Hello everyone,
numerous people reported a strange bug in the minipatch. This issue caught my attention because I recieved 7 mails from people describing it and of all of them, 5 claimed that they had no mods present.
Basically, the bug is, when you want to sell a tank and open the “sell” window, the window quickly closes before you manage to type in the price. There is an emeregency workaround for that – you just type the price into the chat, copy it (ctrl+c) and paste it (ctrl+v) into the window before it closes (thanks to CadyDady for this one).
I tested it myself and I was unable to replicate this bug even after multiple attempts, leading me to suspicion that this is not something caused by a bug, but that it’s caused by bad mods. One of the people in the thread mentioned he’s using Oldskool’s mods, so that probably is the issue.
Please be aware: some modders are pigs, who make their shitty modpacks overwrite ORIGINAL files in the game folder (copying mod content over the ingame files) – even if you then remove such a modpack from the res_mods folder, its traces (the files it has overwritten in other game folders) will remain and possibly fuck your game up during the nearest update. In other words, be careful what you install.
I’ve had this bug using Oldskool Promod. Ever after removing the mod files (res_mods) the bug stayed. Hope next iteration of mod will remove this issue.
I’ve have the same with tank equipment, it closes after like 5 secs.
Nasty modder scum is responsible for this ;>
FoW in random can be the next arty-like battle among players, based on the poll result wwww
Mentioning Oldskool in post, and then calling modders pigs… Again trying to be white knight…cmn man, at least pretend to be classy…
And here is white knights “special” helper.
Woras a white knight(‘)s helper? K.
im using OS pack and its working fine here
not using everything from the pack tho, might be some mod i didn´t chose to install
and i didn´t read this as an attempt to shoot at oldskool
i doubt OS is writing any mods himself, he´s just providing the self installing package (and annoying me with the twitch announcement, im just lazy to get them all myself)
The issue happens with no mods. Playing in platon last night with two people that don’t use mods – they both had the issue. Myself, while using mods experienced no such problem
Have they “never” used any mods – that’s the issue here right now. The fact that using mods would actually fix the bug seems suspicious (albeit possible).
Not since the 9.5 came out.
Uding xvm for carusel and something else(not stats). I’m thinking that helps sabilize the game
You’d be surprised how many people post on the forum “I have no mods, only XVM”.
Just saying, you can’t trust people who say they have no mods because there’s a significant number who have no idea what they are installing.
I am not useing and never used oldskool w/e mods pack or single mods, i used aslain , that i didnt updated for like 2 weeks now , last night i got the same problem , window closeing , i installed a fresh new copy of the game and still the same problem
tl;dr no problem with mods , i got it with clean game installed
You have no mods only mods?
You make no sense, if you used mods at any time without a full wipe and reinstall then there is no way to say you have no bits of mods hanging around.
I haven’t had this exact problem, but I did have an issue a week or two back with right clicking on a tank and and going to its details statistics… this was fixed by installing the latest micro update from XVM. Even if you used custom versions of XVM (ie a modpack) or a few individual mods like I do, you can still update the core files yourself to fix bugs, just make sure you don’t overwrite the …/xvm/configs/ folder and if you use a different minimap (I use locastan’s) also don’t overwrite the minimap.swf file.
…i have this annoying bug too. But the thing is, im not using any mods, nothing, (never had). The workaround u mentioned above doesnt work for me, because the window disappears in the blink of an eye, no chance for me :/ And as i dont have any free garage slot right now, im f* stuck, unless i buy some gold…well F U WG, great job as usual…
I use old skool mod, and i can sell tanks just fine .. only thing is confirmation window where you need to type in price of the tank never shows, once i chose what i want to do with crew equipment etc. click sell and its sold.
I stopped using modpacks ages ago, only ever picking individual mods and making sure they were in the Mod folder…
too many modpacks makers put a shitload of spurious crap in, eye-watering acid cartoon colour schemes and fuck knows what else.
