Not much today as is usual these days. But you can win stuff in Listy’s WG-sponsored competition, check it out!
- for now, the XP for “tanking” will not be implemented
- IS-3 ammo rack was not nerfed in 9.5
- the “winter fun mode” (SS: that Karl-like one) will be activated “after New Year holidays” (SS: if I see it correctly, these holidays last until 11.1.2015 in Russia)
- IS-6 gold ammo penetration will not be buffed
- apparently, Chi-Ri is not scheduled to be buffed either
- the mechanism where you will be able to add all sorts of junk to your tank (logs, cans, canvas etc.) is still in development, no ETA
- according to WG developers, Chi-Nu Kai has following advantages: good mobility, good gun, good viewrange and is VERY good at grinding, even during losses
- shell damage is a purely balance parameter, apparently it’s okay that 105mm gun 13TR (for some French tanks) gold ammo does more damage than regular ammo (300 vs 330)
I wonder…
What would people say if 105mm L7 guns got 360 damage per shot, though the RoF was buffed to compensate completely DPM-wise?
I wouldn’t mind. It would make the 440 alpha damage advantage of the WZ-120 and 121 actually feel important.
Seriously? Alpha >>> shit >>> RoF in this corridor shit fest. Every 30 points count. And I do not want my Leotard to be nerfed.
T-62A, 140 and 430 deal with 320.
Do you think 121 and WZ 120 are OP ?
The Russian OP PoS have this thing called armor. They are first liners, great mobility, great penetration, insane DPM, great camo value, great armor and decent alpha. They have everything.
Have you ever even fucking played the Leopards?
I would just like my Cent to get its rof buffed to match the leopard proto again. Everyone complained about the leopard proto having too low dpm, despite having the same as the cent, so they buffed it while nerfing the cents armor… Yay
It still has decent armor, they are very different tanks imho. PTA can’t even fight a light with 100 pen.
I want to add that bucket to the back of my tank as WT has :D :D
T-60 For The Win!
inb4 need gold to add stalinbucket
shell damage is a purely balance parameter, apparently it’s okay that 105mm gun 13TR (for some French tanks) gold ammo does more damage than regular ammo (300 vs 330)
How exactly is that acceptable from a balance perspective?
When my S-35 CA spams gold in a tier 5 match there’s absolutely no possible way that WG can justify that as being okay.
because spamming gold on the S 35 would be overkill. 165 pen is MORE than enough to go through most tanks. the APCR is there to only deal with one tank….and even still, its more pen than it needs to go through it frontally (AT-2). (this was talking about tier 5 games only)
The 30 extra alpha only helps on high rolls anyways.
C’mon, it’s WG…
Doesnt Coffin has more pen?
- apparently, Chi-Ri is not scheduled to be buffed either
The complete japanese line is shit, so don’t even bother…
Starts getting “better” at Tier8
The tier 7 is the only one that’s actually bad.
I absolutly hate the t6 chi to but do 1300 damage average in it, im only playing it for the wz mission and ill quit playing it until next mission
I can’t seem to figure out how to play Chi To better either. I never had problems getting Ace on any tank, let alone one that is not very popular, but this thing just drives me crazy, ~150 battles and still no Ace badge :-( Foooooo …. so frustrating.
Ive had 7aces at least :P around 50 battles i think
Learn to play japs, they’re great
You can tell them that a hundred times. If it ain’t op, its shit. Simple as that.
We don’t want them to be OP. We want them to be DECENT.
And until Tier 8, they’re not.
Except for Chi-Ri. It’s complete and utter dogshit.
Also, Chi-To needs a buff to mobility. Getting sick & tired of being bantha fodder in Tier 8 games.
I don’t understand why people keep bitching about the Chi-Ri being a bad tank
When I had it, I kicked major ass in the thing
Regardless of tier, whether it was bottom or top, still made it work (No gold, cause this guy is cheapsake)
Learn to play it, simple. I even enjoyed the Chi-Ri more than the STA-1.
You must be one of them special kind of people, that consider unloading a full 3-shell clip in someone is a great achievement….
No, Chi-Ri is pure FAIL because it’s bigger than a Tiger 2 with loltraktor armor.
This also means it can’t even use camo – I had 100% camo skill on it and I was spotted from 400m constantly.
In my experience Chi-Ri is a VERY HARD tank to play, but when you figure it out it’s amazing. Unloading a 3-shell clip into someone every 10s is great. You just need to be carefull when you come out of cover so you don’t get return fire. Sure you can’t play it like a TD like most japs, instead try staying right behind your teammates, let them take the hits and then wreak havoc.
Just like ReApEsPrOtoYpE I didn’t use gold either (fuck it, I’m not paying over 9k creds for 390dmg). It has trouble vs tier9 tanks, but it’s not meant to shoot them in the front anyway.
the chi ri s hard but the gun rammer with the auto loader together screams like a guitar solo in a megadeth album. whenever you can put this tank in the right place you can certainly cause a great amount of damage. (and if have dead eye the mod dmg is great too)
Nonsense, Chi-Ri can be great fun with that fast auto-loader.
