Hue hue hue…
Ehm…. okay. Thanks to Theextr3megamer for this one. Basically, yesterday, World of Tanks youtube channel admins uploaded a Brazilian trailer for World of Tanks, that starts with the words “a batalha chega ao Brasil” – “to battle in Brasil” in Portuguese. The trailer itself is called WOT Trailer BR 30 and it is unlisted. Of course, they probably forgot that people are getting notifications of the channel uploads and so, the trailer was leaked.
Does it mean that there will be a separate Brazilian server? Well, who knows, but looks like it.
I hope. I sick and tired of brbrbr ppl all spamming shit on chat.
I made a hard battle chat filter (things not staying in history) so maybe you can try it? Filter by bad words and low WN8
Sometimes the bananaeaters can be actually usefull. I try to live with them. I mean, its just good behaviour when playing on a NA server to talk in english.. That way everyone can and will understand what you want to say. Forcing someone to read and react to their babble is just boorish
SIEMA, dobze gra :D
Dont know to react to this.. A clue Major Troll?
Only RU server is almost entirely one-language speaking/understanding.
Ok salsage eater… that comment “bannaeaters” deserve be in a Hall of Shame. Everytime if a brazillian player talk each other see the “hamburgereaters” crying like a baby cause we an talk english, spanish and portuguese. Stop thinking you are “merican” and you rule the world.
We do rule the world. Let me know when Brazil isn’t a crime and poverty infested 3rd world country and maybe people will take you seriously.
At least they have an excuse. Being a crime and poverty infested FIRST world country is kinda worse.
Most of them are much better than the average US player. It is hard to find a really bad brazillian player, while this is expected from the rest of the server. Not everything people talk in other languages are relevant to the game, an in my experience it is easier to find people talking amongst themselves in chinese or vietnamese than portuguese. Pub battles lack communication anyway, so I don’t care in which language people are talking.
In any case splitting an already small playerbase is a bad idea. I am against this server.
WN8 down? hahaha looks at the first server statistics before talking shit, full of little children US server that buy the game with less than 1k matches, sick enough to see waste playing tier 8 premium without even 1k …. yes BR has noob but compares .. not have to compare ..
Gibe money pls
I report u
Huehuehue brr?
Brasil es no.1 huehuehue
A latin america server would be great since we have really bad ping on the regular servers…east is the best ping (150 average) but it is too unstable for our connections.The issues are with the route, it’s clogged and bottlenecked as hell, all of brazil shares the same basic internet pipes so to speak, despite there being various ISPs
In the morning hours or late at night you get stable connection as you might imagine.
Can’t be that bad. I have a 54 wr connecting from South Africa to Europe at 200ms.
Nonsense, just advertisement in Brazilian Portuguese
Instead of fixing lags in EU they are adding new servers in Brazil.
This is so fcking stronk.
Bad troll bad, go back to your cave..
What has EU lags anything to do with NA and SA thing?
Said the biggest troll around here. :D
I am flattered.
Wow, you think I am a troll?
I should be the one to be flattered :D
Now seriously, how those EU lags have anything to do with the NA server?
Hue xD
Hue Hue Br?
The name of brazilian server is gonna be EU2 :)
Brazilian? Right well I will be waiting for an Australian server. Getting real tired of games with more then 5 different languages, makes for shit times.
EU server laughs at you :D We got more than10 different languages playing, 5 of those just love to spam most of the time. Hungarian, Polish, Czech, German, Turkish and then there’s the occasional French, Italian, Finnish and maybe some Dutch(but those guys are cool) ;)
20+ languages.
I was being modest :3
Usually when the rare Dutch person uses Dutch it’s not game related or at most clan related. Dutch people that are English illiterate are thankfully rare. That said just like all nations there are some rotten apples among the Dutch.
You should see the EU server. Polish, german, hurgarian, czech, slovakian, french, all that jazz.. Thats why i force myself to play on NA server, at the expense of high ping.
Or you can also learn a another language like most people do.
