Hello everyone,
something that came to my mind yesterday with the Falathi interview. I think he mentioned the concept of “WoT killers” and compared them to “World of Warcraft killers”. In case you don’t know, “WoW killer” is a trope of sorts – basically, World of Warcraft is a very old MMO and during its lifespan, there was a relatively large amount of MMORPG’s, that were – often not intentionally and only by their fanbases – presented as “WoW killers”, in the sense that they would steal a large chunk of World of Warcraft playerbase, making WoW obsolete. Needless to say, that never really happened and while World of Warcraft was steadily losing players for several last years (the peak was around 2010), it was not as much due to the appearance of other games, but simply a “natural decay”, one that awaits World of Tanks inevitably. Aou can see jolts of interest on the curve (those represent the large expansions, such as the one in Q4 2014), but the tendency is obvious. Current World of Tanks playerbase also stagnates by the way – in January 2014, the peak on RU server in primetime was a record: 1,1 million. Nowadays it’s around 900-950k.
But let me make one thing absolutely clear: there was no such thing as a WoW killer and there will not be a game that will kill World of Tanks. Steal a part of the playerbase like Gaijin did with War Thunder – sure, but it will never be enough to bury World of Tanks, unless the game is absolutely brilliant.
WoT was the first game of its type and that’s never going to change. Its developers, Storm and SerB used to joke that they “found it in a trash bin”, but the truth is that the idea behind WoT is a brilliant concept. Anything that will come from now on will either be built upon the basic WoT principles (AW) or will attempt to be different at all costs – and fail (War Thunder), just like it happened with World of Warcraft.
I do believe the first approach is better actually, as it allows the developers to polish the issues that make World of Tanks frustrating at times – artillery, battles full of terrible players, too much RNG. Fixing these issues and adding better engine to the mixture is certainly a good way to steal a chunk of WoT players (or even developers, as some of the AW staff are ex-WG people) but WoT will not die from it.
It however means one more thing: Wargaming will never, EVER create a game as successful as World of Tanks again. Not happening. World of Warships will be more successful than World of Warplanes (which was a total flop even according to WG staff), but I seriously doubt it will “step outside its niche”, as one WG rep mentioned it recently. I do not believe the project very much – of course I could be wrong, but what is certain is that it will never reach the size of WoT playerbase (and IMHO not even a third of it).
With that being said however, the chunk stolen might be quite sizeable. Or it might be small. We’ll just have to see, won’t we? Looking forward to AW beta in Q1 this year. You know, I have to wonder… how hard must it be for the developers of other WG games to have such a giant to compare to? Must be difficult to keep up.
You know most of us who love tanks are waiting for this game. It will take away from WOT but only HOW they release it, how it plays and how WG improves WoT, will determine if it’s a WoT “KILLER”
Nah, I agree with SS, WoT won’t be killed by anyone but if something bad will happen to WoT it will be only WG’s fault, no other way around.
Never the less, I will give AW a shot.
Most of the WoW killers did one thing, they come up with a good idea or two, which WoW then incorporated in the next patch, making WoW better and extending it’s life/ I very much hope AW and all that come after it have the same effect on WoT.
One thing that almost never gets mentioned in the context of WoT’s longevity is the fact that Wargaming existed for 12 years without WoT’s juggernaut of a hit, so I guess they know a thing or two about a long-term survival. ;)
Existed how? As a measly third-rate gamedev? Order of War is mediocre at least.
Yes, existed. As in “investing money into development, releasing games and turning in enough profit to be in business for 12 years”. Nothing to do with quality of the games released, at all.
I liked order of war. Was it successful on a grand scale? No, but it was one of umpteenth number of WW2 RTS’s that came out in that time. You going to play OoW or CoH? That doesn’t mean its a bad game, just there are starcraft quality games its competing with (it should be pointed out that CoH 2 was a bust compared to 1 popularity wise, its still a great game if not better). You should really look at the competition.
Obsidian didn’t announce AW till ’14. They (as well as WT to a lesser extent) are bouncing off of Wot and WG. Itll be up to them to come up with new content once they’ve copied WG (with a modern skin). You can easily see this trend with Minecraft and its subsequent copies. None are AS successful, but all created a niche off of Minecraft.
WT would be great if they had a WoT aim(see the tank system) cant see jack shit in WT, it runs better – maps are better but get shot before you can see a f**king tank.
“or will attempt to be different at all costs – and fail (War Thunder), just like it happened with World of Warcraft.”
Uhm uhm FAIL ? Nope, its not that good, as it should, but its still better than the WoT spot system, even the maps are designed better. And it looks fuckin’ better and goes better (performance).
Personally I think with HD models WoT *looks* better, but Warthunder certainly has the upper hand regarding performance :)
It’s subjective. I, for one, think that WT maps suck. Spot system is… crap there too. WT looks better and that’s about it. Also, the low diversity of vehicles is meh.
Yeah its kinda subjective, I like everything in WT more than in WoT But only one thing is in wot better… Kappa
actually WarThunder is currently much better then world of arcade crap tanks wot, i don’t play WoT anymore.
“REALISM” elitists lashing out against arcade gameplay. So funny :D
Go back to Men of War/ARMA/RO 2. Will beat your assess there.
Dont think realism makes for superior gameplay though. Different. Not superior.
Ew. RO 2. My friends and I played Darkest Hour Europe for a long time, until the servers started dying off and we found WoT, thinking it’d be similar. It’s not. It’s nowhere near it. But it’s got it’s own type of fun. Enough that I’ve put over 4k hours into it even with having no computer for 6 months. What’s driven me away from WoT more than anything isn’t the gameplay, it’s the loud, shitty minority community that infests most F2P MMOs. And I don’t mean shitty in terms of skill, I mean the assholes who take the game personally. I’ve enjoyed platooning with players who suck because they are legitimately enjoying the game. I’m glad War Thunder is nowhere near as popular as WoT, because that means the vocal minority isn’t nearly as vocal, meaning I have fun more often. That being said, I’ll be giving AW a shot at some point to see if it’s more or less enjoyable than WoT.
