Author: Tyraforce
Today we’re going to have a look at everybody’s favorite WOT vehicle class called SPGs, arties, f… clickers, scumbags, lucky bastards, sky pigs, cancer, cowards and worse (see FTR Hall of shame for the full family-friendly list). This is the first part of a 3-part guide that will cover nearly everything associated with these much loved vehicles WG blessed us with. The first part will cover general info and basic guidelines, which experienced players might not find as interesting. More advanced stuff will be covered in parts 2 and 3. Let’s get started.
SPGs are a part of the rocks-scissors-paper concept and their job is to deal with heavies and campers in general. While many whine and wish arties were removed, this would only encourage people to camp harder and more people would just drive E3s, find a hulldown spot with a solid cover behind them and troll the heck out of the enemy team. Arties reduce the amount of possible camping spots and keep people moving. Also, they narrow the gap between excellent and bad players by suppressing the excellent ones and making their life much harder. They are the necessary evil that makes the game ticking whether you like them or not.
In my humble opinion, everyone should get a tier 10 SPG to fully understand how they work, where they can hit you and how to avoid their shells. A good arti driver doesn’t need very good reflexes but rather good situational awareness and the ability to constantly evaluate the threat level of different targets as well as other factors. Being able to hit stuff reliably is only the beginning of the path of the scumbag.
Arties are heavily influenced by RNG and it is well possible to miss several fully aimed shots in a row in certain SPGs. However, in the long run, it is your skill and not the RNG that influences your damage output and win rate. In general, experienced players pick better positions, targets and aiming spot thus having a significantly higher chance to hit and pen. If you keep missing shots, you are probably doing something wrong as 60%+ chance of direct hits is not that hard to achieve in public games.
However, even the greatest arti players have games where they can’t hit anything and there is no reason to despair. If you are good, your long-term stats will show it and honestly, you can’t suck if you decide to read the boring twenty pages that are about to follow.
Many players believe that SPGs have lower skill requirements than other tanks. Well, this is a bit tricky so I’ll just list what I consider to be true:
1) A bad player will do better in SPGs than in any other vehicle. It is unlikely he will die in the first minute of the game, he will deal damage if he hits something and those HE shells he’s been using in his E100 will finally work for him… However, he will probably still be a bad arti player far behind the good ones.
2) A great player will not be able to influence the game as much when playing SPGs. While it is much harder to turn a game around or secure the win by killing 8+ tanks, you can still get a very good arti win rate. I recently realized that while grinding arties in solo random games, I have a consistent ~60% win rate. I recently finished grinding the Crusader SP, which I find the weakest of its tier and realized I have 68% solo win rate in it.
3) SPGs give bad players a very good chance of killing players they wouldn’t be able to stand against otherwise. This causes much rage and all the “learn to play a proper tank” comments.
4) There is a big difference between a good and bad SPG performance. However, not as big as with other vehicles. To get a better idea, check the following picture.
This was a Prokhorovka battle with 2 Bat arties. While neither of the players is exceptionally good or bad, their general arti performance differs a lot as well as the performance in the specific battle. Notice that the player who dealt 6k dmg actually lost the battle (and didn’t ammorack anyone) while the 800dmg guy survived the battle and was not afk. Also notice that the worse player has many more battles in the Bat arti so he must be doing a lot of things wrong.
If you only want to pick only one nation and are planning to play Strongholds, Clan Wars etc., then pick either UK or USA. Do not pick Germany as G.W.E100 is rarely used.
UK: FV304 is the most popular tier 6 SPG and a very unique and fun arti to play. Also it gets used in tier 8 CW by some pro clans to deal with camps on maps like Mountain Pass. The Conqueror GC has the highest shell arc of tier 10 artillery and is used on maps where other arties are useless by all respectable clans.
USA: M40/M43 is the best tier 8 arti on maps where you expect heavy tanks to appear. Both tier 9 and 10 American arties are used in CW for their huge splash radius on maps where you expect concentrated heavy forces. However, unlike the Conqueror GC they are not irreplaceable and some clans don’t use them at all.
For random games, any nation will do. They are all about equally enjoyable and they all include great and terrible SPGs. If you want to become a serious arti player, the French line is a must. Its mobility lets you test many different arti positions, which you can then safely use with your slower SPGs.
While different clans tend to have different preferences, this is the general classification:
B-C 155 58 (aka Bat arti) – Used only when you need to move your arti to a specific location very fast. At the moment it is only used on Province (AFAIK). Low damage combined with low penetration and splash is just bad for CW.
G.W.E 100 – Rarely used due to poor mobility and camo. It is impossible to relocate and easy to counter.
Conqueror GC – Used to shoot over obstacles on mountainous maps and sometimes even on city maps. It is often used on flat maps in combo with another arti. It is probably the best arti for tank companies as it is useful on any map.
T92 – Used on maps where you expect heavy clusters that you can splash.
Obj261 – Used when you need none of the above and the best pick to fight mediums. Widely used for its mobility and great rate of fire.
The following picture shows the shell arcs of all five tier X arties. Many thanks to whoever took the time to make it.
In general, the higher you are the deadlier you are. Contrary to the popular belief, camping higher DOES NOT increase the accuracy of indirect fire (we will cover direct fire later). Instead, it gives you more options as your arc will be higher as your gun elevation usually remains the same or very similar. You will be able to shoot over higher obstacles and have a steeper angle of impact, which is useful on all but few maps with most arties.
Looking at the picture above again, it is clear that if you want to shoot over a tall obstacle, you should position so that it is halfway between you and the poor victim (where the arc reaches its top).
In other words, GET ON THOSE HILLS whenever you can! When behind a reliable line of your team you do not need to sit in a bush, which is what most arty players are obsessed with. For example, there is a little hill in Serene Coast J3/J4. Most arties hide behind it. I tend to stay on top as long as my team can hold the central valley. Bushes are in most cases as they “disappear” whenever you fire that monster of a gun. Also, being in a bush makes countering you much easier even if you move after each shot.
I’m not going to go in much detail here as there seems to be a general consensus and you all know this already anyway, right?
-Sixth sense – ASAP as you are a priority arti target and really need to know when you get spotted.
-Camo is vital no matter how bad your basic camo value is. Spotted arti = dead arti most of the time
-BiA is important but I suggest to get camo first as you need SS on the commander anyway
-Snap Shot should work even with turretless arties (based on WG info and some guides)
-Designated target should also work but I don’t use it as I never aim at the tank (more in Part 2)
-Deadeye is only useful if you use AP shells a lot (plan ahead)
-Clutch Breaking makes you turn faster, which makes you fire many shots sooner. It is also useful in TD mode.
-Intuition is useful with 2 loaders and heavy AP use.
-Premium food is definitely worth using with higher tier arties. Buy it ahead for 10k credits and the investment can even be a profitable one.
-Repair kit and First aid kit over Fire Extinguisher for fixing splash damage. Arties don’t burn much. If you do, you’re most likely dead already or need to heal and repair stuff to remain effective.
-Rammer and Laying Drive are nobrainers. Third slot: Vents-) Heavy liner -) Net (+Bino with Bat arti)
AP is only recommended for very experienced players and arties with VERY high pen. Generally you want to use it for targets that don’t take much damage from HE. Use it against large tanks like IS7 and superheavies when they are in stationary positions and permaspotted (mostly brawling spots). Arties with very high AP pen like Obj. 261 and T92 (~370 pen) will pretty much pen anything you hit at a reasonable angle incl. some otherwise tough upper plates. The downside is less module damage and no splash damage/tracking on close misses. Switching between AP and HE requires a lot of experience and I have to admit I still haven’t mastered it.
HEAT is useless as arties hit under weird angles and you never know for sure which part of the tank you will hit.
PREMIUM HE is useful but by no means required in these situations:
1) CW, at least the ones where the enemy actually stand a chance – running a CW SPG is VERY expensive.
2) Countering artillery – as most can be killed with splash damage.
3) Shooting moving targets where tracking can be deadly – 1shot on Mines should be premium and track those meds going up the hill.
4) Splashing targets in cover.
5) Endgame stage where every shot counts and there are a lot of low HP tanks.
HE is what you use in the remaining situations.
Well, that’s it for today. Next time we will cover more boring stuff like target priority and positioning. Please, let me know what you think. I’ll do my best to respond as much as I can. Just stick to the topics I covered as there will be much more stuff coming in the next two parts.
Special thanks to “Benny” for checking the content and “Catman” checking me stronk Inglisch.
LOL NO. Just…err, we will agree to disagree on arty. FUCK ARTY, but effort like this has to be respected.
fuck arty.
Amen brother.
just to add, this guy may know about the basics of arty. ,,,,
but id not take this guide as granted and ive seen several points here where good artyplayers would disagree.
” good artyplayers ”
Must be TD42 if there ever was one. And he stopped playing yo.
Lovely article – nice to see something written about the positive side of this fascinating aspect of WoT. No comments please about my stats – I don’t care and just think of all the lovely XP I provide for all you stars out there.
Couple of comments:
1/ BIA is a must: knocks 4 seconds of the reload time of my Tier 8 Frenchie. Far more useful than Sixth Sense and camo as if they’re that close to you, you’re shortly going to be a smoking ruin anyway
2/ You must keep an eye on the minimap: watch for that collapsing flank and leg it as far away as possible before you’re seen. It’s also great to see agglomerations of enemy in choke points, like on Redshire, worthy of gold HE at 4k a pop. I never use gold AP, needs an accuracy I just can’t seem to access.
3/ Don’t worry about fire extinguisher, medical kit or repair: just put the basic ones on as if you need to use them you’re about to die anyway.
4/ GLD, rammer and camo net. I’d use Vents instead of camo, but I never seem to have an arty that can use it.
5/ Direct fire: always have a go as you’re about to die anyway. Works for me one time in 10, but it’s worth it for the rage that appears in chat when you get a strike.
6/ Think about spending the first minute or so spotting the regular enemy arty positions – counter battery firing. Enemy fire creates a “contrail” that you can see the origin of. Surprisingly often you either hit them first time or they’re so surprised that they neglect to move and a second shell to the same spot finishes them off; arty are very vulnerable to splash damage.
7/ Have a go at moving targets if there’s nothing else to have a go at. ELX’s and E25′s are a waste of your time, but an IS7 trundling along in a straight line or a predictable weave? lovely.
Looking forward to the next articles!
1 – i doubt that. Would be really awesome to knock down8 more seconds with coffee eh? – get real ^^
3 – your arty often survives onetick of fire, but not two. Therefore can the gold FE prolong your life greatly, but yeah nvm.
4 – Strange… I got 12 arties and i dont use a single camonet… I think im making a mistake here… ^^ or do you?
5 – direct fire hitrate (!) should exceed 75% when u learned to play arty… Atleast thats what i expect :)
6 – that is called a tracer,
7 – learn to predict… Alot of moving targets neglect even the idea of arties trying, thats where skill comes into effect. And yes hitting moving targets is more than possible, even an elc or something similar. And funnily, the ebtter the enemy the easier to hit… Its all about prediction of movement.
I agree with most PTs written by tyraforce & malairt. Playing arty requires a different set of skills & way of thinking.
I am also looking forward to the next set of articles.
1) BIA is a must and there is one Tier X arty where you can and must put ventilation: Conqueror GC.
You can scrap camo on tier X arties or maybe put it as your 3rd or 4th skill.
2) One tip with the GC that does not translate very well with other arties is that the closer you are to your maximum range the steeper the path of the shell. Thus with the GC when you want to hit tanks behind rocks you have a great bonus if you position yourself at maximum range. The drawback being the loss of accuracy and the shell flying time.
If you want to experiment with a less costly arty use the FV304 it works the same.
3) One tip with the GWE that does not translate well to other arties is the use of a Superheavy Spall Liner. That sometimes enable you to survive a direct arty hit and limits the amount of crew and module damage you get from splashes. Since this is the slowest accelerating arty it tends to get some splash against good arty players or warpack users.
4) One very useful equipment that I put on my tier 7-9 arties are the binoculars. It is much more useful than the camo net as anyway you have a shit camo and it will sometimes enable you to spot far a tank far enough to let you focus your shoot in arty view instead of doing a reflex shot in direct fire mode. I even put it on the Batchat arty as there are not that many equipments that are useful there on top of the EGLD.
TD42′s conscience caught up with him
…After that many games of CancerGC? Well more power to him if he developed conscience!
Hi, everyone! I registered after months of lurking just to reply to this E-mail. In particular, this paragraph:
“SPGs are a part of the rocks-scissors-paper concept and their job is to deal with heavies and campers in general. While many whine and wish arties were removed, this would only encourage people to camp harder and more people would just drive E3s, find a hulldown spot with a solid cover behind them and troll the heck out of the enemy team. Arties reduce the amount of possible camping spots and keep people moving. Also, they narrow the gap between excellent and bad players by suppressing the excellent ones and making their life much harder. They are the necessary evil that makes the game ticking whether you like them or not.”
None of this is true. This would imply that games with arty lack camping. This is simply not true. In fact, not one shred of evidence is provided for any of the claims made here. I appreciate your time, but if you’re going to formulate an argument, try some logic.
