Hello everyone,
lately, a lot of people have been nostalgic, longing for the “good old days” of how World of Tanks used to be. Personally, I think it’s just the usual effect of our brains deleting the bad memories, leaving only the good ones for us to remember – because the game sure did have some serious issues back then. A few screenshots from really old times, courtesy of Russian community.
Notice the amazing graphics.
And the amazing matchmaker :)
IS-7 fighting Tiger and SU-100? Why not!
…oh and a T-28 too
Dat UI…. (beta stage)
Remember the Type 59 floods? No? This is how battles looked as early as few hours after Type 59 was introduced to the game.
And you know what else was lovely? KV-2 on tier 5 – that’s right, current tier 6 was the top configuration of tier 5 KV-1 tank. And yes, it was exactly as OP as you think.
And this is how battles looked around the time of 8.4-8.5. There was a reason for the big arty nerf.
Post-battle debriefing used to appear when the vehicle was still battle. So it was possible to “chat” after that respective battle (of course the majority of the chat were insults).
we had more good sides back at 0.6.5 than now
I am not sure if more,WG really improved many things, but some good sides from those times were really important.
Much less vehicles with insane alpha. Around 5 models were able to make 800-900 dmg (KV2 wirh 152, SU-152, ISU, Obj 704 and T30 – then HT on tier X) in one shot and that was max. So you were not punished so much as now for being aggresive and taking risk. Playing tier VIII med was then much much funnier and you had more influence on battle. Now aggresive push in med end often in death in 2-3 hits. It killed fun for me
We had then much less autoloaders (till winter 2011/2012 none). Nowadays battles are spammed with them, So again, you are sometimes punished like hell for taking risk or you are killed in one burst by enemy who rushed on you while you can make only 1 max 2 shots = battle ruined. I had nothing against first French autoloaders, there were few, so it was acceptable. But now it is nonsence what we have. There is much more models with fastshooting autoloaders in the game then was used in any real wars (was there at least one such tank used in WWII??)
Maps are much worse for sniping. WoT became peek-a-boo fest so all vehicles specialized in long range suffer. Tried to use Nashorn on which I was waiting since 2011. And it was terrible experience. On most maps you cant find reasonable place from which you can influence battle like it was once. After a few dozens of battles on test server I didnt even bother to research it on life. It pissed me off, cause I was really waiting so long of Nashorn. It would be awsome fun in 2011. Now – junk in most battles. After last nerfs for TD’s probably even worse cause camo and spoting are the only armor of that huge vehicle.
Gold (premium) ammo was much rare cause it was not for credits. Thanks to that armor was more reliable and skill more important (knowing armor schemes and weakspots was important). Now kid with many credits just spam you through mantlet…. Disgusting.
So 1+2+4 = nowadays there is too much damage flying around and killing fun in many other vehicles. Tiger II in tier X battle is now bigger pain then playing Tiger I in tier X battles in 2011. WoT became much more FPS-ish then it was, I do not like it. I prefered when it was more oriented on tactics, positioning.
Ofc there were bad things too. Game UI was much more primitive, physics quite strange (do you remember hanging on a ridge and shooting down without fear of falling down :) ?), MM was 3+/3- and for some vehicles even +4, so you could meet in your tier V KV IS4 (then tier IX). SPG’s were much stronger and annoying then nowadays, when – at least for me – they are much lower nuisance then TD’s with insane alpha and hoards of autoloaders. Also many models are nowadays more historical (Pz IV “Vader” model :)), but from the other side we have now too many paper and fantasy projects.
Due to mentioned increase in “damage flying around” I play much less. No fun to be killed in 2 shots by some abomination with mega huge guns that were never used in any mass produced fighting vehicle. I think I made around 1000 battles in last 2 years. And I am sure that I will not grind EU tanks on which I was waiting for so long. Maybe try a few till tier IV-V but that max. WoT gives nowadays much less fun then in 2011. At least for me.
I sold my Nashorn, too.
I’m currently at the WT Pz.IV and iam noticing the problems…
The sniper gun is partially useless for me, because i can’t use the DPM on long ranges, because after the first hit most players drive into cover again, or because i get spotted and have to drive into cover myself.
