Again, nothing much today.
- according to the WG developers, the setting options for 9.5 minimap are sufficient (SS: reaction on the criticism that XVM minimap is more customizable)
- retraining the crew from one role to another (radioman to gunner for example) will not come in 9.5
- the minimap in 9.5 is just the first iteration, it will be upgraded in the future (for example with gun traverse angles for TD’s)
- releasing Panther 88 to the shop without having it tested by players is fine according to developers, as “they have ideal supertesters because they are like regular players” (SS: he’s referring to the fact that the supertesters are recruited also from people with regular and sub-par winrate in order to represent the playerbase of the game better)
- Panther 88 “is like regular Panther II with a bit more DPM”
- it’s possible that the individual mission conditions will still change after 9.5 is released
- girl crews are “currently obtainable only via IM’s”
- WG is working on new maps
- regarding the FV4202 switch: “All in good time. Plans are not guarantees. They are ideas, that can run into issues with their implementation.”
- it’s most likely that Severogorsk will be removed forever (and not just for rework)
Well , its always like this before an update comes out , cant wait to see your 9.5 posts .
I may be the minority but i would actually miss Severogorsk. Its current incarnation is quite playable from both sides.
I love it very much!!! It’s NOT the best map but among first 10 maps!!!
i do AGREE, its definetely in top 10 for me, i will miss it :(
Y’all can go to hell.
Corridorsk was one of the worst maps in the game.
Did you just sent us to spot?
I thought the map was ok. It had a lot of terrain features that you could use to protect yourself from SPGs. When is WOT going to make larger maps?
Why do you need it?
Why send you? Your horribad. Any mobile tank can spot mid. If no arty heavies are great in mid. Otherwise go hill dont have a stick up ur butt and you’ll be fine.
i would understand you liking that map if you are in a heavy tank 3 corridors and nothing else but try playing light tank on that map or a medium or even a not really good armored TD you cant go anywhere and you cant do anything its just a corridor map and one of the worst map for me
As primarily a medium player, i just really liked that map regardless
I’m a medium tank player and my best games were on that map with the Comet and the M4A3E2.
Go remove kebab.
I thing thats the problem,.. instead we have prochorovka camp fest Twice,.. Campingovka, and few others maps that are mostly unplayable if u dont have luck to get at least few decent players
Prokhorovka is one of the best maps imho.
It demands a lot of situational awareness and there are positions for every class. Vision control is very important and this is part of being a good player. If you can use viewrange and render range to your advantage, you will have a great game. And even tanks without vr can do fine
Bullshit. Either arty makes you camp or TDs.
wel explained argument woras. This totaly makes you right…
Maybe arty makes you camp but not me, If you go to the hill and get spotted, just move around and they will almost never hit you. AS for TD’s, they are only on the 1-2 line, ig you are in a TD, you should have no problem with camping, if you are in a scout, go to the bush and spot for your team, if you are in a medium or heavy, you shouldnt be there. Problem solved :)
There is a difference between camping and using viewrange to outplay enemies, the latter is what you should do on this map.
Move or dont – splash RNG will do it for you. And for TDs – oh yes…Suicide scouting sooooo good tactic.
most of the time they will only hit you for 200-300, thats the trick, no getting spotted while getting shots off. Most of the time you can kill the guys in center without getting spotted and then push hill while, this should only take about 2 mins , arty cant kill you in that time.
How is passive scouting suicide scouting?
Passive what? There is absolutely no bush to passive scout reliably. Its shit map – I’d rather play Steppes.
bush at e-1 is excelent for spotting al the campersin the 1-2 line
I like Prokhorovka. It gives mobile tanks room to run around and flank. I aced my T-34-85 there through active-scouting the middle and baiting campers to fire, miss/bounce and reveal their position. Not every map needs to be heavy-friendly, there are enough city and corridor maps for them.
Prokhorovka? Really? One of the shittiest maps on the game, 15 min of boring camp almost 90% of battles, specially when there are 2 o 3 clickers (Anti-camp devices? Yeah sure), you can’t even go to the middle with any tank except lights or be wrecked by any skill-less player with his 1 hand-operated tank. Yeah… Great map indeed… I’d rather play Severogorsk 10 battles in a row than POS-khorovka, Malinovka or Swamp (thank god there’s no more Komarin!!). View range? Do you have X-Rays to see through bushes? Cause usually people DO camp, and thanks to smart mechanics you can’t even spot them even if they shoot… Lovely map…
Why all this whining about arty on Prokhorovka? I only remember it spanking me when I slug it out on the hill or in the village. When I zip around the middle it’s not a threat unless I get unlucky, but those RNG hits are too rare for me to be mad about. TDs can be avoided by using ridgelines, especially in the late game. Some people don’t like matches to last more than 7 min? How terrible.
