Support of Chieftain’s Hatch on EU Server Discontinued

Hello everyone,

I am sure many of you know and like the American server’s video series, “Chieftain’s Hatch”, where The_Chieftain, history specialist and former tanker himself, introduces various armored vehicles (last time, it was the IS-7). These videos are more detailed, longer and more accurate than Challanger’s and as such, Chieftain gained quite a fanbase and rightfully so.

His videos are in English and they run with subtitles in various EU languages (Polish, Czech, German etc.), with the Russian server having its own mutation (overdubbed in Russian). Well, they DID have the subtitles, until now. The latest IS-7 Hatch came out without the EU subtitles and some guys (now I am talking about the Czech section, although I am sure he has fans in Poland, Germany and everywhere else as well) were asking, why is that.

Well, it’s because WG EU is lazy as fuck as usual decided to discontinue making subtitles for the series according to WG staff (in Czech), as, and I quote, “it’s for NA server only”. As such, the IS-7 video will not recieve subtitles anymore either.

Naturally, I dug into this (even before this statement) a bit. Basically, the main decision was to prefer Challenger’s format of short videos, as they apparently are watched more due to the fact they are shorter (nevermind the fact they generally don’t go beyond wikipedia extent).

Oh well. English it is, I guess.

87 thoughts on “Support of Chieftain’s Hatch on EU Server Discontinued

  1. Challenger is an ignorant that barely knows anything about the tanks he serviced in and knows nothing about tanks history besides wikipedia level.

    Richard “Challenger” Cutland is a charlatan hired by WG to say they have an experienced real life tanker supporting them…he was a poor choice by WG.

    If you ever meet him in real life, like I did at least twice in Gamescom 2013 and 2014, you will understand what I am saying.

    • I met him on CD-Action Expo in Poland in 2014 – he was charming, very friendly and nice to talk person. I like his videos (as well as Cheiftain’s).

      So… I don’t know what You do not like about him.

    • wow, scarred in childhood or something?

      show us on this doll where the bad man touched you

    • I have met the challenger at Tankfest a few times and GamesCom and interviewed him for an article I was writing. He was humours and extremely knowledgeable. His service on tanks was 30 years considerably more than the chieftain and in the regular army I believe the chieftain is in the National Guard (perhaps I am mistaken there) and he taught at the Gunnery School in the UK plus was an armoured tactics teacher for the army. He has far more service experience on tanks than the Chieftain and has been to war in them so i have to laugh when people make comment, please tell us how many times you have been to war on a tank ?He has also lectured at military establishments on the subject of tank tactics.Personally, and its all personal, i prefer his videos and find him less arrogant than the other guy, but that’s just my very personal opinion. The videos are more interesting as I love the historical content. He has a massive following in the EU. So each to there own but what’s stopping you watching the videos from both, I do !! By the way when I interviewed him he spoke extremely highly of the Chieftain so perhaps people should stop comparing as to me it appears they are friends. Just my opinion thats all.

  2. Everybody hold on, let’s hear what Woras has to say which one is better and why.

      • While your English skills amaze the world…I can assure you a lot of “idiots” here “know” English quite well, because your career options are quite limited without it. In fact, nearly every person here (Czech rep.) learned some foreign language (English, German, Russian [mainly before 1990]), not that everyone masters it though…
        How many languages do you speak, smartass?

  3. What a shame, Chieftain series are way better than Challenger ones in every aspect. In fact, i had the dream that some day the six episode special about the tiger would be remade with him and not that boring, uninsteresting and depassionate guy.

    The english subtitles will be available at least? I never used my specific language due to missing and incorrect information, but the english ones are handy to catch every detail when english is not your native lang.

  4. I prefer Chieftain personally. I like his presentation style better, and he goes much more indepth on the actual tank itself. I do like that Challenger puts in some historical background.

    Ow well, good thing I can understand english

  5. Good thing most people can speak English. And if they can’t, well, time to learn. ;)

  6. No big deal, just subscribe to both their channels on YouTube. Subtitles? Well for a multi language team in the Paris office. No surprises there, perhaps it interferes with their “short” lunch breaks?

  7. I never upvoted the Wargaming EU version anyway, just the Chieftan’s own channel… ..|._:D_.|.. wargaming eu community guys…

  8. Considering just how good his videos are (yes, i like them alot so i am biased) i find it odd why they wouldnt support them in any way they can? Wouldnt stuff like this (as in: his videos) help drum up support for/interest in the game?

  9. I simply can not stand Challenger’s voice, or the manner of speaking. Either way, it’s annoying to listen to him, regardless of the quality of the information.

    Chieftain presents his stuff so much better and in very entertaining way. If anything they should drop Challenger and go full time Chieftain.

    • WG NA is practically a different company to WG EU. I wouldn’t be surprised that EU was pissed off about the ‘NA guy’ being used for /their/ region.

      • But he’s way better. And if he’s doing stuff for NA, then EU could practically “borrow” his material at no extra cost (well, apart from translation, for those who need it).