For that reason i play the WT IV with the 15cm and play heavy support in close quarter.
Just like i play my borsig, purely aggressive.
Sniping on most maps = useless/waste of time and damage, when i can influence the battle at the front and play very catious heavy support.
You are right! Tier 8 mediums are just a pain. Centurion has good gun but is to slow and no armour. The T-44 also has bad armour but can troll bounce. But 175 pen.. That is bad. All tier 8 mediums should have pref. MM with highest tier 9.
They as you said, Nashorn. A TD that is balanced with no armour but can fire from a good distance. That just do not work in WoT. Takes the fun out of the game from us that want to drive the real tanks for what they were supposed to be like IRL. But Waffenträgers E100 is in the game? Kanonenjagdpanzer or E-100 Krokodil.
And for me who loves the soviet cold war tanks. Why have 4 medium tier X that almost the same? Why not do more the like the German line?
Obj-430 = Armour
Obj-140 = Speed
Obj-907 = Dpm
T-62a -> T-62 (115mm gun) = Higher Dmg
Hah, E-100 Krokodil and Kanomnomnonmnompanzer to replace WTE-100? WT Panther seems a more logical way to replace it. ( Not to mention the Krokodil is fake and will probably tip over the moment it hits a tiny bump on the road if it was actually made) . Also, the T-62 has a 115mm Smoothbore gun , which will never be in the game. All the Post-WWII Soviet tanks that fit WoT’s timeline are basiclly improvements(so many clones) to T-54 as it was such a successful tank design.
Scrap the WT E-100 as is was barely a blueprint. Move the Rhm to tier 9 and WT auf 4 to tier 10. And make the Waffenträger 8.8cm (that is currently a tier 7 prem proposal) a tier 8.
The Kanonenjgdpz. would be a nice tier 7 prem instead of the WT 8.8
The Kanonenjgdpz. has a chassi like the jagdpz auf 4. Fast and good camo value. And a good 90mm gun that in the game can have the same stats as the Indien Pz.
And what is the problem with the T-62 115m smoothbore gun?
The STB-1 Japanese tank is from the 70′s… And the Leopard 1 is from 1965.
The T-62 is from 1961…
The Chinese WZ-120 has a 122mm gun so why not have a Soviet 115mm?
100mm = 320 dmg
105mm = 390 dmg
122mm = 440 dmg
So the 115mm = 410-420 dmg?
The T-62A was retrofitted with the 115mm gun.
Evangelion242, I disagree.
It’s not just the tier VIII premiums that should have limited matchmaking.
EVERY tanks should have 1+/-1.
Think about all of the problems this would fix.
All those great tanks that are overlooked and abandoned on lower tiers would be played again and get the attention they deserve. Currently most lower tier tanks are simply ignored by good players.
Why play tier VIII mediums aside from grinding? There is almost no pleasure because 1/3 of the time you will be completely useless, aka in a tier X battle.
Why do all the unica/great players stick to tier X? – because there is no risk of getting fucked over by the retarded matchmaker and you can actually have an influence on the battlefield. You are equal to your peers.
Is it really a challange to mow down tier VII mediums in your E 75? Why do they have to fight you in the first place? It’s not like they can pen you even from the rear. You could say ‘oh but tier VII mediums should flank not fight heavies!” Except that the horrendous corridor map design on the already ridiculously small maps prevents ‘flanking’ in most cases.
Yeah, but according to WG devs +1/-1 would be boring, and corridor maps are just a myth…
Recently on Mountains Pass in one of corridors I was in M41 flanking E100 to get to his back and that way support our damaged Obj. 704 (we were alone on that flank). I was almost behind E100 trying to avoid his gun but then appeared not detected earlier T30…. I had nowhere to run or hide, boom and battle was over for me. No damage done, miserable spotting. MM and map type ruined battle for me and I just lost a few minutes.
If Storm and SerB think that this is fun and such battles are interesting, then they must be really from other planet. I just pushed “exit the game” and went to play something different.
