
Not much today. Storm is asking for feedback on the issue of how dynamic and fun the game is. It’s sort of hard to translate, because Russian has a term for it (BTR – bodroye tankovoye rubilovo), but you get what I mean, right?

- a player proposed that hitting “weird” places (like rangefinder, the E-100 roof, hatches etc.) should not cause damage to tanks, Storm states that this is a bad idea, as it would only cause more gold ammo to be used, which is not something WG wants
- Storm is not connected with the 8-bit mode development
- regarding SerB’s idea to have arty heal allies with shots even on April 1st, Evilly states that it’s too much to release it on live server, even for a day (SS: Evilly probably has not played World of Warcraft during the zombie invasion, best online event ever)
- apparently, WG is working on a concept of multiple support classes for the PvE mode, one of which is a healer (SS: and the other might be something replenishing ammunition). It’s not sure (decided) if this will appear on regular servers, another variant is some sort of base, where you could repair and replenish ammo
- WG is working on improving the bot AI as well

69 thoughts on “7.1.2015

  1. BTR – bodroye tankovoye rubilovo.
    Translation: ACTION!
    EU doesnt have such term but its all about tank action.

    • Say what? That Panther in tutorial is class 69 AI. IT MOVES!
      Also – maybe WG just downloaded bot and copied its code?

      • “healing” and Ammo replenishment i could see being implemented, like a repair bay where you’d have to drive in order to get repaired and rearmed, like Battlefields up to 2142 (with supply crates)

        • I was thinking along the lines of supply trucks, which can repair/rearm you…
          Nation Specific? Matadors for UK, Studebakers for US, ZiS for USSR…

  2. - a player proposed that hitting “weird” places (like rangefinder, the E-100 roof, hatches etc.) should not cause damage to tanks, Storm states that this is a bad idea, as it would only cause more gold ammo to be used, which is not something WG wants

    Oh yes they want more gold ammo to be used, more gold ammo used more money for them

      • Just balance the penetration values for premium shells – give them penetration from the next tier, not from the ass…
        Like those new midtier Brits – 128 regular – 149 gold, 143 regular – 171 gold etc. Problem solved.
        People use less gold – now the main reason is laziness – “oh look, 330 pen HEAT, why to outflank that E75 while I can smash through its turret?”

      • Yea. I was playing once with an event account. I had more gold than credits there so I loaded full apcr and paid for it with gold. Then I converted 20k gold to credits cause why not.

    • some players are incredibly stupid and ignorant about all things, not to mention anything remotely related to tanks, and want simple things you know, like back in preschool.

    • The fact that your tank has a health bar doesn’t disturb you but healing does? You know this is a game right?

      Anyway I think its a logical inclusion in PvE. I guess it would work similar to Planetside 2′s support vehicles.

      • a support tank or base to reload and resupply at, sounds like a great idea. could be related to strong holds even…..supports tanks COULD be a whole new tank tree

    • more like repairing! much as WT!
      healing is an incorrect word,
      but resupplying consumables would also be nice!
      or healing tank crew!

      • We could have one of those BergerenTiger (spelling) like on CoH 1, a tank with only repair capabilities and unable to defend itself (maybe ramming)

  3. - a player proposed that hitting “weird” places (like rangefinder, the E-100 roof, hatches etc.) should not cause damage to tanks, Storm states that this is a bad idea, as it would only cause more gold ammo to be used, which is not something WG wants.

    I would love to see T29′s ears having a hitbox.

      • That made the T29 one of the easiest tanks to kill on its own tier, the ears are huge.

        • I remember when I started playing WoT: “WHY THE FUCK I DIDNT DMG THAT HUGEASS T29 (i was in a pz4 with Schmallturm ) AND DIDNT PEN HIS FRONT ARMOR! THOSE EARS *rageragerage* “

        • ..and even after it was fixed, you could still read in the forums for a long time how you should always roll with the stock turret (no ears).

  4. - a player proposed that hitting “weird” places (like rangefinder, the E-100 roof, hatches etc.) should not cause damage to tanks, Storm states that this is a bad idea, as it would only cause more gold ammo to be used, which is not something WG wants.

    While the idea itself kinda makes sense, it would make T9, but mostly T10 unplayable.

