Remember Everything in 2014

Hello everyone,

in 2014, Wargaming was involved in several large (and costly) historical initiatives on Russian and Belarusian territory (with notable exceptions). Here’s a video summary of the events from the Russian server (with English subtitles). These involve:

- restoring the Dornier 17 in Britain
- lifting the KV-1 from the bottom of a river
- looking for tank parts in swamps (“Tanks smell of mud”)
- restoration of a T-34
- re-painting the vehicles at the Central Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow
- restoring several museum collections
- various “veteran” events

Too bad these initiatives take place mostly in Russia only. For next year, Wargaming has prepared a program for large celebrations of 70th victory anniversary, but then… I have a bad feeling that the average Russians will have other things to think about with the way ruble is going.


119 thoughts on “Remember Everything in 2014

      • Next year in Russia you can pay with mussels and pebble stones again so they will need all the stronk russian propaganda they can get.

        • ..yep, but we ALL will be influenced and i can tell u right now, it could be bad, i mean really bad…

          • Even if it would be bad, for Russians it will be far worse which makes me happy. Before invasion of Crimea I had nothing against russia. Now I’m happy what’s going on there.

            This is 21st century not XIX though Russians still seem to cling to their past so hard.

            • Why are you happy for Russia in general? The Russian citizens did nothing wrong?
              You shouldn’t generalize Russia as a bad country just because their government is wrong. You can’t blame the victims of the system man, that’s just wrong and out of place.

        • Unfortunately, the Yamato could never be resurrected…they found her, and she’s in pieces (broke up on the way down, plus had an ammo bunker go off when she was sunk), so the damage is far too extensive to be raised & repaired :(

          • Difficult and extremely expensive yes, but not impossible. Still, i think the Jap gov considers it to be a marine graveyard for the men lost there so even if the technology and moeny could be mustered there would not be a permission to actually do it.

            • but Musashi seem to be intact in one piece due to her sunk by massive flood of water to her frontal part that leading to her sinking but her current location is unknow due to report from both Japanese and US is not the same point

              or raise the Nagato from the Bikini atoll along with Godzilla :v

          • Isn’t the Prinz Eugen mostly still in one piece? IIRC, she’s only missing her main guns which fell out of the barbettes as she sank and one prop screw, which is in Germany.

            She might be a project to try for.

  1. i’m still waiting them to build prototypes of some made-up tanks existing in game.
    wouldn’t it be nice if we can see how it looks WT E-100 or rhym. etc. in real life?

  2. ,,I have a bad feeling that the average Russians will have other things to think about with the way ruble is going.,,

    I would say u wish that to happen.

    But don’t bet on it. I would worry more for that EU piece of shit failed wannabe union you’re member of.

    Anyway yesterday you had a heart braking post on how u must take measures on comments sections, how that’s very hard for you blah blah blah …. yet u continue with this political crap in ur posts (is poroshenko or obama on your patreon list?) although u fail misserably in politics. Stick to wot…

    • Typical russian post-commie.

      How is it going in Moscow, commrade? Are you drinking your oil and eating gas yet?

      Or maybe “ciastko z Krymem”? Sorry, polish joke ;)

      Good luck with your “russia stronk” attitude.

    • Haha Putler jügend troll.
      I just changed 3 eur to rubles, was way cheaper than toilet paper.

    • nobody likes ruskies here in EU…ant its for the reason.
      all countries suffered enough so why you want us to cheer for you.
      ruskies are strange in this way as they feel like on top of the world.
      cold down, all good :)

      • Actually i’m from post-coomie country but far from Russia, and my country broke up just cause of moron USA juggend like you. But doesn’t stop me to make the difference between real players and butthurt newbie wannabe important countries (sigh yeah i mean poland). The reason why there shouldn’t be politics on this blog are retarded folks who totally miss the point of a post when russian butthurt shit hits the fan. Now these 3 comments above are a perfect example. That’s why again i say, stick to WOT, it’s not like anyone believes that you don’t make money out of this blog.

        • If you don’t like FTR as it is, GTFO then. It’s BLOG after all, and blog written by EUROPEAN man from country that was FUCKED UP by Russia Stronk hardly.

          Europe and Western World is fed up with Putin BS already, and I’m, as european citizen, happy to see Russian economics dying. It’s enough for Russia to act like global superpower it is not, and trying to mess up with normal countries. Ukraine was first, what’s next, Estonia? Lithuania? Because russian f-uped politics and people dream of CCCP? Think they are still as stronk and big as after the WW II?

          They are not. And now they are taking the lesson about it.

          • Putin will be the downfall of that country, i feel sorry for the russian people that will have to put up with the harsh times they’re going to face! just remember who supplied the missiles who shot down that plane over ukraine! fook the Russian government! Happy Christmas Ruskies.

          • Lol so why that much butthurt if it’s not ,,that stronk,,? And who’s strong? EU? Whit all those Greece like budget black holes? Who’s next to bankrupt?Italy, Spain? How long until Germans gets sick of you wannabe EU countries? Or it’s the US almighty with their but kicked in Afghanistan and Iraq? get ur head out of ur butt.

