He does look funny :P Grey hair say 50+ years old, face says somewhere between 20-30 xD
He’s tired of your comments.
Dont you have to be annoying somewhere else? :D
Each level of this skill grants one additional website where you can be annoying. This skill has no limit.
Tip: Upgrade this skill early for extra trollxperience.
He’s dying slowly inside every time he has to talk even remotely about WOT or upcoming things in the game.
Because he’s getting tired of announcing “updates” that piss off the community, himself included?
Are you all sure that AMX-30 gona come from AMX 13/90,so i can start grinding EXP for him ? :)
Ultimate troll – T9 -> T9 -> T10 :D
Whaaat ? Two tier 9 ? :P
Because its friday – arrows now mean “and”.
Nah, he means that it would be fun if you had to grind it from Lorry. Given my nick, I approve of the idea! Lorraine needs more love, but not necessarily the 113-kind of love.
There you have it. Less well aimes shots will bounce and miss more and well aimed shots will still make shell go close to center or center. I have said this all time since I have tested this shit. Around 60% of all shots I take on test server go dead center anyways, the rest like 0.5-2mm from the center in worst cases.
Too bad it doesnt matter at all if you aim or not – sigma-RNG will decide where shell goes.
To some extent yes, that is why 0.4 guns (IS3) still have shots go dead center or close to center even at 350 meters on test server. The good thing is though that far less shots will go close to center when “driving,turning turret and shoot” in medium to long range. Also even with RNG in accuracy not a single shot fly outside the circle or even far away from center. Only idiots whine about this, idiots that have relied on a broken game mechanics to just point and click and make profit. This is still better than 8.5 accuracy, much better and even better than 8.6 because tanks like is3 became even more accurate since 100% of all shells will go close to center or center if aimed fully. As I said out of 5 shots, 3 went dead center the rest 0.5mm from center, isnt that fucking good kid?
Too bad that test1 probably is just placebo effect for accuracy changes as they will probably be introduced in test2.
Nope, accuracy is different as I have explained, but different in a good way. As I said, less shots go dead center but they dont fly to moon either. Test the game kid, or maybe you dont have PC or internet? Or maybe you like SS irl?
Somebody explain to this dumbshit up here who the fuck I am :D
You are not significant to me that is for sure little kid.
So are you to your team.
He’s much more significant to us than you are, though.
You are some annoying idiot that thinks he is more important than he is. There I told him who you are.
Oh and I didn’t even mention what Woras looks like to english speaking people that look at it quickly.
When you play WOT your team becomes a “nub tim” xD
You are the arty of this blog and the 25% RNG to meaningful conversations…
Some of the tanks are far more RNG punished though. The Rhm big bore is an example It cant hit a wall even if it was parked against it or at least a friendly tank was in front of it. Several others are bad too. I havent played the IS3 in years so I couldn’t say on that one.
I keep saying this though the game was a brilliant idea done by mediocre programmers who like to make questionable decisions. I am sure they will screw this up too. The game was fun back in the early days now its just more and more suckitude.
They have lost my steady income donations for now.
Stop beeing scrib pls.
What? Please, stop acting self important. It way over values you. Especially with your kid lingo.
“Also even with RNG in accuracy not a single shot fly outside the circle or even far away from center.”
Play artillery and you will see this comment is almost 80% wrong.
Does he think TD’s are going to go out and scout for targets, now? They will camp harder and contribute less.
They should fix powercreeps and shitwagens (goldsinks) first.
Nope they cant as longs there are so many freeloaders. If more people would buy prem account regularly then maybe they could nerf guld ammo. We who pay for prem account are worth more in human value.
Stopped reading at human value….Oh god damn – got me good :D Still, you’re dumbass.
WG could introduce cosmetics – I’d buy it. BUT NOOO – HD fiorst then introduce them….Too late….too late…
I would like prem prices to increase by 67% just so I can feel superior for funding little poor nuubs ^^.