WoT actually advertises itself as “realistic” (See those TV ads). In all the time WoT has been out, we don’t have armor models or internal layout models. Warthunder is actually fun to play and visually appealing.
War Thunder is different, not worse nor better is what I said.
Metro and crysis whipe the floor with it visually and are not.more demanding, so big deal.
WoT makes fun of realism with most adds
WoT realistic? LOLOLOL
Russian 122mm guns so much stronger (in terms of damage dealt PER shot) compared to let say german 75mm especially L70 is pure fantasy.
Making gun damage directly related to RoF is just arbitrary system of balancing, BUT in case of WoT that also means that slow reload is not even remotely resembling its main shortcoming from real life!!! Which means WoT is pure arcade/shooter game
And exactly this aspect of the game make the game prety much laughable in terms of tank balance. There is none, where certain tank have the privilege of “headshoting” aka derping others in one shot, while some other tank IN THE SAME TIER !!! NEEDS 10 SHOT TO DESTROY THE SAME TANK.
In vast majority of shooters “headshoting” is a matter a skill of a player, in case of WoT only certain tanks are allowed to do it. Skill just do not matter in case of derping as that is “a perk” of some gun module on a tank!
Yay, fanboism…
Personally I prefer WoT overall, but WT is good at what it does (if you prefer the approach it takes).
indeed dude, WT is much better in any aspéct, haven’t touched wot ever again after playing ONE WT match in the last day of beta even
Lol’d those ubalanced maps, and cap locations make this game unplesant and unplayable – just pure fail..
Warthunder Ground Force has sound gameplay.. but it is plagued by DURRRIIIIFFFFTTTOOOO everytime you try to turn. It kinda off-putting to see a heavy vehicle like tanks easily drift on relatively moderate speed.
Granted i am only play on arcade mode, but i am a casual player, and WT Air Force is more fun than WT Ground Force.
WT tank models looks like fully functioning under WoT so… :)
The skin is from a Chinese site the other tanks are also can be downloaded from WT, I haven’t tried it yet.
WT:GF is way too sloppy to be pleasant. And “RNG” is terrible there. Once you can bash an enemy tank with shells for half a minute without making a dent only to kill the next one by one shot to exactly the same place. Also, russian bias, nuff said.
And their MM is just plain awful. Both in planes and tanks.
I was in my M3 light and went to the cap point, which was in the open (I don’t remember the map). There were several vehicles shooting at me, like M4A1s and T-34s and an SU-76. I sat there in cap and capped the point, because in War Thunder, as long as it doesn’t hit ammorack or kill ALL your crew you’re okay.
Seriously. An M3 stood up to all those long enough to cap a point. And all the other times, I roll up in my M4 and get oneshot by an M2 because it hit the ammorack of all places with the tiny 37mm shell.
What I DO like tho is the HE mechanism. If you have the 105 sherman, it’s best to shoot the sides of tank’s turrets, because the shell will explode and fragment into the roof of the tank and into the fighting compartment, and there’s usually ammo everywhere. They actually model every bit of a HE shell flying around.
It’s not even RNG, it’s dodgy “physics” engine.
They took one that worked fine for planes and tried to fit it on tanks.
Thus a shot can bounce between externally attached spare tracks on side of Jagdtiger then go INTO the tank while said tracks are still attached.
Guess someone doesn’t know what RNG is.
But WT is still in open beta, WoT is officialy released game…
WT has been charging money, they are only in beta in name.
get rekt. mr.”beta”
you clearly do not understand what a beta is if you think charging money makes a game finished. i guess early access on steam is all an illusion huh?
it’s not open beta when they release 2 tanks per week and charge you for “beta testing” the rest of the actual tanks. Right now you can’t play more than M4A1 and M5 stuart because they won’t let you research the tanks, they’re in “testing”.
OH WAIT! You can just give money and play them!
I wouldn’t call that an open beta test, more like BLATANT MONEY GRABBING.
they can’t play the beta card anymore, they tried for the golden “joy”stick, which requires a game to be live.
The physics engine for tanks, and the BRs for planes are the biggest problems for the game. But it’s far from a fail. (I think SS just doesn’t like it)
Well, WT:GF is a failed multiplayer game, it feels like some cool WoT2 mod for Half-Life 2 or something, everything look awesome, but 95% of the time You have no influence on the outcome of the battle whatsoever, battles are even more chaotic than random in wot, winning and losing (at least for me) feels about the same with exception of the color of the cap zone and so on. And I don’t See how everything is better than in Wot, I mean, it’s really rougharound the edges.. As for A, can’t wait to see the improvements in WoT it will provoke :)
On the contrary, WT:GF can be influenced by skilled play of a single person much more than current WoT battles. Especially Simulator battles. Arcade is more like WoT, which means relentless hordes of tomatoes.
To be honest WoT changed over the years, it’s gameplay was once quite deep and sophisticated. With the aim to attract more players the devs then introduced countless changes to make the game even less demanding. I am very happy that WT:GF did not ‘suceed’ the way WoT did. It seems that popularity inevitably brings a ridiculously low level of the playerbase.
Oh, and remember WT:GF is a fail, do not try it, stay in WoT potatoes.
AHHHH help me i am drowning in WoT fanboysism!! Help me i can’t swim!!!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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About simulations: yesterday, 3 battles in a row with Tiger I, I’m being spawned at the end of the battle, enemy holds the only CP for about 2/3 of the time, please tell me how can one influence such battle and I’ll send you a bad of potatoes in reward :) Not to mention ridicoulous spotting system, way worse than the WoT one (which of course sucks aswell) and glitches in both GF and AF. An example: you can explode in the midair with your best plane.. Because somebody is spawning, and he dies as well! I’m not a rocket scientist, but that doesn’t seem to create an opportunity for letting the best player win, more like: ‘may the luckiest player win’ which makes it a pleaseant game but not really a perfect multiplayer war game as some of you say
Yeah, really constructive, game before that I destroyed about 7-8 tanks and let my team cap without any problem, I personally like that game, especially simulations, all I’m saying is that the game despite being very pleaseant, contains many glitches, and the idea of battles is flawed in my opinion. And P2W model is not encouraging either.
