
- Storm confirms that the impossibility to complete Individual Missions in platoons is a bug in the test, it will be fixed
- Storm states that the situation where even very powerful computers run WoT at under 50 FPS is caused by the lack of optimization – many of those bottlenecks are being fixed currently
- according to Storm, it’s not possible to have icons always appearing over the tank names in the 9.5 minimap, as this solution reduces the performance of the minimap. This is how it currently looks in 9.5 test 2:

- (related to the above) WG was forced to abandon the solution XVM uses currently for technical reasons
- Storm confirms that some individual missions will still be reworked, but the platoon requirement for some will stay (SS: people are asking over and over)
- Mittengard is a newbie-only map, experienced players driving lowtier tanks (pedobears) will not be allowed to play it (this will be implemented via a new special MM rule)

109 thoughts on “16.12.2014

  1. - Mittengard is a newbie-only map, experienced players driving lowtier tanks (pedobears) will not be allowed to play it (this will be implemented via a new special MM rule)

    This ain’t fair. I’m no seal clubbed but I wanna play that map too! And not in training room.

        • Lol, always same logic, stronk byeloruss potato logic!

          Seal clubbing bad? Close the map, but give low tier tanks as a gift!

          Nerf LTs and TDs to the death, make missions to play LTs and TDs, say “nobody forces you to play those”.

          Great logic. Makes people love you!

    • If they can apply this mm rule to maps, why not to match ups ? Put the seal clubbers in together.

    • I have somewhat mixed feelings here. Like exNoob, I expect this means I won’t see the map (although if it plays anything like Stalematopia, I mean Province, no great loss…). On the other hand, it’d probably help the newbies out to have a map that is guaranteed sealclubber-free.

      Unless the sealclubbers are also smurfing, of course.

    • They are making a special MM rule? If they can do that why the fuck arent they fixing the fucking MM??

    • It will also mean that matches on this map will be more rare than on others (as less players in the queue will be able to get it). Rare map + no experienced player on any team = headless chickens running everywhere (hilariously, map design also supports such gameplay).

      • eheheheheh…..now I only need to start an alt acc..I mean watching my friend play WoT…cuz I invited him

    • I play without the percentages but with xvm; i wanna know who could be valuable on my team and who needs to be outtricked on the enemy team. I’ve won 20%s but lost 80%s as well; as long as I try my best it’ll be fine. It’s just a game and even with those hypocrites and others with bad influences, I still try to enjoy it. Maybe many others should do it as well.

    • Also: game looking like the bastard child of Mario Kart and an Excel spreadsheet. Nah, thanks.

    • > flawed win prediction

      Ha! XVM’s win prediction is EXTREMELY accurate. The people who complain about it just don’t understand that a 90% chance to win is not the same as 100%.

    • I completely agree all that extra garbage on the minimap just obscures the map with useless info. Although I don’t use ANY mods and in my opinion they are all cheats, if they banned ALL mods 80% of those “GOOD” players stats would go down the crapper instantly. Supposedly we will get the option to NOT have all that new garbage on the map I hope they still are planning on giving the option.

      • Mods only help, not make u good player.
        I play few weeks without mods (new version crash with xvm) and no diff in stats.
        But must do a lot more, like remember where last spot place was, look around and guess is good player, or idiot… and is not fun at all. I use mode, to not must do shit like this.
        If u dont like, turn off, maybe turn off map, or better game.

      • Please define what you mean by “useless info“. If it were useless, how could it be an advantageous “cheat“ at the same time.

        Neither of that makes sense. Less, when arguing both things simultaneously.

  2. So you can’t play a map because you have too many battles?
    Maybe fix broken low-tier vehicles instead of blocking the players enjoying low tier tanks once in a while?

    • Or maybe FINALLY, FINALLY! (FINALLY) they fix MM vomiting.
      When one team has 4 topdogs and other have only 2/3.
      Or platoons – one team underdog platoon, and other have 2x topdog ones.

          • Yes, truly, WG throughout those years with those “millions of millions” of players clearly haven’t collected enough data yet to fix the MM.
            I swear, each of you comment here makes less and less sense given the time. Do they pay you?

