Hello everyone,
this article came up on Russian server portal and I think it’s kinda nice, so here’s a sum of what was in it. The FV4005 Stage 2 is the upcoming tier 10 tank destroyer. Here are its basic characteristics, which – since they appeared on the portal – are likely final:
- speed: 35 km/h
- hitpoints: 1850
- gun alpha: 1150
Wargaming characterizes the vehicle as such:
- gun: “183mm of total firepower. The large gun allows you to deal huge amount of alpha damage to practically any enemy”
- HESH-shells: “high amount penetration and awesome damage make this machine a formidable opponent, capable of single-handedly tipping the battle in your favour.”
- psychological factor: “even the peresence of this vehicle on certain maps can blunt your opponent’s initiative”
- good traverse: “even though the turret doesn’t traverse 360 degrees, the traverse angles are more than enough”
- “relatively good mobility allows you to change your position without too much trouble, if the flow of battle requires your presence elsewhere”
- more comfortable gun compared to the FV215b 183 – “accuracy and aimtime allow you to comfortably fire at long range”
- weak turret armor – “14 milimeters. Mere anti-bullet armor seriously hampers the survivability of this vehicle on tier 10. The HE shells are the source of the worst danger.”
- large size – “resulting in not exactly the best camouflage. The enemy will target you as soon as you get spotted. Therefore, you have to choose your position very carefully.”
- low DPM – “the awesome alpha is compensated by low rate of fire. Therefore, in order to play effectively, you have to be careful and responsible with every shot”
Following this WG “analysis”, there are two pictures, comparing the FV215b 183 and FV4005, I don’t think they need much explanation.
There are also the armor schematics and changes for the FV215b (183)
As you can see, the turret got buffed (hull did not).
Anyway, FV4005 – Wargaming suggests following skill for the crew:
Commander: Sixth Sense, Repair, BIA
Gunner: Snap Shot, Repair, BIA
Driver: Smooth Ride, Repair, BIA
Loader: Safe Stowage, Repair, BIA
Loader: Adrenaline Rush, Repair, BIA
WG recommends following equipment: Ventilation, Rammer, Enhanced Gun-Laying Drive
As a conclusion, WG recommends to play the vehicle as a sniper (surprise)…
Ru251 with HE says “Hello!”
Any tank which is not an autoloader says hello. It would be stupid not to fire HE at this huge, easy to hit, turret.
Most people are already stupid enough to shoot AP/APCR at WTF-E100′s turret…
Yay more tanks I can shoot at with HE from my Jagdpanzer E-100. <3
Trust me, T49 says even bigger Hello! :)
But anyway, I will say those nice and meaty 1750dmg Hellos to many of you guys. Tried this on test, loved it!
now imagine the 183`s “hello” :)
Funniest was when two 4005s were standing in front of each other on the test server and I could see them thinking about who started reloading first … :D
I once oneshoted 45, he wasnt so lucky – 50dmg too low roll xD
in one of first battles on CT i one shotted 2 45s:P and in other battle splash dmg from t92 – 1300 (i hit stone near it so propably HE fragments “hit” its turret) and well in every battle that tank was died first or 2nd
Did they ever figure it out?
Ru251? Even a troll platoon T15 can even do some massive module damage to that thing even tho his gun is low caliber. After the Brosig and co was implemented. Just about any tank I got have more HE now. My Conq and Tortoise with their 120 pen none gold “HE” HESH shells are gonna love these. Or the 102 non gold HESH on the 7/1… Since they always like a Waffe in the open that is not looking your way :)
Err. why does WG recommand a sniper crew WITHOUT camo and vision?
Because the tank is so terrible that firing 2 shots in 1 match can only be done by baddies if they camp hardcore behind arty’s. Some Good players might use pop-out shooting of some kind effectively but the 183 is better at that for certain since gun handling counts for less and not getting you ammorack damaged by HE is everything.
Nah – two shots any player “should” manage – get cover, peek out, get one shots in (enemy finds out you’re there, maybe gets a hit with AP), then reload and manage second shot before they HE you to death.
