More Thoughts of Personal Missions Fail by Tyraforce

Author: Tyraforce

More thoughts on the Personal Missions fails

Before I even start, let me make one thing clear. I do not think WG is generally doing a bad job when it comes to WOT development. Yes, there are bugs, lag and late rebalancing, however, compared to the MMOs I had previously played, WOT is pretty solid. I specifically remember one game (DDO), where you sometimes had a group of 12 people going on a 2-hour-long quest, which found the final boss stuck or there was another reason why the quest couldn’t be completed. The support would say “sorry, but you have to do it again”, which frequently caused an amount of frustration WOT cannot compete with.
That said, I struggle to understand how WG managed to fuck up almost every aspect of the PMs. They had been testing and discussing them for months, activated them weeks after they were installed in the patch, yet they still look like something school kids developed during their 2-3 lunch breaks. Again, don’t get me wrong, I like the general idea of PMs and sure welcome an opportunity to give my T34 credit grind a rest but the extent of the fuck ups is just shocking.


“Personal missions are named so because you have to complete them personally.” I wonder if WG realizes that you have to complete ALL the missions personally. You even have to personally buy the tokens to get your WZ mission done, right? But wait, some of these missions force you to platoon! “There are platoon missions, but those too are personal, because every player has their own personal role even in platoon missions.”

Sure. I guess football is a personal game then, cuz every player has his own personal role. The funny thing is that in the mission menu itself WG uses the term ”campaign”, which surprisingly makes sense when referring to a set of stages with a common goal. Why not use it from the start or at least rename it now?


Thankfully WG listened to the players and removed some of the biggest offenders like the countering multiple unspotted arties that would have totally ruined the gameplay. However, most of the missions actually still reduce the quality of the gameplay as people are generally trying to fulfill specific task and worry about winning only once they get them done. What’s worse, some don’t worry about winning at all and go drown: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED WITH HONORS, you remained unspotted. Great success!
My favorite fuck up is the MT-12 Team Play (Team huh? I thought these missions were personal…).

Primary: As a platoon destroy 3 enemy vehicles (Implemented as “you need to get 3 kills”)
Secondary: Each platoon member must cause damage to enemy vehicles destroyed by the platoon
What this causes in the game:

- 2 guys holding their shots and taking damage while the third reloads for the kill, he rolls low so the wolf pack sits there for 20secons…
- if you find a 1-shot target, you don’t kill it in order not to fail the secondary. I was in my arty when enemy wolfpack arrived, decided my 500hp wasn’t enough, so they casually put 1 shot in me and drove away (which cost them the game) but they got the mission done I expect.
- playing the support role right means you generally don’t worry about winning but focus on NOT KILLING stuff.
The other fuck up I really hate is capping. While there are some people hunting the required kills a platoon of heavy tanks making their way into cap asking their allies not to kill stuff as they need to cap to complete HT-7. To make matter worse you can also get a War Department mission that requires you cap. When the reward is 1k gold, whole clans cap like bitches for the following 2 hours.


The bad news is that this is all going to get even worse when people will start completing the really difficult Obj260 missions. So far, most missions can be completed by playing the usual way but later I expect people to do some really weird stuff to get thing done. There will sure be a nice amount of rigging, paid mission grind services for tomatoes and more unpleasant stuff.

Another example: this guy was trying to RAM the Batchat, as he explained after the battle, because, you know, IM’s.



The interface is definitely not user-friendly given the simplicity of the whole PM thing. The fact you need to “choose” a new mission every time you complete one is just stupid. It appears WG originally intended that you’d be able to pick any of the 14 missions except the final one and do them in any order. They even said so in the Russian video but either failed to implement it or decided against it.

What’s even funnier, the interface for such a simplistic thing is so complicated some people who hadn’t read about the PMs struggle to understand how many they can have active and how to progress them. Great success.


One or two bugs would be OK but there are just too many ranging from bad translations to incorrect formulas. I really don’t get how this can happen after months of testing. If WG does manage to build a moon base, I’m certainly not going to believe their “we have tested it and it’s perfectly safe” statement.

