“Rudy” Tank Incoming

Hello everyone,

those of us, who were born earlier probably remember the legendary Polish T-34 “Rudy” tank from the famous TV series “Four tankers and a dog”. While coloured with Soviet propaganda, the movie was nevertheless well liked amongst the people of the former Warsaw pact. Now, it was confirmed that Wargaming is actually working on the implementation of this tank in the game. It’s a part of an initiative to bring more “famous” tanks into the game, the way they did with Fury.

So that’s good. The Polish, one of the two largest, if not THE largest community will get their very own first premium tank! I am sure many are looking forward to the feature of driving their own vehicle with their own crews and possibly Polish voiceover.



Got you, didn’t I?

So, dear Polish players, you want a Polish tank in the game? Well, here’s a big fuck you from WG, because Rudy is a Soviet tree vehicle. It MIGHT however have a “special” crew the way Fury had Brad Pitt lookalike.

113 thoughts on ““Rudy” Tank Incoming

  1. FUWG… sorry… I was dreaming from few moths that Rudy would be this promised polish premium tank… Oh… 1st time i’m really angry…

  2. It’s nice they plan to add it nevertheless. Plus it might get moved into the proper Polish/European tree eventually.

      • I believe it would be t-34… in one of later episodes, crew refuses to get a new tank which was -85… They stay with their old, good regular version…

        • In fact all three historic tanks of 1st BPanc: 76mm, 85mm D5T and 85mm ZiS53 were played in the movie by: T-34/85 M2 ZiS53 a post war version modified and produced in Poland under license in Bumar Łabędy Factory.

        • Well, technically in the TV series 85 version played both 34/76 and 34/85 models. They got the 85 mm version from Gdansk citizen donations, after they lost the original “Rudy” near Ritzen (Janek set the hay stack it was in on fire to disable nearby AT crew).

          Edit: damn, didn’t see RazNaRok’s explanation earlier :P

      • Will it be the modern post war one seen in movie: T-34/85 M2 ZiS53 with minor polish mods of Bumar Łabędy Factory or the historic one from 1st Armored Brigade of the Heroes of the Westerplate: T-34/76 or T-34/85 D5T ?

          • Yes. But at the time movie was created there were no more T-34/76 mod1942… or those were to hard to find… For the movie were loaned 5 vehicles of Armored Brigade from Żagań. Those were the T-34/85 M2.

            • I believe You, all of that is definitely true, but first was book, and they follow (more or less) storyline… They just can’t find proper tank, so they put wrong one, which was acting 76 ver… So i think they should put 76, which will fix this “wrong” using of improper tank… I hope so…

              • Despite the fact movie one was the T-34/85 M2 all the time…
                Our crew did have both 76 and 85…

                Remember… During the celebration of the liberation of Gdansk townsfolk and soldiers of both allied army collected money to purchase new tank for 1st BPanc. Our crew lost the T-34/76 during Odra river cross in the episode: “Zakład o śmierć”, after assault of Ritzen before they go for long reconnaissance raid they get second tank… bough by Gdańsk townsfolk for money they collect during the celebration of the liberation . The second one was the T-34/85…

                Now the question… WGN will give us Movie one… or the historic one?
                IMHO we get the Movie one just like they did with FURY…
                But then it should be definitely be moved to polish branch with it’s introduction… Because in contrary to historic vehicles of 1st BPanc this version was modified and produced in Poland for the Warsaw Pact Countries.

                • Oh, yar right! Forgot completly ’bout it! I must watch this again… And ofc. i agree with everything below :) Impressing knowlegde btw… Thx for all info :)
                  I prefer historic one, cause that would be V op premium, and not a VI tier medium (with a T-34-85M as brother) with “worser” 85mm…

  3. “So, dear Polish players, you want a Polish tank in the game? Well fuck you, because Rudy is a Soviet tree vehicle. It MIGHT however have a “special” crew the way Fury had Brad Pitt lookalike.”

    “… Well fuck you …” HALL OF SHAME – This is scandal.