I was responding to your “You have no influence on the outcome of the battle whatsoever”. Even on arcade I’ve managed to rack up over 15 kills quite a few times, and I’m not playing it a lot.
Yes, the game is not polished and there are still numerous things they are experimenting about. It *is* a beta, whatever all the whiners may claim. Yes they sell content on this beta, but no account wipe on release is planned, and they have to pay their server bills and many developers.
Lastly, their premium vehicles aren’t generally speaking overpowered (save for some exceptions) so I don’t see much of a P2W model here. Unlike in WoT, where buying 40€ pixel tanks gives you the financial possibility to constantly spam gold ammo and consumables…
i think this guy is onto something. SS, you might not like WT, and it is nothing wrong with that. and i have always respected your opinions regerding this game is better than this and and how shitty X is and how good Y is and how Z and W ist camparable because this and that.. but i do not want you to say it has failed, because it has not. it is just diffrent. some like it, some dont. but iy is certainly not a failure
^ He is right tho
But It’s random as fuck and if your shell is too powerful, It doesn’t do any damage to the tank…
WT maps are better?
How about Caucasus map where at center cap zone North team has no cover – to cap you need to drive with full tank to full open. Meanwhile, South team has hole there, maximum you show your turret.
It is not oversight, it is intentional bad.
Don’t get me wrong – WT:GF has its own issues, however it’s playability – at least for someone focused on improving – is a lot higher.
WoT on the other side went into close to unplayable shit, where the outcome is either 15:0 or 0:15 battle after a battle. You simply can’t feel the flow of the battle anymore. To be honest i may return to playing WoT – from time to time at least – when they will introduce PvE.
I never understood why SS assumes that WT is a failure just because he doesn’t like it. I like both WoT and WT,I don’t know how successful WT is when looking at numbers but I’ve reached rank 5 in tanks and there are plenty of people to never wait in the queue more than a few secs.,so not such a failure if people play it.
Yeah they killed WT by getting too greedy too soon. I don’t think if WT pop recovered already from the drop caused by 1.35 patch (or was it 1.37 or 1.39 ? can’t remember anymore).
But I must say their game is getting constantly better with time. Of course it still has lots of problems: derpy collision system, really bad hit reg, unbalanced vehicles BR, derpy spotting system and really heavy RNG-influenced damage .. it still is much less frustrating than WoT’s accuracy “RNG” (quotation marks so very intended but I don’t want to go there ATM).
And recently if I force myself to play 3 battles per week in WoT then it’s a lot, but when I play WT I need to watch the clock to not spend whole night playing it.
The things WT is failing:
- deliver working installer/launcher that does not kill the system every update
- there is non existing team/clan action
- latest update i saw was with maps was going WOT-like small face to face clashing, why would i want to play WT like that i have WOT doing it better
The things WOT is failing:
- MM/RNG make it from time to time ridiculous gaming experience
- The system does so much work to kill your A-game with RNG you can’t even recognize the tanks you are driving
- Bunch of tomatoes can oneshot ammorack you from move to moving target with .5 accuracy gun, I say go play lottery and fix the system bearable
- Seems to be that Arty is in the game for love of the RNG “balance mechanism”, without it really good player could have more reliable effect on the outcome
- RNG at worst is good player failing with arty just because of RNG and bad player succeeding because of extensive RNG help
- Allowing botting
- “Cancer”-people playing _game_ and raging over any humanely tolerable limit
War Thurder is today a better game than WOT in many aspects but Clan Wars.
Everything else WT is better:
- Spotting system
- Artillery
- Models and textures
- HE mechanics
- RNG mechanis
- Performance
- Online Penetration Camera
- Damage model
I could go on but it is enough…
I have a feeling that (from the looks of the gameplay and whatnot that has been floating around the internet), that it will be a STRONG competitor to WoT…but not a ‘killer’. It’ll be like War Thunder, a game which has (since it’s inception) has driven both game to constantly upgrade over and over and over again. And that benifits all of us who play BOTH games! In a way, this is a great thing for us gamers. I know i for one will eagerly sign up for an account once it goes live. It’ll be interesting how WG fires back to keep it’s player base, and i look forward to that. So here’s to the eventual launch of Armored Warfare and the increased heat of competition that will come from them, WoT, and WT. :)
Shame people will always talk about the “x-big-game killer ” , which is based on I don’t know what since most huge games that dominate a genre/area of gaming are usually very long-lasting and simply die out on their own. All the potential killers can eat off the carcass or chip it down piece by piece, but never outright replace the game.
Statistics wise:
CoD has not been killed
WoW has not been killed
LoL has not been killed
..heck even Street Fighter has not been killed if you want to get into less popular genres like fighting games…
Are you >implying that WT failed?
Maybe didn’t succeed at killing WoT, but the game is way better than WoT, and the balanced classes make the game for me.
It is definitely not better. It is different. But it certainly is not as pleasant as WoT. I like the more realistic approach, but the engine is not refined enough, too many glitches, bugs, the MM is awful, the DM is bad and there is a persistent russian bias.
That fact that not many people actually play GF speaks for itself…
Well, right now it’s way more of an US bias than a Russian one…
Same way we had it in WoT when US came out…
WoT is French Bias.
They basically put a flight engine into tanks. So… Let see how that works out… At least they are refining it.
It probably improved alot already.
Mutli turret support for example works brilliant there.
If they redesign the techtree (most of them are still beyond ridiculous) this game could still become dangerous to WoT.
Let’s leave the techtrees. For now they can’t redesign literal trees, sinking into the ground, such reality, wow.
Different market… Some people like WoT for the arcade, some people like WT:GF for the realism. They are not a real danger to each other unless one of the games become unplayable.
^ This. Gaijin would have been stupid not to at least try catering to disappointed WoT players, but that does not mean they expected to “kill” it. The whole approach to the gameplay is more akin to regular FPS games like BF or CoD, WW2 tank combat aside.
