Yep, this is a 65 ton French heavy. As far as I know, this is the only drawing available for it.
Basically, what you have here is a nice, German-influenced tank (just look at the suspension) from 1950. A 1000hp Maybach engine, maximum speed of 40 km/h, 300km operation radius. It’s big, really big. Overall it looks really… post-war French.
it is the tier IX heavy tank of the French branch is not output in 2012
you can still easily find its icon garage internet
c’est le tier IX de la branche de char lourd française qui n’est pas sortie en 2012
on peut encore trouver facilement son icone de garage sur internet
Yes sir. The model’s new though obviously. And it’s a nice one. Interesting part is the armor – the turret armor is not listed so they just tweaked it for balance purposes. Very nice.
more information on this chat, you can apply here
they know much more about the french tanks that WG
was it really a different proposal for the AMX-50 program? I’ve seen “everyone and their mothers” posting about that and sure we can find online some “sources” confirming that but is it really?
I know that Yuri P. said he had enough information on 20 different (his exact words were enough for 2 heavy tank lines, at least one from tier 2 to 10) french heavy tanks designs and some were different AMX-50 prototypes/proposals but he didn’t mention the 65t as one of those, one of the other AMX-50s seems to be a uparmored version called “surblindé” or something
so, how wrong is all of this?
we need moar m8, MOAR!