
Hello everyone,

a bunch of articles for you to see, if you are interested. First, there is an interview with Armored Warfare chief developer, Richard Taylor. Nothing much there, but still, interesting.

Secondly, there’s a 0.9.6 update for the useful region changer mod – if you want to play in the US and RU with EU client for example, it comes in handy. It’s no roaming though, you still need separate accounts.

Third, there’s a couple of articles on Overlord’s blog – by David “Listy” Lister about Project Foil, UK’s line of rocket launchers and a sort of legend about one Turkish corporal, who fired the Big Guns during the Dardanelles breakthrough.

- the fact that there won’t be LT9 and LT10 does not mean that LT8 tanks are equal to MT10 or HT10 in combat, it means they are the best scouts in the game (best suited for the role)
- on long distances, the coordinates of tanks are not accurate, because they get updated only once in a while to optimize server traffic and therefore, they are “estimated” by the client before they get updated by the server again. That can lead to cases, where you shoot at very long distance, but the target is “no longer there” because its position changed server-side, but not client-side due to infrequent (relatively) updates. This can lead to a “ghost shell” effect on long distances, when the player sees the shell pass through the target, while on the server, the target is already somewhere else.
- Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)
- a player has a feeling that after 9.6, shells started flying slower. Storm states it’s just his feeling.
- the fact that from 9.6, the rule that open-topped vehicles have more viewrange was cancelled does NOT mean that open-topped vehicles will be able to mount ventilation
- Israeli Merkava Mk.I will most likely not appear in WoT, the problem does not seem to be the gun, but the fact that there’s no tree to put it in
- introducing two shell distributions (one for unaimed aim circle and one for fully aimed aim circle) would introduce more camping (SS: as in, everyone would want the critical accuracy advantage)
- German gun penetration used in the game is based on Soviet penetration tables (and methods) at distance of 100 meters

176 thoughts on “16.2.2015

      • Speaking of NA, you may want to write something about the Clan Wars civil war on the US server, SS. it is a player generated campaign with official WG backing (gold prizes, official posts on the portal, its own section on the forum) The cool thing about this is it is entirely player made… everything from the rules to the participant clans to the battleground to the timeframe was decided by the players themselves. If nothing else, this is an opportunity to talk positively about something WG is doing right.

        Both WG and the clans themselves are very heavily advertising the fact that representatives from many of the clans will be streaming the battles (on a delay), something which is never done… it offers a rare look into endgame content and play at the very top levels.


    • Penertraion from Soviet data? There’s your problem! The 75mm L70 had 168 pen at 100m when Britain tested it, equal AP performance to the 17 pounder but worse APDS. If this was implemented then the Panther would be a DPM machine like the comet and the worse pen would just have to be tolerated. Who needs the stupid L100.

      • make the MERKAVA a premium tier 10 hvy and add a teir 10 USA prem med knockoff, M60, and u have an Israeli line, so to speak.

  1. Merkava would be nice in the EU branch or american since Israel owes a lot of its existence to europe/usa.

    Do we have any idea where these new french tanks are going to be at in the tree?

    • Israel owes Europe a stiff upper lip. U-GATZ!!!!

      And I fully understand why they don’t want Israeli tanks in the game.
      There are 2 reasons.
      1. Butthurt of Serb that his treasured Soviet Tanks were overmatched in every possible way in actual combat. (with the exception of #’s, since Israeli tankers usually faced 8 or more to 1 odds.)
      2. The Anti-Israel community would rage that Israeli tanks are in the game.

      Bottom line is that any tank that was in Israeli service, whether captured from the arabs or purchased from USA/France/UK, was modified to IDF spec and doctrine. Which was learned in combat. Unlike the suggested Polish lines, Swedish lines, Italian lines or Czech lines.
      Since WW2, Israel, Syria, & Egypt have by far the most combat experience in Tank Warfare.
      But why bother creating a line based on these. (Egypt & Syria I can understand since all they did was replace Soviet dials and stickers to arabic)


      • Yea? And where to find this “Anti-Israel” community you speak of? I mean, not that I’d like you, but inventing entire groups of people isn’t exactly something that makes yourself look better. You people seem to be rather paranoid.

        • people don’t like israel for a variety of reason, the treatment of Palestinians for one , he is right.