Better players will relocate between shots, thus making the enemy switch ammo for no effect, helping team even further.
Shhht, don’t give away all the good ideas.
I think you think too highly of average players. I’ve seen Waffle E-100 fail at killing tier 8 medium tanks 1 vs 1 too often before the nerf to consider them able to hit 2 shells in a row with an inaccurate gun.
Tomato and Orange 183′s not hitting any shot and simply dying isn’t uncommon either.
You don’t “need” to relocate between shots, in corridor maps you merely peek-a-boom a different corner. Relocating to another flank is usually much longer than your reload and you might not make it there at all. This is not a Foch155 or a 50B; heck it’s even slower than the Cancer100 (max speed), so just go full FPS mode and click people, I guess?
T49 burp burp
imagine this monstrum like bigger hellcat
Without vision/camo/speed and DPM advantage of the hellcat. Charioteer is closest thing to a high tier hellcat
I think in normal games (i.e. not test server gold spam tomatobob rushes… oh hang on, that sounds like normal server).
Start again.
In the usual bot infested play4funz I-hit-WASD-with-my-face effort that is a typical Tier X random game, this will be a lot better than the 183.
The 183 is bloody huge, awkward to handle on most maps, has zero depression, and dreadful aim time. The armour is okay against smaller calibre guns, but big Tier X heavy and TD things wreck it. Much of any game is spent wrestling with the controls trying to get that gun in play – lurking in a bush isn’t practical because a) maps these days and b) aimtime + shell flight + dispersion = very difficult at 300m+ ranges.
By having a mid mounted turret, smaller hull/chassis, and better gun stats, the 4005 looks like it might actually work simply because you can bring the gun into play more effectively.
Yes, it’ll die the moment it gets spotted out of cover, but that tends to happen to all big alpha TDs. Even the scrubs recognise the alpha threat and try to send it back to garage.
I think you are mistaken.
First mistake.
Sorry but … you expect FV 4005 Stage II /later as fv stage ii/ to fire accurate shots (0,38) ? Of course FV215b 183 /later as fv 183/ is not accurate. But you forget that raw stats are not always true in game … Many will tell you that fv 183 feels in terms of accuracy worse then 0,40 accuracy. 0,02 difference ? More accurate ? Not much more accurate … Only after some time in real server we will be able to tell if fv stage ii “is accurate as 0.38″, worse or better.
Second mistake.
I saw some youtube videos about fv stage ii, mainly because i won’t grind him soo i need to know what enemy he will be. For example QuickyBaby video about him. And you do not expect how big his turret is … How terrible enourmous with no armor at all.
You said “The 183 is bloody huge” – sorry … fv stage ii is even bigger, for sure taller …
fv stage ii will be nice tank if somebody will be able to drive him properly enough. But … no way overpowered and no way better then fv 183. Maybe not worse then fv 183 but i won’t believe that in game performance in real server will result with players considering this tank very strong. Ok tank – maybe – but not very strong tank …
For now i am not afraid of him more then other tier 10 enemies in general. I am sure that i will spot him and i will be able to shoot at him. Of course he is danger for me because of mobility and gun but i will be able to hurt him also.
Spot on. A weak hull can be covered, but covering a turret of a bigger size then the turret of the WTE100 is a different story. This tank is a waste of space in WoT tbh. Not that armor means much on T10, but this is just hilarious lol. You shot my E50M for 600 dmg with your HESH shell? How cute… Let me now shoot u with 500 dmg HE shells 3 times. Lol.
I play it as sniper or close range peek-a-nigga-you-just-lost-half-your-HP :D
and then the nigga saz: HAHA u shat, nau luk mai niggaz swarm u wayl u rilod. DIE MTF!!!
Can I get you two racist pricks a room?
Racist? Far from it m8.
By the time you try to rush me – Im already gone :D
peek-a-nigga-you-just-lost-half-your-HP” is the old Death Star because of its year long aim time.
New Death Star II is “peek-a-nigga-you-just-lost-ALL-your-HP”, because you can actually point the gun at some weakspot in that short period of time.
Gold ammo – shit’s expensive and unreliable.