Its a fact as well that artillery doesn’t shoot the camping e3′s. They rather shoot at the obj140/batchat 3 times because that is the active player which will probably spot the artillery.
Rock paper scissors would only apply to this as td kills heavy, heavy kills medium and medium kills td, still it doesnt add up. It will never be like rock paper scissors since every class has its own strengths in vehicles (auto loader/high alpha etc.)
Artillery is a sidekick which 99% of em sits on the edge of the map (thats what edges are for?) and interrupts gameplay. They averagely just knock out the players what are spotted and out of cover, which automatically means the active player. Knock these out and you have just the amount of camp you can expect on prokhorovka/fiery salient. And then XVM doesnt add up to fair play either.
Please show us the average time a game lasts with and without artillery before sending out another post that they actually reduce camping.
sharap, arty is what makes thus game special and fun :D
Ah, yes, times with 6-8 arties were so much fun.
Afraid of getting 500-800 from air AGAIN is fun.
Not being able to fire at arty back is fun.
Congrats to you, you just described how Waffenträgers work.
Deal huge damages from a spot behind a bush, and never be spotted because of ridiculous camo stats.
“never be spotted because of ridiculous camo stats.”
It’s not spotted because it camps outside 445m max spotting range, not because it haz camo- remember firing cancels out almost all camo, be it from paint or camonet
A waffle at 200m will be undetectable if behind a bush.
And arty is also over max spotting range so what’s the problem ?
Arty rarely pens, mostly splashes for +/- 600 damages.
And almost every TD above tier VIII will do 750 damages per shot. What are you complaining about ? Arty haters dont even make sense… TD > arty in every way. Only good point arty has over TD is longer fire range. All the other stats (reload, accuracy, damages, hitpoints, armor…) are better on TDs.
“A waffle at 200m will be undetectable if behind a bush.”
15+ meter behind single bush, but he won’t be spotting targets, so he might as well be beyond 445m but within draw distance
“And arty is also over max spotting range so what’s the problem”
That’s one of many problems of arty.
“Arty rarely pens, mostly splashes for +/- 600 damages.”
1.when it does it’s annoying as fuck 2. No weakspot knowledge needed, connect a click= 600 dam! WOW SUCH PRO
“Only good point arty has over TD is longer fire range”
And insane alpha if it pens, still does considerable damage even if nonpen/nearmiss/etc. And the ability to project firepower across the map, without the need to be in the box of drawing distance, making rockhumping legit arty avoidance tactic. SUCH GUD GAME DESIGN
I am not saying arty is OP; I think it’s UP, but it’s still bad game mechanic and broken. On the other hand Waffle100/183 is both broken and OP.
Yes, but there is difference in many more aspects then +-600splash dmg (your clamed negative aspect of “bad accuracy” is negated by other argument of low dmg):
1. You know where can TDs sit… so you may take cover from TD shot.
2. You may try to cover from arty shot on some maps… just if you know where arty is sitting, and arty don’t have huge splash and you dont dogfight, otherwise you just learn that this time you were wrong.
3. really you just fight almost ignoring arty, because you know he reloads 40s, so you roll a dice and hope he will choose somebody else, or he will not hit you because of RNG, bad guessing of movement or so. Still If I go to cover, arty will focus another TANK anyway, not a big difference for a team.
4. on many maps fighting Bat arty is hard… you know he shooted near/on you … now you may take the risk of being killed or you may backoff and let enemy to take key position or rush you full speed because you will not go from cover to shoot them on the move.
5. taking hit from arty is no win too… you cannot revenge, because arty have let say 450-550hp… even if you kill him, it will not compensate your lost of +600hp.
6. killing arty… for MT no oneshot (again fighting arty directly is rolling a dice), as example i have FV304: I see somebody shoot on me… i go from arty mode and I see almost covered Type 58 reloading to shoot again… autoaim, click…… no Type 58… skill to the max :)
7. to avoid skiller in TANK is possible… but difference in skill you presented on that screenshot is a key… our arty may shoot birds on roof “because forfun player”… so not just being hitted by arty is a dice roll, on public being supported by our own arty is a dice roll.
BTW: active spotting for arty is uselless for exp… usually they hit target just after they disappear (i spot… 8s is “aimtime” +2s shell traverse… no assisted dmg)… assisted dmg I have mostly from TANKs fire. Oh… did I mentioned that arty dont request spot location (where they aim) on public?… I mean more then “please spot”… this is hurting me all the time “spot” from arty… not mentioning where, who, how, when.
It would be nice if you can see on the minimap where your team’s arties are looking, just a line/cone from their icon.
Complain about Waffentragers? At least those td’s have to move close enough to see the enemy in the first place. And they have to aim at the weakspots in order to penetrate their shots.
If you complain about camping td’s then how can you be ok with arty that camps even further, and only needs to click? Remember that you need to press WASD at least to get into range in your td’s, but you do not need in your clickers.
what do you mean not being able to hit back? just flank and kill it ;> fucking noob
Yeah, it’s soooo fun to to be oneshot by arty, and equally fun being trolled by RNG most of the time in arty.
Stop being masochists plz arty-players, think how much less rage you’d have/caused if you don’t click in cancers.
Know your enemy.
“this would only encourage people to camp harder” – muahahahhahaha. That’s just usual crap promoted by arty-lovers. But in-game reality shows that usually the effect is the opposite – arty forces to camp so to not get one-shot or smth like that.
TBH, on lower tier (up to 6-7) it makes no perceptible difference if there are arties or not. Maybe team will become a little more aggressive with lack of arty but in general it didn’t promote camping that much.
Well, if you camp against an arty, good luck then. Spotted >> dead. :-P
High tier TDs with insane alpha and sometimes even an autoloader encourage camping much more. I often see tier X games ending up in a draw (definitely more often than in lower tiers) because none of those two or three surviving monsters is brave enough to go spot for the others (or crazy enough, because they usually won’t be spotted before proxy spotting in less than 50 meters even if they kill you).
If you manage to die from One Shot by an arty while you’re moving, two possible things happened:
-you made something wrong, like driving straight or in the middle of nowhere, means spotted and without covers
-arty driver is very skilled, because hit a moving target means you’re able to take in count:
~shell travel time
~target speed
~target direction
You cant do it randomly.
Whereas, if you camp, you dont move, so arty has time to aim, fire, let the shell travel, and hit you.
So no, arty doesnt encourage camping. Or the ones who are motivated to camp because arty is in the battle… Well the understood absolutely nothing about how they work.
Great point!
There is also a chance you will get hit by a stray shot intended for someone else.
“You can’t do it randomly.”
T49 gets splashed to death within 10 seconds of being spotted. Seems legit.
Oh, and at full speed and weaving, too.
“So no, arty doesnt encourage camping.”
Please stop this shit.
There are so many maps where you need to go around a hill in order to attack, if you go around – and thus ATTACK – the arty is able to hit you, otherwise it isnt.
Thus arty clearly leads to more camping because most ppl are aware of this shit.
I’ve hit moving targets with arty in situations where I can only consider it to be luck. There’s a certain amount of skill in leading appropriately to maximise the chance of the hit, but when the target jinks out of the line of fire or it turns out you misjudged the lead time, and then the shell goes off-target in such a way that it hits the tank you were aiming at anyway, then that’s luck.
However, I’ve also had games where the lower-tier medium I’m facing seems to be firing weakspot-guiding missiles at my heavy from 400+ meters while my own shells always seem to find the one point in the aiming circle where they’ll get a troll ricochet or miss entirely. Freak occurances happen, and they stick in mind because they ARE so freaky (particularly when you’re the victim), but they’re not exactly something that you expect to see in every battle..
With all your fancy conditions to hit a shot on a moving target, you simply do not take into account the shell dispersion which is the greatest factor as far as I can see.
Do the maths yourself, say we are driving obj 261 aiming at a target at the distance of 600 meters. The accuracy is 0.66m/100m, which is one of the best in the game, multiply that by 6, we have 3.96m radius of dispersion. So is your shell that predictable or not? Just compare with another tank in the game.
Take is-7, 0.4m/100m, and shooting at the distance of 400 meters. We get that the radius of dispersion is 1.6m. That is about half of radius of dispersion, and we are ought to have twice chance of hitting in an is-7.
It is well known that is-7 is inaccurate, so how about your skillful arty shots? By the way, I have not even taken into account that the shell speed of is-7 is much faster than that of your arty.
The effect is neutral. Campers are gonna camp regardless of map, tier and just about any other factor. I’ve seen people camp when we were pushing for a win (and did win, gloriously) so even on a great victory they still had a shitty game :)
I often move a lot more on the open areas when there is no arty in the game. When is arty in the game, i move from cover to cover.
Get the point straight – arty players themselves are campers.
Exactly High alpha = More Camp
see the same thing against 183s jag E100 Waffles ect.
While i aware that playing SPG is not easy, it still infuriating to get OHKed on your first minutes on battle. And it still delightful to race my Luch to unsuspecting arties….
Hey, blame your mates if my Luch managed to kill you in SPG.
It’s actually ridiculously easy to play. It’s hard to play consistently, doing good damage every battle. But I would say even arty-noobs can do great damage in 50% of their battles, just like arty-pros can have very bad ones. Too much RNG. And yea I only get killed when I camp, sure. Thing is, I almost never camp. I still get killed a lot. Moving as random as the situation allows, moving constantly. Still. And campers don’t get hit cause guess who is spotted and who isn’t.
Casual arty driver works with RNG.
Good arty driver, the one you want in your team, works with RNG and also SKILL.
A non-skilled arty driver will not be able to hit most of his shots, never hit a moving target, and wont do any spectacular shots.
How to work with RNG when you cannot be the one deciding where you want your shell to fly to? And how can he carry his team (and hence skilled) when he relies on his team to spot the enemy (complete passive)?
Leading targets is just muscle memory, it’s hardly a skill.
“their job is to deal with heavies and campers in general”
stopped reading right here
Camper/heavy/TD driver spotted
because campers are always spotted and shitted on by arty- said no one ever
whack-a-mole player spotted
As a part of a CW Clan, i hate this useless flaming about artys -.-
For me, it´s just stupid. Arty is one of the best tactical option to destroy an enemy without useless deaths…
If you think, an Arty is OP or just easy to play, you never learned how to play an Arty all right…
Usualy, the ones complaining about arties are the one who got killed by one more than once, and who never tried high-tier ones (with long reload and poor accuracy).
But they’ll keep defending their FV183+hesh because it’s clearly not op, just an arty twice as fast reloading, with three times more armor and hp, and better accuracy, who can fire sniper mode and deal same amount of damages with 235 mm pen.
usually, the ones complaining most about arties are (super)unicums, because other people who get shot by arty will start play it aswell and most of them are not that hypocritical to bash something they play too.
I whine it from time to time for two reasons:
1) people who has xvm always target me and this mechanism offers them possibility to do so, without facing me in fair 1v1 fight
2) I cannot do anything to fight them back, and when that time comes, the game is usually over anyway.
I still dont get how this is fair and for me it never will be. Yeah, of course I can “get used to it of fuck off”, and no worries, I am able to handle that most of the time. But the occasional oneshot in Leo 1 from 400 WN8 player (i dont have xvm in-game, but when this happens I check the players afterwards) will still rustle my jimmies. It has nothing to do with 183s, since they are equally broken as arty. But at least they have the balls to stand me 1v1.
You make a very good point here sir:
1) people who has xvm always target me and this mechanism offers them possibility to do so, without facing me in fair 1v1 fight
I admit that I do take xvm into account when I prioritize my targets, and that is especially useful for arties. However, I also see this as a “re-balancing” of the initial battle odds. As a part of a red/yellow team against a team with a platoon of unicums, you give your team some chance by focusing more on skilled players. In a skill-based match making system this could be considered a bit unfair but I think that in a current mm it actually is fair, if annoying.
Yeah, i get you, but from my point of view (3200 or so WN8) i see only the annyoing side of that, not the “rebalancing” one :D basically what you say is, that good players should be punished for being better than the others, which doesnt make much sense for me, since everybody can get to the unicum level (given appropriate effort to that ofc). And even I just want to have fun while playing the game. Its not about “ruining stats” or whatever bullshit some people claim. Arties just ruin fun for me and add frustration to the game, to top the points i made in my previous post.
I totally see that being the case. My counter-argument is that they may possibly be making you an even better player as a result. I don’t even have about half your wn8 so I encounter this issue far less often but it sure is annoying (although very satisfactory if you manage/are lucky to evade it)..
Fair is a subjective term here, of course. When you land a pub match with a team that has a 30% chance to win and other side has all the Unicum/scums and heavies, is that fair?
For some reason heavy players (not saying you specifically, but most that gripe about arty) all seem to think the only counter to their armor should be the skill of the other player in a one-on-one.
Kind of like how regular grunts used to complain about enemy snipers that wouldn’t come out for a fair fight, or the notion of evil booby traps by the cowardly enemies, etc.
Why the hell would I ever hand another player a fair fight? I enjoy every bit of unfairness that wot hands me (and everyone else does too).
Ive never said i was being objective. I play mostly mediums or french heavies, so the armor argument isnt really my case. It applies on mediums aswell though. Of course in real life it would be different, but this is a game that can be redesigned, not real life.
