Hello everyone,
just to inform you on what’s probably coming to EU as well: Russian server has a marathon again – do 150k damage on tier 6-10 vehicle of each nation (eg. 7×150.000=1.050.000 damage) AND you have to destroy 150 tanks as well, as a reward, you’ll get a T34 tier 8 premium.
For each separate nation completed, you will also get 3 days of premium.
And of course, you can again buy the “tickets” for each nation in the premium shop. Looks like that was pretty successful last time with WZ-111.
But that’s not all: another new mechanism is being introduced – destroy 2 enemy tanks and damage 3 more in battle, do that 25 times and you will get a premium tank… for four days (after that, it gets taken away).
Gold refund if I got free T34 from tree?
Didn’t they remove this for mission won tanks?
Only for tanks from bonus codes
Ah yeah i remember now, after the uproar it casued
no, they removed the gold if you buy a tank from premium shop what you allready have in garage, if i remember good
So what I’ll get in such situation, if someone send me a gift tank that I already have in garage?
as stated earlier, you will get gold refund if you have the tank already, Only tanks from bonus codes wont give you gold. this prevents people from farming large amounts of bonus codes from which you can get large amounts of gold.. So in short: you will still get gold if you buy a tank again or if your friend sends you one.
When is it coming? Need to buy lots of energy drinks and coffee….
How much of them do you plan to buy?
Because instead you should buy the T34 right away (when it is on sale) – you get the tank instantly and spare yourself the painful grind too… :)
lol because doing dmg and killing tanks in World of Tanks is so painful?
150k damage and 150 kills for each nation is hard.
The average player will need roughly 1100 battles to obtain this goal. In other words it will take at least 100 h of playing the game.
Even unicums will have to spend at least 50 – 60 hours.
Some people (most people) won’t have the time or the patience to spend 2 hours (or even more) each day to grind this tank.
I have a better idea : play for fun, rather than playing for a “free” tank that makes you commit hours every single day to grinding.
Enjoy tanks, and if you want a few tierX, gift yourself a little tier8 premium for Christmas. The second you see a game as a chore is the second you forget that it’s made to entertain you.
not really took me 10 days to get the WZ111 not playing hardcore of course, about 100k damage /100 kills/ 5/6 hours per day in vacations.
You have wrong numbers man, just saying.
I do not consider myself unicum, yet I managed to complete WZ-111 mission without much effort and force-playing.
Like someone already said, it’s about preferences I guess. Some people (most people) just enjoy doing damage and killing tanks.
I think of it differently.
I enjoy coffee, snacks, and tanking already. This mission is only going to get my clannies to come out in larger numbers. Tack on the progress I’ll make in all trees and honestly, I just view it like any other special event in this game. Something to have fun doing and an objective that’ll net me gold.
I’ll probably spend about $10-$20 total on drinks and snacks (I tend to reserve the cokes and cheese-its for Saturdays), but really, it’s not about the money savings. It’s about having fun.
I see your point, fair enough for me. ;) I think it’s really about personal preference. I see playing this much as a grind, since I don’t play that much and I probably wouldn’t enjoy this much tanking. Drinking coffee and energy drinks to keep you awake for playing makes me think that the player doesn’t really enjoy the process since he has to make himself awake through artificial means. But again, it’s personal preference…
Oh no, I don’t drink energy drinks just to stay up. I’m a bit too old to stay up until the wee hours of the morning just to grind. It’s zero coke and Doritos for me.
well, that new mechanism sounds interesting! with the rental premium tank, I’m in!
Also destroying 150 tanks is BULLSHIT! its way to high, this is only for hard core players that play 24/7
frags will be much more easier to get than XP (if it is basic XP only)
You clearly missed the last event. Damage is a joke, kills are a pain.
SS said XP not dmg
And got corrected later on. Please scroll down.
