Hello everyone,
time for another week-delayed contributor review and a few explanations. First, I’d like to thank the following contributors, who help out via Paypal:
Michael H. (United Kingdom)
Taugrim (Californa, USA)
missile742 (Colorado, USA) – read below, mate
Tim F. (New York, USA)
Fraser H. (Canada)
Now, missile742, before we go any further – you asked me a question in the “donation message” part about skill MM. Well, since you took the effort to contribute, I took the effort to ask around, especially for you. No, it is still not planned, not for random battles anyway, but it’s possible a special “ranked” mode will appear in the future.
Several points I’d like to make.
I know some of you hate me. I don’t lose any sleep over that. But I have a good advice for you (the several of you): do NOT fuck with Paypal. Paypal is not like Patreon, it’s a regular banking service (some idiots seem to have the impression that it is some lulzy site – no, Paypal is registered as a banking house with all the obligations). Trying to fuck around with it (won’t post how not to give people any ideas) will not only make you known to me, but you can also get in legal trouble, as this kinds of stuff actually does cost Paypal (not me) money and it could be classified as attempted fraud. Consider this a fair warning. It was a stupid idea and I won’t destroy your lives for that by reporting you or publishing your names (if you get contacted by law, it was Paypal, not me), but do not EVER try this again.
Moving on.
You might have noticed that there have been a lot of typos lately. That’s because I am busy. Really, really busy, as in “FTR is now not a second job but a third” busy. As it happens in life, there are some personal issues to add to that as well, so I’ve been sleeping for 4-5 hours there last weeks. I am trying to keep FTR up to speed with everything to all that, but it’s hard. As I write this, I have 125 unread FTR e-mails for this weekend alone… will spend some time parsing through them, but realistically, I will not answer some. I am sorry. There’s one thing connected to that:
Please, do NOT send me any replays with the sole comment of “look at this”. I won’t. Especially lately I have been getting a lot of “IM rigging” replays and there is simply no way I can watch even a few when you don’t even write me exactly what went on and when. If you have a rigging suspicion, contact WG support – they are lazy and will not do anything, but apart from putting them in Hall of Shame, there is not much that I can do either.
So that’s it. As for FTR, it goes on as I promised – but you have to excuse the typos and all that. Sorry. I will keep you informed.
Easy..Buy a robot that does your job for you, and you collect the cash you earn from this
:D Would love to.
No worries; love what you’re doing here and hope to be able to contribute sometime myself. Keep it up!
Hi SS,
First of all I wish you good luck with your life.
Secondly, I suppose you already thought of this, but you could give someone you really really trust (like a childhood friend or something) the rights to do some translations for you. Of course that person should be someone who quite regularly checks FTR and who is spending some of his/her time playing WoT, reading news about some related things on the internet, and so on. That way, you would still have time to care for your personal life, and would also still be able to work on the website without only having 4-5 hours of sleep.
Can’t you get any volunteers to read the emails?
SS, I see you are busy and know all that ‘must do’ stuff just adds up in personal life. And you also need those real social face to face times with people to keep you healthy. Too much internet makes people ill, so take your time.
BTW thanks for answering my e-mail week ago I sent to you.
Somewhat(mostly) offtopic but here’s some more stuff regarding that restored T44: http://rusgames24.ru/news/198-restavraciya-t-44-sovmestno-s-war-thunder.html
Since it refers to the comment on Rigging please have a look at the replay of this bunch of losers. It is obvious that something will go evil when you see MM like that. Pay special attention to Platoon of top tier Heavy tanks 6 people in one game from the same clan and heya hooooo one blocks 12000 damage + his own damage. Busted!!!!!
Nobody cares. Also read what he wrote.
i care and that counts :)
Notice me senpai !
You are hereby officially noticed.
estimated when will 9.7 come :) wanna buy my cdc for ingame gold
When there is a date, it will be posted on FTR. I would just sit and wait and try to enjoy what WoT still has to offer.
Good to know that people still find WoT enjoyable.
I already planning how Im gonna send ATGM from T-64A right back into that smug Sheridan’s metal face of a wreck :D
Judging from the Sheridan’s performance , I can’t wait for the MBT-70 :D
Not before i send a few your way. And the Sheridan is currently my favourite.
And then there’s me and my empty inbox while you people from EU and US enjoy the shiny new toy.
I didnt get my email either.
Ah well, we can all wait until beta or something.
Hurry up, OE.
From my expierence – the mechanics are same as WoT but the feel is entirely different.