I cant agree more here, not getting spotted while doing damage is a skill and should be rewarded, not everything has to be action. Arty isnt that big a deal, if you love enough they will pick on easier targets
they are smart mechanics, you just dont understand them :)
yes, I have no problems with Severogorsk as a map.
I hate Stalingrad map – I bet I have won only ~10% battles there :P
@FiftyShadesofRage: Indeed you are the minority. Severogorsk is a shitty corridor map which (along with other shitty corridor maps such as Stalingrad etc.) should never have been introduced into the game. It only favors a small number of vehicles out of a pool of 300+.
All maps in the game should allow for different vehicle types to be of at least some use.
Stalingrad is a great map and all classes work there.
agreed. heavies have the 4 road or the diagonal on the 1-3 line. TD’s have those roads to support or camp the 8-9 lines. Mediums and lights have most of the right side of the map to prowl. Arty can actually shoot things. Nothing wrong with Stalingrad. Sev may have 3 obvious corridors… but lets face it. MOST maps, even the “open” ones, have three main routes of attack people can choose to lemming train down
Stalingrad is yet another idiotic map made for mindless brawling.
I dare ANYONE to play a camo-based TD (read: that cannot afford the luxury of getting spotted, lest it’s dead in 2 seconds flat) and have a good game on that turd.
Severogorsk is one of the worst maps WG have shat out. Ever.
Wanna understand why?
Fine – take the FlatPz IV or Nashorn & try to do ANYTHING on it. Oh, and in Tier 8 MM in 90% of the cases.
Good enough reason for you?
- Panther 88 “is like regular Panther II with a bit more DPM”
Cool story
it should be like:
“- Panther 88 is like regular Panther II except you have to throw your wallet at us so we can give you the exact same tank with a changed name”
More correct:
Panther 88 is a regular Panther II which is 15-20% faster,has a better gun,only 1 degree worse gun depression.And it makes money…..
So much for “premium always worse than regular tank” rule…
But when a premium tank is worse than a regular tank everyone is complaining that its worthless and shit
Honestly, tier 8 mediums aren’t very impressive in overall so having the premiums be worse than them is pretty much making tanks that feel bad too play. Superpershing and to a lesser extent T-34-3 I’m looking at you. ( Still better than the T-34-2 in T-34-3′s case )
Honestly, it’s one of the reasons I’m not looking all that much forward toward the T-54 version 1945, it will get a D1OT gun, most likely the same on as on the T-54 lightweight or worse. That gun in tier 10 on a slow ”medium” tank is absolutely unbearable and I really doubt that limited matchmaking will be implemented at introduction.
Honestly, the french heavy tank premium probably remains the best ”medium playstyle” tank in the game among tier 8 premium tanks, too bad it doesn’t train medium crews.
“Honestly, tier 8 mediums aren’t very impressive in overall”
Speak for yourself, I absolutely love my Indien-Panzer & STA-1
Hell, I think I have one of my highest WR in the IP (62%, mostly solo play) in over 470 battles
Sta is awesome. Mobility plus depression is all goodness.
Honestly? Super P is pretty good. Learn how to play with it. I play it as a slow heavy, similar to the British heavy tanks but WITH good turret armour AND gun depression. Awesome. Defend choke points all the way. Ive got 65% WR on my Super P… Me gusta.
Meh, Super Persh is… ok. Ish.
Some games the armor works wonders, most other even IS-6 can somehow manage to blast away right through the UFP. Or snipe your turret weakspots from 300-400 meters.
Also, it really requires APCR spam if you want to come out on top in some encounters, which I don’t find particularly pleasing.
Also, the gun accuracy itself is more than troll, everything over 350-400 meters is just pure luck, even when shooting at the sides of Lowes or Tiger 2s.
IS-6 almost never penetrates me. That means you are either too close or not angling your armour. Acc is not good indeed, but good enough. I dont spam APCR, I almost dont even shoot it (I dont even carry more than 3 shells, it is my moneymaker afterall) and I still consistenly end up having great games in it! its a good machine, truly, but underestimated. You should see how many tier 8 heavies bumrush my face and then die while only getting 1 or 2 shots in me.
But Panther 2 has more armor! (Which is an even worse excuse than “T-34-2 is superior to -3 because of camo values.)
Fucking hell – where is the autoloaded Panther or Turbopanther? All of us could use at least those very unusual tanks – or WG has plans for them? I doubt it.
Panther 88 is like Panther II? Right…
It is more like Panther 1, with better gun and buffed to Tier 8 to be worth 11.5k.