            PS and the irony. A retarded EU kid, paying X ammount of euros per month to a Russian made game, is talking on the bankruptcy of the same.It doesn’t get any more retarded.

            • Russian made game with taxes paid in Cyprus, and almost all income going to producers wallet.

              And that is nice description of your whole post-commie market situation.

              • Of course, u as the chief wise guy on the servers, are granted with a account with insight to WG financial records, so even know the exact same ammount of income going to producers.

              • @Thecraftyfoxs

                Considering one of his posts i am guessing former Yougoslavia, most likely serbian.

            • “Russian made game” – Since when Belorussians ARE Russians :D oh, sorry, for Putinjugend anyone who speaks russian is russian, such a fail view point.

            • You seem to know a lot of politics, please tell me more man, I’m amused
              You apparently seem to imply that the whole European Union is a flop due to the fact some countries are having a financial crisis. Well, funnily enough, just look at Russia. I don’t think they’re actually doing any better than countries as Greece. Putin has cornered himself in the current political situation, and harldy anybody seems to be willingly to collaborate or cooperate, whatever you call it, with him. Desperate needs make desperate deeds I would say.
              But whatever man, if you want to keep on believing Russia is still the mightiest worldpower up to this date, then go ahead, do whatever pleases you, but keep your humble opinion for yourself or stick it somewhere very deep so no one can be bothered by it. Thanks in advance

          • You are happy to see Russian economy dying then you are an idiot with no historical knowledge. Strong big country is always better than desperate and weak big country. Weak country economics easily opens door to extremist movements of any kind. Have you ever heard about similar historical examples? Need hint? What about 1917, 1933? And others can easily add many more…

        • “The reason why there shouldn’t be politics on this blog are retarded folks who totally miss the point of a post”

          And yet you yourself implied in your very first statement Silent Stalker has a general grudge against ordinary russian people. I may talk over his head now, but I’m of the impression that he thinks that there is an equal share of idiots in every country.

          The point is, however: No bigmouth in a comment section will ever solve this crisis, high-level diplomacy will. All that you and the other participants are achieving is digging trenches… in your heads.

          War will wage between nations when one is convinced of the other’s existence being nothing but evil.

          (syntax is killing me, no native speaker)

    • 2 centuries of Byzantine rule.
      My country recovered. It was an empire again.

      5 centuries of Ottoman rule.
      My country recovered. Was an emerging european power.

      45 years of being with the Soviet Union…
      We got rekt. To put it in a humorously…
      But it is sad.


    • Oh shut your belly aching! Maybe ss does have a genuine concern for the Russian people! Not everyone hate Russians, even though your government is clearly deluded! I hope then rubel gets back on track for the average Russian sake.

      • Yes, but before it splits into republics, the rest of the world will split on radioactive regions. Just sayin. Huehue?

        • Typical Stronk Soviet mentality – if we go down, everyone else does. Because reasons.

          No, Russia will go down – chewed up from the inside by the very same vodka-addicts that voted Stronk Man Putin into office…. how many times now?

    • I genuinely would like to see a Russian with a decent working economy and better quality of life for it’s citizens. But this needs boring stuff like the rule of law and democracy.

      I hoep Putin goes for the Russians’ sake, not from my own interests.

      • @ belegus — You really don’t have a clue. When the CCCP failed the Friedman fuckwit economists told the new government they needed a free market economy and it would be great for the people because wealth would trickle down to all levels of society. It of course failed. Not because of anything particularly Russian but because without any checks and balances assets could be grabbed from state control and wealth concentrated among a very small elite. It was the perfect Friedman free market experiment and guess what, trickle down did not happen. Economic control was no longer in the hands of any government so any real sense that a government could be democratically responsible to the people was meaningless.

        It was shock treatment for the people because there was no transition to a plural democracy. What in the west was allowed to develop over hundreds of years was imposed on a political culture that had been conditioned to distrust the west capitalism. Suddenly they were trying to exist under the worst kind of free market version ever and watching state assets, jobs and stability disappearing overnight.

        Is it any wonder that many Russians are turning ultra nationalistic – for them it is just like Germany in the 1930′s – the dire economic situation and the focus on a personality cult that plays on nostalgia for lost empire that encompasses pre and post revolutionary glory is the most dangerous thing for everyone since the Cuban missile crisis.

        • “Not because of anything particularly Russian” – Oh, you mean like the Russian oligarchs?
          ” but because without any checks and balances assets could be grabbed from state control and wealth concentrated among a very small elite” – Bingo. See my point above
          ” It was the perfect Friedman free market experiment and guess what, trickle down did not happen” – blame the justice system for not punishing the oligarchs; also, the people of post-1989 Russia weren’t exactly the entrepreneur type now, were they?
          “Suddenly they were trying to exist under the worst kind of free market version ever and watching state assets, jobs and stability disappearing overnight.” – The exact shock treatment was done in Poland. And with extremely good results. Could it be because Poles were never stuck in the “Soviet Stronk” mentality?!
          Worst kind of free market… yeah, that which punishes failures & incompetence.