Says the one with 42WR…
As I said I have 37-70% WR depending on situations, also who cares I play bait for my clan and that is my role that is why my WR is lower due to all 45% gold spammers and noob tims ^^.
Tds should NEVER be scouting…not actively at least.
if you give them good view range they can scout nerfing view range makes them more reliable to team
Yes but even now with the “nerfed” view range most TDs have better camo as well as binos and camo skill and other bs skills = they will have close to 500m view range anyways and spot you before you spot them. Also some can play TDs as 2nd line supporters and then they dont need good WR anyways.
Does view range even matter whe tanks don’t appear in your view range until they are well past their view range minimum.
Looking out over an open battlefield in a TD. with over 400 view range, a 4 perk crew, Radio op/ Commander both have extended view range. Binoculars, Camoflague on vehicle, Crew has 100% camo top to bottom. Sitting 15-20m behind bushes not directly in the bush.
Can’t see JACK SHIT! but they sure as hell know where I am.
….I’m sorry – what?!?
Let’s say you’re right – then in that case you’ll have to invent for me and people like me a place on maps beyond K or 0 line, so that I can have a physical opportunity to stay behind my camping retards.
Let me re-word that – in 90% of the times I’m doing my own spotting with my TDs because my completely incompetent team is too busy defending our clickers. Comprende?
I understand, that is why you better play a medium or heavy for consistency. Like everybody did back in the days. To me, TDs and arty dont add anything to the game because that only makes people scared to move due to the superior gun power.
I like this patch where can I pay more for the game, I like to give a gift to WG? Anybody?
Stay away from AW – best gift to WG and us :)
I wanna meet WG irl and give them an envelope with 500 euros to each developer and then party with them and eat mcdonelds.
you would lose 9 bilion euros
Shouldn’t it only be the more powerful and unwieldy tanks that get an accuracy nerf? e.g. IS-3, ISU-152, E-100. How are fragile sniper/support tanks meant to be effective if they can’t pin-point weak-spots consistently? e.g. Panther, Leopard 1, STB.
It took 1 year to nerf Kvass. More to nerf arty. Introduced powercreeps left and right.
I do not think they know what balance means.
WG know what balance means its just that they make misstakes some times, nobody is perfect.
*sometimes* LULZ!
That is corrent in one way, but you must think that unaccurate tanks suffer more from accuracy shooting while not fully aimed also they have longer aim time. Also pin point weak spots are still possible, just not too far away and if you dont aim proper.
Hi SS, i saw Arty / Jet Strike on the test Server while I was playing as arty
its a glitch it is supposed to be in stronghold battles
arty doing an airstike…way too op :P
Edit: Lol, wouldn’t it be funny if an arty used the arty consumble? That would make arty really op :P
Edit: Lol, wouldn’t it be funny if an arty used the arty consumble? That would make arty really op :P
LOL the ultimate lazy arty player :)
First time I actually say this game is going downwards with this new patch. Im allready looking for alternatives for awhile. Especially after reading this.. And now I played on the test server and the new RNG is really really crap. You cant snipe properly anymore as your shots will go everywhere. And I was allready getting angry because you try to aim properly and the game just decides that you will miss randomly.
This game is more about luck and not about skill. Imagine
- 25% RNG for penetration – Soooo you shoot a weakspot with a lower tier tank and RNG decides that you roll low on your penetration and its bounce
- 25% RNG on shooting + the increase now. You aim properly and there is a 75% chance that you hit where you aim. Or even less now with the new RNG?
- 25% deviation from damage output. Basicly imagine you have 410 health on a object 140 and the enemy patton has 270 health. That you can actually roll 260 and he survives and in his response he rolls high and kills you. I call bullshit..
Imagine a game where 1000 euros is at stake and a maus is capping and you can do a last shot in the last 3 seconds with your obj 140 and you miracly miss because RNG.
