8-bit Tales – Differences between RU and EN

Hello everyone,

I noticed one thing, that is kinda strange/interesting. Do you watch the 8-bit tales? I usually don’t, because their “stories” feel like someone took a shot of LSD before creating them. Ranzar is better (when it doesn’t get political, but that’s another matter).

Anyway, there are apparently two versions of the video, that differ not only by language, but also by content

English one



Russian one



The differences are:

- in the English one, the T71 gets crushed by a hammer, in Russian, it’s a suitcase
- in the English one, when the player “wakes up”, he has the feet and ears of a donkey, in the Russian one, he has claws of a crayfish and antlers of a deer.

The second part I get (as explained many times before, crayfish and deer are Russian words for “noob”), but why the hell is there a donkey involved? I have never heard EU or US players referring to noobs as donkeys. Why not make his head in the shape of a tomato :P The part with the hammer/suitcase I did not get.

56 thoughts on “8-bit Tales – Differences between RU and EN

      • Yeah he does, sometimes Jingles too.
        I guess it’s speaks around ^^

        If u look one of his newer vids is callled “World of Donkeys”

      • SS, potatoes …. not tomatoes. Tomato is too beautiful fruit to compare it to noobs ;)

      • Donkey is a general English term for an idiot. Not often used for WoT though.

        If someone screws up where I work they get donkey ears attached to their monitor, or even a pair of donkey ears to wear.

    • So does Jingles on their stream so…maybe WG is watching that livestream and thinks we all call dumbasses donkeys.

      It’d have been funnier if that guy woke up with a Heinz sticker on his forehead but…meh

    • The average RU player would understand the RU version instantly. But most EU/NA players wouldn’t get the English version (I didn’t). Really they shouldn’t even try and translate it to English. There is no universal animal for noob (or any other way to pictorially represent a noob like a deer/crayfish in RU)

      • Suitcase is because the arty shells on the Russian servers are called “suitcases” (Because of their massive size + other untranslatable folklore reasons)

    • I would’ve thought that the hammer would represent the nerf hammer, or even the ban hammer.

  1. Maybe the Donkey is an easter egg that makes reference to a certain type of posts in comments on a certain unofficial WoT info site… :D ;)

      • In Ireland we use the word ‘donkey’ to describe an idiot or fool, someone stupid. So yeah it is pretty regular in most English speaking countries I would imagine.

        Love this blog SS but sometimes it sounds like you really are looking for things to give out about regarding WG. Perhaps search the word on urban dictionary next time or something.

        TL:DL The word Donkey is a commonplace insult.

        • Its donkey, anyway an ass is a donkey so same thing. Its said a billion times here in Ireland. All the time.

    • well, isn’t the T92 called “Hammer of God” on EU server? :D

  2. Can you please create a new window for posting all the new codes in chat that will appear
    like this one : HFR4SD839C

  3. Dokey is a word for noob in English (QB use it a lot).
    Hammer is for nerf bat destroying the game.
    Suitcase is for walletwarrior destroying the game.
    My opinion. Did these particular whine reasons are specificaly represented on EU or RU servers, i don’t know.

  4. Hammer is represented as the ban hammer?
    Considering that getting banned in the NA server is quite common nowadays.

    As for the donkey,No Idea,
    Maybe because of it’s height that symbolizes the “height” of the regular pub stats in NA?
    (Which is short or low.)

    • That’s what I think too.
      Banhammer is a very common video game term.
      Back in the early days of Team Fortress 2, there was a rumor that some devs could use a special melee weapon called “The Banhammer” (for the Pyro), although it did not have any effect other than a nice special sound. IIRC, it turned out to be true, I think there is a youtube video somewhere.

      And indeed Ranzar content is better. 8-bit tales look often like a Beatles clip, full of “dafuq” moments …

      • “We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine…” That’s one hilarious movie.

  5. Well, donkey can double for idiot, but there is no “noob animal” in EU, so he had to make due I guess.

  6. they become zoids.. and the maus able to get to the lighthouse.

    what does suitcase means or the hammer means? Do they represent the same meaning on both RU and EN version?

    • Not a QB thing man. Just cause he said it a few times doesn’t mean he came up with it. Its a pretty common insult in most English speaking countries.

        • I dont think so. I heard it numerous times before and i dont even watch QB, nor do the people that i play with.

  7. Hey guys,

    like most of the people say “donkey” is a word QB uses for noobs, particularly for the stubborn braindeads.
    In Germany one might also use this term, but it’s kind of outdated…

  8. Sooo, 99% of the community uses tomato/potato word for noobs. Let’s use something completely different that doesn’t make sense and only few youtubers/streamers use(sometimes).

  9. Could be referring to the synonym of donkey, ass, which also has a well known alternate meaning. But I can also guess at a reference to Shakespeare’s work, Midsummer’s Night Dream where one of the characters gets turned into a donkey(probably not, but a shot in the dark).

  10. In russian youtube wot-channels (for example Amway921), they call arty shooting ” suitcases”. Just like this:
    “this is not a good position, one suitcase can come at any moment”.

    P.S. sorry for my bad english

  11. Insults I’ve heard…

    Only Russians use the deer and crayfish thing…Most people probably didn’t get that in the April Fool’s game.

    Jingles and QB use donkey. Circon uses Pancakes. Heard others use it. QB seems to be the only one I know that uses “like a big, floundering power donkey”. Personally I would never watch him if it wasn’t for Jingles.

    Tomato is fairly common. It’s for the red color XVM gives bad players. Haven’t heard potatoes and only know of one reference I’ve came across.

    When I started the game the term “Terribad” seemed to be common. Not so much right now. Personally I’ve taken to calling bad players in Russian (heavy) tanks “Ivan the Terribad” as the KV-1S seems to attracted bad players because they can one-shot Tier 4s (and still not able to do that good in it) and they seem to grind up the Russian Tree. I’ve also noticed more IS-6 bad players, playing like Lowe Gold Noobs. Maybe I just didn’t notice before. They too are “Ivan the Terribad”. And the NA server refers to anyone who plays German tanks bad and is a German tank fanboi as a “Wehraboo”.

  12. Some explanations:
    1. The T71 is crushed with a Suitcase. Suitcase (Chemodan in Russian), is a slang for Howitzer round.
    2. Crawfish. You have two huge pincers incapable of fine manipulation (such as precise driving and shooting) and you are walking (and doing everything else) backwards.
    3. Deer. You are a dumb herd animal unable to think for himself.
    4. Donkey (Osyol), symbol of stupidity and stubbornness in Russia. So the US party which took Donkey as it’s symbol is seen as VERY silly by Russians – they admit they are dumb. Stubborn as a donkey and Dumb as a donkey are common Russian sayings.