How to Get Rid of the WGL Hangar

Hello everyone,

are you not interested in e-sports? Tired of WG trying to stuff their “WGL” crap everywhere? Do you consider the WGL hangar vile? Here are two easy ways how to get rid of it.


- go to your game folder
- go to /res/packages/ sub folder
- copy the file “hangar_premium_v2.pkg” to “hangar_wgl_5s.pkg” (when it asks you, whether you wish to overwrite the existing file, say “yes”)

And it’s gone.


- go to your game folder (root, for example c:\Games\World_of_Tanks)
- make a backup of the “paths.xml” file somewhere
- open the file “paths.xml” in the root folder
- find the line, that says “/res/packages/hangar_WGL_5S.pkg” and delete it.

Works as well.

45 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of the WGL Hangar

    • I personally dont mind festive.
      Christmas, Halloween, poppy field on remembrance day was nice too…

      But a “tuning car 2fast2furious neons ftw 2k15 show” garage? Fuck that.

  1. It seems like for the last 1000 votes or so 99% of the votes are positive towards arty.
    What the f*ck

    • The “remove arty” gathered 2000 votes in one night so the difference is way higher. That should show the rest of the removearty QQers that they are few but vocal. Most of the players consider it a positive aspect of the game.

      • Positive? I dont think many players do want removal of arty, but most of the ones i know consider it necessary evil, not a positive aspect.

      • Most of the players are tomatoes and potatoes so that’s only logical. They don’t want to lose the only class they can do more than 1000 dmg in.

      • Well, not surprising, only around few % of WoT players have brain, rest are idiots. Those idiots are too stupid to realize that arty fucks up game. Also since they don’t have violet, or even blue stats they are shot by arty less so they don’t notice that as much. And for most of them arty is the only way to take down good player.

      • Circonflexes has the right idea, make EU3 without arty and let the “very few” play there, problem solved. Also the way you trivialize people with opinion different then yours by calling them “QQers” is lazy(your not playing arty here) please try harder next time.

        • > add EU3 for a small group of players only (meaning almost no purpose)

          > problems with MM, has to be rewritten
          > has to be coded completely (to exclude arty, to exclude EU3 from CWs, etc, etc) for pretty much no profit

          There’s virtually no benefit in this solution for WG – especially if it was enabled by choice only, it’d mean that maybe like 15% of EU players would use it, probably less – and that would mean seriously long queues and other problems.

          • Well i mean it as experiment, it would prove that spg isn’t necessary but WG will never do that because arty is the best class for them the most RNG off all. More RNG = bad players half of the time are good and good players half of the time are bad.

          • No profit? No problem! Make people pay a subscription to be allowed to play on the arty free server. I’d pay. So would many others.

        • They are QQers. I have no problem if I’m being shot by arty. When it happens I know it was my fault or the guy managed a lucky shot. Good luck on that EU3. I’d love to see most of the butthurt players (less than 50.000 probably) go there instead of remaining on the normal servers and continue their raging because they’re too dumb and after all this time they didn’t understand how to counter the effects of arty.

          • Well, you’re an idiot. That’s why you see no problem with arty. The end. It was actualy proven by a pool, people who are against arty have significatntly highier WN8 and other stats than those that see no problem with arty. That’s not an accident.

            • That because WN8 goes down the more you play SPGs. And most hard core people who do not like SPGs don’t actually play them. Or if they do it is a very minor % of there overall games. Because you generally do less damage, get less XP and hit less often… Maybe that is a difficult concept to follow.

          • How to counter arty:
            Don’t leave that cover you’re in
            Or you’re dead. No matter how fast you move, or how you drive, because it’s all RNG based.