It already is a big gambling game where good players just reduce the odds. But now they are even going make it worse.
Its random battles.. but the whole game is 25% random; but adding all those random stuff Image , what is the chance that you hit where you aim, get the penetration that you have and the damage that you have on your gun???? With all those odds.. I think .. The odds are almost never in your favor….
this new update is the best we can get right now it will seperate the tanks so löwe kinda tanks(0.33 dispersion) will actually be sniper and T34(0.4 dispersion) will be brawler i saw many T34s sniping and being good at it
about that maus capping thing fire an HE isnt too hard blow the track off thats what maus is made of
RNG level is still at same value only thing changed they reduced the chance of shot going straight into middle which isnt much changing the gameplay you can still hit your shots
i was driving T49 at a battle and 6 out of 10 shots hit the enemy fully aimed with that kind of dispersion its godlike
Listen up, dipshit. T34′s dispersion is 0.35. It’s not a brawler.
It’s imba and a deadly weapon in the right hands, but not a fucking brawler.
RNG must be reduced. No damage spread (except for HE), +/- 10% penetration spread and the gun dispersion as it is. Or at least a balanced RNG (the probability for a value depends on previous values) to get rid of those annoying streaks of bad luck. More than 60% of my lost 1vs1 fights are lost because of the RNG.
You can brawl with the T34 noob, as long as you dont trade shots consistent with tanks allowing them to out dpm you. But the T34 is really too good beeing a premium, 0.35 accuracy and 248mm pen, imó the pen should get nerfed “because it stands out and make armor useles”. If 60% of your fight is lose due to RNG then your positioning sucks or aiming skills or what ever. It is impossible to miss/bounce in close to medium range even with this new accuracy as long as you position yourself proper and aim proper. Also wot is team game not solo 1v1, and if you lost in solo 1v1 for what ever reason you deserve it.
But without the pen and damage per shot/turret armor, the T34 is a pile of shit.
Damage I can understand since it has low rof, but why do you need 248mm pen on a tier 8 heavy? What cant you damage with 225mm pen like most other heavys at tier 8 has? 248mm pen is just a huge fucking bonus since you dont even have to aim for weakspots in the same tier and can damage all tier 10 heavys frontaly with ease. I personly think the T34 should have had the T32 gun. Same gun but weaker plattform = proper premium tenk. Just like the Löwe it has worse armor than Tiger II frontaly, is slower and has lower rof. It is plain worse than tiger II one can argue, but when it comes to T34, it has more dmg and so much more pen and better acc than T32, it just works much better in tier 9 and 10 games which is against the premium idea.
I agree with userext, as long as you fully aim there is very little risk of missing and bouncing even with the new accuracy.
Tell that to my T30 – 90-95% aimed shot at the LFP of a E-75 100-150 meters away -> RNG decides to send my shot right at the upper edge of the LFP and bounce off the UFP.
Or all the 100% shots aimed at medium-ranged targets that just LOVE destroying the ground…. 10 meters in front of my target.
So you mean the accuracy is worse than in 8.5 then? Because if you watch old wot videos the accuracy you describe not is not even remotely close. How did people snipe before 8.6 you think? You suggest that WG have nerfed accuracy more than pre 8.6?
How come my vk45a and tiger II are so extremely accurate on test server, maybe because I use BIA and vents which to be fair should affect all stats and even accuracy.
So…. E25 is not getting nerfed? Damn……….
E25 just getting removed. I think it is good WG get rid of pref MM, because that screw up the MM for regular tenks. All prem tenks occupy -2 tiers and +1 tiers making for example regular tier 8 meet tier 10 much more often than tier 9. And tier 7 meet tier 9 much more often than they meet tier 8.
God made WG made these positive changes I think, and that is very good.
Artys are not nerfed, they never got the same change in 8.6 as all other tanks. Now if all vehicles have same accuracy = arty much accurate which many can agree with.
