Most Useful Tanks for Clanwars


Hello everyone,

based on the data of a popular Russian clan rating site, a table of the most useful tanks for Clanwars was collected – I think it’s actually quite interesting. To explain: some tanks are useful for clanwars and some are useless. The usefulness tank poll was made and distributed amongst Russian clan commanders and their deputies (people, who decide what tanks to use in CW). These polls happen repeatedly (every time the parameters of tier 10 tanks are buffed/nerfed).

The higher the vehicle is on the table, the more useful it is in Clanwars.


101 thoughts on “Most Useful Tanks for Clanwars

  1. I want someone to explain the 215b thing. I mean, I just don’t get it, what’s good about it for CW?

    • Very high DPM, a lot of HP, so it’s pretty damn good for teamfights.
      Also practically no aimtime with good accuracy, makes it a decent sniper if needed before going in.
      Pretty obvious, isn’t it?

    • 1) Becouse APCR with great penetration! Not HEAT which says goodbye with every track, gun and space armor;
      2) Highest DPM;
      3) Good gun elevation despite back turret;
      4) Good turret armo -> hull down tacticr;
      5) Not bad mobility;

      It`s worth it! It`s ultimate king of steppes and such an open map.

    • Man, 215b is superb tank. Shame they will replace it.
      Some maps have very good positions for this tank.

    • 215b is more like a turreted td with a ton of hp and average frontal armor and decent speed. The 215b does not really fit the heavy tank role as well on the field compared to like the E-100 which can take a beating. but as a td heavy tank hybrid it out performs alot of the td’s in terms of dpm and has tons of hp like a heavy tank and can bounce shells from the front if used right.

      • Guys ? You’re talking about HT or TD ? There’s no stat for HT in this table.

        The TD can kill many tanks with one hit, in fact it can finish off every tank in the game if it’s damaged at least by one shot except for the Maus and E-100.

        • I’d change it to “APCR is primary ammo whenever possible”.
          Couple of HEs when you need to reset capture and HEATs against targets with no spaced armor.

        • some pen on standard ammo is so high that using the better gold ammo just proves you fail at the game…

          • If your team looses a match because your high pen standard ammo rolled really low pen and somehow bounced, then I’m pretty sure that makes you a faggot.

    • Lots of top tier clans use them in heavy brawl maps and strats because of the DPM, HP, and accuracy.

    • But it’s there, and almost at the top :)

      … not so bad compared to, say, Chinese ;)

      • Indeed, Chinese are less useful in clanwars because of gun depression and the fact that their armor is rather thin and can be useful only in a chaos of random battle but against a coordinated squad, 113 and 121 are helpless. I confirm this from my expeariance.

  2. I am surprised to see the GC and E100 so high on the list. Also surprised to see the Maus above JP-E100,Foch and Leo.

    • GC is good because it ignores cover on many maps and E100 when used in groups can devastate enemy with HEAT spam while having a rather large HP pool and decent armor. Turret is impeterable you angle if enemy misses the front turret plate.

      Leo is kinda useless on the other hand: STB has turret armor (somewhat) and same good depression, and accuracy isn’t that bad.

      • “Turret is impeterable you angle if enemy misses the front turret plate.”
        This is supposed to be “Turret is impenetrable if you angle it and enemy misses the front turret plate.”

    • Covered Maus requires about 3 bat-chats to kill it reliably. Or you can use it to cover the base. It is how you use Maus in Clan wars.

      JPzE-100 is useless because it is too slow to react to rapid enemy movements and its gun is barely better than the gun of E-100 for the CW purposes.

      Foch 155 cooldown is too long for quick paced CW battles.

      Leo is slightly more agile than soviets, but too squishy in the same time.

      GC is fucking best tier 10 arty in the game. Great splash, high angle of fire so it can hit targets beyond rocks and shit. And last but not the least – its sector of fire is insanely large, so there is no need to turn the hull in most cases and this is means quicker and more accurate fire.