To finish on a positive note, Tidal_Force (nope, we are not related) calculated the total rewards for the missions. If you have no life and do everything, you are going to get:

41,100,000 credits (that’s more than six T10 tanks)
420 Large Repair Kits, 420 Large First Aid Kits, 420 Automatic Fire Extinguishers (worth 25mil credits)
150000 FreeXP
10 garage slots (worth 3,000 gold)
60 premium days (worth ~5,000 gold)
2 Optics, 2 Vertical Stab, 2 Large-Caliber Rammer, 2 Bino, 2 Laying Drive
20 bunks in barracks, 20 female crew
SugG IV, T28 Concept, T55 NVA DDR and Object 260

More details here.

Enjoy the grind.

P.S.: Himmelsdorf arty map guide will be delayed due to the current PM grind and CW madness.

70 thoughts on “More Thoughts of Personal Missions Fail by Tyraforce

    • Oh come on! Look at the rewards! They are colossal even without the reward tanks!

      I mean, why even try to play good if you can get so much for doing retarded stuff ? Look at the guy trying to ram 1hp Bat Chat! I guess that if he succeeded, it would be totaly worth it in credits or other rewards.

      • Maybe because playing good is the real reward of this game? Why do you need a useless stock StuG? A fail T28? A T54 underpowered? The only really nice tank is obj 260, but grind through hours and hours of non-fun gameplay, boring defeats, etc to get that? No, thanks… I play for FUN, remember that word, dont let them take you to transform this GAME into your JOB.

    • when ever i see “tyraforce” i dont even read the article. i just skip to comments to read about the arty hate.

  1. “It appears WG originally intended that you’d be able to pick any of the 14 missions except the final one and do them in any order. They even said so in the Russian video but either failed to implement it or decided against it.”
    In the video, it was said this will start with T28 Concept. Haven’t gotten so far yet, so dunno if that’s true, though.

    “some people who hadn’t read about the PMs struggle”
    In that case those people are… [random brain ability insult here]. It’s one of the simpler interfaces in game and compared to WT interface, it’s veeeery nice looking.

    • yep, you can do T28 concept missions in any order you want to unlock 15th mission, so WG didnt screw this up, tyraforce did….
      and i must agree with you, PM interface is rly simple, i did entire Stug IV mission without having to look how to do them, and i rly like how game offers you to choose mission after you completed the previous one…

      P.S.: and just for curiosity, i checked what is SSs average cap/game :-) you will never guess what i found :-)

      //btw, thx, SS, before you posted that you can drown yourself to complete some missions, only few people was doing it… now it happens every second game… i hope you are happy now ;-)

      • If media didn’t informed about Charlie, all the world would be alright. Those bloody media…. Do you really think that ignorance is the way? Blame SS for WG fucks up – one needs really hard thought to write that

        So, according to you logic, the problem with bending phones are not the phones but people reporting it…

        Wow, i haven’t seen such an idiot for ages…

        • 1.) yep, ignorance is the way, i dont give a fuck about anything that doesnt concern me, and i live happy life
          2.) the fact that people know that phones can bend doesnt increase the amount of bent phones, in fact, it makes people take care of their phones so they dont bend it. This (drowning), in other hand, makes problem worse…. so, no, it is not what i meant ;-)

    • “In that case those people are… [random brain ability insult here]. It’s one of the simpler interfaces in game and compared to WT interface, it’s veeeery nice looking.”

      The latter part might be true, however on the first part of your statement you are wrong.
      For a very simple reason: in a communication it’s always on the sender the burden of making himself understood.
      More simply, as a design guideline, if your users don’t understand your GUI, the fault is with you, not the users.

      This is one of the base tenets in communication and one that is very important in Interface design (and human interaction in general). The final result can’t ever be perfect, but as I am a software developer (for realz, like, with a degree and a job), I can tell you that this interface is indeed lacking in some areas and (even worse) unclear in others.

