aiming equipment and bad crew.I think the hole communist party reached out from the dead and helped me :))
Anyhow,a welcomed change for the game,at least now kv-2 won’t be able to snipe from 600 meters.
Not so welcomed if you are driving Russian tanks,but we’ll see….
Accuracy nerf is a good thing. A T49 hitting a hulldown tank at 500m is not something that should happen.
The trade off was: High accuracy gun (sniper) low damage, Low accuracy gun (brawler) high damage. But that was lost after the 8.6 accuracy buff, it gave high damage guns (soviet) a high chance of a hit. There was no point in playing a British or German vehicle, low damage high accuracy had no advantage. It that meant a KV1-S with the 122mm could snap shot a fast scout. If this means that snipers can snipe, and brawlers can’t, then good!
But I’m sure that Wargaming will implement it so that it pisses off the maximum amount of people, especially those on the non RU servers.
Thing is, the differences between them don’t change if you nerf ALL of them by an equal %.
They’d have to be individually balanced ie. accurate guns having better distribution. Right now it’s just a big “fuck you” to all guns in the game.
Nope. It’s only a “fuck you” to low-accuracy-number-guns which is totally OK.
Yes, shells are more likely to land near edges and less likely to hit the center – but more accurate guns still have much smaller aiming circle, so actual spread will remain low and allow to reliably hit targets at long range.
For inaccurate guns (like Russian 122, derps), where aiming circle is bigger, actual spread will be much worse than now, thus forcing the tank user to close the distance and/or aim longer.
So generally a buff for sniper tanks, since after 8.6 you could snipe pretty well (and I mean hitting Tiger II LFP size weakspots) in IS while fully aimed. And British TDs became screwed as anyone could hit those super weak big cupolas even at retarded range (same goes to other “well armored but with obvious weakspots” tanks).
So positive change overall, accurate guns will still remain “pretty accurate”, guns with low accuracy, which are now “pretty accurate” will fall to “mediocre”, “bad” or “inaccurate as shit” category.
Or, you know… reward fully aimed shots with much less dispersion. Really easy solution, come to think of it.
THEN a low aim-time would actually make sense.
better they should make the shit RNG work more like this :
- if you aim to the end you will shoot more on the center something like 80% chance
- if you shoot on the move you will hit enemy way less times something like 20% chance
- if you shoot not fully aimed but you stay still you will have 50% chance to hit the enemy
and like this we will see less motherfuckers who shoot from 300m-400m on the move and gets oneshoot the enemy
Isn’t the shoot on the move thing, already in the game? (and thats why you need snapshot perk)
In Jingles’s recent “Random acts of violence” It aptly demonstrates just how pathetic it is now. KV2, just point and click no need to fully aim at all, or even partially.
KV 2 was same even years ago , when it was 5 tier… It was called just KV.
When you got to top tier you had like 6 kills guaranteed. Stallinium stronk.
less people to hit my T95′s weakspots… yesss
Thank god for that! Hate it when an IS ” snipes ” me from hundreds of meters on the cupola… An E50 however, OK… still not happy about it, but much more plausible.
YES my only teir 9 is now playable……well unless anything involving artillery at all is going on…..
“possibly excluding artillery”
if they nerf tanks and not nerf arty, for sure will stop playing.
Yeah,cuz that’s exactly what arty needs now,a nerf….
It should be removed, so be thankful if it’s just going to be nerfed
Yes it should be removed and no,it most probably won’t be nerfed.
no sure of that, they are thinking about nerf ALL tanks but not nerfing arty.
and yes they should be removed from the game.
You need to learn how to play, badly. Arty has more than enough draw backs as it is and is an integral part of the game (but I assume you never helped the very good arty player on your team change the outcome of a game because you dont understand the mechanic)…
Yeah, typical artifags bullshit. “Hurrr if you don’t like arti it means you are bad”.
Actually the better a player is, the more he hates artillery, in general. Almost all popular unicums like Circon, Sirfoch or Orzanel are making fun of arti and how little skill it requires.