IS-4 vs. Tiger2, T-54 120mm hull vs. Panther2…
And try to kill KV-1 with short 75/76mm guns…
Two words : driver’s hatch.
It did fail. Look at how hard WT:GF has hemorrhaged its playerbase.
War Thunder ? Balance ?
Compared to War Thunder, WoT is the best balanced game ever. I mean, in WoT, you know what to expect from your tanks and from the ennemy tanks. Not really in WT.
What? I beg to differ! I know what to expect from ISU-152, its superstronk potato gun can only be counter by amor made of wolverines bones! But you’re right about the rest.
For me, WoT is more fun because it’s not random (ololol I ammorack every1 eZ). If only the players could be a “little” bit better…
Considering that Armored Warfare is MODERN tanks, I see it as something different to WoT. Not a killer or direct competitor. An auxiliary.
As for WoT… I just hope WG finally start doing shit right and making the game better/more varied/more content, even if specialized…
And finally start translating those tank books in English, Spanish, French and other languages :P. They want to build a tank legacy for all machines and prototypes? Good, but why in Russia where they already have it. Do it here damn you, where we dont….
On the f2p side both games will be competing for time spent by the player base though.
on the important side they will be competing for player transactions, since most have limited budgets afterall.
They can compete for illiterate people that know nothing about tanks all they want. :D :D :D
Many gamers are like that, for them a T-34 is a lot like an Abrams…
To me, they are different. One is pre-WW2 to Early Cold War/Korea (with several exceptions). The other is End of WW2 – Modern day.
The vehicles are the spirit :P
if the only thing you crave for is “better engine, better graphics….” you are not main WoT audience, and you probably leave AW short after…. tank enthusiasts are the ones who plays the most of WoT and even older people love it, that is something very few game could say…. i really believe they will fix issues, add some modes and game is in great shape for at least 3 years
Who knows. If AW becomes a success WG may step up their game (Because they love moneez) and improve their graphics and stuff. When WT:GF first was annouce and shown to the public. WoT was improving the game in all sorts of ways after they discovered WT:GF wasn’t as big of a threat as they thought it was they became lazy.
WOT will kill itself with retarded game rules such like Matchmaking, spoting system , missing alghoritms etc.
Contrary to popular belief. WoT’s mm is not bad at all. Look at WT:GF’s mm and their screwed up BR system. I was in the earliest model of the M4 Sherman and I was facing up against Tigers. Plus, matchmaking softwares are hard to develop and their is almost no game with a perfect match maker.
The other stuff I can kinda agree with.
AW only need to implant 3 things to make this game fun for me
1. Smoke screens ( from tanks and arty ) Making moving over open terrain, better and more fun.
2. Better spotting system ( tanks not disappearing infront of you, as in wot )
3. GOOD SOUNDS OF TANKS AND GUNS, bad sounds kill games very fast
they do have smoke screens that will be part of the game. As for spotting god i hope it is much better. As much as i complain about WoT it is a good game. The thing that frustrates me is that it could be SOOOOOO much better. If they just payed attention and stopped doing stupid stuff and focused on the game. Also sounds … i recommend Gnome fathers sound mods they are awesome.. I cant play the game for more than 5 mins without sound mods.. the standard sounds are how do they say it HORRIBLE.
I’ve seen tanks disappear in front of me in WT:GF. I was in a Tiger and a IS disappeared when he went behind a rock and I was so close to him!!
Wow, SS is now an online game marketing specialist also?
a) WoW never was original, groundbreaking or first in anything. It’s also popular in the western world and its number of subs – while a lot here – is in the medium/lower end of the spectrum when compared to eastern mmorpgs. Just as Diablo WoW also managed to gather (or as haters say steal – which is also correct but rather rude thing to say) all the different valuable ideas, bake them together AND release in the correct time on the good markets. Originality has nothing to do with it.
b) WoT killers might come. WoW is an extremely easy game, fully dumbed down to cater masses of children. WoT on the other hand is a niché game aimed at actual adults – their decision making is different and they value quality more than the ‘coolness’ and flock factor. It’s also F2P which is a huge difference – in terms of weighting alternatives people ‘only’ invested time in their accounts they might leave that easier and switch. So I say if AW is actually good those masses of people that tried WT on release might even stay there. And taking ‘only’ half a million players is half of WoT’s playerbase – and will kill the game.
c) Blizzard has PR. WoT has PR also, and terrible at that. AW doesn’t have to do anything but stay silent and by default they become the better guy in the eyes of people with actual purchasing power. SerB will take its toll – he’s basically a raving lunatic with a too big mouth.
Also, why do you think suddenly physics and eye candy became so important in WoT? AW has a lot to offer in that department – having better gfx means it will run in better computers only – people with better computer are:
- more rich
- take gaming seriously and more likely to pay for a f2p game if good enough.
These are the people WG will try to keep. These are the people F2P games are all about, not the 10x more freeloaders.
All in all if AW won’t have quality issues like WT does it will be an extremely interesting release – and might very well kill off WoT.
“Wow, SS is now an online game marketing specialist also?”…….. and you are marketing specialist?…. its opinion bro
i also find what you said far from reality….
“Also, why do you think suddenly physics and eye candy became so important in WoT? AW has a lot to offer in that department – having better gfx means it will run in better computers only – people with better computer are:
- more rich
- take gaming seriously and more likely to pay for a f2p game if good enough”
there is so much wrong with that statement….. why would they be rich?…. i know a guy in his late 30s with plenty of money and he doesnt give a damn about graphics…. having “brutal” pc for gamer is like having 2kg gold chain for rapper or owning a Mercedes for bussinesman…. many people just want to drive in cool tanks and have fun….. on the other hand i think they are more likely to jump to new cool stuff shortly after it become obsolete… but yeah, thats just like, my opinion
The difference is that I said ‘might’ and ‘probably’ indicating it’s my personal oppinion.
Stating that there won’t be a WoT killer, period, is a different matter. In general SS is extremely quick to throw around his oppinion as facts – and he is rarely right.