      • You have some good points. I never played Clan Wars, but I always assumed that clans only use soviet mediums and bat chats :))

        • CGC + Batchats + 3~4 other mediums (Russian/STB-1/Leo/FV4202) is a common setup but in himmeldorf it’s common to use heavies + 0~2 TD’s + 3~4 BC. On mixed maps the composition still leans towards more heavies usually. However batchat rush is also an option on all not-pure city maps. Almost on all maps other than himmelsdorg 1~2 arty is generally the way to go. Though some BC rushes forsake arty for the obvious reason of that arty can’t do much damage in a fast game. Sometimes they have a BC 155 58, though since it’s the most ”rush-like” arty.

          The most popular heavies in decreasing numbers tend to be: IS-7, T110E5, E100 and AMX 50B.

      • its not just that its slow, but also because it has no real redeeming features to make up for that speed. irrelevant armor, gun is inaccurate, without the DPM of the russians, its also very large.

    • Unlike other meds, Patton doesn’t have a specific ‘role’ on CW. It has excellent viewing range, but that’s about it. Batchat can spot better because of camo, and gets to spotting areas much faster than the Patton. Gun isn’t that good compared to germans and soviets, so it can’t deal as much damage. Mobility is inferior, which is needed for meds who needs to get around to flank, defend, cap or defend the base. And the fact that’s its just damn big means it’s an easy kill.

      • M48 Patton advantages ?

        420m viewrange (with perks and optics it increases quite alot and becomes superb to even some scouts)
        Best gun handling among all meds
        One of the best terrain passage among all meds
        Tracks are rather huge and eats alot of shells when sidescraping (but don’t relia on it too much).

        Other than that it has very nice hard stats on gun like most NATO meds but yeah, it’s sheer size (larger than even some heavies!) makes it useless in clanwars since CW is highly organized and there are always dedicated spotters.

  3. BC, but of course, Autoloader masterrace.
    Object 140, 3 or 4 of them to clean up after the BC’s = GG
    E100, Armour und Alpha, nufsaid.
    T62A, You cannae pen me turret, newb!
    CGC, I see your hard cover and I laugh at you.
    AMX 50B, BC’s big little brother, autoloader masterrace.
    FV215B, Unhistorical OP DPM terrible armour tank.
    IS-7, But I AM POPULAR D:
    Object 261, I have no idea what I am doing here, I see building and I shoots into it.
    T110E5, Good gunhandling masterrace.
    Object 907, When will Object 140 nii-chan notice me?
    T57 Heavy, MURICA’s finest autoloader, autoloader masterrace!
    T92, When I hits I splashes all over you!
    TT110E3, Murica’s non-turreted E100! ( with bad sidearmour )
    STB-1, Gundepression + DPM masterrace!
    T110E4, Turreted, When will T110E3 nii-sama notice me?
    Object 430, I can Haz some armour, DPM and be medium!
    Object 263, I am immune to TD nerfs. Huehuehue….
    WTF E100, I put the WTF in WTF E100!
    IS-4, I has semi competent unhistorical gun and troll armour!

      • I’ve been ‘worried’ about grinding the T57 now after the nerfs to make it’s gun handling worse than the 50 B. I can’t play the test server unfortunately.

        This list misses tier 9s, specifically M53/55 which is more mobile than CGC and shoots more often, while having somewhat worse splash and trajectory (considerably better than the T10 mobile SPGs [B-C 155 58 and Obj. 261], though).

        And I also don’t know why they would use FV215b over stronk Sobiet DPMedium… can take another hit, but worse DPM and huge size.

        • On 215B:
          Probably explained one word: Citymaps.

          On citymaps HP pools, alpha and armour are everything when players are equally skilled. While good at pop out warfare the russian mediums do get (yellow or red) ammoracked when hit from the side most of the time so I can see why they wouldn’t prefer that. The 215B can take 2 more shots from most guns. There’s even a chance for 3 more shots needed from russian guns if they don’t highroll.


