Man from Minsk Builds His Own T-60 Light Tank


Thanks to Plazmakeks for this one.

Hello everyone,

it’s not that often I am genuinely impressed, but this is definitely one of those cases. Check this out. A man from Minsk (Belarus), known only by his name “Igor Stalegryz” (the surname means something like “Steelchewer”, so pretty sure it’s a nickname), decided in September 2013 to build his own copy of the T-60 Soviet light tank, since he’s a fan of tanks apparently and admires his ancestors, who were brave enough to drive into battle in these pieces of junk.

He started with welding together the hull:


Started filling it with components:


Welding the upper plate:



Inside of the “tank”:


In December 2013, he installed the engine. It’s a 180hp supercharged engine “Ural”, in real life the tank had only a 70hp truck engine. The original vehicle also weighed 6,5 tons, while this would weigh 3,5 tons, so according to the author, it was more than enough.


Driver’s “hatch”:




State of the vehicle in December 2013:



The designer would use leaf springs if I understood it correctly, as he was unable to find suitable torsion bars.


The return rollers are home-made, the roadwheels were taken from a BMP.


This is from February 2014


In March, the vehicle already had a welded turret.


The roadwheels were taken from a BMP, they were almost perfect in size. Notice the leaf spring suspension.


The gun is of course a fake. The vehicle however was already outside in July 2014.



Details were added:


The engine bay:


The suspension had to be reworked however, as the roadwheels were falling off. This is the “new model”:



At this point, the vehicle was completely mobile:



The vehicle then got painted:


And the final product – amazing :)


25 thoughts on “Man from Minsk Builds His Own T-60 Light Tank

    • I want to spend some money on making a 1/1 Tiger II replica. With the coincidence rangefinder “eyes” ofc…because they’re cute.

    • The welding is not exactly top notch but as long as he is not going to use it in combat it will keep together nicely. But yeah well done and lets see if he decides to make a T-70 next :)

      • LOL sadly his welding is probably better than most of the Russian welding of WWII, they weren’t known for craftsmanship.

  1. Wow that’s impressive.
    Well this man realized his dream of having a tank, and homemade :)

    And even a lighter version of the original with better engine.

    • Better for scouting ;)

      But even with ovebuffed engine, it seems sloggish compared to WoT model in motion…………
      WoT has stange physics? :)

      • Most unrealistic part of WOT is the terrain passability.

        Most tanks low tier tanks would struggle uphill let alone up dunes and across swamps.

        I remember in the beta they tried to slow you down more for realism but then they realised that made for a shit game. Same reason there is not physics for the barrel and turret while they are still attached.

  2. Everyone has a hobby, I’m glad he is good at his. I hope he had a great time building it and keeps making new tanks.

  3. Great job Igor! :-)

    I wonder how difficult can it be to procure original schematics and plans (with parts laid out and exact dimensions shown) for some of those earlier tanks? Most of those early tanks were riveted or welded, rather than using gigantic cast parts (turrets), so anyone with some skill and enough money could build a replica.

  4. Impressive,
    Did not look to much on the first pictures but the result is great, good find.


  5. And all this was done by ONE man? RESPECT

    BTW i starting believe, that experienced restaurators can repair that half KV-1 that was fished out of the river some times ago.

  6. I love the names of the videos on his channel
    moj tank t-60
    moj tank.
    moj tank
    moj tank