
Again, not much today.

Good news for those who are interested in Armored Warfare. Since Jingles already went out with it: first alpha test (extremely limited for only a few hundred invited people, Jingles calls it “technical beta”) starts on 22.1.2015 and yes, there will be a video, by Jingles anyway and possibly some stuff by me. Should be interesting.

- Storm states that the T-34/76 ingame graphic model (tier 5) is made much better than the T-34/85 one
- you need significantly more than three ingame reports for unfair gameplay to be banned
- the only way to give someone WZ-111 as a gift is to pay for that person’s mission tokens
- on Russian WoT forums, some notable players get custom titles (such as “a star of random and forums”). It is not known whether this feature will reach EU.

80 thoughts on “12.1.2015

  1. - on Russian WoT forums, some notable players get custom titles (such as “a star of random and forums”). It is not known whether this feature will reach EU.

    Every time I use the Russian forum and come back to NA forum, I feel like we are using some outdated version of it -.-

  2. - Storm states that the T-34/76 model (tier 5) is made much better than the T-34/85 one

    What does this mean? That it was made better than the 85?

  3. - on Russian WoT forums, some notable players get custom titles (such as “a star of random and forums”). It is not known whether this feature will reach EU.

    Woras should get the title: “notorious arty hater”

    • Most of the players and revenue for WG come from Russia, and since WoT features some iconic tanks(t-34) that are the symbol of victory in Russia, I think WG can be pretty safe.

        • They did have more wars, but this was a war where the glorious soviet nations defeated the filthy fascist oppressor and their fascist box tanks.

      • to each his own. leave russians play their S.F.-stronk-soviet tanks. i want a real, well balanced game.

        +/-10% RNG and PvE content is what makes AW superior, imo.

        • Well I think AW will be a good competitor that will motivate WG to improve their game. Personally, I will play both games because I want to play both iconic tanks of the past(tiger,sherman…) and the present(leopard2,t-90….)

          • Wait a minute, WT was also supposed to make WG improve their game, yet they didn’t, WoT is still a smelly (but addictive) piece of shit.

            • The difference is that AW is(gameplay-wise) just a copy of WoT, while adding more features like PvE, while WT:GF was gameplay-wise quite different than WoT, since one is an arcade, and the other is more simulator-oriented.

          • Its possible a lot of imbeciles will switch to better graphics and modern toys and WoT player base will change from “below monkey intelligence” to “caveman”. Hope dies last !

  4. “- on Russian WoT forums, some notable players get custom titles (such as “a star of random and forums”). It is not known whether this feature will reach EU.”

  5. Lol, i JUST got banned for unsportsmanlike conduct. What the heck? Are the number of battles recently played taken into account or is it simply number of reports?

  6. Dayum…I signed into AW beta at the very beginning, hope that I will be invited :P

    But well, knowing my luck I wont (same deal as with Heroes of the Storm – I was signed for beta for looooong long time and well, got nothing)

  7. Pingback: 12. 1. 2014

  8. It would be great if AW is a better game, even just because it might move WG a little to improve WoT, but I would also be amused if somehow it was a train wreck. I love seeing hype get punctured by reality.

  9. Wth? Why is Dingles privy to AW info? I signed on when he was screwing around with space games. Well I guess I was half right, Dingles was not a WG shill and Spiffybaby came out and said he is.