Panther II will have more power but on the even terrain Panther 88 should be faster.
Tank Inspector already has its values.
“- regarding the FV4202 switch: “All in good time. Plans are not guarantees. They are ideas, that can run into issues with their implementation.””
That sounds like “in fact we are searching a way to not give you a premium TVIII and a TX tank for free.”
“- it’s most likely that Severogorsk will be removed forever (and not just for rework)”
Cool. If the same fate can happened for South coast it would be perfect for me.
“it’s most likely that Severogorsk will be removed forever (and not just for rework)”
bye bye worst map :D
Malinovka should be removed too.
Reworked at least. Flattened a bit the east part and that’s good. (not so high windmill…)
Actually, I enjoy Malinovka. I’m always having fun shooting early spotted tanks right before going uphill :D
me too
And then camp at hill because cant see shit at church/lower forest.
Yeah, that’s my main problem with Malinovka as well (well, except for top tier dumbfucks that instead of going for the hill on Encounter, they rush to their natural, brainless camping position, where the Standard spawn is) – ok, you’ve won the hill… now what?
Especially problematic on Standard, when many slow tanks (HTs & TDs alike) would rather camp base rather than going for the hill.
Severogorsk, been reworked twice and still fails. If they take the long corridors out, it may be playable. I doubt they’d do that though, so glad it’s going.
Zvas, how many times Komarin was reworked? Still sucks :D
that is what happen when you try to make a map more ” friendly ” to heavy tanks… that you destroy the map
Removing a map just means that we will have to play maps like prokhorovka and malinovka even more and that stinks. Severogorsk is a map that rewards “moving” and not “camping”. Sad to see it go.
this might be right.
but camping isn’t a only caused by maps and this map is bad anyway
Only bad players camp on Prokhorovka (other than in TDs because, well, lack of turret & all that)
Now another map where tomatoes can go hull down and camp for the rest of the game while active players get 1 shoted from above :D
Severgogorsk only rewards ht and maybe some mt, there are no places for tds and lights. That was the problem of this map. Also that there are only lineair fights and no flanking opportunities
Boo-hoo, your tomato-friendly corridorsk was taken away from you
Cry me a river. Prokhorovka is one of the (very) few good maps remaining in the game.
“Severogorsk is a map that rewards “moving” and not “camping”” – in other words, you’re like a typical idiot kid that has the attention spam of a goldfish and needs something happening ever 3-5 seconds otherwise you’d doze off.
- releasing Panther 88 to the shop without having it tested by players is fine according to developers, as “they have ideal supertesters because they are like regular players” (SS: he’s referring to the fact that the supertesters are recruited also from people with regular and sub-par winrate in order to represent the playerbase of the game better)
yeah because we should totally have shit retard players as supertesters when they can’t even play the freaking game
If you worked in game testing then maybe you’d understand why they are probably the most important testers of all.
Oh, it’s understood why they do it but do we really need the stupidest of the stupid testing games? Especially one with such a high learning curve like WOT? COD, I can understand it…..but not a game like this.
Yes. Yes you do. In games like this more than ANY. They are the prime people who will spot issues with fresh eyes that the hardcore just “accept” as time goes on.
Good bye HTerogorsk. Maps like this – “top tier HT or siema food” are a joke.
Severogorsk is good only for heavy tanks… like it when im HT…
I dont mind if they remove it.
Keep Severogorsk remove Ensk (we now have Stalingrad)!
Also, please tell me how exactly you play a TD that doesn’t have about 300mm effective frontal armor on Stalingrad.
You dont.
Even on Himmelsdorf or Ensk you can find some spots where you can at least TRY to be useful while remaining hidden.
when i first played stalingrad i thought that it will be a great map for flanking and catching the enemy of guard but with playing it couple of times now i know that the right flank is too open and is arty heaven and is death or victory for mediums and lights left flank is heavy tank heaven the middle is a death zone and its full of dead ends and places that you think you can flank the enemy but you cant because of little piece of rubble in the ground and also because of all the shit on the ground it is so bad for fast tank the fast tanks are not so fast because of that.once i was circling a heavy in my light and i couldn’t because of the trenches in the ground they were slowing me down enough so that the enemy heavy could get me.overall i dont like that map at first i thought it will be a good map and not a corridor like map but after playing in few battle it turned into that corridor map that i hate
Just get on and replace the fvb215 and fv4202 already, atop fart assing around!
exactly…..wg been pissing about for a year with this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Need do I remind about Havok? :D
It’s doing my head in! I’ve been waiting patiently for ages! And they seem just to back track all the time! Why didn’t they get them sorted the same time as the new british td line! It actually really pisses me off! Fook off wargaming, you’re not having any of my hard earnt money untill it’s sorted.