      • Anyway you wrote “fuck you” to Polish players, u are not better then rest players from hall of shame

        • I hope this version is better now… now you maybe understand the sentence better.
          “So, dear Polish players, you want a Polish tank in the game? Well, here’s a big fuck you from WG, because Rudy is a Soviet tree vehicle”
          I understand it from very beginning, that this was not like SS wanna make players angry because he have some opinion in regards to poland… he want to smash you in the face with pure fact of ignorance of WG (What else is the meaning of “put polish tank in Russian tree”… russians that at minimum to mention fought against Poland in the beginning of WW II, not even try to mention the rest of history).

          Something maybe like: “Wana to have fair MM and no MM+2? Dear players… FU”. Sure WG will write “it works as intended, and there is no problem with that.” … but the result and the wording doesn`t change the “FU momentum”. Well but still this FU is in no mean comparable to Rudy in russian tree thing.

    • Don’t Take it to seriously…

      From historic view…
      1st BPanc was armed with T-34/76 L11 mod 1942, T34-/85 D5T and the T-34/85 ZiS53… all of them were of Russian production…
      If WGN intends to use the historic vehicles of 1st BPanc to make RUDY…then their place in the Soviet branch is most deserved.

      From the other side if we going to get RUDY like it was in movie a post war: T-34/85 M2 ZiS53 with was modified and produced in Poland under license in Bumar Łabędy Factory Then and Only then we have indeed reason to be angry.

    • “Well, at least there is audio to make original voiceover.” Your dreams are quite daring :D

      • Yeah, but imagine all the feels when you drive your “Rudy” into lake, and 10 seconds after Gustlik says” Do czołgu żech przyszoł, a do marynarki trafioł”
        (eng. I came to tank, but I ended in navy)

  4. “So, dear Polish players, you want a Polish tank in the game? Well fuck you”

    Hope noone supports you $$$ next month for this words. Oh, and fuck you ftr. Nearly forgot.

  5. That’s just mean, SS. That’s pure evil.

    On the plus side, this post will generate so much tears CryEngine will get a boost in performance.

  6. Some of you’re very brave and have big mouth on the internet. I wonder if you’re so brave in real, but to be honest, I don’t think so. I think, in real most of you have too small balls and wouldn’t say a thing.

    And believe me, you don’t want to say a single bad word about Polens, if you are face to face. And No, I’m not going to tell you would would happen to you, but it’s nothing good for sure. But then, there’s a good thing, you finally would get some respect instead of shit talking on the internet like a 12 years old, half brain working kid.

      • Well, you aren’t hating EU now, are you…? We should talk all those historical things in some quiet place, last century did a lot of hurt to both of us…

          • It worked the same way and i see no reason for hate unless you have been rised with a very specific and distorted view on history.

            • I should’ve been more clear – the ones who live in LT for long time and STILL cant speak lithuanian – that pisses me off. Same goes for russians.
              Fucks sake – I’ve met one from Afganistan – HE could speak almost normally.

              • For some unknown reason lithuanian government and some nationalist groups are affraid of/hating Poles and they constantly shit all over minorities’ rights in LT.

                Poles in Lithuania cannot use their original name and surname in documents and have to have it “lithuanised”, local governors are punished because Poles use 2-language street plates etc. etc. All of the above is required by international and EU law btw.

                Poland should really give lithuanian government an ultimatum that either they solve the legislation the proper way or PL-LT borders will be closed for any trade and any non-Polish citizens. Government in Vilno would instantly fix that bullshit law there is now or Lithuanians themselves would overthrow it, a win-win situation :3

                Anyways, cheers to all the Lithuanians from Poland, let’s hope your and our rulers will get their shit together properly so we can live peacefully again like when we ruled the whole Eastern Europe long time ago :)

    • Why won’t You use the original copy pasta?
      “What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

    • I’d rather have Carius Tiger.
      Eh, it won’t happen either way ’cause thebiggestnationplayingWoTwhichnameiwon’tspeak would go batshit crazy because nazis and hurr durr we won’t pay rubel.

  7. Why would it be anywhere else for now than the Soviet tree? Until there is a more fitting tech tree why not put it somewhere where it can be used for training. It can always be moved to a different tree.
    So why the usual bitching?
    I would be very happy just because of the fact that there is a tank from my country.
    Instead you bitch and moan.
    I wonder why the guy making the original post bothered to put an uncalled and pointless provocation in the post. I mean what did he expect? That they make a one-tank polish tree because of this tank? Or they put it in the Japanese branch?
    Still, always nice to see new tanks added.