Are you completely retarded? +1/-1, while already being stated would never be introduced, is simply ridiculous. Battles would be severely more boring, OP tanks would be OP in nearly all matchups now. While there are certain tanks that may benefit from limited matchmaking, many would be rendered OP. And your claims that “tier 8 mediums are useless in tier X” is highly inaccurate. Why do you think people think the Object 416 is OP? Its gun, camo, and mobility make it highly flexible in all kinds of matchups. Many of the tier 8 mediums are completely outclassed by tier 10 tanks, that is true. But tier 8 mediums are not supposed to be the deciding factor in tier 10 battles in the first place. They are relegated to second-line fire support and defense. And even so, there are situations where a single tier 8 tank can carry a tier 10 team to victory with the correct conditions and playstyle. And in cases like being a tier 7 in a tier 9 match, your job isn’t to face tier 9 heavies, your job may not be even to damage them. You primary job is to support your heavier and larger counterparts and exploit holes in the enemy’s defense to sway the battle in your favor. While there are certain matchups where your bottom tier tank will be essentially useless, those are few and far between, and there is still almost always something for you to do.
No, I am not ‘completely retarded’.
I know what I’m talking about regarding tier VIII mediums. I have 3 MoE in a fucking T-44, the worse tier VIII medium in the game.
No Battles would not be fucking boring. Battles are boring now, do you know why – because when you’re in your Panther II on fucking Abbey and there’s tier X’s in the game/ Yeah. Good fucking luck motherfucker. Go to fucking flank. Choose corridor number fucking 1 or 2
Why is the Object 416 OP? It’s OP because it gets a retarded gun that’s retarded on a tier IX medium. 330mm of gold pen is the only overpowered aspect. That is enough to pen any tank in the game frontally, while other tanks such as T-44 have under 220mm of pen with gold… However the tank itself is hardly as manoeuvrable as you make it out to be. It has shit armour and a rear mounted turret which makes it awkward in most situations.
“But tier 8 mediums are not supposed to be the deciding factor in tier 10 battles in the first place. They are relegated to second-line fire support and defense.”
Yeah, that’s the theory. It’s very easy saying that, isn’t it? Guess what, there is no second line here in WoT. Maps are dominated by Peek-a-booming and brawling. That’s all there is to it.
“You primary job is to support your heavier and larger counterparts and exploit holes in the enemy’s defense to sway the battle in your favor.”
Looool. Are we even playing the same game? Are you retarded maybe? You’ve crafted a nice bit of theory which might’ve been useful if the maps were something like 5km2 and not 2 fucking corridors. In WoT, you will rarely get to put something like this into practice, because even flanking can only be done late game reliably.
I feel I can influence tier 8 battle with tier 6 med, tier 7 battle with tier 5 med as you can scout and play as opportunist. Tier 7 and 8 meds? You can’t no longer scout, teams are not completely stupid, any tier 9 med can do the same as you but it is twice more effective.
Only good tier 8 medium is CentI imho, T-44 was also fine due to speed. PantherII – i decided to grind Leo1 instead of E50M cause of this PoS, more or less TigerI with same speed (not enough) and armor (not enough) and much worse gun handling. Pershing, T69 – they can’t snipe with poor pen, they can’t flank with poor speed, so easy to kill with tier 9 meds it’s not even fun. Premium ammo is only option, it’s f…n expensive for low alpha. And ofc battle tiers 8-9 are occupied with tanks with limited MM so f..k you – tier X needs free damage for noobs.
Are u talking about WoT? I think u are talking about wrong game
“But tier 8 mediums are not supposed to be the deciding factor in tier 10 battles in the first place. They are relegated to second-line fire support and defense”
And they are not even slightly deciding factor, atleast most of them, and thats where problem is…and idk what kind of suport are u talking about with this kind of maps where fight hapents in 50x50m corridors where 3 tanks have problem to fit next to each other, suport with gun that shoot potatos on 200mm armour……thats not how i want to play meds
“And even so, there are situations where a single tier 8 tank can carry a tier 10 team to victory with the correct conditions and playstyle”
Yes in every 50 games there is one like that
All what u say is ok, only it doesent fit in wot with this playerbase and maps where matches are usualy over in 4 min average
I think all tanks should have pref MM.
E 75 should more then often get into tier 10 games.
The IS-1 should never enter tier 9 games.
