Hello everyone,
another part of “Developer Time” show (where a developer answers player question) was released on Wargaming FM radio. Here’s the transcript, courtesy of WoT Express community. The answering developer is Yuri Filippovsky, “game balance designer”.
- unfortunately, according to historical documents, AMX-40 was classified as a light tank, not much WG can do about it
- T71 started to fall behind in statistics a bit, it was decided to buff it a bit
- the statistics show that the light tanks do not fall behind a lot in XP and credit farming behind other classes
- RU251 will not be nerfed
- it’s possible that when Havok gets introduced, some tanks will have to be rebalanced, but WG is hoping this won’t happen
- AMX-40 is the most dull LT in the game
- the most important role of the light tank is to spot
- there is already a fun mode in development for April 1st, it’s not a “zombie” mode
- AMX-13/90 will not be buffed
- it’s not yet decided, how the AMX-13/57 will be released to players
- T-50-2 was removed “for various reasons”. It was removed “at the peak of its fame”, today, it wouldn’t be that famous anymore. It will not return.
- tanks that move very fast suffer more from various engine bugs. More maximum speed than 80 km/h will not be implemented
- T-54 “Light” is not suitable for a medium tank role (SS: earlier, this tank was considered for medium role instead at one point)
- TD/HT viewrange nerf is not a LT buff per se, it’s about returning the classes to their originally intended roles
- it’s very difficult to find suitable hightier LT candidates – scouting on high tiers is the role of medium tanks, there will not be a LT10
- 9.6 changes are not the last changes to the LT class
- AMX 12t is fine statistically, many players play it
- if you scout and spot with the LT, you will maximize your profits – complaints about LT XP/credit income are pointless
- winrate in WoT statistics acts as a sort of “summary number” – there is no clear method how to determine whether a tank is OP or not
- currently, LT’s are fine, MT’s do not surpass them totally
- the gameplay became more dynamic with the introduction of new light tanks
- LT stabilization parameters (accuracy on the move) are fine
I do sometimes wonder if WG are playing/running the same game that we all play
no they play at 2.0.3 they arent scrbz like we are
They have no time – they are fixing MM, creating epic maps, balancing tanks, removing bugs.
The sarcasm is stronK in this one! :P
made my day :D
Developing Havok, multicore support, DX11, optimisation, HD tanks, HD maps.
Not sure why the people think that you’re joking. It’s all about how to define the word “to fix”…
It’s funny no matter how you interpret it as long as it has a sarcastic tone to it.
Fix is generally accepted as a synonym for improve via repairs. The operative word being….. well… improve…
Yes, and don’t forget reinventing the two year old RNG features and failing at all the newly developed features like havoc takes a lot of time…
i really doubt it
“- the most important role of the light tank is to spot”
90% of the maps are brawlfests now…
“- T-54 “Light” is not suitable for a medium tank role (SS: earlier, this tank was considered for medium role instead at one point)”
its better armored than t-44 and t-34-2 it could be a decent t8, but they buffed it hard to make it a sub par lt.
“- the statistics show that the light tanks do not fall behind a lot in XP and credit farming behind other classes”
i guess because damage dealing lts earns absurd ammounts of xp and compensates the yolobots.
AMX-13/57 should be IM reward, we have 2 tds, med and ht, why not light when the missions are for all classes?
AMX-13/57 First or second tank in the next campaign and I will be very happy
WG wants more people to play TD’s.
Jfc imagine reward arty…. sheesh.
TD/HT viewrange nerf is not a LT buff per se, it’s about returning the classes to their originally intended roles
because of this at open maps asshole LT drivers are becoming end for their team and these assholes driving meds or LTs can camp in this case battle is pretty much lost
Flattening maps or putting corridors – great opportunity to spot “suicide-style” because when heavies and meds spot you… you are done.
But be honest – WG made it clear that LT is not just for spotting… it is also for capping – we have a PM about it.
“- it’s very difficult to find suitable hightier LT candidates – scouting on high tiers is the role of medium tanks, there will not be a LT10″
Yet he even states that t8 lights are useless because of t10 Meds lol
WG has a….special “way of thinking”
> WG
> thinking
> lol
I think what you mean’t to say was “WG are “Special””
I am afraid so :D
LOL. WG Logic (TM) is god.