With 0.38 acc and 3s reload, maybe you can fire AP and do just fine
Oh what am I kidding, who the fuck wants 1150 alpha when you can have 1750.
Be carefull with paper stats and how they really perform in game. Remember that FV183 has only 0.2 worse accuracy and how it really feels like 0.55 rather then the paper 0.4. Any FV183 can say u the same. Especially me with way over 1300 games in the FV.
Well, at least for once the new tier 10 is not a free XP/money grab. Really, who would free XP to this thing? I’m excited about the Firefly and Charioteer in this line, don’t expect to go farther than that. I’ll probably research the Conway just to unlock the Tortoise gun for free.
Charioteer is the only reason why i would grind the new brit line.
For me, it’s only Archer……time to grind Valentine!
Already bought the Valentine with that HUUGE discount, brits have at the moment. ;)
What was the xp needed to unlock Archer? 20K?
Trust me, in the first day the patch comes out, there will be tons of Stage II’s on the stage. People actually do that, whatever the new Tier10 tank is.
It’s the same situation with WZ-111 “grind”. You would think – who on it’s right mind would spend 70 Euros for a tank, which you can get for free in a month? I saw at least 3 of them in just dozen of battles on the first day the mission started!
People do all sorts of crazy stuff, because they can! 8-)
I saw four. Once a three-man platoon of them, one guy had bought the tank for his friends for the lulz.
I feel bad for people spending 70 euros for a tank. But hey, it’s new and all that shit :D
You don’t want to get that excelent arty target?
The line is better and better from tier 5 to tier 8 after charioteer the line go to the hell… conway is meeee with no gun depresion/elevation and lack of L7 but 4005 is pure shit to slow unarmored and with bad ROF for first line combat and bad accurancy for sniping…
And as usual WG facts
“- HESH-shells: “high amount penetration and awesome damage make this machine a formidable opponent, capable of single-handedly tipping the battle in your favour.”
LOL, i use HESH in test to hit Cent 7 lateral hull (i was testing the ammo because i never use it in game) and do 85 damage no coments.
HESH shells are credits-sink, nothing more. With the accuracy of the gun it’s more than probable that you hit spaced armor part. And then the fun begins like you said 85 dmg, even less.
I would even say that HESH rounds (in randoms, can’t say elsewhere) are for noobs who get impressed by their nominal potential damage.
However, I still find (183) somehow better than Stage II Conway, especially after the turret armor buff it’s going to be even more fun in hull-down. I still need to ammorack Maus, one of few tier X machines not yet ammoracked by this ultimate beast (AP shells, always).
I am, of course, aware how AP and HESH works. I have a little but at least some experience in FV215b 183 and i am stil undecided about ammo because …
To all you guys who say AP mostly for 183mm gun – you do not afraid of misses in this gun ? You miss weakspot or just area that you were aiming and it could be bounce and you do not do 500 damage but 0 damage. Are HESH maybe more safe option to use – you will, at least, do some damage.
This gun, 183mm from FV215b 183 and FV4005 Stage II, is not accurate gun and won’t be after new patch. In Stage II will be still quite inaccurate gun.
I am still afraid to use AP on this gun with soo long reload time and bad accuracy. On other hand, 400 – 500 – 600 each 30 seconds … not enough …
AP has 300+ penetration, so you won’t need many weakspots =3
0.38 is good acc for this gun, with vent and BIA you can push it to 0.34, with insane pen and good shell normalization thank to big caliber, it’s a Hellbringer in tier 10 battle
I drive the FV215b 183 daily. I can tell you from experience that it is the most over-appreciated vehicle in the game.
AP rounds, even with the awesome pen, regularly bounce off of Soviet tier 10 medium and most other tier 10 heavy tanks and TDs.
HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) is not supposed to penetrate a tank. It is designed to squash like platique against the armor and when it explodes create spalling of the interior armor surface which ricochets around the tank interior killing crew and destroying components. In WOT it is most effective vs light armor and SPGs, but how many light tanks or SPGs with 1000+ hit points do you see in tier 10 battles? Using HESH I regularly do minimal to no damage against tier 10 heavies and TDs, especially since they nerfed the pen by 50 points while keeping it at 8k creds per shot. You have to lose a match and die early to break even, win the match and survive you will regularly lose 35K+ creds per game.