          • ewanc, think about this:
            Between 1949 and June 1967, Jordan had control over Judea and Samaria, including part of Jerusalem (the most important part btw, and between 1949 and 1967 Jews did not have any access to the Wailing Wall while palestinians actually lived there, in the holiest site for Jews)
            Egypt had control over Gaza.

            What DA FUCK stopped the palestinians from declaring independence?
            The fear of King Hussein’s Mu-habarat, and President Nasser’s Mu-habarat.

            In 1970, Black September. How many palestinians were wasted by King Hussein?

            How many arabs are being wasted right now by ISIS? Basher Assad? King Abdullah of Jordan? Mubarak/Mourassi/Sisi in Egypt?
            But Israel retaliates for deliberate attacks on it’s civilians by cowards who dare not go after the IDF. FUCK ISRAEL!!!!

            It is ok, we, the People of Israel, accept the fact that anti-semitism is a genetic trait passed on for hundreds of generations.
            The only difference between now and pre-1948 is that we have the Israeli Defense Forces. No more killing Jews with impunity.
            It hurts the anti-Israel community worldwide very much. We know.
            We feast on your tears.

            • • comparing bodycounts:
              • declaring unwanted behaviour a genetic trait
              • declaring your own point of view to the one of the people …

              … that’s neither good argumentation nor does it put you in a good neighbourship. Just saying – I don’t discuss further as SS will cancel it anyway.

      • Centurion tanks are in the game, and they over matched the Syrian and Egyptian t55s. Frankly speaking, you jumped in the assumption that Serb is buttheart personally. While the better argument would be that he is looking for projects that will return the best benefits (money).

        So if Israel had a lot of WoT players, be sure that WG would have released an Israeli tech tree, not just one tank.

        • Muhammed, that is a valid point.
          I believe that there are about 30-40k Israeli players. much less then Poland or Czech for certain.
          Having said that, I do believe that a game about tanks should have the Number 1 Tank Killing Nation post WW2 represented in the game.

  2. What the hell??! Why would you want to put a 80′s modern tank with a smooth bore and composite armor against a bunch of 40′s, 50′s, and 60′s tank. You might as well put a M1 Abrams, Leopard 2A6, AMX Lerclec, T-90MS, Type 99, Type 10, and Challenger 2!

    • Merkava 1st prototype was a Merkava Hull, with a rear mounted Centurion turret. With the M68 (US built L7)
      (EDIT- Mk1 did not yet have composite armor, rather a well sloped thick armor.)
      Only with the Mk3 did they switch to a 120mm smooth bore.
      The Mk1 and prototype would fit in the game easily. With Israeli varients of Centurions and Pattons and Shermans filling out a line down to tier 5.

      SPG’s are easily covered with Israeli built SPG’s.
      Booty tanks like the Charioteer, T54, T55, T34-85, T-62, IS3, ISU-152, SU-100, Stug, PZ IVH, could be included. Especially since after the Israeli modifications made them far better then original. (so the originals could be Premium Tanks, and the better Israeli versions could be the standard tanks;-)

        • And the Polish line? & the Czech line?
          I suppose those lines are all original designs.

          In the Czech case, up to tier 5 maybe 6 it would be, but above that, copy paste the tanks, just change the flag and inscriptions.

          The Swedish line would have some original design.

          Let’s just face it. There are only 5 nations that have been on the ground floor in tanks. UK, USA, Germany, USSR, France. All the rest are mostly copies, with some original design.
          The difference is the modifications made by individual countries to an imported design which either made the tank better, or worse.

          In Israel’s case, EVERY SINGLE tank that was modified by Israel Armament Industry became much better then the original design.

  3. “- German gun penetration used in the game is based on Soviet penetration tables (and methods) at distance of 100 meters”

    Greatest load of bullshit I’ve seen in a long time. What, you forgot to count the 30 degrees angle ? Add 15% more pen to every gun and you’ll find out the REAL penetration values.

    Oh, and how about you nerf the soviet gun pen to the realistic values, you know, the ones you rely on ?

      • LOL
        If you compare Russian results with Allied or German you’ll see rather obvious bias, which is of course understandable for that era but today?
        NM, I logged in and looked on my Tiger I, being reminded who made the game.

          • How about the PzGr 40 ? It should be close to 195mm. How about long 88 ? Should be 233mm on AP, and 273mm on APCR. Need I go on ?

          • Bullshit!