Yeah, well, you know a guy who doesn’t care about gfx – good. That’s one. On the other hand there are 1000 more that do. You should check steam surveys, it’s educational btw.
Cryengine being one of the most optimized engines out there, I can’t agree that only richer people will enjoy AW’s improved graphics.
optimized does not mean it will run on potatoes and WoT pretty much does
CryEngine can and does work on potatoes.
SerB: WoT runs on “Calculators”.
Compare it with WoT. WoT runs basically on a phone.
Who tells you people the BS that CryEngine is something DIFFICULT to run?
It, SS4, FB3 and 4A Engine are some of the fastest most optimized engines out there that support the newest and best tech.
If its low settings are low (as in fewer effects and lower model and texture complexity) it will run on potatoes. If its low settings were EXACTLY like WoT’s (scene complexity-wise), it would probably run BETTER then WoT.
ok…. i will try this on my 2 year old notebook…. i play WoT on it all the time…. 25fps to 30 on low… this thing couldnt handle Battlefield 3 on lowest…. so they have to really outdo themselves
Battlefield 3 on lowest is… like WoT medium with some stuff on high.
” WoT was the first game of its type and that’s never going to change. ”
Yea, perhaps SS is not old enough to remember other games.
http://www.mobygames.com/game/tank-commander is from 1995
There were some in the late 80′s as well, but I am not sure any of them included multiplayer (users who could get online were really too sparse to support).
I was involved in the early days with DWANGO and I can tell you now, that World of Tanks doesn’t offer that much above what the games did in the late 90′s. Sure the graphics get better, but other than that the actual meat of the game is small.
World of tanks is a nothing more than a Tank based FPS game with a IRC client attached.
The Server Back-end is crap, the UI design is really lacking a lot. The fact that XVM can add things in game without huge hits, but the developers can’t shows a great deal about how poor some things must be ran internally.
Now… Here is the thing.
It is a simple FPS game that users can just log on, play one match and quit…
Its a simple game with so few options in the UI that one doesn’t need to “Learn” how to use it…
It is a fairly cheap game (even if you buy the odd bit of gold)..
So It is just a simple game and that’s what a lot of players like… But Groundbreaking and Unique – It is neither of those.
It is not anywhere near First… So sweet Jesus don’t be saying that again, unless your paid to lie…
Makes me wonder what Wargaming Seattle (formerly Gas Powered Games), run by the guy that made Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander, is working on. Probably something niche (RTS is always niche these days due to lack of innovation in the genre and a transformation in the gaming market), and unlikely to be a huge money spinner, but I’m curious about whether it is possible to make a decent F2P RTS.
Obsidian and mail.ru – giants to make a WoT 2.0.
All they have to do is fix WoT errors and add stuff thats still not in it.
Oh and CryEngine xD
This gotta be good sight to see!
There wasn’t a WoW-killer but WoW actually killed other MMOs like Everquest. The reason is that Blizz is extremely flexible and constantly improving WoW. Unlike that WG is doing very little to improve WoT.
What Wargaming REALLY needs to do is concentrate SOME resources to eliminating things like aimbot hacks. Today on Malinovka I was on S flank of hill with team hull-down fighting enemy tanks that were using the windmill for cover when I got shot from over 700M away by an ARL that hit me 2 for 2 shots in EXACTLY the same spot on my turret. Odds against him not using an aimbot mod to do that are nil. Don’t tell me that WG can’t use packet sniffers to identify what mods players have installed in the client on their computer.
Go back to T1, scrub, and learn what server-sided game is.
Actually WOW gained +3M subscriber for the Draenor expansion, so they are above 10M again.
Used to be 12M.
Still, “Are you so eager to meet death?”.
ok so you are saying that wot, which is over 3 years old, for which the only major upgrade since it s lunch has been physics is better then a 1 year old war thunder that try to innovate and explore different option instead of being stagnante milking machine . Just admit you are fanboy then, it s faster because your argument is crap.
The way you say that any game that tries to be different to wot will fail just show that you are not rational but emotional thus review is worthless.
war thunder player base shows that comparative to WoT it’s a failure , not helped by all the war thunder fan boys acting as if they are superior because of the “realism” in the game.
I want Armored Warfare to be good but I’ve heard some disparaging things from a friend in the current Alpha process. Basically the game is made by ex-WoT devs and that’s what they’re doing – recreating WoT with newer tanks down to some incredibly similar maps. This is in the face of a bunch of people telling them on the forums and in the chats that no, that’s not what they want, they want a game that’s like WoT but fixes all its bullshit and the devs are just ignoring it atm. According to him even tho the PvE mode is what’s been shown off so far, it’s not anywhere near the main focus at all like you would assume and PvP still is.
Such a shame.
AW wont kill WOT on the fact that AW will not run well on low end pc which is a good chuck of WOT Russian player base and AW current player base focus is NA so WOT will have its player base plus they have the chines market to keep them going.
Compare WoT with WT is already stupid: arcade game trying to look beautiful vs “simulator” game trying to be “realist”. There cant be one better than the othe because they are not doing the same. It’s like saying a dog purrs better than a cow.
Same for AW: WoT is for WW1 to cold war tanks battles while AW is for modern tanks battles.
It wont be any better or any worse because it’s not the same at all.
You cant say something is better/worse than something else unless it’s on the same exact topic.
Oh I smell the incoming “what are you talking about, they’re both TANK games, we want the best tank gameplay”.
Well if you play any of these games just because it’s tanks, your pov, but I think that large majority of player playing these games play them for their own style.
WoT players want arcade WW2 gameplay. WT players want “realism” (if you can call a tank drifting for nothing “realism”). AW players will want modern tank battles. If a random guy start playing WoT and say it’s shit because it doesnt have modern tank, only old junk, then he can leave without any problem for WG: he didnt understand what’s the game all about anyway.
AW will only “steal” the part of playerbase that is more interested in modern tanks, and if possible, arty haters who think their system is ways better (say that without even trying it, wow, we’ll see you soon guys, I’m sure most of you will come back to WoT). The same way WT took part of wot playerbase who wanted more realistic gameplay instead of arcade one.
i agree with you largely , but i think i will play both , having said that i’m to keen to spend a few thousand more games to grind some tanks , i would like to continue playing wot just because i have made significant progress and i believe this will be the same for many.