  3. can they remove the jedi sword(camera direction line)? is terrible, it was a bug that i took it out and it was back every time i entered new match

      • ^^ this.
        probably the only useful thing….

        tank names ? nah, look at the picture in the article… there’s STB-1, Leopard, and what else ? Cant see a shit… not even those vaginas … the map is just a mess.

        Newer liked the XVM map, all those circles, squares and so on… it isnt even accurate, doesnt take bia or damaged viewports into account.. so whats the point.

        • In such mess there is a mod which shows what tanks are in spot.
          For every error – there is mod.
          For every arty – there is HE.
          For every Maus – there is gold ammo.
          For everything else – Mastercard.

          • well yeah, there is a mod for minimap… so this kinda makes all their effort worthless…

            it’s not good enough, people will use map mods anyway… so why did they even bother ?

            • Because soviet era personal calculators cant handle XVM or Locastan minimaps :D That or WG wants to “improve da game” – which hardly works for them.

              • :D Thx mate…made my morning.

                “- according to Storm, it’s not possible to have icons always appearing over the tank names in the 9.5 minimap, as this solution reduces the performance of the minimap. ”

                Oh my…place your actionscript text labels in a layer thats 50 layers under the icon, when you create it:


                Problem solved and needs very little extra cpu.

  4. If they can restrict a map to newbies only they should also restrict the ability to play tier 8, 9 and 10 to players with a certain % of win ratio (like, at least an average, which is 49%), as in, not fucking retards.

    I have no problem whatsoever to lose to superior enemy. I often learn a trick or two from adversaries better than me. It’s the losing due to own team fuck ups that’s the problem. Make a win ratio restriction, and suddenly it’s a non issue.

    • THIS.
      So much this.

      If they are seriously implementing a special MM rule that wont allow players, with more than xyz battles, joining that one map with low tier tank, then what is the problem in implementing a special MM rule that does not allow “hurr durr, I haz a big tenk” 44% 400WN8 tards from joining anything above tier 8 until they improve and grasp the basics at lower tiers?

      I mean, contrary to everything they said about not implementing skill-based MM, they are doing it right now with that move.

      Fun stuff WG.

      • And what’s the point of Joe Tomato buying premium time and premium tanks to buy his E100 when he can’t play it?
        Gee, you with your genius should run this company, it would make so much profit!

        • And what’s the point of RandomSomeone buying premium low tier tanks (and there is plenty of them around) when he can’t play them on a new map?

          Gee, you with your genius should fit perfectly in such company, making claims you dont intend to keep if it suits you.

          Logic, use it next time.

          • You mean besides all the other reasons people buy low tier premiums? It’s only one map… and it’s probably shit.

            Quite a difference between that and not being allowed to play tier 8+ unless your W/R is 49%+…

            …you dopey cunt.

            • 44% 400WN8 (unfortunately, not really rare in tier X battles, mostly on IS7 and E100).

              Reading OP, pls nurf.

          • Yes, because with low tier premium tanks you will be able to play only Mittengard.
            And clearly WG makes a lot of money on those T2 Lights, much more than on tier 8 premiums and premium accounts.
            The density of your head is astonishing, Mr Logic.

      • probably the fact that WG doesnt give a horseshit about WN8 or any other 3rd party “numbers” …. WN8 is not official WG statistic. They will never implement it.

        They could probably use the “personal rating” or whatever is in the ingame stats.

        But then again… how can you get medal for killing 13 enemy tanks if everyone is equal ? You simply need to play with retards against other retards…

    • I won 28% matches… lost 68% matches.
      winratio is just useless.

      Depends on map, vehicle I’m driving and so on.

      Sure, there are times the team is useless and I can carry the game and win it.. but there are also times I’m useless… or dead…

      • And if you have under something like 48% win ratio after several thousands of battles then you are constantly useless and there should be no place for a player (under)performing on such level in high tiers.

        • I have little over 50%.
          But I’ve seen great team players having 46% for example.
          Sure, it’s one in a million, but you dont see very often a player sacrificing himself in order to make the last enemy shoot, so the last tank in his team can kill him while hes reloading.. and no, it wasnt coincidence, he clearly stated that in chat before doing it.