LOL if you think arty is accurate you have obviously NEVER played it or at least not very many matches in it. RNG trolls arty more than ANY other tank class, and now in the next update arty accuracy is getting hit again.
Fack arti and fack arti players they are hated just like “special” people in russia.
“To make Tank Destroyers more reliant on their team”
Are you serious WG? don’t you play your own game? do you honest expect us to rely on those retards in random battles?
The very reason so many TD drivers will use binocular telescopes and coated optics is cause they know the CANNOT rely on their team to spot targets for them. I guess now the only way for allot of players to use their TD’s effectively is to only ever drive them in platoons.
This video for me showcases an extreme amount of ignorance from WG of just how little they understand about how this game actually play’s for the majority of players.
Me as a ligthtank driver disagress…its usually the tds i cant reley on simply because they dont give a shit abut litt up targets
And its gamebreaking as fuck that a td can outspot a ligthtank…i get
Most times people are too far back to even take advantage of what the scout does. Many times people are at areas that if they will be able to get a clear shot enemies have alreaddy come too far.
With the nerf in accuracy, it seems to me that this game is only mend to be played close combat. Close range combat makes the accuracy nerf not so important. So this is only beneficial for the heavy tanks. For other type of tanks this nerf is a bad thing, especially for the TD tanks.
Skilled play with hitting weak points of tanks becomes very difficult. Also playing a tactical game with long range shots becomes nearly impossible. I have tried the test server with the SU-122-44. It sucks.
On top of that, another nerf is hitting the TD’s hard. The nerf of the viewrange of lots of the TD’s is making them very vulnerable. The don’t have the armor of a heavy or mediums to get in a closer combat situation. They are support tanks in the second line. They need there viewrange to stay out of reach of heavies.
Those proposed adjustments are taking the fun out of the game for me. I’m a TD player. I hate brawling in a heavy. I like tactics, not dumb close combat games where it doesn’t matter if your shot is lands a half meter away from the center spot. If this game will be reduced to only a game of scouts and heavies, this will be the last penny I spend on this game for the rest of my life.
Looking at comments in the blogs about this proposed nerfs, I should really be concerned as Wargaming for the coming lost in profits.
Ahaha inaccurate guns should be innacurate scrub.
the SU 122 shouldnt be making those shots.
i dont think WG nerfed the ACC i think they gave it a bell curve.
in other words. hitting the outer edges will occur just as much as it does now. while the odds of hitting the center have decreased, and the odds of hitting somewhere inbetween center and rim have increased.
You noob, you need accuracy in close range as well to hit those small weak spots. Also why even speak about the su-122-44 it is a premium TD to beginn with it should be worse in all aspects. Also it has 0.41acc it is hardly a long range sniper like the JP with 0.34acc gun. Su-122-44 is more like a ambusher sort of not a pure sniper.
I used that TD on the test server to see what would happen. 40% of the shots where missed shots. I normaly work with other TD’s with more accuracy.
And you had BIA and vents installed which will in theory increase all stats on the vehicle? Remember this 9.6 accuracy is still better than 8.5 to beginn with and in no way shap or form did the su-122-44 underperform back then. Its not like any tank have been nerfed, they just perform accordingly to their accuracy.
If you run vents and BIA you hardly notice the differance, now crew skills and additional equipment have a impact on your accuracy i.e superior crews and aiming and positioning is much more important opposed to noobs with 0.46acc guns and stock crews snapshoting and still make shell go to middle. Fuck that.
Is there a way to block comments (not delete, but merely make invisible) from scrubs and/or trolls on this forum?
This is not a forum… but the answer is no.
So maps are getting flatter, guns inaccurate and view ranges decreased for the tanks that needs to have a good view range. Russian logic. Let’s get them all on one field and let’s have a shootout. Russian strategy. So clever. They were always counting on numbers not on their smarts.
There is also a Version with German Subtitles.
Es gibt auch eine Version mit Deutschen Untertiteln.