      • Yeah but the Poles can’t have a full tree if it’s not 2/3rds Soviet so get the fuck out.

        • I just said it was done before, a one tank tree, not that there will be a polish one, and by the way, not that I’m interested…

        • We can still have T1-T6 branch in EU tree ;]
          More over there is small rumor with maybe allows us to have own version of IS…

  8. Not that I would be buying it anyway

    Not that WG would make a separate nation for one premium tank

    But still…

    Fuck ya WG.

  9. Honestly, I ain’t even mad. In the show, the T-34 that then became Rudy WAS a Soviet tank, which was provided to the Polish army being formed with the Soviet blessing and support in Soviet lands, and the army wasn’t exactly independent of the Soviet control (though of course the show didn’t straight-up go out and say it like that).

    My bigger issue is what tank it’s going to be. There was a book which said it was a regular old T-34 with a 76mm gun, but the tank is most famous from the show, and there things get contradictory. The crew said they didn’t want to change tanks to a T-34/85, heavily implying they were driving the older version… but the tank that actually was in the show WAS a T-34/85 already. Three of them, in fact, depending on the filming location – and in the beginning episodes the tank used in the shooting was armed with a 76mm gun, while in the last third of the run it had an 85mm gun. This needs to be handled smartly.

    But we all know WG and we know it probably won’t be.

      • Don’t mistake Polish modification of Bumar Łabedy with was the M1 and M2 with the russian M.

        Those are much diffrent from each other.
        Russian M become new hull, Polish has old Hull but new Turret.
        Most of Polish mods are invisible from the outside… Most noticeable will be the slightly lower and wider turret without side cut, exhaust pipes with ports for snorkels and linear Machine Gun in front hull.

  10. Can’t wait till WG adds the Lem-tank to the game… as tier 10 Russian CW reward tank. Because screw you, Polish capitalist-nazi-imperialist-banderite-something fascists.

  11. It could be the first tank of the Pan European tech tree:

    Polish/ Swedish/ Czech and Italian tanks all together.

    Then maybe they can work on a Middle East line with Vehicles from.
    Syria, Jordan, Egypt and a line from Israel.
    Couldn’t possibly cause problems..lol

  12. Thank You WG for finally being historically accurate! If you let someone out from soviet concentration camp, sit him up in soviet tank and give him soviet supervisors doesn’t really make it a Polish tank per se.

    I would be much happier to see Cromwells or Shermans from Maczeks division fighting in the west :)

  13. since they still dont have a clue to how implement the euro tree, its easier to just place it in the urss tree.

    • Russian stronk internal market demands next stronk historic “russian” tank because russian players must learn proper russian stronk history bout polish comrades that libareted their country with only proper russian stronk tanks as a part of world mightest russian army… Right?

  14. Beeing Polish I’m happy Rudy is added with CCCP crew. After all, players have many nice soviet med crews, and the PL/EU… meh who knows when it comes. Why would I want some useless, not implemented yet, EU crew when I could make full use of already owned tankers?

  15. Geez, such negative waves.

    It is good they bring in Rudy! Epic.
    Without voiceover… not so epic.
    And as part of the Russian tree – seems legit – after all LWP (Polish People’s Army) fought as part of Soviet Army.
    Another thing is that this is a bit of a slap in face of Polish fans but at least I am not surprised. In the end it will be down to money – you want it – buy it. You don’t want it – don’t buy it.
    And SS – keep up good work – the way you do.

  16. Dear WG:
    “Rudy” with Polish crew as a Polish tank – I might (still low probability) consider buying it.
    “Rudy” as Russian tank – no way. I’ll never ever gonna buy it.
    Simple as that.

    • Now look to books…
      Collect historic facts:
      First tanks of 1st BPanc were the T-34/76 L11 mod 1942… from Russia,
      after struggle of Studzianki Brigade did suffer big losses and as reinforce come new 21 tanks straight from factory with were mainly used for training purposes… those were the T-34/85 D5T… again Russian, Finally all tanks of 1st BPanc were replaced with new T-34/85 ZiS53 once again of Russian Production…

      Now tell us why RUDY should be Polish ?