Simple answer my friend.SPG (Self Propelled Gays) are not tanks;so if “tanks” will get a nerf SPGs will not because they are not tanks.
Actually, SPGs do require skills due to their long aim and reload time; particularly where to pre-aim, which enemy to go after, and when to switch enemies. Even when to switch ammo types with some SPGs. A lot of total map situational awareness. Also, the more mobile ones are best used by relocating for better angles, so a more skilled player won’t just be sitting at the spawn.
Granted, not as taxing as playing a twitchy medium, but you can’t influence the game nearly as much as a trade off. The No. 1 best SPG player would have no chance matched up against the No. 100 best medium player in a pub match.
Lets compare normal tank x arty:
CLICK | yes – YES
lead the target to hit | yes – yes
relocate | yes – yes
blind shoot | yes – yes
move | yes – barely
gun depression/elevation problem | yes – barely
face 2×1 at the same time | yes – almost impossible (at the same time)
map awareness | yes (alot) – yes (not so much)
angle your armor | if you have some – no
aim at weak spot | yes – no
push/attack | yes – seldom relocate
flank | yes – seldom relocate
RNG dependant | yes – even more
shots have to hit | yes – not really
don’t expose yourself too much | yes – no
spot | yes – rarelly
be carefull about being spotet | yes – not really
be carefull about your hp | yes – no
find some cover | every time – just once
peek a boo | yes – no
try to look between all the foliage | yes – no
Now you tell me, is that so hard to play arty? Normal tanks do everything arty does, and MUCH more, thats why we say that arty needs no skill.
It does take skill? Yes, but its minimal skill compared to any other TANK
OBS: sorry if i forgot something, it didnt take me much time to do that list
You are correct, many (most?) unicum players hate arty. That’s why it will never get removed.
The game isn’t designed to cater to the unicums; it’s designed to cater to casual players. I don’t necessarily mean tomatoes, just players who come home after work and just want to play for an hour before dinner. These guys will stop playing if the game is dominated by unicums….if the only way to win is to put hours of study and effort into learning to play. They put that kind of effort into their actual job, not their recreation.
That’s why a game like Call of Duty has under slung grenade launchers. Also hated by unicums by the way. Check out the YouTube video “Extra Credits: Balancing for Skill”.
I’m guessing this will lead to an increase in premium ammo usage as hitting weakspots becomes harder :/
IMAO you just hit the spot, pun intended, that’s exactly what WG were aiming for! (sorry, could’t resist).
That’s a good thing (unlike the view range nerf which is stupid BTW), some tanks will have some value again like the t28 prot and the AT line … but combined with view range nerf that will be a desaster.
After the big arty nerf, TDs were becoming a bit OP and lights lost a lot of their utility. A view range nerf fixes that. As a TD player, you can still snipe enemies at 500m, but you will need a LT to light them up for you first. It also makes TDs harder to spot so there’s that. The overall effect is to make LTs more important and reward teamwork and that’s not a bad thing.
More inaccuracy ingame – more shells fired (regular and premium) – larger drain of silver and gold ingame – larger purchase of abovementioned from WG – ??? – PROFIT for them.
Pingback: Supertest: Blíží se nerf přesností
If every vehicle but arty was nerfed, does this mean the distribution can be set individually to a class, or even a vehicle, or the stats of all SPGs were buffed to compensate, like last time?
I’m just 10k from m48 patton , I would cry if I gad to play m46 patton with nerfed acc gun -.-
It hits in middle of aim like 33% of time.
They are acting like shells are flying too often into the center of the circle now … I wonder if they actually play their own game.
I don’t think they test them, for sure,
Like if the fucking BL-10 wasn’t bad enough already.
Oh no you poor thing……do you want it to do 750 average damage a shot(at teir 8) and be accurate………actually I wouldn’t be surprised if Wargaming buffed it…because soviet TD.
Bye Bye E100 on AP, 235 pen is just joke, now more HEAT will fly, cuz cant shoot where AIM at WEAKSPOT. This is not about only troll cannons, like KV 2 wich is OP, but look on E75, VK, Mause, E100, WZ, 183. All those guns are not sniper ones, 0.38 long aim time for 12.8, and “stronk” armor for Top. And JPe100, shoot for zero to side of bat, and 22 sec reload. Jusy cool, mighty BL10, so damn inaccurate.