      Just one example: there isn’t a filter to show only the “startable” missions, which would be the most useful (to show what you have active currently and what you can switch it with).

      • @LK GeckoOBac

        “there isn’t a filter to show only the “startable” missions”

        Ahem, sure there is. Just tick “Hide completed”. ;)

    • it is true. in T28 concept gtind you can pick missions in any order. apart from the last one

  2. this is more like madness patch rather then personal missions patch!
    and it’s about the gazillion credits and other rewards, it’s about the tanks!

  3. “It appears WG originally intended that you’d be able to pick any of the 14 missions except the final one and do them in any order. They even said so in the Russian video but either failed to implement it or decided against it.”

    Actually this is just for the Stug IV. The T28 Concept (and I’m assuming the T-55A and Obj. 260 as well) start with all missions except mission 15 unlocked for each class.

  4. Wow, amazing.
    This thing is really fucked up… but those prices tho :DDDD
    But i can handle the interface… just click and play. But if all 14 activated at once it would be so much easier to complete them. Also no stupid people trying to do specific mission…. because people wouldnt read requirements that carefully imo.

  5. The biggest problem with IM is its “artificial” difficulty.

    MT-15 for 260 is kill 4 TDs, now, I can easily kill 4 tanks, or 8 tanks, in a medium tank(I average 3.7k DPG/2.7 KPG in my E50) , but when you ask me to kill 4 TDs, first thing that comes to my head is, now i need to get into a game with 4 fucking TDs, not how hard it will be to kill 4 TDs, these artificial gatings(MT-9 i believe is light 2 tanks a tier fire than you on fire in a single game) in my opinion is incredibly frustrating, doesn’t reward skill at all and is overall just luck based.

    Now, im not saying all of the missions are luck based, HT-15, TD-15, LT-15 and SPG-15 are all extremely fair, its difficult yes, but there are no artificial gating involved, so at least ill know that if i can’t get it done, its because i haven’t played ell enough, not because my game doesnt even have the tanks required to finish the mission.

    • 100% correct, however I think they can buff the HT-15 mission of each by at least 1k damage, 8k especially is OTT for a tier V tank.

      • I personally dont think WG meant for this to be doable with only tier 5s, im fairly sure that the designer of this assumes that you have at least tier 9 in MT/HT/SPG/TD and tier 7 in LT, or else its simply not feasible to complete some of them.

    • And how hard is that ? Grab a Matilda, get into a game with a couple of Marders and crap, rape them in like 30 seconds and done ..

    • Is it still tier 4 requirement for later campaign stages?

      If so, perhaps try it on lower tier? Cromwell would be a good choice I guess, due to it’s versatility, but also because I tend to see more TD’s on lower tiers and also lower tier TD’s tend to be more “killable” (as in less armour and/or low hit points pool) than their high tier brothers.

      I suppose one could even go for Pz III just for the sake of the mission due to it’s very low tier and very good mobility to chase the targets before anyone else get them, possibly even ram them for extra kill-speed.

  6. So is there anyone here who doesn’t give a shit about PM’s?
    I generally decided to give up last night cause I’m just no that good I think

  7. Though I don’t agree with Tyraforce’s arty article, but I agree with him this time.
    Yeah try to do these missions in ASIA server…..make the server even fking worse.
    And thanks for every time I need to click “start” for the mission.
    Personal mission? Better call “Capping and camping mission” .

  8. with HT 7 when you need to cap – if they would make that you don’t need to FULLY cap, just only start caping in stug IV and gain 50 points for obj 260, it is doable. Myself have done this mission in 1 of about 50- 80, no one said this is going be easy. And i capped the base alone, that means i gained 100 points for this – that’s more than enough for obj. And actually i like that missions are not that easy doable for newbies – there have to be some criterias which would filter bad players from good ones. And newbies have to at least make efforts to achieve something.

    About bugs – i have completed 13/15 HT missions – and no bugs i have noticed, all missions are made with secondary. All in all guys, make client in english AND READ CAREFULLY.

    About gameplay – i once said – you need to wait, there’s only one week when these missions started, everything will go normal later.