            Every 1mm counts especially when the game has 25% RNG modifier for every shot taken. 1 low roll is more than enough to decide which tank won “the duel”

      • That sheet of paper is worthless, it’s just a sorry excuse for nerfing the german guns in this game.

        • How so? It’s not like WG went back in time and made that sheet of paper so they just nerf it…

    • Apparently Germans and Russians had different standards on what could be called “penetration”, with Russian ones being harsher. In other words what in German test would pass for penetrating hit in Russian test might not, due to more strict criteria.

      This has been taken into consideration, along with 30 degree slope, when balancing pen values in game. If it’s still bullshit or not, who knows, but my point is that there’s more to the story than simple Russian bias for the sake of it.

      • Given how Germans understated air and ground kills, I strongly doubt that Russians had a harsher criteria than the Germans, thus making that “consideration” void.

          • Nope, you are “objectively” wrong, read some proper literature about the topic.

            Soviet being the strictest criteria Is a Web Myth.

      • Apparently western results show nearly the same results as the german ones. Only ones that differ are the soviet ones. That are also the only ones were some russian guns have absurdly high pen (BL10 with 286mm, while in RL it was more like ~250mm)

    • The only problem is the L56 with the Jg Pnazer IV, it is an issue there. But I have never faced any problem with any other German Tank. Take into account the game balance, dont be biased.

  4. “- the fact that from 9.6, the rule that open-topped vehicles have more viewrange was cancelled does NOT mean that open-topped vehicles will not be able to mount ventilation”

    IS the double negative accidental or is there suddenly a possibility that open-topped vehicles will get ventillation equipment available?

  5. -the fact that there won’t be LT9 and LT10 does not mean that LT8 tanks are equal to MT10 or HT10 in combat, it means they are the best scouts in the game (best suited for the role)

    Sorry, best scouts ingame are TX Russian MT, The Bat Chat, and the Yolo7.

    • Yeah, this really bugs me. I like playing light tanks, particularly the Leopard (tier V) and the RU251 (tier VIII). But the problem is that realistically, which would you rather have on your team … an RU251 or a T54? They get the same matchmaking.

      Scouts need to be further differentiated by some ability others do not have. While they keep their camo value while moving, that does not make up for lack of combat ability compared to a +1 tier medium. At minimum, they should have increased spotting range over other classes. That’s their function after all.

    • Yeah, note to my TX Medium: The AMX 13 90 spots better despite 10 meters less viewrange.
      Note to my AMX 13 90: Stop finishing more E100′s than the TX and T9 Mediums together …

  6. - Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)

    hope not

    • Yep, can’t wait for a snarky remark by SerB.

      And in case they do it, I can’t wait for the shitstorm of few millions of players, calling for gold and prem time, because “they can’t grind their arty for a month”. Including players who have never played arties.

      • …one month is probably too much, but for a week, that should do it. Just to see the overall change of gameplay. But i really doubt they would dare to do it…(WG cowards:))

        • I haven’t been playing much lately, but…

          Drop the arty from the game for a month, I’ll be asking for compensation along with every other arty driver. Even without comp’ing the arty drivers, I don’t see WG wanting to take the hit to their revenue from the backlash from such an assinine move. The Russian economy is messing with their financials as it is. Companies don’t stay in business by being “brave.” They stay in business by being smart and profitable. From WG’s point of view, removing artillery from the game for a month is neither smart nor profitable.

        • They won’t do it, WG knows arty is bad for the game. removing it, even temporary will prove this but they are too fucking retarded to admit their mistakes.

      • I do play arty and have few in garage. And if WG decided to remove it I would be more than happy to part with it at no cost, no compensation or anything. They would be free to take my well skilled arty crews along with the arties themselves. So long the arty is gone for good.

        • ClassicFrog,

          You have played over 24k games. Your most played class of vehicles are heavy tanks at 31% followed by medium tanks and light tanks respectively.

          You have driven an arty in 10% of your battles. It looks like you free xp’ed your way to your higher tier SPG’s. Too many leaps between tiers to explain otherwise. Can’t be very hard for you to give up a few arties that are sitting in the corner of your garage that you really don’t play very often.

          As to your “well skilled” crews, you haven’t played enough games to have gotten a crew very far into grinding very many skills/perks. Hell, I’ve almost as many games driving my Bert as your combined total number of arty matches.

          You’re not an arty player. You’re a dabbler at best.