        • No subtitles might not be a big deal per se, but it sounds like WG EU are jealous/annoyed that Chieftain makes better vids than their tanker “expert”.
          If for one see no reason to watch vids that teach me next to nothing new, so why waste time with Challenger vids.
          Not only does Chieftain vids hold a lot of information, he’s got humour, charm and he sounds…genuine! The Chieftains use of personal experiences tied into the narrative is a contributing factor, whilst the Challenger seems to be reading a script only.
          (yeah, I’m sure he’s a nice guy IRL, but that’s not really relevant).

          • He may be a nice guy indeed. But he’s not suitable for what he does.

            I guess there are many very bad actors / presenters out there who may be very nice people to talk to, but who also suck hard trying to play their roles.

            Just because they can do something doesn’t mean they should.

    • My point exactly as I prefer the Challengers voice and the way he presents and dislike that wierd Irish accent as its clear each to there own i guess.

  10. I quite like the Chieftain’s videos, but I never used subtitles anyway, so it’s not a problem for me. Still… WG EU as usual.

  11. Pingback: Chieftain končí na evropském serveru

  12. While I couldn’t care less if there were sub titles or not – I don’t like the attitude behind this course of action. WG should be the same company profile and performance everywhere.
    This is just weak corporate communication and it won’t add to their reputation – at least not in my book and I still am of a generation fond of values.

    • A lot of people … specially over 30 … and there a lot of players over 30 that spend good money in this game … which supports all the young players playing for free

    • The game’s large part of the target audience is “dads”, adult people with families, playing WoT as slower paced shooter. Older generations grew in the world where English wasn’t as important as it is nowadays and there is many people out there who did not learn it enough to be able to use it effectively. Due to work and family duties it is unlikely they could find spare time to invest into learning English, regardless of it’s growing usability in the modern world.

  13. Lucky i understand english very good ( can’t write it good enough do ). But I never use my own languge ( swedish ) in wot or when using other non swedish forums.

    And you only need to use english in europe to comminicate with 95% of the eu population. So no subtitles is needed for me.

    Make one world language ( english ) so everyone will understand each other :) problem solved for the future of mankind.

  14. Unlike many people here seem to think, as easy as English can be compared to other languages, and even though most people around here seem to have a pretty good level, you can’t expect each and every person in the world to learn it. Calling those who can’t/don’t have spare time to learn a whole new language “retards” like Xensation did is… pretty retarded. -_-

  15. English speaking countries won the 2 largest wars over the last 100 years…so, everyone had to learn their language, the language of the victors. It has been always like that since the dawn of times…victors always impose their language and culture.

    Of all the countries aspiring to have their language spoken by more people I really pitty the germans…when you lose wars twice in a row you should just remain in your own corner.

    • There a lot of people in EU that speaks german — around 120 mill in EU countries alone –, I would not worry about them, they are doing quite well.

      • LOL…outside Europe no one speaks german…

        And discounting the 82 million germans you have not much left…only the countries sucking the milk from the german cow.

    • Part of this is true. The colonial history also was a big influence. And don’t forget how forgiving and simple the language is. That’s what decided me to dedicate some time learning it, years ago.

      • German is spoken like a medieval language. Germany is a country only since 1871…less than 150 years german speaking peoples used the language (before being a nation) as a vehicle of traditional values and the language itself just cristalized as an outdated form of expression.

        English is much simpler, always evolved and adapted, becoming the universal language after the 20th century world wars.

          • At this time English is the most spoken language in the world. Of course that will change in the future but for now it is the closest there is to an universal language.

        • I haven’t read such uneducated stuff for some time….or wait I see it everyday in WoT.

          While people might dislike german for various reasons (-> difficult to learn / / different sound / dislike for everything german in general due to the past or other nationalist issues) the language itself is no way medival.
          It is modern, it is very precise it is one of the most modular and adaptive languages.
          I admit it has its complicated not always consistent grammar….like most grown languages.

          It has had a long tradition and evolution. It was valued when german culture had been an important centre for literature, philosophy and science.
          While I understand that the reputation of germans or german culture is tainted due to the recent past and fears connected let us not forget that this is not the only german heritage. This includes the language.

          Why english language has to adapt words like “Menschlich, Zeitgeist” and the like? Beause the language has teh best definition for these terms and it is on point.
          German language also adapts many words of other languages – it is a very adaptive and creative language for those understanding it.
          regarding a language being out of date – well. You can have modern conversations in latin even though – aside from natural and medical science – is deemd a dead language….

          It is always a matter of point of views and of the power of understandign a language and actually use it. A lot of my countrymen even don’t understand their own language and don’t use it correctly. And as I have heard from native speakers of a caln I have been member a decade ago that is even the case regarding the so simple english language.