          • You got one thing right: it’s your fault that you got hit by arty. That is, it is your fault that you went out of hard cover.
            Please don’t tell players who have significantly higher WR and WN8 than you, that they don’t know how to reduce the chances of being hit by arty. If they didn’t know how to do that, they wouldn’t be where they are now.
            Still they get hit, probably much more often than you since they: 1) play agressively to make their teams win, which is punished by getting hit by arty.. if they camped like the rest of the tomatoes they wouldn’t get hit (arty never relocates to hit targets that are in cover, it doesn’t have the mobility to do that and arty players are too stupid for that anyway) and 2) they are better players, and as such are focused the whole game by at least half of the enemy arties thanks to XVM.

    • Latest research suggest that bots are good at playing arty and even better in voting in pools.
      I’m afraid to see results of “bots should be removed from the game” “humans should be removed from the game” “humans should be removed from the Earth” in 2030

  2. I’ve done it this way since years… i want to have “my garage” and not some bullshit bling bling – at least they should give the option to revert to normal hangar!

      • Some people even wait for a while before getting joined into the battle. Maybe I have not noticed yet but there is a time-lag between pressing red button and getting the battle loaded. It’s called queue and during this time, i still see the hangar, still hear the stupid crowd and it still eats resources possibly needed for battle loading.

        However, if you don’t mind your GPU absolutely vainly renders a scene no-one is interested in (and I guess that at least @ 60 fps) it’s up to you. I reverted back to Helingers modded hangar with no useless crap (basically, with nothing just the tank).

  3. Third way: modify the paths.xml, so that instead of “hangar_wgl_5s.pkg” it reads “hangar_premium_v2.pkg”.

    By the way, the second method may mess up the load up (my game refused to start after removing the line, which is why I simply modified it.).

  4. There is another way I usually do to remove WG’s event hangars:
    1. First I copy the “hangar_premium_v2.pkg” and the actual event file, that is now: “hangar_wgl_5s.pkg” to an other folder.
    2. Than I change the “hangar_premium_v2.pkg” file’s name to “hangar_wgl_5s.pkg” .
    3. Finally I copy back name modified premium_v2, what’s name we changed to “hangar_wgl_5s.pkg” , and change the original wlg_5s file to this.

    This way you dont need to modify the paths.xml file because both file will be exist in the folder, and you will have the event hangar under the original name and also with the event name in the res folder.

    So for me this way is easier, but do as you would like. :)

  5. - copy the file “hangar_premium_v2.pkg” to “hangar_wgl_5s.pkg” (when it asks you, whether you wish to overwrite the existing file, say “yes”)

    Not very clear English. Make a copy of: hangar_premium_v2.pkg and rename it to: Paste to replace original.

  6. Pingback: Jak se zbavit otravného WGL hangáru?

  7. Easiest way I found to get rid of the WG Hangar is to use the Odem Mortis Mod Package. There you can choose your own garage layout. I currently use the Berlin Reichstag garage. It looks awesome.

  8. Wow, SS is such a salty one. “Guys, I hate this hangar that’s player-driven content. Here’s an article about it!”

    Perhaps while you’re giving unsolicited opinions, you could share your opinions on transgendered people and Roma again.

    • Its his blog so he should not give his “unsolicited” opinions. You gave him the right to tell you his opinion when you joined HIS blog. Its not a forum, if you don’t like it quit.

  9. I’m sorry, i know i’m an idiot but i just don’t get the first way.
    How to “copy the file “hangar_premium_v2.pkg” to “hangar_wgl_5s.pkg”? Do you mean to rename it or what? i can’t copy “hangar_premium_v2″ to this othis other thing, it’s in the same folder and all.
    And once more, i know i’m a tard but i can’t figure it out.

    • And yeah, i fucked up my game now.. When i try to start it, error pops up and it says
      ” Game resource path does not exist.
      You really need to make these steps more easier for retards like me mate.
      I deleted that file, i know that’s the problem but now i cant get it back.

  10. @ BlackBaron191

    Use my method (yes, shameless plug): open paths.xml with notepad, and replace “hangar_wgl_5s.pkg” with “hangar_premium_v2.pkg”.

    Works like a charm.

    • Thank you buddy, works like a charm. It’s so nice to see the old and normal hangar without all that shiny crap.
      Thx once more! You are a rockstar!