Why does Storm look so tired?
He does look funny :P Grey hair say 50+ years old, face says somewhere between 20-30 xD
He’s tired of your comments.
Dont you have to be annoying somewhere else? :D
Each level of this skill grants one additional website where you can be annoying. This skill has no limit.
Tip: Upgrade this skill early for extra trollxperience.
He’s dying slowly inside every time he has to talk even remotely about WOT or upcoming things in the game.
Because he’s getting tired of announcing “updates” that piss off the community, himself included?
Are you all sure that AMX-30 gona come from AMX 13/90,so i can start grinding EXP for him ? :)
Ultimate troll – T9 -> T9 -> T10 :D
Whaaat ? Two tier 9 ? :P
Because its friday – arrows now mean “and”.
Nah, he means that it would be fun if you had to grind it from Lorry. Given my nick, I approve of the idea! Lorraine needs more love, but not necessarily the 113-kind of love.
There you have it. Less well aimes shots will bounce and miss more and well aimed shots will still make shell go close to center or center. I have said this all time since I have tested this shit. Around 60% of all shots I take on test server go dead center anyways, the rest like 0.5-2mm from the center in worst cases.
Too bad it doesnt matter at all if you aim or not – sigma-RNG will decide where shell goes.
To some extent yes, that is why 0.4 guns (IS3) still have shots go dead center or close to center even at 350 meters on test server. The good thing is though that far less shots will go close to center when “driving,turning turret and shoot” in medium to long range. Also even with RNG in accuracy not a single shot fly outside the circle or even far away from center. Only idiots whine about this, idiots that have relied on a broken game mechanics to just point and click and make profit. This is still better than 8.5 accuracy, much better and even better than 8.6 because tanks like is3 became even more accurate since 100% of all shells will go close to center or center if aimed fully. As I said out of 5 shots, 3 went dead center the rest 0.5mm from center, isnt that fucking good kid?
Too bad that test1 probably is just placebo effect for accuracy changes as they will probably be introduced in test2.
Nope, accuracy is different as I have explained, but different in a good way. As I said, less shots go dead center but they dont fly to moon either. Test the game kid, or maybe you dont have PC or internet? Or maybe you like SS irl?
Somebody explain to this dumbshit up here who the fuck I am :D
You are not significant to me that is for sure little kid.
So are you to your team.
He’s much more significant to us than you are, though.
You are some annoying idiot that thinks he is more important than he is. There I told him who you are.
Oh and I didn’t even mention what Woras looks like to english speaking people that look at it quickly.
When you play WOT your team becomes a “nub tim” xD
You are the arty of this blog and the 25% RNG to meaningful conversations…
Some of the tanks are far more RNG punished though. The Rhm big bore is an example It cant hit a wall even if it was parked against it or at least a friendly tank was in front of it. Several others are bad too. I havent played the IS3 in years so I couldn’t say on that one.
I keep saying this though the game was a brilliant idea done by mediocre programmers who like to make questionable decisions. I am sure they will screw this up too. The game was fun back in the early days now its just more and more suckitude.
They have lost my steady income donations for now.
Stop beeing scrib pls.
What? Please, stop acting self important. It way over values you. Especially with your kid lingo.
“Also even with RNG in accuracy not a single shot fly outside the circle or even far away from center.”
Play artillery and you will see this comment is almost 80% wrong.
Does he think TD’s are going to go out and scout for targets, now? They will camp harder and contribute less.
They should fix powercreeps and shitwagens (goldsinks) first.
Nope they cant as longs there are so many freeloaders. If more people would buy prem account regularly then maybe they could nerf guld ammo. We who pay for prem account are worth more in human value.
Stopped reading at human value….Oh god damn – got me good :D Still, you’re dumbass.
WG could introduce cosmetics – I’d buy it. BUT NOOO – HD fiorst then introduce them….Too late….too late…
I would like prem prices to increase by 67% just so I can feel superior for funding little poor nuubs ^^.
