Thanks to Jay for this one.
Hello everyone,
here’s a lovely little exploit for all of you, trying to remain unspotted for the whole battle. It works specifically for the second SPG mission, where you have to remain unspotted the entire battle and do 500 or so damage. Doing the damage is not that hard, getting unspotted throughout the battle is harder. So your team’s folding and you know that soon, enemy tanks will be chasing after you. What can you do?
Drown yourself.
If you drown, you will count as not spotted for the entire battle. You can even drown yourself immediately after you complete the mission criteria just to be safe. And yes, I tested it. My team folded right before:
This is how it ended:
But I got the mission reward anyway, because I drowned :)
This is presumed to be a spotting system exploit, so if there are any other “don’t get spotted for the entire duration of mission”, you can likely use this there too.
Thx for making randoms even worse than they are at the moment. :(
was thinking the same thing. on top of that its arty, make them hate arty even more.
but its sad to say these missions are ruining some random battles with people doing stupid shit to finish their mission.
It’s not just arty either. Light tanks are suiciding straight into the enemy to get the spots they need and then dying.
And drowning is no longer just an arty thing. I’m seeing blue and even purple sore losers drown their tanks in battle when losing on NA.
It’s not like arty hasn’t done this since forever.
Really, it didn’t take much thinking about and if it gets arty through the mission in one go instead of taking 10 attempts at hiding in the furthest corner then overall it’s a plus.
I did it without the suicide but I did hide and accept a loss by cap instead.
Yep, this morning: 7 games, 7 defeats, tired of those retarded kids…
It’s not just the kids, average age is around 25 in this game. Players are just bad and good players have gotten bored and are just waiting for other tnk games to appear.
Haven’t started the game since New Year… Not feeling compelled at all and my blood pressure probably got lower in the meantime :)
Bye bye WG, try harder next time. Done with gold spam, noob spam, fantasy plastic R/C toy tanks and all that garbage.
Nice, as if we don’t have enough idiots roaming in randoms, now we have FTR teaching them how to get missions done by drowning…..
Well this is siema heaven after all.
For the Record is slowly turning into For the Retards with all those tips for noobs. :P
That certainly explains your responses.
In 1 of 3 cases you do survive unspotted in an SPG, it is really nothing special. Many of those missions are quite easy with a tier 4-5 tank, others only doable in a tier 8+ tank.
And you’ve never seen an arty drown himself before IMs?! :’D
Great, now everyone is going to be doing this. The missions are not that hard to do if you just play normally ffs.
But it’s not human nature to ignore the missions. You have to be some kind of robot to be aware of the mission objective and not adjust your play to try and achieve it.
This is a bit extreme but it gets it out of the way.
Actually that does not make any difference.
Arty has already drowned himself if feeling being in any kind of danger.
Play normally and get combined 8k damage? Sure… I saw unicums adjusting their play to achieve that objective.
this IM mission is idiotic, some of them are easy other are hard to get, WG add it to Wot to make more money.
They should work at something that is good for play time, for example new crew perks or view range. Becouse now they only add add add new features but dont fix the old one.
“WG add it to Wot to make more money.”
how are they doing more money whit those missions? It’s just free stuff
“They should work at something that is good for play time, for example new crew perks or view range.”
they are actually nerfing the view range in the next patch, and new crew perks? Nah I would prefer new vehicles, new lines. usual stuff that keeps you interested in the game.
HAVOK would be perfect but…yeah 2018 maybe?
Missions are there to keep players playing the same shit game after 4 years of miniscule evolution.
How is WG making money if players are not playing? “Free” stuff is just retarded goal to keep players reaching for it.
For the best players missions are not that hard just platoon like used to and eventually even the harder missions are gone through – they have the right tanks for it already in the garage. For most of the players it will take thousands of battles and grinding for the best available setup. Like heavy mission 15. You can’t really do it with any heavy. Maus or E100 perhaps, E75 would do on low mission.
Grinding equals spending and WG wins.
Yeah, and what is so bad about it? Players wins free stuf, wg wins money. Everybody is happy
or a new game engine!
one more reason for arty to drawn GG.
when they are going to implement the anti-suicide sistem? it was tested in 9.3 right? did they scratch the idea or it’s the usual “ASAP”
Yes, I did it yesterday with my batchat arty. We were going to lose and I decided to try it out, and it worked for me too.