Of course, its the size of a Tiger and its only armour is its HP…but :P
Sometimes I wonder if my success in it down to people underestimating it; targeting other tanks first instead?
Funny, I almost always was focused – because, of course, I had no armor and I was easiest to take out
Mind you, I mostly tried to use it as a overgrown MT. However, playing it as anything else just BEGS for your ass to get 1-shotted by arty (another thing that plagues Jap tanks hard)
Why would you buff the most Chi-Rious tank in the game? It’s chiriously over powered…
However, on a serious note:
I have one of the best if not nearly the best, win rate with a tank that has over 100 battles.. (In my garage of course) (Same name if anyone interested to search me on noobmeter)
that’s a pure coincidence. I have a 67% winrate on a tank I totally suck with (A-44), but 45% on a tank that I average 1800dmg on and I’m always in top5 in team (AMX 50 120)… and don’t tell me I do useless damage cause I prioritize targets from the largest threat (unicums, highest tier tanks, best guns etc) to the lowest (tanks that cant pen me or have no influence on the flow of battle).
What tank cant pen 50 120?
And btw 1800 dmg is good for 50 100, 50 120 is good at around 2,2k. 50B should aim for 2,5k, unicums do 3k avg.
hahahahahhahahahhahhahahaha ur so funny thinking 1800 avr dmg per game is good for a t9 tank
please show us your 3k dmg per battle on tier IX tank. As long as I do my HP in dmg, I consider myself useful.
2.2k is good id say 1.8 is just allright
I can show you. :P I have that on E-75, 704, JT, WT pzIV.
I bet some Fame guys or smth like that have even more, don’t say like it isn’t possible.
But looking at it globally, I consider good damage(for average player would be), if the tank can deal out its own hp, for autoloaders and td’s a bit more.
What about Churchill GC? Nobody plays it… They are still buffing and nerfing same tanks, but what GC? Can anybody ask them on Russian Q/A?
Q&A post here from 29.10.2014:
- it’s possible Churchill Gun Carrier will lose the 32pdr gun and will drop to tier 5
We know how fast WG is with such changes so it will happen probably a year after the FV215B and FV4202 changes take place…
After Havok.
When Half Life 3 comes out
This joke will never get old.
Still a shorter wait than duke nukem forever.
- the mechanism where you will be able to add all sorts of junk to your tank (logs, cans, canvas etc.) is still in development, no ETA
*throws gold to screen*
Too bad that the Earth being hit by an asteroid is more likely than this stuff being implemented before :D
haha, in patch 99.0
ARL-44 is still god-like in tier 6
random but ok.
That is, if you don’t meet any T6 russian heavy. Those monsters make your ARL look like a freakin’ icecream truck.
…them ice cream trucks…
damn them all…
Is icecream lorries only ‘murican thing? It sounds like stupid idea.
I dont know. Never ever seen one in my country.
But… damn them all…
Dang… dirty… iced milk!
Of course you do.
Kids love ice cream trucks in the summer and will chase it down when they hear it’s jingle as it arrives to the neighborhood.
I remember seeing gelato trucks in Germany, but I did happen to be living on an American army base at the time.
Okay there are like 5 stores in 500m radius around me – who the hell needs those trucks :D
- the mechanism where you will be able to add all sorts of junk to your tank (logs, cans, canvas etc.) is still in development, no ETA
I wonder how EU bundles gonna affected by this
+60% bigger price.
Next special:
2200 gold, 200k silver, 3 logs, T2 Light only for €110,- !
Log’s are super exclusive and will never be sold again, take your chance to get logs now!
Six months later:
1000 gold 300k silver, LTP, 2 logs only for €70,-
Log’s are super exclusive and will rarely be sold, take your chance to get logs now!
3 months later:
11/10 Would buy.
OMG, my IS-6 can’t pen E-75 on the frontal glacis. BUFF MY GUN !!!
Seriously, who are these morons ? IS-6 is only the most powerful T8 heavy premium, and 217 on gold is more than enough to penetrate any T8 and most of T9, including E-75 in the cupola.
175 is enough for that cupola, even
Not to mention that flanking is an option.
Hhahahahaaahahaahhahahaha the cupola itsself is 160 mm and with is6 gun youll NEVER hit it in the middle and at the start of a game how to flank an e75 on ruinberg or himmelsdorf?
Best way is to wait till they shoot and track them or shoot HE
HE… srsly? Don’t make me laugh.
Either engage them in the side, or just don’t at all, except if the driver is a potato. No one asks you to duel a T9 heavy…
I fire HE when I meet E75s in my IS. There is nothing else to shoot at so why not do 150 damage to him instead of wasting time ?