          • I haven’t free exped. I didn’t have to. I was playing arty before it was spread out across 10 tiers.
            And I do have 4 skilled crew on my german arty. They didn’t start as arty crew to begin with.

            You’re not an account investigator. You’re … web-browser. At best.

            • Your playing arty prior to the expansion of artillery lines up to tier 10 explains your tier jumping up the German line. It does not mitigate your free xp’ing to the FV304 and AMX 13 F3 AM.

              BTW – Congrat’s on buying the leFH18B2 before it was pulled. It is a nice artillery piece.

              • …lawl, Free Exping to AMX 13 F3 AM? You do know that you can research that thing from AMX 12t light tank, right?

                • “…lawl, Free Exping to AMX 13 F3 AM? You do know that you can research that thing from AMX 12t light tank, right?”

                  AND you can get the FV line from the Valentine…

                  Mr troll Investigator fails on 3 accounts

              • Again, you’ve only got as far as web-browser on my scale of account investigation, I’m afraid.

                I got to French arty via amx-12. And I only had to free-exp-jump over the boring bishop, that I got to via valentine, in order to get to 304.

                You really need to take a better look at the tech tree and some other possibilities for certain things to happen. :)

                But indeed, lefh is nice arty, so long you don’t need to get anywhere fast. And yes, I would allow WG to take it away from me without a compensation just as well, as long as the arty as a class is gone entirely.

  7. Remove arty from a server for a month to review statistics without arty?



  8. - Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)

    I guess he just mastered the sarcasm so much even SS can’t distinguish it. If it was not sarcasm, it would be very interesting move. The compensation for arties could come in free XPs and I could research few more X tier tanks.

  9. “- Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)”

    Why? Because everybody with a bit of brain would be happy about this? Best idea would be to make EU3 with no arty to see how popular game mode without arty would be – 100% guaranteed everybody with brain would move there and there would be mix of tomatos, brain dead arty lovers and arty players themselves left in EU1 and EU2.

    • Yeah I don’t see why we can’t have a week-long public “test” on the live server, with a cluster where no arty is allowed. At least the “is arty needed” argument would be settled once and for all.

        • arty is needed cause arty clickers spent money to convert free xp to progress faster :P it gives moneyyyyyz to WG :P
          cause the combination of
          1 low XP cause it’s dmg dealed from 300 and futher back
          2 the fact that they will be 10 high tier tanks buuuut still aim and try to kill a low tier(bottom tier ) tank for 100 HP always help them to gain dat xp they need :P

  10. Make interesting tanks like the Israeli ones premium tanks, better to have them as paid for tanks than not at all.

    • T10 premium are you fucking kidding me.
      Unless its just half-premium tank.
      But then you could just buy T10 without grinding anything.
      Not gonna happen.
      Unless WG goes bankrupting :D

        • Mk I, not that much difference between when it came out and the Type 74 (STB) and such you know.

          • Yes the Jewish people were heavily involved in the second world war. As a Matter of fact where do you think the Exodus in 1947 came from.

            Displaced Jewish immigrants in Europe who had no home to return to. Driven from Russia before the war, driven from Germany by Hitler or placed in concentration camps to meet their end.

            If you’re going to one day have a South American line as has been discussed. A Swedish line yes very important those pesky Swedes and their armored forays into lapland were epic…lol

            Then there should be An Israeli line from Tier 1 to Tier 10. At least the Israelis used their vehicles in combat. From 1947 straight through the 60′s.

            • Israel does not equal Jews.

              Not that his comment any valid points, but your comment was pointless too.

          • mistermex
            Israel was neck deep involved in WW2.
            Both as victims of nazi crimes.
            And as soldiers in every army that fought the nazis.

              • I dont want israel tanks in WOT because that would bring alot of zionist players in WOT and we dont want that. We have enough patriotic sick people playing as it is. Also it would be hard for me not to TK a tank with a israel flag…

                Sorry no offense,

  11. “- the fact that from 9.6, the rule that open-topped vehicles have more viewrange was cancelled does NOT mean that open-topped vehicles will be able to mount ventilation”

    …once again, because FUCK YOU, that’s why!

