Thanks to Maiorboltach for the writeup. Just a short Q&A from Aleksandr Ivanov, executive producer of World of Tanks
- platoon mechanism will be reworked in 2015. Basically, you will be able to invite players into platoons straight in the battle.
- Dragon’s Ridge will not return, in fact other “uncomfortable” maps will be removed. New maps will be added instead to replace them.
- regarding viewrange nerf – so far, it’s just an experiment, too early to tell any details. More details should be known around spring 2015.
- dynamic tank characteristics in hangar (SS: replacing gun changes the hangar stats for example) will most likely not be implemented due to “certain difficulties”
- dynamic tank characteristics in hangar (SS: replacing gun changes the hangar stats) will most likely not be implemented due to “certain difficulties”
Sure…i bet you they are just to lazy
If i could make mods, even i could implement dynamic stats in hangar, it cant be too hard…
XVM already does that, the best thing is it also considers crew training level and equipment (rammer, optics, binocs). 8-)
it does it but not completely. you still need to refresh the interface ie. go to depot and get back in hangar, or choose other tank in order to refres those stats.
changing a module on your tank alone does not affect the stats.
XVM does a lot of things WarGaming says are impossible…
Except they do it via overlays and not within the engine itself…
Lets face it War Gaming is run and programmed by hacks. Their RnG sucks, they program in power creep but say they will never use tier 11s (Lets face it some of those auto loaders are 11s all ready. They cant balance the teams? really what crap. Even a basic winrate and damage per game type matchmaking balancing system would be easy enough for some straight out of school programmer to do. They are screwing up the game more and more. Two games ago my JPZE100 bounced off of a Centurion 1 then proceed to wide shot one aimed and close shots 5 times before bouncing off of a t62 broad side then its commander copula. yup I aimed i waited i missed point blank shots. Way to go RNG BS from serb. This game isnt half the fun it used to be
It is already done…
That is why it so stupid that they have difficulties.
thats just what i thought, ill even do it even if they only pay my meals…. heck, must be hard to do that…
why i bought new games from steam and didnt spent any cent to wg. (100$ spent but many good games i bought. they dont need buy gold or prem items. old school fun. )
“Uncomfortable maps”? Sounds like another way to describe whiny players.
Yes, because Severogorsk, Hidden Village… are totally not maps to whine about.
Dragon ridge was literally uncomfortable to play. Especially for scouts.
Either go into the corridor of death or go across what looks like a good area for speed only to find a thousand speed bumps.
It was quite fun but it was too damn steep.
Just forget about learning to use cover or tactics, just make one map, totally flat with no cover and both bases in the center.
World of Nerfs has become full of whiners and anime kiddie porn clans.
God I can’t wait for Armored Warcraft to come online!
Anime kiddie porn? You make me sick.
you’re literally autistic
Agreed if you intended to say that you disagreed with zippy,
but there is no need to use a alternate mental configeration as a insult.
- dynamic tank characteristics in hangar (SS: replacing gun changes the hangar stats) will most likely not be implemented due to “certain difficulties”
Are you bloody serious ? This is the dumbest thing WG can do.
can’t do*
They cant make it the way XVM does (XVM does it with overlays) because that decreases FPS on weak computers. So they have to find a completely new way of doing this within the engine. Takes some time and effort. And needs much testing.
Its just the players again who are the ungreateful assholes (as allways). Go make your own game then we will see how balanced and optimized it will be.
but who cares on FPS drops in the HANGAR?
me for example since i dont want a lagging like shit mouse.
(playing wot at the fps limit)
playerbase and its computers are literally the worst thing about this game. Eventhough I dont really think much of WG programming and optimizing skillz, I still think they could do much better if they werent limited by the fucking russian wooden PCs..
get something that’s not win98, should cost less than half a month’s salary, min wage of any country.
- platoon mechanism will be reworked in 2015. Basically, you will be able to invite players into platoons straight in the battle.
I’m not sure what you mean with this? If you’re waiting for MM, you can still get people in your platoon or what? It can’t be possible to get more players in the match after it has already started?
Instead of being able to invite players to platoon straight from battle, I’d rather that the platoon interface block fail platoons. I am so sick of idiotic fail platoons.
Totally agree, they should prevent idiots to make platoons more than 2 tiers diference between them, and stop platoons like a tier 7 medium/light tank with a tier 9 tank. Tier 9s should not be able to platoon with tanks lower than tier 8
Well, what is wrong with you? Tier 7 scout would be actually fine in a tier IX, hell, even tier X battle…
indeed that should be first priority… WG thinking about new mechanism for ingame invite instead of getting rid of the fundamental flaws of the platoon system just shows they have some imbeciles in their ranks…
I believe it means you’ll be able to invite players from a match while you’re in a match. So if you meet a guy in battle and he actually works as a team with you, you can start a platoon with him mid-game.
Ooh right! That would be pretty cool indeed.
Also, they won’t stop fail / troll platoons I’m afraid :/ .
I think best thing would be to warn them (similar to the desertation screen) that they can be punished for their fail platoon before they enter battle and afterwards if the platoon turns out to be on the bottom of the teamlist, punish them.