          WR% is very misleading number. I had constantly between 48-50% while I was grinding new tanks. Now that I stopped and Im driving only elited vehicles in my garage, my WR improved. Sure 2,5% is not much, but over 12k games it still is a good amount of battles … for average player like myself.

          btw. I dont understand why there should be no place for underperforming players ? there clearly is. whats your point ? its a fucking videogame nothing more nothing less.

          Dont wanna play with noobs ? play pro leagues! Oh sorry, you are probably useless as well if you cant play pro leagues ;) … you dont have to play randoms ever. Since you do, you are still one of us “pubies” ;) whether you like it or not.

  5. Sorry for being off-topic but are there any news about the KV-5 discount?
    According to the leak we were expecting the offer to start on the 15th but that never happened.

    Thank you

  6. XMV isn’t needed to weed out long term players. WG has only to establish a ceiling for the total number of games played. If you’ve played more than the threshold number of battles, you don’t see Mittengard.

  7. Is minimap drawing really that much of a performance hit? A few pieces of text and a few icons? Really?

    In the meantime, virtually every other game I own has a similar (sometimes even more complex) minimap that has no performance hit at all. Sounds like some pretty crappy programming behind WoT’s minimap.

    • For Wargaming lacking the knowledge in optimisation, yes, a little text is a performance hit.
      And the whole game is crappy programmed

    • not just minimap.
      tank icons, health bars, ammo bar, … whole UI is a flash overlay.

      Turning off UI by pressing “V” increases my fps by 7-10 fps. And thats on 2nd gen. core i7 CPU. No idea how much would it help on weaker CPUs.

      IMHO once, IF, we ever get multcore support, this should be the first thng moved to another core…

        • I know.
          if they cannot implement it properly… they can do it at least this way…
          But then again, they can run UI on another core as well…

      • I wonder how do other games perform with their UI’s. Would, say, War Thunder run smoother if we were able to turn the UI off? Or, dunno, World of Warcraft or some other MMO with information rich UI?

  8. “- Mittengard is a newbie-only map, experienced players driving lowtier tanks (pedobears) will not be allowed to play it (this will be implemented via a new special MM rule)”
    Well that’s good for the newbies, but at the same time I’m a bit disappointed because I won’t be able to see it in random battles then. :/

  9. - Storm states that the situation where even very powerful computers run WoT at under 50 FPS is caused by the lack of optimization

    You dont say.

    - according to Storm, it’s not possible to have icons always appearing over the tank names in the 9.5 minimap, as this solution reduces the performance of the minimap. This is how it currently looks in 9.5 test 2:

    I dont understand, what icons? You already have tank class icon there. Also that minimap is still unusable for me, cant make it bigger enough and contrast is too low on enemies + lack of render circle and 445 circle.

  10. What? No Mittengard for experienced players in lowtier tanks?

    So if MM is screwing me over again and again and I want to have a go in my Pz II,
    I’ll still be screwed over by shit maps…

    Just… ohh… Good thing I’ll be able to play GOOD online games once my new PC arrives

  11. Wait, a MM rule change, is that implemented already in the test server? if not, is this going to be one of those things that are implemented at the last minute before the patch goes live … then, cross fingers they dont introduce a bug …

  12. - Storm states that the situation where even very powerful computers run WoT at under 50 FPS is caused by the lack of optimization – many of those bottlenecks are being fixed currently

    Well no s***t Sherlock

    Sry I couldn’t resist.

      • seriously ?

        they are working on everything since forever.

        “We are working on it” is the same as “fuck off, stop bothering me” in real life…

        Have you already done your homework? – I’m working on it.
        Have you been out with the dog / took kids from school? – I’m working on it…

        For those of you who knows Blizzard company, this is their version of “Soon(tm)”

  13. XVM minimap feature is a must have, however I seriously belive Locstan made the best solution I’ve seen yet even if Im not using the HD minimap solution…

    • I never got it… whats the point of 445m circle ? and all those stupid lines ?
      It’s not even accurate AFAIK, doesnt take BiA, damaged periscope, food and other things into account…

      What’s the point of seeing my own viewrange on minimap ? I can see it on the screen. It’s enemy’s viewrange I wish I knew :D

      the only good thing about this map is the line in the center, that will enable some blind shots. Apart from that… tank names are useful but chaotic at the same time…You literally cant see a shit on the minimap

      • I tried XVM and liked the view range circle and rendering range rectangle. I don’t use XVM but if WG introduced these two features to the minimap I’d turn them on.