Yes, I do it too :D
OMG tards
Hey WTF i managed this mission the first time finishing with High Caliber, no drawning not spotted.
Also, if you get completely destroyed by the enemy your modules won’t count as damaged or destroyed which is helpful for some missions.
There are quite a few possibilities to mess around with these missions and as they are now they are quite disruptive for the tactical gameplay. What I think would be good is a small bonus in every mission for completing it in a battle that you also won. Like maybe 500 tank XP or crew XP.
On the other side I don’t get all the whining about IM’s. Right now we have the first iteration of them. Of course they’re not perfect. What the hell did everyone expect?! WG will work on it and polish them. (Admittedly WG will most likely need like 2 years for it. -.-)
I suppose that it works even if you suicide?
SS prepare to be banned for using bugs xD
It’s not a bug. If he had been blind shot it would be the same result.
is not a bug, its a feature.
What sort of loser would drown himself to finish a minor mission rather than try and win the battle? Play a couple more and the mission will complete easily.
Why the heck do people want to rush-grind a mission with no bloody time limit=?
I read somewhere (probably here….) that they may have a time limit. It’s just that WG haven’t decided yet.
Well they’ve said there isn’t but there will be new ones at some point.
Still no reason to suicide to possibly get the mission done two battles faster.
Battle is already lost, when did you last see a lone arty stand against 5 enemy tanks and win? It’s not like he’s even ruining a game for anyone unless you do just shoot once for 500+ damage then jump in the lake.
One that has tried to fulfill the parameters of the mission for Nth time and is tired to get lobotomized teams that lose the games 3-15 (when two of those kills were from the arty player) in less than 5 minutes.
I just committed suicide (not drowned) with my Grille against a rock in RedShire. Battle was long lost anyway. Mission accomplished!.
I wanted to check this yesterday in the same place :) after score one 600hp hit but my platoon disagreed…
As a result all of us completed our missions with bonus, so don`t give up so easy guys
Another situation that I mentioned is that a TD mission needs to deal 1k damage and to be unspotted. I managed to do 1k+ damage and after that I got spotted. Guess what! I fullfilled the mission requirements!!! :)
You maybe read the requirements wrong. Certainly the earlier mission where you have to kill a tank while unspotted it’s only at the point that you kill that one tank. You can be spotted before and after but as long as you are invisible when the shell hits the target it counts.
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As if coward arty players don’t already do this.
My friend already got stug4 =.=
LOL arty drowning, after playing for 2(3?) years i am surprised that it isn’t a mission itself:
SPG Mission # X
Primary objective: Be the last guy on your team, drown yourself, lose the game. (50k creds)
Secondary objective: One of your enemies has to have 5, 7 or 9 kills at the time of your drowning. (25k creds) ;D
SS, what a magnificent specimen of a true scumbag you are ;D
(tbh I would do the same if i was in rush of finishing a mission, i just find this hilarious :D )
maybe its time for another skycancer tutorial isnt it SS? flamer.
skillfull cancer clicking his enemies with them having to chance to fight back, time comes to give them back the dmg they deserve. ooh wait the fair and balanced class players suicide.
so mature. much dignity.
watch ot.. SS will ban you for saying anything that has to do with cancer with arty.. dont be that person now.
You can also park next to a wall and kill yourself with a splash if there is no water around.
I feel like too many of these missions require “bad” gameplay, arty concentrating on hitting light tanks and enemy arties instead of high tier heavy tanks, heavy tanks trying to cap for no appearent reason or suiciding because they “have to” ram someone to their death… It’s like the retardedness usually reserved for x5 XP events.
Very true. I want the tenks, but doing the missions is getting annoying the more I play them because some of the achivements required are simply absurd.
Personally, while i know that certain IM limitations are retarded, from the way that the descriptions of those IMs are being written i get a feeling: this is a big tutorial with more advanced tactics/gameplay strategies.
The basic tutorial teaches players how to move around and shoot enemies, this one however(IMs that is) gives a player an explanation: what certain class of tank, from time to time, has to do in this game to get sh-t done. And they implement those concepts in brains of players, one at a time.
