Czechs Sell Tanks to Nigeria to Fight Boko Haram


Hello everyone,

it looks like vile islamist barbarians from the Boko Haram sect will have their lives get a bit harder soon. Czech company Excalibur Group, led by a former armorer Pavel Strnad, managed to acquire as many as 58 T-72 tanks (T-72M1 variant) from Hungary to sell them – with other heavy military equipment – to the army of Nigeria, locked in a savage conflict with the brutal sect.

16 vehicles in total get to be transported to Nigeria in the largest transport airplane currently in use, Antonov An-225. The estimated price of this part of the contract is somewhere around 197 mil. CZK (cca 8 mil.USD). Quite a bargain for such a firepower.

Nigerian army’s enemy, the Boko Haram islamic sect committed over 100 terrorist attack in 2014 alone, with the death toll of over 3000 people. During the last 5 years of the conflict, it is estimated that over 13000 people lost their lives and over 1,5 million people were forced from their homes and had to flee from the fighting.

Personally, I think it’s a good fate for these vehicles, to be used one last time by proper army.

77 thoughts on “Czechs Sell Tanks to Nigeria to Fight Boko Haram

      • They would do better with light attack choppers, transport choppers, weasels and comunication equipment. The bokos will either disperse when facing these or set up forest ambushes to knock them out. Heavy equipment is really ineffective when facing guerilla tactics.

    • It depends on where you use the tanks…

      There are some stunningly effective anti-infantry shells that aren’t used because
      a) Geneva doesn’t really like them that much
      b)Cause massive collateral damage

      Best example, the beehive shell. It’s a massive buckshot for tanks, only replaced with hundreds of darts. You can imagine why that’s never been used in a recent urban conflict.
      But used in the middle of rural Nigeria? lol, fuck those extremists. Bring out all the horrible shit we have cooked up but have never dared to use for fear of getting hanged after a short trial at Nuremberg.
      Bring out those incendiary shells, beehives, burning phosphorus gas…bring it all out against those fuckwits with no civilians to hide behind.

      • Sounds like tale from Gaza Strip :) But unless You have wheelbarrow of PR money; You are not allowed to purge the unclean with a FUKKEN PLANE WITH A COMBAT LASER , yeah!

        • For all the excessive force the Isrealis use, I don’t think they would go as far as using weapons forbidden by multiple war conventions for fear of being taken up for charge of warcrime by a lot of European nations.
          You know the USA would defend them, but others? There are limits to the excess.
          Personally I understand Isreal’s point of view, and while I condemn some of their actions, they are understandable, for all their moral ambiguity.
          If they started using banned weapon like that, I would stop understanding, and as a human being, demand their put to trial.

          But that’s only because there are civilians in the area.
          If there aren’t any near the fighting in Nigeria, be my guest. Use all the horrible shit while yalling quotes from Warhammer 40K. These extremist bastards don’t deserve to be shown the mercy of civility and human empathy.

          • just a second… Israel is at war, with a terrorist group that has a goal of wiping them out. “Excessive force” does not compute. As for war crimes. Using human shields, that’s a war crime. Using UN occupied buildings to conduct the campaign against Israel, that should be something the west would want to stop. I just don’t get this romance with the terrorist Hamas

            • Lets see, using white phosphorus weapons on civilians is a war crime, using white phosphorus weapons on a UN facility is definitely a war crime, launching a hellfire missile from a predator drone at kids playing on a beach is a war crime, repeatedly attacking and detaining Red Cross convoys and doctors is a war crime, I could go on but my point is proven. If Israel was still the same it was back in the 50′s and 60′s I’d be more forgiving and willing to back them, but now? No. Fuck the Israeli government, and fuck the blind supporters who ignore the settlers going out and ruining the crops of the local Arab farmers and who also perform unprovoked massacres on the local Arabs as well. Israel is perpetuating an environment of hate and violence against the local Arabs with an end goal of total ethnic cleansing of Arabs and other Muslim groups from Israel, groups who have lived there for hundreds of years. If Israel got wiped out I wouldn’t shed a god damn tear. Good riddance to one more militant religious fundamentalist group and a step in the right direction for the further advancement of our species.