    About selecting missions manually – it is made intentionally. if you are red tomatoe and haven’t pushed mission button – it is your fault, why WG should make easier life for you? nnoooo better say “FU WG” for beeing an idiot yourself.

    About platoon missions – they are perfect! and not that hard to complete. everyone should learn to play with others, more coordination, every1 is teaching from each other – that is the point of these missions.

    and now flame on!

    • I run the English client and the descriptions are often incorrect or totally wrong. Apart from what i mentioned, when the mission asks you to assist your team in destroying an SPG, you can kill it yourself with no support whatsoever. I also completed 2 other missions while clearly not fulfilling the reqs and failed at least one while fulfilling all the reqs.

      To be perfectly clear, I like the IM concept including the platoons, I think WG is doing a rather good job in general and I don’t whine about every single bug. But there are just too many to stay silent.

  9. It appears WG originally intended that you’d be able to pick any of the 14 missions except the final one and do them in any order. They even said so in the Russian video but either failed to implement it or decided against it.

    I’m currently at stage 2 and I can actually select the missions in any order I want except number 14, so they did manage to implement it.

  10. To be honest, I don’t really care much about the vehicle, while some missions are hard, I don’t think anyone should spank WG, I’m making tons of money over it. :’)

  11. I do wonder what all these extra credits are going to do to the game economy and what that means for the regular weekend specials.

  12. this kill my :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

    If WG does manage to build a moon base, I’m certainly not going to believe their “we have tested it and it’s perfectly safe” statement.

    • WarGaming decided in this update to nerf your air supply on the moon base.

      “Working as intended” – SerB

  13. Got my Stug yesterday. Didnt try it yet thou. Gonna start T28C today, lets see how much harder it is :)

  14. in test server u could do a TD mission for t28C and a heavy mission for stug. you could just pick one type of tank, but u also could pick for what tank you do it

    with that in mind, it made sense to “pick your mission”. but when u just can do one at a time, why making people picking it up? just put a buttom to be able to repeat one (if u dont have the secondary part)

  15. To me this Mission Story looks like a potential Killer to WoT atm. The already fragile Gameplay in terms of appreciable “Teams” and some Battle-Course where some Sense shines trough or at least the Attempt of doing so, is vastly endangered!

    I whitnessed Things these Days that actually no one could believe and say “Replay – or didn’t happen”! This is making me boggle at the moment to even touch my Tanks and roll them tbh! The amount of frustration in terms of unswayable Battles are even bigger with these PM’s.

    And all cos of some Tanks – of which you can have some replacement already by regular Tanks? Tanks you have yet?

    Whats the Point of an Obj260, if you have an IS-7 (ah yes, i absolutely need a T10 with a Shot-Trap-Turret)
    Whats the Point of an T-55A – if you have an T-54 already? Or can drive WZ-120 (moar Clones plz)
    About these 2 other Tanks i don’t speak, just another Victim Tanks imho

    From this perspective, i think this PM Stuff is a Screw-up and endangeres the Gameplay of this MMO even more as it improves “anything” – peeps only look after the completion of their silly missions, instead of playing for a Win (the Missions should only count on a Win)

    My 2 cents

    • Obj260 is much more agile and has more reliable gun. It’s a medium-heavy hybrid without sacrificing armour, apart from the turret weaker than IS-7, but still offering better protection than most of the tanks in the whole game.

    • Some people like to drive OP tanks, some people like to drive UP tanks for a challenge, some people like to drive rare tanks, some people like to drive the flavour of the month, some people like to drive good looking tanks, some people like to drive ugly tanks etc etc.

      Not everyone is crazy about pure vehicle stats. After unlocking all the regulars I mostly drive premium tanks these days because they somehow feel more like *my* tanks.