Almost all tier 8 mediums should almost to never enter tier 10 games.
(175 pen and 250 dmg in tier X.. no whay)
And tier 9 and 10 mediums should almost to never enter tier 8 games.
(260 pen and 390 dmg in tier VIII… no way)
Almost all tanks should have its own pref MM.
about 90% of all the tanks in this game were never mass produced. Most of them only had a few tanks built, and a lot of them were prototypes that were never finished or blueprint tanks.
The solution is simple.If you can’t beat them,join them,race to any great tank like the FV 4005 Stage II and watch that gun take away half or more of your opponent’s health pool.It never gets old.
i just agree +1. no fun playing tier 10 when you die in 1 or 2 shots or wt e 100 in 1 sec. to much gold, no point in armor, why drive a heavy when a 2 tier lower medium pen you every shot in the front (spamming gold).
Or you can not face a tier 10 medium in a tier 8 heavy. It’s honestly not that hard to play tier 10 matches in tier 8 heavies like the IS-3, 110, AMX 50 100, and T32. Even Tiger II’s and Caernarvon can find their roles in tier 10 matches.
damn, i kinda miss those times!
you can also see why MAUS was the most wanted tank in the game at that time!
also gold ammo was only on gold! no apcr heat for little mausy!
The KV was glorious!
It were truly great times when you met KV-2 with your Pz 38(t) and of course without gold ammo so, yeah…
So the KV-2 was OP, tanks with armour could use their armour, and arty was actually good and had a reason to be in the game since they where the only one who could easily damage a heavy. That and the Type 59 was in the shop for gold purchase.
To be fair the KV was only OP for as long as there was no td with binocs&camo net around.
Good times of abusing the almost non-existant vision mechanics to only get spotted at point blank range… … while firing.
The KV-2 was OP until it met its natural enemy, the pzIV with L/70.
It was fun killing them in Marder :) Then long range sniping was possible on most maps, so noobs in KV’s were great XP donors. Also Pz IV’s were awsome in killing them :)
I remember good old times in closed/open beta and few patches later (was it around 0.7 and 0.8 ?) when i was allowed pwn players … now game just won’t allow to do that kind of things anymore.
Game still allow to pwn players but not as easy due to stronger and stronger low tier powercreep tanks and high tier powercreep tanks (if you play the older tanks).
Till when was possible to chat after battle?
I came after 0.6.4 and far as I remember you couldn’t chat after result window showed up.
But Messenges you and Just befor battle ended apearded
Strong gramma :/
I miss post battle rage.
First picture is weird, I’m certain Ruinberg was a later introduction. It wasn’t on the rotation back when I started playing in September 2010 at least, and that picture looks much earlier than that.
Indeed, it must have been removed and brought back later. I recall it being introduced in late beta yet the UI in those screenshots is before my time.
Perhaps the screenshots are from dev/supertesters ?
Damn, I miss tier 6 VK3001H now. That tank was so good.
Exactly. I called it “soapbox”, but it was a Soapbox of Terror :D
I still miss the old VK 3601H back when it was a medium.
Good times :(
Though I can see what they wanted to do, making the Tiger line an actual heavy line, make it easier to learn the play style, etc. Still though, they nerfed it(VK) into the ground.
Didn’t play the VK when it was a medium (They changed it to heavy right after I decided to grind that line), but I wouldn’t say “nerfed to the ground”. It’s a pretty capable tank as it is. Plus the fact that it used to be a medium clearly shows : it’s able to reach a high top speed if downhill/given enough distance to get up to speed
PzKpfw III/IV with 80 mm frontal and side armour was pretty awesome too.
the new vk3001h at least has a role…
Yep, my experience on the 3001H was that of a vehicle made up of two different vehicles steering independently. Trying to turn fight in this was like waltzing.
Yeah, slow sniper made of cardboard instead of fast flanker with good turret…
“And this is how battles looked around the time of 8.4-8.5. There was a reason for the big arty nerf.”
Arty Party, ho! \o
Seems like RNG spared my from this fate :D
I had max 6 per side.
