Heh…. heheheh….
so, Panther 88′s price is getting reduced to 7300 gold and whoever bought it for full price will get 4200 gold compensation. So, basically, WG admits it was overpriced (so enjoy the gold you didn’t want to buy).
Still, a nice gesture with that compensation (even though I think everyone knows that if they reduced the price just so without anything, people would go totally mental). Wargaming is getting careful. Of course, reduced price (as low as it is) does not make it a better tank, but now it’s at least worth thinking about. Still – 27,79 EUR, compared to JT88 31,33 EUR…. I’d get the Jagdtiger, or the FCM, which is now more expensive (36,7 EUR) but undisputably better.
Remember one thing. By buying it now, you won’t be saving 4200 gold. You’ll be spending money for 7300 gold worth of merchandise.
those who bought it for full price must be happy …. at least they have compensation
i see no problem :
You have the right to withdraw from this purchase contract within 14 calendar days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 calendar days from the day of the conclusion of this purchase contract.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us,
LOL! Nope, sir. After 2+ battles with tank you bought for real money, you can not give it back and got cash in return.
Actually yes you can. As chom says, you can withdraw from the purchase within 14 calendar days without supplying any reason. They don’t wanna piss off the EU, now do they? :D
Not true. Nothing like that is mentioned in the contract. At least i haven’t found anything like that when I bought my T-34-3 about two months ago.
check email confirmation from WG
edit : just checked my payment history and in past such note was indeed missing
Which was wrong coz by law you have to provide such service when you are selling over internet
anyway, for few months such note exists
I believe that may be regulated by the country law where the company is based. For WG it would be Cyprus I believe.
I know that in Polish law there is a rule that you can withdraw anything bought through the internet within 14 days without giving any reason. And apparently, starting new year, if this is not mentioned in the contract, you can withdraw it within a year :D
lol didnt know this, nice one :)
anyway its funny to watch all those ppl crying that they are unable to test it before purchase
So it’s around the price of a Super Pershing now? Damn… I might actually buy this thing.
And rightfully so, as both tanks are equally overtiered. Can’t be long anymore, till the Panther 88 gets reduced MM.
Well, as it stands now it seems to perform similarly, if not identically to the Panther II (except for the armour, but PII is paper too), and getting a panther II with better gun handling that has the benefits of a premium for not that much money now is still pretty neat, even though it gets into tier 10s. The fact that it has the 88 L/71 with the 203 pen will help it a lot compared to other tier 8 meds that have low pen.
If I didn’t already have a T-34-3 I’d probably get it.
Why is everybody saying that panther II is a paper? Its armour is better than any other tier 8 medium, except soviet tanks and it can quite easily bounce 175mm pen guns like d-25, which is a huge advantage over other mediums of that tier.
because i could penetrate its front with my kv13′s 76mm gun (125pen) with ease.
It can what now? Had a stock Caernarvon with the 17pdr (171 pen) and made a panther 2′s front plate so full of holes, I could see daylight.
Panther II UFP is about 150 mm effective, so you can make it 175 with some angling and sides are 60 mm which is enough to bounce all but 183 AP when sidescraping. Plus some autobounce area on the turret front.
When compared to other T8 mediums it’s pretty good…
And Panther 88? Panther I hull, so 120 mm UFP (34-2 standards), 100 mm LFP and 50/40 mm sides – 40 mm is behind tracks, 50 is only upper side armor (so no sidescraping vs 120+ mm guns – they are quite common). Same turret as Panther II.
Conclusion – Panther II hull front works vs tier 6 and most tier 7 mediums, Panther 88′s – does not. Difference between 40, 50 and 60 mm side armor is pretty big – it’s not +10 mm (since head on it’s shit anyway) but +30 mm in caliber of possible bounce
quite easily bounce 175 pen guns??? What crack have you been smoking today? I love my Panther II but it aint bouncing any of that pen. Armor on the hull is 100/60/40. The Turret is 120/60/60 … so what part of the tank is going to easily bounce 175mm of penetration? Even well angled sidescraping only achieves about 150mm of effective armor.
In saying that though… Im sick of everyone saying that the 8.8 is a bad tank, it isnt. The 8.8 it uses is the same as on the Panther II, and it sees tier 10 every day, and can pen them when used right, and the gun is -better-.
The rest of it… armor and speed, the Panther II’s armor and speed are pointless at tier ten anyway, and the traversal speeds are better. I dont get why people are saying this is a terrible tank.
“Should a player prefer a full refund, they must contact Customer Support, in which case the tank, gold and garage slot will be removed from their account. ”
So those who don’t want the compensation gold or don’t like the tank can get a full refund.
Very good Wargaming, very good.
I will buy it with in game gold when will be discounted. Yes, i’m cheap :D
At least WG arent complete idiots and provide full refunds.
Well you can choses the refund of your money if you want
Read the last
All players who purchased the Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 at the old price, before the specified time, will receive Compensation for the difference in cost in the form of in-game gold (4,200) within 72 hours after the price changes in the Premium Shop. Should a player prefer a full refund, they must contact Customer Support, in which case the tank, gold and garage slot will be removed from their account.
Should a player prefer a full refund, they must contact Customer Support, in which case the tank, gold and garage slot will be removed from their account.
Now you can have full refund! DO IT
The learned.