      The only polish was the RUDY like it was in movie… a post war: T-34/85 M2 ZiS53 with was modified and produced in Poland under Russian license in Bumar Łabędy Factory for countries of Warsaw Pact Then and Only then if WGN introduce this version as Russian one we have indeed reason to be angry.
      Of course after introduction of EU tree it can be moved to polish branch…
      Same as other premium tanks so far…

  17. Take a regular tree tank, place a 120 gold worth marking that is already in the game on it, and sell it for say… 3000 gold…

    SerB running out of ideas to get more money? Then again, premium stock Tiger was announced earlier…

  18. I absolutely agree with all of u .It is realy need to see some Polish tank-thing in game.”Rudy” T-34/76 is best way.But,dear WG,u must make him like TD ,with autoloading artillery gun (min. calibre152mm),at Russian tank tree,Russian crew,but 3-4 Polish to push tank behind arty ,or red line.

  19. actually the tank should be in the soviet tree, since in the first episode of the tv-series the polish people are registring to a polish army that is actually made under the soviet army. in numerous episodes the polish commanders of the brigade are taking orders from russians. its legit for the Rudy tank to be in the soviet tree

    its still one of my favourite childhood tv series

    only one thing is a mystery for me. will they put the dog as a crew member in the tank? :D he was a legitimate crew member, even got a medal

  20. I’m polish, while i don’t remember the lore/scenario of the show(was watching it like 15 or more years ago last time), but iirc crew was multinational to show how its great to be in soviet union, and they were attacking with the “great guys” soviets, so all in all, its reasonable that its a “russian” tank.

    As for crew voiceover, we already have a localized game client, and crews speak polish there already.

    This really, really isn’t anywhere near of a problem IMO. :P

    • the driver was georgian. the commander was a descendant of polish prisoners after the january uprising of 1863. he is probably ukrainian. nonetheless -> a soviet commander. not a polish commander. i think silentstalker should do better research :D

  21. Why must there be a polish branch anyways? I dont even get why there must be a czech one either. We have good branches now, only thing needed is to make them complete like adding more tanks. WG stop waste time on small countries with copy tanks focus on japan, chinese and french heavys, mediums and TDs and arty.

    • Like chinese tree is not a copy of Soviet tanks…

      But still I agree that they should focus on current branches, especially on Japanese.
      I would love to see super heavy japanese tanks :D

    • Ssssst don’t tell to loud about operation Hermenegilda… ;]
      Or we really get it… But like Gustlik said: “Rozrzut trochę większy, ale trzyma w kupie.”

  22. Pingback: Poláci dostanou svůj premium tank. Ehm, skoro.

  23. Usefull and interesting facts of RUDY:

    1st Armored Brigade of the name of Westerplatte Heroes is real formation of Polish Army.
    For many Poles tank Rudy 102 was associated with the movie “Czterej Pancerni i Pies”. And in reality, during the Second World War T-34 tank with tactical no.102 did exists in 1 Armoured Brigade, It was Tank in Armored Reconnaissance of 1st Regiment of the Headquarters Company. 102 tank commander was Lieutenant Wacłąw Feryniec who also served as a commander of reconnaissance platoon.

    Other facts:

    - The crew: (Movie crew – Real Crew):
    Gunner: staff sergeant Gustaw Jeleń – corporal Ernest Jeleń
    Loader: staff sergeant Tomasz Czereśniak – corporal Ludwik Jędruszko
    Driver: corporal Franciszek Wichura – corporal Franciszek Zawierucha.
    Commander/Radio operator: lieutenant Jan Kos – corporal Stanisław Rzeszutek
    Driver: sergeant Grigorij Saakaszwili – sergeant Ivan Baryłow
    Commander: lieutenant Wasyl Semen (from the book), lieutenant Olgierd Jarosz (from the movie) – lieutenant Wacław Feryniec