Seems like i’m not fun at parties :(
I really miss some tanks, like VK3601 as a medium, like VK3002DB (especially with stock turret :), VK3001H (this one was awesome, no other tank ever gave so much fun with a short 88!).
I dont remember VK 3002DB being changed. Please help me on this.
That’s right, SU-100 fighting an IS7
So next time you QQ that MM should be set to +-1 because MM is unfair, think about what MM used to be, and how that SU-100 didn’t complain or hide in a corner, but grew balls and attacked the heavy 4 tiers higher than himself with no gold ammo.
Back then you had like 1-2 top tier tanks. The amount of top tier tanks are higher now, for example 5 tier 10 and only 3 tier 8 and the rest tier 9. That is the differance.
The game definitely had its charm back then, more so than now I will argue.
Now they are striving to make all tanks and maps the same. It’s becoming more and more repetitive for me at least.
And yes, some do seem to. KV-3 and Panther II come to mind. I’m sure there’s more out there.
I remember my good old T-34-85 with the 100mm idiot gun :D
…and the T-28 with a 85mm gun…
…and Su 85 with a 107. KV 1 and 152 and 107. Good old times. IS 4 on tier IX, beasty E75. Mighty Mause.
You forget that both of those tanks were meeting IS-4s on a regular basis. They needed that gun.
T1 Heavy saw them as much as KV1 does but he never had a good gun
Old KV had special matchmaking and could get into tier 9 battles, no other tier 5 tank could.
A lot of improvement was made to this game. Don’t miss old days.
+1 Same here.
Ah, the good old times… why can’t they return?
My special place goes for the KV-3, at tier 6. Steel wall magnet!
I remember that…
“Ok guys, I’ll distract all their team by driving straight down the middle of Karelia while you flank”
5 minutes later, KV-3 on the enemy cap surrounded by people unable to pen =D
this+1, where are those kv3 stats now?
Kv3 is still strong and as noob friendly as ever due to the strong armor and high alpha gun.
I remember that. Back then KV-1S used to be its little brother. Both had the 122mm gun, but that armor on the KV-3 was awesome.
Same. I remember when everyone got KV-3s and nobody wanted to drive a 1S because it seemed worse than the KV-3.
Good old days when Maus could magically dissapear in the middle of field…. oh wait
These were the days when “Hetzers gonna Hetz” meant something very different. The Hetzer was slow (it didn’t have the current top engine) and blind and faced tier tens.
Miss the time when the T-44 ruled all! Back when all tanks “warped” at a distance and nobody could hit the almighty T-44 when it came at speed.
Remember fondly driving back and forth in the middle of Malinovka and lighting the whole enemy team up :-)
Those 1v3 matches still happen – nothing has been changed in the MM in this regard – if you stay too long in the queue you will be pressed into a match no matter what.
GFX is a matter of taste. The tank models still look largely the same and honestly even the ‘new’ gfx is ugly compared to PC possiblities.
What I do notice though is how IS-7s were meeting hummels as highest arties. That is why people tell the game was better – because it was – no bullshit high-tier noobwagons clicky-clicky-clicking your ass if you dare to move out of cover.
Yea, Hummel was highest arty, but also it was shooting for ~500 dmg, reloading way faster than now, and had absolute pinpoint accuracy. So yea. Arty in beta was even more clicky-clicky-clicking. I remember how uber-OP was Su-26 and S-51.
Devs should give us this old mechanics for a day, lets say, 1st april. +-4 MM, OP arty, OP X tier, that would be fun.
Ahh the good old days of stronk bias and complete innocence. Tier 5 could face tier 9 and the KV was the game winner because it could do everything- farm credits, oneshot all the lower tiers, deal damage to T9′s and so on.
Simpler days…But time changes us all doesn’t it.
Still plenty of WOT beta videos form version 3 and up still on youtube. I did not play it back then, but is still impressive to see how far they have come. Considering the simplistic engine they choose to use.
i miss the good old days before 8.6, where battles did not ended 15-5 in 5 minutes almost every time, and artys where useful and fun to play (and did not have OP guns like now)
also miss the medium VK3601H it was one of my fav tanks (after become HT, it become useless and i sold it)
There were also too many arties back then.