        • @Dr_W…
          Murdering civilians is a war crime, especially people like the Palestinians locked into a prison camp….
          Israeli zionists and their american paymasters are the worlds most evil war criminals, and the failure of the United Nations to prosecute bush, blair and many others has lead to the creation of isol, boko haram, al quieda etc etc.
          These tanks will be useless, then after a year or two the boko’s will use what’s left of them…

          • Failure to prosecute the civilized governments of the US and the UK has lead to the creation of extremist Islamic groups? Man what are you smoking. Al Qaeda was around long before the US and others got mixed up in the middle east. Please tell me how the US trying to create a free state with a democratic government has created groups like boko haram and Al Qaeda

          • Historical facts to address your maniacal ranting.. Islamist terror began while Clinton was in office, when the cowards blew up the embassies in Africa, and attacked the World Trade Center the first time, in 1993. Try peddling your BS elsewhere

            • axel + SG.. try reading more, wiki is a little err thin…
              Don’t let the facts get in the way… Ignoring everything from East Timor, Vietnam, etc etc to george bush snr+jnr’s friendship with bin laden just backs up what I’m saying. When you fund and encourage terrorism in afghanistan in the 70′s you can’t blame my ‘ranting’ for the fanatics who then turn around and attack you, 20 years later.
              As usual american sympathisers don’t give a flying fck about anyone east of cape cod and know sweet fa unless fox news has a view…

  1. That Antonov tho… I remember when it landed on an airfield near me (it was loading choppers for some asian country). That sonofabitch is really freaking big and made a shitload of noise on landing and takeoff. I was surprised something that big can even fly as it flew right above my house, still on low altitude, after the take off.

    • Yeah, the Mria is an avesome plane. Costs a fortune to operate though. That thing was almost scrapped at one time untill someone invested a small fortune to get it running again. There is a second one waiting to be restored and used again.

      • Not exactly. The second one is only the carcass and a single wing.
        And I sincerely hope, that ukrainian government would turn it into a gunship to annihilate russkies.
        Giant Spooky for the win!

  2. I am afraid, Boko Haram will take revenge on this purchase/support, just like the IS killing those Japanese , since Japan supported the fight against terrorism…

    P.S.: I remember, when the Russian propaganda’s Hungarian partner accused the Hungarian government for sending these T72s to Ukraine…

    • Also, from what i hear you can hardly call nigerian army the good guys. If they did all shit they do there in europe or smth they would be deemed terrorists. Theyre just lesser of the to evils (not sure if i used that saying correctly ;d)

  3. The Nigerians will probably just sell them on to someone else. This deal will only have been arranged because it gives individuals in the Nigerian government and army the chance to skim off millions of dollars.

    The Nigerian army already has quite a lot of equipment, and plenty of enlisted soldiers. They have made no real attempt to fight Boko Harem because of the endemic corruption, incompetence and sheer disinterest of the government and military establishment.

    • “endemic corruption, incompetence and sheer disinterest of the government and military establishment.”

      That sounds like my country. Are you sure you’re not talking about Romania?

    • ‘Czechs selling tanks to Nigeria to fight Boko Haram’

      Feels more like a publicity stunt for all parties involved. The Nigerian government and military infrastructure are too corrupt and lazy to even begin to care about the massacres in the northern states, which is why they never gave a damn about Boko Haram, and probably never will.

      For the record, the ‘elite’ of Nigeria stays safely out of range in the southern Christian states of the country, which are far richer and more ‘civilized’ than the northern rural states, which are almost all under sharia law.

      Heck, those who said these T-72s will be sold through backroom dealings are probably right.

    • Well, previous Hungarian T72-s that were sold(to private dealers) and ended up in Ukraine were sold for the price of scarp metal. A little over 10k USD per tank. I’m sure no corruption there…

  4. Good, fuck those savage kebabs from Nigeria. They treat others like trash, so I see no reason why we shouldn’t treat them as animals.

    • hell yeah. quoting a british TC from the first iraq storm ( i think)
      “war is hell on earth and i am the devil. LOAD HESH”

      yeah yeah i know you dont fire hesh from smoothbore barrels, i just liked the quote

    • Please if you want an endless conflict, then go on and act like an animal too…

      Soldiers and people will die, ideology will not…

      • this is not an ideology. “join our group or have your children crucified and your head chopped off”, that is not an ideology, that is savagery

        • For them the ideology is:
          -You either join us or die as an infidel
          -If i die fighting against infidels i may get to the heaven…
          for them, killing people bear no weight. Let me remind you, we are talking about a religion (and its followers) that is 500years younger than catholicism…
          What did we do in the 14-15th century? We burned “witches”, impaled heretics…

    • It took parts of armament and radar systems from decommissioned rocket gunboat of the Army of Montenegro, to Kenya, to be installed on their ship. That is what I heard.
      But, yes. Kenya did order Nora B-52 howitzers.

    • Delivering arms to insecure countries that shit on human rights might be deemed unethical by some. But true capitalists don’t care. So gj turning these antiques into some money.
      I approve.

      btw. does anyone need a suppressor for his mp5?

      • I do, i just cant seem to kill people silently with my trusty mp5 when i break into the homes! Would you accept a bag of blood money?