          I am not saying people have to be fond of german or germany but it earns the same respect as any other language on the planet.
          I know we have these narrow minded people in all countries and of course also in germans who join up in in to the “klingons” bandwagon on WOT servers.
          But … maybe people are just people. And maybe people overcome their prejudices and try to at least pay respect – at least for the people no matter of their origin and tounge.

          To the topic and your last paragraph.
          english is easy to get into but hard to master! It is like a game – like WoT.
          You have a quick and easy entry but the earning curve is getting steeper if you really want to get into it. It has the largest vocabulary of all languages if I remember correctly. One word may have a dozen or more different meanings depending on context – something most illiterate non-native speakers never recognize.
          However it is indeed very easy to use to inter-communicate in the western world. But western world is just a part of the world and we westerners should not make the mistake to believe we’re the center just because we have undeniable influence.

          A lot of people thought of themselves and their culture being superior…..
          just think about it – the pattern repeats and there is no society not corrupted by this thought patterns and ideologies. There is fascist thinking in all of us if you are going meticulous about it. We see it every day on servers and it begins with the principle “Those are noob but I am right in my doing”.


          Back to Challenger and Chieftain. Btw I sometimes mix up their nicks.

          As in movie world americans probably due to their culture and self-conception have a gift of a certain entertainment and welcoming appearance. Not trying to push the chieftain in the hollwood corner regarding contence – I mean the way of presentation.
          I define it as a common quality due to the fact that I have this feeling reading a lot of ofrums with us american participants largely showing this kind of ease in their communication.

          I watch both and of course there is a difference, the most obvious being the accent of Mr. Cuttland. However I think his presentation doesn’t suffer from it.
          It is just different.
          As for the technical issues and expertise. There is probably a difference but I feel a certain bias in the writing of the blog’s owner it artificially widening the gap between those two gentlemen a bit.
          Still I have also the feeling that there is something wrong in WG’s practice of how the company and its regional bureaus are (not) synchronized in content and policy. In my eyes these discrepancies leave WG as a whole body to appear unserious and arbitrary. there seems to be no underlying general concept and why I understand that there have to be regional differences to be accomodated I can’t understand how this is allowed to harm the perception of a consistent corporate communication as I claimed earlier.

          • You sir have nailed it, its apparent that this blogs owner has a vendetta against the EU full stop, I imagine the Challenger has probably not bowed to SS like the Chieftain hence this and lets face it, the majority on here will follow like ducks.

  16. There aren’t that many Europeans (Russians excluded) in the gaming age range that don’t have a rudimentary understanding of English such that they can’t get the general gist of what Chieftain is saying. Russia has always purposefully isolated herself, but outside of that English has – for better or for worse (and as a native English speaker, I hate that I have almost no opportunities to practice my other languages) – become the common interchange language of the world. Blame the Americans, but that’s how it is.

    • The gaming age for WoT is actually quite high. It’s not just school kids playing it but also many adults.

  17. Chieftains videos are far superior to Challengers ones. He goes into more detail, he shows everything from his perspective too.

    Also Chieftain is more charismatic than Challenger in the videos with a better less stilted delivery.

    • I also preffer Chieftain, he’s got more charisma and confidence in front of the camera. Challenger always looks somewhat stiff and like he’s uncomfortable in front of the camera.

  18. The sad truth is that probably Richard “Challenger” Cutland was feeling outclassed by Chieftain and went to Victor Kislyi crying and demanding that if he is EU real tanker representative he shouldnt be ashamed by Chieftain much better performance.

    “-Victorrrrrr, Victorrrrr….please kick this Chieftain from EU, let me be the only one telling crap to the capitalistic europeans…I only have EU…buaaaaa…and he has US and EU!!! I want EU just for me!!!!…..buaaaaaa.”

  19. Oh, Ketankis… this girl is kind of prototype of worst community staff possible.

    She just doesn’t know. She doesn’t know ANYTHING. AT. ALL. And the worst part is she covers her utter (and for someone who is supposed to comunicate with player community also unforgivable) ignorance by blurting out random stuff she just made out and/or by being just plain arrogant. That is, when she decides to even show up.

    I hope other national forums of EU have better comms, i sincerely do for you PL/ENG/GER/FR/whatever other guys’s sake…

  20. “to prefer Challenger’s format of short videos, as they apparently are watched more due to the fact they are shorter”

    Unfortunately his videos are not nearly as informative or entertaining as the not so little Irish feller.

  21. “Well, it’s because WG EU is lazy as fuck as usual decided to discontinue making subtitles for the series”

    I think that also ppl from EU countries are lazy to learn English, that is why we have problem with communication in the game … clusterfu** of languages. If i had to learn to speak English …. so must others.

    But i also give you right about WG EU, that they are lazy to translate … that is why are payed for.

  22. Are they implying they don’t think EU players’ attention span is long enough for Chieftain’s videos?

  23. I have watched a couple of Challenger’s videos and cannot say I dislike him, It is just difficult for me watching him trying to talk.

  24. Woras arrested for running away with hamburger without paying.He s now in prison with no internet access.