          Russian medium killed with: 6 shots with 320 alpha
          Russian medium killed with: 5 shots with 390 alpha.
          215b killed with: 8 shots with 320 alpha
          215b killed with: 6 shots with 390 alpha

    • Remember, this is a CW’s utility raying, not necessarily a measure of how good the tanks are. That’s why good pubstompers like the 50m and M48 are ranked low, while things that are traditionally considered “bad” like the 263 are comparatively high

      Bat Chat: CW staple, insane burst an speed make it awesome when supported

      140 master race. Insane DPM, handling and extremely solid armor FTW

      E-100 THE CW’s heavy tank. unless a strat calls for a full med/IS-7 cap rush, there will be at least two brought.

      T-62: Ranked a bit higher than I would have thought… they don’t see nearly as much use as 140′s on NA spcifically because of depression.

      Conq: The only T10 arty that sees constant use for reasons that it is OP
      (Not added on this list is the 53/55, which sees even more use than the conq)

      50B: made a huge comeback post-57 nerf… currently preferred to the 57 on NA.

      215b: Doesn’t see too much use on NA, but high HP and DPM make it gud in teamfights

      IS-7: Go-to fast heavy, spectacularly trollish armor and decent alpha make it a staple.

      261: …the only T10 arty other than the GC that sees use, still very, very rarely on NA (My clan takes them on maybe two maps)

      e5: Solid armor, DPM, mobility, this tank canrun with an IS-7 strat or a slower med group, lots of use.

      907: Sees pelnty of use, though i don’t really see why… weak ammo rack and depression make it unreliable.

      57 heavy: Autoloader heavy for when you’re short on 50B’s, better than them for countering Fascist box tanks

      T92: Never bring one of these. ever. Conq is better than it in every way. 53/55 is more reliable, so it it used as the American T10 art in CW’s

      E3: Need a powerhouse with an APCR gold round, awesome bully potential but limited late-game use? Look no further than this.

      STB: Russian style DPM, -10 depression, and a fantastic turet make this a solid choice on many maps.

      e4: Sees use on maps like El Halluf or if you’re out of heavies, otherwise it is meh in CWS

      430: post buff it sees some use… still etremely rare to see one

      263: Probably the most useful TD for CWs now. Good speed, usable camo and armor, solid DPM and an APCR gold round make this the most called for sniper TD when you want to be aggressive.

      Waffle: Burst that can stall a push that is all that this tank is good for. Stick it in the NW corner on Tundra or something. This is the only tank that draws absolute fire priority over any other target.

      IS-4: An example of a fine pub tank that doesn’t fit the cW’s meta, if you want armor and gun, grab E-100′s. This wil sometimes be used when you ned to get armor somewhere this week, like trying to control south on Fjords

      G.W. E-100: No.

      Obj. 268: Sees almost no use post-nerf, its pretty good DPM is countered by abysmal traverse angles. This is the only TD that I would advocate getting the 850 damage round back.

      Obj.260: Too rare to have a defined use, sems like it should work.

      Another example of a fine pub tank that doesn’t get used in CW’s. It’s only real use is to counter a Bat Chat strat

      Top CW’s teams don’t like lotto machines, they want a tank that can do well, every single time. This is not that.

      7201: Meh? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one called for, not a bad tank, but there are others that do what does better (Read: E-100)

      This tank actually has a use: make them choke on your hitpoints. stack four up behind the town on Westfield and dare them to push into you, block Erlenberg bridge if you really don’t want anything crossing… This is a bad tank that has a use

      Doesn’t do anything in CW’s that a waffle doesn’t do better. once used for bulling meds, I have never seen it called post-nerf

      Leo. This tank should be much, much higher, it is often used to back up bats on early runs and as effectie sniper support/scouts. ITs DPM is the limiting factor here

      Jadg: If you bring this, you’re bad Not even good for a hard turtle

      M48/M60: used interchangeably, they get called on rare occasion

      Bat arty: the best arty for resetting cap, this dserves to be a bit higher

      113: No.

      Lotto machine, this tim without armor? No thanks.