Says the one with 42WR…
As I said I have 37-70% WR depending on situations, also who cares I play bait for my clan and that is my role that is why my WR is lower due to all 45% gold spammers and noob tims ^^.
Tds should NEVER be scouting…not actively at least.
if you give them good view range they can scout nerfing view range makes them more reliable to team
Yes but even now with the “nerfed” view range most TDs have better camo as well as binos and camo skill and other bs skills = they will have close to 500m view range anyways and spot you before you spot them. Also some can play TDs as 2nd line supporters and then they dont need good WR anyways.
Does view range even matter whe tanks don’t appear in your view range until they are well past their view range minimum.
Looking out over an open battlefield in a TD. with over 400 view range, a 4 perk crew, Radio op/ Commander both have extended view range. Binoculars, Camoflague on vehicle, Crew has 100% camo top to bottom. Sitting 15-20m behind bushes not directly in the bush.
Can’t see JACK SHIT! but they sure as hell know where I am.
….I’m sorry – what?!?
Let’s say you’re right – then in that case you’ll have to invent for me and people like me a place on maps beyond K or 0 line, so that I can have a physical opportunity to stay behind my camping retards.
Let me re-word that – in 90% of the times I’m doing my own spotting with my TDs because my completely incompetent team is too busy defending our clickers. Comprende?
I understand, that is why you better play a medium or heavy for consistency. Like everybody did back in the days. To me, TDs and arty dont add anything to the game because that only makes people scared to move due to the superior gun power.
I like this patch where can I pay more for the game, I like to give a gift to WG? Anybody?
Stay away from AW – best gift to WG and us :)
I wanna meet WG irl and give them an envelope with 500 euros to each developer and then party with them and eat mcdonelds.
you would lose 9 bilion euros
Shouldn’t it only be the more powerful and unwieldy tanks that get an accuracy nerf? e.g. IS-3, ISU-152, E-100. How are fragile sniper/support tanks meant to be effective if they can’t pin-point weak-spots consistently? e.g. Panther, Leopard 1, STB.
It took 1 year to nerf Kvass. More to nerf arty. Introduced powercreeps left and right.
I do not think they know what balance means.
WG know what balance means its just that they make misstakes some times, nobody is perfect.
*sometimes* LULZ!
That is corrent in one way, but you must think that unaccurate tanks suffer more from accuracy shooting while not fully aimed also they have longer aim time. Also pin point weak spots are still possible, just not too far away and if you dont aim proper.
Hi SS, i saw Arty / Jet Strike on the test Server while I was playing as arty
is it a bug or a feature :) ?
its a glitch it is supposed to be in stronghold battles
arty doing an airstike…way too op :P
Edit: Lol, wouldn’t it be funny if an arty used the arty consumble? That would make arty really op :P
Edit: Lol, wouldn’t it be funny if an arty used the arty consumble? That would make arty really op :P
LOL the ultimate lazy arty player :)
First time I actually say this game is going downwards with this new patch. Im allready looking for alternatives for awhile. Especially after reading this.. And now I played on the test server and the new RNG is really really crap. You cant snipe properly anymore as your shots will go everywhere. And I was allready getting angry because you try to aim properly and the game just decides that you will miss randomly.
This game is more about luck and not about skill. Imagine
- 25% RNG for penetration – Soooo you shoot a weakspot with a lower tier tank and RNG decides that you roll low on your penetration and its bounce
- 25% RNG on shooting + the increase now. You aim properly and there is a 75% chance that you hit where you aim. Or even less now with the new RNG?
- 25% deviation from damage output. Basicly imagine you have 410 health on a object 140 and the enemy patton has 270 health. That you can actually roll 260 and he survives and in his response he rolls high and kills you. I call bullshit..
Imagine a game where 1000 euros is at stake and a maus is capping and you can do a last shot in the last 3 seconds with your obj 140 and you miracly miss because RNG.