  12. LoL why do you hope its sarcasm? Just imagine…month without arty :333 i think i have about 4000 WN8 recents without clickers, no more oneshots from tomato artys… :3

    • Funny thing is, that arty has no influence on gameplay whatsoever. I recently measured it .. In 100 games i got hit by arty 2 ! times and lost a total of 701 hp to them. So imba op killing machines :O

  13. I think the question should have been properly typed:

    - QQ: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)

    Your tears are delicious. Sincerely,


  14. “- on long distances, the coordinates of tanks are not accurate, because they get updated only once in a while to optimize server traffic and therefore, they are “estimated” by the client before they get updated by the server again. That can lead to cases, where you shoot at very long distance, but the target is “no longer there” because its position changed server-side, but not client-side due to infrequent (relatively) updates. This can lead to a “ghost shell” effect on long distances, when the player sees the shell pass through the target, while on the server, the target is already somewhere else.”

    Was that Storm? Because it’s bullshit… If the described effect happens, you get choppy tank movements and nobody would complain because it’s obvious what happens. However, ghosting does happen even if those tanks do not display choppy movement even at long ranges, easily disproving the given statement. Also, if you play arty, it’s painfully obivous that client-to-server-communication is at an all time low again, since the last patch. Fuck you Storm. You’re shit and we know it. Stop lying to us.

  15. Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)
    I hope so, month without arty heaven for me

    • A month I feel is a bit too long, just “lock” them for like two weeks and give every one a sexton for the time they are unplayable as compensation.

  16. I find some of the worst games are sometimes games without arty and games with 4+ arty. If they capped arty to 2 per team would be my ideal solution.

    • Because MM wasnt fixed in big manner for over a damn long time.
      Paper tanks vs heavy armor in city maps.
      Slow HTs and TDs vs arty and mobile stuff in open maps.
      Not to mention platoon MM fuckups…

      • I just love seeing a team full of single shot mediums versus a platoon of batchats and (autoloader) heavies, very balanced.

        I love seeing a E75 on top of the team-list against a team made out of mostly tier 7 and the other team having a Type 61/Leopard PTA or heavens forbid a potato (stock?) T-54 that doesn’t have any gold ammo in a citymap.

        I love games where the only top tier tanks in your team are two tier 9 inaccurate russian/british arty and the other team has mostly fast tanks.

        I love being bottom tier in a non-scout tier 5 in a tier 8 game ( with only 2 tier 8, but alas) because matchmaker couldn’t give a crap

        I love it when the attacking team has more TD’s than the defending team on a certain game-type.

        TOG II is love, TOG II is life! TOG II is free exp!

        and above all: I love those fail platoons on every tier. Yes, a tier 4 scout dragging tier 3′s into a tier 7 game is much appreciated. Yes a tier 7 scout dragging an IS into a tier 10 game is much appreciated.

        • I love killing Togs. Roasting whale in any Tier 6 (especially my Hellcat) mmmm yummy fresh whale kill. From the thar she blows to my last shell ripping through it’s over bloated flesh… mmmm dead TOG 2

    • The month or so right after they heavily nerfed arty, and you only met one every 10 games, was the most blessed period of world of tanks. You could finally start moving, you could finally play agressively without being punished for not camping.

  17. - Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…”

    And then suddenly, new record for players online. I wonder how WG would react.

    • Soviet calculator-based servers would melt, and god allmighly-serbastard would need to come down from his toilet-throne to fix it.

      • yes but Serb would bring a box of tissues and some lube with him.

        All the while wearing a stained white Bathrobe from that brothel in Minsk and a pair of cute pink BUNEH slippers..lol

  18. This can lead to a “ghost shell” effect on long distances

    yeah right, ghost shells apiers in much less distances, 100-200m, but they wont admit that accuracy is fucked…

    bring back 9.5. accuracy

    • Ghost shells has nothing to do with accuracy it is packet loss and ghost shells always existed and always will due to server sync fucked up.

  19. Richard Taylor -> “For example, while of course real world armored vehicles would not have the concept of Hit Points to determine their functional status, having understandable hit points and damage ranges of ammunition is critical to giving players enough information to make moment to moment tactical decisions. Systems that fail to provide this kind of understandable overview of the remaining health of the vehicle leave players having to do more guessing when deciding when and where to move out of cover to take a shot and we feel that this is an example of where going less realistic is actually a positive shift in gameplay.”

    hear that WT Ground forces, what is your problem? or ego? implement those HP on your tanks NOW.

    • I’d just reduce all damage done by 75%.
      And shrapnel too.
      And repair time.
      And airplanes.
      And chances crew/module damage.