      Russian med without the DPM or accuracy, this tank is never used

      4202: Take a patton, make it slower. extra armor is useless for it, and it has HESH gold? no thanks

    • Awesome +1,

      Before the nerfs to the 57 it would always win out over t110e5. WIth the accuracy nerf incoming the E5 may get used more often as its tumor becomes less of an issue. The Obj 263 is great until someone remembers to shoot its mantlet.

  4. It would be nice if we see this list combined with the average number off them in battle (or in their idial setup)
    as some off these tanks who are high in the list are generealy alone or only with two in a battle

    eg: there are usualy only one or two batchat per team, but more 140′s

    • Setup always depends on map.
      Also different commanders have different tactics and preferred tanks.
      There is no such thing as an average number for this.

    • Honestly, I rarely see anything other than either heavy heavy composition or BC heavy compositions from the top clans. Object 140 isn’t rare but there’s rarely more than 5 of them in a game and that’s usually only in BC compositions. ( 10 batchat + 5 object 140 ( or other mediums ) )

      I’d say the object 140 is more rare than batchats among the higher ranked clans. Lower ranked clans take whatever tier 10 they can get into clanwars to begin with usually preferring to using as many BC’s and heavies as possible on most maps unless the player with the BC or heavy says he sucks in it or something.

      Campnovka usually has more Object 140, but sniping and camping is the game on campnovka, amusingly the T62A is better at sniping and camping guess the mobility isn’t to peoples tastes.

  5. Glad to see the Leopard 1 in its rightful spot at the bottom.

    There is not much that it can do in randoms or in CWs; I know there may be one or two here or there when someone does amazingly well with it but how frequent is it?

    A rightful place for a very situationally-useful tank

    • Probably only mildly consistently useful on prokhorovka but if the enemy do a BC rush it’s almost completely useless, granted that’s about how well most mediums fare when spotted during BC rushes on prokhorovka but it’s certainly good for sniping on that map.

    • Veri stronk (situational) skaut! Never understood the reason for it but it’s preferred over b-c to do some early scouting in in certain bushes/rocks.

  6. Pingback: Jaké jsou nejlepší tanky pro klanové války?

  7. 1) The list is obviously junk with E5 and IS-7, the go-to heavy tanks in CWs, so far down on the list.

    2) SS, please bear in mind that the vast minority of us here can read Cyrillic, which I am sure you are perfectly aware of because it is the main reason for why your blog is so successful. You should translate the important keywords of things like this (it’s not the first time you post Russian crap w/o translations). In this case, the meaning of the headlines is essential for the comprehension of the contents of the different columns.

        • That’s relatively obvious without reading Cyrillic:
          1) name of tank
          2) Current rating
          3) Previous rating
          4) Evolution (= 2 – 3)

          • Kinda is, but having to waste energy on thinking about that sort of shit pisses me off. It’s a blog for translations from Russian to English and SS likes to forget translating keywords. Especially annoying when it’s not as obvious as here.

            • Not obvious ? Come on, subtractions and reading is something you learn in primary school …
              Silent said 1) that the most useful are on the top of the table, table sorted based on the second column, and 2) that the pool is done at each stat change.
              Then if the last one means rating evolution, then the previous one implies the previous pool.

              You are able to analyze a situation ingame but not able to understand 3 lines of text ? Or too lazy to think ?

              • I said “in cases not as obvious as here” which means in this case it’s obvious but in other cases it is not.

                It’s not about ability or being lazy, I am simply not willing to put up with that subhuman alphabet.

                • well you are subhuman calling others nation language subhuman cause it seems to be having such a problem figuring out what the numbers are and what they mean

                  but it seems you need everything to be fed with spooon with you cause you are too big of a dumbass to think for yourself

              • The only way to be a stronk ultraviolet player is not to waste braincells on anything else in life. Since I am only a leafy vegetable, with no shitbucket in sight, it was easy to deduce what the columns meant.