        • BelegUS
          on December 18, 2014 at 10:31 am said:
          Katyń. Does it say anything to you, russian SOB?

          You are just shitbrained (not even brainwashed, shitwashed is a better word here) from Red Revolution to the present day. You had your chance after CCCP fall, but you screwed it.

          So now pay for it.Katyń. Does it say anything to you, russian SOB?

          Just for that single thing, not to mention other murders and destroying by CCCP, I wish that those were nazis who won the war, not commies.

          You are just shitbrained (not even brainwashed, shitwashed is a better word here) from Red Revolution to the present day. You had your chance after CCCP fall, but you screwed it.

          So now pay for it.”


          Oh my, oh my what have we got here?

          Here’s a kid saying that he wishes nazis have won the war. Sums it up well doesn’t it? :D

          • I would love to be a kid again, tavarish.

            And yes, I think that communism “winning” the war was bad for world, worse than nasizm in that case. More people died becasue of communism, and that nazi BS wouldn’t last long anyway, especially after blood-paid victory over CCCP.

            EOT from me, go Putin yourself, stupid troll.

        • In 2013 Russia had lower average salary than Poland (remember, Russia is richest country in world by resources).
          So, Poland know how to work and earn money for average people, however, Russia know only how to steal and make unrest in smaller neighboring countries. What a fail.

    • God, people…enough of the political bullshit, find another place to bitch about it. This crap is why SS is considering ending FTR….can’t really blame him for it either.

    • Just go… Please.
      Stop humiliating yourself and just leave. SS didn’t even write anything big about politics. Stop trying to take every opportunity to spread your propaganda shit.
      Also stop humiliating your country. It’s just unsightly.

    • Aryans fapping too hard on your ass, commie?

      Deal with it, since you did the same thing for decades.

  3. Where’s the Maus restoration project? One would think to find it here…
    Still, I think it’s great tht WG is funding these kinds of things :) Even though its 100% for russians only xD

      • ooooooh, well then we are f.u.cked too (Hungary – HUF) :D
        I only reading science and tech news on internet btw

        • It’s not like these guys read more, but it’s these carefully inserted russian butthurt content into wot related topics that makes them trigger happy, so they unleash their infinite wisdom, and ,,we showed them damn russkies,, ,,poland stong now in EU,, faping attitude.

          /hides again…

          • I’m sorry, but laughing at the incompetence of a backwards, 19th-century mentality country, who falls into economical ruin TWICE in 25 years is just too much fun.

            And all of this could have been avoided if RU would have just left Ukraine side with the EU, as the Ukrainian people wanted.

              • So that’s your argument? Just because I’m pointing out painfully obvious & real facts makes me “butthurt”?

                I know this is extremely typical of Bolsheviks, but… Pot. Kettle. Black.

                • Who’s logic? Who the fuck are you to tell me what will my political orientation be? And bottom thing, have you even bothered reading my first post at all? Did you, or that logic wondering wise ass above you, even understand the point of it? I don’t give a damn what u think of Russia, more over Russia doesn’t give a fuck too, it has enough nuclear warheads not to, like it or not politics work that way. My original post says, ,,SS stop the political shit as you made it clear u don’t like Russians, stick to WOT so we don’t have this stupid conversations,,. Now for you Russian butthurts, that use every possible chance of releasing your frustrations,stop pretending being reasonable voices without the courtesy of even reading a post before you go infinite wise.

  4. I have tears in my eyes from laughing at the political flame war. OMG. Everyone breathe deep and let’s be friends. Shooting each other with pretend tanks should bring us together, not divide us! ;)

    • I also have tears in my eyes, because I imagine those trolls with guns in their hands fighting each other in a few years. Well, maybe I’m taking this all too seriously.

  5. ” more over Russia doesn’t give a fuck too, it has enough nuclear warheads”

    Yup, Red-mentality confirmed: “Russia Stronk! Russia haz Nuclear Wweapons!”

    Yeah, guess what dipshit – economy doesn’t give a shit about politics or nuclear weapons.
    And Russians were ALWAYS autistic about economy. They never had clue no.1 on how it works, for them “economy” always resorted to “I don’t have, but neighbor Ivan has. I take from neighbor Ivan!”

    World’s largest state, with unbelievable amounts of natural resources of many kinds, with HALF the population of the US…. and not even in Top 10 Economical Powers.
    Must take a special kind of stupid to achieve that.

    P.S.: And just to take your “nuclear warheads” thing seriously…. the moment Russia launches even one ignition spark for one of those missiles, it will be turned into a radioactive wasteland by the rest of the world. Now be quiet in your retrograde backayrd, the grown-ups of the world (USA & China) want to conduct business.

  6. Russia is like a Polar bear that just turned his back to EU and USA…and now USA is just poking the polar bear and trying to poison people’s minds with “democracy” but doesnt get that russia is full of soliders that never got help with their PTsP(shell shock)