Apparently on the worldoftanks.ru it says 150k damage not XP for each nation to get that t34….
if you found a tank you really like driving at each nation at around tier 6 or 7 then the kills can come really fast like the cromwell for the uk because you can go around like a little rocket kill securing everything then have a a few tier 8s or a tier 9 or 10 for the damage. i wont be doing this again though because i did the wz 111 mission and swore i wouldnt even attempt that again besides screw the japenese tanks.
Frag stealing time are here again, yay.
Totally agree,
it used to be, get 100k xp per nation {anyone remember the is6 mission} this kill a silly amount tanks as well is just silly!
Fair enough on a tank like the wz-111 which you cant buy, but why change how they’ve always done it, unless they are going to remove the t34.
and just to add “Operation t34″ on the NA server was alot less demanding
OH NOES! Another guy not willing to do sh*t in order to save the 50 bucks for the T34. WG is a company purposed to generate revenue. This aint Wellfare, you aint getting no foodstamps from SerB…
Again, mission request that contradicts the game principles, kills are not important in WOT, damage is.
People will throw games left and right only to snatch more kills.
Why would they do it? F*cking up the gameplay only to get money.
A bit of a nonsense statement, kills are important in wot, more so than damage. An enemy on 1 hp can still put out just as much dpm, damage whoring is more destructive to gameplay than kill whoring is.
…well, its still open i think (because WG EU, u know…), so lets see what will happen, maybe there will be something else for us..(e.g. amazing T23E3 for 200k xp/200 kills :))
Mehh,… My WZ 111 say its doable,… it just need right touch,…. just play T6 and kills wont be problem,…dmg will
Yes please let it come to EU too
Perfect mision for nolifer like me ;D
(I playing 100 battles/day)
Are you insane? I play around 30 and consider it way too high
ye, 30/day is ~ 3 hours.
100/day is …. ~10 hours and that IS CRAZY each day.
Yes I know
but I have no much other things to do
3-4 months, and I hit 100k battles
Wow! What is your in-game name sir?
same as here
Gromigor, what are your circumstances?
10 hours a day/100k battles is not a healthy way of life, even if you are disabled or bed-ridden or something.
Some time ago, I even played 150 battles/ day (14h+)
but that make me sick, so I got back to 100 battles
I am old man, dont work anymore, and a lot of free time
I dont play Japs nor Chinos but if I manage to all the other nations they might get 20€ from me.
add 20 more and just buy it now,…
I used Google Translate to check that mission description and it says you have to do “150 000 units of damage” not experience. Could you please confirm that?
Hey maci3k. I speak russian and can confirm that it should be damage.
SS, can you please correct that?
I also checked it. It’s damage, not experience
Yes, my mistake.
SS, please confirm that EU will have this too? :/
12k gold just for playing the game as usual? Just keep an eye on all the nations?
Thx WG!
LOL yeah this is what I was thinking too. And I’ll even grind up a few tanks while I’m at it. I started the WZ-111 marathon with no Chinese or Japanese tanks at all, only up to Tier 3 on UK and Tier 6 on the French.
Wouldn’t want to play Murricans ever, much less so to get some crappy Murrican tonk. I’ll take my 3 free days of premium though.
I’d rather pay and have life, thanks.
… if you can afford it.
Some people can’t afford it so they will trade their lives in for the game goodies.
And then, some people will get the tank without even trying, just by playing.
Is that 150 kills in all, or 150 kills for each nation?
150 per nation, 1050 in total if you do it for 7 nations.
Not this time WG.
Hopefully we will get something similar in NA, though we already had a T34 mission, so perhaps something else.
Maybe supernerfing this time? We’ll see. Although for this effort something better would be nice.
Considering SP was 75k xp for nation,.. in the end youts suffering would be halved
This really sound awesome! But how come that this haven’t appeared on EU portal yet? Won’t we get it? :(
The last mechanism sounds amazing!!!
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This time I’ll pass. Not enough time to play that much. Will probably get ~9 days of premium.