Since the patch test will be really soon (tomorrow?), here’s the ASAP magazine, for now in Russian
- new gun sounds, added sound of shell extraction after shot, added new turret turning sound
- Hellcat and Jackson will have new movement sounds
- the sounds are of real vehicles, recorded in museums
- new medals for arty and for team battles
- camo after shot nerf for TD’s (Storm explains that they were OP)
- buff for LT tier spread (top battletier removed), LT’s 4-8 inc. premium ones (Type 64)
- MT-25 and VK2801 get mobility buffs
- no big performance optimizations, a lot of smaller ones though
- new map “Kharkov”, 5 new maps got balance changes
- two new historical battles: Blockade of Tobruk (1941) and Bryansk Front (Summer 1942)
- of currently available historical battles, only Balaton will be removed (or left alone, it’s hard to understand Storm)
- Stronkhold mode will not come in 9.1
- special video on Stronkhold mode will come (unless he refers to the previous Stronkhold preview video)
lol at that gun sound i’m still gonna use gnomfathere then
Cant make mine work with all new battle UI I installed – awh bugger….
what new battle ui? care to share link?
Jove modpack. Various stuff. Like who shot, from where and with what.
“like who shot”. Don’t tell anyone – it is considered as advantage over other players, i.e. cheat. :P
With this info you will know who unseen is shooting you from that side/border.
Can be bannable.
That modpack is the most known in RU. If that is legal there – WG EU can suck it.
This is as realistic as you can get for World of Tanks.
Gnomefather, no use in explaining. I am sure mijo is a completely professional and knows what he is talking about :)
sarcasm off/
“Stronkhold” :D Stronk :D
We get it :)
I know… ;)
I just couldn’t resist :D
buff for LT tier spread (top battletier removed), LT’s 4-8 inc. premium ones (Type 64)
Yay! :D my type 64 doesn’t have to see tier tens! And I believe I read somewhere that the A-20 was getting regular tier four MM, is that still planned?
Two upper battle levels removed.”
So yep.
But mission will be left untouched? ;)
most useless patch ever. If they at least fix that bloody performance issues.
Only Balaton will be left.
And about t4-8 scouts, I think Storm mentions 4 to 7 not 8.
T8 get nerf by not getting buff.
About that Sound Recording, I have no Idea how Wargaming is Recording the Sound. But since they do it over and over again, maybe they should ask someone who has some Experience?
Turn10, for Example:
@ the 2 Minute Mark you see how much Microphones they have put in Place to make it right.
Wait, that guy is Storm? I was expecting him to look different :D.
I wish WG would focus on EU 1st…isnt EU the biggest player base, hence more $$$$…
No we are not. Russans are biggest but spend lower than us per player, and USA is smallest but spends more than us per player. In the end we and USA spend same, but russans because of theirs size outclass us both and it’s theirs homeland so hence that.
Russian game & has massive Russian playerbase.
I think we are second though. Anyone confirm?
No idea about China server.
Probably RU -> EU -> NA/China -> SEA -> Others servers.
No, these sounds are way more realistic than my mod. These sounds are recorded from actual guns, and should be more authentic than what my mod was ever going to be.
Think they sound like shit? Well, that’s how guns are. You can’t hear a 150mm gun echoing for 5 seconds after it fired. That’s not how it works. The sound is short, and have some “reflection” that lasts for about 1-2 seconds after firing. Sound doesn’t work like my mod makes it to be.
Truth to be told, after I heard the reload sounds, I thought they just copied yours.
I’ve had the privilege to hear a real tank firing.
I agree, they really do sound like that.
People think it tank guns have a huge BOOOM effect because of the shockwave from the gun.
Psychologically the brain makes the sound more impactful.
Whereas in a video game… We cant feel that shockwave and everything feels like a toy.
But you know.. Whiners goatta whine and stuff.. People are goanna compare to Gnomefather and War Thunder saying how they are better… Our WoT Community is special. WT Nerfs Premium Sherman and everyone says its needed and justified and historical accuracy and balanced… WG nerfs a Premium tank a little and boom. All hell breaks loose.
Quite happy with sounds emulating physical aspect too…
The sound you used for the 183mm gun is awesome, though.
man, this is over 5s echo like hell
That’s as maybe Magnus, but your sounds are epic and transformed the game for me. So many thanks.
please dont tell me they changed sound on 15cm !!!
I’ve went all the way to E100 just because of the awesome gun sound …
It’s gone, Bugii. It’s all gone.
fcuk :(
weren’t you hired from WG for the sound department? I was awaiting for some sound improvement from wg :D
This just popped up on WoT SEA:
I tried updating my old testserver client, but it doesn’t work (yet).
And it’s on EU too now:
- buff for LT tier spread (top battletier removed), LT’s 4-8 inc. premium ones (Type 64)
Now it sounds like they are buffing the Chaffee as wel.
- two new historical battles: Blockade of Tobruk (1941)
Why do I have a feeling that Matilda will becalled OP after this is added?
Chaffee will always keep the special MM (6-11), at least that’s what Storm has said earlier.
Untill later this year they introduce rest of it’s branch, time to pile that xp brothers.
the “new” gun firing sounds are just pathetic, at best
and from what I could hear, they all (guns in this video) sound very much the same !?!?!?
even AK-47 fire can be heard from 1Km away, depends greatly on atmospheric conditions
now imagine firing a 152mm gun
Almost all guns have a very short sound. That’s what I said. Unless the propelant charge of the shell is wierd or something and ignites rather slowly, this is how short, sharp and clear a 150mm gun would sound like.
short sound!? I have no idea what you are referring to
wavelength? amplitude?
we have a army firing range outside the city, about 4Km+ away from my location (in a straight line) and I can hear them when they’re practicing (sometimes)
in the army I heard a lot of shit firing, from pistols to rockets (LRMs) – they do not (!) sound the same
for example, the pistol is more louder close range than a rifle, but the rifle firing carries longer
ps: even when you fire the same bullet from different weapons (RPK vs AKM), it doesn’t sound the same
IMHO Gnomefather means the lenght of the sound, like no ten seconds bone-shattering echo, or extremely loud and long KA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM… (the echo with long duration would be something that happens in some coffined space, like in mountains or in closed spaces, it has very little to do with the distance on which the sound wave is spreading without hitting anything…)
Well, bottom range 20Hz wave IS 16m long – so it NEEDS space to propagate and be heard correctly. And, echoes and revebrations and beat interference in real life open space shooting are different than you can achieve in confined space.
So, while not dissing on Gnomefather – he is right in the core, but he misses “environmental” features, stating only about original sound (source) itself.
Rockets are very different from shells.
What I mean is that people expect gun sound to echoing for many seconds, when they are infact just a brief sound that will echo for 1 or 2 seconds depeniding on the terrain.
• Removed two previous Historical Battles: “Battle of Kursk” and “Battle of the Bulge”
great patch achievement, add some paint on guns + change sound files….
these guys are so lame…
Isn’t there something like manual render resolution adjustment during battle shown in the video?
If that’s right and it works, I’ll be happy. Always wanted to have something like that, since some maps work good for me on high settings and some are lagging on the same settings. I hope this could make a difference in battle.
Now I only need graphic profiles adjustable for every single map. :D
Dynamic resolution was introduced already in 9.0.
maybe the sounds are not like gnome’s but i think they are a lot better then long as it don’t affect game performance..i hope that they fix the god damm lags and constant sttutering and twitching rather then some side stuff like markings on gun and etc..we will see