Oh yes, artillery was useful, because it was destroying everything. Those fun days on prokhorovka or malinovka when as soon as you were spotted you were dead in 10 sec because of arty. Artillery didn’t have op guns? Well, HE shells were op back then.
“Artillery didn’t have op guns? Well, HE shells were op back then.”
I did not know about the old HE mechanics (it was before i started playing WoT)
By “arty did not have OP guns” i mean that artys before 8.6 could not be top tier like now (tier 7 russian artys wtf?)
I played priest in 2011 as tier4. It had an insane ROF 7.41r/m , it could keep a kv3 permatracked on it’s own
Have you played game before? I did since 8.3, I can assure you battles ended 15-5 in 5 minutes on half of maps. Arty had no OP guns? I played grille, it was possible to one shot KV1S and it was so accurate that only thing that prevented you from killing 1/3 of enemy team on steppes was competition with other arties.
Ah, nearly missed that rant about KV-1. As all t5s it was battling t7-9 everytime. It needed the 107/152 to be able to damage its enemies. Didn’t you play back then? About 1% of your matches were on top tiers when you had a t2-7 tank.
Sure they were OP, that screenshot demonstrates it. 15 KVs vs IS-7 and the like. So OP, damn…
Btw that should be a CW/training room screenie or something like that – it’s fairly recent as Abbey is not an old map, also on the screenshot you see GWE100 and SU-14, both introduced later on. I’m fairly sure that the screenshot is a setup.
Actually Abbey is a quite old map.
Yeah, remember playing it in the open beta with Leopard facing T10 heavies :)
And this is how battles looked around the time of 8.4-8.5. There was a reason for the big arty nerf.
I started to play in 8.3 and at that time there was already a hardcap of 5 arties per team implemented. I never “enjoyed” those 10 vs. 10 arty games.
And one more interesting thing, that caught my eye – the minimap of Abbey. Seems like the right side of the map is not covered in water. Was it really so and was that area accessible?
I think it wasnt accessible because no physics.
The whole 9 and 0 column was “closed”. (and the lower road had only two entry/exit at its two ends; no other option to leave that corridor – best meat grinder ever :D)
There was no water, just the road that is there now with a ridge on the side that you couldn’t cross (remnants of that ridge are still visible in the bent middle part of the road), and if you zoomed out far enough there was a valley or ravine behind it.
Dat graphics are OP :P lol how can graphics be that bad in 2009
SS you’re kind of doing it wrong….:
your screenshots are from early ALPHA stage, i played CBT since day 0 and the UI is more or less the same as it was now.
you should’ve posted CBT screens if you want “good old days”.
And yes, game was INSANELY better back then, even with the bugs:
1) no stupid powercreep
2) less fantasy bullshit tanks
3) no tier 10 meds which don’t have place ingame
4) no MM, you where a KV and encountered an IS7, deal with it like a men
5) IS4 at tier 9, one of the most idiotic and retarded moves by WG was to make IS4 tier 10 AND remove the S70 gun… retarded as fuck
6) no autoloader proliferation, autoloaders should’ve stayed with the french line, period, that was their “niche” characteristic, now every nation except 3 have some kind of stupid fake autoloader. What’s the point of french line now?, none…
7) less tanks! less is better, everytime WG adds a tank or a line the game is ruined even more, IS7 and Maus only tier 10s, perfect!!!!, that was the correct order of things!, why do you need more?, and now they’re adding that czech and whatnot line, completely unnecessary
“SS you’re kind of doing it wrong….:
your screenshots are from early ALPHA stage, i played CBT since day 0 and the UI is more or less the same as it was now.”
True, majority of them are from non accesible alpha. Like only good screens here are Type 59 spam and post battle results screen, which was crap. You wasnt able to see how much dmg you did in game. Spotting dmg? ha ha, no. Only thing by which you could jugde the others were kills.
Now you can see it all in battle and it even calculates your WN8.
“1) no stupid powercreep”
– That’s because there were only two small tech trees in the game. So you had little choice of what tanks you wanted to play.
“2) less fantasy bullshit tanks”
- You went from the Tiger II to the VK45 to the Maus. That VK45 apparently wasn’t real, that is why it’s getting replaced now, so I call bullshit on that remark.