      And I would love to get my hands on some semi-rare tanks for exactly that reason. :)

  16. I like the idea of the Player Campaign missions (or Personal Missions), but the way they have implemented it could do with some improvements:

    - Only click Start once on the campaign you want to play through and then it allows you to autocomplete multiple missions in one game if you manage it as it just goes through automatically.
    - Remove/Replace the Heavy tanks cap mission as it was annoying to do and we had to screw our team over in our heavies to do it. :(
    - Remove/Replace other missions that screw up gameplay, although no others come straight to mind atm, not looking forward to the next Medium one where I have to Ram something though!

    I’m sure there are other improvements but those are the ones that I’ve thought of so far.

  17. 420 Large Repair Kits, 420 Large First Aid
    Kits, 420 Automatic Fire Extinguishers

    while missions give some good cash, it was probably the last nail in teamplays coffin. every battle: let me kill for mission, cap pls mission, 15-2 lost but mission done…
    everybody goes for their own goals, not supporting teammates, not killing remainimg 3 tanks at a roflstomp.

    • it was always been like that. always was a bunch of red/orange players who went for a cap. Now at least they are trying to hunt the last enemies – and this is good.

  18. And this is why I don’t do the PMs. If you players want to be the circus dog to jump through the WG hoops, go ahead. I don’t believe the rewards are worth the hassle. IMO, the PMs will die just like the historical and all nation battle modes.

  19. Come on guys. Those missions aren’t that bad. Of course WG made a mess of some things but it was to be expected and there are no game breaking issues here.
    As long as you understand that there’s no time limit here and you do the missions when the right circumstances present themselves and not at all costs, they are a nice addition to the game.

  20. “I specifically remember one game (DDO), where you sometimes had a group of 12 people going on a 2-hour-long quest, which found the final boss stuck or there was another reason why the quest couldn’t be completed”

    That reminds me of times when I was playing Aion on private server. Overall the server was stable and totally working, mobs, quests…everything. Perhaps maybe 5% of all quests were not working. In short – da best private server, not any different from global except increased exp rate

    Anyway, at one point I’ve joined a raid group for world boss Padmarashka. We had a league composed of 5 full alliances (max 8) so in total we had 20 groups = 120 players. We went to raid the boss. At some point ppl made second league (4 or also 5 groups, cant remember) and started to fight the boss, basically they wanted to steal it from us :P. Their main tank was constantly fighting over aggro with our tank

    Anway, it took us 3 hours to beat the world boss. You know what we saw at the end ? Nothing xd. Absolutely 0 loot – the mob loot pool was not done’n’working on that private server. At least the moderator told us “Good job” :P

    Still, it was somehow worth it.

    There’s still a video of it on YT, I’m in group 3. You can even see my char in 1:40 to the right from the char of the guy who is recording (Soldat Rang 5 Shanalea, my lovely Spiritmaster :P) –

    Good old times. Sometimes I miss my Spiritmaster. I guess we all have such feelings when we leave MMO game and our mastered characters :)

  21. My biggest Problem with the missions is that you don’t get premium tanks. For what do i need another tier 5, tier 7, tier 9 tank? Another Tier 10 ok , i would like to have it. But why do they make it so hard to get it when its no premium tank? You could get 2 Tier X tanks by normal research with the effort you have to invest in the mission.

    Dont get me wrong, noon is forced to play the missions if they are not interested in the reward tanks. But i was happy before missions started to have a little chance to get a Tier10-Premium like some CW-campaign players, because i will have rarely a chance to get it by a CW-campaign. And i guess 9 of 10 people thought the reward tanks will be premium before missions started. I guess many are disappointed by the fact that WG let people believe it and don’t made it really clear before (may i’m wrong).

    • You can get around 60 million credits, a ton of gold, 2 month of premium time and a ton of free xp from the missions ..

  22. Is it possible to start 2nd set of missions for light tanks or meds without completing arty missions and getting stug? It’s nice to get trained crew members, money and other stuff, but I don’t wont to play arty and i’m not interested in mid tier premium tanks.

  23. STFU seriously!
    Without the new missions I wouldnt have played WOT anymore. They are the best thing that WG have introduced in the last 2 years. i dont care about a broken gameplay because it was broken before anyway because of most players acting like idiots.
    This is the best change in WOT so shut up haters!!!