                I’m surprised SS would let the ‘subhuman’ comments fly…

        • Interesting, i thought you were very fluent in subhuman. Since that is what i mostly read of (and from) you.

        • I think IS-7 can get overmatched by 120mm (or 122mm (or 130mm, I’m not sure which one)) as well. The problem with the roofs on the IS-7 and the IS-4 is that they are simply not prominent enough. They cannot be hit reliably and if a weak spot generates a hit rate of 1/3 for the enemy it can hardly be considered a weak spot.

          The IS-4 is shit, but the reason is not the turret roof.

    • “bear in mind that the vast minority of us here can read Cyrillic”
      “You should translate the important keywords”

      What? You can read Cyrilic and still need to translate? You either can’t write what you want to say or there is something wrong is your logic.

  8. May we have a list with tanks for Strongholds and team battles, once most of the new premiums will be released? :)

    • For team battles, AngelofAwe made a list very recently:

      “Depending on maps and teams some picks I’ve seen are:

      T6 – TOG, M6, KV-85, T37, 59-16, amx 12t, amx 13 F3, M44, FV304, Cromwell, MT-25, KV-2

      T7 – M41 bulldog, T29, Tiger, IS, GW panther, IS-2, KV-3

      T8 – WZ-132, 110, 50 100, 13 90. RHM, RU251, Charioteer, T49, T69, Pershing, T32, Obj 416, ISU-152, T-54LT, IS-3, KV-5″


      • I’d say that generally the best tank to proritize on getting for 54/7 are:
        () is for secondary canditates.

        M41 bulldog
        (gw panther)
        amx 13 90
        amx 50 100

        Tier 8 commentary: The T54lt and WZ132 aren’t really that competitive in 54/7 but useful in stronghold. 110 is an IS-3 with a 100mm with better gunhandling but bad sidearmour.
        Tier 7 commentary: IS, IS-2 and KV-3 are not worth your time if you can get the T29. ( D-25T is not a reliable gun not even in city maps ) to get workable gun handling with it you need good crew the T29 with top gun with a 100% crew is already very good.
        Tier 6: Tog II is only for lol-trolls, MT-25′s profile is huge, KV-2 is nice for defending. 59-16 has the option of going full gold with it’s autoloader and devouring all other tier 6 scouts. with relative ease, it’s still not a very good tank.

          • RU251 has a good gun but it’s armour is too sensitive to HE and it’s gun while having extremely good DPM doesn’t mean much when it get’s oneshotted by T49′s and clipped by 13 90′s

            The penetration on the gun is neglect-able since premium ammo is called ”the skill” for a good reason. It’s still better than the WZ-132 and T-54lt in 1 vs 1 combat of course.

            It’s very good for sniping other tanks with from a distance however and on maps that allow you to do that it is competitive but most maps don’t allow for the RU251 to play to it’s strengths while helping the team.

      • If that’s supposed to be a list of all tanks used in WGL this season, at least following tanks are missing: M40/M43, E25, Hellcat, VK 28.01. Doesn’t make them good choices for team battles though, since there are significantly more city maps in the pool compared to the WGL/ESL pool.

  9. Surprised to see the E-100 so high in that list:

    Best clans only choose E-100 if you can sidscrape/boomrush reliably (city maps). And you cant pick many of them, because they are slow in infights (turret + hulltraverse) and block each other due to the size. Unlike all the other heavies that are worth using.
    On open and hilly maps IS-7 (impenetrable turret), T110E5 (gun handling + depression + good turret) and 50Bs (fucking gold autoloader with autopen :D) or even T57(DPM) are by far better. Even FV215B is only used because of the DPM, if it had a more similar DPM to that of the T110E5, nobody would use it.

    Soviet meds really depend on your FC, some prefer 907 > 140 > 62A > 430. Some others prefer 140 > 907 > 62A > 430 and if you absolutly need no gun depression you can even go 62A only.

