- there are no plans to make an “ASAP 2015″ video (SS: video that would show things coming in 2015)
- there will be new content in 2015 however :)
- there will not be a video about new motion physics either. Storm said that it’s completely pointless to make one, because noone will understand the new physics from a video – you have to play with it in order to tell the difference.
- AMX-40 in the future will get a second turret with less armor, but with better gun, a new more powerful engine and will lose a bit of weight. This will come with HD rework.
Tell me more about that AMX 40.
It will now reach 50, one shot KV-1s and bang your sister even if you dont have one.
lol 2
I’m guessing the Somua S 40 turret:
The better gun might just be a buff to the SA37, otherwise I have no idea.
Just give this gun historical penetration (ca 100 mm at 100 metres with APCBC, surely 47 mm Type 1 pen level if not better), remove it from D2 (leave it on B1) make it capable of mounting in AMX 40 first turret (and give AMX ~300 HP engine) – profit.
It’s the first turret that bounces like crazy, second is worse – classic russian mushroom shape but with tumor and 80 mm front – so you can rape it with 100 pen all the time…
But they want to give it even weaker turret (70 mm effective front?!), better engine and better gun (possibly upgraded 75 mm) – might be interesting…
they’ll upgrade it to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMX-40
Duck on steroids.
Orange sauce
Yes please
so a duck buff
Now with orange sauce!, but still dead and eaten.
Don’t you touch the AMX 40 armor thickness/profile, or I’ll bite your ass off WG! That thing bounces shots from tanks two tiers higher! (Maybe that’s why they would touch it..)
Its a buff. Calm your jimmies, sir.
Nvm, misread. Sorry.
ASAP2015 video – cant they just put a link to the 2014 video, it will be pretty much the same stuff.
Epic burn :D
Whoa! It’s already May?! Goddamn this year is going by in a flash!
I think you mean 11.1.2015 :)
Translation: We have no plan for 2015 yet
They have a plan, but like 2014′s plan, it just won’t happen.
“AMX-40 in the future will get a second turret with less armor, but with better gun, a new more powerful engine and will lose a bit of weight. This will come with HD rework.”…
My Answer: Wait Whaaaaat!? This can’t be right :/
Question again: when will new motions will arrive? :D Because I have a deadline for WoT – after that – bye bye forever :D
And you are going to give your account for free to me:)
I need to sell RU one with 13k gold :D
my account might be worth over 5000$ im a spinisch lol and includes the whole chinneze collection 62, 59, and wz111 xD not to mention alot of op tanks like su-76i kv220 pzb2 t7cc,
You can leave right now, no one gives fuck :D Turd
Why you call yourself turd?
- there are no plans to make an “ASAP 2015″ video (SS: video that would show things coming in 2015)
Because they dont want to repeat the 9.0 one, where they did only 3 things
“- AMX-40 in the future will get a second turret with less armor, but with better gun, a new more powerful engine and will lose a bit of weight. This will come with HD rework.”
WG, please, screw up and make The Duck OP as hell. It would be hilarious seeing them dominating the battlefield. :>
Yeah, and replace the engine sound of ducks quacking :D
So they are changing the AMX-40 ?
Obligatory M4A2E4 comment – buff it ffs, nof not the gun/armor/depression then at least give it 600-620 HP (yeah well I know that chances to buff it for a last player that still uses it are 0% but still…)
have u ever tried chi-nu-kai with 400 hp???
At least, dat jap tank have nice gun, that has no need to load gold to penetrate 50% of T5 tanks.
Sherman needs buff hp or gun, thats obvious
I still play my M4A2E4 – I would like it to get some love but I’m scared if WG starts touching it they’ll start selling it. It was our reward for putting up with that wackiness of early MM .. remember almost no tier limits? Good times…
Good times indeed. I’m still using my Sherman and yes it should receive a buff and a HD model.
Hey SS, what about the great rebalance plan?
no news about it since weeks.
What rebalance? By tiers? Yeah, they just nerfed most noticable tanks. No buff the weak.
quack quack motherf*cker
gonna do amazing sealclubbing with HDbuff
no it isnt. But if you prefer here is the imgur link
Remilia Scarlet be clubbin.
And when will the AMX 40 HD rework happen? Soon™
New stuff coming in 2015? Can’t say what? No video’s? Sounds like they are waaaay behind schedule, hitting big problems, and don’t know themselves what can be achieved. However overdue HD models will be touted as “new stuff for 2015″.
