Wargaming Ad for 23rd of February

Hello everyone,

23rd of February is the Defender of the Fatherland day in Russia. Originally, it was known as the “Day of the Soviet Army” (or Red Army) and it traces back to 1919, but it was renamed after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 to its current name and in 2002, Vladimir Putin made it a national holiday. Basically, it’s like Women’s Day, but in reverse – this time, it’s women, who give the men some presents. You might have noticed that yesterday, a rather large event from RU server was published on FTR – well, that’s that.

Wargaming made a special ad for this event too – and, well… see for yourself. Technically, there’s probably nothing really wrong with it, but the amount of WoT stuff in it is almost awkward. No Russian language, doesn’t need subtitles.



With that 70 Euro (or how much it costs) mouse though, somehow, I don’t think this picture represents the current Russian family very correctly. But I guess we all have different priorities.

43 thoughts on “Wargaming Ad for 23rd of February

  1. Subtlety been nerfed, commercialism buffed to OP levels…

    Welcome to capitalism, have a nice day!

    • For 3000€ and you will get 10000000000 gold and prem account for 360 days, but its limited offer

      • This somehow reminded me of the idiot who asked his 15 year prem to be removed “cuz it falsified his performance” lel

      • Is this a real thing? I would actually be interested in that deal. And 3k more Euro to SerB’s rocket! :D

    • Relax. In Russia in this day men give socks and shaving foam (in the best case. At worst, there will be nothing). But on March 8 and 14 February man MUST give his woman something more valuable. Because the double standards and that the female world, you know=).

  2. 0:42 in that video – this mom is hot – ah MILF in sight.
    And she is ordering WoT merchandise stuff for their guys.

    If all russian women where like that…

    • First I have to fly to Russia to find one like her.
      Ooops already married with a russian woman, but she doesn’t like this game…

  3. Russians are bringing home a lot of souvenirs from Ukraine’s destroyed tanks so WG do not need to put that to their shop :-)

  4. Can’t wait for the new advert….Comrades.To celebrate our glorious “23rd of february” i deceided to invade the ukraine and invite them to a party so far they have not wrote back but the celebrations go on with loads of fireworks and explosions . This video was bought by you and to you by wargaming the game that like to screw you over daily …….