“3) no tier 10 meds which don’t have place ingame”
– Why? Afraid your precious heavy tank or tank destroyer gets outflanked? Adapt or die, plain and simple!
“4) no MM, you where a KV and encountered an IS7, deal with it like a men”
- Yes MM, just not enough players to fill the teams. So they’d shove you in a high tier match and you’d simply have to deal with it. Better made sure you had some lube handy!
“5) IS4 at tier 9, one of the most idiotic and retarded moves by WG was to make IS4 tier 10 AND remove the S70 gun… retarded as fuck”
- While I immensely enjoyed the IS-4 at tier 9, the IS-8 would have never fitted the role of the other tier 10 tank. So retarded it was not.
“6) no autoloader proliferation, autoloaders should’ve stayed with the french line, period, that was their “niche” characteristic, now every nation except 3 have some kind of stupid fake autoloader. What’s the point of french line now?, none…”
- That is your opinion. I’m sure there are plenty of French tank drivers that can tell you a different opinion.
“7) less tanks! less is better, everytime WG adds a tank or a line the game is ruined even more, IS7 and Maus only tier 10s, perfect!!!!, that was the correct order of things!, why do you need more?, and now they’re adding that czech and whatnot line, completely unnecessary”
- I think it is quite safe to assume that you have more tanks in your garage than the “old” German tanks and the “old” Russian tanks. Being able to choose and drive a whole range of different tanks is quite nice and keeps people playing, so quit moaning already.
1) powercreep is independant of the trees, it’s a wg problem and it’s very noticeable when you see the “original” gun stats compared to new ones.
2) the VK45, one tank, vs all the fantasy shit they’d been adding which they don’t know how to get out of later…
3) “adapt or die” that is quite a dumb remark defending the atrocity WG did, they promised that heavies where the only T10, they then backtracked and fucked us all up with stupid unnecessary T10 meds and TD, heavies should be the only top fo the game, period.
4) so?, the best matches i had when i started playing i was in teh KV and on the other side appeared IS4/7/Maus, it was mesmerizing to see them utterly destroy everything!, that was good!
5) IS8 is shit, it’s not a correct replacement for the IS4 as it’s nowhere near as durable, and what happend when they moved is4 to tier 10?, it became shit, anythying could pen the front like butter and it’s still one of the less used/useful tier 10s, so now it’s two thing they fucked us with, t10 meds and moving is4 to tier 10….
6) not really, other than a couple niches the french line is useless because it’s been superseded by other autoloaders, which is retarded as fuck.
7) again, you’re wrong, my garage has mostly the old tanks and i don’t drive german tanks, because that’s when the game was good, some of the “wrong” things i have where due to CW/tourney pressure and left unused after, or continuations they added after some tank i had(like T110e3 because i already had the t95)
I agree that the French line should have stayed as the only line with autoloaders. I won’t say the French tanks are useless or superseded by other lines though, they still have some strong tanks; Bat-Chat, 50B, 50-100, 13-90. Still, the French character is somewhat reduced by the presence of autoloading tanks in various other nations/lines.
The IS-4 isn’t a strong tier ten, agree there. The armor isn’t fantastic unless you can get it into a good sidescraping position (not possible every time). Plus, the turret roof is easily overmatched. The solution is simple though, swap the IS-4 and ST-I, buff the ST-I’s hit points and ROF, perhaps the LFP armor a bit, and call it good. Similarly nerf the IS-4′s hit points and ROF.
I created my account in 2011, but I didn’t have a computer that would run the game well enough to play, or a fast enough internet connection for that matter, so I didn’t start playing until the end of 2012, what was that 8.3, 8.4? I have no real idea what the tech trees looked like at higher tiers then as I was at tier six or seven in my most researched line when 8.6 appeared. I remember playing the old KV-1S and KV-2 with the 8.5 accuracy and the massive change that came with the 8.6 accuracy though.
Damn, most of those Screenshots are from before I’ve started playing… Yet i have some old ones myself… Including some with +-4 Tier Spread MM :D PzIV, T-34 and Sherman vs IS4, T34 HT and VK4502P? No problem!