It already is a big gambling game where good players just reduce the odds. But now they are even going make it worse.
Its random battles.. but the whole game is 25% random; but adding all those random stuff Image , what is the chance that you hit where you aim, get the penetration that you have and the damage that you have on your gun???? With all those odds.. I think .. The odds are almost never in your favor….
this new update is the best we can get right now it will seperate the tanks so löwe kinda tanks(0.33 dispersion) will actually be sniper and T34(0.4 dispersion) will be brawler i saw many T34s sniping and being good at it
about that maus capping thing fire an HE isnt too hard blow the track off thats what maus is made of
RNG level is still at same value only thing changed they reduced the chance of shot going straight into middle which isnt much changing the gameplay you can still hit your shots
i was driving T49 at a battle and 6 out of 10 shots hit the enemy fully aimed with that kind of dispersion its godlike
Listen up, dipshit. T34′s dispersion is 0.35. It’s not a brawler.
It’s imba and a deadly weapon in the right hands, but not a fucking brawler.
RNG must be reduced. No damage spread (except for HE), +/- 10% penetration spread and the gun dispersion as it is. Or at least a balanced RNG (the probability for a value depends on previous values) to get rid of those annoying streaks of bad luck. More than 60% of my lost 1vs1 fights are lost because of the RNG.
You can brawl with the T34 noob, as long as you dont trade shots consistent with tanks allowing them to out dpm you. But the T34 is really too good beeing a premium, 0.35 accuracy and 248mm pen, imó the pen should get nerfed “because it stands out and make armor useles”. If 60% of your fight is lose due to RNG then your positioning sucks or aiming skills or what ever. It is impossible to miss/bounce in close to medium range even with this new accuracy as long as you position yourself proper and aim proper. Also wot is team game not solo 1v1, and if you lost in solo 1v1 for what ever reason you deserve it.
But without the pen and damage per shot/turret armor, the T34 is a pile of shit.
Damage I can understand since it has low rof, but why do you need 248mm pen on a tier 8 heavy? What cant you damage with 225mm pen like most other heavys at tier 8 has? 248mm pen is just a huge fucking bonus since you dont even have to aim for weakspots in the same tier and can damage all tier 10 heavys frontaly with ease. I personly think the T34 should have had the T32 gun. Same gun but weaker plattform = proper premium tenk. Just like the Löwe it has worse armor than Tiger II frontaly, is slower and has lower rof. It is plain worse than tiger II one can argue, but when it comes to T34, it has more dmg and so much more pen and better acc than T32, it just works much better in tier 9 and 10 games which is against the premium idea.
I agree with userext, as long as you fully aim there is very little risk of missing and bouncing even with the new accuracy.
Tell that to my T30 – 90-95% aimed shot at the LFP of a E-75 100-150 meters away -> RNG decides to send my shot right at the upper edge of the LFP and bounce off the UFP.
Or all the 100% shots aimed at medium-ranged targets that just LOVE destroying the ground…. 10 meters in front of my target.
So you mean the accuracy is worse than in 8.5 then? Because if you watch old wot videos the accuracy you describe not is not even remotely close. How did people snipe before 8.6 you think? You suggest that WG have nerfed accuracy more than pre 8.6?
How come my vk45a and tiger II are so extremely accurate on test server, maybe because I use BIA and vents which to be fair should affect all stats and even accuracy.
So…. E25 is not getting nerfed? Damn……….
E25 just getting removed. I think it is good WG get rid of pref MM, because that screw up the MM for regular tenks. All prem tenks occupy -2 tiers and +1 tiers making for example regular tier 8 meet tier 10 much more often than tier 9. And tier 7 meet tier 9 much more often than they meet tier 8.
God made WG made these positive changes I think, and that is very good.
Artys are not nerfed, they never got the same change in 8.6 as all other tanks. Now if all vehicles have same accuracy = arty much accurate which many can agree with.