      Looky look how planes can tank longer, while tanks range from oneshot and ”there goes my plan for comfortable battle”.

    • WT already has hp anyways. Every module has hp.
      Fanboys just don’t want to admit it to themselves. But It’s a digital world. Everything MUST be attributed a value.

      The only thing WT doesn’t have is overall tank hp, which leads to random as fuck situations, where you destroy basically everything inside a tank, except for the radioman/machingunner and the ammo rack, and the tank keeps on reloading/firing/moving. Slowly, but it’s still doing it.
      So that broken husk of a tank, with a single remaining crewmember manning an entire tank by himself can aim and shoot back at you after a while.

      And that is the problem with WT:GF.
      It’s not the one-shots, it’s the fucking ridiculous RNG.
      +-25% in WoT is dumb, but “maybe you’ll kill him in a single shot, maybe you won’t be able to kill him at all because fuck you” RNG is worse. Way worse.

        • WT:GF is also retarded because you can shoot a tenk multiple tymes and only knock out modules or crews. Both wot and wt:gf are arcade games because they are made by russian developers. RNG is a must in russian games due to the avr player having 34% WR.

      • This is wrong on so many levels.

        Don’t get me wrong, I play both games, but what you just said is mostly off. WT:GF has a lot less RNG because of the system they are using. But to notice that you need to now what you’re doing (where to aim to hit the ammorack and one-hit-kiil, or the gun to give yourself some time for a better shot, not shooting at angled surfaces, using the correct ammo ect.). Also, thanks to using historical guns, armor plays a greater role (an angled T-34 or a Sherman is a beast).

        That said, there are, of course, faults like shrapnels (which pen everthing, everytime) and such, but hey WoT isn’t perfect either.

        PS: You do realise that the ‘one crew member’ situation you described is more or less possible IRL, right? Especially when the said crew member does not have to or can’t move his tank (so he doesn’t bother), and the enemy waits in front of his gun (then its the enemy’s fault he got shot, since the crew member can’t move his turret anyway).

        • LOL that is just an amazing amount of crap you just typed there. Absolutely amazing!

          I’m not even going to bother on explaining to you why that situation he described is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE IN REAL LIFE.

          Cause it would be basically like trying to explain gravity to a dog with a ball, your head would move up and down with the ball, but in the end you wouldn’t understand anything, except that you want the ball, due to limitations of your deductive capabilities (or a total lack of them).

          GO GET IT BOY!

        • Sorry but no, you are the one who is wrong.

          I’ve had more than one games where I was in a tank getting shot at and penetrated, having one one or two crewmembers left in a 6 man crew, with a 30 second reload with a 75mm gun, just hoping and praying that one of the penetrating hit I received would finally kill me so I could do something useless.

          There are also loads of examples where you can kill the gunner, the commander and loader on a tank, and 10 seconds later, it will go on firing and moving again. Please explain to me who is driving the tank, who is loading an who is firing at the same time.

          Also please explain to me why in a simulator battle, I was killed by having one of my roadwheels and nothing more.

          Also, just to show how little you know of the game, shrapnels have fixed penetration values, and they don’t “which pen everthing, everytime”
          The 105mm howitzer on the M4 (105) has shrapnel with 35mm pen.

          You also want to know what happens to a tank which has 4/5 crewmember dead, a broken breech, gun, optics, engine, transmission, tracks, basically everything except that one last ammo rack at the base of the tank?
          That last guy leaves the tank in a hasteful manner.
          What he doesn’t do is pull out his toolbox, repair the tank in 2 minutes, then starts driving, reloading and shooting at the same time (yes, a machinegunner can drive, shoot a secondary gun and reload the same gun at the same time). And that happens, it really does. It’s random.

  20. - Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)

    Players will still camping even if the number of artys per side is a negative number

    • It’s not like flanking is promoted on tier 10 with the number of super-high alpha guns and autoloaders. The only things that can flank relatively fast is a platoon of batchats or something equally ridiculous and even those won’t flank right from the get go because it’s suicidal in our tiny maps. No mediums can handle autoloaders 1 vs 1 so even with three mediums it’s pointless to flank unless all autoloaders are accounted for. Everything else is just either too slow to be called ”flanking” or simply too easy to take out.

      Russian mediums and E50M are like mobile bunkers that use their turrets to tank from place to place or simply provide second line fire. Leopards, M48 and FV4202 are just snipers

      • E-50M tanks with his turret???