        It allows one to gauge how far his passive spotting can work in theory (in reality it’s worse because of enemy camouflage, bushes etc.), and on some maps you can finally figure out how far you actually can see from a certain spot (El Hallouf …) when somebody else is scouting for you so fewer people woudl camp like idiots.

        • “when somebody else is scouting for you so fewer people woudl camp like idiots.”

          if they couldnt find out so far, I doubt a square on minimap would help them.
          It would be more like “Wooow a squaaare! I like turtles!”

          • @Bugii:

            ClassicFrog got it spot on, couldn’t phrase that any better myself.

            Yeah, some people might get confused but they can turn this stuff off (or have it off by default!). The rest of us can make some use of it and that’s certainly something I can appreciate more than screwed up vehicle models, new gun farts, sorry, sounds, and goofy missions most players can never complete without pulling out their wallet.

      • No, you miss the point entirely.

        It’s not about seeing OWN view range. It’s about seeing maximum view range EXACTLY. This way you know that you need to be at least this or this far to have any chance whatsoever to spot the enemy, or that you need to be at least that far away to be sure the enemy can’t spot you, regardless of what view range it has and what view aid it might have (active binos for example). 445 meters is such limit and nothing will be scouted outside that circle. Having it displayed on the map helps you to plan your moves a big time.

        • “445 meters is such limit and nothing will be scouted outside that circle. Having it displayed on the map helps you to plan your moves a big time.”

          this is true if there is encounter 1 on 1. It’s max viewrange if Im not mistaken. Or do they call it spotting range? Whatever.
          now imagine a passive scout somewhere in this scenario. or several other tanks on the map… if anyone else spotted you, the tank that is actually behind this 445m viewrange circle can still see you (draw distance)

          in short, you can see tanks far behind 445m if anyone else is spotting them and you are in their signal range. And very often, you dont see that one passive scout giving away your position. I’m sure I dont have to explain this to you.

          My point is… what you’ve described is true, but there are still occasions when its not reliable. And if I cannot rely on something always, I’m usually not relying on it at all. Thus, its a useless info for me.

  14. I doubt anyone at WG would listen but I’d suggest filtering out the career seal clubbers from seeing Mittengard. I think this could be as simple as the number of battles (maybe 50, 100, 250 ?) on the tank selected for the battle.

    This will prevent the guys with 6k battles in a tier 2 or three tank with 3, 4, 5 perks terrorizing newer, less experienced, less leveled up tankers. On the flip side WG can still cash in from garage slots, premium tanks, etc for those who want to occasional see the new map and may be forced into a new tank in order to do so.

    Seems like a bad idea to release content only obtainable by a few (wait, never mind this is WG).

    • 6k battles and 5 perks ? wtf ?

      Ive got 11k battles and Im reaching the end of 3rd. Sure, Ive grinded more tanks at the same time… but still… I doubt 6k battles is enough for 5 perks.

      Plus, even if it was… does it really matter? cool so someone has 3% more viewrange… 319m instead of 310m … signal range detto and so on… it’s nothing compared to experience the player has.