Yeah I don’t get it either. I mean, T8 LTs are fine for the most part and can deal with their matchmaking (and I don’t want it changed, as I really enjoy it), but *IF* scouting in BT10 and BT11 (and previously BT12) matches is the job of the meds, then why is there scout matchmaking?
Would the different “balancers” and game designers in your fucking company already get on one table and decide in which fucking direction they want the game to take to and fucking stick to it?!
“- winrate in WoT statistics acts as a sort of “summary number” – there is no clear method how to determine whether a tank is OP or not”
Yes, they use the global average WR to determine if a tank is OP or not. That’s a big mistake, we all know WR doesn’t mean jack, it can be abused very easily.
Instead of WR, they should set a certain acceptable dmg/battle for each tier and each class. Then collect the global average dmg/battle for each tank and decide whether it should be buffed or not. And for meds they should take into account the spotting dmg/battle as well when calculating.
This would work well for meds, heavies and TDs, maybe for arty too. But lights need another system and spot/battle wouldn’t work.
Bullshit, winrate is more accurate if they have tens of thousands of battles
per tank winrate is a completely retarded way to balance tanks if not all tanks are played by equally skilled players. Since this is the case in WoT(favourite tanks of unicums are different to those of the avg guy) the per tank winrate will not paint an accurate picture of the tank’s performance.
WIn rate, whilst not the only and or the perfect way to gauge a tank is MUCH better then average Damage.
SOmething you WN8 stat padders never learn.
Win Rat > Damage in importance. Deal with it.
Again, someone who has no idea how statistic works and yet talking like an expert. What next, “WR is all about luck”?
Keep farming useless damage in your favourite WN padder, playing for win is a concept which is too difficult for you to handle.
I think u are takng this the wrong way:
He is talking about global winrate of a tank,
not about personal winrate.
And at least to some extend what he says is true, some tanks are handicapped by all “Funplayers” playing em, thus having lower winrate,
then there are tanks that the “play4fun” masses ahven’t rech, maybe never will, 263 for example…
mfg eX
PS: I hope i was able to clarify a bit here.
WG and even noobmeter already figured how to solve that problem ages ago (recent tank wr vs recent WR of that tank’s player WR)
“unfortunately, according to historical documents, AMX-40 was classified as a light tank, not much WG can do about it”
Correct me if I’m wrong but CDC was/was to be classified as a TD, and it’s an MT in the game…
Yep and T30 is not the same class as the T29 and T34. #wglogic
The name “Chasseur de chars” literally means “Tank destroyer”
And also AMX 13 and the ELC was classified as Tank Destroyers too.
And IIRC Bat Chat 25t irl was “Light tank”, and in game it is Medium tank.
So WG argument is invalid. They have changed other tanks classes already to not represent the historical classification, so why suddenly the AMX 40 would be a problem.
Because AMX 40 stronkerust heavy tank in the game, it deserves to stay as it is.. + it’s funny
well AMX was so fun to drive,… and then Matilda got introduced
It’s also ridiculous, because much like the Commonwealth at the start of the war, there was no light tank, medium tank, heavy tank classification.
They both had their own classification, like the French having infantry support tanks, like the H35, and cavalry tanks, like the S35.
Somewhere along the line, WG decided to mix and mash those classifications and shoehorn them into more intuitive classes. Hence slow armored 2 man tanks being called light tanks.
Char = Tank.
Chasseur de chars = tank destroyer.
The AMX 13 was designed as a light tank. The ELC was specifically designed to be air portable and the “L” actually stands for light in French. The BatChat was a contemporary of the AMX13 but was twice the weight and designed as what would come to be known as a MBT and so is unlikely to have been described as a light tank.
Actually the DEFA considered the Batignolles-Châtillon 25t as a Light Tank.
Likewise, the ARL 44 was reclassified as a “48t Tank Hunter” the 26 October 1950 (ministerial decison: DM n°1856 SEFAB/CAB/CT/MAT).