8.6. Made some of tanks OP, ok. But how many make playable. Sure, KT and Lowe can snipe, but T34 have acc gun, but must be full aimed. And no ARTY nerf, WHY, ?! Arty can snipe so well after 8.6 , fuck logick WG
The arty still have the old distribution which is still worse than the new distribution they are adding,. The old distribution has more shells flying to the outer edge of the circle than was realistic. The current distribution has most shells flying through the middle. The new distribution will make shells fly more randomly within the circle while not going to the edge randomly every 2nd or 3rd shot.
Basically, arty still have worse distribution, giving them the new distribution would be a major buff for inaccurate arty. If anything the circle bloom for (semi)turreted arty needs to increase.The non-semi-turreted arty aren’t OP. It’s those with ridiculous gun-arcs that don’t need to aim for 3 centuries that usually fuck up moving targets instead of shooting stationary targets.
Arty are still a broken class of course regardless.
Pretty sure all vehicles have the same distribution. That was the impetus for the SPG accuracy and aim time nerfs, among others, when the distribution was changed.
Sure. Sexton II, fully aimed at camping TD, six shots, all dead centre of target, all misses. The hand of Stalin reached up from hell, and pushed them away from the SU76. People complain about the one shot that kills them, catches them napping, tunnel visioning, but ignore all the shots that miss them. Arty relies on the other team members to spot, and keep spotting. Good luck with that with 14 tomatoes. And at the end of the game and there are two arty, one heavy on your team left, guess who goes spotting for arty? Arty. It s in game for a reason, and no amount of whinging spoilt little mummies boys crying for its removal is going to change that.
OK, I think I’ve found a perfect solution that suits everyone!
- Leave (or even buff) accuracy of MY tanks.
- Slightly nerf accuracy of all other tanks in may team (so that they don’t steal my damage).
- Greatly nerf accuracy of the opposite team tanks.
Best news all year and long overdue. Guns became way too accurate after the buffs and this is badly needed to rebalance the large calibur guns.
Maybe the accuracy nerf will cure the “15-3 5 minute” battles
What flawless logic!
In order to stop camping, we will make accuracy nerf and make it impossible to hit anything if you have moved at all in the last 5 minutes, so yeah you pretty much HAVE to camp in order to have theoretical chance to hit.
Ahahha i expect IS6 with 175 pen gun that hits 3 out of 10 shots to be Massive FUN!!!
”Don’t play 112, IS6, IS-2 and IS. ” Serb.
Meanwhile: IS still has higher matchmaking weight than T29 and IS-2 because reasons. Russian bias.
I actually believe this nerf might be a good thing because pulling out shit like this isn’t normal…
I don’t care ,they can nerf all they want ,just remove Self Propelled Gays from the game or make it a mode which you can turn off.
They have that mode already. It’s called Team Battle.
If you could turn off arty, who would do it? Noobs or unicums? Probably unicums so if a noob turned it off, he would find himself getting squished by unicums *every* game. So you would have a mode with highly skilled players on both sides with no arty; just like Team Battle is now.
Instead of nerfing the global accuracy how about they make so that fully aimed shot has much higher chance of hitting dead center and those poorly aimed shots would be almost impossible to hit where you aim. That way no more bullshit snapshots, sniping KV-2s etc. And if you take your time to aim that would be rewarded with precise shot. But that’s too much logic and common sense for WG i guess.
You do realize that mechanic is already in game? Its called the aiming circle. When you dont ail fully the aiming circle is larger so it means a much smaller chance to hit the target, whereas you fully aim you circle is smallervin comparison to the target so you have higher hance of hitting it. This nerf will make this difference bigger thus nerfing snipers but making snapshots almost impossible and low accurac is nerfed evenxmore because so snipers will get buffed in comparison.
yeeees more RNG, just what we need!