Learning german, french and polish just to read their cursing rarely pays off and those are just the major languages on the EU server. As someone who can read some of the german, most of what they have to say in german isn’t particularly informing, when they want to use teamwork they usually start typing in english when needed since most german players have at least acceptable levels of english typing skill.
Usually, when someone has something useful to say they use (broken) english or simply don’t understand english. The french sometimes don’t, but decent french players tend to use (broken) english. Italians/Spanish/Czech/Slovak/Polish players all use english often enough. The last three less often then the first two.
“If you cannot understand it – it is not meant for you”.
Why bother with something that is not meant for you?
Are you running in street and telling everybody to SHUT UP, if they talk in languages you do not understand ? :D
Can any of the South American countries have their own tech tree? :D
T10 HT – Huehue ausf. Brbr
Tier 10 light tank
brazil is a country big and populated enough to have their own server… plus i have a friend living in french guyana who’ll be really glad for his ping :p
“Does it mean that there will be a separate Brazilian server?”
if you expect them to open a new server everytime they release a new add then we in Portugal would already have one since 2013
the one above isn’t even creative and they just reused 2 different adds they have been using for a long time
xbox 360 and that one when they show KV-1s being assembled (I think it’s the Roll Out add)
back then they even created a website just to facilitate portuguese players to join the game ” ” and it’s still open
the reason they did this is because WG isn’t dumb and anyone would like to get a good share of the estimated 200 million brazilians and advertizing in their language will just make it easier to captivate them
P.S: Portuguese(european) and Brazilian Portuguese (although not a real language but it differs a little in the use of some words and a lot of expressions, like the british saying torch and the americans calling it flashlight) have been officialy supported in game since the beggining, even though the same doesn’t happen in the EU forum
when I first started playing in 2011 I could choose to run the game in Portuguese but I choose english to get more used to chat with the other players
Faked, cloned, incomplete and laughable “Brazilian tree” coming in 3, 2, 1…
I’m from Chile, and I’d rather keep playing in NA East with 180-220 ping than in a BR server, nothing against brazilians as people (they’re A LOT nicer than most south americans, even chileans) but as WoT players… well, guess we all know that.
Hey! A new Russian server!!!
If there will be a brazilian server, I think it will be added simply to the NA cluster. (I know Brazil is not in NA, but I doubt they will make a new cluster)
I’m tired of this negative reputation spread by American whiners, Brazilians play as well than you, sometimes a lot better. We have to play with a ridiculous ping over 300ms and do better than you, “mericans” with privileged speed and the server close to home. The lack of respect from American players is also something to stand out, as they are racist, intolerant, overbearing and rude. Before speaking of brazillians, look at the own posture.
PS: Timed Out, brazillian team in the league, still kicking asses, including the big fat SIMP ass.
I believe the correct (and also literal) translation is “The batte is coming to Brasil”
The name of the Brazilian server will be HUE1
Until the Germans come back with the soccer tanks…
Yeah and NA server will be renamed to BH server, the Butthurt’s server
SIMP chimp win kick in the ass
Obligatory HUE HUE HUE
I hope so. Brazilians on NA server ughhhh!!!
I trully hope so, rude “mericans” on NA server ughhhhh!!!!
Having a BR Cluster would be nice, I hope it would work like NA East and NA West, so you can switch servers, BR or “SA” to play randoms and deal with the stupids doing their IMs and NA East for competitive stuff.
Good, I’m tired of playing with 200-240ms because WG feels like it.
While having a brazilian server would be nice since a somewhat large part of the player base is from SA,some of them dont know english,not many but some.
It wouldnt do anything for those who created their account on NA and server roaming is not confirmed
I play on the NA server and im not from the US but this server wouldnt help me for example
If they do this I want a transfer to the EU server, NA is already dead enough as it is.
No Brazilian server for you’all!
Most SA players are pretty decent, I would say above average, especially Brazil and Argentina. I do hope they don’t make another server, the NA East server is right now at the minimum acceptable level to work with WG’s matchmaker throughout the prime time shoulders (for example 11pm to 1 am eastern).