The AMX 40 was designated as a Cavalry Tank on its plans and its creator, Mr Jospeh Molinié, considered it as an alternative to the Somua S35 (Medium Tank IG) and as a possible contender to the G1 (Also Mediums (and even Heavy) IG).
those were all reclassified for balance reasons. mainly not losing camo value while moving.
why would anyone want the AMX to be changed???? you have the LT camo buff (although im sure the amx has crap camo) and if it was a med you would need to pay for the vehicle type transfer(crew) twice! once for getting from LT to MT and once from MT to LT.
And similar thing happened to Obj. 416 and Ho-I(the Elite Ch-He) but instead Challenger, a cruiser tank is somehow a TD now
Wow, WG really cares about those “historical documents”
So what, you want amx 40 as what? MT? HT?
So, you want amx 40 as what? MT? HT?
I have no idea why ppl asking amx to be reclassified, it’s not like amx 40 got scout MM or anything…
My problem here is that WG lies…
WG misinforms…
WG kicks the dying dog one more time
i have to admit that WG (surprisingly) sometimes do make right descision, like not giving amx-40 a scout matching.
But T-50…
I really have trouble understanding why that thing got scout matching.
it was an infantry tank, not a scout just to mention anything historical.
And A-20 which is better in almost any way as a scout don’t get that matching
AMX-40 used to have scout MM, for a long time IIRC.
Well he keeps his camo on move,…. well its move so slow that there is no way it could lose camo on move,…..
T28 HTC is a TD in game, but doesnt HTC stand for heavy tank concept?
“unfortunately, according to historical documents, AMX-40 was classified as a light tank, not much WG can do about it”
And eg. AMX CDC was a tank destroyer…yeah, they cant do much about it, like they still think that their game is historical and stuff
EDIT: Oh lol, just saw this one:
“- it’s very difficult to find suitable hightier LT candidates – scouting on high tiers is the role of medium tanks, there will not be a LT10″
So basically WG is openly telling us that t8 LT’s sucks in their main battle tier and the meds are doing their job…
highfive :D
Light tanks on tier 8 have MM of tier 9 mediums.
Compare Light Tanks with T9 meds and T8 meds (for StrongHold, Clan Wars tier 8), not to Tier 10.
LEarn the damned game Jesus…
WG has stated numerous times that random battles are the main balance factors of this game. (though this sentence is already an utter bullshit, since it’s WG we are talking about)
Thus the t8 LT dominance in stronkhold is an outlier, and should not be considered anything special..
In random battles however, a t8 LT is only adequate as long as there’s no BatChat, ruskie t10 MT, Leo1 in the team. And this is something that is not desired by not only dedicated LT players but by players in general…
“Thus the t8 LT dominance in stronkhold is an outlier, and should not be considered anything special..”
Unfortunately, it aint so. Special Clan Wars stages, Team Battles and StrongHolds are all things where the new tier 8 lights rule.
“In random battles however, a t8 LT is only adequate as long as there’s no BatChat, ruskie t10 MT, Leo1 in the team. And this is something that is not desired by not only dedicated LT players but by players in general…”
You do realize that the tier 8 Light Tanks are COMPARABLE to tier 9 MEDIUMS?
only COMPARABLE but T8 LTs and T9 MTs are not each other’s substitutes…
An E50 has armor and better penetration compared to T8 LTs. Centu 7/1, Leo PTA, Type61 and WZ120 have t10 guns…
What do t8 LTs have against these? Better camo, maybe better view range, i wouldnt even mention better mobility, though its a factor, it is barely a PRO in t10 snipermode games…
Tier 9 medium tanks are useless competitively.
No tier 9 Clan Wars or Team battles.
Wait for tier 9 Light Tanks, if that EVER happens. Then we will compare them with the Tier 10 mediums.
AMX-13 105? NFI about the gun characteristics (can be mangled for balance), but there are surely some other tier 9 candidates as well.
That :http://genieminiature.com/pages%20heller/img/81122-kit-Heller.JPG
Yea sure but you know, the problem is that lt8 are landing in t10 constantly
- there is already a fun mode in development for April 1st, it’s not a “zombie” mode – because that one is already in the game
And we also have a 1vs29 mode.
Hey now, you can form platoons and make it a fairer 3v27.