WoT would be perfect if they fixed matchmaking (at least to the point where it’s not auto-win/auto-loss as it is sometimes) and improved the engine..right now it onlly supports one cpu core and 4 gb of ram..it is ridiculous…i don’t even want to know what kind of graphics system it runs on, probably direct x 9 or something antiquated as hell.
So we will have more armoured warfare games, for a finite number of paying customers, it will be a race to the bottom for some of those companies. Now if they did an “Apple” and targeted a particular socio-economic segment, those with time and money. Then they could have a really nice game that wouldn’t attract the vegetable hordes of the free shit brigades.
They are games that are entertainment and fun, but if you are not having fun because of in game poor vehicle design, match making or tomato teams, then why play it or even pay for it?
I’d happily pay for a game that did not allow automatic progression up the tiers, and had more historical set pieces such as the Fall of France, the Ardennes offensive, Kursk, El Alamein, etc. Not this crap of putting 1940′s tanks up against 1930′s tanks or 1950′s tanks. War gaming historical battles failed because they couldn’t produce a good gaming experience using their game model. I bet you could do it in War Thunder though.
target a specific socio economic segment? and how are you to make sure only that segment and how are that segment of society smarter than the rest, you will find retards and people terrible at games equally distributed through society , the best way for a game to go is to aim for the masses , that’s what WoT does , to relegate yourself to a niche is to have accepted failure before you begin.
I’ve been lying to myself that I wouldn’t play AW because it will be a monster grind all over again to get the decent tanks/crews and I’ve already spent way too much time doing that in WoT , but let’s face it I want to play a leopard 2 and T-90… I thought WoT would eventually go forward in the timeline when they introduced the T10 meds but apparently no so…
SS i think you’ll be really surprised at the release of world of warship. The game as it is actually is very different (and better) compared to how it was during the beta week end .
I really feel like it will have the same “world of tanks syndrom” with thousand of people diving into the warship warfare and will met a really HUGE success.
In fact, i actually feel like i will totaly drop world of tanks at the release, it’s just brilliant. The amount of work is impressive and devs don’t fall in the same issues as world of tanks.
You know, there are A LOT of disgruntled WoT players, like myself, and pretty much everyone I know personally. All of us are sick and tired of the same shit again, like :
- bad tank balance, soviet tanks the most powerful, don’t give me any crap it’s not true, I KNOW, I PLAY THEM EXTENSIVELY, one needs only to look at the tanks chosen in company/team battles/cw/strongholds. Sure there is the occasional non-soviet great tank like M18, AMX 50-100, T57 and a few more, but tier by tier, no one beats soviets – AND NO MATTER HOW MANY NEW TANKS THEY ADD, THEY WILL NEVER BE STRONGER (meaning more fun) THAN CURRENT SOVIET ONES
- lower tier arty one-shots your slow, huge heavy, TD, or not-so-fast med
- 15v15 which really means 1v29
- game is completely developed around close combat situations (<400m), sniper tanks like germans will never be truly effective
- bad tank balance, did I say this ? Because the german tanks are crap, I don't feel the german might when I play any of them.
And a few more huge problems I can't think of right now.
AW promises to fix a lot of these problems, if they are for real WoT is in a world of hurt.
Lets see, considering the tier X arenas (Clan wars)
Arty: T92′s and GC’s are arguably more powerful and used than 261′s.
TDs: Waffles, E3/4′s and the occasional 183 is seen WAY more than 268′s and 263′s
Heavies: E-100s everyday, with T57′s and 50b’s for the autolols, and occasional IS7s far from being the most preferred or the stronkest
Mediums, Here’s a class where Soviets do win, but BC 25t is always the people’s choice, here we also see STB’s shining.
Team battle
on Tier 8 the only soviet used is teh IS-3
the RU-251 is way more preferred than T54LW
Strongholds tier 6′
only russian here is KV85, for all other roles we have brits, americans, even chinese tanks.
this is coming from some1 who mains Russian tech tree as well…
Controversial, decent, or bad Soviet tanks. All Soviet tanks to tier 1 to 4, T-44, T-43, T-34-85, KV-2 (Even though it’s REALLY fun to play with, it’s not a good tank), IS-8, KV-3 (That thing burns like hell), SU-100Y (Same situation with the KV-2), KV-13, MT-25, SU-100m1, A-43, etc
I remember reading a article by WoT that the biggest game they feared was MWO (this was a while ago). since tanks and mechs are basically the same thing i might be a big MW fan but i have never really like MWO the same with WT its progress/economy seems off it takes to long to upgrade something or you gain xp much faster then money like WT. so i think the best thing about WoT is the progression system and the economy.
LOL SS i love how people just shit on you for your opinion.. i have been following FTR for over a year and i appreciate all the info you give us and your opinions. It makes me mad to see how ungrateful people are for your info. Its not like this is your job you put in alot of work to this site and i appreciate that regardless of your opinion..
unless your an arty player then in that case F**k off… ;)
It will nevery make me stop playing WoT
I like WW2 tanks, im not really a modern war fan.
The only thing that would make me stop playing wot would be: implementing heal shots for arty (WTF this isnt league of legends !), not upgrading graphics effects, visual models, fixing spotting sistem and if they would stop optimising it.
MM is weird, but i got used to it … like arty
I think most people who will play AW have already had some experience with WOT and most of them will play both games :)
It’s not like Obsidian are magicians…they are pretty much just copying WOT after all. Don’t expect much better matchmaking or other miracles. Having a better engine will probably be the biggest advantage AW will have over WOT. However, I don’t think CryEngine 3 will run on the “calculators” WOT runs on. So perhaps AW will have more of an effect on WOT EU servers than on WOT RU servers. We will see.
AW no option for me.
Modern tank warfare is just clicking as you have targeting systems.
they probably make it more sophisticated than Armoured Fist or M1 Tank Platoon back in the day but it this is not what I was looking for entering into WOT.