    • see what i posted two posts below, kinda of a “best of both worlds” solution

  5. every map needs more long range crossfires especially into cities to make it funner tbh, like himmels or ensk where I can remain camoed and get long range side shots, or enemy won’t hit as they’re not focusing on me. This would improve fun of mediums and some other fast tanks wnd make maps have more viability for different classes.

  6. a player proposed that hitting “weird” places (like rangefinder, the E-100 roof, hatches etc.) should not cause damage to tanks, Storm states that this is a bad idea, as it would only cause more gold ammo to be used, which is not something WG wants

    For me there’s ONE solution to this to appease both sides

    give that specific weakspot a set amount of hitpoints (Say, the 110E5′s cupola has like, 1200 of the tanks 2200 HP) so focused fire on that spot eventually destroys it (MUST have a visual telltale, like burnout or deformation) but any further shots on that region causes 0 dmg, (on the cited example, a E5 that gets shot only on the cupola gets downed to 1000 HP, and a permanently disabled commander (beyond medpacks) to further impart penalties) perhaps enable, as a side effect, repair kits repair the damaged modules for 25% HP of the original module, without restoring the tanks HP itself (so, the aforemented E5 recovers its cupola (and commander, a tough choice) with 480 hp), the downside of being able to be damaged further on that spot is balanced by the recovery of the perma-destroyed module it correspond to (on E5′s case again, recovery of the commander)

    • Devs answer: “That would confuse players”.

      You’re not the first and not the last to come up with such idea.

    • With havoc it would be very possible for destroyed parts of the tank to get deformed or fall off entirely.

      • Just what I was thinking.

        The weak spot randomly not being a weak spot anymore: that, I can agree with WG, would confuse players.

        On the other hand, the weak spot taking enough damage (or failing a saving throw like crewmembers have) and then *flying off* so it can no longer be targeted…that should be fine. Being visibly damaged isn’t enough; the part needs to be removed entirely from both the visual and damage model.

        The only real issue is that some tanks are balanced around having having things like, say, weak cupolas, and become much tougher with them removed. You go from being barely able to hurt something like a hull-down t29/variants, ST-I, etc to not being able to hurt it at all after several shots, which causes what WG has said they don’t want: people switching to gold to drill through the mantle or surrounding face instead.

  7. silentstalker wouldnt it be good to have 2km X 2km maps where you can have ammo and repairing trucks and mission is to defend city against attackers?
    Or a conway mission eh? tier limit is 7 etc

  8. All thought of before but us peasant folk must not intrude and waste the time of the brilliant WOT developers.
    usual comments from up the chain of command:

    We are the World of tanks development team we thought of these ideas long ago and decided the player base is far to stupid to figure it out. So in our usual decadence we thumb our noses at you, and flip you the middle finger. For without us you have no game. So shut up and keep paying us in American dollars.

    • all the crying about arty, making ONLY Russian tanks stronger, buffing them for “balance” makes things less dynamic and fun. make arty stronger to keep the heavies from camping and FORCE them to MOVE, MAKE the light hunt down the arty. heavies are too scared to cross a field, and they should be scared of TD’s and arty. I’m really sick of all the arty hate, it’s not perfect, but it’s in the game. all the rage & tears about it makes people sound like children

  9. Storm wants feedback? Well here goes, The game is not much fun atm and it’s down to the matchmaker 1st 2nd and last. Wargaming do their best to distance themselves from XVM but anybody who plays this game alot knows that a sub 40% chance to win game is a loss 9 times out of ten, getting 4 or 5 of these games in a row leaves you frustrated, pissed off, angry and wanting to put your fist through the monitor, not much in the way of fun. Then you get sub 30% chance to win games, what is the bloody point in that?

    Put this together with the stupid system where if you are actually doing well the system tries to make the game more “challenging” for you, or as most of us think, screw with you and you have a recipe for no fun at all.

    All we really want is a fair game, where we have a fair chance to win, playing games where you have NO chance to win at all is pointless and frustrating. Sure, there are those very rare occasions where you can pull of the impossible, but they are ultra rare.

    Full skill based MM is not necessary, a system that doesn’t put all the green players on one side and all the red players on the other is all that is needed, unless of course WG are doing that on purpose as a way with screwing with players that are doing too well?

    • Yea :/ Its nearly impossible to win a 43% (although I had a battle where we lost only 3 tanks (including me at the very end due to sneaky su-101). Twas a rape ;)
      But a 3x%? Fuck no never.

