Thanks to MisterPatriot (US server) for this one.
Hello everyone,
as you probably know, the British FV215b (120) tier 10 British heavy is a fake. There never was a 120mm gun planned for the FV215b vehicle, Wargaming made it up and there is a high chance it will get replaced by something else (by what, I am sure most of you can guess). That however doesn’t prevent various kit companies from using WG stuff to produce models and further promoting World of Tanks fakes as existing vehicles.
Check this out:
OKB Grigorov is a small Bulgarian model-making company, producing various kits. You will be able to get your fake FV215b tank soon as a resin kit, according to their FB pages. Enjoy!
There are players who don’t mind fake tanks like this one. It is after all just a game to them.
Right on!
As long as its known on the model kit, I am 100% for it being sold!
just do something with the sides, its little bullshit it has 101mm side and get penned in sidescrapping….
Well initialy it wasn’t meant for front-line game play, when it was introduced it had same armor as Conqueror but had the best gun handling in the game. It’s more of a dynamic sniper, a very dynamic and battle-ready support, second-line tank. Don’t expect it to bounce anything if you’re standing in the first line.
My guess is your angling poorly.
Because the armor behind the tracks of the FV215B heavy is only 51mm thick, same as the Conqueror. The 101mm side armor is only on the thin strip above the tracks, next to the engine deck.
Ehmm there also players dont mind play, never exist tanks in game like WT auf E-100 td.It is after all just a game to them.
Its obviously a job for the rest of us.
First was VK72.01(K) and now THIS!?
Sneak attack of rear-turreted tanks :O
lel u got me
honestly i dont give a shit about fakes
if it looks cool (and FV215b does for me) im fine with models
True on that but the problem lies far beyond being cool, it will be damaging for history in the long run.
It can be sold as a toy but selling it along other historically accurate models without reminding it as fake is pushing the line too much.
Explain how something that no historian can find any historical information on outside of it being in a game and being in toy models is going to damage history? Any real historian will give sources for any information they find on this and when they lack any sources from the actual year this is meant to be created in people will just laugh them off.
People routinely believe blatantly idiotic things about any number of historical topics anyway; including ones about which copious amounts of sources that readily demolish such fallacious commonplaces are easily available.
Sexy, I’d buy it =w=
€67 for this fake?! Greedy Bulgarians :)
poor you
Metal Parts: 114
its all resin and a shitload of metal parts. That tank with ALOT of model building skill will be more detailed then a 1/35 60 Euro tank… Resin parts are basicly all “hand” made.
284 parts on a tank which will be 16cm long when completed. That’s roughly 3 parts per square cm across the base. In comparison, the Bf-109 in 1/48th scale I have sitting on my desk has a part count per sq. cm of less than 0.5. That model is a beast and well worth the price tag.
Bulgarian? Lol :D
Hmmm, I must say I dont know how to feel here SS. On the one hand, if the model is good, it might still be worth it and I have NOTHING against it. Hell I like the fake tank :D :D . However it promotes some… myths and ahistorical things :( .
Hmm, here is how all can be happy:
Making sure people KNOW it is a fake tank. Basically in the description of the model or its title. Hell, contacting WG and asking them about how they thought it up may also be a good idea, as contrary to popular believe WG knows what they are doing very well :)
So yea, just make sure it is known this is an invented if somewhat plausible tank in the description :) !
Almost 3 trillion damage done? My Lordie.
Also I found out that this was posted because it was on the NA forum. I find it sad that people are putting this on the official Wargaming websites. I mean most of the wargaming fan base should know about FTR because of the wealth of knowledge held in 1 spot about the game. The only thing you are missing is a dedicated guide on how to play each tank.
I have that covered… though it takes time :P .
On the EU forums at least :D
Importing them and VAT fees would skyrocket the price to 100 Euro, but I guess for a very skilled builder these models can be very apealing since resin kits require insane experience with it.
Well,as a fan of model-making,if I can buy,I will get one
This is dangerous pattern, more tank myths are born.
when will be a model kit for the WTF E-100 released? :D
Oh god, this should be released by WG itself ; D Waffletrager butthurt-inflictor should be on every desk in WG Minsk ; D
Fake or not, it still looks cool.
Awesome. I wish there more more WoT model kits.
Been sitting on the 215b being unlocked for awhile now and not buying it :/ Really hoping one day it gets switched for a better / real tank and I can make the purchase then but damned if they haven’t done things that indicate it could go either way.
I demand the WTF E-100 kit NAOW!!!
with a chimney over the roof hahahahahahahahahahaha
Sorry, they’re already using it for the gun barrel.
Can’t WG sue them for this?
Besides, the reason I really don’t like the FV215b heavy is because the thing has the most hilariously poor design ever.
Plenty of models out there that are made up, but appear historical (Panther 3/E-79). Don’t have a problem with that. But I’ll bet WG is getting it’s panties in a bunch if they aren’t licensed copies of their fake tank.
There are models of giant robots and space battleships.
As long as they don’t market it as a historical tank, and enough people do not believe that it is so, I see no problem.
Frankly, I’m happy a small model-making company and its workers can benefit from WG’s liberal interpretation of history. I just hope WG doesn’t sue them for it.
How good quality are these models? I’m happy to see the more WoT tanks as models since I love to build them. Though I have gotten used to 1:35 scale and I think the 1:72 are way too small.
They look solid to me, you can check the FB page
I’m OK with them making this provided they point out that it was never planned, etc. It’s when they start making up stories about how awesome it was (see Krokodil) that I start to get annoyed.