Meanwhile they nerf the Achilles gun depression (Historical my arse), royaly screw up the Avenger model, but then buff Soviet gun depression in the name of “Balance”. Or perhaps wargamings maps are contoured so badly in the first place?
Had enough of war gamings “logic” Having more fun in War Thunder, looking forward to AW.
what is wrong with the Avenger’s model
Turret is wrong shape, it is situated on a section of the tank that is raised up ABOVE the engine deck, where as it was actually lower. So WG made a higher turret, stuck it on a raised platform, gave it the wrong running gear, and to top this turd off, the cherry on is top is tier IX match making, with a gun that belongs in tier 6. It was an open topped TD with just a thin metal cage to stop shrapnel/grenades entering, but they modelled it as solid, and reduced its view range. But considering how these wankers made the T18 a TD (it was an SPG), and made the T57 an SPG (It was a TD), nothing surprises me any more.
For the Achilles, they didn’t include the extra welded armour that the British added, they gave it the factory gun stop depression, as that is how it was issued, but the troops took it off giving it -10 gun depression. Factory issue was without crew FFS, and no ammo.
Challenger in WoT basically a Frankenstein of Challenger and Avenger, the two having not only different turrets (both present in game) but also different chassis. Also the louvres on the Avenger turret splinter roof look just ridiculous and are not evidenced in any real life photos. I guess they were just too lazy to model interior of the turret. There is a Russian expression that loosely translates as “we wanted to make things better but the result is the same as usual”.
Russian saying for design: Better is the enemy of good enough.
Another Russian Phrase “We drove around and around for hours until we came to the house of an idiot.”
- there are no plans to make an “ASAP 2015″ video (SS: video that would show things coming in 2015)
Hahahaha, I fucking knew it. After the havoc-desaster and all the other features that were told to be worked on but only ever released by Gaijin in War Thunder (big maps, multiturret, and so forth)…. oh well.
Pingback: 11. 1. 2015
“- AMX-40 in the future will get a second turret with less armor, but with better gun, a new more powerful engine and will lose a bit of weight. This will come with HD rework.”
PointyHairedJedi is going to be sooooooo happy when he sees this.
Amx40 will get turret with less armor but better gun on it.
This tank is special for its armor. Nobody cares about the gun, just buff the engine and give it premium mm and let the fun begin :D
heck only buff the aim time from 2.5sec to 2sec and buff the terrain resistance, possibly more health points.
preferential MM will not be needed.
less work than making a new turret model
AMX-40 will be buffed into this.
anyone else notice that they are slowly getting rid of just about every video series they have?
BRW still there.
true but things like the How to play (insert tank), This is the (insert tank), and that tank collage series just randomly stopped.
” – AMX-40 in the future will get a second turret with less armor, but with better gun, a new more powerful engine and will lose a bit of weight. ”
I always said AMX-40 = stronkest tier4 scout, and people laughed at me like if i was joking.
It is happening. Mark my words peons!
I have a pretty good win rate in it. Which surprised me no end. Just angle, support and use HE. Oh the shock for them, to see their health suddenly reduce!
Here’s the ASAP 2015 non-existent video summary:
- Individual missions (grind, grind, grind and you may get an op russian tank)
- Up to 10 tanks reworked to HD quality (all with bugs. Hurray!)
- Half a new tech tree (new russian branch: Stalin’s balls of steel)
- Havoc
- Dumping Havoc because it’s too buggy
- Two CW campaigns (first one in the summer when people go in vacation; second one in the winter)
- 50 new premium tanks that are exact copies in different configurations of the normal tanks in the tech trees and will be sold with 0.0001% discounts.
- The game will became pay-to-play: 10 € / working day and 15 € / weekend
- New class of tanks: ARV (these vehicles can heal allies and… cast spells)
- Another marathon mission (like the IS-6 and WZ-111 missions) that will grant you a crap tank with the same gun as the others
There will not be a video about new motion physics either.
Storm said that it’s completely pointless to make one, because no-one will understand the new physics from a video – you have to play with it in order to tell the difference.
Yes because we are all to stupid, too much ADHD, and too blind to appreciate things that are told to us in a video.
Translation again from the Russian Developers. “You may notice change in game physics, then again you may not. Only because you are too stupid game players.. Ha Ha Ha so stupid.” “Also if we tell you we change things and we don’t you will think we have.”