Just love that the developers talk and talk about stuff for the next patch.
Then when the patch gets released it’s only mistakes and errors that get in.
Or stuff they never talked about, who’s running wargaming these days because it looks more and more like a random pile of monkeys doing the coding?
Thats my PIN code you just posted. Lol nvm :D
Chi-Nu Kai is better than the Chi-Nu which is quite weird.
But not by much, as it’s still an absolutely horrible tank.
“and is VERY good at grinding”
What does that even mean? You don’t earn credits by “grinding” low tiers premiums, Wargaming :P
Grinding nerves.
i guess something like this
trains crews better than the future stock sta prem.
No safe stowage? Wtf dude
why i need it when it dies in 3 hits?
For me Chi-Nu is utter crap…should be buffed in ROF and accuracy!
Get T-44 somewhere a better gun? He has just T7 gun and that isnt that good either…
sometimes* sorry.
If SerB could buff his favourite tank, he would. He couldn’t even keep the KV-122 (T6 KV-1S now T6 KV-85) as OP as it used to be.
T-34-2 and T-44 both have hilariously lacking guns since their introduction because they both can flank. Meaning that they should just wait till the game is over to be useful or bounce off the fronts of same-tiered tanks.
However this actually equates to just farming lower tiered and armoured tanks with the T-44 with it’s OP gunhandling. The T-34-2 is a one trick hull-down pony with terrible gun handling.
Still, The T-44 is a joke when not using premium on tier 10 more so than any other medium in the game. It literally cannot penetrate a lot of vehicles without shooting premium and a lot of the time it will bounce of the sides of vehicles that it can penetrate. It’s DPM is the same mediocre like the DPM most tier 8 mediums are stuck with, which means it actually doesn’t get rewarded for finally flanking another tank unless it’s completely alone because putting in 2 shots in the side of another tank is only 500dmg…. ( which is all it will do if your team is competent because it’s dpm is so laughable )
Ok, so everyone in WG give a fuck to this tank, i see… T-44 is pretty good, but im using golds in almost every battle…. Thanks for reply guys..
Chi Nu Kai’s advantage is mobility, who the f are they kidding, it moves like KV1…
It moves like KV in pudding.
It moves better than AT2 #WG#SerB#swag#nobias
“- according to WG developers, Chi-Nu Kai has following advantages: good mobility, good gun, good viewrange and is VERY good at grinding, even during losses”
I disagree on the mobility part; it’s average at best for a medium tank of its tier. The gun is better than most 75 mm guns at its tier, but not by much. View range is acceptable. Admittedly it IS good for grinding because it’s cheap to operate, but then again so are the rest of the tier 5 premiums (except maybe the Churchill III, Ram II and Excelsior due to the number of people who equip them with All-APCR ammo because they don’t know about weakspots – even less excusable for the Excelsior and Ram II, which are capable of flanking).
chi nu gun softstats are way better than other nations(both prem and regular), viewrange in these tiers is great, and even better when you boost it with binocs+perks.
as for mobility, i guess it was a joke with that toy engine…
QA from the 25th “Storm confirms that XP bonus for blocking damage with your armor (“tanking”) will come”
Now from this QA, only 3 days later “for now, the XP for “tanking” will not be implemented”
This shows to me just what a clusterfuck WOT and its devs are.
- for now, the XP for “tanking” will not be implemented
Quote from Storms Q&A 24.12.2014:
- one of the upcoming patches will also bring bonus for “tanking” (for blocking shells with your armor)
Quote from news 25.12.2014:
- Storm confirms that XP bonus for blocking damage with your armor (“tanking”) will come
They should really consider changing their drug dealer, he is selling them some bad shit…
“For now” means it won’t be implemented in 9.6 or maybe 9.7 but that doesn’t mean it will be never implemented.
Regarding the IS-3 ammo rack… If it wasn’t nerfed in 9.5, when was it nerfed? I had IS-3 long time ago, I sold it back then and I have bought it back in 9.5. Now it is just horrible to play. In more than half of the matches (where hit in the front), the ammo rack gets damaged. No use to have repair kit, since the next hit will wreck it again during the same match. Last time when I had IS-3, losing ammo rack was very rare. Clearly something has been done…
Jack of all trades on comander and use 2 repair kits ;)
Nothing has been done, I have been driving IS-3 all my damn wot life and it has always been weak. I just laugh at the potatoes driving out sideways and losing their turrets. IS-3 is more like a support tank for a platoon buddy with 110, that thing can tank with its front.
>- apparently, Chi-Ri is not scheduled to be buffed either
………What? if that in fact occurred – WG Madness.
WG mistake with Chi-Ri (42.26ton) and Chi-To weight (32.7ton), not not not historical.
Historical Chi-Ri is 37-38 ton
Historical Chi-To is 29.5-30 ton
according to Japanese tank expert research.
Sake smuglers.