Actually Warthunder is what I’m striving for but it’s not at the point that I really like to play it.
However it has the gameplay and immersiveness I want in tank action games.
It is a perfect cmpromise between action game and simulation – just its secondary assets are implemented to slowly.
WOT is a nice arcade game – I like watching the tanks and have a large collection of them but while having a quite advanced armor model and of course an entertaining game principle within the arcade style it is not really satisfying me.
Unfortunately their approach to historical modes failed which would be my favourite feature. So I have to wait until WT or anotehr project realizes something pleasing me 100%.
WOT is just a stopgap until that game hits the market or is more complete (as in WT).
Bit late here, but i guess most of you are younger than me, plenty of games have been killed in the past, DOOM was great! but games came after that were better, C&C was awsome, but better games arrived. WOT will as all things, will die…however its up to WG to produce a sequel, TBH similar game play but a new engine would go a long way as it is looking dates already.
you know ive always thought that SS saying WarTunder GF is a failure as his personal Bias. and this article pretty much confirmed that I was right. it didn’t fail as anything. it’s a Tank game with more realistic depictions(Realistic, not 100% realism) and it doesn’t suffer from some of Wots worst flaws(MM/RNG/Pricing issues)
BR System is better than Wots Shitty MM, yes their are issues but for the most part the BR for tanks make some since.
RNG: almost none if I shoot a T-34 thru his Drivers hatch in a Panzer 4 9/10 times I will ammo rack him. it’s nor RNG it’s just how the T-34 was designed.
Better Pricing of premium Vehicles/everything related to the cash shop: it cost about 20 Dollars for the most expensive Premium vehicle.(rank 4)
In terms of a Tank game WTGF is superior to Wot, provided you like WT more realistic tank game play.
As for the wot killer, it’s WG. the World of tanks Free to play monitization isn’t self sufficient. it’s a Niche market(to but Wot in the same universe as WOW is retarded, wot is a ant in comparison) because of WG failure of a monitization WoT has at most 3 years left in the NA server. Wot player retention is lower than the amount of players who leave every month.
IMO War Thunder GF and WoT both currently have a niche. WoT is definitely the better title for esports, while War Thunders better graphics and more logical damage system regarding how a tank is destroyed and how the gun mechanics work make it the better enthusiast title. You’ll notice I’m avoiding saying sim with regards to War Thunder GF and thats on purpose. While its more realistic in a sense compared to WoT, its by no means a sim. If any game is close, its Red Orchestra. Back to my point, both WoT and War Thunder GF have a place in the gaming market, and I feel like it will be the same for AW. Some people are going to not be a fan of the more modern tanks and equipment, and like the relatively simplistic setup that WWII/Cold era tanks used. Some people are going to like their games more for graphics and go for War Thunder. Some people will LOVE that AW has modern tanks and armored cars and dedicate their time to that. Personally I think their all great titles (may change when i get to play AW) and that theres enough room for them all to coexist in the gaming market as it is.
AW might be better or not. I’ll play both titles (Even thought I prefer mid-20th century military vehicles) because I love both mid-20th century and modern tanks and planes.
Let’s hope that WoT graphics are going to improve.
Some thing just don’t work with realistic and arcady mechanics. Planes work well with realistic mechanics ,but not with arcady mechanics. Same with tanks. Tanks works decently with realistic mechanics ,but not as much arcady mechanics.
Maybe warships will work good with both mechanics.
WoT success says otherwise
AW are dirty capitalists so they should do a better job.Cant whait for all that truckloads of money go out of WoT into AW! Click on that you arty loving WG fuckers!!!
wt gf a fucking epic fail. i say as lvl90 pilot. wowp fail too. wows is simply boring. if aw has good mm it will be wot killer(ofc all other sides must be copy)
Only the Sith deal in absolutes.
In all seriousness AW certainly can kill WoT in the US/NA. That is entirely in the realm of possibility. (RU, not so much; maybe in a parallel universe in the show Sliders)
I’m to old and to much of a commie to give a shit about belly aching over which game is “Better” if you like one game play it, if you like the other play that, if you like both, play both, why does it have to be about one game “killing” the other, can’t they both be good?
Here’s what I will say, they are not direct competitors as they do not occupy the same niche. AW is based on Modern Tank Warfare which drastically moves away from WWII-Cold War Tank doctrines and designs. They are however are indirect competitors as they compete to occupy the player’s time and money like all video games do.
AW is being done by Obsidian and will mainly target the Western playerbase, while Mail.ru who helps fund the game will do publishing for the Eastern playerbase.
As a result the philosophy and game design of the game will be more oriented to that of Western fanbase rather than for Russians that World of Tanks is.
As a player who has gotten tired of the flaws in World of Tanks along with the developer’s attitude and greed toward the playerbase, I am highly looking forward to Armored Warfare.
i cant wait AW release . im a wot player from 2 yrs, sub.average level ( 16 k batels ) and my opinion its this : wot have become a boring game ( i play WT 4-5 hours with interes , even with his bad points , but i strugle to make x2 for my 10 tanks in wot and often i cant do it for all and close the game , special when i see tomatoes with 2k batels , 45% wr and driving an is7 or e100 . or idiots who scream help evey 5 seconds even if half the team its right behind him in lemmings train .or bots standing all game in same place , only the turret rotating all time and return fire with the back at the enemy ( still not moving 1 meter). thats what make wot unplayble and make you wanna exit game and never return.
wowp – big fail
wt- not beter than wot but they really work on him and it WILL be beter in short time
wows- for now , absolute boring…maybe carriers will change that ( not bet on it)
aw- the new hope for a decent tank batels game . if they learn from all existed games and avoid the bad things , it will be for sure wot killer.
wot- a game that his period of glory its at the end. they have no ideas to make it atractive ( becouse they are more preocupied with moneygrab tricks ) , to many phantom and unreal tanks in the game ( when the world have hundrets of tanks we dont see here) ,.
prediction – on AW release , we will see many many acounts sell anouncements:)
ps- sorry for my poor english .