  24. Can someone tell me how do i complete HT 7 mission? do i have to fully cap all by myself? because today i did 2000dmg and a T34 went to cap and i shortly joined him 5seconds after. When the battle was finished i didnt completed the mission, although i did helped to cap and win the battle.

    What the fuck?

  25. More then 66 million credits, damn. I knew that there would be financial gain, but not to this degree. Welp, there goes my weekends for the next couple months*sigh*.

  26. The only missions that I find to be really frustrating are the ones where you have to set a vehicle on fire or ram one to death. Especially the fire one simply because it’s just too rng based and I looked and the 9th medium mission for the t55a is to set 2 enemy’s on fire… IN A SINGLE GAME…. I mean seriously just why

    • Yeah, that one is just ridiculous, as is the arty one to shoot an unspotted arty. Teach people to counter arty is one thing but to have all arty players stuck on this mission and waste their time blindly firing into “possible” hideouts is such a waste. As for the 15th heavy mission… Well I’m looking at that at the moment and I can probably count on one hand how many times in 14k battles I’ve managed those numbers. Sure I can do 4-5k damage in a T57-hvy but then I won’t take enough damage or blocks to nail it. Or the IS7, I can bounce 3k worth but not do and receive enough to get to 8k, nevermind the 10 and 12k for the next.

      Ok, I’m an average player and don’t pretend to be anything else, but at least I’m an average player with a couple of tier-10 heavies. How the hell is anybody with say tier8 max gonna do this?!? Even tier 9? Sure the E75 and ST1 can do and take a lot of punishment but 10-12k :-O To receive the tier5 tank the numbers should match the tier in my book. Make it possible for the lower tier guys to have a go at this.

  27. The piece of shit who came up with capping in a heavy being a good idea needs kicked in the balls and the teeth that cunt is responsible for so much fucking rage i cant even express it.

    • Indeed. I was lucky myself but I saw a guy tking a light in his AMX50-120 yesterday when the lt decided to try to go after the arty (last player left in other team). instead of capping. What nice game play that mission brings :-)

  28. I think the fact that you have to activate the missions is good. It makes you focus on the mission (which actually can be bad, as described by Tyra), and eliminates total noobs from getting the rewerds ‘accidentally’.
    If this is a campaign, it ahould be a decision one makes to get it completed.

    Totaly agree with the rest, though.

  29. if they want 1-2 % of people to get all 4 tanks, they need to autoactivate missions

    some of them are almost impossible to be done without some allies/clan mates rigging the game

    • Try allies/clan mates helping you instead. It’s suprisingly effective in most missions, which don’t require a platoon. Rigging will happen tho.

  30. Screw the platoon missions I just don’t like to play in platoons and if you want to grind these tanks cause they are not premium tanks but reward tanks not even good ones what I don’t get is where does the personal part kicks in

  31. WG could have made the missions smarter, but you cannot blame them for players acting like retards. I mean its our decision and responsibility how to handle them …

  32. Would be nice if you could pick the tank or tanks you want and be done with it. Example I’m only interested in the T-55 and “maybe” the Stug.

  33. random really gets more fucked up than usually.
    A scout ran suicide near the end of battle and we lost ist because of him. Asked why he said it was not his mission and he doesnt care shit if we lose…
    Another time me as scout with 250hp and an arty going to flank to help an IS4 but this moron just retreated and let us die, camped and di nothing the rest of the battle though much hp and best position to kill all tanks capping our base… he needed to survive.

  34. So, from now on, you are going to post everything what Master Tyraforce has to tell us ? I haven’t seen such ass licking for quite a while.

    Why do you promote him that much ? Does he want to be a new internet star in World of Tanks related areas ? Such forced promotions never end up with a success.

    As much as I liked what you do, first you gave links to WoT cheats, so now everyone is a perfect arty counter guy and so on, thanks to you. Now, you do this disgusting promotion of his personality.

    There are some borders man. Did the popularity of this service washed out your brain or what ?

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