1st time no xp and credits earned, 2nd time 24h ban, 3rd time a week ban, 4th time a month ban, 5th time account gets deleted. (punishment could be different as well).
That should do.
Boo, I enjoyed dragon’s ridge.
Agreed. I came to the game not long after it was removed from the rotation, and I’ve only seen it in a couple of tank company battles late in 2013 and training rooms. It’s a utterly gorgeous map and should get put back into the rotation.
Heck, I’m generally of the opinion that only the maps that have serious technical flaws should be removed, and even then only to fix those technical flaws.
I think it was quite an interesting map to play on and looked quite pretty,
i am sad that it will not return.
The map itself isn’t so bad, it’s mostly that ~80% of it is totally useless for anything other than lights and fast meds…
It was lovely with meds and lights but simply boring with td’s and heavy’s. Thats how I remember it.
Yeah, but if they want to make tank classes to be the “rock-paper-scissors” thing, they should make maps to be a “rock-paper-scissors” thing too. There should be maps that favor TDs or HTs too.
Instead they nerfed HTs, then arty, then TDs, then maps and now they are willing to nerf viewrange and “high pen guns” which will be the TX meds I guess. And then the circle closes and they can start all over again. :/
- platoon mechanism will be reworked in 2015. Basically, you will be able to invite players into platoons straight in the battle.
Yes this is more important and usefull to implement than fixing the MM or properly optimising the game
What about troll platoons? “We dont consider it a problem”.
I was just going to suggest that ^^^^. They mentioned a few months back they were going to address the “Troll Platoon Issue”, and as well the Seal Clubbing Platoon balance issue in regards to the Match Maker not properly balancing the power of these platoons against the opposing team.
They said there would be changes to try to do something, because this was source of some issues with Match Making, and balance issues within the game.
“Frankly, I think it’s long over due. This super powerhouse, super unicum, platooning is also a source to the WN8 issues (inflation) which LABs & Wargaming are always confronted with whether it’s involving skill based MM discussions, or coming up with a proper skill measurement regarding parameters of the game.”
Steam roller stomps, Losing streaks, Match Maker imbalances due to the MM not recognizing the elements within the platoon properly etc….
MM and platoon MM – bullshit happens.
What is that platoon thing? I don’t get it
In short, “siemka, kto pluton” will be even more obnoxious.
Yeah, because I needed more random pluton invites, to fill up my blacklist
You can invite players that are in the battle i think at least
“- dynamic tank characteristics in hangar (SS: replacing gun changes the hangar stats for example) will most likely not be implemented due to “certain difficulties””
omg you lazy fuckers lol, this is simple math, how can they call themselves programmers if they can’t do this?
Simply saying they don’t do it because they just don’t want to or don’t like it would be better.
Wont be implemented, no ETA, no plans, wait for 6 months – no WG, this aint gonna work…
I really hope they’re hard at work with Havok and multi-core support and maybe that’s the reason why they can’t do this…
They really should implement more detail about the vehicles in-game, like in WT, also it would be nice to have an armor model viewer too , once again just as in WT. It really would make the game better, also they should tell us the soft stats, like from specific power (HP/t) for every tank, to even complicated ones like terrain resistance and gun dispersion on the move, while turning the turret etc.
But wait – AW is there lurking :D
WG balanced platoon matchmaking like accordingly:
WG: ”Platoons have increased matchmaking weight and therefore are bottom tier more often.”
”What about tier 10 platoons?”
WG: ”What about them?”
”Right to own” is fun, but having two 3-man unicrum platoons versus a sea of red isn’t fun for reds nor the unicrums and the yellows and greens on both teams suffer the most probably since they are good enough to know that the game is going to be lopsided but bad enough to not be able to influence it almost all the time. Extra points if the sea of reds has 3 top tier tanks with a below 46% winrate of which one is blue for teamdamage before the match started.
Remove maps and add new ones instead – didn’t Storm told that the amount of maps will be reduced?
For you to explain how math works:
There is n amount of maps – remove 1. Now its n-1. Add one. Now its back at n.
Meanwhile with shit maps it will be n-15.
This is exactly what I don’t get – once they say they will just remove bad maps, and we will have less maps (only the ones they consider good), and now they say they will juat replace bad ones.
Or, do they know their math, and they mean that all maps are bad, some will be replaced, some will be removed for good?
Some will go to scrap pixelyard.
- platoon mechanism will be reworked in 2015. Basically, you will be able to invite players into platoons straight in the battle
well can be very cool if this means: “whoops!! a sudden change” in battle, can turnover the final result probably sometimes.Would love to see eliminating some scumbags and more (not planned) understanding and support between some good players. (random players too).Um okay , can be trolling too..but heh.. can’t be perfect sure.
- Dragon’s Ridge will not return, in fact other “uncomfortable” maps will be removed. New maps will be added instead to replace them.
Good ! Dragon’s Ridge was a waist of time for heavies and td’s anyway
regarding viewrange nerf
probably has to be done selective somehow um