    - Some fact from movie plan:
    Young dog Szarik (шарик – Polish Szarik), was played by police dog Trymer.
    Adult Sharik was played by two police dogs: Szpik and Atak (in dangerous scenes). Atak did also play role of Szarik mother, Mura in first episode. Dogs playing Szarik didn’t like they movie master. They couldn’t be forced to lick movie Jan Kos. Only way to persuade dogs to lick Janek were to lubricate him with honey…

    - On the movie plan Janusz Gajos (Jan Kos) was run over by a truck while taking a nap on the ground during the break of photo-shoot. Driver didn’t see sleeping actor. Actor With a fractured pelvis was taken to the hospital. After the accident the scenario changed to where a tank is hit and injured crew lands in the hospital. Scenes in movie when crew is in hospital were taken in real hospital where actor was healing… As a result in several scenes of episodes “Radość i Gorycz” and “Brzeg morza” Janusz Gajos (while he was wounded and was in the hospital) was replaced by Henryk Matwiszyn. Then we see only the back of Janek and we can not see his face.

    - As a result of protests of Jerzy Bukowski the Vice President of Treaty of veterans parties and the Independence from Krakow (Porozumienie Organizacji Kombatanckich i Niepodległościowych z Krakowa), in July 2006 TVP withdrew show from the fall schedule as the reason stating that the show falsify historical past of Poland.
    However the show Emission rights were acquired by television Cinema Poland (telewizja Kino Polska).

    - In the movie show, Crew all the time drives the T-34/85M2, despite the fact they should drive a T-34/76 L11 mod1942 till the episode “Zakład o Śmierć” and the T-34/85 ZiS53 after the episode “Daleki Zwiad”.
    Unit whith vehicles were loaned to film was armed only with T-34/85M2, at the times movie was maked T-34/76 were very rare and to expensive to get them to movie plan.

    - On the basis of popularity of movie was also published in the early 70s, the book expanded with further adventures of heroes and a comic.

    - Exteriors movie stages: polygon in Żagań, Kotlina Kłodzka (movie Siberia), Spała, Aleksandrów Łódzki region.

    – 1st grade Award of the Minister of Culture and Art in the television film department (team) for the filmmakers: Janusza Przymanowskiego, Konrada Nałęckiego i Stanisława Wohla (lipiec 1967 r.)

    - 1st grade Award of the Minister of National Defence in the television department (team) for filmmakers and actors:
    Janusza Przymanowskiego, Stanisława Wohla, Romualda Kropata, Konrada Nałęckiego, Poli Raksy, Janusza Gajosa, Tadeusza Kalinowskiego, Janusza Kłosińskiego, Franciszka Pieczki, Włodzimierza Pressa i Romana Wilhelmiego (lipiec 1967 r.).

    - Rudy tank can be seen today on display in the Museum of Armoured Land Forces Training Centre of the name of Stefan Czarnecki in Poznan.

    - There was idea of combining episode “Zakład o śmierć” with episode of other movie “Stawka większa niż Śmierć” but Stanislaw Mikulski was not interested in playing his role of Hans Kloss in the television series of “Czterej pancerni i pies” because the role there was too small …

    – Due to the high popularity among many young viewers, Roman Wilhelmi (commander Olgier Jarosz) killed in scenario has to re-appear in movie. It was planned to make Roman Wilhelmi play role of Russian sapper, who appears in the last few episodes. He was to be confusingly similar to Olgierd. But Wilhelmi previously accepted an offer to play role in unknown movie of East Germany and didn’t apear in “Czterej Pancerni i Pies” any more. Russian sapper officer was played then by Aleksander Bielawski.

    – Famous easter egg issue of Franciszek Pieczka (gunner Gustlik) saying: Pyrkosz, pyrkosz and not driving? (Pyrkosz – in Polish Silesian dialect small farting) to Witold Pyrkosz (driver Wichura) wasn’t in scenario. Scene come to movie by accident. Was an idea of daughter and son of Konrad Nałęcki (movie director). Movie director stated that this issue will not go into a movie
    However, after the director was persuaded by his children who were endowed by Pyrkosz with chocolate… scene remained.
    Witold Pyrkosz has responded to Franciszek Pieczka: “I’m not driving because my Pieczka did extinguished” (Pieczka – old Polish dialect name of spark plug).