All is fair in love and war :D
this is a game though, not love nor war :)
Well, it *is* a team game, not 1v1.
Where is Bat arty in that graph? Am i blind or it’s even with obj. 261?
These are accurate but low-damage and low-splash.
Arties are more balanced in general than high tier TDs
He talks about the arc graph… ;-) I think it’s even with T92, I see tiny blue pixels on the antialiasing edge of the yellow line, that should be BC in my opinion. :-)
Batartys line is covered by T92s line because they have the same arc
Good article, and some good information in it. There also are some clear mistakes though, and a few questionable pieces.
- Designated target does absolutely nothing for arty in arty mode, it requires direct line of sight.
- Clutch braking makes one turn faster, but the faster turn rate also increases the dispersion in a way that often goes beyond the benefit of turning faster. Slow turning often is preferable
- The Spall liner is garbage. Especially in case of poorly protected vehicles such as arty its reduction of incoming HE damage is negligible. Spall liners are only good against large number of small caliber HE shots in case of well armored tanks, they are useless against big caliber HE and on weakly armored tanks.
It may save a crew member from time to time, but dead crew isn’t really a problem with arty either. It even may get one killed due to the extra weight, which may cause the accelleration to be worse when evading counter battery fire. I would prefer a camo net or even binocs over a spall liner on an arty any day, if vents are unavailable.
BTW, artillery (and other projectile) trajectories are not symmetrical as illustrated. The falling section of the trajectory steepens because of projectile deceleration.
AFAIK wind resistance isn’t modelled.
F15, say hi to CuddlyPanda :D
Good stuff, thanks for the article – looking forward to the next one. F*ck the haters – arty has been there from the start, and if you can’t handle it, GTFO.
Viruses, diseases, wars has been from the start – DO WE NEED IT TOO?
Moronist logic you have.
We don’t need viruses etc… But we have ways to get rid of them while they still exist… The cure you need is knowledge of how to avoid them :D
Bam. Another point
Or vaccines…
Viruses and diseases: healed.
Wars: because of religion, that’s what started most wars, not all but most.
Do we need them ?
Even if they’re deadly and hated by everyone, you cant deny it, they’re the origin of many progresses in technology.
If there was no diseases, we wouldnt be able to develop medical industry. (Because no need diseases to have health problems needing medical treatment).
War made possible tanks and weapons, which helped after that to create other things. And without tanks, no WoT :p
Think about what you said
Yes, but the point still stands: not all things present at the beginning are good.
Lol a noob that believes religion.starts wars…
It can gather masses under an ideal, whether the leader belives or not in the ideal itself.
Exactly. Something to explain to the stupid peasantry.
If it were not for religion, it would be something else. More then one way to make a peasant go and die…
Viruses are hypothesised to be important engines of evolution, actually.
And without wars, you wouldn’t have a tanks game…
Edit: So many ninjas.
Viruses are fascinating, they are like self replicating nano robots, “organisms at the edge of life”
“SPGs are a part of the rocks-scissors-paper concept and their job is to deal with heavies and campers in general. While many whine and wish arties were removed, this would only encourage people to camp harder”
Bullshit! How the hell does forcing people to avoid being spotted or hide behind tall cover reduce camping? Fuck arty!
The only difference in skill between bad and good arty players is that bad players forget to click while they wank.
Buttheart incoming.
You clearly have no idea if this game and how it works.
Ppl saying “op arty” never tried it above tier VIII.
If they did they would not do great games with a “no skill” behaviour they claim as arty-specific.
He didnt say that, LoL.
I say arty is bullshit for this game, and i have a tX arty.
Now go on with your argumentation.
Arty is underpowered. It’s also a broken mechanic. Once you learn the difference between the two you’ll understand what we are trying to explain shitter.
I understood that long ago. Bullshit might mean that its shit .. try to rethink that. But someone who writes something like this ..
“Medjed on December 15, 2014 at 2:57 pm said:
Let’s just say i wouldn’t be too sad if author of this article got some bad disease and died. Btw fuck off SS. Your try hard denying of good players because you’re a goddamn shitter is hilarious. ..”
Is a bloody Idiot. Wherever you come from, your home is the hall of shame :)
How terrible
The last time I played arty was 8.6 or 8.7 test. My average damage per battle with tier 9 and 10 arties was around 3000.
Arty IS fucking terrible design: Not only is it EXTREMELY easy to play, it ignores many fundamental rules all of the other classes have to follow to be successful, and possesses the highest firepower.
Anyone denying this is either an asshole or an idiot.
This is by design. It’s just like the under slung grenade launcher in Call of Duty; easy to use, able to (occasionally) one shot unicums, and much LESS effective than other weapons in the hands of an expert.
Weapons like arty are designed to give new players a chance against experts. Without it, or a mechanism like it, games would devolve into tests of pure skill. This may sound good on the surface, but think of chess. You don’t see grand masters playing rookies unless there is some strong handicap, like loss of the queen. Otherwise the rookies would always lose. While some rookies might persevere and master the game, the majority would simply quit and play something else. The player base would evaporate, killing the company.
Yes MOAR Please! This is a fantastic guide.
And to anyone don’t like it: How Terrible!/ Don’t play WoT.
If it’s in the game and will NOT be removed, Deal with it.
Calling it Skycancer wont help shit. Move your ass and the chance of getting hit extremely unlikely. Maybe you show be how to hit a full speed T-62A with a T92?
Taking second option.
Don’t like us bashing arty/landarty/broken shits like waffles? HOW TERRIBLE!
If I haven’t deleted my replays update to update I’d show you 100+ games I was clicked on when moving fullspeed. You can also try youtube to see cancer in action. But I think you won’t cuz you are lazy.
Woah, 100 games over thousands where you get OS at fullspeed by arty…
Sure lt’s a lot compared to thousands lf others where you get killed by any other tank in the game from a crazy roll of rng that made the shell go right through your weakspot at over 300m.
If you complain about arty because it kills you, we will never end this “fight” pro/cons arty…
From statistic point of view, the more arty enemy team have the easier I win.
I am not complaining because it’s OP- I am complaining because it’s BS in a otherwise fine game. Removal or not I will still be playing, and winning.
Than why all the pessimism?
Are you just that unhappy with yourself?
Great article :)
Honestly i dont like arty. Never had fun playing it and abandoned it at tier 5. I am thinking, however, about returning to it due to upcoming individual missions. I believe that this articles will help me understand how to play it effectively (i stopped playing arty when i was still a happy tomato).
I am, like most, aggrevated when i got one shoted. However, lately i realised that, in 90% of the case, i did something wrong – took obvious camping spot, risked detection without sixth sense, or didnt relocate in time. Thats why i think that these articles will help to improve my performance in other tank types.
In summary: great idea and article. Will help all types of players to play, or deal, with arty :)
And when you become blue or violet you come again to the conclusion that in order to win Games You gotta take the risk and drive in the open field.
And still – even when moving all the time you will be hit hard and always shot at because of your stats.
I only hate dipshits arty that use XVM to target good players. What a shit blatant cheat mode.
Strangely, that puts me in Rambo mode. God help you all then.
Eat shit Woras.
Oh and personally, I go out of my way to shoot blue/unicum players in my arty. I am one of those assholes that will take out Batchat at full speed no matter what he does just to ruin unicums game and lower his WN8 a bit (nothing pisses assholes more than seeing that red 145 pop up, they know what I am talking about).
Ruining unicums day is my favorite thing. Why? They are arrogant as shit. They think because they are skilled to play 6 tanks (look at unicums around you, most of them play NOTHING but 6 very specific tanks to keep their WN8 up) everyone on the other team is shit and they can do whatever they and then bam, out of nowhere I blow them into oblivion. Oh the rage, the tears. They are so sweet. Nom nom nom… I am getting hard just thinking about countless unicums that I made lose their shit…. oh the humanity.
Eat a Snickers :)
I don’t think XVM as a whole is cheat, but ability to shoot most of the map and target someone is a flawed mechanic.
Then again, Garbad takes advantage of this- he knows arty will click on him and no one else, and used it to win games. In short, BM against arty makes them predicable, who knew XD
XVM is unfair for everyone, not just when it’s used by arty.
Everyone with XVM will shot at most skilled players and ignore the “low danger” ones.
I think XVM should be restricted in some ways if not forbidden, because XVM working = hard time for players with good stats.
Personally, rather than forbidding XVM, I’d like to see an option for people to hide their stats: XVM only works through accessing information that WG has made available, after all. Then people would have the choice between displaying their stats for all to see and (if they are good) respect, or hiding them so nobody can be sure if they’re sheep or a wolf with a woolly jacket.
+1. completely true but the tomatos will disagree
Which is why it won’t happen. Look, the average win rate is something like 48% which means most of the player base is red or orange. If Wargaming made decisions that pleased the 1% unicums but pissed off the 60% noobs, how long do you think they would stay in business?
Thus stat hiding is a no go, arty is here to stay and RNG will not be reduced. Heck, I even think that the accuracy buff was introduced because noobs found sniping weak spots too hard, but now it’s being nerfed because they found that unicums are now too effective with snapshots.
Wargaming’s target market is wallet warriors and noobs. Wallet warriors because they pay the bills and noobs because they give the wallet warriors something to shoot at. Unicums are useful only as examples to strive for.
I don’t mind people seeing my WR, and I think it should always be easily accessible. We don’t have ladder in tanks so WR/WN8 is where people boast their epeen… and plan accordingly.
I don’t care about pro or red. I just go for whatever tank will net me the highest amount of damage and XP.
One good solution to this is to make every random battle like a CW battle: hide the opponent info until they are spotted. No more XVM fun there, no more people giving up beforehand, no more lemmgings in one direction, would be much more fun and engaging.
I didn’t know/use some of the stuff even dough I consider myself a good arty player haha
For example I consider camo useless on some TDs that can relocate faster like 155-58 because I usually tend to follow the flank that broke though and then fire on the other side, that way I am “safe”
But yeah, I have it on couple of crew members as a 3rd or 4th skill :P
Never used premium HE on the Mines hill, quite interesting once you think about it.. although I don’t play clan wars
I’m not sure about skills. To be honest when you’re spotted you’re often dead anyway. I’d take Bia as it helps rof and accuracy.
Perhaps this guide is more relevant to CW aspirants.
Well, camo helps you avoid getting spotted. SS saves you in situation where the spotter can’t shoot you and you can avoid arti fire.
Thank you for this, we’re a relatively new clan on the CW map and we are hurt a lot by the fact that we don’t have many arty players. Also since we’re not arty players we’re still struggling to find arty safe positions on the map. But we’re learning.
Arty aka 3rd line bush masturbators
Like waffles, E-100s with gold, FV183 with gold, some TDs and noob scouts (it happens sometimes)
Waffles – yup, it’s dumb line.
E-100 – good luck with this acc.
FV183 – especially after penetration nerf. LEL.
Still only sky cancer ignores draw distance and many obstacles. But hell, it’s better to be blind and blame normal tanks.
Oh yeah, because getting hit for 1050 from FV183 AP round is nothing. Shrug it off, you baby, at least it wasn’t HESH, right?
It’s the dumb turds like this I love shooting in their slow ass heavies that think they are invincible. One round quickly teaches them to shit their pants and run.
HESH is for medium turds.
Thanks Tyraforce and Silentstalker both. I enjoyed the article on what many regard a contentious subject. I found it well written and presented so far, I’m looking forward to the next instalments.
Thanks a lot.
A thank you from me as well.
Yeah they are a necessary evil like ebola.
Another one who doesnt even try to understand how the game works.
I’d say you’re the one who doesn’t understand shitter
What ?
My stats say I’m a good player. Not “above average”, “good”.
What´s the problem ?
I play every type of tanks exept scouts because I suck at driving scouts, and I know how the game works pretty well since I’m not telling “op lol need nerf” without trying the gameplay myself, test servers or live one.
So STFU, the shitter here is you.
Dude, Medjed has ~60% WR and PURPLE WN8, and you call yourself good?
Hell even me, a scrub has ~58% global WR, and I don’t call myself good, maybe good enough for pubbies, maybe.
Medjed could be a unicum but he is still a cunt. And trust me, it’s nice to call him that.
He is also correct.
That doesn’t matter…
What matters here is that we have a sad bitter person who spends all his time flaming on the internet (acting like an idiot) and playing WoT. He should be ashamed of himself but I suppose some people are just unable to do any form of self-reflection.
Does he break any laws? No? then deal with it. Just like how we artyhaters have to deal with artyplayers.
I just had fap. I do that to, beside playing tonks and shit talking people on FTR. Lyfe is gud m8 ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ Btw cunt is my middle name breh Kappa
Interesting and a good read, thanks for posting it SS!
And ofcourse thank you to Tyraforce for making it!
What the fuck is this shit. So many words to say: Sniff glue+shift+click.
Nice, thanks for the hard work.
Even when i like arty guides,
the skill suggestions are completely wrong!
Your arty performance is 99% offensive shoting, not to avoid to be killed.
So you must do everything to improve shooting.
That means BIA and Snap Shot are the most important thinks.
Snap Shot works even for arties!
9 of 10 cases where enemy killed you,
even tarn skills and sixth sense wouldn’t have changed it.