Installers should be banned, only folders to copy into the resmods should be allowed, it would stop a lot of the “WG is shit” stuff when its actually the players and his mods that are shit. Any ingame problem, first option, rename resmods to something else, relaunch game, is problem still there…
(PS.. WG is still shit at stuff.. it’s just not always their fault..)
SS – it’s NOT caused by mods.
For three updates, i have not used any mods whatsoever, mostly due to being tired of keeping the list up to date and i have this error. Either way, i was manually installing each individual mod anyway, file by individual file, so i know what each changes.
I also remembered what i put in the normal /res/ folder of the game, which was the options for jimbos and old files related to the sound system from Gnomefather. Nothing that could related this weird appearance, and nothing that does NOT get overwritten anyway when a new update comes.
More so, i have two friends that use mods, about the same ones actually, one has the error, one doesn’t.
you missed the point…
Some mods stick stuff in the real game files, even when a new patch comes out, it does not necessarily re-write EVERY game file… the new patch might not re-write the error causing file.
It seems you missed my point. I know each and every file that i ever hand-put in my base game /res/ file and exactly what each one does.
And i can now confirm, my fresh install at work does the exact same thing.
But log on to another account that i have and it works.
Lol…i was discussing this a tad lower on the page. Yes one of the people is Cosmo
Well, because of this I even updated my old copy of WoT without mods on my notebook (I don’t play on ntb, it had 15 fps on lowest details) from somewhere of 9.1 to newest patch, cleared cache and the thing is happening even there.
It looks like kind of “ui reset” every second or so. It even happen in shop or in depot (I am unsure, what are english translates of these in game), when you simply scroll down, it resetes to the top. Same with chat – when you start typing, it deselects in a chat window in a second (like when you click somwhere else) and you loose your typing cursor.
WG I want to sell your not really funny ARL 44 ASAP! Give me! Now I need to be pro hacker..
Well .. I have the same bug.. tested with and without mods.
I create my own modpack and I’m very sure I haven’t overwritten any original files.
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SS, any reason you put false colours upon Oldskool any time you have a chance? Just call Oldskool package of Mods the reason for this bug is very stupid.
I have another bug alltogether. When playing arty my HE Shells dont cause any splash damage at all, even when hitting right next to a tank. Have observed this in gwe, 261, m12 and m44. Also the minimap indicator for my gun traverse is off and displays wrong information.
Anyone else have this? (Promod installed)
I would think that WOT MODERATORS are PIGS.
The type that got the absolute shit kicked out of them while growing up, so that when they get some kind of power over others, they act like the dickless wonders that they truly are.
Well, seems its individual once again. Or mods can fix it because everything works fine for me.
It’s not a mod problem. I run a vanilla game since forever and I still got the bug yesterday after wintermode was added if I recall correctly. There is also some strange behavior with other windows and when scrolling through lists – they seem random so far.
The tank sale bug could be replicated by me every time with no mods installed, though.
My selling window closed itself when someone sent a message in to clan chat. Meaby it’s bound to that.
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This game has more bugs then a no tell motel!
Winter mode has removed the display of my credit,gold and Exp, good going world of screwups!
And no I am not running any mods so storm can shut his pie hole!
no mods issue, its related to something else. I have also this issue with closing window after let say 5 second. So I tried to sell it using friend`s computer. First we tested using his account – window stable, left for 30 second or more, no problem. Than logged with my account – and the issue is back – after 5 seconds window dissapeared. Strange :-)
…FINALLY, its back to normal again (and it took only 2 days;)), i can sell my tanks now, YEEHAA :)
“Basically, the bug is, when you want to sell a tank and open the “sell” window, the window quickly closes before you manage to type in the price. There is an emeregency workaround for that – you just type the price into the chat, copy it (ctrl+c) and paste it (ctrl+v) into the window before it closes (thanks to CadyDady for this one).”
But first demount or destroy your equipment, because if not, and you still have some gold, you will be automatically billed.