LOL if you think arty is accurate you have obviously NEVER played it or at least not very many matches in it. RNG trolls arty more than ANY other tank class, and now in the next update arty accuracy is getting hit again.
Fack arti and fack arti players they are hated just like “special” people in russia.
“To make Tank Destroyers more reliant on their team”
Are you serious WG? don’t you play your own game? do you honest expect us to rely on those retards in random battles?
The very reason so many TD drivers will use binocular telescopes and coated optics is cause they know the CANNOT rely on their team to spot targets for them. I guess now the only way for allot of players to use their TD’s effectively is to only ever drive them in platoons.
This video for me showcases an extreme amount of ignorance from WG of just how little they understand about how this game actually play’s for the majority of players.
Me as a ligthtank driver disagress…its usually the tds i cant reley on simply because they dont give a shit abut litt up targets
And its gamebreaking as fuck that a td can outspot a ligthtank…i get
Most times people are too far back to even take advantage of what the scout does. Many times people are at areas that if they will be able to get a clear shot enemies have alreaddy come too far.
With the nerf in accuracy, it seems to me that this game is only mend to be played close combat. Close range combat makes the accuracy nerf not so important. So this is only beneficial for the heavy tanks. For other type of tanks this nerf is a bad thing, especially for the TD tanks.
Skilled play with hitting weak points of tanks becomes very difficult. Also playing a tactical game with long range shots becomes nearly impossible. I have tried the test server with the SU-122-44. It sucks.
On top of that, another nerf is hitting the TD’s hard. The nerf of the viewrange of lots of the TD’s is making them very vulnerable. The don’t have the armor of a heavy or mediums to get in a closer combat situation. They are support tanks in the second line. They need there viewrange to stay out of reach of heavies.
Those proposed adjustments are taking the fun out of the game for me. I’m a TD player. I hate brawling in a heavy. I like tactics, not dumb close combat games where it doesn’t matter if your shot is lands a half meter away from the center spot. If this game will be reduced to only a game of scouts and heavies, this will be the last penny I spend on this game for the rest of my life.
Looking at comments in the blogs about this proposed nerfs, I should really be concerned as Wargaming for the coming lost in profits.
Ahaha inaccurate guns should be innacurate scrub.
the SU 122 shouldnt be making those shots.
i dont think WG nerfed the ACC i think they gave it a bell curve.
in other words. hitting the outer edges will occur just as much as it does now. while the odds of hitting the center have decreased, and the odds of hitting somewhere inbetween center and rim have increased.
You noob, you need accuracy in close range as well to hit those small weak spots. Also why even speak about the su-122-44 it is a premium TD to beginn with it should be worse in all aspects. Also it has 0.41acc it is hardly a long range sniper like the JP with 0.34acc gun. Su-122-44 is more like a ambusher sort of not a pure sniper.
I used that TD on the test server to see what would happen. 40% of the shots where missed shots. I normaly work with other TD’s with more accuracy.
And you had BIA and vents installed which will in theory increase all stats on the vehicle? Remember this 9.6 accuracy is still better than 8.5 to beginn with and in no way shap or form did the su-122-44 underperform back then. Its not like any tank have been nerfed, they just perform accordingly to their accuracy.
If you run vents and BIA you hardly notice the differance, now crew skills and additional equipment have a impact on your accuracy i.e superior crews and aiming and positioning is much more important opposed to noobs with 0.46acc guns and stock crews snapshoting and still make shell go to middle. Fuck that.
Is there a way to block comments (not delete, but merely make invisible) from scrubs and/or trolls on this forum?
This is not a forum… but the answer is no.
So maps are getting flatter, guns inaccurate and view ranges decreased for the tanks that needs to have a good view range. Russian logic. Let’s get them all on one field and let’s have a shootout. Russian strategy. So clever. They were always counting on numbers not on their smarts.
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So… When will arty get its view range nerfed?