Skill attack, not defense firstly !!!
Just because you don’t like having clue if your huge, easily spotted arty has been spotted or not doesn’t mean it’s wrong for others to like knowing it.
You’re exactly like people saying to need to pick BIA over everything else and just assume you’re always spotted.
Enjoy your negligible reload bonus, while the big boys know when to move, when to stay, repair faster and are spotted later.
There is nothing I like doing more than permatracking a pro who thinks BIA is more important than repair skill.
TL;DR : skill up what makes you stay alive the longest, not what makes you fire 1-2 second quicker.
You are absolutely wrong.
But people that starts with insults don’t get any reasons, explanations or discussions from me.
I’d agree with the “BiA” first approach if you don’t roam around the map much. I move a lot and I REALLY need to know when I’m spotted.
What arty needs is fast aiming time. You need BIA not for better reload time, but for faster aiming. Half of a second can make the difference between 800 and 300 damage. When you play against good players that know how to avoid arty hits you have less time for aiming then this enemy gives you. So you must preaiming the area and finish the aiming as fast as possible in the time the enemy stands and aims for its own. Thats why you need BIA and Snapshot. Aim as fast as possible at a target and shot while enemy stands still. The time frame is so short that tenth parts of a second can make the difference.
Normally i need no tarn skills and sixth sense to know when i’m open and to stay covered. Its mostly obvious on minimap. A through breaking scout in a random will shot you anywhere with or without sixth sense and tarn skills. If he wants you, he gets you if your team does not protect you.
In Stronghold, CW, … your team gives you this protection. After four-digit numbers of CW i can tell you from my experience that the situation when you get killed in your arty are 90% games that were lost anyway.
I don’t say sixth sense and tarn skills are not needed. But i suggest not to research them as first. It makes much more sense to have
100% BIA, 100% Sixth Sense and 80% Carmouflage
100% Sixth Sense , 100% Carmouflage, 80% BIA
When you grind a arty your crew has 350-400% when you reach tier 10. And thats the way i plan my skills.
BIA gives you more damage per shot because you aim faster and thats why you hit better. Secondary effect of course is that you shot 1 or 2 time extra per game from saving reload time. Which means that you do 700 damage extra when you normally cause 350 damage per shot. All together i would say that BIA can make a difference up to 1000 damage when you play vs good arty safe players because 1000 damage are 2 shots that hit full instead of 5m beside if the enemy drives away while you were aiming 0,5 sec missing from BIA.
I just see one exception from my suggestions. That is when you play an arty in a special high aggressive, high risk way near the front. That’s the way you play, and i really would like to see it, but its not the common way to play and most players are not able to do it. So your special style is not a good base for suggestions for the most people.
In my Opinion GW-E ist the best arty in game. It has good splash, good precision and its not immobile with oil and food because main problem of GWE is acceleration not end speed. But this is another theme…
I like your guide and cant wait ti read the next parts.
With BIA you shot 0.5-1 time extra per game.
Lol I am not going to say that you are wrong or right. Each person plays the way they want and that’s fine with me.
But I will tell you that there is nothing sweeter when arty gets spotted and doesn’t move because he doesn’t know it. It’s so sweet to blow him away in my arty, while he is happily sits on his thumb.
In fact ANY tank, absolutely any tank, td or arty that doesn’t have Sixth sense, will die almost immediately after being spotted if I am playing arty on that map. That’s because to fire, EVERYONE pauses and I only need 2 seconds to kill you when you do it.
Oh the tears, how I enjoy them. BIA? Not a concern for arty. Only noobs fire as soon as reticle is 100% shrunk, I only fire when I am sure I will kill the target which sometimes means I sit there with fully shrunk reticle for 30 seconds.
“In fact ANY tank, absolutely any tank, td or arty that doesn’t have Sixth sense, will die almost immediately after being spotted”
Thats not true. How does a arty shot “immediately” at you if you get spoted?
The answer is: unaimed.
If you would have right with the “immediately” even Sixth Sense wouldn’t help you with its 3 second delay.
You completely understand me wrong.
BIA is needed for faster aiming. That is the point. Not for faster reload.
And if you really need regular 30 seconds to shot you do something really wrong. With GWE i would say: Shot the shot fast even if it is a blind shot and no target is near thats worth to take the time for reaiming. And after 30 seconds, while you are still searching the perfect target, i have nearly reloaded.
Arty must spam its shots as fast as possible for maximum damage output. Thats what arty is made for. You don’t get 8k or 10k damage if you need twice as long for a shot then your reload time is. Thats why you have to predict the game. I stop searching targets widely when i have 20 seconds reload left and start aiming. The better you predicted the game, the more you can shot directly fully aimed for maximum sky disaster.
How often do you completly reaim per shot?
I do it rarly more than zero.
I prefer to shot , even blind, before i go to next area.
If you don’t know how “immediately” works, it explains why you aren’t a good arty player.
Any good or great arty player knows where the enemy is most likely to be. All the brawling spots all the camping spots, all the route’s noobs and unicums take. It’s not unusual for the first death in the game come at 1 minute mark in the game and it will be from arty.
On Lakeville, target a specific spot, fully aimed and either noob without sixth sense will drive in straight line or unicum will be hiding in the bush. Boom, hello sky cancer.
And that’s typical of a good arty player. When you are spotted you have to move IMMEDIATELY because the shell is likely already in flight and you have 2-3 seconds before you get hit. Which is sometimes enough. Sometimes not.
Without sixth sense, you are dead and just don’t know it yet. I have 3 arty kills two days ago with batchat arty when a scout made it to their camp, lit them up and then died. Not a single one of them moved and I killed all 3 in span of 20 seconds. That BIA doesn’t help you shit when your reload is as fast as your aiming.
As for waiting 30 seconds to shoot, like I said, some people are good arty players and some are tomatoes. I’d rather wait 30 seconds and dead kill 2200 hit point tank than splash him for 300 damage. I only have to do it twice to be great, while you have to spam 14 shots to make 1700 damage that counts. Arty is only frustrating to play if you miss.
And you prove my point with you statement: “Arty must spam it’s shots”. That’s exactly what every dumb shit tomato with no skill does. And you will never understand the difference, no matter how I explain it, because tomatoes don’t become good players just because someone tells them something smart.
Is that a stat? Number of reaims per shot? Is that something that is important? I thought damage and kills per game are important? Which one of us does better, hypothetically: One that fires 3 shots and kills 3 tanks doing 4k damage or one that fire 14 shots, kills 3 tanks and does 4k damage?
It’s a trick question, of course, I am just not sure you will get it.
What you should have amended your post with it: To be a normal arty clicker that does just below average but is satisfied with his place in life, follow my post.
If you want to be the great successful arty player that prides himself on one-shotting unicums, go somewhere else.
> If you don’t know how “immediately” works, it explains why you
> aren’t a good arty player.
blabla. I’m a good arty player – whatever you say dont change the fact.
Funny that you try offensive and show us with the next sentences that you are the guy that dont understand “immediatly”.
> Any good or great arty player knows where the enemy is most likely to
> be. All the brawling spots all the camping spots, all the route’s noobs
> and unicums take. It’s not unusual for the first death in the game come
> at 1 minute mark in the game and it will be from arty.
If there are several locations where arty stands, tell me how a arty shot at every of this locations “immediatly” when a scout opens them?
Pls tell me Einstein, do the artys aim at several points at once or do they shot not fully aimed as i said before, do they aim and dont shot “immediatly” or did you just spoke against yourselv with your offensive?
Who said you dont have to move when you are open? But its simple to know when you are open even without sixth sense and why to wait for the last second to move? If i know a scout opens me soon – i move.
> … sky cancer.
troll detected
> And that’s typical of a good arty player. When you are spotted you have
Who said something different?
> because the shell is likely already in flight and you
> have 2-3 seconds before you get hit.
> Which is sometimes enough. Sometimes not.
Ever heard of Sixth Sense delay? Ever heard that you are allowed to move without sixth sense if you think you are open?
> Without sixth sense, you are dead and just don’t know it yet.
Only if you stay at wrong places and risk to get spotet by an unspotet enemy.
So dont go to the wrong places!
> I have 3 arty kills two days ago with batchat arty when a scout made it
> to their camp, lit them up and then died. Not a single one of them
> moved and I killed all 3 in span of 20 seconds.
What do you want to tell me?
Who the fuck said you dont have to move?
You discuss with yourself or what?
> That BIA doesn’t help you shit when your reload is as fast as your aiming.
OK, you didnt play arty. Ty for the info.
> As for waiting 30 seconds to shoot, like I said, some people are good
> arty players and some are tomatoes. I’d rather wait 30 seconds and
> dead kill 2200 hit point tank than splash him for 300 damage.
Thats what i do to. But i shot two times while you search the perfect target and reaim fully several time. Next time read my comment pls before raging.
> I only have to do it twice to be great, while you have to spam 14
> shots to make 1700 damage that counts. Arty is only frustrating to
> play if you miss.
Pff. Are you able to understand? I dont shot anywhere anytime. But i use my reloadtime for those things you do while you have reloaded. Thats why i do your shots plus several speculative shots. Thats why i do more damage than you.
> And you prove my point with you statement: “Arty must spam it’s shots”.
> That’s exactly what every dumb shit tomato with no skill does. And you
> will never understand the difference, no matter how I explain it,
> because tomatoes don’t become good players just because someone
> tells them something smart.
I just tell you the WN8 of some of my arties. Your words die in shame!
SU-14-2: 2.250,69
G.W. E 100: 2.159,35
Lorraine 39L AM: 2.138,72
M40/M43: 1.882,17
Lorraine 155 mle. 51: 1.877,74
G.W. Tiger: 1.858,06
M41 HMC: 1.851,07
SU-8: 1.811,21
212A: 1.746,29
Objekt 261: 1.731,27
AMX 13 105 AM mle. 50: 1.714,78
Lorraine 155 mle. 50: 1.712,83
M12: 1.707,96
G.W. Panther: 1.665,88
I’m not a unicum arty player but if you want to tell me that i’m a dumb arty player i just tell you: PLONK
> Is that a stat? Number of reaims per shot? Is that something that is
> important? I thought damage and kills per game are important?
The more time you waste per shot, the less you shot the less damage and kills you do. Not hard to understand…
> Which one of us does better, hypothetically: One that fires 3 shots and
> kills 3 tanks doing 4k damage or one that fire 14 shots, kills 3 tanks
> and does 4k damage?
Me that shots 6 shots, kills 3, does 4k damage at them
and did with the other 3 shots 1k extra damage plus module damage.
> It’s a trick question, of course, I am just not sure you will get it.
You dont get it, nothing. You talk about things i didnt said or you dont understood.
> ….arty clicker…
Troll detected
> that does just below average but is satisfied with his place in life, follow my > post.
Troll detected
> If you want to be the great successful arty player that prides himself
> on one-shotting unicums, go somewhere else.
Cry me a river troll.
Nice to learn something from a top clan member – I know how valuable arties are in CWs, so it might really help. I already knew most of the stuff from this article, but the next part will be much more important, I guess.
Also GL in campaign, got us good on Saturday (though we got your arty fairly fast in that match ;)
I.. actually liked the guide. After around 17k battles i grew kind of bored of medium and heavy tanks, and thought about giving arty second chance, even more since the “arty aiming mod” got its popularity.
I’m looking forward to next part of the guide.
If you need a guide to play arty, you might as well uninstal the game and fuck off shitter.
This is exactly why I wrote the guide :-]
I dont know how old you are kid but if your only way to have fun in life is waiting for someone to comment a thing you disagree with and then insult him with childish names, you might as well want to turn off your computer and find a social life.
Don’t bother, Medjed is a well known asswipe. Him and Woras suck each other off daily.
I can confirm that. Woras’ dick tastes like rainbows. Btw calling someone kid w/o even knowing his age IS childish, you goddamn moron.
He referred to your mental age not actual biological age. You can be 40 years old and still be a fucking 13 year old loser like you are Medjed.
Confirmed 40 years old. You guys really know me well. And how am i loser if i win 60% of my battles while most shitters here can’t even pull above 50% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hell no, I have no problem against arty although the whole arty system is totally broken.. but i rage when arty only focuses ME.. Just why the heck only me, because of xvm -.-
It’s not funny and you have to understand the rage (burn in hell skycancer) when the arty is only waiting for you. How often in a game they don’t even shoot other guys but just wait till you get spotted and insta focus you. Also i can remember in a game where batchat was sniping openly and some other meds, i try to hide behind a rock so i can have some safe shots.. arty still focus me because “you are the best player in the team”….
Trust me the more your rating improves the more arty will focus you and then it’s not fun anymore and i can understand everyone who rages because of arty
I agree on this point, like in general, XVM gives everyone’s stats without asking any kind of permission.
They should allow players to hide their stats if they want, so the gameplay wouldnt be unfair anymore.
That’s the point.
If you are better than the rest of the team, killing you is vastly more important than killing anyone else. I’ve won games that were destined to be lost just because my first shot killed unicum that was cocky enough to think I can’t fuck him up anywhere.
I will exclusively focus on unicums if I have a chance, to win. Guess what everyone else is doing in the game? Trying to win, I hope.