    BC in CWs are mostly used as fast forward scout (~1-2x), or flanking/dmg dealing group (3~5x) and ofc in full rushes (risky).
    Leo is a good substitute to BC, because it is way more maneuverable (turn radius, turn speed) and not really slower. The gun is also nice and so is the viewrange and camo.
    Other meds are pointless, STB sports some turret armor, but is only usefull in full ridgefights, but you wont force such fights (TDs and arty prevents such fights on most maps).

    TDs that are worth using: 263 (DPM, APCR ammo), 268 (DPM, Pen and alpha), 110E3 (Armor) and the FVs for devastating alpha.

    Artys are quite limited aswell: Open maps: 261/T92(if the map is big)/CGC(if small map). On every other map CGC beats all arties due to his firing arc. GW E-100 aint that bad, but it simply isnt good in a single feature – so nobody bothers using it. BC 155 58 is only usefull in specific situations, autoloader and reloadtime hinder further use.

    • It depends on how you construcct your ranking.
      E-100′s are not so useful in general cause they are useless on most open maps but useful on those where you can put them in the city (like Siegfried Line or Ruinberg) and completely must have on city map like Himmelsdorf.

      So there are tankss that are more usable then e-100 on average but you can play without them or use something else instead while E-100 you have to buy anyway.

  10. LOL the maus ranks above the Leo 1.
    Also its good to see the 50b near the top of the list but i didnt expect it to be above the IS-7.

  11. Am I the only FC who likes to use one or two Leopards on certain maps? Prokho, Westfield and Erlenberg for example.

  12. Remember, this is a CW’s utility raying, not necessarily a measure of how good the tanks are. That’s why good pubstompers like the 50m and M48 are ranked low, while things that are traditionally considered “bad” like the 263 are comparatively high

    Bat Chat: CW staple, insane burst an speed make it awesome when supported

    140 master race. Insane DPM, handling and extremely solid armor FTW

    E-100 THE CW’s heavy tank. unless a strat calls for a full med/IS-7 cap rush, there will be at least two brought.

    T-62: Ranked a bit higher than I would have thought… they don’t see nearly as much use as 140′s on NA spcifically because of depression.

    Conq: The only T10 arty that sees constant use for reasons that it is OP
    (Not added on this list is the 53/55, which sees even more use than the conq)

    50B: made a huge comeback post-57 nerf… currently preferred to the 57 on NA.

    215b: Doesn’t see too much use on NA, but high HP and DPM make it gud in teamfights

    IS-7: Go-to fast heavy, spectacularly trollish armor and decent alpha make it a staple.

    261: …the only T10 arty other than the GC that sees use, still very, very rarely on NA (My clan takes them on maybe two maps)

    e5: Solid armor, DPM, mobility, this tank canrun with an IS-7 strat or a slower med group, lots of use.

    907: Sees pelnty of use, though i don’t really see why… weak ammo rack and depression make it unreliable.

    57 heavy: Autoloader heavy for when you’re short on 50B’s, better than them for countering Fascist box tanks

    T92: Never bring one of these. ever. Conq is better than it in every way. 53/55 is more reliable, so it it used as the American T10 art in CW’s

    E3: Need a powerhouse with an APCR gold round, awesome bully potential but limited late-game use? Look no further than this.

    STB: Russian style DPM, -10 depression, and a fantastic turet make this a solid choice on many maps.

    e4: Sees use on maps like El Halluf or if you’re out of heavies, otherwise it is meh in CWS

    430: post buff it sees some use… still etremely rare to see one

    263: Probably the most useful TD for CWs now. Good speed, usable camo and armor, solid DPM and an APCR gold round make this the most called for sniper TD when you want to be aggressive.

    Waffle: Burst that can stall a push that is all that this tank is good for. Stick it in the NW corner on Tundra or something. This is the only tank that draws absolute fire priority over any other target.

    IS-4: An example of a fine pub tank that doesn’t fit the cW’s meta, if you want armor and gun, grab E-100′s. This wil sometimes be used when you ned to get armor somewhere this week, like trying to control south on Fjords

    G.W. E-100: No.