Because of what?
Almost noone bought it.
-> They are bringing the price down, to see if the sells get better.
If they dont get better, they did something else wrong, and they gotta learn again.
1. Players not being able to test the tank on the testserver brings the sells down
2. the tank is garbage, anyone even the biggest Tomato recognizes straight away that it can do anything a Panther II can do, just worse in every single aspect.
Really? Because since the patch came out I saw more P8,8 than I ever saw T-34-3′s or 112′s… There is at least one every second T10 battle I get in.
According to wot-news.com, very few were sold yet.
Seen maybe 3 so far and trust me I play a lot. Tier 8 and higher and I rarely met them, seen more WZ111 then these. Would really like to see your battles.
I haven’t seen any
It’s worth thinking and it’s an 8tier for 7300g. I wasn’t ever to buy it (for a full price especially) but now i’m starting to hesitate. Still, i think it’s a !@#$ moneygrab as it should be somewhere in regular tree with this gun…
For comparison:
7tier: Haunebu E-25 – 6700g (before removal) – difference is very slight
7tier: M-10/Panther – 5750g
8tier: JT88 – 10 000g (quite a bit more, and it’s still cheap for 8tier)
PS: from 0 to 8 posts inb4 i finish typing mine…
My idea is that they don’t want to rebalance shitty Panther2 and that’s why they avoid limited MM for this – in order not to make it better than regular one, which is directly comparable :) .
I think it’s better than Panther2. I have no trouble penetrating those guys, so less armour is not much of an issue and in exchange you get better terrain and gun stats.
The price compensation is a nice gesture, but I doubt that the Panther 88 will be sold more often in future, since there are much better Premium competitors on Tier 8, which make much more fun due to the limited MM (Superpershing, IS-6, FCM 50t). Even the mediocre T34-3 is clearly better and has limited MM, too.
Or maybe people need a trainer for their German medium tank. Who knows?
Well those people have a much better option in the Pz4s. Best med on tier 6 premium.
T-25 is much more fun to play i think. And is a good moneymaker too.
That is, if you enjoy sealclubbing.
or cheaper T-25
@up, this is what’s happening when u read and reply while map loading :/
Or maybe people just liking German tech.
Or maybe he is Panther tank collector.
I am collecting Sherman tank so who know, there could be some people like to collecting Panther.
That would be me. Got every single tank based on the Panther chasis, simply because they’re pretty.
Its a clever move from WG, the ppl buyed this tank with real money and get Gold as refund which costs WG near to nothing. Yes you can have full money refund but most of the players wont use this..
Did you even read your own post? The logic fail is strong.
You get gold => you buy another prem => you don’t have to spend money on it
So no, they are losing money a bit anyway.
You can ask for a full refund, SS didn’t post the entire article.
Compensation? By Wargaming? Must have been a misunderstanding.
Pingback: Panther 88mm je zlevněn
Next step, limited mm and it might become interesting.
Nice gesture, but I would have preferred a rebalance in a few months. My Lowe is simply a better moneymaker and does much better vs t10s…
All tier 8 prem meds (that are in the store atleast) should be around this price. It’s a shame that the T-34-3 still is 11000 gold, I would’ve bought it if it was 7200 gold like all the other tier 8 prem meds.
You should have bought it when it was on a -15% sale! (Or is it still?)
11k g is quite much for it but at -15% it’s worth every penny. That is if you like the playstyle!
wow the sales of this tank must have been catastrophic considering the price has been reduced just 8 days after it was launched but even though its price is lower i will be waiting for the test server to make my mind up for whether its worth it or not because there is 0 point in getting a tank which you dont like the feel of.
So I get plenty of gold back , which is nice, I will use it anyway so it’s the same for me.
I would never get the FCM or any other premium over this, because, reasons.
I’m a happy bunny, I like this tank and if it were not for all the x5 these days I would be playing it a lot more, which I will do now that the x5 will be over I guess.
And no, they will never give it limited MM, the FCM is a French tank,this one’s German,and a Panther, have you already forgot what happened with the E 25?
If WG would give it special MM now too, I would definitely purchase it.
Does all servers get this same treatment? Cuz I checked ASIA server today and it seems there is no change
Nope,looks like only EU gets a refund,RU servers also dont have any FULL refunds,they give 4200 gold tho:P
Oh well, how many “Great Patriots” you think rushed to get the 8.8 Panther.
They are not afraid of getting a lot of shit on RU so they didn’t bother with refunds it seems :D
OMG, what a steal now! This Tank is so much fun. To all noobz: Go buy it now and rush to the 1st line without hesitiating. Moar food for that excellent 88/71 gun :)
Or they could just give the 88 the perf MM and keep the old price
anyway with 7200 gold price tag the tank probably sell more.
Make it have Perf-MM and everybody will be happy.
They didn’t need to reduce the price at all if they gave it “Tier 8-9 Battle Tier”.
Was gonna buy some gold today, guess I’ll wait.
I would like to suggest the correlation between bad stats and bad price. The good players know a good deal, and this one wasn’t. The less than good players bought it, and played it, and gave it poor stats. Let’s keep our eyes on it’s stats now that its cheaper and better, more savvy players are likely to get it.
I was warned off it by the news around here (but I wasn’t likely to buy it till I knew more about it anyway), I bet most others were too.