But don’t shed those delicious tears, it’s fair for all tanks. When I am in a tank or TD, I will focus on unicums too. They are entirely too easy to kill (most of their skill comes from knowing where to be and how to kill noobs, not from fighting someone who is as skilled as they are) and taking them out or neutralizing them wins me the game. I especially like “graping” RELIC clan. What a worthless bunch of losers. And yesterday, I singlehandedly took out two supposed “unicums” from shiteater RUS clan. They just didn’t know how to fight my 113 heavy in their two meds.
TL;DR: Fuck those unicums, most of their stats are inflated and their tears are delicious.
And they are good because they are easy to kill…yeah, right on shitter.
Face it, you need a skill equalizer to kill them, otherwise, you too would be a unicum. Just a baddie trying to find excuses.
WN8 is not an ultimate judge of skill, it’s an approximation. If you think WN8 cannot be farmed, then you haven’t met the unicums like ones from RELIC (what a shitty clan, honestly).
I chose a different approach to show off my skill. I have 268 masteries and counting. I don’t need to prove that I can have 3k WN8 and 60% win rate in 6 tanks (I have that in many more tanks, take a look), I am proving that I can be better than 99% of people in any tank you put me into, doesn’t matter what it is. Arty, scouts,shit tanks, anything. I am great in all of them, even if it makes it so much harder for me to get high WN8 across the board.
To me, THAT is skill. Having some loser who plays nothing but T62A and claims to be good at the game… pfft… get bend, so called pathetic unicums.
wow… Mastery badges…lol
I guess some will always find some excuse to believe they are better than others. This is the first time I see someone actually giving a shit about mastery badges. Some forum trolls think having a few Top Gun awards makes them good.
You are not proving that you can do better than 99% of the players (as if it meant anything). Mastery Badge just prove you got lucky with a tank at least once, nothing more. Even some bots have mastery badges. I guess they are also better than 99% of the players. Jesus.
I want more of these, can’t wait for 2nd and 3rd part.. also the picture at the beginning is just perfect.
Nice guide.
Played the game since early beta and own both an obj 261 and a gwe (with over 1k battles played on it). I tend to use AP rather frequently with both, opposing rage just tells me I am doing everything right.
Rng can screw you over sometimes though I feel gwe suffers more than any other. Also teams often do not use arty properly.
As for not using HEAT: I disagree when it comes to lower ts. The m44 may be very inaccurate, but you can easily turn it into a t6 e100 this way. I recommend carrying at least 6 shells.
Thanks for the guide ss, those who are not completely ignorant should be able to gain a lot of insight.
I wouldn’t suggest heat at low tiers as the arties are not accurate enough, tanks are faster, not that well armored and if you shoo a vehicle 2 tiers higher you have limited chance of penetrating.
My xp differs. T6 heavies are slow, heat has 200mm pen and since you tend to hit roofs etc it pens well, even penned t9 heavies this way. HE is just not good for t8 heavies.
Harkov map FTW. :D
The only skill an artillery player needs is to learn they have to aim behind the target, because of the arcs. There. Arty solved.
The post is nice, and will read the other ones too, but in the end they are still going to be skypigs.
And for the love of god don’t bring up the word ” skill ” as an arty player, it will just make you look silly.
So you have two players with thousands of games in arties, one with 47% wr and one with 54%. They both platoon an equal amount. What leads to that difference? Well if it’s not called skill, it’s called brain.
With whom these players are platooning? With another 47%, another arty, a unicum? Which cancerous vehicles both are playing?
Face it. There is very little skill involved in playing arty. If you aren’t a complete retard doing everything possible to lose, you are going to do well in it. If you are willing to shoot gold only, you are gonna perform even better. Even the author of the guide isn’t a very good player, and he is not performing much better than non-dedicated arty players. Hell, I hate arty, don’t like to play it, solo-pubbed all my battles and I’ve got similar or better stats than the author.
“this would only encourage people to camp harder ”
hahha good one, do you even play this game?
everytime there is no arty in battle I see tanks on open spots, I see people actualy flanking and trying to get through open fields because they can’t get hit… sorry I mean missed for 600+dmg
played hummel,gw panther, M12, that tier 8 brittish on live server and M53″balance”/55,conquerorGC,obj 261 and batchat 58 on test. didn’t have to use more than 2 brain cells to actualy kill someone
played 53/55 just yesterday, one shoted 3 tanks, all of them on the move, all of them with 1500+ hp (t110e4,leopard 1 and is-7. stop camping pls)
oh and TD mode is so hard, it’s not like it’s absolutely easy to hit rushing medium without aiming at all
best thing about cgc is that there is no arty safe position whatsoever. oh you are behind mount everest? let me just hit you for 2000dmg. oh you are behind skyscraper? let me splash you for 900dmg
only things that have “TANK” in it’s name should be in game. I see no “tank” in “self-propelled gun”
or make them spotted for 2seconds everytime they fire. or give them render range limit
how to play arty
-reverse for 5seconds into nearest bush
-click on people
-if your team dies complain about shit spotter, bad heavies, camping TDs
-find nearest wall and kill yourself (if no water nearby)
much skill
indeed the most wot suicide i witness is by Arty scum. who once their “host” is eaten have nothing to molest or use for their dirty hands.
Report them for unsportsmanlike conduct.
Report them just because they play arty.
The beginning of this article disgusted me. I specifically liked how he said good arty players need good situational awareness, as if it was a skill required to drive arty, not a skill required from any good player playing any game. Arty requires a small fraction of the awareness required of other classes. And bad arty players won’t be far behind the good ones. The gap between bad and good arty players is much narrower than between tank players, which can also be inferred from the rest of his points. And then, comes a mod that will further help decrease that gap.
While the gap is indeed narrowed, it is still pretty huge.
Situational awareness is also really important but as opposed to normal tanks, you can do ok without it. Great arti players need it tho.
You need to compare the gaps to see if they are indeed huge. The gap between the very best arty player and the bad ones compared to the gap between the best tank drivers and the bad ones. Only then you see what huge really means.
1 – Arty already lets bad players perform better than they do in standard tanks, as you also said. In other words, it narrows the gap between bad and good players.
2 – but doesn’t allow great players to perform better than they do in tanks (with which you also agree). There is already a big gap between arty great players can do with a arty and a tank that actually requires skill, which is what allows players to push the performance of the vehicles to the limit.
3 – It is also a skill equalizer (which you also agree with).
So, how can anyone say the gap is huge under these conditions? It simply isn’t logical. What is the gap for tanks then? Infinite?
The gap is very small, compared to tank drivers. It can’t be considered huge for the great skill equalizer.
- Arties reduce the amount of possible camping spots and keep people moving.
They reduce maps and nothing more.
Keeps people moving, but not in the way he is trying to suggest. It keeps people moving in an attempt to not get OHK in maps where there are no arty cover.
Reduce the amount of camping spots, but more importantly, reduces the amount of usable map area.
Keeps the game ticking, but battles heavily influeced by artillery always lasts much longer than arty-free battles.
A very good guide with many topics neglected in other guides. I am eager to read your next article.
“-Camo is vital no matter how bad your basic camo value is. Spotted arti = dead arti most of the time”
–> It is next to useless if base camo is shit like on GW-100. Oh, what am I saying: on all Tier 10 arties. Better get BIA instead of wasting one skill/perk on each crew member.
“-BiA is important but I suggest to get camo first as you need SS on the commander anyway”
–> Nope, get BIA first. I’m serious. Also SS might be nice to have, but it is not really mandatory. Just expect to be spotted when someone is closer than 445 m and you wont have problems. During the 3 seconds delay until SS finally triggers, half the enemy arty might already be aiming at you. Good luck evading them if you wait for SS to trigger before you start moving if an enemy is close to you.
“-Designated target should also work but I don’t use it as I never aim at the tank (more in Part 2)”
–> It does not work during SPG-view. So unless you want to drive around and shotgun players CQB-style, don’t use it.
I sold nearly all my arties a while ago since they annoyed the heck out of me after the arty-nerf. It would be ok for me to remove them alltogether (yeah yeah, not going to happen… I know) and compensate me with the XP I invested in them. Most arty players today are brutal ultra-tomatoes who are driving their arty with one hand while they eat and in the rest of the time their heavy tanks to protect the red line at the mape edge. Prokhorovka K0 comes to mind…
So this whole guide is nonsense? Well probably it is, when someone talks about rock, paper, scissor in random PvP battle, where player has only one unit.
rock, paper, scissor: It’s about tank types. Mediums kills TDs. TDs kill HT. Scouts kill arti. and s on…
Which is pretty nonsense in PvP game where you have only one unit. Like, hey when I meet this guy I will lose and when I meet this one I win. This is simply stupid in game like WoT and its even not true in WoT.
“Mediums kills TDs. TDs kill HT. Scouts kill arti…”
And arty kills everything.
By the time you get to tier 10, you’ll have both camo and bia. I’d say camo is better at lower tiers and worse with stuff like GWE.
Dou you have ecidence designated target doesn’t work in arti view? I remember WG stating it does.
It doesn’t. Only works for arcade and sniper view, and it is a 10º arc from the aiming point.
Yepp, what “Warstore” said. Besides the WoT-Wiki it was mentioned once or twice in the developer Q&A’s if I’m not mistaken. Would be close to OP if it would work in arty-view tough.
@Camo: True. On lower tiers (f.e. FV304) it’s nice. But once you get higher you should reskill. There’s simply no use for it on big T10 arties. I can’t be arsed to calculate the camo bonus from 100% camo crew on a GWE now, but IIRC it was less than 1 m. Even if it would be 2 m it wouldn’t be worth it. On the other hand there aren’t much useful skills anyways, especially for artillery.
From zero to many – presence of arty makes battles different.
Arty are like rapists that blames the victim for dressing too sexy…
Those who hate arty are like people who jump in crocodile dens and wonder why their legs are being munched on.
Maybe if you didn’t do everything in favor of the crocodile, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
Let’s face it, a crocodile, while dangerous, are really predictable. They hide in the water and wait for you to come. If you stick a leg in the water, of course they’ll bite.
If you do something out of their comfort-zone, like cross the river on a jetski, they’ll leave you alone.
Face it, games with arty become camp-fest because people see arty, decide they must all immediately hide behind the closest rock, and stay there for 90% of the game.
Teams who take risks and take good positions make the enemy arty uncomfortable and unable to fire at anything. Teams who camp because of fear get ultimately consumed by that fear and lose.
Prokhorovka: Without arty one of the best maps in game. Long engangement, knowledge of game mechanics is vital, tactics are important. Games usually take a long time to develop.
With arty you just keep spotting the enemy and when you are being spotted you need to move for 10s as unpredictable as possible, because there is no cover. With arty, you essentially cant use the middle in the late game when attacking, because there are still too many bushes it can hide behind. While you will still be spotted all the time and your movements will be limited -> you will be hit by arty.
Face it: Arty limits the mapspace you can use. Arty limits the overall mobility of the tanks. Arty increases corridor behaviour. Arty increases camping
^^you’re beyond stupid
Edit: Not Morgotz, exocet6951 shitter
Well written guide, thanks Tyraforce & SS.
Personally not a fan of clickers, but they are to stay in the game whether i like it or not.. so it’s either adapt or stop playing.
Arty do not reduces camping at random battles.
They do with every hit on campers!
And random battle are a bad reference.
Taking random battles as reference is the reason
IS7 was made op with armor that sometimes feels
like the one from E1000.
Well, they force players in arti-safe spots but those are rarely camping spots. An E3 camping a bush on Sand River will have a hard time remaining there for long with a few arties in the game.
give me a medium tank and you will see he moving.
1) Maybe if there were guides for the other classes as well I would kinda understand the point of this article. But no, lets make just one for arta so that people know more about the most broken and retarded class of the game. Its such a hard class to play after all, we should educate others so that they are more efficient in it. Yeah, sure…
2) The easiest way to make any arty topic/guide/article irrelevant and stupid is by including a variation of the “arty prevents camping” sentence. Thanks for including it so early on. At least I didnt waste my time reading the whole thing.
To sum it up: fuck off with such articles and fuck arty. Go prevent camping somewhere else.
Stop QQ
I can smell the butthurt from here.
The fact you can’t even read the entire thing without frothing at the mouth is exactly why I can’t take arty haters seriously.
And why does anyone need to read the whole thing knowing full well what is written there?
Why exactly would I read it when the author pretty much starts with the most idiotic and fallacious argument there is?
The whole SPG ROLE & PHILOSOPHY paragraph is full of nonsense. The only true part is the one about narrowing the gap between good and bad players and while its true, its also done via a completely broken mechanic.
I pretty much never vocally complain about arty, be it ingame or forums or whatever. But when shit like this gets promoted on a blog that I read daily, it does make my blood boil…
There is a huuuuge guide on scouts (hint: It’s on the internet).
For heavies you need two skills, basically: sidescrape and hulldown. Otherwise it’s the same as for others (location, etc).
For TDs you need to know how bushes work. And locations.
For mediums… you don’t need to know much of anything, just make a wolfpack and pwn other tanks.
“For mediums… you don’t need to know much of anything, just make a wolfpack and pwn other tanks.”
wow dude, thats the most clueless thing in this whole discussion. You receive a golden donkey, congratulations.