  5. Look christian , eee atheist, ee hidu terro, eee hmm islam ? how ? it’s religion of peace ?

  6. Now it all depends on general strategy and crew training.
    By the way, Mike Hoare is still alive. Maybe Nigerians can ask him for a few tips about how to take out these kunts…

  7. I wonder how long it’ll be before the first of those tanks (including their crews) show up in the ranks of Boko Haram.. :/

  8. Just LOL – what shall these Tanks do against highly mobile Guerillas.. they will lough about these Tanks. Every Week will one be destroyed by IED’s or some RPG hidden in a Bush. It’s so easy to outmaneuver Tanks in that Terrain. It’s just hilarious.

  9. Most of the above comments seem not to have read recent news reports. BH has changed from being a hit and run guerrilla (terrorist) outfit, to a ragtag army that tries to take towns and hold territory. Clearly if BH tries to take a town with a Nigerian army garrison with infantry only, then thats one thing, but if the army garrison even has half a dozen tanks to call upon, history would suggest that, that would be a completely different battle.

    All this rather depends on the morale of the Nigerian army.

    • I suspect that Nigerian army morale is dependent on the number of successful email scams from the previous week. Scam enough money from westerners and they get extra booze and hookers at the barracks.

  10. lol at the Nigeria is in Africa, Africa = jungle, jungle = dead tanks logic around here.

    Nigeria has pretty large swathes of savanna, which can be pretty much ideal tank country. Take a look at the background of many of the shots of Boko Haram fighters, theyre hardly moving through dense terrain, and those guys have their own IFVs and APCs to deal with these days as well (where the fuck does all this equipment that militants manage to scrounge up come from? Oh, right corruption and shit).

    The biggest issue to using the tanks is going to be size of the country actually. 60 tanks is not much to defend the entire northern half of what is actually a massive amount of land, logistically its a pain in the ass, which is why they’ll probably only find real use attacking BH held strong points and whatnot.

      • Yes but there were no significant numbers of rpgs to threaten the Centurions. And M3 Lees had to worry about 25caliber rifles as the Japs didnt even have large numbers of field pieces let alone true AT weapons of any kind.

  11. As long as EU suck dick for saudi arabia these extremist groups will exist. Dont you see western countries that support arab nations indirectly support terrorism. And the dumb swedish “king” gave a medal to saudi king, omfg. It is a joke, I hate saudi arabia, and if you dont go it then I heat you!

  12. My bet is these old tanks won’t last very long because;

    1. They’ve been operated in a cold weather European climate all their operational life.
    2. They’ve not been fitted out for operations in extreme hot weather.

    They’ll require high maintenance and the maintenance crews won’t be able to keep up.

    Further, they don’t have ERA so they are easy meat for RPGs.

    • MODERN RPGs maybe, but those islamists arent equipped with those. Composite armor of T72 should be able to handle RPG7 warheads – depends on the type used as only one of the three avaliable warheads for this type can beat T72s armor protection (T72M1 has estimated protection against heat at 490mm on both hull and turret)

      secondly in open terrain and in these limited numbers its much more likely for those tanks to be used as assault mobile artillery supporting infantry (basically in the manner a tanks are meant to operate)

      not as first line urban AFVs

      • Collateral damage has always been present in any war.How much coverage it gets,and by whom,is another matter.

        • You dont understand. Kiev junta deliberately arranges the genocide of the population of Donbass, rather than trying to win back territory that voted for secession. How would you react if Britain sent troops into Scotland and bombed a prohibited weapon urban neighborhoods with the civilian population? This is the same. Excuse me for my bad english, i badly know thid languadge

  13. By the way, how many tanks can the an225 take in one go? I would guess 3-4 max, as they weight around 40-50 tons. So if an225 flies 3 times (said in the video), it would only take like 12 tanks. What about the rest of them?

    • it can take up to 250 tones which means that it can take up to SIX T72s (41 tons per piece) per trip

      as only 16 of them are slated to be transported by air, the plane can take care of this delivery in three trips just fine /my guess would be first trip 5, second 6 and last 5

  14. They start that in monday – my Freind was there to take photos of antonov (hes big fan of that aircraft) and he show me those photos

    if someone interested it is still in Ostrava and it will take off ~10AM tommorow

  15. Yeh i’m sure the Nigerian army is entirely moral , Africa has been bathed in civil war since the colonials left , bako haram are just another bunch of arseholes , no different from the government in many african countries, the cycle of violence will continue as long as richer countries supply both sides with weapons.

  16. It’s a pity Executive Outcomes got shut down after their operations in the Sierra Leone civil war. They’d cost abit more than a fleet of tanks, but they’d be a hell of a lot more effective.

  17. Now let’s hope the Nigerians can use those vehicles properly and NOT let them get captured by the terrorists, unlike some other nations that Europe and the US has lent or sold equipment to *cough*Iraq*cough*.