Wow they added that feature ! (Internet explorer user)
- unfortunately, according to historical documents, AMX-40 was classified as a light tank, not much WG can do about it
That is a lie, because the T30 was classified as a heavy tank, not a tank destroyer.
The AMX CDC was a tank destroyer project, not a medium tank.
The M26 Pershing was classified as heavy tank, not medium.
So they can “do something” about it, because they “already did something” in several other cases.
it’s very difficult to find suitable hightier LT candidates – scouting on high tiers is the role of medium tanks, there will not be a LT10
Considering how mobile T10 meds are and how far they can see that makes sense.
The Pershing was reclassified after WW2 to its normal class, medium tank. The decision to make it a heavy during the war was more like a moral boost propaganda than anything.
It did have the heavyish mobility tho.
It would match a Tiger nicely with the historical gun and mobility
but M26 Pershing IS a medium tank.
For the CDC thing, the counter example is the T-34-57, developed as a tank destroyer, but being called a medium tank.
It’s not because it’s called “tank hunter” (not “tank destroyer” ) that’s it’s role is that of a TD in WoT sense. And considering that it’s a blueprint tank that was never fitted to any doctrine, it’s impossible to say how it would have been used stategically.
So really, there no wrong way to implement either, either medium or TD works, it’s more of a gameplay decision. And in this sense, it’s better to have it a medium tank.
Actualy “tank hunter” is litteral translation (the one google translate can give you, and google translate is full of fake shit).
“Chasseur de char” is litteraly “tank hunter”, but it really means “tank destroyer”.
“Tank destroyer” translates litteraly “destructeur de char”, nothing has this name. I know what I talk about, I’m french.
So AMX CDC is a tank destroyer, it´s in his name, and wg managed to make it a medium. So they’re liars.
Same would apply to the german word for “tank destroyer” (“Panzerjäger”; literally “tank hunter” or “Jagdpanzer” -> “hunting tank”). Panzerjäger = tank destroyer. Chasseur de char = tank destroyer. Tank hunter = tank destroyer.
My guess: Probably the word “to chase”/”chaser” even has the same origin as “chasseur”. Wouldn’t be surprised. It’s a pursuer, a hunter. There are quite a few languages that say “tank hunter” for “tank destroyer” (Spanish “Cazacarros”, Italian “Cacciacarri”, Dutch “Tankjager” and probably a few more).
Btw: That was also the idea behind the name for the tank destroyer “Hetzer”. It’s a hunting term “hetzen”. In english you even say “to hound”, because a “Hetzer” was a hunting dog/hound made exactly for this: pursuing and chasing relentlessly.
Saying “literally it means ‘tank hunter’ and not ‘tank destroyer’, so it is not meant ‘tank destroyer’” is totally simple-minded.
I am too.
Chasseur de char means exactly that. To hunt tanks down. The litteral translation holds up, because even the Germans used that exact term “panzejager”
The name is not “tank destroyer” , and even if it was, that’s just a name. You can’t just shoehorn everything into a same categorie because it has the same name.
Think of the CDC as a sort of Panther. The gun and armor is has is more suited to hunt down tanks at long range. Yet the Panther is a medium tank, both IRL and in WoT.
So what is the distinction between the two, when it comes down to turreted vehicles with good mobility? Oh, that’s right, doctrinal use.
And since the CDC was never used, it’s WG’s choice on how to make it.
They made the right choice. A premium medium tank with an upcoming medium branch is much smarter than making a premium TD for a shit-tastic TD branch.
Well technicaly, “tank destroyer” is a role, and some medium tanks had it. But in the game, they made “tank destroyer” a class, and not just a role.
TD as a class, then CDC should be one.
If it was just a title or a role, then CDC as a medium would fit.
WG unlogic with itself, that’s all.
Okay, I get that with the Pershing, but the T30 and CDC are pretty much proof that they only care about “historical classification” when it suits them. Don’t translate everything literally, or else every german TD suddenly becomes a “Hunt-Tank”.
NO mention about the 13/75
fuck you too wg
“T71 started to fall behind in statistics a bit, it was decided to buff it a bit”
The AMX 13 75′s already much worse than the T71 in almost every aspect and what does wg think? “hmm, let’s buff T71″
Well, “WG logic” explains:
T71 just starts falling behind – lets buff it!