“Here, you got a TD, most of them have good camo- go kill sh-t and don’t get seen”.(you have to learn how bushes and view range works)
“Here, you have a MT, most of them are quite mobile, TDs aren’t quite mobile, go rape this camping TD” (you have to learn to look for openings or good shooting positions. good as in- i can support all flanks from here, not- i kemp bush next to my cap)
“Here, you have a MT, enemies also have MTs, if you want to be anywhere usefull for your team you should be able to get rid of guys in tanks like yours” (try to learn to pull your own weight in a match)
“Here, you have a LT. LTs got sh-t guns that can’t pen things from the front reliably, and not always you can just sit in bush mastu… i mean spotting, go shoot their kneecaps instead” (you can support your team by a number of ways)
And after all those missions, some people might finally get a palette of tactics to use when they play in RBs? Just maybe?
Sure, good players don’t need that kind of teaching.
But good players are a minority, so i say an additional tutorial/teaching has a rather bloody huuuge designated audience.
And yeah, IMs are also quite good way of keeping people online, populating the servers(main reason for new content implemented, lets be honest), so they get 2, or at least 1,5 birds with one stone.
Another reason to remove REMFs from the game.
Kind of explains the whole SPG players’ mentality….
this is not an exploit. I expected some real exploit :)
Btw, anyone knows if we can complete missions in other than random battles? like stronghold or 7/54, etc.
2nd TD mission:
secondary objective:
“At the end of a battle, do not have any damaged modules or injured crew members of your vehicle.”
Apparently just dying doesn’t disqualify you from fulfilling this. You know – the fact that your tank’s corpse looks like swiss cheese doesn’t mean you have damaged modules, right ?
Stronk logic by WG.
It’s been always like that: tank destruction itself doesn’t automatically damage/destroy modules or injure crew members (unless, of course, the shell that dealt a killing blow also hit module/crew).
This is not exploit, just a retarded move
These lottery missions are the worst thing that has happend to WoT for a long time. Instead of promoting good gameplay (Top3/5/10/hit%/dpg-streaks), they demand that you play like an ass (yolo scouts, sit in cap no matter what, camp no matter what, use HE to damage modules no matter the damage, sit hulldown until your tankmeter reaches an arbitrary number, etc.) _and_ make you play the Wargaming Lottery on top of it.
Not to mention that they released them right after the stupid WZ-111 grind, which has many people on the verge to burnout already.
so these missions are supposed to teach people how to play their class eh? I see nothing wrong with drowning approach, it teaches arty players to drown themselves :)
Holy shit SS! You are really doing it on purpose! As if the game is not fucked up already enough with retarded players, you are even encouraging bad play like this.
Really please, stop!
Same with “advertising” cheat programs most people didn’t know how to get and how safe it is.
Seriously try to THINK about what you are spreading.
Funny you have BIA as first skill on commander and totaly different skills on other crew members…
As if we didn’t have enough suicidal fucks in clickers already. Be honourable guys, don’t be a scumbag just for a mission.
Hey Silentstalker, speaking of exploits I’ve experienced something similar with the TD-4 Ambush mission. “Destroy an enemy vehicle. Remain unspotted by it at the moment of its destructions.” …. “unspotted by IT at the moment of ITs destruction” .. well you know how the spotting system works right? Say two enemies light me up and I get damaged because of it. Which tank gets the assistance damage? The one who lit me up first, right? I accomplished this TD mission by killing a chaffee at point blank range with my Rhm B WT. It was the only tank I killed that match. Apparently IT was not the thing that FIRST spotted me, I believe an AT-15A was the one who did first spot me, so technically speaking IT did not spot me when I killed it. I have the replay for proof as well as some screenshots. Thought you mind find this interesting.
I double checked the replay, it was the ISU-152 who spotted me first. Also, apparently I forgot to take screenshots of the after battle -.- sorry
I still have the replay though (warning, I did exceptionally TERRIBLE that match)
Being spotted in an SPG in a winning game is pretty rare. Even though I’ve finished that mission, I never would have felt the inclination to drown just in case.
I do drown myself, but only when the team has folded extremely badly and the chance of victory is extremely low. Kind of my meta way of attacking the enemy team, by reducing their stats as well as mine. :-D
Nice I guess they don’t get dinged anything or get any penalties for abandoning their team like 9.4 had brought in place.
Nice turnabout wargaming. Guess the next step is Serb personally showing up to the front doorstep of every clicker to kiss their ass for being a douchebag.
Yeah the missions are not moronproof apparently :)
I found this myself, completed the mission with both objectives on a 15-3 lots on himmelsdorf – nuked an enemy on the hill, hugged a wall and suicided :D
LOL that KV is fucked