He is kind of “special”, you would know from his previous comments on this site.
Arty, because I can’t do anything else, but I have all these credits laying around. lol.
I hope that Tyraforce will read this:
“While many whine and wish arties were removed, this would only encourage people to camp harder” – this is oblivious bullshit. I see that you’re experienced spg player but average (above 80% of all arty players) arty player is a retard, waiting for easy kill, easy target which makes no threat. Behemoth is blocking your way? They won’t help you, because 11HP wrecked medium is more important (dangerous as hell!). Example: full tier 8 game, arty shoot ELC or other light no matter what. Next. Tier 5 game. There is T1 Heavy, Churchill I and for example KV-1S in open space. 4 arty in enemy team (all tier V). At which one they will shoot? Yes that’s right, AMX 40 not to mention, each one missed twice. There is IS-3, T34 going though line and AMX M4 45 behind rock and player GW.Panther will try to kill M4 45 even if splash don’t do shit.
Make no mistake, I don’t hate SPGs – they are fine in mind, but players are the thing. I used to play spg but i stoped after unlocking Hummel before arty rebalance and retiering, I was just bored and tried french line but I stopped at AMX 13 AM. Some time ago I tried on test server T92 and BC 155 58, because i had accident with left arm and i couldn’t play meds, yes i played spg with only right arm. And T92 was damn borrring, but I loved BC because I was feeling that i wasnt clicking – I was supporting team. And I did it surprising well without gold.
-My fav tanks are lights and mediums (mostly Panther line)
And before rebalance of spgs, there was no such hate or insults, just if there was no spg in battle ppl was saying “cool, no arty!”.
Tutorial is really fine, but you should carefully describe the situation. And sorry for my Engrish.
“Behemoth is blocking your way? They won’t help you, because 11HP wrecked medium is more important (dangerous as hell!)”
Every bad player does this, IMO.
And sometimes even good players, because dead medium means less enemy guns.
Finishing off is other thing. I was talking about focusing the weakest targets which sometimes aren’t threat at all e.g. tier VII medium in tier IX game, (maybe except Panther) or tier III tanks in tier V game.
Tyraforce has indeed read it :-) and I see what you mean. However, at tier 6 you can’t expect people to do the right thing no matter what tank they are driving. It gets better at higher tiers and those behemoths get targeted quite frequently.
As for finishing tanks, it is sometimes the right thing to do if nobody else can kill it fast. I do understand it’s frustrating tho. More on that in part 2.
I meant any tier behemoths low tier like KV-1, mid tier Churchill VII, BP and high tier E-75, ST-I, E-100, Maus, FV 183, JPzE100 etc. And tier doesn’t make difference, I don’t see Maus more targeted by spg players.
And with low hp tanks i wasn’t precise – I meant no-threat tanks which focusing makes arty burden to team. Finishing off moving dangerous gun is quite oblivious thing to me.
Fucking clickers.
The first pic is funny tho :D
Funnier pics are to come :-)
Nice job! Pretty helpfull, thanks !
Keep up the good work mates!
Guide is nice and all, looking forward to next parts, I have just one little complaint.
Why are you calling artillery “arti”, MY EYES BLEED, it’s “arty”. ;_;
Has anyone realised that he is not even an arty player himself? And his arty stats are just average. He does not have decent stats in other tanks he has either. So how is he going to be someone that really understand the game and write an accurate guide? I literally laughed out when he stated that you have 60% chance to hit your target in arty. Just ggwp.
Please, feel free to write a better guide. I didn’t find any so I gave it my best shot. I’d actually be grateful as I know for sure there are much better arty players.
If you need a GUIDE to play ARTY I feel honestly sorry for you
- jYrY86
Well you should better feel happy there is one:
If they need a guide to play arty it means they will never do well in any other class of tank. And they play the game. So if the guide make them be good with at least one class of tanks, it’s always better.
You’d agree a good arty-teammate is better than a useless one who is just here to take a slot in the team list.
Arty is not OP. Arty is just horribly designed. There’s a crucial difference there. The gameplay of arty always ends up pissing someone off, whether it’s the heavy tank that just got one-shotted by an arty because he had the gall to stay in non-artillery safe cover while defending a flank, or the arty player when the fully aimed shot goes far wide and hits nothing. There’s no middle ground here. At the end of the day, someone leaves the game pissed. And that’s horrible game design overall. It doesn’t even prevent camping that much, not really. Arty can only hit campers that are spotted, and those are the ones no-one is worried about, since everyone can shoot spotted targets. Those that get spotted are also usually smart enough to relocate enough to throw off arty shots. I have almost never seen a WT or similar paper TDs get taken out by arty, either they are unspotted or dead by the tank spotting them. It’s only slow moving heavy tanks that get hit by them, often when they attempt to push through a choke point, which you might note is the exact opposite of what’s intended. Arty feels like a really slapdash way to fix problems:
“Good players are carrying games and providing an unfair winrate for one side! Should we introduce some kind of skill based team balancing, or maybe nerf the flavor of the month tank they are abusing? Nope, let’s just make a class that allows a bad player to, with very little skill on their part, remove a good player from the game.”
“Strong hull down tanks are preventing people from pushing on flanks. Should we nerf them, or perhaps design our maps to have ways to flank around these chokepoints? Nope, let’s make a class that can ignore the strongest feature of these tanks and kill them if they try to take advantage of their greatest strength.”
“That E100 has great armor, and is being driven by a player that knows how to exploit it. Should we reward him for his knowledge about his tanks and his opponents? Nope, let’s slap him right on the top of the turret while he sidescrapes that corner and ruin his game.”
The way to fix camping is to make scouts more effective (View range buff across the board, and perhaps also a decrease in enemies effective camo for LT spots), increase the number of viable flanks, and reduce the ludicrous firing lines that some premium TD camping spots have access to. If people camp, it should be on fast tanks to exploit flanks and dig them out for friendly TDs, or for heavies with great armor to tank the hits and push through. It shouldn’t be on a class that ruins every ones day.
thank you, kind sir. Finally somebody who gets it. Just to add, maybe get rid of the horrible map design, when the hulldown tanks cannot be flanked, thus the need of artillery comes to place. For example Steppes without arty is like the most dynamic map ever.
There is always one class that is hated by everyone because it seems “easy”. In real life and in video games too.
Soldiers on battlefield hated arties and snipers.
Players in games hate arties and snipers.
It’s as simple as that. If you remove the arty, the hate will just shift towards different class – in this case probably TDs (invisible killers). If you remove those, mediums (wolpacks are OP!). Then heavies (can’t pen them in my light!). And then you are suddenly playing WoT with light tanks only.
That’s not how it works. The TD design is much more solid than arty, since they are actually vulnerable to return fire if spotted. TD have to put themselves in much more dangerous positions than arty to kill things. All you need to do is make scouts more effective at finding invisible tank destroyers, and it will be balanced.
How many times did I get 1 or 2 shoted while in a high tier FAST tank while MOVING and having a great game with full HP.What kind of a f’cking game is that???
” these much loved vehicles WG blessed us with” – SS you must be smoking some really great stuff ! Be carefull not to fly over the cuckoos’s nest!
Let’s just say i wouldn’t be too sad if author of this article got some bad disease and died. Btw fuck off SS. Your try hard denying of good players because you’re a goddamn shitter is hilarious. Instead of getting better at the game you joined the window-licking masses in bashing the good players, because you’re a goddamn attention whore begging for clicks. Fenks. Now you can purge me, couldn’t care less.
U mad? Because U seem like mad~ :>
Just sick of SS’ whoring and retarded articles such as this one. Now please continue with licking.
I’ll use SerB’s answer in this case: Don’t read it.
There, problem solved.
I didn’t. I knew already what’s it about.
Artillery is a bad whac-a-mole minigame. This article is full of misinformation.
“Arty prevents camping” i stopped reading there.. Fucking clickers are just incurable…
and again the fucknoobs stike with stupid comments again. Everyone who hates arty is just too dumb to play against it. Learn to stay arty safe and keep moving and dont blame others for your stupidity!
If it is just a “clicker” try to hit a moving enemy tank while you need 15s to aim and your shell flies 6-8s. You have to estimate where your moving (maybe circling!) target is about in 20-25s. I guess most of you calling arty “clicker noobs” won’t hit shit with arty yourself!
I don’t much play arty since the nerf but if i get hit i know that i did sth wrong not the arty.
Keep going SS, your article is neutral and maybe some idiots start thinking about. Ok thats a wish, braindeads stay braindeads no matter what…
I guess most of you calling arty “clicker noobs” won’t hit shit with arty yourself!
That E-100 that i hit straight in the engine deck for the rest of his HP(1.7k HP) with CGC would beg to differ moron(it was on test server, i don’t play that bullshit on live) Also that T95 that i hit on top and set him on fire and killed him for full HP would also beg to differ.
Learn to stay arty safe and keep moving and dont blame others for your stupidity!
This is like the oldest and most disproved argument about arty since forever.
Learn to play and don’t blame others for your own incompetence shitter.
If it is just a “clicker” try to hit a moving enemy tank while you need 15s to aim and your shell flies 6-8s
Been there, done that. If you can’t do it, then you’re the one that sucks at playing the easiest class in the game, so you basically proved yourself as a noob.
And it’s funny when a braindead shitter calls other braindeads. It’s almost as hilarious as the last night when a 46% WR retard called me 300 wn8 noob :D
“Everyone who hates arty is just too dumb to play against it. Learn to stay arty safe and keep moving and dont blame others for your stupidity!” – every arty player, ever
learn to stay arty safe = dont get spotted.
keep moving = move and hope the arty doesnt get lucky.
the first option seems kinda safer, eh? anyway, im guessing youll completely disregard that and tell me about preventing camping again, right? :D
btw learn to stay arty safe = dont get spotted.
Good luck carrying the team of tomatoes and actually playing the game while being unspotted the whole battle. Any single attempt of participating actively in the game will attract every single arty piece on you because arty totally prevents camping.
thats pretty much what i was trying to point out. but hey, the more time it gets repeated, the better. maybe one day people will actually get it :D
SS you see what you’ve started?
Nobody is allowed to have an opinion that does anything but hate arty.
Don’t you know this by now?
So many people crying about it, saying how “unfair” and “broken” it is because they keep getting hit by it, “spoiling their game”, as they like to put it.
They don’t seem to understand the uses and limitations of artillery, and will not accept it under any circumstances.
This fear and hate is due to a fundamental lack of understanding.
They find one aspect of a video game challenging to play against and, rather than learning about it, they just want it removing.
The words “kids will tantrum” spring to my mind, I don’t know why.
This fear and hate is due to a fundamental lack of understanding.
They find one aspect of a video game challenging to play against and, rather than learning about it, they just want it removing.
The words “kids will tantrum” spring to my mind, I don’t know why.
This has to be most ignorant thing i read in this article so far.
To explain further.
There is shit ton of articles where it’s well argumented into the tiniest bits why arty is broken and why it should be removed/reworked completely, so saying that people who hates arty lacks understanding is utterly insolent.
Playing against arty is not challenging. I can be arty safe. Being arty safe would never get me 60-70% WR in my battles. By being arty safe you’re doing nothing in the game to influence it. You’re then completely relying on your team and luck. Also my definition of fun in this game is not sitting in arty safe cover whole battle. I chose to participate in the battle even if that means some whack-a-mole shitter will blap me for most of my health or even 1shot me by using broken game mechanic, because he’s not good enough to beat me in regular tanks thus compensating for the lack of skill by playing that shit, rather than hiding behind a rock.
And finally, calling someone who doesn’t share your opinion a kid is making you look more immature than those so called kids. It makes you look ignorant as fuck.
It is not your civil argumentation that gets you called a kid. It is all the other insults/derogatives/insultive assumptions that characterise your posts that upon reading leaves one with a similar feeling to having stepped into dog poo. You insult unprovoked anyone who has anything positive to say about arts (several examples under this blog post) and yet you expect respect of your opinion? Curious behaviour to say the least.
Oh, BTW. Is your ingame nick the same? I’d have a ton of fun if i spot you on the red team when focusing in on you on the rare occasion I take my skycancer out for a spin. XD
If you’d look again, he never called me personally a kid. He called everyone who disagree with him a crying kids. I’m aware that my language and insults i slur out makes me look obnoxious and childish, yet i refuse to care about it. And yes, my nickname is the same. I’d be focused even if i didn’t told you my nickname because of the XVM. I also highly doubt you’ll ever meet me in the game, so i don’t care.
I do not use XVM or any other mods for that matter.
Why do you bother coming over here and invest so much effort into the poo slinging? Asking since you do not seem to be active anymore in-game so i fail to see the point of you beeing so zealous…
Let me get this right.
You hate arty because:-
1. it messes up your stats (“Being arty safe would never get me 60-70% WR in my battles.” – your words)
2. it stops you “pwning noobs/tomatoes” with your superior skill by making you cower behind cover “because he’s not good enough to beat me in regular tanks”
I say this:-
1. Why should I care about your stats?
2. This is a biggie…
a) it is forcing you to play differently? That’s its job, to make you think seriously about leaving that spot or risk death.
b) you appear to think that the player playing artillery must automatically be a worse player than you. Why?
c) you also seem to assume that if anyone plays arty they don’t play any other tank type at all.
d) if all the good players hate artillery and the percentage of good players is very small (top 5% of players being unicums as an example), that means that the people who hate arty are a MINORITY. All those “bad” players, who don’t care about stats enough to be good, outnumber the “good” players 5:1 at least.