13/75 – nah, dont bother, hopeless case anyway…
And the reason is quite obvious, it’s a gold sink!
“- T-50-2 was removed “for various reasons”. It was removed “at the peak of its fame”, today, it wouldn’t be that famous anymore. It will not return.”
- T71 started to fall behind in statistics a bit, it was decided to buff it a bit
And do they know why is that? I can easily answer that question. All of the good players moved to Walker Bulldog or T37. Only the bad ones remained so stats fall. Not so much of a problem with Amx 12t/13 75 because they werent used by good players as much.
+1.. WG thinks the amx line is okay, but they forget the fact that once you get to the BatChat you sell your lower tier scouts, maybe you keep the ELC for fun and the 1390 for funmode( or other gamemodes).
Effectively: you just use frenchies for grinding purposes.
On the other hand, the US have no end tier “light tank” (BatChat) thus if they wanna have a good US LT they stick with the new line because they’re better, and the whole line looks more….promising.
I have the feeling that most of the ‘old tanks’ are starting to fall behind. I remember the maus being a tank that required teamwork to take it down. Now there’s light tanks that can do that easly on their own (Spähpanzer I’m looking at you). In city maps it might still be stronk panzer but you get flanked all the time. The recent tanks all look to be better in some way than the old ones.
Well, if good ones moving to WB and T37 That clearly mean T71 is weaker and thus need buff,.. conclusion is same ,…
VK28.01 is fine? wow…
«unfortunately, according to historical documents, AMX-40 was classified as a light tank, not much WG can do about it»
You managed to put a tank called “amx TANK DESTROYER” (amx cdc, chasseur de char = tank destroyer) as a medium tank, so dont be assholes on that point.
If a tank that has “tank destroyer” in its direct name can be a medium, you can do something about AMX40…
No, “chasseur de char” means “Tank hunter”
Subtle difference, but difference nonetheless.
Dude I’m french, I know what I talk about . And I guarantee you that “chasseur de char” is the expression used for “tank destroyer”. Litteral translation isnt always the right one, same way most words translated from french to english word by word dont mean anything anymore ;)
Edit: I’ll recognize I’m wrong if you find a tank with “destructeur de char” in its name (its the litteral translation of “tank destroyer”). Good luck
“Same would apply to the german word for “tank destroyer” (“Panzerjäger”; literally “tank hunter” or “Jagdpanzer” -> “hunting tank”). Panzerjäger = tank destroyer. Chasseur de char = tank destroyer. Tank hunter = tank destroyer.
My guess: Probably the word “to chase”/”chaser” even has the same origin as “chasseur”. Wouldn’t be surprised. It’s a pursuer, a hunter. There are quite a few languages that say “tank hunter” for “tank destroyer” (Spanish “Cazacarros”, Italian “Cacciacarri”, Dutch “Tankjager” and probably a few more).
Btw: That was also the idea behind the name for the tank destroyer “Hetzer”. It’s a hunting term “hetzen”. In english you even say “to hound”, because a “Hetzer” was a hunting dog/hound made exactly for this: pursuing and chasing relentlessly.
Saying “literally it means ‘tank hunter’ and not ‘tank destroyer’, so it is not meant ‘tank destroyer’” is totally simple-minded.”
Replied above.
You guys are so fucking focus on the name, that you can’t even be bothered to see beyond that.
What was doctrinal use? What are similar tanks and their roles?
Since when does a name imply a use?
Is the Maus a small light tank? The Firely had a long range gun and was used like a Tank Destroyer, yet it was a medium tank.
The StuG3 was considered to be part of the artillery branch of the Wehrmarcht, even the name implies that it’s made to be an assault gun, yet it was used as a tank destroyer.
The name doesn’t make the vehicle, it’s use does that. And since the CDC was never built, WG can make it a medium tank if they want, and it won’t make it wrong.
TL;DR : it’s a fucking name, not an accurate description of it’s use in battle
And the subtle difference is…?
I see.
panzerjäger is not a tank destroyer but a ‘tank hunter’
im really convinced :)
The T-34-57 was a medium tank built to hunt tanks.