Well, WG did postpone some stuff because of WGL finals. Those happen at the end of april so we can expect it around this time.
okay thanks :)
I was reading this in Morgan Freeman voice in my head lol
And how many times do we have to tell you to take it down a notch before you kaput?
Now I wonder what some retards tried to achieve through PP to piss off SS.
Wotlabs’ thugs 4sho :D
Probably. Funny thing – played a few AW battles today again and in first one, I ran into some idiot from Wotlabs (googled him afterwards), who started insulting me in chat. Well, he won’t be playing any more AW tests, the mods do not look kindly upon this stuff.
I just don’t understand. Why the hate from Wotlabs? I mean what do you do to get hated by anyone? You post translations, sometimes very interesting historical articles, sometimes you point out the lack of skills of the WG EU guys, but apart from that, what makes people hate you? I mean you don’t even get into politics that much.
EDIT: oh, maybe the hall of shame I presume?
Hall of Fail and biased SS opinion – thats what pisses ‘em off :D
Read average comments in social media today, no different. WoT chat full of it. Welcome to remote human interaction.
Probably like some trolls may do in wot:
-send a gift
-wait for it to be accepted
-cancel payement
-> player who received “gift” has to pay or he loses his account.
Exept that for PP, it’s not virtual shit for a videogame, it’s real money from real bank, so consequences could be worse than losing an account, and also the troll will be in troubles and not the “victim”.
Thanks, didn’t realize that there is a gift system on PP. I just send my money through it.
The Paypal fraudsters are just another good example of some people being too stupid for their own good. I would’ve personally reported them all before making this PSA.
I definitely would’ve reported them. I also would’ve published their names on FTR becuz I’m that kind of person :P
Stick with it Matey, most of us appreciate the effort.
You are doing a great job! Keep going and don’t worry about those brainless morons, if they mess with paypal they will find their punishment.
PS I waved you in AW ;)
Those people that “Hate” you are still here reading everyday.
Keep up the good work and fuck them.
Get some rest, man. Nobody is going to shoot you for doing so.
HI SS, thanks for asking the MM question. Guess we’ll have to wait and see if WG ever gets around to testing a skill component in the MM. Will probably take a shake up in the developer department before that happens. For the record (pun intended) I don’t want skill matching, just skill balanced teams. Keep up the good work!!
There will be absolutely no consequences for those Paypal trolls. Paypal will ask them to give them the money, the trolls will refuse to pay anything, Paypal will threaten them, the trolls will ignore the threats, Paypal will give up, because not a single court in the world will ever bother with minor disputes about something like a hundred bucks and Paypal knows it’s not even remotely worth the effort.
This. I have been scammed on paypal dealing with virtual goods. Buyer sent me an e-cheque and I didnt notice it coz it showed as a nornal transaction. I confirmed the trade, but ofc when I noticed it was to late. The e-cheque got canceled one week later coz the payment was never done. Sent dispute to paypal, but they gave literally no fucks.
PS: Tip to anyone that deals with PayPal… DO NO ACCEPT E-CHEQUES!
You can actually make very good money scamming people via paypal, but I’m too nice to do that. And the constant threats and letter spam would make me go nuts. :P
I know. But one of the guys who did it is 18 and – yet again – has FB tied to the same email for example. He studies some local college. His mother looks like a nice lady, works in a big bank actually and seems to really like growing roses, so she’s probably respectable, I wonder what she’d have to say about that.
As I said, it’s not really smart.
…if he’s reading this, I wonder what his mum will be bedding the roses in with later today…?
Cannot believe sometimes what people are capable of. Look at the world today and it makes me sick to see people’s behaviour. Luckily it’s only a small percentage, but this small group is dominating the news, so you cannot help feeling like that sometimes…. Anyways, to you, SS, I know how much time and effort you put in FTR and I think you are doing a tremendous job! I very much appreciate it and I know many others do. To those of you who don’t like SS or FTR, just buzz off and take your lives elsewhere. Life is way too short to mess around with other people! If you don’t like something, find something else!
” Look at the world today and it makes me sick to see people’s behaviour.”
Replace “today” with “yesterday”, “hundred years ago”, “thousand years ago”, “two thousand years ago”.
On the paypal scams… someone tried to scam a welder off me (or the £100 it was worth)..
He tries to claim his money back through PP… “item not as described – damaged”
I send PP photographic proof of condition, description and packaging as it left me, including the van & driver..
Paypal send me back welder and £95…
Welder costs £1.50 to replace broken plastic wheel…
Paypal would not have paid up if I used my own Courier.. his courier = his fault…
Welder for sale at £100…