So, why should anyone care about what you think?
That is too much bullshit to go into further discussion….you basically wrote big pile of horseshit that doesn’t make any sense and you want me to discuss it how hard does it smell. But if you don’t care what i think why did you responded to me with a wall of text?
what if I told you I learned everything about it, I have no problems doing good in this game and still hate it? Its completely irrelevant who says those things, you have to look at the argumentation
Challenging….. a word usually used by the worst players in the game. The same ones that needs arty to remove a real challenge out of their way.
I’m the worst player. Confirmed by shitter on FTR kekekekekeke….i mean you can’t beat this argument. Not gonna even try.
When i’m on the internet fooling around that means i have some time to kill, and there’s no better way of having fun than flaming on FTR :D And i’m still active in the game, just not that much. Some of it is because of crappy ISP etc.
It also encourages camping in arty-safe spots.
I rarely play arty but never whine about it. It sucks to be hit but if your smart you don’t sit where they can hit, move when spotted and never just SIT. Its not that hard to avoid being shot.
A shit load of posts before mine
Tyra: I appriciate your effort and thanks for the post.
Eagerly waiting for others to come.
+1 agree. Keep it up Tyra.
-BiA is important but I suggest to get camo first as you need SS on the commander anyway
Why we need Silentstalker on the commander first? :)
I had to promotes Silentstalker somehow to get the guide accepted u know.
DO YOU HAVE some picture showing the shell arcs of all arties??? (at least from tier 5 and above..)
Sadly not. I don’t even know how the picture above was created but if you know how the arcs look like you can figgure it out after a few games in a new arty.
I don’t think anyone does… But I know some people who could make one.
my problem is, i have bishop and fv304, and i was wondering which other arties have at least similar shell arc like these two (not counting tier X arties, they are too far to get/grind for me :)). And ofc i dont have so much time and money to try everyone of them, so the picture would be amazing help…
haha the absurdity of the arty ‘issue’ never ceases to amaze me
Hey, I got an arty guide for you too:
Step 1: Press Shift
Step 2: Click on red tanks
Congratulations! You have mastered arty!
Thanks. Comments like this one made me write this guide.
Most of that guide is REALLY basic stuff, the rest are lies…
Don’t worry. More advanced lies are on the way.
“UK: FV304 is the most popular tier 6 SPG and a very unique and fun arti to play.”
OH! you mean the FunV? Woowooo!
There sure are a lot of BUTTHURT people that dont like this article. I thinks it’s very informative. Thanks for the article!
“Next time we will cover more boring stuff like target priority…”
Step 1. Install XVM
Step 2. Click on exposed players in order of color,
Purple, Blue, Green…
So SS would you be willing to publish a well reasoned argument of why arty is a bad game-play mechanic?
Also, why not require people to connect their World of Tanks accounts to the blog comments?
^ this. enable WG login on this blog. i bet the average wr is a maximum of 50% on this blog. with a tendency to drop like it droped in the last year.
I don’t see why he wouldn’t post a well worded counter argument. However I don’t know that it will do much good if players can’t see that arty is a broken mechanic at this point then I don’t think any amount of articles will help them.
Honestly, arty is viewed incorrectly by many players. If you evaluate tank by tank there are some arty that are underpowered and some that are overpowered. This is the same with any class of tanks. However the mechanic which arty uses is broken. It is a broken concept of the game. The only reason arty exists is to “prevent camping.” Great in theory but far from how it works out in reality. The campers are the ones spotted last and therefore targeted last. The aggressive minded players are the ones who get targeted by arty. And please don’t even start the just keep moving argument, that is such a flawed argument. You can’t always move you have to shoot sometimes unless you think constantly shooting on the move is a good idea. And some amount of the time arty will still hit you while moving around full speed and that is absolutely stupid. The fact you have something that is only in the game to “prevent camping” that can lob shells across the entire map to hit light and medium tanks on the full move. And its not just good arty players that do that. In SS article I see where he talked about arty narrowing the gap between bad/average players and great players. That is exactly what it does and that is the problem. What game do you know of that puts things in the game to take away the skill gap? Balance the game sure but don’t put something in to mitigate skill. Also a major problem with arty is the design of maps. Good players carry games that what we do. We don’t have 60%+ win rates for no reason. We do this by doing damage/killing tanks obviously but equally as important is map control. How many times have you played against those purple players and found yourself in a position where you are helpless, you realize that you can’t push and you can’t fall back. Those are the positions that good players force others into. And that benefits not only them but there team too. Good players help their teammates be effective. I said all this to say that the map design of the vast majority of maps is that the key positions that good players need to gain map control and carry the game are not arty safe. In fact the vast majority of map have little arty safety in general. So basically WG has given arty this ability to survey the entire map and pick targets at will and be able to do damage to whatever they want(I realize that some shots are difficult on reverse slopes and such but you can still hit them and when is the last time your heavy tank could fire over hills?) without worrying about being spotted or revealing too much of their tank or having enough gun depression to get the shot. But back to the previous point, these key positions on maps that aren’t arty safe and generally aggressive positions meaning you probably get lit up. These are also the positions that arty preaims because they know people will be there. So good players in aggressive positions + arty preaimed leads to lots of ruined games to large chunks of health being lost. Its true good players play around arty being than most players but you can’t play around arty completely like you can anything else. Putting hard cover between you and the enemy means you can’t be damaged except arty can in many situations just ignore you cover and fire over it. This game already has a balance problem with alpha damage in general being overpowered and arty magnifies that hugely. Also if arty was in the game to “prevent camping” as intended all arty would do is blind fire camping spots all game. Every map has them why doesn’t arty do this? They are too busy trying to one shot unicums in aggressive positions in medium tanks and they often succeed because arty is broken. I keep seeing the phrases “arty prevents camping” or “arty forces movement so it means you can’t camp” these are ridiculous notions. Arty does nothing to campers and hinders aggressive play. It forces decisions like “should I crest this ridge to get shots on the side of those tanks?” to be no out of fear of getting one shot by arty. Also saw comments to the effect of “so what arty kills you every so often so do normal tanks” as more of a mid range unicum player (2600+ wn8 60day) I can tell you I have a 58%+ survival rate. So I don’t die often and when I do its almost always either to arty or a direct result of massive arty damage. This is because arty is impossible to play around completely as I mentioned before. I’m sure many of the top players will tell you the same thing, that they die/lose games because of arty more than anything else in this game.
So to review.
1) Arty is a broken concept because of the inability of to completely play around it
2) Arty does remove skill gap and that is a huge problem and what games should be trying to avoid I mean come on what game doesn’t encourage player skill
3) Good players hate arty because it hinders their ability to carry games(oh and I didn’t even mention the connection between xvm and who arty targets :-p)
Also I don’t understand why there are those of you who argue for arty(against the good players). Good players are good because they understand the game, the pros even more so. So when the vast majority of these players say something is broken like arty why do people that aren’t in this group try to say different? In other games the designers seek the opinion of the top percentage of players to help them improve their game. Obviously no one understands the game better than those that play it at the highest levels. So why do you guys argue these points? Do you seriously think that all of the good players are just BM that you shot them with your arty piece? Or maybe they just dislike that the game they like playing has such a broken mechanic. This game would be so much better without arty. Just think about those few games you get to play where there isn’t any and its just a tank battle to decide the outcome. No clicker warriors in the back raining massive damage down to swing the game. Its a wonderful thought to have no arty but it will never happen WG are the most incompetent gaming company I have ever seen. “Just sit where arty can’t hit you” is something I see so often and it hurts that those people don’t understand that if you are doing that then you are not affecting the game aka carrying the game. If you just stay in arty cover the whole game you have no map control and are doing no/minimal damage to the other team which will the majority of the time equal a loss. And to those of you who don’t see the logic in this argument you have my pity because you just don’t understand this game then.
Wall Of Text. Won’t read. Your tears are delicious.
Hey there.
To start with. I like having arty in the game. Not because i drive a lot of art myself (just check my nick) but because i drive predominantly lights. Usually when a light driver gets into a forward position there is nothing behind him able to hit whatever he is spotting, except for arties. Arties are my main reliable XP generator. Not because i drive them but because they give me DMG on my spot. On a perfect day my spotting + arty performance = campers dead, flank secure enough for my heavies/meds to push safely with limited losses. Neither have i ever felt that facing arties affect my gameplay on a map more then any other class on the read team. If anything, arties are usually the least of my worries in most situations. Usually, the more arties the enemies have the safer i feel about the upcoming game…
I would like to adress a certain point your are making that you argue for in quite eloquently. The main point of any arty critic who bother to elaborate beyond “fuckturd skycancer shitter clicker” is “Broken mechanic” because “no skill player can without effort take out good player” and “are annoying/not fun to get hit by”. I will just adress the “no skill” statement since the second one is rather subjective one. Me personally do not find getting hit by arts any more annoying/unfair then getting hit by any other class.
“no skill player can without effort take out good player” goes in my opinion in hand with the logic that it is simply not fair. If we where to follow that logic then next in line would come lights/scouts… Because a no skill player can sit in a forward bush and bring down hell on anyone trying to push… thus promotes camping!?!?! So light view range/camo is “broken mechanic” because it makes ppl sit tight behind a rock…. If anything it is not arties that promote the most camping behind rock/bushes but scouts/lights…
Next comes meds who can do the same job as lights + run away from a heavy pushing and hit him repeatedely hard unspotted while retreating… Again, “broken mechanic” because “promotes camping”… Without going into TD/Hs this logic leads to a predictable ending which is -> Everything that can incurr damage somehow when you move out of the bush promotes camping because the safest option for a player is to… hide and camp.
Number 1 thank you for a well thought out constructive post unlike the troll above you.
Now to address what you said I understand what you are saying but the main point I wanted to make is not about “no skill player can without effort take out good player” Arty players can do this regardless of skill obviously more skilled players will be more effective. My point is that arty breaks the game or in other words completely changes how the game is played in a very bad sense. Every other class of vehicle is direct fire and therefore can be played around through the use of concealment and hard cover arty is not something that can be played around completely.
Also I understand what you are saying and far as blaming arty then lights then meds and so on. The difference is that if you are lighting from a bush in your light. If I am getting lit I know there is someone in view range of me and through use of sixth sense and careful movement I can figure out where you are and play around your position or blind fire you out of it. Or our team can counter scout your position. There are easy ways of us playing around a scout. There are easy ways to play around every class of tank except arty. That is the problem. How good or bad your scouts are don’t matter in the context of arty. Things will get lit one way or another and then arty can shoot it from the other side of the map. Your light tank still has to have direct line of sight to spot me. Every other tank has to have direct line of fire to shoot me. But not arty it breaks the game.
I’m not sure how you can say that arty doesn’t affect your gameplay more than any other class. If you are lit you are in danger I don’t care if are on a reverse slope with no direct line of view to anyone hostile arty can hit you there for it affects gameplay more than any other class.
“Me personally do not find getting hit by arts any more annoying/unfair then getting hit by any other class.”
This statement just confuses me. Getting hit for 2k by a CGC is just as annoying and getting pinged for 240 by a 1390? or 320 by a 62a? This game is about trades. Trading health for damage. The better the trade the less health you lose to deal damage. Arty wrecks the concept of trading because it does tons of damage for free it can’t be punished until later in the game (assuming the arty is positioned well and the team isn’t bad enough to let a scout into their base) except via counter battery fire and if you aren’t dumb you will never get counter batted.
I’ll preply to most of the stuff in part2. So just briefly:
“1) Arty is a broken concept because of the inability of to completely play around it”
This is like saying the weather is a broken concept cuz you can play around it when climbing Everest. Yes, you can have the skill, gear…and fail. That’s what makes “”the game” exciting IMHO.
“2) Arty does remove skill gap and that is a huge problem and what games should be trying to avoid…”
The gap is smaller yet still huge. There are 1k 40% and 3k/battle 70% arti players.
“3) Good players hate arty because it hinders their ability to carry games”
I’m one of them and I don’t blame them. When your skill increases, the game gets more difficult. It’s not fair but it’s certainly more fun.
More on this in part2. Thanks for a constructive post.
“Randomly dying without being able to do anything about it makes the game fun.”
OK then.
Failing exciting? You sound like you are describing an adventure game. WoT is about winning and anything that breaks the game must go. Arty adds nothing of value to this game.
I’m not talking about a skill gap between arty players I’m talking about the skill gap between the top players and the bottom players being shrunk because someone clicks on the the top player. Player A on a scale of 1 to 100 is a 100 in skill. Player B is a 5. Who is going to win a breif engagement/trade? the 100 is obviously except there is an arty that removes 75% of player A’s health now who wins? Losing the HP to arty in the massive chunks you do makes out playing people impossible. Armor means little in this game especially with gold ammo so bounces are unlikely is most tanks meaning you have to out trade your opponent and when you have 300 HP you can’t.