Why is it a medium an not a tank destroyer?
Why aren’t you complaining that the T-34-57 is in the medium branch?
Then every german TD isn’t a TD, but a “Hunt Tank” now. Subtle difference, but difference nonetheless… stop using literal translations.
So the every German TD called jagdpanzer should be classified as a medium? (Jagdpanzer = Hunt-Tank)
“- unfortunately, according to historical documents, AMX-40 was classified as a light tank, not much WG can do about it”
Guys. Big. Fucking Deal.
AMX CDC as a MT STILL works in WoT.
T30 as a TD STILL works in WoT
T-34-57 as a medium WORKS in WoT just fine.
Protest that the CDC is a premium and not a part of the normal medium line. Not how its classified.
T50-2 already return as Artic fox, and mt25 far more better than t502. Trust me, i had 400 battles with 502 and 500 battes with mt25 @58% wr
- AMX-13/90 will not be buffed
AMX 13/75 and 13/90 don’t need a buff. What they do need is the ability to utilize a vertical stabilizer.
Old excuses don’t wash ie. Oscillating turrets don’t get very stabilizer.
Accuracy Nerf will be detrimental to the AMX performance, vertical stabilizer will help.
So they make LT for spotting purposes and then they make 90% maps that LT are useless! STROK LOGIK
Then they say “scouting on high tiers is the role of medium tanks”…
So the AMX 13/90 will remain useless as always. Can’t fight can’t spot.
- there is already a fun mode in development for April 1st, it’s not a “zombie” mode
“- the most important role of the light tank is to spot”
Yes because they are totally making spotting damage easy to rack up with these tight, narrow corridor maps that you can’t shoot past your view range because the corridors are rarely ever that long. The accuracy nerf certainly doesn’t help.
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> – the statistics show that the light tanks do not fall behind a lot in XP and credit farming behind other classes
Yeah, they fall behind in WINNING!…
‘Cause, we totally play this game for the credit farming, not the winning…
- the most important role of the light tank is to spot
Tell that to siemka kto pl teams that get less than half the damage/spotting damage/exp than my tier 8 light in tier X battles.
Nowadays, in order to win with a high tier LT you gotta, more than anything, get a non-corridor map.
a) do initial spotting, either passive or active run
b) if you survive RNGesus snipers/yolo scout rushes, do some passive spotting/back sniping
c) do some more initial spotting, while watching your top tier kurwa flanks melting
d) do damage because hurr durr, mast nat shut, mast protekt arta
e) do more damage because kurwa tanks cant hit a barn in front of them
f) do even more damage to tanks 2-3 tiers higher than you with 1/2 their HP because WG MM logic
g) if your team is not totally retarded, do a final spotting/yolo rush and win the battle
Oh wait, did I mention you need an open map like Malinovka, Prokhorovka, Murovanka etc?
Yeah, gl with that.
- the most important role of the light tank is to spot
Still facepalming….
Yup.The most important part of playing a light tank nowadays is, to be a stand-in for a medium tank.
“- AMX 12t is fine statistically, many players play it”
Unfortunately they do not play it, because they like to play it, but because they want to get to the 13/90 or the BatChat. By that logic, any T1 tank is obviously overpowered, as EVERYONE plays them.
- it’s not yet decided, how the AMX-13/57 will be released to players
I really hope they make it a purchasable premium… although it would be a nice IM reward, I’d much rather just buy it for 5000G. Looks like a really fun little light crew trainer.
- the gameplay became more dynamic with the introduction of new light tanks
How the hell would WG know? That would require them to play their own game.
” AMX-40 was classified as a light tank, not much WG can do about it”
yeah… because there arent already tanks in the game running around as td’s or td’s running around as arty…. T18….. ELC AMX….etc….. wtf do you mean you cant do anything about it lol.
Wargaming only uses the term “Historical” when it suits them.
“- AMX 12t is fine statistically, many players play it”.
Yes, the fact that it is the only way to batchat has nothing to do with how many people play it.I truly hope their way to determine the strength/popularity of a tank is not by how many players play it..
They don’t care about how bad the AMX 13 75 is…
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