      • 6k battles w/5 skills is quite possible if those 6k battles are in 3 or 4 tanks w/2 or 3 man crews+ a few prem tanks. i have heard there are a few players out there that have 50k+ games all in Tier 2 running 6/7 skill crews. some folks find that fun, i guess. i kind of feel dirty if i unlock sixth sense in a tier2. not dirty enough to quit doing it, though. :D

        • Hmm, strange… I was carrying over same crew from PzIV to E100 and they ended up with 3rd skill at 85% or so by the time I reached E100. Didnt have any prem tanks at the time though… so might be possible…

          sixth sense in a tier 2 isnt nothing bad… why else would they give us t2 prems every now and then? ofc. I’m putting my hightier crew to T7 car or T1e6…they are premiums after all…

      • put 6th sense, full camo, situational awareness, and recon crew in a m2 light with binocs and camo net and you can sit in the right bush the whole game on malinovka and province and watch the enemy dissolve like a sugar cube in boiling water. the mammoth pile of scout and recon medals wash away the guilt :)

  15. “- Storm confirms that some individual missions will still be reworked, but the platoon requirement for some will stay (SS: people are asking over and over)”

    There is a damn good reason for people to bring this issue up over and over again. Many players play solo. While they could potentially find someone to platoon with (forums, chat), how does that really improve gameplay in any way?

    If WG feels they ABSOLUTELY need to FORCE their dumbass platoon idea on people, then at least provide an alternative – say “do this mission in a platoon or do something else instead” – perhaps 2 or 3 missions to get rid of one with platoon requirement. This will satisfy the moron who keeps insisting on platoon requirements while still providing an alternative for VAST MAJORITY OF WOT PLAYERS (WHO NEVER PLATOON).

    Without this their “10% of playerbase getting StuG IV” is stillborn. Oh and yeah, I know some clueless WG guy mentioned Object 260 in reference to 10% figure but that is never happening (0.10% is quite unlikely given current requirements).

    • I can seen WG desire to introduce players to platoons. It is more interesting. You may will play more out of duty to your platoon. You may upgrade the tanks you platoon in to make sure you’re holding up your end of the platoon. Due to the IM’s, there will be more people looking to platoon (ie more invitations) and more people agreeing. So a clever means of improving the game to push out would be competition.
      I enjoyed platooning with my son. We were at the same table, driving hellcats, and talking back and forth about the game.

  16. “- according to Storm, it’s not possible to have icons always appearing over the tank names in the 9.5 minimap, as this solution reduces the performance of the minimap. This is how it currently looks in 9.5 test 2:”
    OK. Here is a free advice from a programmer for minimap issue (could you SS forward it to someone at WG?):
    To make it work correctly you have to separate drawing of marks into three steps:
    1. draw marks and names of disappeared vehicles (as less important),
    2. draw on the same surface (plane or bitmap or whatever you have) names of visible/ally vehs,
    3. draw on the same surface vehs icons (as most important)
    It’s all about order of drawing. At the end you have everything arranged.
    Thank you.

    • thats the point if I remember correctly. They did it this way and it was resource costly.

      Rework your 3-step idea into one-step and they might consider ;)

  17. Pfft..
    I don’t mind MittyG map limited to newbies in random battles.

    But please put it in Training room as one of the map choices so our clannies (And butthurt fellas) can have fun in it.

    These fellas are pretty much butthurt over a single inaccessable map. Geezz….

  18. Fuck storm, fuck Serb and fuck WG.

    These sons of bitches never said to me that the game is not optimized. I told these sons of whores that my pc can handle all games with fps over 80 but wot drops to 20. They said it is my pc that is not good enough.

    A gtx 780 ti with 16gb of ram with i7 970 and this fucking russian bug lags as hell.

    The sons of whores in WG should not jump to 3d graphics when they can’t manage to optimize standard graphics.




  19. “Mittengard is a newbie-only map, experienced players driving lowtier tanks (pedobears) will not be allowed to play it (this will be implemented via a new special MM rule)”


    Can they do the same then for tier 10? %42-46ers have no business in the top tiers of the game and unfairly anchor every team they’re on. They contribute to a crappy game situation every bit as badly as “pedobears” — the latter WG for whatever reason, has taken particular ire to just now with a special rule to keep players from quitting (hint: they should focus on the balance of the low tier tanks and it’s MM, esp. anti-preferred MM tier 3) but a horrible end-game experience gets people to quit just as surely.

    Of course, it’s obvious why — as long as the horrid balances remaining in this game get someone to quit AFTER they get to tier 10 — and dole out a whatever-average of cash per 1000 players — WG.net doesn’t care. There’s more profit in keeping the new mouths fed and happy than existing ones.

    AW can’t come fast enough.