“Good players are good because they understand the game, the pros even more so. So when the vast majority of these players say something is broken like arty why do people that aren’t in this group try to say different? In other games the designers seek the opinion of the top percentage of players to help them improve their game. Obviously no one understands the game better than those that play it at the highest levels”
Exactly what I have stated again and again and again.
What would Starcraft balancing be like if they DIDN’T listen to the top-notch players and instead Blizz would have lowered their ear to the mouth-drooling masses of idiots?
Just like IRL, the opinions of idiots, incompetents & morons are to be ignored & shat on.
Good post. I don’t agree with it but well said in an intelligent and adult fashion.
You maybe want to think about breaking it up into digestible chunks though.
Yeah I could’ve sectioned it off better.
looks like this hard to master breed needs even more tutorials.
tyra you forgot to tell the basic stuff.
you know.. stuff like installing xvm and clicking the shit out of blue/purple.
keep on clicking the players you will never be arty cunts.
Next part. ;)
Ya, there will be 3 pages on how to install xvm and click the purple player. Don’t worry.
I hope SS wont allow next part of this bullshit.
Arty is cool. Fuck you, haters! Bahahahaha! *logs in to one shot some waffles*
Waffle is as cancerous as arty. Be my guesst
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Aaaaaaaaaand… nope.
I remember back in the day when I was inexperienced and thought artillery was an acceptable part of World of Tanks. Ahhhh… the innocence.
People who complain about arty:
Green to purple players – occasionally yellow, but mostly blue and purple. AKA: people who have a clue.
People who think arty is good:
Try-hard Clan Wars participants (anywhere within the colour spectrum) and all the TOMATOES.
Rarely, you’ll find a good player who enjoys arty in the game, however its more likely to find a tomato that doesn’t.
Just the fact that pancakes support arty, and anyone with a brain (who actually knows how this game should work) thinks its a terrible mechanic… it should tell you something.
My friend is yellow and complains a lot about arty. I doubt that pancakes support arty. After the massive nerf in 8.6 nobody played arty and yet the number of players increased.
And then you have complete shitlords like Daemonik who utter idiocies like “I feast on unicum tears when I one-shot them. Oh the joy!”, who
1) are a really, really sad case
2) really do deserve a severe beating
Sorry, from where I come from little shits with a complete stuck-up, prick attitude tend to learn their lessons in 2 ways: the fast way and the hard way. Note that these 2 ways are not mutually exclusive…
“Your suffering entertains us” (c) SerB.
Didn’t he say that when scrubs were whining about arty being too weak and difficult to play?
With regard to the Batchat arty in CW – on arty-heavy maps, we tend to find it works well as a counterbattery artillery, as the autoloader allows you to finish off enemy arty that you merely tracked with a first shot or else engage multiple enemies in quick succession should they fire one after another. Your thoughts?
Well you can’t really tell when arti is tracked unless it is spotted=dead. I would not consider taking an arti to focus on countering and if I did, surely not a bat as some arties can survive a direct hit. More reasons why bat is bad for CW:
-eisiest-to-counter arty, any splash kills it and it’s easy to knw when it starts shooting
-struggles to pen and damage heavies while smart meds play around it
-tracked enemies repair quickly in cw
-even if you track and put 4 shells in IS7, you will have lower dmg per minute than any other arti
-no AP
-low splash radius makes it hard to hit clusters (very important in CW)
-long initial reload makes you useless when they rush you
The only arty that matters in CW is CGC, 261 and 53/55. Bat arty is used only if you want arty in a certain spot and nothing else is fast enough to get there in time and safely.
I consider myself one of the best arty players out there… you can see by my average damage on pretty mutch every arty i have played except tier 10 which i havent dedicated myself to yet, you can watch me playing arty on my twitch channel,
oh, oh, oh…. Shitstorm brewing. Going inside my house, pop some popcorn and watch through my window the shit lightning striking!
Arty is the most boring class in the game to play aside from being broken, so why would anyone watch SOMEONE ELSE play most boring thing in the game is beyond me. If you want more viewers better start playin some normal tanks
i stopped reading when you wrote that spgs make people moving…
Only thing you do with skycancer is this
Good article, just because it attracted a lot of tears. Moar pls.
Btw, I am still far from unicum but I am quite satisfied with my green color and >55% WR for now. However, I’m very sucks at skycancer (48% WR lol when all other type are 56-59% )and I still don’t understand at how people gaining good WR at this. I’ll read the next articles to see if I could improve at them.
>> SPGs are a part of the rocks-scissors-paper concept
No they aren’t, they are part of rocks-scissors-spock, representing spock.
What counters arty? Another arty, if they care. Scouts? Give me abreak, scouts are capable of spotting arty once in 10 games, in rest they get destroyed by arty that expected them (of course arty can fire on close ranged targets effetively) or just destroyed in futile attempt to get closer to enemy. Meds? Those sluggish low armored tanks, that can easily get oneshoted? Nope…
>> their job is to deal with heavies and campers in general.
But they are also very effective against everyone else, capable of hitting full speed scouts at 500 meters. I really don’t see your point here.
If you are reliably “capable of hitting full speed scouts at 500 meters” you are right. For the res of us rocks-scissors-paper applies, I’m afraid.
Arti is most effective when putting a 1500+dmg AP in an IS7 camper/brawler or splash mupltiple tanks with HE. Yes they can hit other stuff too but less reliably. That’s what rocks-scissors-paper concept is about.
No, rocks-scissors-paper is about everything having counter, arty doesn’t have any counter apart from another arty.
In most situations arty wont get spotted until late game, when it’s too late to “counter” them. (some maps are exceptions of course).
Not mentioning fact, that arty currently have about same spotting range as scouts and insane camo rating.
And yes, when you have T10 arty with 11m splash radius, you can easily hit full speed scouts…
Stopped reading when I read “Arties reduce the amount of possible camping spots and keep people moving.”. Who ever wrote this is an arty promoter and knows nothing about the game and what it actually does.
Sorry but anything that makes people leave the game, is not a good thing.
Question about mid-high French arties (tier 7+): is their firing arc as shallow as tier 6 (AMX 13 F3)?
It’s a bit higher.
The low penetration is an issue tho.
thanks!!! I sure as hell missed taking my tier X arty for a spin!
gotta love the hate it causes, a serious issue mankind is currently facing, wot arty. only makes me pound that baby even further.
arty creates camping, it does not prevent it…
Three fukken hundred posts of pure distilled butthurt. well done Tyraforce; You magninficient bastard
I’m fine with the arty that can do 1000+ damage in one shot……FV304s though….the ability to trollplat to teir ten and permatrack a teir 10 medium all game and chip away at all his health should not exist.
good post :)
I don’t see where is the fun in a totally random class like the arty…
You can be unicum and miss all your shots
You can be a tomato with a 100% hit ratio
All of that in the same game. Where is the goal in this class seriously? Don’t tell me it prevents camping it’s not true. I don’t count the number of time while at full speed in a medium or a light i was hit by a trololol shell coming from a 43% WR gamer. In fact i camp more when arty are in the same game. And while driving one i am in front of my screen saying “well, maybe this shell will hit this time with a perfect fully aimed circle.”
“oh not this time, okay i’ll wait. Wow what an amazing fun.”
Don’t know why i’m grinding that srsly, and i have already Gw tiger and 261…
I personally do not care for artillery. But, I do find this article interesting and look forward to the rest.
I am not a camper, in fact, I am usually quite active with my mediums and find it interesting how often artillery is targeting me as the shells land all around and on top of me while I am going back and forth, in circles and every which way I can think of to confuse the artillerist.
However, I find it quite annoying that artillery can continue to see you after you are out of line of sight and/or the spotter gets killed. Changing this factor alone would make me less critical of artillery. Yes, I know this applies to non-artillery vehicles as well. And, I would not mind at all if that was change for them as well.
Being a former tanker (and, yes, I know that this is an arcade game), we were taught to move into position and engage the target. After the shot, you are to back up and move to a new position to keep the target from waiting for the next time you appear. However, this tank game does not allow for this tactic to be used without a long delay as artillery zeroes in on you while waiting for the light above your head to go out.
Playing arty is not easy enought? Having this “new” stupid mod didnt make it easier enought? Now you have to help those idiots? Yes, thanks to make this game even worse
Reading most of the comments, i can’t help it but give you guys words of wisdom from ye olde movie:
My opinion- arty won’t be taken out from the game, it makes it more “affordable” for people who are not willing or unable to learn how to drive other tanks. Also, too many people already grinded too much of them, and there would be sh-tstorm about terms of compensation and so on.
Take out the xvm stats from the game- ban it. And it will fix a lot of problems experienced by good players who get focused on.
As for “just keep moving and you can avoid it” both sides are sort of true, if you can sit at the back of your spawn then you are rather safe. If you want to win the game though(or God forbid, carry the team), then its not the best advice around. You dont get 60+% WR by being passive and staying safe. Hell, often it’s not carrying your team, but f-ing DRAGGING it to the victory despite teams subconcious will to lose.
And most of the valuable spots aren’t arty safe, arty just needs to preaim at the spot you are driving around, and just wait until you drive in their aiming circle and boom(prokhorovka middle and near the tracks, steppes c8/e9 comes to mind).
Maybe in Warthunder, where often you just need one penetrating hit on the enemy to take him out, it is viable tactic to pop out, shoot, destroy enemy tank and then GTFO from the area, going somewhere else.
But in WoT if you want to take someone out while driving MT/HT you need to stay around same place for a prolonged time. The term “camping” doesn’t apply when you-are-the front line, pushing or supporting your team left right and centre in the middle of the map.
Removing xvm won’t help. They will just target clan tags then. Everyone knows who the top clans on their respective servers are. “Oh that guy is from such and such clan?!” *Click*
It concern at least less people like the actual XVM stats.
In my mind i can count like 10 clans i would focus in arty, but i won’t notice others… I’m a blue player in a not very well known clan and i think i would feel the difference.
WG can also hide clan tag in random battle if it’s not enough. But won’t happened anyway. The actual situation is profitable for them. Noobs can kill unicums with a total random class and enjoy it. Like that they won’t quit the game because they feel “stronk” you see… And it’s an attractive class for total new player because “mh i don’t know how to play and i don’t want to be a weight for the team so i’ll begin with an indirect class.”
I play a ton of arty and I have to say I disagree with a huge chunk of your “advice” almost like you don’t play much arty. Some of what he says is true but if you are new to arty and trying to learn don’t follow his guidelines 100% or you are going to hinder your team more than be helpful support.
Well, my solo arty WR is about 60% so I don’t think I hinder my teams but I’m open to any criticism and suggestions. I had consulted the guide with 2 dedicated arty players and incorporated their suggestions.
If you have anything useful to say, let us hear it.
I agree with all the “fuck arty” comments here. However it’s good to get inside the mindset of these clicker-cowards to know how to defeat them i.e. “must know thy enemy to defeat thy enemy.”
Nothing is more enjoyable than slaughtering the undefended scum at the end of a match, or raiding them with lights :P
This is ladies and gentlemen, the reason why SilentStalker will never have good rating: “G.W.E 100 – Rarely used due to poor mobility and camo.” – Because people who play SPG look for mobility- &camostats.. haRhaR
The reasons why people don’t play GWE100 is not because of mobility&camo Lmao.
. . .
Learn to read. The guide was not write by SS… <_<
Interesting, please, enlighten us then.
“SPGs are a part of the rocks-scissors-paper concept and their job is to deal with heavies and campers in general.”
Yeah, rock kills everything and nothing can kill rock until the end of the game.
The author of this not only sucks at WoT, but also at the simplest game there is.
“Arties reduce the amount of possible camping spots and keep people moving.”
That’s why I almost never get killed by arty while being in a heavy/TD, but all the time in meds i lights while trying to change the 15-minute campfest on Prokhorovka into something playable.
“They are the necessary evil that makes the game ticking whether you like them or not.”
Much like HIV makes the Africa ticking?
“A good arti driver doesn’t need very good reflexes but rather good situational awareness and the ability to constantly evaluate the threat level of different targets as well as other factors. ”
Unlike all those other classes in this game where you can drool on your keyboard and do 6k dmg… oh, wait.
SS, why do you post articles by scrubs that have barely 2000 WN8 after 25k battles and have no clue about this game?
“SS, why do you post articles by scrubs that have barely 2000 WN8 after 25k battles and have no clue about this game?”
Probably because players like you don’t write anything better and stick to the usual trolling?
How about you share your apparently huge experience instead of the usual “you suck”?
“When confronted with arguments use magical the word “trolling”.”
Tell me which part of my comment wasn’t true?
I present to you my experience with arty – getting one-shoted by braindead arty tomatoes in my full hp mediums because I happened to be the only one not camping in my team. Getting hit 70% of the times from the hip while “hunting” for clickers, often resulting in 100% hp reduced to 0%.
Myself playing arty? Got Wespe once with 50% crew to see how retarded this mechanic is. Sold it after I reduced full hp Churchill I into ashes while using exactly 0% of my brain. This is how much skill playing arty requires.
I don’t even have words… Good info mixed with bad info. Or, is it some inside job to screw arty players :) ?