    Obj. 268: Sees almost no use post-nerf, its pretty good DPM is countered by abysmal traverse angles. This is the only TD that I would advocate getting the 850 damage round back.

    Obj.260: Too rare to have a defined use, sems like it should work.

    Another example of a fine pub tank that doesn’t get used in CW’s. It’s only real use is to counter a Bat Chat strat

    Top CW’s teams don’t like lotto machines, they want a tank that can do well, every single time. This is not that.

    7201: Meh? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one called for, not a bad tank, but there are others that do what does better (Read: E-100)

    This tank actually has a use: make them choke on your hitpoints. stack four up behind the town on Westfield and dare them to push into you, block Erlenberg bridge if you really don’t want anything crossing… This is a bad tank that has a use

    Doesn’t do anything in CW’s that a waffle doesn’t do better. once used for bulling meds, I have never seen it called post-nerf

    Leo. This tank should be much, much higher, it is often used to back up bats on early runs and as effectie sniper support/scouts. ITs DPM is the limiting factor here

    Jadg: If you bring this, you’re bad Not even good for a hard turtle

    M48/M60: used interchangeably, they get called on rare occasion

    Bat arty: the best arty for resetting cap, this dserves to be a bit higher

    113: No.

    Lotto machine, this tim without armor? No thanks.

    Russian med without the DPM or accuracy, this tank is never used

    4202: Take a patton, make it slower. extra armor is useless for it, and it has HESH gold? no thanks

  13. Interesting, although there were some things I never expected to see:

    Conqueror GC: To see an SPG in the number 5 slot is quite interesting, but then again from my understanding the RU server LOVES arty compared to the other servers, and ESPECIALLY when compared to the US server where I play (the US server is the most vocal when it comes to hatred towards arty – of course that hasn’t stopped top clans from running Bishops in randoms and FV304s in Medium TCs), so I guess it works due to the server demographics (since these are Russian clans only apparently).

    FV 215b: Another tank I didn’t expect to be so high up, due to WG nerfing it into becoming effectively a worse-armored, rear-turreted T110E5 (the tank that USED to reign supreme in CWs until an influx of new mediums and autoloading tanks relegated it to reserve status). I mean the rear turret does make it more effective for sidescraping, but it’s so poorly-armored that sidescraping in it is usually not a good idea. This could be worth looking into further…

    WT E-100: How is this one so low on the list? I’m pretty sure that on the US server there isn’t a single clan that doesn’t run at least a couple of these in CWs, and on EU I assume they’re fairly popular as well. Then again, they did put the Conqueror GC up high on the list…maybe the GC is being used as a counter to the WT E-100, thus reducing how often it sees use…

    • Does the E5s better armour actually make any difference? I am asking from a point of ignorance here but i was under the impression the armour of both is unreliable therefore doesn’t Fv215b having an extra hit of hp and considerably more dpm and better gun handling make it a no brainer?

      • The E5 can actually bounce shots from the front unlike the FV 215b (though not from the sides or rear), so it has somewhat better survivability. If you want DPM on a mobile platform, you should go with a medium tank instead of a “pseudoheavy” like the E5 or FV 215b.

    • arty hatred making you to resign from one class of vehicles completely means you are not a top clan material ;P

      if you expect hard camp you can either rush before this camp is settled (not usable on maps where defender can camp effectively close to the spawn) use the spotting advantage (extremely risky and difficult) or soften opponent with arty before rushing him.

      For that use CGC is definitely great – huge splash and high arc solves most problems (maybe except T110E3 on himmelsdorf :D)

  14. Clan commanders and deputies are not the ones who decides what tanks to take.

    Field commanders decide and what role they have set on the clan page is not relevant.

    Field commanders tend to be clan commanders/deputies more often then regular players but at the same time among clan leaders there is more normal players then dedicated field commanders.

    noting that i assume that ranking was influenced mostly by field commanders anyway :D

    choosing the useful tanks highly depends on expected map pool you expect to play.

    I would maybe swap few tanks 1-2 places up or down, but basics are ok.