      • 36% chance to win is some sort of magic number… always seem to have great one way wins when the chance is 36%, dun ask me why, its just that percentage.

    • Yeah, I would love to be able to sit in the queue for 1 minute or more, get into a battle and find out that the best player on my team is a statpadder who is camping in the back with his heavy tank farming wn8. That would be awesome. Yeah no. Just turn off a third party metric that you people worship so much and you’ll do fine. Also, if the MM keeps putting all greens on one side, and all the reds on the other side, you shouldnt complain because youre either green and so you are always with all the greens, or you are red in which case learn2play scrub.

      • I am neither thanks very much, I’m a yellow player and although far from brilliant I can hold my own, but when you find yourself on a team where you are the only yellow player or there are only two of you and the rest of the team is red vs. a team with 5-6 green players then there is very little hope. I don’t care how good you are, you cannot beat those odds. On a side note you are really a very big hard man insulting people on the internet ain’t ya? I wonder how confrontational you are in person? Your probably about 12 and weigh in at 6 stone.

        • Being a yellow player doesnt qualify you to complain about MM since you cant carry other players. Holding your own isnt enough in this game, it just isnt the way this game works. What you should try to do is, instead of whining about MM, get better at the game so that you are one of the people you fear. I could be whining about the unicums on the enemy team, but instead I try to improve so that I can fight them without fear. On a side note, I didnt insult you anywhere in my post. If you are reffering to the scrub part, I only said you are a scrub if you are red. And if you were indeed red, you being a scrub wouldnt be an insult, it would be a fact. And really, you go and take my age and internet balls as your defense. Well FYI Im not 12, Im 15 and I am pretty confrontational IRL because I aint the kind of person to sit silent and be bossed around. That ends my detour. And as a side note I see you didnt say anything about the queue time that would result because of skill based MM

    • Turn chances off. Problem solved. It’s just a part of the frustration, like sh!t, enemies have unicum, we just have two 1600wn. Omg, enemies have three more TDs :O Five battles in a row and never top tier :(. When you are paying attention to these details and finding reasons/excuses for defeat before battle even starts instead of evaluating advantages just stop playing for few hours.
      System is perfectly fair as it is. Just realize that 50 battles with either 43% or 65% win rate is normal, cause you cant judge anything from such a small sample and you cant have 53-55% win rate every day.

  10. - regarding SerB’s idea to have arty heal allies with shots even on April 1st, Evilly states that it’s too much to release it on live server, even for a day (SS: Evilly probably has not played World of Warcraft during the zombie invasion, best online event ever)

    so, SS… how often exactly would you want to be teamkilled by arty on 2. april and the days after?

  11. Maybe its just me… but the idea of Healing… im just not so sure about. Maybe its because everyone is using the word “healing” rather than “repairing” and maybe because the idea is coming from bullets that heal allies.

    If that was how it was implemented, a tank that fires bullets at friendlies and “heals” them…. i may just lose the small shred of respect WG holds in my noggin.

    They buff tanks and nerf tanks with the excuse of historical accuracy, but think magical f’ing healing bullets would be ok?

    A repair station on the map, or a light fast tank with an engineer crew which can park up by an ally and repair them overtime, that would be fine… not magical healing bullets, we arent playing TF2, we are playing WoT. We all know its an arcade, and not realistic, but c’mon… there has to be a line, especially for a company that boasts such historical accuracy whilst pulling a drape over the WT E100 etc

    • HP = Hitpoints
      Healing = restore HP

      Get over it, it just describes the process, no fancy medic/Healer shit mentioned.

      And yes, repair stations or Bergepanzer or sth like that would work, It worked in Sudden Strike and Blitzkrieg, Codename Panzers and nobody complained about it….

      • Sudden Strike… best RTS ever made to this day, BUT WoT isn’t a RTS and I don’t want to depend on a siemka playing on public wifi to get his ass over here and fix my track, maybe for a PvE mode in clan/organised play but in randoms no way.

  12. - a player proposed that hitting “weird” places (like rangefinder, the E-100 roof, hatches etc.) should not cause damage to tanks, Storm states that this is a bad idea, as it would only cause more gold ammo to be used, which is not something WG wants

    well this is already true… the t29′s rangefinders (ears) can only damage the observation device… they do not actually take any damage.