Try to play in a clan and then arrange platoons with your mates, it helps a lot in those random matches, the game is much better when played that way. I see a lot of avg players coming to our clan and getting better in no time.
I can tell you exactly what will have the biggest influence of letting WoT slowly die one day.. its this fucking powerful (+/- 25%) RNG that trolls and fools the Players every Day. It’s just there to manipulate the Game in terms of WR and tries to artificially spread the feeling of Success among players regardless of Skill. This method is probably to develop on a psychological Basis that (statistically) as many Players stick with the Game as possible. And more Players means automatically a larger probability of having paying Customers, and many Gold Features are nothing else than to improve ones RNG (higher Penetration thereshold, better Accuracy penalties etc).
People do not like to be fooled, cos people are less stupid than some arrogant Developpers think out there on the Market. Dont fuck with the Players around, and you have a quite good garant, that they will stick with you.
If you just try to optimize smth to work better as a Cash-Cow, you will pay the Price one day.. How they manage the Premium Shop in the Recent is quite hilariously obvious. Sadly they probably made enough Money until it will start do deplete.. therefore every Game reaches its Zenith, and falls again.. cos of Greed (and i think WOT has reached it yet, and starts to prepare for going down slowly)! Nothing is just there to entertain the Masses but to earn as much as possible… just Business
Before I say anything let me say this. I’ve played a fair amount of both WT (both AF and GF), and WT. I’ve logged 11k battles on WoT over the past 2 or 2 1/2 years. I’ve logged 300 or so hours on WT according to Steam. I’ve played much more WoT and while it’s been fun I don’t get the same enjoyment out of it. After virtually getting 4 tier 10s (I have the M48 and FV4202 unlocked, the T110E5, and I’ve almost got the T57 heavy) I just find the game much to grindy. Obviously shelling out I could unlock more tanks but I don’t spend money on F2P games, I just don’t. WoT is a good game in its own right but no longer for me, I’ll play it every now and then, usually jump in my Chafee because it’s OP and I can destroy all the tier 6 scrubbies :3. I just find that I am usually raging more instead of finding enjoyment. WT on the other hand is a good game in its own right as well. I like the more realistic (then WoT) shell penetration. I like that tanks are harder to drive e.g. turning at low speed is a pain. I don’t care if I get killed with one shot because I have 4 other tanks I can drive. Plus I can one shot other tanks if I hit them in the right spot. I don’t care if I loose because I’m never low on money, even playing my tier 4 German tanks, I’m always making money (could be because I usually do so well and I’m top 5 if not top almost every game). I don’t care about lossing because I don’t even know where my stats are to check my WR. There are no stat whores saying, “another shit team, we’re going to loose” 5 seconds in. Yes its collision is wonky, yes it is lacking variety in tanks. Yes arcade spotting is ridiculously retarded. E.g. Chaffee (or a low profile TD/scout) is on the opposite side of the map with a fuckton of concealment between you and the enemy. They still spot you and 20 seconds in you’re dead. Amidst all its issues I’ve seen actual improvement, unlike in WoT. Will AW be a WoT killer? Probably not but I think if they just copy WoT, make it pretty and throw some modern combat vehicles, it will (hopefully) light a fire under WG (and Gaigin) to up the effort. Only we the players are the ones who gain in this situation. Who cares what you play, play all three I’d you like. As long as you enjoy it, thats all that matters. Which is why I seldom play WoT anymore, no enjoyment.
Another thing about WT, UI is NOT new user friendly. The stats on the profile page don’t make any sense. Lots of improvement to be done with the UI.
You are right, WG was smart exposing players’ stats for people like XVM, originally it generated a lot of competition and drove many players into the premium land and so on. But it is definitively a killing aspect of the game and it brings a lot of bad things from players and clans.
In WoT some MODs are OP and certainly illegal. In Stronghold, playing tier 6 and 8, it seems there are a lot of teams using a MOD that detects movement and displays it on the mini-map. How popular is this MOD? I am not sure but we have seen some weird battles and I wonder if WG could do something about it.
Not only Mods.. also powerful Cheats like Warpack are quite common nowadays i think! And WGN does a shit about it.. they dont even care, as long the cash flows.. GG
lok at this gameplay of AW , …lok at real world tanks , lok at the missions and objects on the map and tell me that WOT its not loking dump and dusty compared to AW .:)
Sometimes I eat Asian food, sometimes I eat Mexican food. Weird combo, but I’m a Japanese/American Army brat that lives in Texas. Perhaps a French/Italian dynamic is in order for you Euros….but I digress.
So-called realism is always a ridiculous argument to me (when used to discredit a similar game). Unless they think you can repair detracted tracks in ten seconds you just can’t throw down the realism card. I don’t have time for two video games. One is enough to suck up more of my free time than I’m ashamed to admit. Right now WOT is like my woman. I’m happy with her so why play around? Perhaps a day will come and I’m not happy. Perhaps I find a better girl. Perhaps I don’t. Right now I don’t care if the grass is greener….I like my bushes.
Provided WoT is continually updated and improved in all areas and development isn’t allowed to stagnate, there is no reason for the game to lose it’s appeal. It’s up to Wargaming, if they make the right decisions it will go on being their cash cow. If they don’t players will leave and new players won’t come and the game will die out.
a thing is sure: a game which tries to be different from the first game of it’s type (see WoT-the first, pretty good but frustrating sometimes, and WarThunder GF- fail, BUT, see WarThunder with planes, first <> and World of Warplanes- EPIC fail). So, i belive World of Warships will be ok, and if WT will try to be different from WG again, like how it happened to the GF, they will make their game even crappier.
Did anyone understand what i said here?
The problem with Wot is the devs dont listen to the player base, especially the European player base, we are not important just money for development. the one thing the devs have forgotten is “The Customer Is King”, not the shareholders, that will be WOT’s downfall.
They still listen to you more than the North American playerbase, by far. So far I can say for a fact that the Armored Warfare devs are much more open to criticism than both WG and Gaijin.