HE I find to be the best option for ammo. It can do nearly as much damage as HESH, but it is consistent. Where AP bounces HE almost always hits. Where HESH does 18 pts per shot, HE does 500-600+ pts and sometimes 1000+ vs side armor. And HE will almost always damage/destroy components with each hit.
The biggest problems are the reload time and turret rotation. With a reload time of 26 seconds you have to have support from other vehicles or you are dead after the first or second shot. Since it only carries 12 rounds of ammunition you wont have to worry about running low. Unlike the Waffle E100, the turret rotation is limited. This really limits how you can position against the enemy tanks. With the long aim time you have to open yourself to getting hit hard before you ever get a chance to fire, then you have to try to make cover again before they finish you off.
Any players fearing the 183 should really laugh at the poor sucker driving it.
You say shit. HE and HESH have the EXACT SAME MECHANISM. So if you do 600 damage with a HE then you would do 600 with a HESH too…
HESH does not have the same mechanism as HE….It is true they are close..but not the same (Otherwise whats the point).High Explosive Squash Head is completely dependent on whether you hit spaced armor or not .
Thanks for all opinions here about AP or HESH from 183mm gun.
I wil consider them all but variety of different opinions on this matter is soo huge (here and on other forums) like on no other aspect of the game maybe.
No other way to experiment myself with all ammo types – something that i wanted to avoid in real server on top tier.
But i see noo other way.
Thanks anyway for opinions.
Good luck to all.
No, they are exactly the same. HESH shells are just HE with higher pen. In-game they are even labeled as just HE.
Like everyone says, I can’t wait for some poor sod to use this thing so he can miss pointblank and get smacked for most of his HP with my HE.
the FV4505 is strong with AP shells
I like how it looks, and I’ll get one just to derp around with.
Tortoise should be tier X on the AT line, and FV215B 183 should be the tier X end of the new line with 9.4 armor, FV4005 is a shitload target pratice and should be deleted totally, its a joke
Anyway i ll start the new line and end it with tier VIII, that shit is OP like hell
The worst part for me is how that thing doesn’t even get a real turret, it will be so easy to yolo flank and shoot on the move with HE its not even funny. waffentragers manage to bounce 100mm HE shells due to crappy angle on gunshields but this giant 14mm box, no way. And they also nerfed 183 traverse into the ground, these things were actually quite hard to flank. Good news overall.
I’m disappointed in the line, since they share the stupid fake speed limits of other brit lines without anything special in term of rof or gun selection in return. I guesstimate you will never see any like french and fast rus td lines.
this tank doesn’t need to flank with it’s AP shell 310 pen+shell normalization….
I think he meant it will be easy to flank the tier 10 Brit TDs…..
- psychological factor: “even the peresence of this vehicle on certain maps can blunt your opponent’s initiative”
Hahahaha! Oh man, that’s a good one.
Yeah… No. With that slow reload, limited traverse, and paper armor, the only effect I see it’s “presence” on the battlefield having is for every scout and HE spammer to cry out “Oo, Piñata!”
KV-2s in fail platoons will feed on those….
Everyone is talking about major derp guns feeding on the fv4005 when no one mentions how bad it would be to see a T92 use auto aim in direct fire mode when your reloading :P
- HESH-shells: “high amount penetration and awesome damage make this machine a formidable opponent, capable of single-handedly tipping the battle in your favour.”
- psychological factor: “even the peresence of this vehicle on certain maps can blunt your opponent’s initiative”
And yet I never fear FV215b (and this one) whenever I am driving a lower tier like E-75. I just get in his face, let him shoot me then kill him long before he reloads. 600 dmg is pathetic for a 30s reload, especially if that means exposing your very weak turret armor.
It’s just me or this tank seems like an excuse or disguise to a FV 183′s buff?
Gameplay video of the FV4005 Stage II:
Too bad they forgot to add in the the 183 now has the mobility of an e100.