I just love how that sounds – “I have never or will pay a single cent to Wargaming, but fuck you – I am not paying if you dont fix this and that.”
Yeah, cool story, bruh.
. From a logical point of view they should of sorted it with the new British line release. And yes, it might sound pathetic by saying that! But fook em, I’ll waste my money on warthunder. And i have spent far too many £100s on this free game, but meh.getting sarcasm of a Lithuanian! Fml.
“- according to the WG developers, the setting options for 9.5 minimap are sufficient (SS: reaction on the criticism that XVM minimap is more customizable)”
Translation: “we couldn’t figure out how the XVM guy put all those options in, so you only need the ones we could get working”
- girl crews are “currently obtainable only via IM’s”
Bring on Armored Warfare, whose developers seem to be aware this is the 21st century.
- WG is working on new maps
Next one will be “Terminator,” a map consisting of one of those concreted-over riverbeds in Los Angeles. No cover, no place to maneuver, just flying shells and death.
+1 for Obsidian. Lets see how they fix WoT errors. Yet AW in videos look like RC tanks still xD
ЯC tanks have atleast idependent suspension and more polygons than you can imagine.
I meant how they handle. WoT has 2007 graphics – anything is superior to that.
Does girl crew have +10% base skill(2 times bia)?
They have skill “Bloody Hell” – increased damage done for few days once a month.
Wargaming keep teasing us about the FV4202 switch, either they are going to do it or not. For **** sake put us out our misery and confirm it either way.
Plus where’s the ******* Chieftain?
Yes I have been waiting for Chieftain for to long. And I wouldn’t mind the Action X either
I’m waiting for the Chief as well, hopefully they will keep the armour historically correct! I just want a decent british heavy at Tier 10.
I can see a lot of people being disappointed sadly. Chieftain is the tank i want the most :)
The 215b just doesn’t cut it at tier 10, its a fictional thank that never existed! Same here mate, i hope we get the Chieftain engine sound ☺
I like the early Severogorsk, never had issues with it. But this current version is the worst map that ever existed in the game.
In 9.5 have view nerfed?TDs gonna have a bad day…I means me….I like TDs…
I don’t think it’s in 9.5 I think I just in super test at the moment
So the map in question is removed because people either can’t or don’t want to adapt their play style and if they hate then ‘woohoo’ but if you don’t mind it (personally I hate Ensk but that isn’t a reason to fucking get rid of it) then tough shit, jeez you people really are a set of whiny assed bitches that want it all your own way or your leaving (only to return within hours).
“So the map in question is removed because people either can’t or don’t want to adapt their play style”
No, the map in question is being removed because it’s one of the worst shits that WG have ever made. Literally a clusterfuck and a brawlfest, specially tailored for idiots who only have to chose corridor A or B (because mid is basically no man’s land), no place to hide, no place to snipe, just all up in your face slugfest.
Good bye and good riddance!
- Panther 88 “is like regular Panther II with a bit more DPM”
“All premium tanks are supposed to be inferior to their elite counterparts” another proof how much shit talks this p2w company.
It will be worse than the Panther II, mark my words. 3° less gun depression alone makes the Panther 88 useless because it can’t go hulldown (almost every tank can shoot straight through the front of the turret).
Panther II’s gun elevation/depression: +20°/-8°
Panther 88′s gun elevation/depression: +13°/-5°
This will be hard as hell.
Those supertesters who let SU-76i get on sale without spotting how OP it is must indeed be the elite amongst best. Oh and did anyone else notice you can’t look for SU-76i replays on wotreplays ?
They concluded that the SU-76i was too OP. It only went on sale because some idiots over at marketing or sales didn’t bother to check that it wasn’t ready to be released yet.
Well, finally, they’re cutting the throat of that dreaded “Belogorsk-13″ map…
It was good for noobs IMO…
“It was good for noobs”
Hence the plenitude of comments here on FTR regretting the removal.
Quite a shame, really…
“WG is working on new maps”
Do we really need more maps? Yes, please, give me more non-TD friendly city maps or stupid corridors. No, we don’t want open maps where proper maneuver tactics can be employed…
still no fv, im glad i didnt buy it. no havok for more than a year, but shitty maps and bugs are welcome.
What is wrong with Severogorsk?
I think it has to do with how getting ahead leads to getting further ahead. So a loosing team starts to loose even harder. Its why many maps that seem alright are getting changed for no obvious reasons. At least thats what I read on the forums somewhere.
The Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 is already in the shop and will cost 41,69 €
That’s because this news was from yesterday and 9.5 has been released today.
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