BTW I still remember that KV with 152mm on tier V… It was glorious! xD IIRC it got split when the MM got changed to +-2 tiers spread…
Also the old Memory leak (red ground), consumables working only for a certain amount of time (don’t remember how much this was, but for example a medpack worked only for a couple of minutes), T-54 flooding the same way as Type did when it was introduced (goddamn that thing was OP back then… And I’m talking about both!), got some screenshots of first matches after release and Beta Testers having their accounts wiped (3 Alien M6′s per team, 3 PzV/IV’s and 9 M4A2E4′s per team xD) and some other old things… Oh that was so much fun back then :) Also only three nations per match each with only 1 HT branch, 1 MT branch and US still without their TD’s :D (no screenshot though, just a memory :( )
indeed after that game started going downhill!.
early release days with mutant 6 where glorious, no unnecessary and stupid parallel lines either!.
easy, simple, effective
Introduction of physics is also worth a mention. You could not even drive off a cliff and there were lots of invisible barriers.
Yeah, I remember that if you want to shoot over an edge, you could just charge up to it at full speed, and it would stop you.
*remembers the idiot gun (D-10T) on T-34-85*
*cries like a baby*
didn’t the tanks use to have rectangular prism hit boxes, even if they appeared to have sloped armor?
Ahh… Dat MG on the IS-7…. So pretty….
“And this is how battles looked around the time of 8.4-8.5. There was a reason for the big arty nerf.”
too bad they are creeping back, its not unusual to have 10 arty in a single game..
Yeah well 10 arties on both teams (5 per one) with horrific accuracy now, or 20 arties (10 per team) with mediocre to good accuracy… Hmm i think i’ll stay with current one…
god i remember when i was part of the type swarm and when the KV saw mauses and could derp the maus in the face for 500 XD good times gooood times, i also remember the horrible 20+ arty per game MM aaaah the nightmares still haunt me
well back then it was fun in those matches was arty’s were killing each other :P
cause you know TRACERS of arty shells were noticable and the idiot who stayed in the same spot got countered for that :P
And when blocking a path/tank was a legit tactic :P
It’s funny to see people bitching and pushing for about +-1MM in one post, and then glorifiying KV-1 meeting tier 9 in the past.
Whine never changes, indeed.
P.s Playing from 8.x before the arty nerf, it’s indeed an experience. Glad that heavy slow tanks are somewhat playable right now compared to then.
“Gold (premium) ammo was much rare cause it was not for credits. Thanks to that armor was more reliable and skill more important (knowing armor schemes and weakspots was important). Now kid with many credits just spam you through mantlet…. Disgusting.”
3 Years ago I was in CCCP. We held land and got to where every member who participated in clam wars got 100 gold a day.
Who shot gold in random battles? WE DID. I DID. Everyone else had to suffer and just eat poop.
Now EVERY PLAYER IN THE GAME can carry as much gold as they feel they need. It doesn’t bother me, and I don’t care. I carry 5 round of premium ammo on my tier 8+ tanks, about 10 rounds on tier 5-7, and up to 20 premium rounds on my tier 1-4. I try not to use it, otherwise I won’t make any money.
I think it’s more fair now. Now more than just the rich people and land owners can easily use it. The only factor left is the question, “How much money are you willing to throw away?”
You are so pro.
You got gold from a not even existing CW 3 years ago. That takes some skill.
A more recent blast from the past: http://worldoftanks.com/en/content/docs/development/
Outdated In Development page currently stating NA is on 9.4 . Minor nuance, but WGNA used to be very consistent and now the ball is being dropped. Like they don’t have time to edit the page to at least say 9.5. Make time.
I miss the days when you could be in a Chaffee, plop into a bush, and actually scout.. Don’t get me wrong, I love my scouts, and its still possible to scout, but nowadays, WG are just making them lightly armour brawlers for who knows why? The only explanation I can come up with is that they want LT drivers to spam gold (For example the MT 25), emphasized even more so with the bush removal that is slowly happening to just about every map (Don’t you dare remove Malinovka/Prokhorovka passive scout bushes). I feel that scouts are getting a power creep in the sense of their guns, when in reality they should be getting better scouting capabilities, with more bushes on more maps to scout on.