Hello everyone,
Wotleaks published a supertest leak (unconfirmed for now) that patch 0.9.6 might bring the feature of retraining the crews to another role (eg. from radioman to driver).
Edit: confirmed by another source to be present. It’s possible that WG might not choose to implement it, but it’s there.
Such feature. Much work. Wow.
So how about that Havok eh?
I was wondering why such simple feature took so long to work on. I mean they were talking aobut it for more than a year and the idea is around for at least 2 .
Maybe it’s not that simple in BigWorld engine ?
For WG, even the simplest idea took years, who knows why…
I know. BigFuckupWorld :)
I’m pretty sure the reason is that some tanks have e.g. two loaders. Now imagine that you play the tank for 1000 battles, having two elite loaders with tons of skills. Now you sell the tank and move the crew to another vehicle that has only one loader but maybe two gunners.
In this case you’d have to recruit a “fresh” gunner for money or gold, without any skills or train a gunner on another tank and move that one over (he will miss on the other tank though).
So basically, WG makes people invest lots of credits/gold by not allowing to retrain roles. It’s not that it took long to work on, it took long to make the big wigs allow it.
Artificial Game Lenghteners.
We all like long things :]
i hope you’re talking about sausages…
If it was all about money they would have introduced it long ago for gold only.
FK HAVOK … better put this feature into the game… it is much more important then HAVOK
Right on time.
I have already most tanks and full crews.
So if I rebuy some IS I can put leftover crew on it.
Yeeey. -.-
Finally… Now i can retrain million of useless radiomans…
You can make a comm center tank now!
LOL This is the wargaming customer support tank my Name is Anjeesh how may i help you today??..lol
muh sides
Oh…. that sounds awesome! I will finally use my 4 murrican radio operators with 3 skills. May I will have a whole new crew :3
but what they don’t tell you is that it’ll cost twice as to change them…
I think the same
3 something years after beta, GG wg. GEE fucking GEE, this should have been in game since forever
*kicks barracks door open* Time to stop fucking around radiomen !
Slapping each others cock in the barracks is over!
The radiomen are going to war!!
894563746 radiomans like this.
This feature was supposed to be one-two years ago. Along with shitload of other things.
yep but intentionally left off WOT too do list. Because it was far more important to have shit themed garages and other crap that doesn’t matter IN THE GAME!.
So how will this affect game play?
WG will makes loads of extra cash, that’s how…
What about the feature to convert FreeXP to CrewXP? Any info on that, SS?
Was it even planned?
It exists on Chinese server since a few month already.
Damn I hope they never introduce this in other servers. Such a feature is avaiable in War Thunder (love the aerial combat) and it’s so fucking much pay to win I’m disgusted.
Finally my Medium 1′s crew can be below 25% (You can get a 50 crew form AT-15A even if you don’t have it, and put it into Med 1, resulting in a 25% crew)! I wonder what the lowest crew % will be then… 12.5%?
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11/10 radiomans approves.
Also: about bloody time…
Hopefully they will make the 6th sense change at the same time. So the radio men will be useful.
They will wait first few months, so people can spend some gold to retrain radiomen into commanders for the purpose of 6th sense..
Yeah, ofc it would be a Game-Breaking-Factor if one could e.g. retrain a Radioman as a Driver. I ask for this since Years now, cos why should a Crewmember not beeing able learning to drive, if he can fucking cable..?! Totally makes sense… -.-
It’s about f**ing time!!
Let the World of Radiomen begin!
At least I will have now several RU and US tanks with good crews and 3 kilometer radio range ;-P
so many radio operators should get in action again xD