        I was glad i did not get shot at my turret so it does not jam every match -_-
        185mm flat is not that much in tier 10… :/

        • You take pop-shots with it, though. Just like the object 140, STB-1 and Object 430 you cannot expose your turret long enough for them to shoot at the weakest points. Which means the top half of the Objects and the flat parts next to the giant mantlet on the E50M. There is only one tank that can basically ”yolo” hulldown and that is the T62A and only from a decent distance since it does have weak copula’s.

        • I’m slightly above average, not good at all but I am just saying how Unicrums play these tanks usually, literally nothing smart about it if you don’t see this yourself you must be rather low yourself. I have never flanked successfully in a batchat myself (neither alone nor in a 2 man platoon, but I only played it on the testserver, so ) but I know it can be done. I have taken pop shots over ridges or hulldown spots with the E50M, Object 140 and STB-1 and that does make them work fantastically but that still is single shot tanks with workable turrets 101, not anything particularly intelligent unlike what you seem to think.

  21. “- the fact that from 9.6, the rule that open-topped vehicles have more viewrange was cancelled does NOT mean that open-topped vehicles will be able to mount ventilation”

    Ventillation gives skill bonus through the simulation of the fact that crewmembers do better, if they get fresh air inside the tank hull.

    But the crews of the open-topped tanks are already in fresh air, which is better for them than any kind of ventillated tin can, so they “deserve” a default +10% skill bonus. :D (I’m not saying here it would be a good idea balance-wise, just trying to follow the logic.)

    Also f… the driver sweating inside the hull, we guys here in the turret are enjoying the cold summer breeze. :D

  22. - Israeli Merkava Mk.I will most likely not appear in WoT, the problem does not seem to be the gun, but the fact that there’s no tree to put it in

    This is why AW is better. They don’t rely on tech trees which allows them to add any tank regardless of its nationality.

  23. - Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)

    It might be possible for them to have them test this with supertesters on their own server, but I’m sure they’ll come to the same conclusion that they always have regarding arty and its place in the game.

    • Not a chance. SS have translated a bit wrong. The dialog was about a possibility of throwing arty out. Chobitok has suggested to say that WG has some techincal issue and withdraw arty for the month. After that – collect feedback and watch the results.
      So, Storm said him to go with such suggestion to Serb which litteraly means GTFO.

  24. bla bla remove arty bla bla

    The concept is broken – ok.
    But why always blame the arty players? As long as arty is part of the game, it’s their right to choose one of the offered tank classes, even if it’s arty.
    Blame WG instead.

    And looking at the games without arty I don’t see that camping is dramatically reduced.
    Campers gonna camp… (with and without arty).

    BTW, I have >10k games and got one-shot by arty maybe below 0.01%, because I’m moving.

    • Same here. In my past 100 games i got hit by arty 2 times. More than neglectable. Those who whine about arty simply cant play the game.

  25. - Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)

    Quite interesting to mention: the suggestion comes out from WG-worker Chobitok (Чобиток), who works on tank-wiki. But in the same time he is a tank-historian (much decent to compare with Pasholok) and author of ф tank-site (http://armor.kiev.ua/).

    As he is WG employee he always has strange suggestions, that`s why Storm addressed him to Serb – это как послать на хуй.

    Even there is a frase: “Чобиток не чобиткуйте.” Which means “do not act like a Chobitok” – it doesn`t have a synonym though.

  26. - Israeli Merkava Mk.I will most likely not appear in WoT, the problem does not seem to be the gun, but the fact that there’s no tree to put it in

    A problem solved by Armored Warfare

  27. - Israeli Merkava Mk.I will most likely not appear in WoT, the problem does not seem to be the gun, but the fact that there’s no tree to put it in

    Well they could make something like tech tree for nations that dont have enough vehicles for 1-10 tiers (cant think of any name for tree atm) , nations that have good tanks that could be implemented in wot but they are not coz of lack of other tiers

    Like tier 1-3 from one nation,tier 4 from other, tier 5 from someone else that have suitable tier 5 and so on

    I would not have anything against it and i think many would like to see some of their nation tanks in game that otherwise wont be posible

    • “International Tech Tree” is the term you’re looking for. The minor European nations are going to get a “Euro Tech Tree” of their own (starting with the Italians and I THINK the Swedes, and maybe the Czechs immediately after)