WG is full of stupid ppl. But I dont think they are that stupid to apply this to arty’s RNG accuracy
Guys, you do know the only tanks affected by this will be snipers, right ? Because, russian tanks aren’t supposed to fight at long range and when you’re firing at less than 100m, 0.3 or 0.5 it’s the same damn accuracy. Long range howitzer shots like KV-2 will be just as accurate as always because guess what, you don’t give a shit if you hit the turret instead of the hull.
So yeah, german tanks will become useless in their advantage, already long 88 misses A LOT of shots at medium-long range, and I have better accuracy with IS, IS-3, E-75 (128mm) and KV-2 than I have with Tiger or JP. That says it all.
I dont think this nerf will excluding artys, because all vehicles use the same accuracy system. So, the “curse of 8.6 accuracy” applies to artys too. (hitting the dead center with BIG aiming circle)
booth cases happened in the SAME battle!
Nice, now I will have a good reason to stop playing that shit game.
Russian game mechanics for the crazyness.
More RNG = Stupid..
Just think about it.. and you will agree. it will make this game even MORE World of Random or World of Gamble as you will be gambling if your shot will go where you aim .. (thats allready the case)
You know what!
EVEN MORE gold shooting !! because you sure want to make those shots count!
Just imagine when you try to hit an enemies cupola and you cant freakn hit it how mad you will be if that guy doesnt aim and just hits your weakspot and ammoracks you instantly..
Stop crying.
yes more RNG, that’s what the game needs…..
Aloha ppl who will bite me for grammatical and logical errors! Just saying…..play scouts….Maybe now a KV-2 will actually miss my ELC for once…..
yea fuck the pro players they will have to shot from 50 meters now. now they will not hit tomatos in e75 in capela and plankton players will still shot in cenntre of aim circle no mater how big it will be they turn tower and shot u without aiming (i tested it on new “tomato” maked account)
Why would you do this?
Previous comments indicate that this change will hurt unicums more because they tend to use snapshots a lot.
The average win rate is something like 48%. That means the vast majority of the player base is orange or red. So does WG cater to these “minnows” or the unicum “sharks”? The minnows of course because without them, the “whales” (wallet warriors who can drop thousands of dollars on the game) will have nothing to eat.
It’s not personal, it’s business.
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All you need to know about the accuracy problems… RNG is a bitch and Wargaming Public Company on Cyprus is in danger of having its shares forcibly delisted from the Cyprus Stock Exchange, because it does not fulfill several requirements a listed company should, one of which is not publishing its financial reports (for 2013 and first half of 2014).
I stopped putting money in this game because of RNG, now they want to buff RNG so I guess its time for me to QUIT after 5 years of playing this game!
STB-1′s gun is already atrocious , add to that the incoming nerf or rng increase or whatever you wanna call it and it’s good bye for that tank .
I don’t remember who it was, but I seem to remember someone proving mathematically that the 8.6 accuracy buff would disproportionately effect inaccurate tanks (I.E. KV-2 benefited the most, E-50M benefited the least). If the aiming circle spread were to be nerfed again (although the implication here seems to be that it won’t be nerfed all the way back to where it was before 8.6), the same would apply in reverse, with the KV-2 (and now the T49) being hurt the most and the E-50M (and now the Leo 1) being hurt the least. And if you think about two aiming circles of different sizes placed over the same sized target, this makes intuitive sense.
I’m not really sure what the deal is with all the complaints about increased RNG devastating skilled players, because surely the logical conclusion of continually reducing the RNG associated with accuracy is pure hitscan, wherein the shell will always fly to exactly where your cursor is pointed. This could only help red and oragne players who just place their crosshair over the target and pray, especially those that know about aiming for weakspots (and before you laugh, I’ve seen many a baddie at least try to go for weakspots) but aren’t very good at it.
Don’t see the problem, was doing this http://youtu.be/IkQ2SskHKwY pre 8.6 anyway
Fuck that! Why would they nerf the accuracy ? Will it make the game better? HELL NO! It will just make you rage more and that’s it. Who came up with that bright idea anyway?